July 29, 2011

Democrats criticize Gov. Nikki Haley for identifying herself as "white" on her voter application form.

Her choices were: ""white, black/African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American or other."
The [State Election Commission] doesn't attempt to verify a person's race, but that data is used by U.S. Department of Justice to enforce fair voting practices. Collecting the information is a requirement of state law....

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines "Caucasian" as the "characteristic of a race of humankind native to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia and classified according to physical features -- used especially in referring to persons of European descent having usually light skin pigmentation."
It's bad enough that people are forced to make this choice. Criticizing them for how they puzzle it out when they are in a difficult category is just disgusting.


Sydney said...

"It's bad enough that people are forced to make this choice. Criticizing them for how they puzzle it out when they are in a difficult category is just disgusting."

Well, they are Democrats. Race is their forte.

PaulV said...

Southy Carolina Democrat Party has a long history of racial division. The woman is an Aryan, If she had pick that democrats would have gone all Goodwin on her,

Terry said...

It's been a long time since I learned this, but aren't Dravidians considered Caucasians? Maybe she should have put down "Aryan"?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
XWL said...

The Voting Rights Act is more racist than the racism it purportedly is designed to guard against.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree with Glenn:
" Well, policing the color line is something South Carolina Democrats have been doing for 200 years.

Phil 314 said...

When you can't complain about anything else, pull the race card.

What's the criticism, She's just passing ?

Synova said...

I particularly enjoyed the charge that she "twists the truth" for her benefit.

Exactly what benefit is there to signifying one race or another on a voter registration?

It's not at all surprising that there is no explanation of how this was supposed to benefit her, because it's irrelevant to everyone what is on your voter registration.

"Maybe she should have put down "Aryan"?"

Oh, dear.


Meade said...

I look all white, but my dad was black

XWL said...

Besides that, 'weightism' and 'lookism' effect women to a greater degree than racism, so luckily for the Governor, she's in the privileged minority in both those categories.

Oddly enough, most of the rising female political stars in the GOP are amongst the thin and hot, at least to a much greater degree than DEMs.

Wonder why?

The Crack Emcee said...

Sydney beat me to it:


What do you expect? Are they accusing her of hating her race or theirs? I, naturally, hate mine because I didn't vote for Obama. So they say. They're weird.

Divide and conquer.

Rialby said...

I take issue with Barack Obama insisting he's black.

Big Mike said...

Well, let's see. She can't put down "black/African-American" because her skin isn't all that dark and you'd have to go back to when primitive forms of h. sapiens left Africa to find any African in her genetic makeup. And "white" is usually taken to be a synonym for "Caucasian." The people who live -- or are descended from people who lived -- in the subcontinent of India are Caucasian, including some whose skin is very, very black. "White" it is.


David said...

The classification really should be "pink." I've met Haley. She is decidedly pink.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I note that it's "African-American," but "Asian." A woman born in the US is not "Asian," even if her parents were.

wv: heche. What's she doing here?

Writ Small said...

Did she get any minority-based scholarships or did she claim minority status in order to get into a better college?

pm317 said...

BTW, Indians are categorized as Caucasian but not white..Look at the choices none of which apply to her. She grew up here and can't therefore be an Asian.

From the wiki

In the United States, the term Caucasian has been mainly used to describe a group commonly called Whites, as defined by the government and Census Bureau.[19] Between 1917 and 1965, immigration to the US was restricted by a national origins quota. The Supreme Court in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923) decided that Asian Indians and Middle Easterners – unlike Europeans – were Caucasian, but were not white, because most laypeople did not consider them to be white people. This was important for determining whether they could become naturalized citizens, then limited to free whites. The court and government changed its opinion in 1946. In 1965 major changes were made to immigration law, lifting earlier restrictions on immigrants from Asia.[20]

Anonymous said...

Racial identity in America is a strange thing. If Haley were of completely white appearance, blonde, blue-eyed, pale skin and all that, but classified herself as black because she was, say, 1/32nd black (in other words one black great-great grandparent, who lived maybe 120 years ago), no one would think it even the slightest bit odd. In fact, she would be accused of racism and her career destroyed if she claimed to be anything other than black.


Synova said...

It should be fairly easy to print a color grid and just have people circle whatever is closest to their skin tone.

Synova said...

Speaking of the "white" thing...

What chaffes my butt is when I'm classified as Anglo.

Excuse me? Anglo? And if I'm Anglo because I speak English first, then so is Crack.

(It actually matters to me. I am NOT English.)

edutcher said...

She could have said Asian, but Terry's right - she should have put Aryan and freaked them out entirely.

Well, the Demos have always been about race prejudice, up to the point Teresa Heinz accurately described herself as African-American and was castigated roundly for it.

Firehand said...

Reminds me of the usual suspects having screaming fits because someone white dared to classify themselves as African-American just because they actually immigrated here from Africa.

mrs whatsit said...

A century from now, our descendants will think we were all completely insane on the subject of race -- and they'll be right.

pm317 said...

"She grew up here and can't therefore be an Asian."

I withdraw this part of my comment. I am a little drunk from the wine at dinner.

chickelit said...

Perhaps there should just be two boxes: "white" and "non-white."

That would please the race-baiters the most and may actually lead to whites being a protected minority status. But the moment that happened would coincide with Dems lifting their bigoted quota ideology.

rcocean said...

You can never go wrong checking "other", unless its for a scholarship or admission to a good college. For those check "African-American".

And never check "Asian", unless its an athletic scholarship.

MisterBuddwing said...

A century from now, our descendants will think we were all completely insane on the subject of race -- and they'll be right.

Even less sane than the century that preceded us?

Fr Martin Fox said...


Amen. I do not like being labeled "Anglo."

I think I checked "other" on my census form last year.

chickelit said...

@Meade: Are you a substitute for another guy?

rcocean said...

BTw, I have many Indian (Hindu) friends who are upset they gets lumped in with the Chinese and Japanese under "Asian". Hello? They have nothing in common except a continent.

george said...

I always pick Native American. They don't really have any right or legitimate need to divide us up into groups like we are so many breeds of dogs.

I was born here. This is America... so I am a Native American.

Black people are often surprised when they try to return to their roots in Africa only to find that they aren't classified as blacks over there. Those are tribal societies and the tribe they are put in by the natives is... American.

I guess there is no justice for the black man even in Africa.

RichardS said...

Without good data, disparate impact becomes impossible. Hence (some of) the anger. Monkeying with the categories threatens a business-political model.

There is also an interesting problem in evidence. The census bureau tells people they may choose whatever category in the race box they like. But many universities ask job applicants to categorize themselves according to set definitions.

Mike said...

Well I'm a proud Mongrel American. My ancestors arrived here--first--in 1610 in Virginia. Lots more came to the Mid Atlantic states--Philly, Baltimore before 1700. They spread out across the North American continent breeding with anything that came their way. So I'm as "white" as anything that Nikki Haley might be--and I'm as "black" as anything Nikki Haley might be. And I resent the hell out of having to check a box about my race. I'm a mongrel--and proud of it.

This is the same tired old racial identigy politics that the Dems always engage in--with a soupcon of their favorite taunt "hypocrite". Up theirs!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Caucasian is also a skeletal taxonomy.

Any physical anthropologist can tell from the bones whether a specimen basically is: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid or Amerindian. There are of course many permutations between due to migrations of the various populations.

However, none of those classifications are based on skin color....since all we have are BONES. The basic structure of the body.

The Australoid people and the Ainu of Japan have been classified as Caucasoid.

Picking an ethnicity based on skin color is so racist!

DADvocate said...

Just when I thought the Democrats couldn't go any lower... Wait, I always think the Democrats could go lower and they never disappoint me.

Hagar said...


You are not Indian and you are not Mexican. That makes you an Anglo.

mesquito said...

I don't mind "Anglo." I'm only half Norwegian.

But it does sound kind of 1970s-y.

Carol_Herman said...

She isn't?

Funny, that's the one I always pick. Even though nobody's really white. Or black. Or red.

We just try to categorize "stuff."

And, ya know what? I grew up in New York City. I thought it was a lonely sort of place. You wouldn't go across the street, and call anyone "your neighbor."

Yet, suprisingly ... there are communities. (That's what my mom described the Lower East Side to be.)

And, you could find groups of people who talked your language. When what you spoke "came from the old country."

My dad said it was sad for him to see his own friends, who sent their sons (mostly) to fine colleges ... but whose own speech was "inflected" witn an accent. To be people who caused embarassment to their children. For not being "Americanized."

Kids who went to harvahd. And, the like. Grew ashamed of their elders. Nu?

Sometimes, when I'm given these forms ... I actually check off every box. What are you going to do to me, grade my paperwork?

Alex said...

Hitler liked to classify people into races.

mesquito said...

Besides, before we can Celebrate Diversity we must first be assigned to our little airtight boxes and admonished to play fair.

Meade said...

They told me to tell Glenn Reynolds that if he voted for John McCain, political party officials would criticize opponents for lacking racial purity. And they were RIGHT!

Hagar said...

A long time ago, when I was being processed into the Army, I got a little out of sorts for some reason and filled in that box on some form or other with "Human." A cadre came up behind me and said, "No, no, Hagar," and I said,"What am I then?" and he said, "Why, you are a Caucasian!" and I said, "Nooo! I am not Russian! I am Norwegian!" and he said, "We are going to court martial you, Hagar!"
So I acceded to being a Russian and wrote in "Caucasian."

Rob said...

For some time I have refused to answer this question or answer "other". I encourage everyone to do this. Race is a social construct. The color of one's skin has some value as a part of a description only.

kimsch said...

Last week I saw a little girl at Six Flags in the water park. She had very pale skin and blonde hair, but her features were African and her blonde hair was nappy. She walking alongside a boy who looked very much like her but he had dark skin and was probably her brother. By skin color you'd probably classify her as white, but by features an anthropolgist would classify her as black. If she were to be identified only by her skeleton, as on "Bones" she'd be identified as black. My assumption was that she is albino.

I also agree that it is time and past time to get rid of all "racial" and ethnic labels.

What a does a girl whose father is half black and half Korean and whose mother is half Irish and half Maori label herself as?

Indians from northern India are more pale skinned, Indians from southern India can be as black as Sub-Saharan Africans but their hair is straight, not nappy.

mesquito said...

"The Caucasus Mountains are really beautiful, and I'm not just saying that because I'm Caucasian."

-P.J. O'Rourke

Synova said...

"Besides, before we can Celebrate Diversity we must first be assigned to our little airtight boxes and admonished to play fair."

I hereby bow to the master and apologize to Jay Retread for my obfuscatory rambling.

Hagar said...

Oh, and India is its own sub-continent, so they do not really "share a continent" with the Chinese, Russians, etc.

And India really is an empire with a lot of different ethnic and language groups. English is an official language there because it is the one language they all have in common.

pm317 said...

I was referred to as 'colored' by a 'white' woman working at NSF who was also a neighbor. It sounded strange and I didn't quite understand it.

It would trouble me if Haley thought white was superior. I have a long lost cousin in Canada who would not date any Indian and she wanted to marry only a White Christian. I met her parents, my aunt and uncle, in Canada a few years ago and all they talked about was Jesus and white skin. I come from a Hindu Brahmin family as does my uncle but he converted to Christianity when he married my aunt who is a Goan Christian of Portuguese descent.

mesquito said...

Ha! Tusen takk, min kjære

Synova said...

"You are not Indian and you are not Mexican. That makes you an Anglo."

Sez who? And did they ever ask if I agreed to that?

Germanic, I'll accept, even if it's not quite right. The Swedes are considered Russ, and I'm a little Swedish. But Anglo? Not even Saxon! I suppose I'd meet up with the Normans at some point going backward. My dad claims Lapp!

We aren't entirely sure, however. My theory for lost family history is the "fleeing the law" theory of American immigration.

But not Anglo. No Druidic priests, no painted Picts, only the Althing and the Norse pantheon.

Fr Martin Fox said...


1610, Virginia? FFV?

The Crack Emcee said...


If I'm Anglo because I speak English first, then so is Crack.

Hey, hey, HEY!!!

Let's watch that shit:

Mothafuckas be gettin' a little too cavalier around here,...


mesquito said...

My mom is from Norway. My dad is from Indiana. My paternal ancestors claimed to be from England, Wales, and Scotland, but I would not be at all surprised to find an Irishman in the woodpile.

Synova said...


In any case, I'm entirely in sympathy with Nikki Haley if she didn't want to put "Asian".

The Crack Emcee said...

If we're gonna be specific about this shit, Barack Obama is the ONLY "African-American" I know of,...

ricpic said...

White South Carolinian: As long as Nikki keeps my taxes low and tells it like it is about Obama, if it makes her feel better about herself to pass, sure, why not?

Democrats: RACIST!

The Crack Emcee said...


Hitler liked to classify people into races.

Now you're talkin'...

Anonymous said...

Once, long ago, on a form at UCLA I checked

☑ Other: __FUCK_YOU__

madAsHell said...

Obviously, the bitch doesn't know her place.

We need to chastise her, she isn't white.

sane_voter said...

Gov. Haley is one hot white chick.

DADvocate said...

Keeping racial divisions going is important to the Democrats. Once people quit thinking in terms of race, the Dems lose half their votes. When people quite thinking in terms of socio-economic class, the Dems lose the other half.

Dems love racism and class hatred. It keeps them in power.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are so lost in their race baiting that they can't see the forest for the trees. I guess they heard a different MLK speech than everybody else:

"I have a dream that one day we'll pigeonhole everybody into tiny little racial niches. Then we'll judge them by the color of their skin and not waste time with the content of their character. Hallelujah! I have a dream."

Anonymous said...

Moi, je suis Anglo aussi.

Rob said...

Another thing: saying you are Irish-American or Italian-American might tell you something about your cultural background. What do hyphenated categories using continents tell anyone? What do they tell us about ourselves? I don't care if anyone wants to claim ownership in any group. However, I don't understand why the government would need to classify anyone into a group.
On the other hand, if you are looking for someone then a description of that person which includes their skin tone, hair color, eye color, hair texture and so on are just as worthwhile as the person's height, weight, and gender.

Rob said...

C'mon, I want to hear from Garage or Alpha or somebody explaining why the Democrats thought they should point out what Governor Haley did. I also would like a defense of racial classifications, if anyone is up to it.

Known Unknown said...

Did she tell them to go fuck themselves? That's what I would have done.

Anonymous said...

What a does a girl whose father is half black and half Korean and whose mother is half Irish and half Maori label herself as?

Technically speaking she would be one-half Asian (Koreans and Maori would be lumped together in that category), one-quarter black and one-quarter white. She might self-identify as mixed, more likely as black. Keep in mind that the One Drop Rule does not necessarily apply to a person whose non-black ancestry is something other than white.


rcocean said...

BTW, I've been to Mount Elbrus. It was good to reconnect with my roots.

PJ was right.

holdfast said...

If I ever get US citizenship, I am definitely identifying as African-American, since I will then be an African-born American, just like Tereza Heinz-Kerry.

Anyway, aren't Indians (dot, not feather) ethnically Caucasian, descended from people from the Caucasus Mountains? What is being "Other" made Nicki feel second class?

traditionalguy said...

All Indian subcontinent people believe they are Caucasian Race which is a true Race.

The old slavery days rules that classified all darker skinned people as Non-White is a relic that only the ignorant use.

The same applies to Spanish Caucasians, including their descendants in Latin America. That includes Sonia Sotomayor.

Hispanic is not a race, any more than French is a race.

But pure ignorance is only acceptable for political demagogues and Nazis who are always looking for Aryans.

Aryans were a legendary proto racial group from the Himalaya regions. The Hitler theory was never about skin color as much as it was % of psychic powers contained in blood lines.

He wanted to breed what remained of the psychic power masters from the Himalayas to increase the psychic power within a Master Race ruling the world, literally.

Oddly the kryptonite force destroying his planned psychic Master Race was determined to be Hebraic blood lines. His final solution was to exterminate the Hebraic blood lines.

Master races are not always blonde and blue eyed at all. It's the magic they practice that counts.

Back to the Aleister Crowley's drawing board. He was Hitler's favorite occult guru.

Crack's piece on Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard brought Crowley to mind. Crowley was also Hubbard's guru.

Fr Martin Fox said...

It would be hilarious if the governor responded by asking the pol who attacked her which of the following racial categories he thinks more fittin':

Mulatto: Black and White parents.

Morisco: Mulatto and White parents.

Albino: Morisco and White parents.

Quadroon: one-quarter Black ancestry/three-quarter White ancestry.

Octoroon: one-eighth Black ancestry/seven-eighth White ancestry.

Tercerón: White/Mulatto mixed, an octoroon.

Quinterón: fifth-generation Black ancestry/one parent who is an octoroon and one White parent.

Hexadecaroon: sixth-generation Black ancestry.

Zambo: Black/Amerindian mixed.

Zambo Prieto: Black/Amerindian mixed with predominant Black.

sorepaw said...

Nikki Haley is not a particularly good governor—she's too cozy with the good old boy establishment in South Carolina.

But this crapola about her "race" is ridiculous.

She's of North Indian descent, I assume Punjabi mainly. Which makes her Caucasian.

The Republican Party in SC has absorbed a large part of the good old boy establishment and kept up its minor-league corruption.

What's left of the Democratic party in SC is even worse.

All you need to know about SC Dems is that Jim Clyburn is now the only Democrat in the SC Congressional delegation.

Jim at Polimerican.com said...

Dick Harpootlian is a particularly nasty and vile piece of work. He's a light on all human discourse and should have been disqualified from making public statements a long time ago.

Jim at Polimerican.com said...

blight...not light

Known Unknown said...

Tradguy is trying to out-Herman the Herminator.

Even if he is making sense.

david7134 said...

I describe myself as being a Jewish Cajun. I am not Jewish and live in north Lousisian so not really Cajun. But you would not believe the perks you get. I advised a kid to do this in apply for college and he received several ivy league spots.

Known Unknown said...

I might just start making my own box for "Awesome-American"

Zachary Sire said...

She should have just checked "black" for fun ;-)

Luther said...

"(It actually matters to me. I am NOT English.)"

Ha. As a Scotsman, I may resemble that remark.

Though I have a feeling it isn't what you meant at all.

rcocean said...

I had a Jewish Friend who checked "Other" and wrote-in "Chosen people"

SteveR said...

@David7134 Justin Wilson used to say anyone north of Shreveport was a Yankee

ricpic said...

The reverse of the Justin Wilson classification used to be the northern New Englander who traveled way down south to wicked Hartford, Connecticut, for a taste of the fleshpots.

Rialby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rialby said...

I was once at an MBA function with a Korean-American guy. We were all sitting around a table drinking and he burst out with this rant about how it's bullshit that some Indians call themselves Asians, that only East Asians can call themselves Asian. We all just kinda stared at the table including the Indian at the table. Uncomfortable.

jamboree said...

She looks white enough to me.

The really hilarious thing is that Northern Iranians are the original white people. Try explaining to someone who calls them all rag heads.

Ralph L said...

When did they start letting ferriners into South Carolina?

1610, Virginia? FFV?
According to David Hackett Fischer, most of the FFV ancestors came over in the second immigration wave during the Puritan ascendency in England. The first wave largely died out (disease and not enough females, I guess) and didn't get the large land grants that made the later ones rich.

Carol_Herman said...

My mom used to say "Russia was beyond the pale."

People were nomads, because they were hungry. And, they were propelled to look for food.

Ralph L said...

Rag head is a state of mind, not a color.

Sal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob said...

My understanding is the evolution of skin color may well be explained by the amount of sunshine available and the need to produce Vitamin D. I find that pretty funny. In other words, as humankind spread to less sunny destinations, lighter skin color was necessary to produce enough D to keep people healthy.

So, all of the idiotic human theories about the superiority of one race or another are the result of the human need for Vitamin D. C'mon, that is pretty funny.

Sal said...

She looks white to me.

Btw, some of my best friends are "other."

VanderDouchen said...

I was born in africa. I'm as pink as the sun will allow.

My son is listed as hispanic, so that he can take advantage of the fact that a white man has a check mark against him in this world.

I'm American.

My son is hispanic. What does that tell anybody?

White folk, you're going to pay for the next 300 years. I'm no longer white folk. I'm hispanic. Just ask my son.

WV: telly:

telly phone, tell the world.

John Cunningham said...

Par for the course for the racist scum in the DemonRAT Party. the Dems need to be eradicated asap.

Beldar said...

On my Census response, I wrote in "American" as my race. I was very much hoping to be prosecuted for it, since I believe the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution would have provided me with an iron-clad defense.

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. Period. Not this year, not at the end of Madame Justice O'Connor's magical 25-years-after-Grutter, but now, and always.

Bob Ellison said...

I'm not white.

Kirby Olson said...

I have a friend who is part of a Nazi family who fled Germany just before the war ended and hid in Chile under an alias. Now they send their kids to Ivy League schools under the nomiker, Hispanic, and get all kinds of bonuses. The Nazis knew one thing: how to play the race card. I'm surprised there isn't a game from Mattel that teaches kids how to play the game. But it would take a Nazi to get all the details just right.

Anonymous said...

I'm half Italian and half German.

I want to take over the world, but I gotta eat first.

rcocean said...

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

Sorry. Federal judges have already ruled that 'stopping discrimination on the basis of race' is in fact 'racism' and unconstitutional.

If you look at a copy of the constitution its right there next to the "right to an abortion" and the "right to sodomy".

Sal said...

Given Asians' economic success in this country and overall good behavior, I say: "Welcome to Team Whitey!"

Chef Mojo said...

Given Asians' economic success in this country and overall good behavior, I say: "Welcome to Team Whitey!"

Ya sure, ya betcha!

In fact, the vast majority of Indian immigrants despise being classified as Asian. They feel a greater affinity towards Whites that with any other race. They come here to succeed and assimilate. Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley are both Republicans for a very good reason.

JAL said...

Ha ha.

She was criticized for saying she is a minority, yet there isn't even a category listed for her and the one she best "fits" in happens to be "white."

Democrats - racists stuck on stupid.

le Douanier said...

Althouse seems to find a lot of things disgusting, or very troubling.

Everybody needs a hobby.

Anonymous said...

Hey, PBJ, why is FOX News still holding back that super-secret plan that Obama only told to FOX News and no one else? Because that all made so much sense.

Chef Mojo said...


Althouse seems to find a lot of things disgusting, or very troubling.

So, tell me, kiddo... You're all for arbitrary racially classified attacks as a political tactic?

Nice to know. I'll file that away for 2012, and look in the old Democrat racist playbook where it concerns your boy.

Oh. Did I go there? I guess I did.

See how that works, pb&j?

JAL said...

Not only that -- check out "Aryan" in wikipedia and other (sometimes)more reputable sites.

It's from Sanskrit.

In Sanskrit and related Indic languages, Arya refers to one of high birth or caste. Although Aryas were concentrated in North India, the title of Arya was used with various modifications throughout the Indian Subcontinent. Kharavela, the Emperor of Kalinga around 1 BCE is referred as an Arya in the Hatigumpha inscriptions of the Khandagiri-Udaigiri cave complex in Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Various Indian religions, chiefly Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism use the term Arya as an epithet of honour and it occurs as such in their religious texts.

So Haley may be more "Aryan" than her criticizers, being that her very close to the surface roots [not fake Irish ones from a 4 diluted generations ago] are Punjabi (Sikh at that)from northern India.

Love the irony. Just love it.

Anonymous said...

Althouse seems to find a lot of things disgusting, or very troubling.

Look who's talking! I've seen statues of Jeb Stuart that spend less time on a high horse than you do.

Beverly Law Firm said...

why it is still going like this, w all say that we are same then what is this identification of white or black. when people will understand.

Los Angeles Injury Lawyers

kimsch said...

Technically speaking she would be one-half Asian (Koreans and Maori would be lumped together in that category), one-quarter black and one-quarter white. She might self-identify as mixed, more likely as black. Keep in mind that the One Drop Rule does not necessarily apply to a person whose non-black ancestry is something other than white.

I would have thought the Maori would be Pacific Islander...

How about Paul, Jr., the son of Patricia Guitierrez and Paul Smith. Is he any different than Paul, Jr., the son of Patricia Smith and Paul Guiteierrez?

No, but his last name implies Hispanic ancestry.

What if I told you the Guitierrez family was from the Phillipines and Paul, Jr. is actually half Pacific Islander?

wv: tally - we need to a keep a tally of all the different labels we can put on people.

le Douanier said...


Does that line of attack still have legs? I know Althouse went there in a newish post. But, seriously, who cares?

The NYT (about) a week ago detailed the BHO v. Boehner specifics. It's not exactly a secret, if you can read it in the NYT. OTOH, maybe it is a secret if you're a con who only watches Fox.

If I wanted to play the petty party game I'd pretend to be outraged that the Rs didn't put this new plan on the web three days before the vote. But, I'm not feeling that lame today, maybe tomorrow.


I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, can you give me the paint by numbers version of your comment?

Am I a racist?

Anonymous said...

PBJ -- You came on here the other day with the sorriest, lamest report from Media Matters (or some such sorry, lame organization) stating that FOX News had knowledge of a secret plan hatched by Obama but wasn't telling anyone.

Events have since proven your report to be malarkey, as you should have known it was.

I don't watch FOX News. I can't stand it. You shouldn't read Media Matters.

VanderDouchen said...

Penis Butter and Jelly,

Where's the CBO review of the plan?

Remember, please, that they do not analyze speeches.

WV: I've had enough of this shit:

self explanitory.

le Douanier said...


It was MM. And, it reproduced a detailed NYT piece from the 22nd (IIRC) that itemized specifics where the BHO plan differed from the Boehner plan du jour.

And, Fox, like the NYT was briefed on the specifics of the BHO plan.

BTW, isn't it now crushingly obvious that Boehner walked away from the POTUS negotiations because he had no chance of delivering his end of the deal? If Boehner were interested in truth telling his post-BHO-negotiations statement would have been: "I'm leaving these discussions because there is now way I can convince my party to vote for the proposal I've presented to the president."

Synova said...

Supposing you're right, pb&j, if Boehner can't deliver the votes, then he can't deliver the votes.

He got a bill passed, barely.

I think it's safe to assume that he's not able to get any closer to what Democrats want than he has already done.

The Democrats don't have the ability, any more, to push through anything on their terms alone. They need to get over it.

le Douanier said...

"I think it's safe to assume that he's not able to get any closer to what Democrats want than he has already done."

Is it absurd to consider a middle of the road bill that passes w/ both Ds and Rs?

Or, did the founding fathers intend to have the party that is in the majority of the House single handedly dictate the laws of our country, even when the Senate and the POTUS are of another party?

That certainly would streamline gov.

Anonymous said...

isn't it now crushingly obvious that Boehner walked away from the POTUS negotiations because he had no chance of delivering his end of the deal?

What makes you think that there was or has ever been a deal? Is it a super-secret deal? Does FOX News know about it but won't report it?

In other news, your leftist authoritarian nipple is poking through. Congress is not a negotiating facility. Look into it.

Anonymous said...

did the founding fathers intend to have the party that is in the majority of the House single handedly dictate the laws of our country, even when the Senate and the POTUS are of another party?

The Senate and the President need not agree to the House's bill.

As an aside, it is difficult to imagine that the people who drafted the Constitution would have themselves supposed any government is stupid enough to saddle itself with such massive deficits. Sadly, Obama was elected.


Fred4Pres said...

Northern Indians could be classified as "white." They are Ayrans (like Persians/Iranians). Personally, so what.

I consider myself human, at least when I have had a shower.

Joanna said...

pbAndj said...
the BHO plan


Titus said...

There are democrats in South Carolina?

My husband is an Indian and I just refer to him as brownie and he refers to me as whitey.

Isn't that sweet?

le Douanier said...


Have you considered looking at actual deficits?

Your link contains a link to newer data.

Anywho, yes, these are big deficits. Presumably they're so big that they'd justify huge cuts in spending including entitlements and removing so-called tax expenditures and/or going back to WJC tax rates (including for non-rich folks). That's how I see it.

Specifically, I don't support the federal gov being much above 20% of GDP (yes, I know we're already beyond there). And, I do support tax revenues being equal to the spending of the fed gov (yes, I know we're nowhere near there).

CarterFliptMe said...

The fact that Dems are reduced to squawking about this kind of thing is more evidence that in the court of public opinion they are getting their clocks cleaned.

Anonymous said...

PBJ -- All fine and good. Reasonable positions. But you were simply silly to hitch your wagon to a Soviet-style propaganda dump like Media Matters.

Terry said...

There is another possibility here.
Suppose Haley checked off the columns for "white" AND "male". Surely if it is okay for Haley to proudly acknowledge being a person of transgenderedness, it is okay to also proudly acknowledge her transracialness. Both race and gender are social constructs, aren't they? Only a fascist would insist that racial identity had more "authenticity" than gender identity.

Cedarford said...

DBQ - "The Australoid people and the Ainu of Japan have been classified as Caucasoid."

That was once the thinking of some early anthropologists, now dispelled by DNA studies. Neither shares white or E. Asia mongolid markers. They are "protorace" people. They are from genome lines "out of Africa" before the Caucasian and Mongploid races differentiated (but mixed with other, earlier peoples as their race was being created) . (With the Ainu closer to the "white libe" than Mongoloid, and the Austrailo-New Guineans-melanesians thought to be little evolved or differentiated from original "out of africa" stock. )

Anonymous said...

The nineteenth century is gone, Cedarford. People who can fuck and make babies are not different from each other, despite your racist naming schemes.

Also, Jews rule the world.

Cedarford said...

kimsch - Much of the nutty US racial classification system was devised by two progressive Jewish lawyers LBJ set up at EEO with a broad mandate in light of the Civil Rights Act - to make up racial classifications that could be used to measure "civil rights progress".
The two lawyers, of course, were steeped in class theory and devised fresh new races and ethnicities to fit the Marxian construct.

They decided all people from Latin America with spanish-sounding names inc blacks, full-blooded NAs, and 100% whites from Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland...belonged belonged to the new Hispanic race they made up. But people from Spain and Portugal would be white, and people from the Philippines and Guam would be classified by the two Jews as "Asian".

Which helped them with the whole "pacific islander thing". Where they reviewed earlier European 19th century racial theory books and anthroplogy and decided that because Japanese, Filipinos, Taiwanese "looked Asian" they must be of that race. But other Pacific Islanders were not so Mainland Asia looking, so they would be part of the new Pacific Island race (despite us learning that Aleutians are genetically just more native Americans, the Polynesians came from early Malay/Taiwanese native, and the aborigines and other Pac Islanders were not much different than other melanesians on the Asian Mainland classified as "Asians".

The two Jewish lawyers had to make some leaps of faith. Since they believed that discrimination existed with "just a touch of the tarbrush" in the evil South - then ergo - anyone with just 1/32nd of black was to be classified as black for the EEO regs - then it made sense to have a 1/32nd rule for Native Americans! Except for those South of the Mexican border, who were part of the new Hispanic race.

From those two Jews playing the same role as Nazi lawyers devising their own racial classification models - we got 50 years of nonsense vs the 13 years of the Nazi racial classification system.

Why did it last? Because what the EEO created fit perfectly into Marxist race, class theory - plus PoMo post-colonialist EuroLeft theory. And it greatly advantaged grievance mongers that saw Balkanizing the masses meant power for them and privileges others would get and want to keep and vote loyally to retain. And the Courts sure did their part, including muddle-headed idiots like Sandra Day O'Connor.

AllenS said...


The reason that they want you to designate your race on the census, is to carve out legislative districts for blacks.

This week I took two swabs of my mouth and sent it to Family Tree. This is to check on my y chromosones only. That will indicate my father to son ethnic line going back 8 generations. Once I get that result, I'll fork over more money and eventually get my whole ancester line, adding all of the female ancesters including my mothers. That's where things should be interesting, because her parents were from Sicily.

sorepaw said...

There are democrats in South Carolina?

Ever heard of Alvin Greene?

Anonymous said...

@Bob: "It's long past time for a law or constitutional amendment that prohibits the government from classifying people by race."

That is long-standing law in France. Leftists who are simultaneously Europhiles and big believers in the American racial spoils system make me chuckle.

zbogwan99 said...

Maybe Gov Nikki Haley should have said Zebra on her voter application form. This way she could have covered all the stupid arguments emanating from the foolhardy Democrats?

Lovernios said...

Racial classification is just another tool for the Left's goal of correcting the injustices of history. It's a fool's errand, but we are talking about Leftists.

BJM said...

Who'd a thunk it, a race-baiting Democrat goober hasn't heard of The Genographic Project, Dr. Ramasamy Pitchappan or the Aryan-Dravidian controversy.

Color me surprised and Halogroup I2b1c.

BJM said...


I participated in the Genographic Project via their swab kit...it's really interesting to see where you fit in the human ancestral chain.

Meade said...

"Color me surprised..."

Sorry, "surprised" is not one of the allowed categories. Please provide additional information so we may properly racialize your surprise. Thank you.

BJM said...

...er, make that haplogroup I2b1c.

btw-Western Europe's predominate mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroup is "H" originating in Central Asia/Mesopotamia.

Kind of makes one want to ululate doesn't it?

The Dude said...
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Neil said...
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