July 20, 2011

Allen West calls Debbie Wasserman Schultz "vile, unprofessional, and despicable."

And "from this time forward," she needs to "understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior."

In other news... West is saying:
I believe we are headed towards the ultimate ideological clash in America....

I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.
What's with West? Is he — as Think Progress would have it — into "making outrageous statements just to provoke a reaction"? Or have media folk on the other side of that "ideological clash" decided that the way to ruin Allen West's potential for a brilliant career is to portray him as hotheaded and irrational?

In this context, let's remember all the discussion about how Barack Obama had to fend off the "angry black man" stereotype:
"Folks are waiting for a Samuel Jackson 'Snakes on the Plane' moment from this president as in: 'We gotta' get this $#@!!* oil back in the $#!!* rig!' But that's just not who Obama is,'' says Saladin Ambar, a political science professor at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania....

"It would have fed deeply into a pre-existing set of narratives about the angry black man," [says William Jelani Cobb, author of "The Substance of Hope: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Progress."] "The anger would have gotten in the way. He would have frightened off white voters who were interested in him because he seemed to be like the black guy they worked with or went to graduate school with -- not a black guy who is threatening."...

"Rev. Wright almost cost him his run for the presidency because of fears of the angry black man," [says author and political activist Paul Street] ....

"He is Mr. Equanimity and Mr. Consolation," says Street. "That's how he negotiated his way through multiple worlds, and reached out across bridges."


Trapper Townshend said...

Partisans gonna be partisan.

It was ever thus.

gerry said...

"He is Mr. Equanimity and Mr. Consolation"

Or he is a sociopathic threat to anyone he can manipulate.

Trapper Townshend said...

You were eager to inject gender into that Pawlenty/Bachmann thing from the other day, now you seem eager to inject race into this.

Scott M said...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz IS vile, unprofessional, and despicable. Add a near Sheila Jackson Lee level of stupid and you have the makings of a perfect foil for a 2012 electoral ass-whuppin'.

She personally attacked him. Why should he let it pass?

Toad Trend said...

Zero: lives in a world of his own vision where truth is inconvenient and must be destroyed.

West: lives in a world of truth laid-bare where the sophistry of the likes of Zero and Schultz must be ignored.

Black contrast.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ding ding ding ...ladies & gentlemen welcome to the hugest ideological battle since the Civil War.

In one corner , we have the Taxeaters, gnarly, big and getting bigger every year. Notice we had to get a super heavyweight stool to support his enormous girth.

In the other corner, we have the Taxpayer, a lean, mean multi-tasking machine who has been getting angrier every year since 1992.

virgil xenophon said...

LTC Col West is simply saying "Homey don't play that!" to a typical lefty who thinks she can smear, slime and black-top conservatives with barely disguised Cheshire Cat-like grinning insinuations to their hearts content from the sanctimonious moral high ground (so perceived.)

Anonymous said...

You were eager to inject gender into that Pawlenty/Bachmann thing from the other day, now you seem eager to inject race into this.

Gender seems more suited to this one. I'm certainly no fan of DWS, but "not a lady"- what the hell is that?

On the whole, it sure looked like an over the top personal response to what appeared to be normal congressional debate and disagreements. It was up to West to show why what she said was wrong, which he did not do.

- Lyssa

le Douanier said...

"She personally attacked him. Why should he let it pass?"

Do you feel like quoting the so-called vile, unprofessional, and despicable attack?

Shanna said...

I don't have a problem with West calling Debbie names, but he's unwise to call all Obama voters out if he has further political aspirations.

As for all that stupid stuff about trying to head off the "angry black man" stereotype, I find all of that stupid. Like the person who said the picture of the fannie mae guy in the add was 'scary' just because he was black, when realy he looked like a dorky accountant with coke bottle glasses?

AllenS said...

There's nothing wrong with Allen West.

Roger J. said...

lets go back to caning our opponents on the legislative floor--much more vidid, much more painful--its the american way

DWS is a cunt; West is an idiot

its the race to the bottom in the gene pool

Roger J. said...

lets go back to caning our opponents on the legislative floor--much more vidid, much more painful--its the american way

DWS is a cunt; West is an idiot

its the race to the bottom in the gene pool

Toad Trend said...


"On the whole, it sure looked like an over the top personal response to what appeared to be normal congressional debate and disagreements. It was up to West to show why what she said was wrong, which he did not do."

Never mind that she waited until he left the house floor.

Never mind that she used dem talking points that belong on bumper stickers. Or that the statements she made do not PROVE anything about Col. West. Or that he had a fair chance to respond on the house floor.

Never mind that she clearly has a huge nipple erection for Col. West.

Because, its fine to vent your spleen as a democrat. But, ANY response is seen as an 'attack'.

I call bullshit, redhead.

Shanna said...

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady

That was goofy, though. I agree with Lyssa.

SBVOR said...

"vile, unprofessional, and despicable"?

It's about time somebody told the truth about Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Kudos, Col. West!

Scott M said...


I didn't say the attack was V.U.D. I said she was. She did personally attack him from the floor of the House. He knows her personally well enough to come out swinging like it's the straw that broke the camel's back.

I only have what's publicly available to judge by, but I'd say there's plenty there to say she does represent V.U.D.'s everywhere quite well.

Carol_Herman said...

Nothing but PR. No different, really, than Jonnie Marbles ... getting into the "safest place on earth" ... A parliamentary meeting ...

With a can of shaving cream. And, a pie plate. Good that it didn't depend on "bobbies" coming to the rescue.

Just a woman who was a championship volleyball player, before her marrieage to Rupert Murdoch.

Now, that was FORM! That was a woman flying over anothre woman's head ... off the ground. Mounting her left hand on the pie thrower's shoulder ... spreading her fingers of her right hand WIDE OPEN. And, knocking into this guy's head as if he was a volley ball!

The rest? It's just name calling.

You either land your punch and you win. Or your counting on working in a routine you can pass off as rope-a-dope.

ALL the republican candidates are so UN-INTERESTING! Not that Wasserman-Shultz is anyhting to brag about.

But we've been watching bullshit since the government said "It was one bullet!" Or, how about "The Rainbow Coalition." Or Born-Again. Which Jimmy Carter took back with him to his peanut farm.

How many different ways can you say America isn't listening to liars. Or to anyone in the republican party.

While I qualify Sarah Palin as more "out" than "in." Since she's not coordinating her messages ... and more than Wendi Deng Murdoch "coordinated" her well thrown punch.

Believe it or not, a well-thrown-punch is a game changer.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was odd that West said Wasserman Schultz was not a "lady." Pull out the white gloves and the pill shaped hat.

Just treat her like any male House Representative. All ya'all seem to do in the House is insult each other, anyways.

It's not like you have a country to govern.

Anonymous said...

Everything he said was true, athough he is going to take heat for saying it.

"Gender seems more suited to this one. I'm certainly no fan of DWS, but "not a lady"- what the hell is that?"

Lady and gentleman - two concepts that while still alive and kicking in certain conservative parts of the nation are now unknown in most liberal parts.

Wasserman is a woman, but not a lady, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as such. Just like many liberal men - I can think of a dozen Democrat congressmen - aren't really gentlemen.

alan markus said...

So, today's "theme" is big,curly hair?

Anonymous said...

"Never mind that she clearly has a huge nipple erection for Col. West."

Totally out of line, but hilarious none the less.

DADvocate said...

we are headed towards the ultimate ideological clash in America....

I'm not sure what West means by "ultimate" but he's right about the ideological clash. Is West supposed to hide his anger and disgust because you, or someone, has a racial bias sees angry blackmen as particularly threatening? And, you justify that by citing a political science professor's analysis of Obama' appeal to racially biased voters.

John henry said...

Don't Congresscreeps call each other ladies and gentlemen all the time?

As in "The Lady from Putzville is recognized" Or "My distinguished coleague the gentleman from dipshit"

I thought it was normal political language.

John Henry

Anonymous said...

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady


Althouse wants you to debate and discuss in a vacuum.

Debbie Naziman Schultz calls him out and lies about his positions on the House floor, West attacks a women.

But, the operative word is repeatedly.

Obama's little barking dog has been taunting West since he became a viable candidate.

Google "Wasserman Schultz protests Allen West"

...too many links to link, but it explains the use of the word "repeatedly"

le Douanier said...


Your (and West's) anti-DWSism is lame and weak, imho.

You really don't like this woman. As you stated, it's not any particular comments that bother you, it IS her existence that "IS vile, unprofessional, and despicable."

Different strokes for different folks.

Roman said...

Col West will not take any crap from anyone, at anytime. He is a true leader, people will follow him. He is not poll driven, he says and does what he thinks is the right thing. We need more like him, less of Wasserman-Schultz.

Anonymous said...

Wasserman is a woman, but not a lady, and therefore doesn't deserve to be treated as such. Just like many liberal men - I can think of a dozen Democrat congressmen - aren't really gentlemen.

Show me where Rep. West, or anyone, has called a male out for not being "a gentleman" with regards to what he said on the congressional floor.

I'm not saying that she was right in the way that she approached it, but this was over the top. It's political discourse- people are going to say things on the floor that are less than flattering to you, in ways that are less than flattering to you. Prove them wrong, or at least show how they violated the rules or customs of the congress; don't just call names and pull out sexism-based stereotypes of how a person ought to act. West looks petty and sexist here.

- Lyssa

Scott M said...

As you stated, it's not any particular comments that bother you

Please show me where I stated that. I have very specific examples to draw on in regards to why I think she's an awful person that have nothing to do with this little brush up with West.

Your reading comprehension appears to be "lame".

Anonymous said...

"Show me where Rep. West, or anyone, has called a male out for not being "a gentleman" with regards to what he said on the congressional floor."

Maybe he hasn't had an opportunity yet? It appears that Wasserman has made a thing of attacking him over a period of time, so this is the result.

Plus, I have to say that liberal whining about sexism and misogyny is really losing it's punch when compared to the crap the left flings at Palin and Bachmen and any other conservative woman.

Like crying racism over and over, it just doesn't have the same sting any longer.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

West knows that Democrats have targeted his district and they believe he is vulnerable to defeat in 2012. But it's not just his seat they want, they know he is a Tea Party favorite, and his defeat would demoralize the movement.

He's under alot of pressure. He needs to keep his composure and not make emotional mistakes and outbursts they can use against him. Wasserman-Schultz wasted no time leaking that email to the press to hurt him politically, and it probably has. It was an unforced error on his part. He can't make many more mistakes like that.

Hagar said...

Col. West's response was improper and uncalled for. More civilized language would also have been much more effective.

And he was also wrong. As President Obama says, Debbie Wassermann Schulz is very cute and has a nice smile, and she is also quite clean and articulate.

Fred4Pres said...

Debbie does Allen. And Allen does Debbie right back.

le Douanier said...


I didn't read/comprehend a link proving that Wasserman IS a vile, unprofessional, and despicable woman, because you didn't provide it.

Lucius said...

DWS is a petty flack, and these comments of hers are typical of a pattern of blustery agitprop from her. She's obviously long self-appointed herself to be West's nemesis, so let her man-up and debate him to his face if she thinks she's all that.

chickelit said...

I wonder what Robin Givhen thinks about DWS's hair.

Isn't that important too?

Scott M said...


Show me where I stated (as you claim) no particular comment bothers me then I'll play ball with you. Until then, shake someone else's tree.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, since we have already tried Mr. Liberal Black cool and rational, pragmatic and cerebral....

I'm ready for Mr. Conservative Black, angry, pissed off and ready to rumble on some Liberal effing ass!

Palin/West: ready to rumble.

Clyde said...

Obama isn't an "angry black man," he's a "peevish black man," which is similar but different...

KCFleming said...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks Col. West doesn't know his place.

Trooper York said...

Wow I didn't know the guy from "Lost in Space" is a Congressman!

SGT Ted said...

Misogynist? Sexist?

Liberal women need to quit hiding behind their vaginas when they get criticised.

Mick said...

Waaserman Schultz is my Congressperson, unfortunately. She is the most idiotic, unAmerican member of the House beside Pelosi, Reid, Schumer. Unfortunately plenty of Old Jews, who vote against their own self interest, and are full of "white Jewish guilt", vote in this ignorant POS that has never really worked a day in her life. Thus she keeps getting reelected. Now she is in league with the Usurper, supporting the degradation of the US Constitution. She is a Treasonous Bitch. As for West, who lives nearby, I do not trust him until he "comes out" against the Usurper, which I know for a fact he is aware of.

Shockingly, the racist Reverand didn't send off any alarm bells to the "law prof" who voted, and still defends that vote, for a Usurper (born British). Education, i guess, doesn't trump common sense. How can a "law prof" vote for a Usurper?

Phil 314 said...

I still don't understand why the Dems have a sitting Representative as chair of DNC.

Anonymous said...

Plus, I have to say that liberal whining about sexism and misogyny is really losing it's punch when compared to the crap the left flings at Palin and Bachmen and any other conservative woman.

Are you trying to suggest that I'm a liberal? Seriously? You don't come around here much, do you?

When Senator Arlin Specter said the exact same bullshit thing about Michelle Bachmann, I decried it. (I even fought a passionate facebook based fight with a liberal friend, who claimed that that statement didn't compare to abortion issues, in which I explained that if exercising some responsiblity over my own sexuality (oh, and not killing people) is the price that I have to pay for opposing a party that thinks that "ladies" need to act a certain way and stay in their place, then I am more than happy to do so.) Yeah, call me a liberal feminist.

It's not nearly as bad as some of the worst things said about Rep. Bachmann or Ms. Palin, but that doens't make it right. If either was acting in a manner unbefitting of a congressional representative, or just plain indecent as a person, then the opponent should say that. There is no "lady" standard that applies here. It was sexist and wrong when Specter said it, and it's sexist and wrong now.

- Lyssa

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Show me where Rep. West, or anyone, has called a male out for not being "a gentleman" with regards to what he said on the congressional floor."

He only disparaged her status as a 'lady'. At least he didn't stoop to the levels of the Left and their paid stooges on television and call her what she really is: a bitchy whiny c*nt.

Had he done so, then we could say that he is no gentleman.

Personally, I think he used admirable restraint and that they should bring back pistol duels at dawn.

That'll show those crybaby anti-gun politicians. Should have paid more attention to the Second Amendment.

Scott M said...

How can a "law prof" vote for a Usurper?

How can you function when surrounded by traitors?

Mary Beth said...

"Angry black man", meh. It's what they are angry about that matters.

DADvocate said...

Wasserman Schultz is obviously racist and is pissed the black man wandered from the plantation.

Titus said...

He totally hates gays.

I like that it in a man.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Lyssa

While I agree that West's comments probably would better have been not in an email that can be disseminated as a club to be used against him....

I disagree that he should be held to a higher or different standard than the one your enemy is using.

It seems that one side (the Libs) are playing by a different set of rules and conduct than the Conservatives are being held to. Double dealing, cheating, lying, name calling are the weapons in this war and West(as an example) is not allowed to respond.

We ARE at war as he stated. An ideological war and a serious one for the future of our country and for our children and grandchildren.

I don't know about you, but I want to WIN this war and don't care how nice I'm expected to play when the other side is using all the dirty tricks.

It is an ideological war, for now.

Mick said...

Scott M said...
"How can a "law prof" vote for a Usurper?

How can you function when surrounded by traitors?"

It's not easy, but the Truth sets me free.

bagoh20 said...

Why a man - black or otherwise - is angry is what matters. If you are not angry about the fiscal situation of this nation and not angry at the stupid reasons and people responsible for it, then you should stay off the field. Your mind and heart are not up to the challenges before us.

Shanna said...

While I agree that West's comments probably would better have been not in an email that can be disseminated as a club to be used against him....

But don't you think he did that on purpose? So everything he said was for public consumption, otherwise he wouldnt' have put it in an email in the first place, not to mention CC'ing so many people, just to make sure it got out. (if he didn't expect it to get out, he is exceptionally stupid)

So all that "you're not a lady" stuff was for public consumption. It's hardly the worst thing he could say, but it was a weird fit in that email, in which he told her to shut the heck up. Is that gentlemanly conduct? Meh.

Anonymous said...

When you attack the character of a man of character, you are not likely to get a meek response....just sayin'.

Those in Congress who say West should not have responded speaks to their character, not his.

Shanna said...

Why a man - black or otherwise - is angry is what matters. If you are not angry about the fiscal situation of this nation and not angry at the stupid reasons and people responsible for it, then you should stay off the field. Your mind and heart are not up to the challenges before us.

Here, here, bagoh.

Scott M said...

It's not easy, but the Truth sets me free.

Just remember that Kaczynski ate dog, so there's no shame in it.

sakredkow said...

Here it is 51 comments and she was only called a cunt twice.

Cheryl said...

Glad to see someone has finally identified Wasserman Schultz precisely. West is exactly right, and "vile" describes her perfectly.

Mick said...

Scott M said...
"It's not easy, but the Truth sets me free.

Just remember that Kaczynski ate dog, so there's no shame in it."

Truth will win in the end, and you will have been on the wrong side of it.

ricpic said...

You can't make an outrageous statement about the crew that is gleefully turning the United States into Argentina. What could you possibly say about Obama & Co. that would be remotely as outrageous as what they are deliberately doing to our country?

Big Mike said...

There's a reason why some Black men move to the conservative side -- it's usually a combination of intelligence (c.f. Thomas Sowell and the Steele twins) and anger at being patronized by Democrats. So it doesn't surprise me if Allen West has a little anger towards brain-dead Democrats (of which Wasserman-Schultz is an exemplar) attempting to patronize him.

Aren't they in neighboring districts? I wonder what would happen if West campaigns for Wasserman-Shultz's opponent in 2012 and she campaigns for his opponent? I have a feelign that she'd be the one to lose.

Mick said...

Shanna said...
"Why a man - black or otherwise - is angry is what matters. If you are not angry about the fiscal situation of this nation and not angry at the stupid reasons and people responsible for it, then you should stay off the field. Your mind and heart are not up to the challenges before us.

Here, here, bagoh."

Likewise, Bravo!! This is the worst, most UnAmerican, tresonous group of Legislators ever. They will be judged harshly in the glaring light of history. I will strive to elect no more lawyers.

MayBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason said...

I don't believe West sent that email.

I won't believe it's West until he holds a gun to somebody's head.

Jason said...

When servicemembers had been the victims of a number of politically motivated violent assaults from leftards, another Congresscritter proposed putting politically motivated attacks on uniformed servicemembers under the same "hate crimes" laws that cover attacks on certain other libtard-favored constituencies.

Wasserman-Schultz opposed the move, saying they weren't REAL victims. Unlike gays and Jews. She stated that passing legislation granting servicemen and women the same protection hate crimes legislation grants to gays to be disrespectful of gays.

Now, I don't like hate crimes legislation as a matter of principle. But that just goes to show you what kind of twit we're dealing with here.

Mick said...

Big Mike said...
"There's a reason why some Black men move to the conservative side -- it's usually a combination of intelligence (c.f. Thomas Sowell and the Steele twins) and anger at being patronized by Democrats. So it doesn't surprise me if Allen West has a little anger towards brain-dead Democrats (of which Wasserman-Schultz is an exemplar) attempting to patronize him.

Aren't they in neighboring districts? I wonder what would happen if West campaigns for Wasserman-Shultz's opponent in 2012 and she campaigns for his opponent? I have a feelign that she'd be the one to lose."

I live in Schultz' S. Fl. district, and West's district is just as contaminated w/ Liberal N. Eastern Intelligistas and Jews, so it is quite a feat that he won. Many of those Jews, though not all (voting against your own self interest is a habit) are starting to become uneasy w/ the Usurper's increasingly pro-Muslim, anti- Israeli stances. The more religiously Conservative or closer to Israel (immigrant) the Jew, the more likely to be anti Obama.
I will celebrate the day that the disgustiong traitor, Wasserman Schultz, is defeated.

edutcher said...

Col West has proven himself to be a man of conscience and honor.

DWS has proven herself to be an airhead and a hack.

And I think the good colonel is getting very tired of the cheap Mediscare tactics. So he told her off.

Good for him.

bagoh20 said...

West is indeed and angry Black man, and it's nice to have some (like Crack MC) on the right side of issues for a change. Listening to to lefty angry blacks who pine for a return to slavery through Communism or Islam is grating and makes me embarrassed for the brothers.

West is a man of real honor and character. Such people have no choice but to be angry in politics. I don't mind a little anger if the assertions are true, and the enemy vicious and deceitful. This is the case here.

MayBee said...

It is a crazy world we live in, where DWS and Nancy Pelosi are considered strong women in leadership positions.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Andrea Mitchell said Wasserman Schulz was a good choice for DNC Chair because she is telegenic.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Andrea Mitchell said Wasserman Schulz was a good choice for DNC Chair because she is telegenic.

So was Lassie.

Chip S. said...

I don't mind a bit of righteous anger either, but after watching the clip of DWS I didn't really see why West didn't just ridicule her for spouting nothing more than a laughable string of Obama talking points.

I was expecting a lot more of an Alan Grayson-level performance than what I saw. I suppose a former military officer isn't used to the kind of mindless blather that makes up most Congressional "debate."

James said...

From: Z112 West, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM
To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric
Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz

Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!

I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!

Steadfast and Loyal

Congressman Allen B West (R-FL)

Anonymous said...

"Are you trying to suggest that I'm a liberal? Seriously? You don't come around here much, do you"

Lord, not a "Don't you know who I am?" comment. Gotta love those.

Anyway, no I don't come here as often as some, but when I have I've managed to avoid you so far which from what I can tell is probably a good thing for both of us.

As to whether his comment was sexist or not, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. After having listened to Wasserman one way too many occasions, I can only say that she is indeed "vile, unprofessional and despicable" and doesn't come close to being a lady - a title that in no way demeans a woman in my opinion. If she were a man - and frankly I'm not sure she isn't - she wouldn't be a gentleman either.

Kurt said...

I found myself thinking pretty much the same thing as West when I saw saw the first cars driving around with Obama 2012 bumper stickers in early June. If you want to mark yourself as a certifiable loon, I can think of no better way than to voluntarily drive around with one of those stickers on your car.

Firehand said...

"Rev. Wright almost cost him his run for the presidency because of fears of the angry black man," [says author and political activist Paul Street] ....
Absolute bullcrap. Wright was and is a problem for Obama because he's a Jew-hater, a racist and a socialist; but all that's not important, no, him being a 'angry black man' is the whole problem.


MayBee said...

I remember when Joe Biden and Jim Webb told tales about how horribly rude they were to George W Bush as a way to impress voters.

I don't really care much for this kind of talk, but apparently there is an appetite for it. It certainly didn't hurt Biden.

edutcher said...

Thanks, James.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Andrea Mitchell said Wasserman Schulz was a good choice for DNC Chair because she is telegenic.

So was Lassie.

And Lassie was smarter.

PS Lyssa is a regular here and pretty Conservative.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If you want to mark yourself as a certifiable loon, I can think of no better way than to voluntarily drive around with one of those stickers on your car.

Or worse....STILL wearing that Obama bumper sticker along with a global warming bumper sticker.

bagoh20 said...

"Obama/Biden 2012"

Yea, that will get you laid. Even the lesbians would expect too much pussy attached to that.

A little red book on the dashboard would set it off nice.

Mick said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
"If you want to mark yourself as a certifiable loon, I can think of no better way than to voluntarily drive around with one of those stickers on your car.

Or worse....STILL wearing that Obama bumper sticker along with a global warming bumper sticker."

And the COEXIST sticker.

JAL said...

I would prefer to know where a person actually stands than always be guessing where the "Mr. Equanimity and Mr. Consolation" stands.

Now that Americans have figured out the latter we wish we'd had the former.

Mr. E&C is a designing Liar. With a captial L.

While it worked to get his way around Occidental, Columbia, Harvard and Chicago, the rubes are a bit more savvy than he expected.

Lance said...

West and Wasserman-Schultz are two sides of worthless coin.

Mick said...

Lance said...
"West and Wasserman-Schultz are two sides of worthless coin."


Scott M said...

Even the lesbians would expect too much pussy attached to that.

Best joke from this past weekend:

"A Cocteau Twins reunion with Wanda Sykes opening? Yeah...a lot of softball-related injuries in that crowd."

Anonymous said...

"PS Lyssa is a regular here and pretty Conservative."

More the pity for jumping on the sexism bandwagon.

As an aside, I'm not trying to attack another commenter personally - it's not about us as they say - I just don't see any sexism in what he said. Calling a woman a lady is not sexist any more than calling a woman an actress instead of an actor is sexist. It's just uber-PC bullshit or there would be only one Best Actor category with men and women mixed.

So saying she is not a lady is not sexist either. She doesn't act like one so why lie about it.

Now as to if it was politically smart of him to do so, who knows. I personally don't think it is going to hurt him with any of his supporters.

JAL said...

Now back to Allen West.

What is the problem here?

Forget the hype and the shock SHOCK!! I tell you of the *un-civility* of this all (!!11!!!)

Is it true?

It certainly was unprofessional (though maybe not for Barack Obama's brand of "Professional Politicians").

If it is not a factual statement, but one of opinion, is Allen West not allowed to express his opinion of her? Debbie Double Name sure has no trouble from what I have seen so far of being over the top and ugly in her public pronouncements.

I actually thik what West said is pretty cool, given the Fake Civility the Dems want to preen their feathers with.

Honesty is refreshing.

And yes, Debbie Double Name Chicken Heart, stop giving women a bad name with this behind the back name calling.

Fight like a man. Or shut up.

Scott M said...

It's just uber-PC bullshit or there would be only one Best Actor category with men and women mixed.

My most liberal friends cannot STAND to have it thrown into a debate on PC that their from the side that came up with it, insisted on it at every level, and still tries to maintain it even in the face of a generational waning in patience for their bullshit.

JAL said...

What if Debbie Double Name was black and Allen West was white?

As Lennon sang ... just Imagine!

wv coputsy
Mmm ...

bagoh20 said...

"West and Wasserman-Schultz are two sides of worthless coin."

That is as far from wisdom as is possible.

I have an endless list of ways Mr. West has and can be a valuable asset, in almost any situation, but I can't think of one for Ms. Wasserman-Schultz, except maybe as a poster child for a bad result at the ballot box. Seriously, what could you do with her if she was at your beck and call. I wouldn't hire her to clean my bathroom.

Now imagine having West as part of your team. I'd hire West to run my company, or I'd work for him. The differences between them is as wide as possible for two humans.

This is easliy provable by simply looking at their lives so far.

Shanna said...

Calling a woman a lady is not sexist any more than calling a woman an actress instead of an actor is sexist.

Telling someone they are NOT a "lady" has far different connotations than just calling them an actress. It's very old school, wearing a hat and gloves, speaking softly, etc..etc.. I'm not saying it's sexist exactly, but it didn't really fit in that email to me.

(side note: This whole thing reminds me of my favorite line from gwtw when Rhett tells Scarlett "we're not gentlemen, and we have no honor".)

bagoh20 said...

"What if Debbie Double Name was black and Allen West was white?"

I don't see that making much difference, but if the political parties were reversed, then opinions would change. But, of course that makes all the difference, because one angry person is on the side of right-mindedness and the other is a #@$%er.

MadisonMan said...

What if Debbie Double Name was black and Allen West was white?

Flip the genders too. Imagine if (s)he had said he was not a gentleman. Has a Female politician ever said that about a Male Politician (You are not a gentleman) without sounding like a pathetic whiner? Why does West get a pass because he says She is Not a Lady?

Anonymous said...

"Telling someone they are NOT a "lady" has far different connotations than just calling them an actress. It's very old school, wearing a hat and gloves, speaking softly, etc..etc.. I'm not saying it's sexist exactly, but it didn't really fit in that email to me."

Agreed, it's an insult, which was how it was meant. A deserved one at that.

My comparison - perhaps poorly made - was that lady isn't sexist compared to gentleman anymore than actress isn't sexist compared to actor. Had Wasserman said West was not a gentleman would any man be claiming sexism? I doubt it.

Basically if you want to be gender neutral to please the ladies (sorry couldn't resist) about this he could have said she had "no class", which clearly she does not.

Anonymous said...

"Has a Female politician ever said that about a Male Politician (You are not a gentleman) without sounding like a pathetic whiner?"

Well, Margaret Thatcher comes to mind. Or maybe that's just the British accent.

Carol_Herman said...

Reagan never would have done that!

If you can't twinkle and shrug off your opponents ... you'll never win elections.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Telling someone they are NOT a "lady" has far different connotations than just calling them an actress. It's very old school, wearing a hat and gloves, speaking softly, etc..etc..

Telling someone that they are not a "lady" doesn't mean that the definition of lady is a compliant, weak, helpless person. Calling a woman a "lady" is not an insult or a misogynistic statement.

Some of the toughest people on the planet are ladies. Just look at Margaret Thatcher or any Steel Magnolia from the South.

Ladies all, but do NOT cross them.

Kurt said...

edutcher said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Andrea Mitchell said Wasserman Schulz was a good choice for DNC Chair because she is telegenic.

So was Lassie.

And Lassie was smarter.

Now maybe Andrea Mitchell thinks Wasserman-Schultz is telegenic, but imho, Lassie is much, much, much better looking, even if we acknowledge that Lassie was a male dog in drag.

Anonymous said...

"Steel Magnolia from the South."

Well, bless your heart aren't you (insert insult here.)

Works well for Southern Belles (my wife is one). No man could pull that off though.

Anonymous said...

"My comparison - perhaps poorly made - was that lady isn't sexist compared to gentleman anymore than actress isn't sexist compared to actor."

Ugh, too many double negatives and typos in that horrible sentence. You get my point though I hope.

Anonymous said...

Calling a woman a lady is not sexist any more than calling a woman an actress instead of an actor is sexist.

Whether calling a woman a "lady" is sexist or not depends on your personal value system.

The question is not how anyone else perceived it, but by how West meant it.

In West's world, women are to be held in the highest esteem, and all are to be treated with respect and dignity--a lady, if you will.

"You're no lady" is the highest insult West could muster; even if it really means nothing at all to Naziman Shultz.

Michael said...

DWS is an idiot. The main thing, however, is to find out if West ever reached across bridges the way our half black leader did to get to his perch. Who writes that shit?

Shanna said...

If you can't twinkle and shrug off your opponents ... you'll never win elections.

I agree, that is a very useful skill for a politician to have.

Telling someone that they are not a "lady" doesn't mean that the definition of lady is a compliant, weak, helpless person.

And I didn’t say it was. I see what you're seeing, and I actually think I see what West was saying, but in the context it came off as a little odd. When did Miss Debbie ever claim to be a lady. Why are we all pinky's in the air all of a sudden. He just told her she should shut up if she's not willing to say it to his face. That is completely valid but then to get all prissy "you madam are no lady!" is mixed up to me.

Calling a woman a "lady" is not an insult or a misogynistic statement.

Of course, not but he didn’t do that. He told her she was “not” a lady, which could very well be an insult and was obviously intended to be one. And I think it could be misogynistic, depending on how it was used. (Sub in miss Sarah Palin and what would you think if someone said she was not a “lady” because she dared to fight back, etc,,etc,,. That would be intended as, and taken as, an insult.)

I’ve already said, I have no problem with him calling out this person (although as Carol said, it’s better to do so with a twinkle than a scowl), but I thought that was an odd finish to the email and I think that’s what put Lyssa off.

Valentine Smith said...

To a man like West, to not be a lady is far worse than being a cunt.

West is an Officer and a Gentleman in a culture that sees honor as, at best, a troubling anachronism evoking blood soaked fields.

Ubi sunt, man, ubi sunt? Where have they gone?

That's the Right's fatal flaw—it values shame in a shameless, valueless world. The result is that they are inevitably hoisted on their own petard.

MayBee said...

If he would have said, "You, sir, are not a gentlemen" it would have been nbd.

So that part of the letter is nbd.

Sabinal said...

I'm not going to criticize West because the media will automatically diss him because he's not in the fashionable political party. Besides, it is just one "faux pas". It's not like he tried to take away our light bulbs or add to the gas tax.

mtrobertsattorney said...

The argument here is over two definitions of the word "lady". Modern culture understands it to mean white gloves, siting silent with a smile, weakness etc, etc. Modern feminism has given us this meaning. Hence the criticism of Rep. West's use of the word.

The older definition has connotations of elegance, intelligence, poise and strength of character. This is how West used the word. As an earlier commentator pointed out, Col. West comes from a culture that attaches a much different meaning to the words "Gentleman and Lady" than does our modern culture.

Anonymous said...

DWS is a yankee. Col. West is a southerner, a gentleman, the son of a soldier.

Col. West would never insult a lady--hence, he made the critical distinction.

There's history between these two, nastiness that has not yet been revealed and won't. Col. West is a gentleman. He's spoken clearly. DWS no longer exists to him.

jamboree said...

White guys are kinda pathetic when it comes to black guys (at least white guys of my generation and older). The projections they hit them with - positive and negative - all feeding off of the same cartoonish image, but interpreted differently.

Dustin said...

It's interesting that anyone would say West was in error, when you actually consider, specifically, what he was complaining about, which was vulgar and unladylike.

His response is extremely mild, and quite honest.

So she's a female. So what? She is trashy, and if she doesn't like being criticized for being trash she shouldn't act like trash. West has to defend himself from these thugs. There's no way to avoid being tarred as an extremist anymore, so it's best to just honestly say what's in your heart and hope the voters are smart enough to evaluate it.

West has cleverly turned this into a battle between the character of himself and Schultz. In our guts, we know.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

All this discussion of who is a lady and what does it mean to be a lady, forces me to link to

She's no lady

Anonymous said...

Well, a Southern gentleman always assumes a woman is a lady until she proves otherwise.

Being that West is every bit a Southern gentleman I'm sure he waited a long time before deciding that Wasserman was not a lady. Or rather, he probably figured it out pretty quickly, it just took him a while to get riled-up enough about it to say so in public.

Revenant said...

West is wound a little too tightly for Congress, I think.

dreams said...

Black Republicans are supposed to know their place and keep their Uncle Tom mouths shut. Althouse should know that.

Methadras said...

Oh, Urkel certainly is an angry black man. He just knows how to temper it properly so as to not show it outwardly and have the elite whitey's in DC murmur themselves to death about it.

Anonymous said...

When a man tells another man "you're no gentleman", it's an ambiguous statement that may get an unpredictable response. The recipient may actually take it as a badge of honor, given the source. For men, we have friends, colleagues, opponents, and hopefully few enemies.

But, everyone knows that when a man calls out another man like that, it's for a normal manly reason, and part of the normal ebb and flow of relationships and alliances, i.e. unremarkable. It's no use holding back, get it out in the open, so that everybody knows where things stand. Don't be a cowardly whispering backstabber.

But when a man calls out a woman, all the women get the vapors. Hey, if you wanna pee with the big dogs, you're gonna have to get used to the barking and growl right back. Establishing the hierarchy is an important and essential component of good social order and productive societies. If you want a mixed-gender hierarchy, then you are going to have to play it the man's way. Men won't be sissies for you.

MadisonMan said...

he could have said she had "no class"

Classy with a K, as we say at my house.

traditionalguy said...

West has the guts to attack the Dem lies as fast as they spout them>

He will be the point man in Obama's defeat. A Black man can say it all without being discounted as a rascist

The truth boldly proclaimed by a strong Herald is the Krytonitethat will be needed to fight SuperObamaMan's claims.

foxlets14 said...

Allen West is a true warrior. Not a fake warrior like Harkin or Blumenthal Tough to be a warrior in a Congress full of piss ants.

Cedarford said...

Is Wasserman-Shultz vile, narcisstic, pushy, big-mouthed, abrasive and no lady?

Of course.

She is the female Anthony Weiner doppleganger. Who was also from NYC and in a heavily Jewish District that elected him again and again. (Because certain select places in America extoll the vile, pushy, swell-headed, big-mouthed, abrasive, and no lady/gentleman sorts.)

Not that it is confined to NYC and places NYC Jews retire to.
Think Maxine Waters and Shirley Jackson Lee. Same personality type, but dumber, but regularly re-elected. Or Newt. Same but a brighter asshole.

Put Debbie, Anthony, Maxine, Newt, Shirley in with Obama and expect a shout-down of who is the smartesst and best person in the room.

Obama would lose, but probably come across as the most likable and articulate of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

So Wasserman/Blabbermouth decided to tangle with this man?


As they say: "Good luck with that ..."


sakredkow said...

So Wasserman/Blabbermouth decided to tangle with this man?
As they say: "Good luck with that ..."

Seems like he already lost.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not a lady.

Job description sounds like a drag.

Anonymous said...

btw - the yankees didn't win the war because they were gentlemen (and ladies).

Harriet Tubman weren't no d*mn lady - she acted as a scout for Union troops in S. Carolina.

I would never want a "Lady" as a political representative. Would you?

ken_anthony said...

unwise to call all Obama voters out if he has further political aspirations

Mob name calling defines the left and with youth voters it works. Fight fire with fire... or shorter version... FIGHT! dammit.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I would never want a "Lady" as a political representative. Would you?

Depending on what your definition of 'lady' is....hell yes.

My definition is similar the the iron hand in the velvet glove.

The Steel Magnolias of the South are the epitome of Lady-like.

Women who are as sweet as sugar pie, wouldn't say shit if their mouth was full of it..... but would gut and fillet you like a catfish if you got in their way or threatened their family.

Yes. I would like to have a 'lady' like that as my representative.

Anonymous said...

"Harriet Tubman weren't no d*mn lady - she acted as a scout for Union troops in S. Carolina.

I would never want a "Lady" as a political representative. Would you?"

Seems you think that a lady can't be tough, when I can name a bevy of ladies who would prove otherwise.

And yeah I would prefer my political representatives to be gentlemen and ladies.

amr said...

Rep. West gave up his career in the Army by violating the Army manual to protect his men. He has honor and integrity and is not about to put up with fools now that he is free of the military constraints.

amr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Oh, give me a break:

Obama's election was supposed to the end of the Republican Party - I was told so, in the most crass terms possible, on my blog and to my face - so the idea that some of us - especially the black some of us, who get the blowback in a more intense manner than the rest - see the Democrats not just as the loyal opposition, but as something more, isn't unusual - it's the way it is. The Republican party was invented to free the slaves. Well, we are free, and payback is a motherfucker:

Allen West is taking it to the enemy as all of us should.

Fuck the Democrats.

buddy larsen said...

I like West. He's refreshing. I wish him all the luck in the world. With a congressful of Wests, this country would be businesslike, honest, fearless, and overall in fine shape. The message to our huge Slobbovian faction would be "Shape up or ship out". That's the only message that is going to keep us from becoming an actual rather than a potential truck farm for the Eurasian continent.

buddy larsen said...

I like West. He's refreshing. I wish him all the luck in the world. With a congressful of Wests, this country would be businesslike, honest, fearless, and overall in fine shape. The message to our huge Slobbovian faction would be "Shape up or ship out". That's the only message that is going to keep us from becoming an actual rather than a potential truck farm for the Eurasian continent.

Moneyrunner said...

In my humble opinion, self-identified rubes should not get into discussions about the difference between women and ladies.

Anonymous said...

phx said...

"Seems like he already lost."

May I dispassionately recommend the Greek word *idiotes for your condition ...

(*An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The synonymous terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refer to someone with low intelligence.)


Anonymous said...

"Women who are as sweet as sugar pie, wouldn't say shit if their mouth was full of it..... but would gut and fillet you like a catfish if you got in their way or threatened their family."

I'm for the gut and fillet type. Of course, it can be done in the nicest way possible.

But I've never been impressed by men who want women to be ladies. If they want women to act like gentlemen, sure, no problem.

In the 19th century, a woman who wasn't a "lady" was an excuse to treat a woman badly if she didn't keep quiet.

ie - see Gen. Benjamin "the Beast" Butler. Threatened to treat the ladies of New Orleans like prostitutes, or "public women of the city" if they didn't stop pulling their skirts away from soldiers as they walked down the road.

Anonymous said...

"Women who are as sweet as sugar pie, wouldn't say shit if their mouth was full of it..... but would gut and fillet you like a catfish if you got in their way or threatened their family."

I'm for the gut and fillet type. Of course, it can be done in the nicest way possible.

But I've never been impressed by men who want women to be ladies. If they want women to act like gentlemen, sure, no problem.

In the 19th century, a woman who wasn't a "lady" was an excuse to treat a woman badly if she didn't keep quiet.

ie - see Gen. Benjamin "the Beast" Butler. Threatened to treat the ladies of New Orleans like prostitutes, or "public women of the city" if they didn't stop pulling their skirts away from soldiers as they walked down the road.

DADvocate said...

Truth will win in the end,...

I like to believe that. Being 60 years old, I'm just wondering if the truth will win during my lifetime. We seem to have a lot of useful idiots out there and a ruling class that only seeks power over the populace.

Nate Whilk said...

Althouse wrote, Or have media folk on the other side of that "ideological clash" decided that the way to ruin Allen West's potential for a brilliant career is to portray him as hotheaded and irrational?

Maybe it'll be worse than that. Angry, uncontrollable Negro threatens white woman.

wv: dendro

Tree, tree-like. Hmm.

Fat Man said...

"Debbie Wasserman Schultz"

Old Jewish joke:

Why do Jewish wives live longer than their husbands?

Because the husbands want to die.

Exhibit A: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Toad Trend said...

@fat man

LOL, truth be told!

@Crack Emcee @ 7:22pm

Outstanding and I stand with all that profess the same.


Heh, I suppose there is NO time in your world for outrage. Elitists LOVE 'decorum'. You are full of shit pal. BTW your eyes are a bit on the light brown side, you must be a quart low.

Ken said...

I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, BetaOffer.com

Nate Whilk said...

Quoting myself: Maybe it'll be worse than that. Angry, uncontrollable Negro threatens white woman.

Or maybe just "uppity (n-word), doesn't know his place".

sakredkow said...

According to Wolf Blitzer, West said he apologized to Wasserman. She told Blitzer she hadn't gotten an apology.

Sorry if this was already mentioned in the comments.

Michael said...

I don't want to have to have to go through the whole long list, but a white female Jewish Democrat trumps a black Republican of any gender. All categories of race, gender and sexual persuasion trump white Republicans, of course, but the nuances of trumping get more nuanced as you add competing/non-conforming sub-categories. The Democrats and the MSM get it, the Republicans are left to deal with it. Neck and neck with black Republicans as objects of contempt are attractive Republican white women.

traditionalguy said...

West has won this fight. His branding her as vile and not a lady will stick.

The result will be wide open eyes to obvious the next 10 times she plays her vile deceiver role under cover of being a smart woman.

Branding the characters in the play is how political drama works.

buddy larsen said...

West was just on FoxbizNews --Stuart Varney interview. Two takeaways: (1) the email was in reference to a string of attacks over a period of time, not just the one, and it was a private email, which Ms W-S ''chose to make public'', and (2) to Varney's question re whether or not, since he did not expect public release, he now regrets any of the words he used, West, amiable and relaxed, said something along the lines of "No, I think not --perhaps having been so long in the service, my language is a little blunt for some tastes, but no, I think I'll stay with what I said."


Bravo, Mr. Congressman. Letting the chips fall where they may is what gets the trailblazing work done.

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