In front of the Capitol today, protesters dressed as zombies stood between Governor Scott Walker and the group of Special Olympics participants he was honoring.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
ADDED: Here's a comment at the Walkerville Facebook page:
I don't know about anyone else but Im alright with this. Walker's actions affect many of these people more than me. They have every right to know what is going on in the state; most of them probably already do. Honestly I find the fact tht he was addressing this group offensive. It's like when he goes and visits a school. What a hypocritical liar.
These were the signs:
God hates Special Olympics participants!
The intrusion of politics into every area of life.
Know when to let it go.
Exclamation point! So cool!
What a bunch of flaming ignorant assholes--take the sorry bastards out and shoot them--one at a time.
(to be clear the "protesters" this is free speech wisconsin style--Lord althouse--your wisconsinites are some prett.y fucked up people
One sign read: "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
I'm not sure what that witticism even has to do with the assholes' protest. Did this moron just hear this 50-year-old joke and think "Hey, that's a good one, I'll put it on my sign", even though it has nothing to do with their protest?
And zombies? Is this in reference to Walker's half-baked plan to cause the dead to rise from their graves and feast upon the flesh of the living?
But hey, they did teach those special olympians who's boss. Too bad this footage has zero chance of being shown on any network but Fox.
Scumbags. I don't want to waste a minute thinking about them, except to say that they are the dregs of society. The most self-obsessed, ignorant, hateful group in American politics today is the group of protesters in Madison. Westboro Baptist Church hasn't even sunk that low. Worthless human beings who should be shunned by decent society, every stinking one of them.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
That would be a good question for Anthony Weiner too.
What do you expect from a group of attention whores with chronic cases of arrested development.
"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a liberal kid..."
"It's for the children."
I don't think these people care about actually achieving any sort of political victory. They are in it for the theater and the self-perceived righteousness. Just like the Westboro cranks.
This whole thing does seem to have devolved into farce overall. Or maybe that's just the chosen Althouse narrative.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
Because they are a bunch of selfish self centerd whining Wieners, who only care about themselves. They live in a bubble and probably never question anything about their own beliefs. So sure that they are the elite, the chosen, the deserving.
Bunch of c@nts
They can all go pound sand.
"how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?"
They have different priorities. Part of achieving status as a leftist is showing what you're willing to do. Anyone can stand up and say racism is bad. But are you willing to be an asshole for the cause? Are you willing to stand in front of ten thousand people and make an ass of yourself? If so, you too can write for The Nation.
Cook's apprenticeship is commenting here.
pop the cap on a nuke with madison as ground zero--will certainly santize the rest of the United States--what a bunch of perverted mofos--you know--as duranty said: got a break a few eggs to make an omlette
"how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?"
You assume they're blind. They're not. They don't care. "You have to break some eggs to make an omelette"
Unconscionable behaviors!
But "ZOMBIES" is a very fitting description of SUMI. And, the other democrapic bats. And, the unions who could muster the lunatics who did this!
At least the word is going out, here, that the ZOMBIES, who are ZOMBIES showed up to parade.
TRUTH IN ADVERTISING. Who would have known? Looks like the left will own the naked putz stories, as well.
They trust the mainstream media not to depict them in a negative light. I doubt you'll see this on the nightlight news.
What do the protesters have against the Special Olympics???
The intrusion of politics into every area of life.
This. I'm starting to believe that all liberalism is today is the desire to push politics into every area of life. And what's absurd is they still call themselves liberal.
I'm sure, someone will say, "but Gov. Walker and/or the Special Olympics made it political!" as if previous Wisconsin Governors never held ceremonies for the Special Olympics.
This is just flat out wrong. I cannot fathom the point of ruining the special day for these participants.
But don't they think that they're clever? Yes they do.
Mobs typically act like the worst of their members.
Many pithy statements and much of human experience attest to this sad fact.
Thank for you Madison Police for not doing a d*** thing to protect the rights of the Special Olympians. Your silence speaks volumes.
Boy I hope that Garage Mahal still got his medal.
Sorry that was a cheap joke.
I'm sure, someone will say, "but Gov. Walker and/or the Special Olympics made it political!" as if previous Wisconsin Governors never held ceremonies for the Special Olympics.
Just like politicians having family onstage at the end of a convention just like every politician ever makes them fair game. Even if they are 2 years old. Fair Game!!
"Shame, shame, shame."
When I saw the spinning logo at the beginning, I thought New Media had went and got fancy.
Pastafarian said...
One sign read: "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
Instant youtube classic if you can find a paraplegic kid who participated in the Special Olympics this year.
Typical Madisonian dipshits. They really think that their cause is so goddamned important that they would interfere with an event like this. This makes me even more ashamed to live in Madison, and to work around these self-entitled punks at UW.
We should send all of these leftards to a third world country, and then they would see what real hardship is all about.
They don't even understand the first thing about human rights.
Absolutely absurd.
This is blind leftardism for the sheer sake of it. Slogans, chants, and disruption is all these people know. They are nothing more than children expressing their temper tantrums. Now, who is going to give them the beating they deserve?
I find Meade's comment from the other day very apropos here.
..It would not be inappropriate for the protesters to now sing to themselves, in harmony, with feeling, and all together now, their well-practiced chant of "shame, shame, shame."
Shame indeed.
I was getting the same 'westboro church' vibe. Sad and disgusting.
The apologists for the Feb/March hooligans share much of the blame for these disguting pellets of human waste,(and probably share much of the same contempt for the Special Olympians who dared intrude "their" space).
Hope you're all very proud of yourselves, "Liberals". Maybe tomorrow you can go beat on some blind orphans so people pay even more attention to your "plight" of possibly retiring with less than a guaranteed six-figure lifetime income. Those kids don't know suffering, you do.
What's wrong with an eclectic parade?
It's a very powerful protest that grabbed the hearts of Walker fans and made them reconsider. It's almost unfair. I mean..everyone loves Zombies.
How can they be so blind?
Because in their own mind, THEY are the persecuted VICTIMS of a tyrant. Nothing else and no one else matters.
Great video for Republicans to use to show what they are fighting against. Strident leftists who don't understand what the term "shared sacrifice" means.
Need MadisonMan here to explain how it was really on the Special Olympics people to go up and nicely ask the zombies to be quiet. How could the zombies possibly know they're being a bother unless someone explains it to them?
"Great video for Republicans to use to show what they are fighting against."
Just in time for the recall elections.
Can you say "Bad optics?" can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
I believe Althouse is being inadvertently unkind... to the blind.. A seeing eye dog would have more sense than these morons.
Their flaming compassion for themselves makes them complete ass holes.
The Wisconsin protesters went full retard. Never go full retard.
The Special Olympians know you never go full retard.
You went full retard, man.
No "new civility" tag?
I guess that's dead now, huh.
Zombies indeed.
Lucky my older retarded brother wasn't there; he gets pissed off at zombies. Punches like a mofo too, lemme tell ya.
These protesters are animated by an idea that is in total contradiction to, I dare say, the great majority of Americans.
To most Americans there are some things greater than themselves.. to these jerks there is nothing greater than themselves.
But it's 'ok' to protest against Walker in this setting...because paying 6% of healthcare costs and 12% of retirement costs is WAY tougher than, say, dealing with chronic mental and physical disability.
Not sure how standing silently is disrupting.
But this is surely disrupting the special Olympics.
The House GOP's budget, which passed last month, takes a hatchet to programs for disabled kids and Special Olympics athletes. The proposed cuts could force the closure of at least one Special Olympics program, which is funded through the Department of Education. Dubbed Project UNIFY, the program serves more than 750,000 students in 43 states and draws from techniques used in Special Olympics training for activities in public schools.
You went full retard, man
That was a very funny movie.
I resisted it for a long time until some people convinced me to give it a chance.
The protestors needed a hug.
Put that clip in the dictionary as the illustration for the definition of the phrase, "sense of entitlement".
I have a young friend who is competing in the Special Olympics this year for the first time (not in Wisconsin, thank goodness). She just earned some medals in the state-wide competition the other day. It's beyond my ability to describe how much this achievement means to this child and her family. Medals at any level are brand-new to her, and state-wide achievement in a running race was not supposed to be in her repertoire -- heck, walking was not supposed to be in her repertoire. The whole family has been glowing for a week.
It wasn't enough to shut down a blood drive? Now they've got to take once-in-a-lifetime achievements away from disabled kids? These people seem to WANT to destroy what little public good will they may have left.
Nice. Real nice.
Putting the wacko in Madison Wacko.
It gets back to a total lack of diversity in dumbfuck Madison. When you live in a town that is made up of 95% wackos, you don't realize how stupid you are.
Alt and Meade are liberals who are aware of the outside world.
They know that disrupting an event for the Special Olympics is totally f*cked.
A concept that never came close to crossing the minds of these people.
Hey, Lem
You recently quoted from a new book by David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge.
I immediately got a copy and am about halfway through it. Marvelous.
mrs whatsit....I visited friends in Minnesota this weekend and ran a 5K race where the proceeds went to the Special Olympics. An athelete addressed the crowd.
Minnesota is known as a liberal state, but I can't help but think how classless Madison is.
Reason #18473902745 to dislike PESU's.
It's so horrible. These protestors are hurting the Progressive project. Don'cha know, Progressivism is the ideal political movement, it's just that the people aren't good enough for it yet, so we have to keep trying.
Yeah, just keep ignoring the 20th Century and its human abattoirs of people not good enough for the Progressive elite, including the Special Olympians.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
Once you understand how hard it is to fire a public servant, you'll have your answer. Also, U of W students don't have to answer to nobody.
Allen S, so true. I got a job outsourced to India once, and I realize how fragile a real world job is.
Government employees are soooo clueless about job security. When you work for the gov't, you rarely have to worry about behaving yourself.
Screw the 'tards!
Tomorrow they'll go slap some nursing home residents around.
Maybe it was the WI teachers beating up that 4 year old girl on the bus!
Sometimes trying to analyze ass-hatery just makes you feel... dirty.
The apologists for the Feb/March hooligans share much of the blame for these disguting pellets of human waste
"The election is fixed for 5 March... The campaign is one of unprecedented violence. Gangs... are unleashed on the streets to break up the meetings of opposition parties. The police are instructed not to intervene."
Read more:
Not sure how standing silently is disrupting.
So you didn't see the part where the zombies walk between Walker and the special olympians blocking their view? You are not sure how that is disrupting?
I'm sure of one thing, you are a tool.
When they're whining about entitlements, it's all about them. Nothing else matters.
It's not nice to rain on the special day parade.
BTW, I'm sure it's common, but it still seems a little odd to see the media cameras positioned in the front row.
OTOH, if this video gives a full picture, and assuming the green shirts are the Olympians, I don't think the gov was honoring more than a dozen folks. It almost seemed like this was more of a photo-op than anything else, the ratio of media to Honorees seemed odd, if this video is accurately representing the scene.
Also, if there were only a handful of Olympians, should we ask if the gov's expensive looking signs/graphics were specifically produced for this one event? That's a lot of dough for a photo-op where a handful of Olympians showed up. Maybe the photo-op budget could have been cut, so more money could go to support the Olympians, rather than the gov's photo-op. Or, maybe those signs are used for other purposes too, so the money couldn't have been used to help the Olympians. I hope so. Do any of the upset cons around here care about that sort of thing?/rhetorical question
Maybe they just don't care about how they look to people who aren't already True Believers?
Protest as playing-to-the-base? Possibly, and they'll find out how ineffective it is.
That and I could easily believe they're just blinded by the Obvious Rightness Of Their Cause(tm).
It's not like that phenomenon is new (or limited to Progressive types).
(In the gun-rights crowd, this is referred to as the "don't scare the white people" principle; anything that scares or angers the Generic Middle Class is bad tactics, even if you're Absolutely Sure It's Morally Perfect.)
pbAndj sees the disabled maligned, and questions the venue.
Many people who sympathize with the zombies intensely dislike Sarah Palin and especially her son Trig.
Palin supports Walker.
I see a connection.
Class. Man, you're nothing but class.
Shorter pbAndj:
wv: cruiture. What you where on a fashionable cruise.
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot. And, I thought Weiner was a dick.
Scum of the Earth these teachers/unionists are. As are their defenders.
What a bunch of douche bags!
I still don't know what they're protesting now. Walker's existence?
It almost seemed like this was more of a photo-op than anything else
Yep, that was the horrible thing that took place today. A photo-op. (As if the "zombies" weren't creating a political theater photo-op themselves.)
Speaking of zombies, I wonder if that's why they chose to wear make-up -- on some level they knew how vulgar this was. They were too embarrassed to break up the ceremony without a mask.
The Wisconsin protesters went full retard. Never go full retard.
"I still don't know what they're protesting now."
Give us Barabbas!
The constant protest is hurting Madison. A couple liberals I know who were planning to move there soon are now planning to move to a town just outside of Madison because Madison has become too bizarre.
Many people who sympathize with the zombies intensely dislike Sarah Palin and especially her son Trig.
Palin supports Walker.
I see a connection.
Only one party wants to slash funding for programs/services that would help a Trig Palin. Let's see....Walker and Palin belong to that party. A connection!
How often are these assholes going to dress up like idiots and protest during their lifetimes? Hundreds? Thousands? How many times are those Special Olympians going to have a Governor give them a reward and get to see themselves on television? Once.
But the Garage Mahal wing of the Dem Party couldn't give them even that one day. The worst people in America are right under our noses, and they fucking reek. Bring your stupidity, hatred and petulance somewhere else. America is sick of you, we have a real world to live in, let's get back to it.
Maybe they just don't care
Maybe they just dont know what they are doing.
These are prob the least self-aware people on the planet. School kids could be starving on the playground and they would still be chanting "shame! shame! shame" because someone reduced their dental coverage...
Poor Garage. Weiner resigning. Andrew Breitbart vindicated. Paul Revere laughing from the grave at all the "smart" Democrats. And now this.
"Many people who sympathize with the zombies intensely dislike Sarah Palin and especially her son Trig.
Palin supports Walker.
I see a connection."
I don't think some on the left get the hypocrisy of treating the mentally challenged as second-class citizens.
"Only one party wants to slash funding for programs/services that would help a Trig Palin."
But, maybe they can increase funding for fancy, well produced photo-ops, that make it seem like they care.
[Just don't show the minuscule number of token honorees who are sharing the front row w/ the video cameras, that may take the shine off of the intended imagery, even w/o zombies.]
Shorter pbAndj:
Squirrel, damn it! I said 'Squirrel!' Aren't you people listening?
wv: layedagn. What Rep. Weiner will never be. (The wv algorithm put this on the wrong thread, I think...)
Freeman Hunt said...
The constant protest is hurting Madison. A couple liberals I know who were planning to move there soon are now planning to move to a town just outside of Madison because Madison has become too bizarre.
I'm going support just the opposite. I grew up in town just outside of Madison and for as long as I can remember Madison has been been a leftwing cocoon and echo chamber. But it wasn't always that way. In my parent's & grandparent's day, the city was more progressive in a Republican, Robert LaFollette sense. The Viet Nam war era and its legacy cemented Madison's cache as a pure left-wing incubation site. This may actually be changing.
As for your liberal friends moving there, I'm sorry that their plans were spoiled, but the last thing Madison needs is more of the same.
Madison needs more Meades and other centrist types, or dare I say--conservatives.
I think the protesters were trying to draw attention to "zombie candidates" forcing primaries in the recall elections.
Too bad it just looks like they're calling the Olympians "brain-dead".
Althouse headline over right-wing McIver Inst video:
"Wisconsin protesters disrupt a Special Olympics ceremony!"
Bullshit. They stood there silently (The McIver asshole talked louder than the protesrtor who whispered in response). They did not chant or blow horns (as per usual). They just stood there, silently.
By all means, Ann, show us how they disrupted it! Did they stop it? No. Interrupt it? No. Touch anyone? No.
And they did not protest Special Olympics. The protested Scott Walker. All their presence did was to add a little spice to the Governor's event which was not otherwise different than it would have been without them.
And they did not protest Special Olympics. The protested Scott Walker. All their presence did was to add a little spice to the Governor's event which was not otherwise different than it would have been without them.
Omega, you plumb new depths of stupidity every time you touch the keyboard.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
Calls for civility fall on deaf ears because they are too dumb to see their childish antics will mute their message, handicapping the movement and crippling progress.
I think that about covers it...
Alpha, you dishonest shit, they deliberately physically imposed themselves between the Olympians and the Governor. The only escalation left was for them to begin actually beating the award recipients.
I don't even care if there is a Hell for youm to go to, because living a live so morally and empathetically bereft seems like an eternal punishment in itself. I hope you live for a long, long time. None of those kids will.
Things Ann Althouse does NOT think are rude:
* cutting the safety net for the poor to give tax breaks tot he rich.
* Relaxing septic rules, allowing systems that emit sewage to continue leaking, as long as it stays on property (there is neither rain nor runoff in the Republican alternate universe).
* Claiming you need to strip workers of collective bargaining as part of a budget measure, even after you admit it has nothing to do with the budget.
* Cratering public school funding to send that money to subsidize private (religious!) schools.
* Violating open meetings laws to ram their budget busting bill through.
* Refusing to follow an order by the court to return the Wisconsin capitol access policies to where they were Jan 28.
Bullshit. They stood there silently (The McIver asshole talked louder than the protesrtor who whispered in response). They did not chant or blow horns (as per usual). They just stood there, silently.
By all means, Ann, show us how they disrupted it! Did they stop it? No. Interrupt it? No. Touch anyone? No.
Dude, come on? Really? That is just a bridge too far. You don't really believe what you just wrote?
Lincolntf, you make no sense.
They stood there. Silently. How is sielnce a disruption? Try to explain that with name-calling.
There. was. no. disruption.
Did Walker stop speaking? No.
When people applauded for Walker did they boo more loudly? No, the claps could clearly be heard.
Ya got nothin, pal. Nothin' but your hatred and bile. Oh, you called me a name!! Well, then, that proves EVERYTHING, you dripping mas of pus and gravy.
Dude, come on? Really? That is just a bridge too far. You don't really believe what you just wrote?
So you are completely unable to show how people standing somewhere silently is a disruption.
Do you know what "disrupt" even means?
BTW, Ann Althouse, is it rude to cut the funding for disabled people? Like Walker does?
Wait, wait. It's not rude for Scott Walker to cut funding for the disabled, so long as he uses them for props. Got it.
Now, THIS is rude, dipshits.
Should be, for LincolnMF:
"Try to explain that withOUT name-calling."
He really doesn't need encouragement.
Omega, you are stupid on a level that is truly breathtaking.
Your stupidity is as infinite as the universe.
Your stupidity can only be fully understood by God.
I am in awe of your stupidity, Omega!
Stupidity like yours is truly inspired!
Hooray! Keep spinning it! Let no one stop your side from self immolation.
I'll cheerlead your demise.
Hey, it's not their fault. The President of the United States said he bowled like the Special Olympics. The Special Olympians were just props for the union guys. Yes, they did interfere, and diminish the glory that was theirs.
The public sector unions would rob the poor box at the back of the church.
A former colleague, a high school teacher who grow up in West Virginia, complained when the budget repair bill first came out that "hey, blood was lost for those rights". Well, maybe coal miners in West Virginia lost blood, but teachers unions in Wisconsin didn't lose any blood getting collective bargaining, it was a bribe to ensure your continued undivided loyalty. Unless of course, people are getting paper cuts down at the union headquarters. These people are unscrupulous, self-serving pigs.
As for your liberal friends moving there, I'm sorry that their plans were spoiled, but the last thing Madison needs is more of the same.
They are like Althouse. They would not be considered liberal in Madison.
In other words, Madison has become too liberal for the regular liberals who don't want to move somewhere with constant protests and multiple nascent communist movements.
Alpha: AlphaLiberal said...
Now, THIS is rude, dipshits.
Avoid Alpha's link. He's fantasizing something about Walker and dildos. Seriously, you don't need to see that.
I need to take a bath now. Thanks alot libtard.
They just stood there, silently.
Silently BLOCKING the SPECIAL OLYMPIANS. God, does everything have to be politics with you people? There is seriously something wrong with you.
So you are completely unable to show how people standing somewhere silently is a disruption.
Because when your little brother waved his hand in front of your face when you were watching tv or whatever that was nothing becuase he wasn't yelling?
Even you aren't this dense. If they didn't want to cause I disruption they would have stood in the back, out of the way. Jerks.
Reminds me of Obama on Leno back in '07 joking that his bowling ability was suitable for the Special Olympics. There's no intellectual and emotional connection to the real world vis a vis the stated goals of the Liberal's professed philosophy of inclusion and the duplicitousness of their actions.
more college dropouts with nothing to do and not a brain among them.
To our handfull of chin-dropping sophists trying to parse this out in their favor--
Do you believe that Presidents and Governors and Mayors go to these events because it affords them some kind of "Triumph of the Will" political coup that will bump their poll numbers 40%? NO! It's not "politics". What Walker is there to do for the Special Olympians is no different than what any Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Green, whoeverthehell is supposed to do in that job-- it is a de facto *civic* duty. It's not a "head of government" function; it's a "head of state" function. It is *ceremony*-- we do have that in a democracy; we call upon the people we elect into these offices, even if they are incompetent douchebags, to stand up there and perform these little rites because they are the nearest approximation to what we can get for an incarnation of the General Will, He's not out there being "Gov. Walker"-- he is just "the Governor", like the Mayor of Townsville. No Jimmy Carter, Herbert Hoover, or Tony Weiner can build or save a political career by doing a thousand of these events a day. It is just for the honorees. That's who it belongs to.
And then some dipshits show up like some bad cross between "The Dark Knight" and "Land of the Dead" and what are the S.O. supposed to think? What the hell is *anyone* supposed to think? If I saw one person looking like that in the parking lot of the grocery store on Halloween afternoon I wouldn't even go the fuck inside.
I'm amazed, but not even a little bit surprised. I can't imagine anyone didn't expect it, you know... I'm talking about garage, pbandj, and alpha being unable to disapprove of the zombie protest.
Lets make a Special Olympics event all about US and count on the faithful to explain how that was a good thing?
It's not.
It doesn't matter that no one had horns or drums or shouted or how much was spent on signs to make the kids feel really important at their event or how many were there with their families or what someone is doing with a budget.
And you three can not bring yourselves to express the human decency that, if nothing else, the protesters made a severe mistake. They make the Downs kids look smart, the Tourettes kids look refined and the wheelchair bound look upstanding.
Can not even ONE of you type the words, "What jackasses!"
I see that in Wisconsin Bush Derangement Syndrome has been replaced by Walker Derangement Syndrome.
I wonder what the left-wing loony fringe does in the other 49 states?
BTW, garage, which one of the zombies was you?
And you didn't need makeup, did you?
Let's say, that you graduated middle school--that's speculative, I know. Let's say, just as Principal Libsuck is about to give you a diploma, that the sixth graders who have been beating your ass all year suddenly and silently march on to the stage dressed as Rachel Maddow.
Your two mommies later sue the school for disrupting your ceremony.
Who's right, you or your two mommies?
Not sure how standing silently is disrupting.
Sometimes, no comment is the smartest comment.
But, dammit, I still don't want an Althouse where AL, PB&J and the rest can't comment.
Who knows, maybe its my RINO approach to things that needs them for cover.
The Special Olympians can take some solace in the fact that the Wisconsin GAB just certified recall elections for all three Dems. Hooray!
Who's right, you or your two mommies?
Whoa! You might think you're funny, wise ass!
But, it's off to Diversity Camp for you!
Joanna said: "Speaking of zombies, I wonder if that's why they chose to wear make-up -- on some level they knew how vulgar this was. They were too embarrassed to break up the ceremony without a mask."
I didn't think of that.
This is one of those things that seems so obvious after someone more insightful says it, but I never would have thought of this myself. It's a great observation, and very well-stated.
And: AlphaLiberal, I applaud your enormous balls, for showing up in this thread to defend your fellow leftists after they...shit all over the handicapped.
You, my friend, have balls like Anthony Weiner: Balls the same size as your dingus. (Either that, or you have normal-size balls, and a remarkably small erect dingus. It's hard to tell, with nothing else to provide scale.)
Freeman - Columbus to the east and Spring Green to the west. Still lib, but not lib-lib. Both lovely communities, lots of recreation orpportunties, good schools, etc.
Fuck off with the plea for "civility", Alpha. You revel in smearing Repubs, you'll get no quarter.
But that has nothing to do with this thread.
The greedy fucking slobs who occupied the Capitol, then rousted the Red Cross, and who are now throwing up barriers against the Special Olympics, are the worst people in America. Pretend they "don't mean it" or that you're not part of it, but the recent history is clear. The filthily corrupt and grossly overfunded public employees of Wisconsin are engaged in a war against their fellow citizens, no matter how innocent that citizen may be.
By the way, those were Wisconsins own Special Olympians, why so much contempt for them? Is that how WI Teachers treat all special needs students?
"I wonder what the left-wing loony fringe does in the other 49 states?"
Takes notes.
ST said,
"But, it's off to Diversity Camp for you!"
Yeah, I feel bad. What I meant was "who is right, you or your two mommies and their syringe and a goat?"
They were too embarrassed to break up the ceremony without a mask.
Oh hey, were there any "V for Vendetta" masks? They love their little Vendetta masks.
I bet Garage and Alpha have Vendetta Masks hanging over their bed...
Alpha, where ya been? You seem to have missed most all of Weiner-mania.
For more effective messaging, Alpha et al should take a page from the protesting teachers by recruiting some people with developmental disabilities to sing anti walker songs. They can wear zombie gear (and bowling shoes) for added effect. Convince them that the tents mean s'mores are in the offing.
Last weekend, on State Street, I saw a typical Madisonian wearing a blue-fist "Stand with Wisconsin" shirt. Yawn. But with him was his son (I presume), who was clearly mentally challenged and was wearing a "Recall Walker" shirt. Disturbing?
What are people's ethical takes on this?
"Wisconsin GAB just certified recall elections for all three Dems."
How can this be? Garage assured us those signatures were fraudulent.
I demand an investigation.
Let us not trouble the disabled further, Teachers. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, then? At long last, have you Left no sense of decency?
Translated AL.
"They weren't touching you! The weren't touching you!"
You either have no moral compass at all or are just making a living as a troll (and, of course have no moral compass at all).
Please show us your picture so that we can see that you are not James Carville, Bob Beckel or Alan Colmes. Did I leave anyone out?
" can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?"
Selfish people don't care about how they look, sound, or act, that's why.
Their sense of entitlement trumps any other consideration.
chickenlittle said...
"Madison needs more Meades and other centrist types, or dare I say--conservatives."
Come home, chickenlittle. The grand old Badger State calls you. Bring your loyal sons and daughters. God will give thee might.
Even when I disagree with their views vehemently, I think parents have a right and even a responsibility to teach their kids about civic involvement in support of a cause they believe in. Even young kids, even developmentally disabled kids: as long as the teaching is something the kids can grasp at some level, it's appropriate.
There are a lot of lessons my dad and mom taught me that didn't make sense at the time, but make a lot of sense in retrospect. The early involvement gave me a foundation which helped me to learn the lesson when I was ready.
I understand how this can make some squeamish about kids being used as props in a propaganda campaign; but I still think the parents have to have latitude to teach their kids.
When the Professor linked to kids singing propaganda in the capitol a couple months ago, I was unclear (and still am) on one thing: was that organized by the parents, or just by teachers? If it was by the parents, then I'm fine with it. Parents should teach their values. If it was by the teachers, then no: the teachers should teach facts and skills, not values. Especially not controversial values.
Strawman arguments are what they are...weak, strained, unprovable assertions.
Nobody really takes you seriously.
Didn't anyone ever teach you about pissing into the wind?
Ya got nothin, pal. Nothin' but your hatred and bile. Oh, you called me a name!! Well, then, that proves EVERYTHING, you dripping mas of pus and gravy.
You should work in a cinema, Alfie. You've got projection perfected.
garage mahal said...
"Not sure how standing silently is disrupting."
You're right - at first they were not being disruptive - they stood behind and to the side of the honorees, silently. They waited. Then, when the governor stepped to the lectern, they all filed in, in their costumes and makeup, and stood in front of the Spec Olympians, blocking their direct view of the speaker, the governor.
Tell me you wouldn't find that to be disrespectful and disruptive if someone did the same thing to your kid someday when he's being honored for his achievement by Governor Feingold or President Palin.
Psst. It's raining down here by the Capitol.
Its not raining.
Its the entitled class pissing into the wind.
Those protestors, sure as Hell, weren't "blinded" by the light.
garage mahal said...
Not sure how standing silently is disrupting.
But this is surely disrupting the special Olympics.
The House GOP's budget, which passed last month, takes a hatchet to programs for disabled kids and Special Olympics athletes. The proposed cuts could force the closure of at least one Special Olympics program, which is funded through the Department of Education. Dubbed Project UNIFY, the program serves more than 750,000 students in 43 states and draws from techniques used in Special Olympics training for activities in public schools.
Yeah, right. Project UNIFY is another ever expanding program that is trading off the positive view of Special Olympics.
Project UNIFY is a national organization that teaches schools and communities about equality through three main campaigns: Spread The Word To End The Word -- which teaches people about the harmful and dehumanizing effects of the R-Word (r#etard) -- Unified Sports® -- a sports competition that combines students with and without intellectual disabilities on sports teams -- and the Pledge & Plunge -- a fundraiser for Special Olympics that also integrates Spread The Word To End The Word.
So garage, in your opinion should everything that has "Special Olympics" in the title gets funded? Seems like there wouldn't need to be a big program to banish the "r" word.
Mark in Sandy Eggo
Garage, Alpha and PJB: you certainly have the right of free speech and should be grateful to the professor for letting you spew your shit. But it is still shit and you are in fact subhumans. You cannot even bring your sorry asses to say that perhaps what your ideological colleagues did was wrong.
what do you mo fos do when you see real wrong? have you sorry bastards have no decency? the answer is clearly NO
Mark, don't you know?
EVERYTHING should get funded. If it's a good idea at all, we should pay for it. It's never a question of budgeting or deciding how best to spend limited funds. That's just an excuse for hating. The haters like hating, but they know that people fuss so they try to explain that it's about balancing the budget and not spending more than you've got.
Lies. All lies.
Don't you folks understand ? In the history of the world, no one has ever had it as bad as Wisconsin public employees do today.
Yet another tantrum. When are these babies going to get spanked for their bad behavior?
" can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?"
It's worse than that. Look at the symbolism. Zombies? Don't they know that zombies feed on the flesh of the living? It's much like public sector union employees feeding on the taxpayers.
If there was no disruption, why were they there? did these overprivileged yahoos go to the ceremony to draw attention to the special olympians, or themselves?
Of course it was a disruption, and of course they wanted the attention off of those kids, and on themselves and their continuing attempts to retain their entitlements.
You are wrong.
Reading the comments of Garage, Alpha, and pbANDj, and I can do is shake my head.
Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you? Is there ANY line that you won't cross in your hate of the right? Is there any behavior you won't excuse away?
Once, just once I'd love to see one of you leftist stooges stand up and show just a little basic human decency. Just a little. That's too much to ask, though.
These misguided youts need the serious application of a blackjack
I’m wondering who’s who in Althouse’s world of buffoons. There is the guy with the marble garage, the guy with the black dogs who “teaches” Junior college on the left coast, the guy who has the failing hippy shop in Madison and the guy who lived in Thailand and maybe liked the young ones. Are they the same person?
Well maybe not the guy with the marble garage. Marble must be a bargain in Wisconsin. I just shake my head when wealthy people chant the liberal talking points.
I'd like to point out - Conservatives would never do this. Never. Show me a time when conservatives acted like this, and I'll pay anyone 1000 dollars.
Union scumbags have no shame, and no decency.
Honestly I find the fact tht he was addressing this group offensive. It's like when he goes and visits a school. What a hypocritical liar.
And you must therefore be made aware that I find this offensive, because, after all, it is I.
Wrap it up in a blanket of diversity babble and this sums up much of Madison, particularly the prevailing University audience whose primary ooze is (self-)righteous indignation and elitism.
At least they're consistent. Wasn't it just last month when they burst into a Wisconsin Senate committe meeting and chanted "shame" at tex deductions for donations to the Special Olympics?
At 1:20, the girl in black.
Is she not that college girl that you had spoken with and there was that "tour" of the capitol building during the original sleep-in?
Listen, I'm a native New Yorker transplanted in the 60's to LaLa Land and for the last 30 years have lived in close proximity to San Franciso and Berkeley, so I feel I've pretty much seen it all. But, I gotta tell ya, you folks in Madison are bizarre. Seriously.
I like that comment. LOL.
Yeah, I get offended when Obama talks to school children, too.
At least the commenter was honest about how much Walker's actions affect her... like, not at all. So she's got to pretend that Walker's actions hurt the children they upstaged for their good cause.
Seriously folks... this is TOURISM.
bring back less offensive elements. Like Docs abusing their power by passing out fraudulent sick notes. Them were the days.
Lucius @ 6:06 PM: Great post!
Spent three days in Madison and it is a very funny place. I ate three times a day and every meal had one similarity. Where ever I was, there were groups of three or four eating around me and they all seemed to be teachers, cops, or firemen; there was the chronic piss and moan about Walker, but in many cases, they couldn't believe there were no layoffs, and some even had nice raises. That evil Walker.
Quite aside from the unbelievable rudeness, how can the protesters be so blind about their own public relations?
What makes you think they will pay a price with their public relations? Has that ever happened?
If challenged, the protestors will just say they were "speaking Truth to Power" (or some other self-righteous tripe). And automatically about 50% of the public and 100% of the media will believe them. For them, greed for political power justifies everything.
FTR, it was not an error that my first comment described the protestors as not nice. It was also not an error that I never made any comments supporting the protestors' actions.
But, by time I commented, expressing disapproval of the protestors was hardly an "interesting" POV in this thread.
So, I called attention to the fact that it looks like the gov was also taking advantage of the Olympians (see my comments for details).
I apologize for pointing out the slimyness of the gov. Shame on me for breaking w/ the only acceptable POV in these threads: R propaganda is good, lib propaganda is evil. Thank you Walker for staging a photo-op where the media seemed to outnumber the Olympians who where the final props that accompanied your slick and expensive graphics. The GOP taking political advantage of the Special Olympians is wonderful and noble.
Hopefully the new threads will be more like Red State.
If the media knew the zombies were going to show up, that could explain why they outnumbered the kids and their families.
Seriously, pbandj... are you going to try to tell us that a Republican is not supposed to do these little productions that elected officials do? OMG, double standard much?
Because, you know pbandj, Walker controlled the number of media there.
I usually find this all rather entertaining, but just now I feel rather sick.
You have your heroes. Good for you.
pbAndj said...
FTR, it was not an error that my first comment described the protestors as not nice. It was also not an error that I never made any comments supporting the protestors' actions.
What, you find no sympathy for to the plea of the Zombies to be included in the Special Olympics? And give no credit for Walker's completely staged assistance to them?
"Because, you know pbandj, Walker controlled the number of media there."
Does this mean that you don't think it's possible that Walker was using the Special Olympians as props for his slick and well produced (but little attended by actual Olympians) photo-op? Do you really think the media happened to be following Walker because (Palin style) his press folks didn't ask the media to show up? Do you think he is not responsible for all the stage craft that surrounded him?
I'm opposed to the protestors and the Gov taking political advantage of the Olympians. But, around here that makes me some sort of pariah. Around here the so-called honorable response is to not question the R Gov when he takes political advantage of the Olympians, while in the same breath we're supposed to rant about the horror of libs taking political advantage of the Olympians.
Red State here you all come. [Not that I have a problem w/ that, I don't mind the echo. In fact I would have jumped ship for Malkin threads a long time ago. But, I'm too dumb to figure out how to register. I've filled out the registration info several times over the years, but I've never gotten in. Dumb is as dumb does.]
"Around here the so-called honorable response is..."to avoid utter and blatant hypocrisy.
I don't know how you can type what you type? It's not that Walker is a Republican, it's that Mayors and Governors and Presidents have "photo-ops" involving various groups all of the time, and if you're going to condemn Walker you MUST condemn all of them. Fat freaking chance of that happening. Can you at least PRETEND not to be so hypocritical? Would a smaller podium have done for you? Or if half the media that showed up was made to leave?
In bizarro liberal land Sarah Palin compels reporters to race unsafely after her down the freeway and Walker compels the media to show up at his event honoring some kids. What power! Walker undoubtedly forced the zombies to come as well, and forced them to be public jerks. The Omnipotence!
And the twisting goes on and on. And you'll never ever admit that half the reporters there were probably there for the zombies... but when we're gonna talk about rabid attention getting the zombies are... invisible... and Walker is a ghoul.
But we'll just keep this in mind for the next time Obama has kids to the White House and zombies fail to show up.
Aww. Poor Scott Wanker. Why doesn't anybody like him? Is it because he's a total dick?
Well, at least we'll never have to see those hypocritical "Wisconsin Teachers: Putting Children First" picket signs ever again.
I feel guilty, but the first thought that video brought to mind was this old graphic.
Just to pull multiple threads together:
See AL, Garage, and PB&J's comments on this thread for evidence leftists develop a willingness to make an ass of themselves. They're reduced to claiming innocuous everyday governmental functions like recognizing the Special Olympians are somehow nefarious. Or that interposing themselves in a recognition ceremony isn't disruptive.
It's ridiculous. Normal people are embarassed to write things this stupid. But leftists are willing to write or say anything if it supports the cause.
It's not that Walker is a Republican, it's that Mayors and Governors and Presidents have "photo-ops" involving various groups all of the time, and if you're going to condemn Walker you MUST condemn all of them.
Exactly Synova and the thing is, the Governor/other politicians get invited to these things all the time because it is considered an honor to the group for them to attend. They are not traditional photo-ops to me in the sense that they are more for the participants than for the politician. Word to everything you said earlier about the ceremonial fundings of these offices.
The woman in black at the end of the clip looks very much like the professional agitator from the desecration of the Veteran's memorial back in March. Harriet Blair Rowan. Let me know if I am wrong.
Garage ... you just didn't tell the whole story:
Only one party wants to launder ALL resources and control through their bureaucratic allies in our government for programs/services that would help a Trig Palin, even if it means fewer resources make it to Trig because they are wasted on "administration" that keeps bureaucrats (and their union dues) in place ... even if it means attaching strings that end up making Trig dependent upon the whims of that party.
Edited for accuracy.
It's not that we don't want to help, Regressives ... it's your insistence that we help YOUR way, enforced by taking some of the money we would be using to help OUR way ... because to get it right for EACH and EVERY person in need, our leaders and bureaucrats have to possess a level of omniscience that they simply do not possess.
You defend the indefensible, in your attempts to jam your profit-phobic, we-are-better-than-you morality down all our throats by the force of law, with a fundamentalist zeal that makes Baptist preachers look like libertines at Mardi Gras.
And you strain at every gnat that you think justifies your views ... while swallowing the camels of dysfunction that are bred by those views, with 'nary a catch in your throat.
In Wisconsin they used to dynamite the capitalists because they had no other way, no power to use, to attempt to change society. The goal was simply to do violent stuff that might ignite a larger uprising.
Innocents hurt? Sorry, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
With dynamite no longer permissibly fashionable, the current lot of righteous radicals and anarchists must resort merely to inducing outrage.
For now, anyway.
After all, we've got evil incarnate James Carville now making the talk show biz bubble with suggestions that civil unrest may be a consequence of economic stress.
andinista said...
Yeah, just keep ignoring the 20th Century and its human abattoirs of people not good enough for the Progressive elite, including the Special Olympians.
This needs repeating, because andinista has (very gently) reminded me that the Special Olympians would be getting very different attention in the leftist "utopias" of the 20th century. The protesters are people who promote those "utopias."
It's who they are. It's what they do.
PbandJ, etc. display the lack of character and the moral cowardice that we've always recognized in the Left. Can't even acknowledge that his side is wrong without reflexive attempts at deflection to Walker, etc. They can't admit that they're flawed in any way or their entire worldview is shattered. I'd rather have any one of those Spec. Olympians teaching WI schoolkids than the rats and pigs who blocked them out.
If BHO has a well produced and well prop enhanced photo-op supposedly honoring Special Olympians where there are barely any Olympians, but a bunch of reporters, at the same time he's moving money out of the public system w/ special ed programs, so he can fund higher income families w/ kids in private schools.
BTW, do you, like Walker, support taking money out of the public schools, which are required to provide expensive special ed programs (including paying for many kinds of medical treatments, including speech therapy, audiology, physical therapy, and nursing), so that the non-special kids of higher income families can use this money to go to private schools? To be a level playing field (assuming you don't want remove special ed requirements from public schools) all of the private schools that directly drain revenue from the public schools by accepting vouchers should also be required to provide special education. Don't forget that per-student costs for public schools include special ed, a useful evaluation of the cost differences between public and private schools would look at kids who have comparably expensive education needs, i.e. compare non-special ed to non-special ed.
Bad link above.
How about This One.
"Don't forget that per-student costs for public schools include special ed,"
So lame, same thing tried in MA, the math never bears out the TU's claims, ever. The use of "special ed" students to pad their fucking retirement pkgs is just one more reason the TU's should be disbanded. We know what you really think of Special needs kids, we saw it yesterday. But you're not above milking their plight to further enrich your political allies. Lowlife bottom-feeders, all of you.
I remember when Ann Althouse was reasonable and pragmatic. Now this site is filled with Vicki McKenna level propaganda. What the hell happened? From the Wisconsin State Journal:
"Kelly Kloepping, vice-president of communications for Special Olympics Wisconsin, said the protesters were respectful and caused no disruption."
There is a time and a place for everything.
This was neither the time nor the place for a zombie protest.
Issob Morocco said...
The woman in black at the end of the clip looks very much like the professional agitator from the desecration of the Veteran's memorial back in March. Harriet Blair Rowan. Let me know if I am wrong.
I think you're probably right, Issob. Here, starting at about 3:45, is a short interview I had with Harriet back in March.
I too, originally thought this was poorly timed...But apparently, Kelly Kloepping, vice-president of communications for Special Olympics Wisconsin, said the protesters were respectful and caused no disruption:
Maybe the organization felt that way because of this:
Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel!
Damn it, stop noticing the rudeness!
"Kelly Kloepping, vice-president of communications for Special Olympics Wisconsin, said the protesters were respectful and caused no disruption."
A PR person gives PR to a group she either supports or for political/$ reasons she does not want to disparage. The idea that this is the last word on the appropriateness of the demonstration is perfectly silly.
@Professor Althouse: Certainly. But one would think that she is paid to represent the viewpoint of the organization and its constituents. You seem to imply that this (ooga booga) _paid_ PR person is acting independent of the Special Olympics staff in making these statements. My hunch is that the Special Olympics carefully considers how they advocate and represent their base. I don't think the link between this "PR" person and the message of the organization is so attenuated that it should not be taken into account.
The staff of the Special Olympics did not seem to be offended by this protest and maybe that original assumption was wrong.
Upon initial viewing, I too thought this was a poorly timed and an offensive moment for protest. Upon further reflection -- it seems that it may have been entirely appropriate.
"A PR person gives PR to a group she either supports or for political/$ reasons she does not want to disparage. The idea that this is the last word on the appropriateness of the demonstration is perfectly silly."
Althouse says that the Special Olympics PR person avoided disparaging the protesting groups because she is maintaining some sort of symbiotic relationship w/ the protestors. Walker's actions must have caused the Special Olympics person to have a relationship w/ the gov such that she would publicly give cover to the protestors rather than support the GOP partisans' assertion that some injustice was done to the very few Olympians who attended the gov's well produced, prop-enhanced propaganda event. She cares about the Olympians well being, not the gov's well being. Which means that she has the opposite POV of Althouse and most commenters in this thread. I hope she has the last word. She's actually trying to help the Olympians. And, she was actually at the event. That's two points better than the GOP hacks in this thread.
Ann Althouse says:
"A PR person gives PR to a group she either supports or for political/$ reasons she does not want to disparage. The idea that this is the last word on the appropriateness of the demonstration is perfectly silly."
I think the video speaks for itself, which shows a bunch of self-entitled babies who can't stand the fact that anything else would take the spotlight away from their meaningless, makeshift revolution.
As I said in another thread, the entire world wasn't watching Madison back in February and March, because unlike most every other place in the world, the left's social strife in Madison is petty and self-serving.
Why don't these students in Madison protest against the fraudulent landlords, or the over-priced organic supermarkets and cafes, instead of expecting the rest of the population to flip the bill?
Make-believe Zombies protesting the governor is actually LESS offensive than protestors lined up along busy thoroughfares with huge posters of aborted babies. After all, if I want to keep my kids from seeing a political protest then I can keep them away from the state capital and the most prominent political figure in the state, but if I want to keep them from seeing revolting pictures of the holocaust of abortion, then I’m just out of luck, because you never know where those will show up.
Hey, I think I get it now. The protesters were demanding that Governor Walker respect the dead-and their right to vote for Democrats.
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