July 10, 2011

The artist who wanted to document that expression people get on their face when they interact with a computer.

The Secret Service got involved.

The photographs: here.

Are you disturbed by the way the human being looks when he is interfacing with the machine?


What is most troubling here?
What machines are doing to us.
How the government swooped in.
That Apple personnel (apparently) gave him permission to invade the privacy of customers.
That activity like this is portrayed as art.
pollcode.com free polls

AND: More here.
But what crimes did he actually commit? None of the immediately obvious arguments would appear to be viable when you consider the facts of the situation...


Rube said...

No Photographs?

Ann Althouse said...

Try it now.

Widely Seen said...

May I say -- 'expectations of privacy'?

wv - unomi = pay your debt

rhhardin said...

I installed an "I can guess your age" game on a Kmart VIC-20

It started



IS IT 0?


IS IT 1?


IS IT 2?


Carol_Herman said...

Government's WAY OUT of hand, here!

And, it just shows ya the levels there are to the federal alphabet soup of competencies!

Why isn't this technology grabbing and data mining information from everyone caught on a TSA line?

Is this any different than the old academic "study" ... where student volunteers were given what they thought was a device that would let them "shock" contestants? I don't remember this "study" exactly. But it did prove people are a lot meaner than they thought. Since a lot of the volunteers turned the control lever to "maximum."

Is it any different than two-way mirrors?

When TV was in its infancy. And, I was living in Manhattan. I remember VIEWING MYSELF ... as I walked up a few steps and stared into a TV camera. The line was long. I even think this setup was at Rockefeller Center.

And, to think, today, Rupert Murdoch slaughtered his entire staff at World News. Nu?

Where has relevance gone?

chuck b. said...

What privacy? Good grief. You're in a store. If you want privacy, go home and stay there. Besides, these people look neither unusual nor alarming. And, the Secret Service? We obviously need fewer of them. Ugh.

John from Pomeroy on the Palouse said...

The heck with the story. (I mean who's surprised by anything that Apple does that "infringes" people's privacy.)

But this Business Times website? 6 pt white type on a black background? How very '90s. Just how many stories can a person read on this site?

Rube said...

It's hard to understand why this is an issue. Everyplace you go today there are camera's taking your picture for one reason or another whether you like it or not.

Fred4Pres said...

Permission of Apple Security Guards?

I suspect (if even true) they will not have jobs with Apple* long, but they might be perfect material for the TSA.

* if Apple is going to spy, it will be for the benefit of Steve Jobs and Apple shareholders!

edutcher said...

The people have that, "huh", look. "Lemme think about this". The look on their faces doesn't bother me. I saw it at work all the time.

I know Google has done some nefarious things with the Red Chinese in the name of being Citizens of the World, but is this the first time for this sort of thing for Apple? Seems like it isn't, but can't recall an incident off the top of my head.

Anyway, the Feds probably thought, when they heard about this (and they know pretty much what's going on), the same sort of thing when that 15 year old went looking for fissionable material to test the scale A-bomb he built back in the 60s - "Sign right here, kid. Have we got a career for you".

Ann Althouse said...

Wouldn't it be more disturbing if people had a "social" expression as if they were interacting with a human being?

What look do you think people have when they are reading or drawing or doing some small motor-skills task? It's probably just as slack-faced. Unless they are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Did Apple complain (not knowing that security guards allowed access)? That might explain the government interest.

Maybe there's no expectation of privacy in an Apple store, but I wonder about using a person's image without their permission even for art. It's not like these photos are of people in a big group, they are very personal, recognizable shots.

Is there anything here actionable?

Anonymous said...

BTW, this is another reason not to be an iFool.

Mary Beth said...

He says he had permission from Apple store security guards. Did he really? And are the guards Apple employees or contracted from a security guard company?

Another story says that Apple is the one that called the Feds on him.

DADvocate said...

The federal government didn't file charges when the school system in Pennsylvania sent students home with laptops taking pictures last year because there was "no criminal intent."

I find such government intrusion into our homes much more bothersome than a misguided artist wanna be.

But, of course, what are you worried about if you have nothing to hide? Right? RIGHT!

David said...

I would be more disturbed if they were smiling at the computer, or flirting with it. I get mad at my computer once in a while (rarely, it's a good computer) but I do not flirt with it.

dbp said...

I like the pictures because they show what people look like when they are not putting on a fake "photo face". The one drawback is that the camera appears to be above the monitor and so very few of the pictures are of people making eye contact, so to speak.

As for privacy concerns; it is hard to get too worked up about people using a computer in a retail outlet being filmed. I would assume that if I am in a store, there is probably a security camera capturing my image at any given time.

David said...

Here's a hint. Put tape over your computer's camera. I did as soon as I saw how God-awful I looked in the pictures. Worst part was, I think the pictures were an accurate portrayal. Age is not kind to the face.

Irene said...

Some of the expressions appear very angry. Maybe they don't like Macs.

Anonymous said...

Ann, have you contacted Apple to ask their spokesman if they condoned or authorized this activity? (I'd bet dollars to donuts that you have not.)

Is this how the New Meade Media works?

I find your suggestion that this artist had Apple's permission quite shocking.

The only support I can find in the linked article for such a comment is an offhand aside that's not even a quote: "He said he had the permission of Apple security guards."

Really? The security guards? Authorized installation of spyware? Does that pass your smell test, Ann?

It doesn't pass my smell test.

I think you owe it to Apple to at least try to contact them before you smear the company with a push-poll suggesting they authorized this spyware invasion of privacy.

I hear they can be quite litigious.

Anonymous said...

"I think the pictures were an accurate portrayal. Age is not kind to the face."

I hate that when that happens . . .

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea at all. Yes, it's true that people are used (or should be used) to being filmed by surveillance cameras in public places, but this is just a bit too up close and personal.

By the way, I do not believe at all that Apple Store personnel gave their consent.


dbp said...

My guess is that if any consent was actually given, it was by someone not authorized to give such consent.

MayBee said...

Why Secret Service? I can see the FBI, but I guess I thought the Secret Service only dealt with threats to the President.

grackle said...

Wow. They look just like they are engrossed in some sort of activity. Amazing. But the best part is the art. Isn’t it wonderful, that art?

Oh, HEY, I just got what I think could be a brilliant idea. I’m no artist but I know what I like. Let’s set up hidden cameras inside the stalls in all the restrooms at the art departments where they teach the art students to make this type of wonderful art. Sensors in the bowls would allow us to catch the look on their faces just as they were dumping their loads. Hot damn! I think I’m on to something.

Privacy? Yeah, right. Bit of a problem … unless … unless … hold on … wait for it … we’ll use PUBLIC restrooms! That’ll make everything OK!

We could then be exhibited by cutting edge galleries in LA and NYC and on all the internets, too.

Working title: Crappy Art Coast to Coast.

edutcher said...

Irene said...

Some of the expressions appear very angry. Maybe they don't like Macs.

The Blonde doesn't. The Mac interface can be very klunky.

Anonymous said...

"Why Secret Service? I can see the FBI, but I guess I thought the Secret Service only dealt with threats to the President."

The Secret Service has a big cyber-crimes fraud division and is heavily involved in "safeguarding the nation's financial structure . . ."

Not sure how that gets them into Apple, except Steven Jobs is rich as hell.

Penny said...

I'm just glad that the Secret Service chose to share the "secret" pictures with us.


Anonymous said...

Nothing troubling about this at all. Photographers have been snapping people unawares for a century or more. Nothing new.

Carol_Herman said...


Everybody wanted in on the act!

Do you remember the episode with the "talking mailbox?"

Or the cleaners? People went in with their clothes. And, as soon as they came back, in hollywood style, the "setting changed." So you saw them walking back in forth in front of the store.

Or, they came in with their film, dropped it off. And, came back wondering what happened to their pictures.

Or, the time they had a blonde dame. On a California street. Uphill from the gas station. The car was given a push. But it looked like she was driving in for gas. When the mechanic came out. ANd, the little lady asked "would you mind checking under my hood?"

Now? Apple gets in trouble?

The demonstration models should have started talking as soon as a person pressed a key.

Which reminds me of a Knotts Berry Farm "exhibit." (They had a guy who was watching the people coming by.) He'd ask questions.

This is now illegal?

What happened to common sense?

What happened to having a sense of humor?

chickelit said...

I just put a piece of black tape over the camera lens of my macbook.

Carol_Herman said...

Next time I go into an Apple Store. Or even a Mobile Cell Phone Store. And, I see a "free demo set up" ...

I'm just going to type in FUCK YOU.

Gone is the "Now is the time for all good men ..."

BULLSHIT. It's gonna be FUCK YOU. Is this provocative enough?

Lance said...

What is most troubling...

E. That someone thinks this is news.

The photos are interesting, but seriously, is it really surprising to learn that people's expression shuts down when interacting with a computer?

Mark said...

Geeks, we be serious mofos.

Alex said...

That the security guard gave him permission is HIS allegation. How can Althouse call it (apparently) based on his word?

Conserve Liberty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol_Herman said...

Have we reached a bend in the road where Alan Funt is no longer recognized?

How about Perot?

Here? I think the Secret Service over-reacted.

But why should I be surprised?

Janet Napolitano is more of a dog than Janet Reno.

Sometimes, things do get worse. And, they don't get better.

But we have the Internet. And, we have Drudge. I can sift through what I consider important.

Other things? They're just there because they are laugh worthy.

Penny said...

By the way, the guy wasn't an artist. Says right there in black and white that he was an "artist".

Rose said...

Do they have one of Anthony Weiner posing?

Anonymous said...

Oh, HEY, I just got what I think could be a brilliant idea ... Let’s set up hidden cameras inside the stalls in all the restrooms at the art departments where they teach the art students to make this type of wonderful art. Sensors in the bowls would allow us to catch the look on their faces just as they were dumping their loads. Hot damn! I think I’m on to something.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the people at You Porn thought of this idea a long time ago. Toilet voyeur cams definitely aren't anything new.


jnseward said...

Stanley Kubrick knew this already. Check out the expressions of the humans interacting with HAL.

The Crack Emcee said...

How about the look on someone's face when they're no longer an Obama voter?

Truly disturbed.

White lady, too. You know, like you, Ann. Rational.

Phil 314 said...

They seem to be intently looking down at something. Pondering its value. Its as if they're......


Titus said...

I actually enjoyed these pictures. What city was this in?

I was too lazy to look, but I will.

Just by looking at the photos could you tell what city they live in?

I am going to take a guess it say it is on one of the coasts. Now I am going to check and probably be wrong.

It is definitely not Madison, because they are thin and diverse.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, Crack. Did that lady go to nursing school to become a nurse? Or did she just fold a white paper napkin, and using bobby pins, pin it to her head?

I wouldn't trust her near me with a needle! Would you?

She's a princess. And, rather shallow at that.

Thanks to Breitbart, I now have figured out why so many liberals jumped into the pool! What did it cost them to believe? It's a wonder these people didn't break their legs jumping into the shallow end of the pool.

The music at Woodstock was still terrific. Meanwhile, I've learned that when you provide a link. I take it.

The Crack Emcee said...


Oh, Crack. Did that lady go to nursing school to become a nurse? Or did she just fold a white paper napkin, and using bobby pins, pin it to her head?

I wouldn't trust her near me with a needle! Would you?

I told you, considering what's going on out there, I plan to die at home. If I want to live (a dubious prospect) I'll go to Panda Bear, the owner of my sister blog.

I've learned that when you provide a link. I take it.

Why, thank you - right now my mouth is hanging open after discovering FOX News' Brit Hume Said The N-Word On National TV! I just can't believe it!

What in the world could make him say something like that?

ark said...

What is most troubling is that anyone would think that security guards at Apple stores have the authority to allow people to install surveillance software on computers available to the public.

Penny said...

"Linkin' with Lincoln!"

Penny said...

What doesn't SOUND cool, is gonna look cool.

Penny said...


Penny said...

Damn shame those penguins are all over black and white and from the south.

Penny said...


Penny said...

Oops, sorry.

Didn't mean to yell.

Penny said...

Would have been more than happy to give my speech off the back of a train.


Penny said...

The penguins say they aren't going anywhere.

Penny said...

Very happy they decided that too.

But sheesh?

What's with those friggin' "tuxedos"?

Penny said...

Just a bit too much "starch" for my tastes. :)

Penny said...

OK, here's a suggestion.

How about we leave those CRISP edges to the poles and our borders?

North and South.

Penny said...

Hm? Not falling for that?

Methadras said...

All of the above.

Penny said...

A woman's gotta wonder?

Penny said...

"All of the above"

We might agree, Methadras.

Then again?

Penny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Penny said...


Would anyone care to come forward to hold up my eyeballs?

KCFleming said...

This was among the Top 5 Most Boring Art Projects Evar.

It's the photography equivalent of found art "collages".

File it under Art School Refund Lawsuits: Evidence.

Wince said...

Didn't the Nazis already try this experiment in Germany?

Original Mike said...

I'm disturbed with how difficult it is to use these damn, unreliable things.

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