July 6, 2011

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn's ever-loyal wife is plotting her revenge."

That's the headline in the Daily News, supported by — it appears — a single text: "Let's not forget those who spit in our face." She sent that to friends, then wrote: "We were right not to have any doubts!"

If you read the whole article — it's short — you'll see that the woman's story isn't one of plotting revenge, but old-fashioned wifely dedication. But women in the news must be reshaped into entertaining characters for the fun-hungry readers.

And yes, I know, the traffic I'm giving them rewards them more than my criticism, but I am not vengeful. I am a humble observer of the web, dedicated to sharing my observations with you, doing my part, in the search for truth. Am I not a sufficiently entertaining woman for you fun-hungry readers?


traditionalguy said...

She will teach hi god daughter who spit in the face of her darling chimpanzee in rut to respect money power. Now that's what I call a good wife.

ndspinelli said...

Truth, justice and the American way..we must have a new Superman..err woman.

The Crack Emcee said...

Of course, while I'm all in support of wifely dedication, this ditz strikes me as an odd bird, seeing how the old man was just grabbing an African BJ before lunch with the daughter, and then a flight home into wifey's arms or,...ahem, other regions.

No, there was no reason to doubt anything at all, not in the "sophisticated" world they live in.

Those French AKA "them."

DSK got lucky, and nothing more, and that bitch is too stupid to accept it.

Or that she married a sleaze.

Much like Dan Savage's "husband."

Scott M said...

Am I not a sufficiently entertaining woman for you fun-hungry readers?

Not since you stopped feather dancing.

Known Unknown said...

And yes, I know, the traffic I'm giving them rewards them more than my criticism,

That's why I don't click any of the links!

Dose of Sanity said...

Beat me to it Pogo - I thought the exact same thing.

le Douanier said...

I doubt that reading about other people's troubled lives will satiate a person's funger.

Assuming that Althouse is correct re these folks' motivations, it seems like they would be better off if they did things that are actually fun. How could they not understand this?

Fred4Pres said...

The Daily News is a lame paper that can't match the Post for headline brilliance.

DSK's wife is an odd bird. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

traditionalguy said...

From a wife's point of view, the way DSK violently attacks his female victims has not a hint of romantic love and therefore is not unfaithfulness to her.

It is only some other men who are in the position of protectors of the attacked females that suffer shame and harm at DSK's hands.

The Caesars of Rome's Empire had all of this set up long ago. Now they are back.

It comes as no surprise then that the IMF and the UN World Rulers just do not respect a woman's right to resist rape.

They are the new conquerors.

So what are the NYC authorities now? The are supplicants to the New World of Money rulers.

No wonder the US economy is not going being saved. These rulers want to have America's women at will.

And they never let a crisis go to waste.

Fred4Pres said...

DSK has been pushing his Gallic man schitck act and it eventually caught up with him because he did not tip the maid.

Roger J. said...

lord--this blog has lapsed into soap opera territory. Come on Althouse you can do better than this--but gotta chase the hits to keep the cash flow going

who gives a fuck what these cheese eating surrender monkeys do with their sex lives--shoot both of them and clean up the planet--
but of course, thats must my opinion--ymmv

Shouting Thomas said...

What is the genesis of the rape hysteria?

Susan Brownmiller's feminist propaganda classic: Against Our Will.

Lucius Septimius said...

Maybe this will all play out last the last season of "House of Cards."

I'm Full of Soup said...

She is just taking a page out of Hillary's book when she whines "A pox on the chateau of the French branch of the vast ring-wing conspiracy"

Scott M said...

DSK has been pushing his Gallic man schitck act and it eventually caught up with him because he did not tip the maid.

Of the French; "Their Gallic laziness combines with their Latinate voluptuousness with the result that they would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight."

Anonymous said...

Didn't you just link to a Dan Savage piece suggesting non-monogamy as the new normal?

MadisonMan said...

She's plotting revenge on her 'friends' who abandoned her in her time of needing support. That's how I read it.

I'm not sure why she's standing by her man, but I'm not her either.

Freeman Hunt said...

She has already said in the past that she likes that her husband is able to seduce other women. A life of appetites. She bores me.

Peter V. Bella said...

Oh yes, you are very entertaining for us fun-hungry readers. Laissez les bons temps rouler.

dbp said...

Sexual assault or rape remains in doubt but that there was a sexual encounter with the maid is not disputed.

Why is the wife defending this sleaze bag?

Known Unknown said...

DSK has been pushing his Gallic man schitck act and it eventually caught up with him because he did not tip the maid.

Oh, come on. He gave her a tip — Just the tip.

Bayoneteer said...

In this case Ann, no you're not.

bagoh20 said...

DSK knows how to pick em. You can't really imagine him with a wife you girls would respect do you? Well done sir.

Shouting Thomas said...

French culture is different then American culture. In some ways bad. In some ways good.

Visiting whores seems to be the habit and prerogative of French men. Doesn't bear the social stigma it bears in the U.S.

I can see some utility in this. Many women have little interest in sex. Or they want it in a way that is pretty boring to men. Solution: let the whores take care of it.

(And, dear men, before you go nuts with your class analysis of this phenomenon, remember that there are whores of every social class.)

I am entertained, Althouse, by your shedding of the lies of feminism. Day by day, the stupidity of these lies is falling away from you. Cause? In my guesstimate, marriage to a blue collar man.

Only two days ago, you posted a bit about a guy whose sex life is entirely visiting whores.

How long before you reach for a copy of Tropic of Cancer?

Anonymous said...

pbAndj -

I'm guessing you didn't mean "funger," but I really liked the coinage (I thought of "hunger for fun"). Then I found an Urban Dictionary entry:

a finger with a fungal infection due to fingering a "fungina" aka a vagina with a fungal infection

Carol_Herman said...

Maybe, this is part of hillary's circle? There are women married to stinkers. But the society dictates that they are Mrs. Somebody.

For the longest time, I doubted Bill Clinton went to his wife for sex.

And, this is pretty much a rule at the White House before. Rather than not.

Pat Nixon never saw her husband, except at public events. And, she was a drunk. Fall down type of drunk. But well hidden from public view.

Given that Dominique had political credentials. And, lived a very luxurious life ... his wife's role was "special." Limelight for her. And, designer clothing, She's never seen her face so often in the pages of city newspapers.

And, the whole racket has been to besmirch the maid's reputation. What's for her not to enjoy?

Worth remembering, too, that the Manhattan DA lost their case against the two cops who were accused of raping a drunken woman.

The evidence was held by a female DA (Friel). And, at court the defense demolished the DA's office for contaminating DNA evidence. Cyrus Vance asked her to step down.

The cops hate the DA's office. So, suddenly cops who are supposed to protect the maid ... turn around and accuse the maid of prostitution. Not i a court of law. But in the NY Post. Where the only leaks that have been identified as coming from "unnamed sources ... are defense sources.

Dominique is not home free.

In Paris, another case has been filed. And, when the Manhattan DA's office asked Ms. Banon for her cooperation, her lawyer turned them down cold. Saying they were incompetent.

If a book detailing what really happened ... it's possible it will be written by a French journalist. (One with access to the Sofitel Hotel.) And, we might see, in France, other women also coming forward?

You just never knoow how an injustice corrects itself.

If you deal with the police, they'll catch you lying about something.

So, if you ever have an occasion to be questioned by police, remember to ask: "MAY I GO NOW?"

If the answer is NO ... Then you say right away. I want to call my lawyer.

If the policemen says: You're free to go ... (it means he can't hold you. There are no pending charges against you. And, hightailing your ass out of there is the best advice.)

If you talk, they can miss-hear. And, create the record. Where you'll look terrible. That's the game.

No journalist, now, wants to tell the maid's story.

But we may see chips falling, anyhow? Chips fall where they may.

Dad Bones said...

It pays good, dbp.

traditionalguy said...

The little wife is the super wealthy one of the family.

To understand this chess board, one must first see the World as a place without national boundaries.

The old fashioned Nation States are history for tourists to admire.

The flow of many trillions of Dollars/Euros/Yuans around in a global circuit is what you must look for.

Those who can divert "Capital Investment" to where it catches a larger share of the Monies in Flow is the game's winner.

This New World Order of cash and credit has its players, and DSK was assigned a role to protect a huge wealth investment using the IMF's role.

The N. Americans are only good for their Military. The energy extraction and the manufacturing is following the Money Flow where ever it wants sees a bigger return.

Once China and Russia have out done the American military, then we are worthless.

How is the Obama Deficit's requiring a big cut in our Military Budget going in DC this morning, anyway?

Anonymous said...

I think she's partying too soon - does the name "Tristane Banon" ring a bell, Ms, Sinclair?

Scott M said...

Once China and Russia have out done the American military, then we are worthless.

Not true. We out-entertain almost everyone else in tv, film, and music. Not to say that there aren't worthy producers of such outside the States, but we still produce the really big stuff. Plus, last I checked, Europe's tv lineups are still replete with American imports. So are their music charts.

Shouting Thomas said...

She has already said in the past that she likes that her husband is able to seduce other women. A life of appetites. She bores me.

I love it when women do this.

Freeman, it is always the evidence that women are thinking the exact opposite.

You aren't bored. Far from it.

If you were actually in the company of a man, this would be what Roissy called a "shit test."

MadisonMan said...

You aren't bored. Far from it.

I can see how she would be. The Mrs. DSK is thrilled that her hubby can seduce other women because, you see, after the seduction he comes home to her. So she must be the most desirable Alpha Female of all time. It's all about her. That's why she bores.

traditionalguy said...

Scott M... Yes, we will still sing and dance with the best. Vaudeville uber alles.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman, it is always the evidence that women are thinking the exact opposite.

You aren't bored. Far from it.

If you were actually in the company of a man, this would be what Roissy called a "shit test."

You'll have to explain your test to me. In any case, it doesn't work.

She bores me because she doesn't expect enough.

Character? Who cares? Ethics? Most passé. My lizardly husband is rich and powerful, so I don't care if he screws anyone who will (or won't) let him. And shame on anyone who would expect more of a man!

Life is appetite and unexamined beyond that. A small and boring world.

le Douanier said...


I was just contracting Althouse's term.

Unfortunately I didn't know about that other meaning. W/ a little tweaking my comment could have alluded to that.

damikesc said...

So, her husband gets a blowjob from a maid --- and she stands by him?

So, who's the bigger whore --- the maid or the wife who tolerates this because of his money?

le Douanier said...

"So, who's the bigger whore --- the maid or the wife who tolerates this because of his money?"


She's the one w/ the dough.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, who's the bigger whore --- the maid or the wife who tolerates this because of his money?

Who's the bigger whore is one of the deepest mysteries of life.

This is a question that seems easy to answer...

But, it is not.

There is another side to this mystery, and it is...

To what extent is each of us morally obligated to play the whore?

edutcher said...

She certainly sounds mad to me. She may envision a media assault to get even, but it won't in the popular media. Most Americans put him in a slot next to Casey Anthony.

Freeman Hunt said...

She has already said in the past that she likes that her husband is able to seduce other women. A life of appetites. She bores me.

Women have sometimes been accused in complicity of rapes of other women by their husbands/boy friends.

She sounds like one of them.

Bob Ellison said...

You're sufficiently entertaining to me. I'm not much interested in the DSK story, but they way you discuss it shows why your blog works: your headlines are direct and descriptive, and your discursions seem honest, beguiling only occasionally and deliberately to illustrate poor reasoning or motives.

The Crack Emcee said...

Having seen this world from all sides, I'm with Freeman:


And pretty ugly, too - look at Mr. and Mrs. DSK.

Look at the French.

Shouting Thomas said...

Women have sometimes been accused in complicity of rapes of other women by their husbands/boy friends.

She sounds like one of them.

As to the first statement, just about everything that can happen to humans has happened at one time or another.

As to the second statement... no she doesn't.

The Crack Emcee said...

Shouting Thomas,

Women have sometimes been accused in complicity of rapes of other women by their husbands/boy friends.

She sounds like one of them.

As to the first statement, just about everything that can happen to humans has happened at one time or another.

As to the second statement... no she doesn't.

Not actively, but most assuredly she does.

The Crack Emcee said...

Or is, rather.

William said...

A world without morals makes one feel unmoored and nauseous. There's no moral gravity to any of the actors in this drama, and you get dizzy just watching them....This much is certain: DSK, just before lunching with his daughter, decides to grab a quick--12 to 18 minutes-- bj from a complete stranger. The wife sticks by her man and advances a lot of her own money for his defense. The maid, a woman of considerable street smarts, thinks that she can shake down one of the most powerful men in the world in an ad hoc scam ....It's not just the immorality, it's the total irrationality of all these people that leave you feeling befuddled and dizzy. The very rich and the very poor live in a different dimension than you and I.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

The very rich and the very poor live in a different dimension than you and I.

Really? I doubt that.

Speak for yourself.

You are intensely hypocritical, or completely blind or you lead a morbidly boring life. Those are about the only alternatives I can think of.

William said...

Well, all of the above alternatives are true of my life....The arrogance of the wealthy is precisely matched by the resentment of the poor. We associate hubris with the powerful but it is just as likely to occur in the powerless. These are people who do not live within the same bounds as those who mimic decency. Their weight is untethered to any morality and they float about without any rhyme or reason.

Martha said...

Shouting Thomas said...
The very rich and the very poor live in a different dimension than you and I.

I agree with Shouting Thomas. Completely. The rich and the poor do not live with the same constraints as does the vast middle class. To maintain your position in the middle class you are more likely to adhere to bourgeoisie values. Boring and predictable perhaps but also stabilizing and imbued with values.

Martha said...

Correction: I agree with William. Not Shouting Thomas!

The Crack Emcee said...

I'ma let this drag on a little while longer before further comment, where it might go interests me,...

Trooper York said...


Jose_K said...

The Daily News used "revenge" to portray a specific individual in a negative light for the titillation of readers. sure, it worked for Hamlet, Montechristo, Lorena Bobbit,OJ´s wife family,
hilary coevered up his husband in the Juanita Broderic alleged rape so why the french wman must be vilified?

Jose_K said...

Russia have out done the American military,?? When? As i Know Russia lost the cold war

Clyde said...

Boy, those 101 Dalmatians are in trouble now!

ampersand said...

The Madame is like Hillary, the hound dog is her ticket to the Élysée Palace

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