July 15, 2011

At the True Lily Café...

... let us not talk falsely now.


Chip Ahoy said...


chickelit said...

True Lily Scrumptious!

wv = "glythene" The word sounds like something I should care about but I don't.

Palladian said...

The next time you smell a fragrant lily, think about salami or ham. It's a distinct and strange olfactory note unique to lilies.

Anonymous said...

80% of Americans want a tax increase in the middle of a recession.

Did you know that?

That's right. 80% of Americans want the government to come confiscate more of their money at gunpoint.

80% of them don't want their money. They want Washington to get their hard earned money.

edutcher said...

Nice pic and a good way to end a day that turned ugly.

Beauty is always a tonic.

And a joy forever.

Somebody said that.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton believes that the Syrian government that just mowed down 17 more unarmed citizens is legitimate.

Phil 314 said...

A piece in the NYT regarding ER overcrowding

This sounds logical:

Since 1986, when Congress passed a bill that made emergency care a legal right, emergency rooms have served as the safety net of the American health care system.

But lo and behold, the unintended consequences of an improved system:

ERs are busier, despite state law

KevinMD, a great physician blogger puts "not to fine" of a point on the issue:

Massachusetts already has a primary care infrastructure superior to much of the country, so it’s frightening to think what will happen in poorer states with less generalist provider access.

What’s happening today in Massachusetts ERs will be replicated in hospitals nationwide come 2014.

Brace yourselves.

traditionalguy said...

After legalization of drugs, Prostitution Dating, self righteous Dan Savage and dirty E-Mails, that pic is a nice way to end the week.

It is purity and great art combined into one of God's created Lilies of the field that neither toil nor spin.

We go to the older granddaughter's birthday party tomorrow.

Hang in their all of you toilers and spinners.

Irene said...

Phil 314, on top of that, July also is the worst month to end up in the hospital. It's when all of the new docklings start their residencies.

traditionalguy said...

Sorry. Spell check never catches there for their errors.

Phil 314 said...

from FTD:

The flower most commonly associated with funeral services in the popular mind is the lily. Lilies are often interpreted as a symbol of the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. A white stargazer lily symbolizes sympathy and any type of white lily expresses majesty and purity

Brom said...

The hour's getting late.

edutcher said...

Irene said...

Phil 314, on top of that, July also is the worst month to end up in the hospital. It's when all of the new docklings start their residencies.


That's what The Blonde used to dread - all those eager young people who didn't know anywhere near as much as they thought they did. And she had to keep their mistakes from becoming statistics.

And then tell them why they were wrong. And pound into their heads that there was no safety net except for the nurses - to whom they better be nice.

PS Her favorite was the one kid who came up to and said, "I've been a doctor for 15 minutes. What do I do now?".

Him, she liked.

Phil 314 said...

After all of your "women" posts, I was listening to this song today and thought of you.

Fen said...

I don't understand the question re taxes. If liberals think we need to pay more... why don't they pay more?

If they followed their own advice, the budget would be balanced yesterday.

Irene said...

"PS Her favorite was the one kid who came up to and said, 'I've been a doctor for 15 minutes. What do I do now?'."

I would like him, too.

Ron said...

Aha! You are Lily Sincere! :0

edutcher said...

Irene said...

"PS Her favorite was the one kid who came up to and said, 'I've been a doctor for 15 minutes. What do I do now?'."

I would like him, too.

The humble ones were also the nice ones, it seemed.

garage mahal said...

Les Hinton resigning. Wow. Looks like it's all coming crashing down, and fast.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Big Lie.. the bigger the lie the more people will believe it.

Freeman Hunt said...

Four year old got glasses today. He put them on, looked in the mirror, and was skeptical. Then, after a moment, "I'm Harold Lloyd!"


JR said...

See if this irrigates her out of her lilliputian cafe?

"Polygamy Is Bad. So Decriminalize It."


AllenS said...

I just finished a meal of ribeye steak, baked potato(e) and corn. Unfortunately, I ended up with a piece of gristle in between a wisdom tooth and a molar. Taking a toothpick, I tried to push it out and broke the toothpick off with about half an inch of sharp toothpick sticking out towards my cheek. I had to go out to the shop, grab a needlenose pliers and pull it out. I'm going to be ok.

Ron said...

Freeman, that your four year old knows who Harold Lloyd is warms my geezerized heart.

AllenS said...

Check this out:

According to a survey published in Journal of the American Medical Association in 1984, roughly 400 Americans still suffered internal toothpick injuries every year.

I could have DIED!

Anonymous said...

"I'm Harold Lloyd!"

No ... he's Harry Potter.

Tell him how much action he's going to get in the fifth grade.

Fred4Pres said...

Dear ,
Tea Party Republicans will do anything to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security - even force a default on Treasury Bonds for the first time in American history.
That would wreck the Full Faith and Credit of the United States, hurt all Treasury bondholders, greatly increase our deficits, and risk a bigger global economic crisis.
The right-wing Tea Party minority is dominating the debate. It's time for the progressive Job Party majority to be fight back!
First, tell Congress to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and balance the budget by ending the wars, slashing corporate welfare, and taxing the rich:
Pass the Progressive Caucus People's Budget!
Second, we're helping launch an exciting new grassroots movement called Rebuild the Dream this weekend at house parties across the nation. It's led by Van Jones, the Green Jobs champion who was driven out of the White House by FOX News lies. Over 15,000 activists have signed up for 1,500 meetings in over 400 Congressional Districts.
Find an American Dream House Meeting near you.
Finally, let's protest right outside our Representatives' local offices next Wednesday at lunchtime Brown Bag Lunch Vigils (BBLV) led by Progressive Democrats of America. Make signs like:
• Hands off Medicare!
• Hands off Medicaid!
• Hands off Social Security!
• End Corporate Welfare!
• Tax the Rich!
• End the Wars!
• Create Jobs Now!
Go here to see if there's a BBLV near you. If there isn't, start one here.
We're in a genuine crisis and there's no time to hesitate and no excuse to stay quiet. Stand up and speak out now!
Bob Fertik

In my email today. These progs are insane!

AllenS said...

I turn 65 this year, and yesterday, I sent in the info for Medicare. I chose not to take the Part B, because I should be able to get drugs that I need from the VA. I didn't realize that if you sign up for Part B, they charge you every month and they take the money right out of your Social Security check.

Lincolntf said...

Ouch Allen S. I'm a frequent toothpick user, some of those round ones are sharp as hell.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

The Big Lie.. the bigger the lie the more people will believe it.

The Gospel According to Dr Goebbels.

AllenS said...

Lincolnt, I tried to push from the outside, so when it broke off the point was stuck in between the teeth and the ragged broken sharp part was pointing out towards my cheek. Walking out to the shop I had my fingers in my mouth pushing my cheek away from the gagged edge.

I tried looking for statistics, but I remember, maybe about 20 years ago, reading where hospitals get 8,000 toothpick related injuries every year. Didn't spend much time looking for the facts except what I posted later.

eteam said...


I know that you occasionally use a Nikon D50. I'm not sure what you used for this lily photo, but it shows a distinctive and distracting *halo* which usually results from over-sharpening.

A good clue for post-processing is to watch the photo as you move the sharpening slider. When you start to see sparklies or haloes, you've gone too far. With a Nikon D50, a RAW (.NEF) file can usually benefit from USM 300/.2/0 (UnSharp Mask settings).

And yes, the lily is very pretty! Drop me an email for photo-nerding suggestions, I'm full of them.

-- Bob Elkind

Penny said...

Glad someone brought up ER's since they've been on my mind lately for a host of different reasons.

First, my last trip to the ER had me sitting in the waiting room for 7 hours before anyone saw me because my pain was at 5 on a 10 point scale, even though my problem was life-threatening. At the 7 hour mark they sent out a physician's assistant to tell me not to leave because my problem was "life-threatening". A half hour later someone took blood.

Second, ER's are on my mind because one of my friends, or her husband are in an ER nearly once a month.

And now, third, but most importantly, right this minute, is that I have to select a benefit plan for the next year, and the costs of the plan I currently have went up THAT much, that it is nearly cost prohibitive.

Penny said...

Here's a few down and dirty thoughts I have about the "ER problem".

People who have "little time to waste" AND "hypochondriacs" should head over to the ER "in great pain". Instead of waiting days to get an appointment with your doctor, you get a same day appointment with an ER doc. Instead of scheduling multiple tests over the next few weeks, you will get nearly every test imaginable over the next few hours.

Additionally, MONEY conscious people automatically know that one emergency room deductible for "life-threatening, made up symptoms" may be equal to or less than to go to your family doctor who in turn sends you to a specialist who in turn sends you out for testing at multiple facilities, ie: x-ray, mri, and on to a second place for blood tests, etc etc.

You with me so far? Assuming no concern with a little white lie..."Extreme PAIN, hereabouts!"...nervous types, hypochondriacs, those watching dollars and those valuing their time, are nearly ALL better off going to the ER.

Moving along to insurance selection options, which is really important to me right now, it looks like this would be the downside for selecting a cheaper plan as I see it now, without verifying with the provider, which of course I intend to do.

The two cheapest options, of the usual three offered, require a "referral" from your family doctor before your non-life-threatening emergency would be covered. My doctor needs 24 to 48 hours notice for a referral, so it seems to me that if you even THINK "emergency situation", you should head out to the local ER if you want any kind of insurance assistance whatsoever. Even if you know that a specialist is available NOW and willing to take you because they too see it as an emergency.

I will call the insurer tomorrow to find out the specifics on exactly how they handle reimbursement for non-life-threatening emergencies, because I've had a few...but face it, most people wouldn't do that. Most people would head out to the ER...and to the interns...and to the non-specialists available whenever they get there.

And if we wait there long enough, we might just meet an illegal immigrant, a non-insured American, a hypochondriac, a nervous Nelly, a cheapskate, the frugal person, the "very important business exec whose time is more valuable than money...and ME, maybe?

BJM said...


I don't understand the question re taxes. If liberals think we need to pay more... why don't they pay more?

Hmmmm...let me guess? Because they're fucking hypocrites?

Better yet, let's nationalize the entertainment industry...it's mostly lefty propaganda anyhoo. Appoint a czar, tell the them what they can produce and when, set their wages and take the stakeholders dough.

Worked for Detroit, no?

Penny said...


From medical care to politics...

From the hospital to the capital...

Penny said...

Then we have a REAL special "place" for lawyers.

ha ha

Some fear the anti-Christ.

Course, at least for the most part, you would find that "devil" on a movie screen near you.

Lawyers, on the other hand, you find just outside the ER, just outside the capital, and hey!

Even one or two at the "True Lily Cafe'".

Penny said...

Everyone chasing rainbows...

Titus said...

Looks like an old saggy CUNT.

Yea, cunt.

HT said...

Symptom checker: slight dripping in back of throat. Throat dry and a little uncomfortable. At work, cleared throat all day. At home, spit. Right foot feels freezing cold. To the touch, it's not. Some tightness in my stomach. Chills three times.

Penny said...

OK, I admit that I am not "on top of" everything I can just as easily and quite happily be "on the bottom of"...or even in front of or behind...

Oooo...a bit of mind wandering there! ;)


When the heck did rainbows get all shades of green?

Penny said...

"Titus said...

Looks like an old saggy CUNT.

Yea, cunt."

Titus, honey. You know I love you...

Just thinking though that you might want to stay away from the old lady porn if you're hot for your husband?

And GAY!

Sal said...

Titus, with your new fascination you should change your name to "Cuntus." Hurry, before someone else does!

Penny said...

Maybe you just THINK you're gay?

Penny said...

OK let me clarify that last comment. As far as I know, "experts" say that homosexuality and heterosexuality are on opposite ends of the spectrum, and that most of us fall somewhere along the line.

Well to the left and the right of "something".

Penny said...

That middle "something" seems quite important though.

Wouldn't you think?

Titus said...

Is it true that an old woman's cunt "drops"?

Joan Rivers said it did.

She also said some of the wildfires in California were caused by old women getting fucked my old men and because there was any lube or pussy juice it caused some sort of friction and then wham o sparks and then fire.

At what age do women lose their pussy juice?

Is pussy juice always around during sex with the hog?

How long does it take to make pussy juice? Smell, taste, color, temperament would also be helpful.

Also, is it just a light wetting or moisture or is it like a major geyser where you need to plug your nose?

Does it sting? Can you bottle it? Does it have any other good uses, like baking soda powder.

For example, perhaps a wasp sting or minor cut or to add spice to a smoothie?

Penny said...

The only reason I say that is because the "experts" now say that sexual preferences run on a continuum.

Think Alpha GAY to Alpha HETERO on either end of the spectrum.

Penny said...

I said "spectrum" instead of "rainbow" because there are lawyers in the house.

They only see GREEN!

Penny said...

Course lawyers only see green in the rainbow because the rest of us are looking at the black and white of it all.

Pretty damn funny when you think about it.

Ann Althouse said...

"The next time you smell a fragrant lily, think about salami or ham. It's a distinct and strange olfactory note unique to lilies."

I tried that this evening and you are right. But Meade does not agree!

MadisonMan said...

And good chocolate will smell bacon-y.

This makes me laugh. Or cry.

JAL said...

Penny, those insurance choices have you all spun up, girl. Are you having wine with BC&BS?

I will call the insurer tomorrow to find out the specifics on exactly how they handle reimbursement for non-life-threatening emergencies

I ended up in the ER recently with a non-life threatening condition post lithotripsy that was excruciatingly painful. I was supposed to stay home and wait for approval while I retched and lay writhing and sobbing on the floor?

I needed to meditate on the Professor's lilies. Or maybe take one of Obama's blue pills.

AST said...

How Georgia O'Keefe of you, Ann.

wv: dolyszwd - The Dollywood of Poland

AllenS said...

Listening to the news on WEVR 106.3 FM, River Falls, WI., I hear that last month in Madison, WI, there were 30 muggings. Police are keeping their eye on some subjects that they think are responsible.


Palladian said...

"I tried that this evening and you are right. But Meade does not agree!"

Meade! And you, a gardener!

Meade said...

Heh. Good one, Palladian!

Penny said...

JAL, what I was saying is that we shouldn't wonder why healthcare expenses are so damn high.

When all roads lead to Rome, we shouldn't be surprised that Rome is a bustling and very expensive place.

ken in tx said...

Cured natural rubber is smoked and smells like bacon. Because it is not bacon and looks unappetizing, the smell is gagging.

Palladian said...

"Cured natural rubber is smoked and smells like bacon. Because it is not bacon and looks unappetizing, the smell is gagging."

Tuberose flowers (Polianthes tuberosa) have nuances of rubber, cooking blood, kerosene &c hiding in their creamy, cloying fragrance.

Your comment about the smell of vulcanized rubber is spot-on. The source of a smell has a lot to do with how we perceive it. Indole, an important constituent of the smell of white flowers such as jasmine, the aforementioned tuberose, lilies &c, and also a constituent of human feces, smells floral when in flowers and smells like shit when in shit (and smells like mothballs when it's in a bottle). Nature is wonderful.

Remember, it's not us that flowers are trying to attract with their scents.

Hank Rearden_WI said...

Georgia O'Keefe on my mind.

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