"He believes that he is in a war and in a war you can do things like that... He has a view of reality that is very difficult to explain... I cannot describe him because he is not like anyone... This was an attack on the Labor Party.”
Says the Norwegian terrorist's lawyer.
But speaking of views of reality that are very difficult to explain, for murdering 86 human beings, Breivik faces a prison sentence of merely 21 years. According to the linked article, prosecutors are considering charging Breivik with "crimes against humanity," and that would push the maximum sentence up to a big 30 years.
To say that Norway may have been suffering complacency inside a PC cocoon may be a bit of an under--
Where's the "civility not-BS" tag?
LOCAL PROBLEM! The "city of the piss prize" owns this lunatic! They are very heavily invested in coddling terrorists. They take pride, for instance, in having given Arafat a piss prize. And, they think they're way more enlightened than you. Because they gave a piss prize. With its attached million dollars, to algore.
So, let them twirl their medals all they want.
I learned everything I needed to know about Norway, at Lillihammer.
Would I have guessed it would take the real police 90 minutes to show up to Utoya Island, a ten minute buzz away by ferry ... AN HOUR AND A HALF? Hey, that's the length of a movie!
Maybe, the first tip off that Breivik was a fake cop was the speed he used to get from setting off the bombs in the square, to Utoya?
Maybe, everything in Oslo just moves slow?
Will it move to understand this man had FREE ACCESS for 32 years?
And, will they please clue us in on how this vegetable grower was able to get money to grow on trees.
Nobody noticed! But America is responsible. We're being called upon "TO UNDERSTAND."
Well, understand this, Norway, you're whole fucking system is all fucked up.
The nightmare created by this idiot is only overshadowed by the fact that the Norwegians appear not to be able to come to grips that evil does, in fact, exist, and their legal structure seems ill-equipped to deal with it.
Holder should suggest they try him in NYC - that's the ticket.
It is galling how for years and years Norway tried to tweek our politics with their choices for the Peace Prize. That they did so remains a fact, even in the face of these horrible events. I don't know how to square these things.
Truly, one doesn't have to be a pro-capital punishment scold to wonder: just who is Norway prepared to see you kill before they decide to put you away for life?
The one nagging question here is: is this because they're prepared to use extra-judicial fiats of the psychiatric sort (or something to that effect) to pad out sentences if something, ah, unexpected, should arise?
Goodness knows, they must not be expecting much evil in their midst.
In 60 years the Muslims will overrun Europe--- that's what he is saying, duh. Of course you can't condone his action, but the governments of Europe, by coddling Islam, have put themselves on the path to demographic and political destruction. His message is dead on correct, his action was an act of desperation.
Does the entire Norwegian portion of Wisconsin's population reside in Madison? That would explain a lot.
When I lived in Finland the maximum sentence was seven years. However, it was also possible to keep someone under psychiatric detention for life. This is my guess about the Norwegian legal situation that Breivik faces. He doesn't seem to understand that individuals cannot legaly declare war. This is a delusion he shares with Al-Qaeda. Governments alone have the right to legally and formally declare war. No matter what happens, Breivik will never get out again.
The nightmare created by this idiot is only overshadowed by the fact that the Norwegians appear not to be able to come to grips that evil does, in fact, exist, and their legal structure seems ill-equipped to deal with it.
If you don't believe in God, why should you believe in evil?
If you you don't believe in electrons, why should you bother with positrons?
Or if you need experimental confirmation for everything: if you don't believe in the Higgs Boson, why should you believe in its anti-particle?
Breivik will die behind bars. When his 21 or 30 year sentence is up Norwegian prison officials can simply increase his sentence in 5 year blocks by declaring him too dangerous to release. Which they will.
gerry said...
Does the entire Norwegian portion of Wisconsin's population reside in Madison? That would explain a lot.
It's the Stoughton Mafia
Or if you need experimental confirmation for everything: if you don't believe in the Higgs Boson, why should you believe in its anti-particle?
If they don't find the HB by next summer, I'm going to appeal the C my son got in physics a couple years back on the basis that the underlying framework of reality is not understood well enough to grade him below a B.
I would love to have the gall, even for a moment, to make moral judgements about Norway's justice system even as their victims' bodies are still warm. Please, please show me where to get that kind of brazen, disgusting gall. It could come in handy.
In AMURKA capital punishment and punitive prison sentences have prevented such massacres from ever happening, right?? Those stupid Norwegians! Their first mistake was not being American.
In 60 years, they'll be saying that Europe's decline might have been averted had not some monster killed a bunch of kids at a critical moment.
Breivik's revolutionary ideas are very old. It is the propaganda of the deed. Leon Czolgosz. Gavrilo Princip. John Brown. History repeats itself as tragedy.
I second Mick. Breivik's heinous crime doesn't cancel out the heinous crime of the European one world open borders crowd against their own indigenous white people. That right, indigenous, protected and all that, just like the fucking Native Americans.
Breivik is right about the world understanding his viewpoint, but it has seen this lesson since 1993 when Al Qaeda started it.
A fragile network of modern communications, energy supply and financial markets is vulnerable to small numbers of educated weapon users who take a vow to destroy it.
The damage is containable until it gets State funding, as does Al Qaeda from Saudi Arabian sources.
We are face to face with it in the Marxist Enviromental movement once funded by the CIA and now carried on by a network of wealthy liberals.
It has even captured the American Presidency and is now getting a State funding source through "Stimulus Bills" and EPA Budgets.
The common denominator among these groups of destroyers has always their agreement on the singular goal of stopping Jews from living their lives in peace in Jerusalem, the City of Peace. (Those pesky 1949 borders and all that.)
franglo on his moral high horse again. Does this mean he thinks 21 years is a just sentence for killing 68 people?
@Mary: I'm guessing that the 86 vs 68 confusion arose from a mistranslation of the way Norwegians (and other Germanic languages) enunciate numerals. They still use the old "four and twenty blackbirds" to say "24 blackbirds".
So "eight and sixty" (68) could have been mistranslated as 86. Just a thought with no proof. But it is hard to imagine that they miscounted bodies.
Please, please show me where to get that kind of brazen, disgusting gall.
Please please show me where bodies stay warm days after death has occurred.
In AMURKA capital punishment and punitive prison sentences have prevented such massacres from ever happening, right??
I'm not sure you're barking up the right tree. It's not about deterrent. It's about not paying for incarceration for decades.
Is this guy serious?
Muslim jihad (war) has been declared and is taking lives everyday. Why would anyone that disagrees with that think they might themselves be at war?
It is not insanity or crazy to think that you might be at war with the jihad declared on you.
It is insane to not be able to see the wrong of mass murder of innocent unarmed youth as a rational way to fight the jihad.
"Mick said...
In 60 years the Muslims will overrun Europe--- that's what he is saying, duh. Of course you can't condone his action, but the governments of Europe, by coddling Islam, have put themselves on the path to demographic and political destruction. His message is dead on correct, his action was an act of desperation."
Won't take 60 years. Just hope that they wake up, and when they do, it won't be too late.
prosecutors are considering charging Breivik with "crimes against humanity," and that would push the maximum sentence up to a big 30 years.
Breivik's actions and beliefs are those of a madman, not a sociopath. I suspect psychiatric detention is more appropriate in this case.
Can we get this guy a cell next to Ted Kaczynski?
I do think that Muslim immigration to Europe will become a problem do to lack of assimilation. That is almost certain unless the assimilation issue is reversed.
Psychiatric detention can be for life. So count on it.
This inability to name such a monstrous evil when it's standing right in front of you bodes ill for Europe.
There are historical precedents, but I'll not be the first to invoke Godwin. (or did I just?)
"This was an attack on the Labor Party."
Finally! Finally someone says it straight out!
I've just suffered through an hour of the Diane Rehm Show where they dwelled incessantly on the anti-immigrant angle, and that's a red herring.
This guy murdered 76 ethnic Norwegians, not immigrants, and attempted to murder the (Labor) Prime Minister because he thought his primary enemies were "cultural Marxists".
What most worries me about this whole episode is that, even after their own children are murdered, Europe's social democratic intelligentsia cannot bring themselves to understand that THEY are the target. Someone hates THEM with a murderous passion, and is willing to act upon it.
This inability to name such a monstrous evil when it's standing right in front of you bodes ill for Europe.
If you don't believe in God, why should you believe in evil?
God and evil go hand in hand?
Is this a crime against humanity? Only if you define it downwards.
This is why I support the death penalty. When the death penalty is abolished, "life in prison" seems cruel.
Of course, if they gave him 21 years for each murder, then he'd be away for life.
Yes, the Norges are so enlightened, they first let the Moslems run wild, gang-raping women and then make excuses for it, and then let the nut who killed 68 of their own out in time to collect retirement.
chickenlittle is right. The Norges have been using the Peace Prize to show how superior they are to us, but they can't even protect their own people.
franglo said...
I would love to have the gall, even for a moment, to make moral judgements about Norway's justice system even as their victims' bodies are still warm. Please, please show me where to get that kind of brazen, disgusting gall. It could come in handy.
franglo seems to summon the gall any time he thinks he can make capital out of the slightest hint (usually phony) of a Lefty being attacked. He doesn't have to be shown where to get it, it oozes out of every one of his pores.
In AMURKA capital punishment and punitive prison sentences have prevented such massacres from ever happening, right?? Those stupid Norwegians! Their first mistake was not being American.
That's right. Anybody notice there were no Todd Beemers on that island? Socialist Norway turned its people into such a pack of sheep that no one did what Americans often do.
And if franglo hates AMURKA so much, he can leave anytime.
But since Norway has such a low murder rate among developed nations, isn't there something to be said about the 21year max sentence? Sure in certain cases it seems to be ridiculously light, but if murders manage to stay so low in spite of the light sentencing, doesn't that say something about the law's effectiveness in preventing deaths? I'm not a big law guy, but it seems like there are interesting questions here
Pacified country like Norway is pacified. They can't get their heads around this because when evil is in their midst, they wish to appease it.
Kirbt Olson - ". He doesn't seem to understand that individuals cannot legaly declare war."
If true, any reistance movement or colonial uprising or liberation movement is automatically "criminal and illegal" - just as the Soviets, Nazis, Israelis, and colonial powers have always insisted it was! (Before they kissed the ass of the new "father of the nation, revolution" trying to renew post-indepence/rev. government - ties)
"ricpic said...
I second Mick. Breivik's heinous crime doesn't cancel out the heinous crime of the European one world open borders crowd against their own indigenous white people."
I 3rd Mick.
Somebody had to strike the 1st blow in the war against the Marxist MultiKultis and collaborators with the Islamic enemy, and it happened to be Breivik jumping the gun.
Many countries have tried using "hate laws" to block peaceful political opposition to mass muslim immigration...including Norway. And it is time for them to realize the consquences of telling opponents that their only two options are acquiescence to the MultiKultis or unthinkable violence that everyone will "deplore" more than "hateful ideas".
21 years is pretty tame stuff for 68 lives. With nice accomodations, conjugal visits, and cable TV. No wonder Breivik didn't shoot himself as police (finally) got there.
I just want to know how money grows on trees.
Other than Oslo's secret about that ... the rest is their problem.
As to "adding more democracy," I'd suggest one beginning would be to get rid of their king and queen. It would save them money, too. And, they could offer up the "old abode" as a tourist attraction.
One thing about Oslo, though, they sure aren't speedy.
And, no. Breivik didn't act alone. Because? Well, at least, he needed customers to whom he could sell his "vegetables" to.
As to what Brivik wanted to start? Well, he thought hitler got his start with Kristalnacht. Unfortunately for them, there are not enough Jews in Oslo where you could riot them out of business.
Probably because of what Lillihammer taught.
It's like a symphony playing Wagner. Where the symphony in Tel Aviv will do this in Berlin.
Personal history shouldn't matter when the music is good enough. Oslo is not in that league.
I'm sure it's reassuring to think of Breivik as a madman, only thing, is he's not.
In a letter to Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers wrote of the "banality of evil" of Nazi Germany. I am sure most here are familiar with it.
Evil is not molded or created, it is ordinary, woven into the cellular fabric of humans and social structures of humanity. Every person. Every society. You. And I.
It is, I think, what makes God necessary.
"...Please, please show me where to get that kind of brazen, disgusting gall. It could come in handy..."
Just, look to the Euros themselves. They didnt seem to lack the gall in telling us how we had 9/11 coming to us. In fact, a prominent Norwegian even said it was a justified attack.
Breivik will die behind bars. When his 21 or 30 year sentence is up Norwegian prison officials can simply increase his sentence in 5 year blocks by declaring him too dangerous to release. Which they will.
Yeah, wehn I first read about the 21 years thing on FOX News and PowerLine, I spend a couple minutes googling and found that they can keep him in prison for life by extending it in 5 year blocks. It's safe to assume this terrorist will never be released.
Not sure why this blogger didn't check on that too. I guess she wanted another thread of people bashing Norway as a bunch of crazy liberals.
But, um, look at America's criminal justice system. We're trying to set a world record on how many people we can lock up and yet our cities remain infested with violent crime. And, if yu visit the typical American jail, you'll find a lot of mentally ill people because we choose to use the jail system to deal with the mentally ill instead of mental health facilities. That is, when they aren't roaming around homeless and begging for spare change.
"...But since Norway has such a low murder rate among developed nations, isn't there something to be said about the 21year max sentence?..."
My guess it has more to do with a population under five million which is over 95% ethnically homogeneous.
Well, just for starters. If Norway wants "more democracy" ... all they have to do is get rid of their king and queen.
And, bone up on getting their police to react at least as fast as Breivik. Who managed to pop off two bombs in the town's center square. Then he toodled, fully loaded, to the ferry.
I bet they don't have arrows in Oslo showing tourists how to "catch a ferry."
As to what Norway stands for, Breivik exposed the joke.
If he's a madman ... he fits right into his surroundings. Besides, he not only grows vegetables. He grows trees with money dangling off the branches. How do I know this?
He's not your usual nut job. He didn't have to stand on street corners with a tin cup.
His dad left the family half his lifetime, ago. Yet, ya know what? This couldn't have happened in germany.
So I blame the piss prize, itself.
And, Norwegians wouldn't be able to find a maniac among them, either. It took something this big to expose the whole creep setup.
But Breivik doesn't have to worry. He'll be well fed in jail. And, he'll even get conjugal visits ... should another cell member appear ... and want to go there to talk about, and re-live, old times.
You might think Norway is about democracy. But since Lillihammer, I haven't been fooled.
Is this your first exposure to their national insanity?
You know they never asked arafat, or algore, to return their medals. And, the million dollars each? Wow. Maybe, they'll share their secret on how they get trees to shed money like that? Doesn't that perk up your curiosity?
Or is "money grows on trees" ... just standard bullshit?
What did Breivik burn up, here? Photographs? Outfits? Guns? Bullets? Friendly companions? Has he ever killed anyone else? Was that how he started digging holes for this "fertilizer?"
It's going to stay LOCAL because the Norwegians want to "blame America, first."
It's going to take spies going into Oslo, disguised as "vacationers," to pierce the bubble. And, explode the truth. By then? Breivik will be dead. One way. Or another.
As to his plagiarized shit? Man, add that to my list of costs.
Again, blue eyed blonds of Nordic persuasion don't fool me.
My guess it has more to do with a population under five million which is over 95% ethnically homogeneous.
This. I remember seeing a study a few years back that concentrated on homogeneous populations and crime rates and found astounding similarities. The higher the homogeneous rate, the lower the violent crime.
You know who's really to blame? Garage and franglo types.
What most worries me about this whole episode is that, even after their own children are murdered, Europe's social democratic intelligentsia cannot bring themselves to understand that THEY are the target. Someone hates THEM with a murderous passion, and is willing to act upon it.
Of course they refuse to accept the full horror of this and will divert attention to red herrings.
Of course they refuse to accept the full horror of this and will divert attention to red herrings
Admittedly, though, herrings are kinda their thing in that part o' the world.
Alex said...
You know who's really to blame? Garage and franglo types.
No Alex, garage and franglo are just grocery clerks. Breivik, like Kurtz, is to blame for this apocalypse.
@Carol Herman: What did you learn at Lillehammer?
Well he will spend his 21 years in prison sunbathing.
I'm sure we all understand that!
Couldn't prosecutors charge him with only one or two of the murders? Then when he gets close to 21 years in prison, try him for a few more of the murders.
I presume that, like here, Norway has no statute of limitations on murder.
educator some facts about rape in Norway:The police report referred to is Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the global city) which provides a detailed analysis of the rape statistics in Oslo during 2010. The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority – 54.2% – were of Norwegian, other European or American origin.
"...The report in fact shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while the majority –54.2% –were of Norwegian, other European or American origin..."
According to the CIA factbook, they would account for 2% of the population. So 2% account for 45.8% of reported rapes.
rv - 48% of the rapes committed by 5% of the population... You just proved Breivik's point!
Good point, Hoosier and Alex.
What is your answer R-V?
phx @ 12:10 PM. Since you asked
Arafat's minions cooked up a scheme that fooled the Mossad. They placed a look-alike waiter for a terrorist. And, let the Mossad grab the bait.
The hit team did not make it out of Norway. For the palistinians, it was a triumph.
Meanwhile, in Dubai, where one terrorist lay dead in a five-star hotel room; the Mossad sent in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR AGENTS with an assignment! They needed to be captured on the security tapes.
And, they were!
The Mossad got in and out. Interpol went nuts. But the Mossad just waved their fingers at the whole muslem kit and kaboodle.
Then? Well, recently after iran had to replace every single centrifuge because of STUXNET ... a single iranian who was their top scientist ... was shot dead ... by two people passing by on a motorcycle.
It's not nice work. But if it's not done you can't survive all the arab attempts, ahead, to use a nuclear device.
So far. So good.
And, I learned about Norway being full of idiots ... at Lillihammer. As to the piss prize. Or the peace shit. They're more than welcome to it.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
But Oslo sure did grow a big, gigantic problem for themselves.
Or they know how to produce one lone nut ... who grows vegetables. Drives cars. Buys fancy photographs. Guns. And, ammunition. FREE ...
It's a local problem. They refuse to make any links to others. And, they also refuse to explain how cops don't have to show up. And, how you pick up injured people just by having 4 people grab one arm, and one leg.
But it's not the best way to do it.
Nor does it lead to more democracy. (Which they don't have, by definition! Instead they have a king and queen. And, PC.)
And, they're still trying to sell themselves as being safe. Rather than sorry.
Within that larger statistic, every ASSAULT rape in which the perpetrator could be identified was carried out by someone of immigrant background against a woman of Norwegian background:
I wish people would stop calling the people killed on that island "children". They were teenagers and young adults. Many were years older than I was went I went to Viet Nam where lots of people shot at me. I may not have been old enough to buy a beer, Stateside, but I wasn't a child.
The European ruling class is trying hard to change Europe. Strangely some Europeans do not see the advantages of being forced into a way of life far different than their parents.
This seldom has worked. Let's see, the Mensheviks tried in 1917. Then there was the Weimar Republic in the '20s. Then there was the Spanish Republic. Somehow this never seems to end well but they keep trying. And they are always surprised when someone picks up the gun.
I agree that the number of rapes committed by non-Norweigians is disproportionate to the size of the population, but it is hardly as wide spread and wild as some right-wing bloggers have made out.
Define wide-spread and cite a blogger that's using your definition to promote incorrect info.
Also, I would be interesting in reading any bloggers that think this very stark contrast of rape stats is "wild". Please link.
If true, any resistance movement or colonial uprising or liberation movement is automatically "criminal and illegal.”
This is a very common rationalization frequently used by all kinds of splinter groups. The answer, in a word, is “no.”
But just for grins: Resistance to what? Uprising against what? Liberation movement from what and toward what?
Are there legitimate avenues for redress of grievances? Is there representation allowed in governing bodies? Are there fair elections? How much degree of suppression is present?
Instead of being excused for murdering innocents maybe the Oslo murderer should be expected to use nonviolent means for his ends. If he didn’t like things as they were he could have organized his own party and won an election or two. I hear Norway has a democratic political system.
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