June 16, 2011

Weiner's resigning!

Oh, no no no no no! Don't do it, Anthony!
Mr. Weiner, a Democrat, came to the conclusion that he could no longer serve after having long discussions with his wife,  Huma Abedin, when she returned home on Tuesday after traveling abroad with her boss, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Oh, no! What will he do now? Become a stay-at-home dad and write a memoir about it all?

I would love to know what those conversations between Huma and Hillary were like, not that Anthony will ever know what that was. I suppose some clever novelist could write a roman a clef and make up what those 2 women might have said to each other. Did Hillary ever speak directly to Anthony? Did Bill? Did Bill, Hillary, and Huma ever confront Anthony at the same time?

AND: I hope the widdle weiner within is all right. That's the important thing.


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kent said...

Liberal Weiners: not traditionally renowned for their staying power. ;)

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David said...

"tells friends he will step down . . . "

If he still has friends, that's his best move yet.

Does a guy like this ever have friends?

Dose of Sanity said...

Madison's rock radio broke this story as: "Weiner's pulling out".

It's not quite right, but I laughed.

Michael Haz said...

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo will appoint some other dick to replace Weiner.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You mean We are not going to have the Weiner to kick around anymore?

Sad news.. It feels like loosing.. an arm.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Johnny Ringo: Smell that? Smells like somethin died.

Curly Bill: Jesus, Johnny.

Tombstone 1993

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, no! What will he do now? Become a stay-at-home dad and write a memoir about it all?

Maybe he'll make a full time job out of tweeting his weenie.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think it was simple.. The Weiner was offered a job in exchange for his resignation.

Anonymous said...

This is a good thing.

Now remind again why Barney Frank is still there...?

Nancy?...Steny?... Anybody?

MnMark said...

What do you want to bet that he suddenly discovers that he no longer needs "treatment"?

garage mahal said...

So is the guy that took calls from hookers during roll calls and had sex with them dressed up in diapers next?

bagoh20 said...

His style of being an arrogant ass with his politics makes this a career killer. He can never be taken seriously and everything he says will inspire a punch line.

He has achieved self-heckling status.

Fred4Pres said...

Liberally powder that lavender on his balls.

garage mahal said...

Oh wait that was different sorry.

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse, you blew it on this one...

Well, perhaps I should rephrase that...

But, the correct headline is:


This guy is going to be in some serious need for Viagra. I hope Huma doesn't bite it off.

Fred4Pres said...

He could probably salavage his finances by him and Huma agreeing to do a reality show. If ratings drop, he can prance around in a bra and tights. If it worked for Uncle Milty, it can work for Weiner.

Scott M said...

Become a stay-at-home dad and write a memoir about it all?

That would give him an awful lot of unsupervised online time.

Fred4Pres said...

garage mahal--I did not know your dad was in congress.

Shouting Thomas said...

garbage, I'm enjoying your festering resentment.

Anything that makes you this bitchy has to be good!

Drew said...

What will he do now? Become a lobbyist and make five times as much money.

deborah said...

Uncle Milty, a kinder. gentler time.

BarrySanders20 said...

Porn Star: Weiner Blows Job

garage mahal said...

Sending pics of your dick = horrible and grounds for dismissal

Actually sticking your dick in hookers while wearing a diaper = no problemo!

If you're a Republican.

Patrick said...

Seriously, what does Bill Clinton say to a guy who cheated on his wife and then publicly lied about it? What could he say? Of course Bill is probably lining up to comfort Huma...

Meade said...

Hacked by Huma.

Drew said...

Now remind again why Barney Frank is still there...?

Running a brothel out of your home is the "new normal."

Anonymous said...

I hear Apple is working on a new app that will disable the camera on the iPhone if the image would be inappropriate.

Shouting Thomas said...

Actually sticking your dick in hookers while wearing a diaper = no problemo!

Jesus, garbage, at least the guy consummated the relationship with the whores close up and personal.

Democrats just whack off to teeny pictures on their Blackberrys.

You think that's better?

Patrick said...

I guess he decided this after the porn star told him to quit.

deborah said...

Garage, the one you're thinking of had a boyfriend running a brothel out of their apartment. I know, easy mistake :)

Curious George said...

And he will no longer be useful to Huma. To the curb he goes.

Next trip for Tony is to Ace hardware for some duct tape and garden hose.

Patrick said...

Once you no longer have the porn star rooting for you, really what is the point?

Anonymous said...

"...while wearing a diaper"

I always say, neatness counts.

Ann Althouse said...

"If it worked for Uncle Milty, it can work for Weiner."

Oh, it worked for Uncle Milty. We're talking about his gigantic cock, right?

Seeing Red said...

& got a job - mebbe that's what went wrong - Weiner didn't give anyone a job?

1775OGG said...

Summer vacations can be pure hell! Maybe doing something constructive during this period of the summer doldrums might help, something like, say, a blog?

frank said...

Weiner's resignation is the greatest blow to good government since the passage of the 19th Amendment.

Fred4Pres said...

Garage--Vitter was outed by Larry Flynt years after he admitted his daliance to his wife. So when the news broke, he did a press conference and said he did it and he was sorry and his wife forgave him.

Now I am not defending that behavior, but it is just a wee bit different than how Tony Weiner handled this situation. Anyway, he is out because Pelosi, Obama and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz forced him out. So if you want to bitch and cry, go bitch and cry to them.

Seeing Red said...

Didn't the republican actually act like a man?

Stepped up, took responsibility, etc.?

And actaully paid for the service w/someone who was of age?

Charlie Sheen may have been correct.

Less hassle.

Fred4Pres said...

Ann, I never saw Uncle Milty's giant cock myself. How big was it?

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm really going to miss this Weiner.

BarrySanders20 said...

Huma convinced hubby that his effectiveness was gone when a porn star could effectively lecture him about morals.

Seeing Red said...

Didn't Dee Snyder admit that since Berle was his uncle?

wv: coiln

not gonna go there.

Scott M said...

Now I am not defending that behavior, but it is just a wee bit different than how Tony Weiner handled this situation.

The key isn't what he did. It's how he handled the situation once it started to unravel. Vitter stepped up and took responsibility. Der Weinerr, like a child, shouted, cried, pointed fingers at others, and lied to the public when it was pretty damned obvious to most he was lying. Besides, as has been mentioned, his own party is forcing him out.

Anthony Weiner: little girls and imaginary friends...

garage mahal said...

You think that's better?

One was legal, one was not. One got a standing ovation from his colleagues, one was forced to resign from his colleagues.

deborah said...

Oh, Althouse, you bad, bad girl.

Shouting Thomas said...

One was legal, one was not. One got a standing ovation from his colleagues, one was forced to resign from his colleagues.

Uh, garbage, who forced Weiner to resign?

It wasn't Republicans.

Seeing Red said...

Weiner's flamed, Sarah's not stoopid, MMGW is being dripped to death,

it's time for a shark attack off Florida.

It's getting boring.

KCFleming said...

Ambitious interruptus

Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh wait that was different sorry..."

It wasnt the 'crime' garage, it was the coverup. Had he just come clean about it he'd still be doing the peoples work.

It worked for Barney Fwank it would have worked for the Weiner. Heh, thats some group you hitched that wagon too.

Tank said...

What next?


Weiner comes onto the Spitzer show.

KCFleming said...

Priapism detumesced, Wiener withdraws, limps home emptyhanded.

Scott M said...

one was forced to resign from his colleagues

"by" his colleagues. Changes the sentence a little, don't you think?

Regardless of right and wrong, which person handled their respective scandals in a more mature fashion with fewer citizens lied to?

garage mahal said...

Would be interesting to check how Althouse treated the Vitter revelations, versus how she deliciously stroked the Weiner....story

Scott M said...

it's time for a shark attack off Florida.

Those usually placid Canadians rioted last night...what more do you want?

Anonymous said...

Florida Man Survives Shark Attack

Seeing Red said...

Hmmm, didn't we have a discussion on character?

About how one handles (hehehehee) oneself privately?

Mebbe that's part of the difference?

Hmmm, I think it was X-Men 1st class which had something on "character." What is character?

1 of the movies or previews I saw last weekend.

Told my husband, haven't heard that in awhile in a movie.

Ipso Fatso said...

Maybe Hebrew National is looking for a spokesman.

kimsch said...

Weiner only has an undergrad degree in Political Science from SUNY Plattsburgh... Goes to show that PoliSci should be a minor and the person should major in something like business. Two good effects there. One, you know business better for legislating. Two, you have a fall back when you tweet your dick around and then have to leave political life.

wv: furtsto

Anonymous said...

What will he do now? Become a lobbyist and make five times as much money.

His next job is obvious. He'll get hired as an overpaid union official for a national union (no particular educational requirements for that job) and go right back to doing what he was doing before - serving as an attack dog, but this time without the constraints of being a congressman. He'll be in heaven. And just as big a dick as he always was.

garage mahal said...

And here we go:

Ann Althouse re: Vitter - "I hate seeing people publicly humiliated for the sexual things they do in private".

Fred4Pres said...

Weiner should apply to Harvard Law.

KCFleming said...

In which Garage posts but misses the words "in private."

Shouting Thomas said...

This seems like a good time for me to come clean.

I've been deceiving you all along. In reality, I look like this.

Seeing Red said...




Weiner didn't do it in PRIVATE!

& she wasn't underaged.

And there was more than 1

predator - Weiner is a predator.

Trooper York said...

Well everybody knows the story Laura Bush told about Uncle Miltie!

Seeing Red said...

Weiner is a middle-aged dirty letch using his power & tech to get his rocks off.

mebbe he should have used the lavender talc.

Fred4Pres said...

Garage mahal, I guess Barney Frank can resign along with Vitter too. Okay?

Robert said...


Vitter didn't spend a week aggressively lying about his indiscretions when they were exposed. He didn't act like an asshole on Sunday morning political TV shows. He didn't create a reverse Alinsky's Rules covering what NOT to do when one is caught dead doing something one shouldn't have done.

Vitter stood for re-election by his constituents and rather handily won.

Your efforts are pathetic. Stop digging.

Automatic_Wing said...

Did Vitters get up and brazenly lie on national TV, claiming that he was completely innocent (#hacked!) and that it was really someone else rolling around in that diaper? And that it was outrageous - outrageous! - for anyone to even question him about it?

Cause I don't remember it that way...maybe garage can help clear that up.

Anonymous said...

"So is the guy that took calls from hookers during roll calls and had sex with them dressed up in diapers next?"

Helping to destroy the life of this pervert has been the epitome of my commenting career.

It truly has been an honor to help take away everything this man has worked so hard to accumulate.

And it was remarkably easy. We have Hillary Clinton to thank for it. She truly did teach us that if you really want to destroy people for sport, you have to read and understand the wisdom of Saul Alinsky.

Without Alinsky, none of this would be possible.

JohnJ said...

I still maintain that the real story here isn't that Weiner got caught tweeting his hog, but rather that he had any political clout to begin with. He was an embarrassing schmuck way before we knew about his fantasy sex league. How-in-the-world did he become the go-to guy for the left wing of the Democratic Party?

garage mahal said...

Deborah Jeane Palfrey could not be reached for comment.

Shouting Thomas said...

garbage, you are such a mindless hack.

What in the fuck are you trying to do?

As if you knew.

Shouting Thomas said...

Or, to put it another way,

garbage, you are twice as stoopid as Democrats imagine Palin to be.

Anonymous said...

"Deborah Jeane Palfrey could not be reached for comment."

Seeing as how she did the right thing and hanged herself in 2008, yes, she's unavailable for comment.

Would that Weiner would follow suit.

Alas, there is no honor amongst Democrats.

Shouting Thomas said...

Press conference for the announcement at 1 p.m.!

What does the Weiner do after that?

Strip down to t-shirt and short, plop in the Lazy Boy and down a couple of six packs?

Jesus, that's got to be a deep fall into the depression he's about to make.

I don't think Huma's going to be in the mood for a blow job.

traditionalguy said...

Humpty Dumpty twittered on a wall and had a great fall... after he was pushed off by his power couple wife.

X said...

the one garage is thinking of is democrat Gerry Studds congressman who was raping an underage male child.

Michael said...

What happened to the rehab bit? No longer necessary? This guy is vile and those who support him are challenged on the ethics front.

AllenS said...

I suppose some clever novelist could write a roman a clef and make up what those 2 women might have said to each other.

Well, until the clever novelist shows up, there's me.

Huma: "Oh, woe is me, what should I ever do?"

Hillary: I don't know. Let's kiss some more."

KCFleming said...

Did Weiner tweet his resignation?


AllenS said...

I saw a picture this morning of the two of them arriving in country. Man, Hillary had a real butch-looking hair style.

From Inwood said...

Best Tabloid headline, NYPost: “Obama Beats Weiner”

My own contributions to poetic art:

There once was a guy whose folly
Was tweeting porn in a volley.
Soon it seemed clear enough
Who was sending the stuff,
And now he’s quite melancholy. (apol to Lear)

Mad Anthony Weiner, more brash than smart,
Would tweet his endowments as video art.
Alas, alack, just a simple D Fail
Now finds him left chasing his tail.
Seems he’ll soon be another old fart.

(3)The Congressman was in the Street

A congressman there was who would tweet
To jeunes filles his stuff indiscrete
When caught he’d just glower
Hell, I have the power.
But he soon found himself on the street.

A congressman from the borough of Queens
Was known for his reckless o’erweens
A reporter quite fleet
Broke in on his tweet
The one without his jeans.

A congressman hack
Said ‘twas the work of a hack
When his tweet was revealed
But his fate was sealed
Since a hack’s a hack

KCFleming said...

"I suppose some clever novelist could write a roman a clef and make up what those 2 women might have said to each other."

I thought that was Bob Woodward's schtick.

Fen said...

Garage: And here we go: Ann Althouse re: Vitter

Vitter is an adulterer.

Weiner is a sex offender.

Huge difference:

"Anthony Weiner is not an adulterer. Anthony Weiner is a sex offender. The man sent lewd pictures of himself to virtual strangers who had not requested that he do so. Chatting someone up briefly on Twitter is not an invitation to be flashed. He had no real connection to, or relationship with the people on the other end of his exhibitionism. They were totally impersonal victims to him. He didn’t even know for certain that they were not minors.

Weiner has been evidencing the classic behaviors of an exhibitionist, and exhibitionists are a well-accepted category of sexual offender"


John Cunningham said...

Too bad. I was hoping that Weiner's resolve would stiffen, that he would stand proud and hold up his end, that he would stick it out....

Scott M said...

Garage, honestly...

And here we go:

Ann Althouse re: Vitter

1) Why are you so focused on what they did in private versus how they handled it in public. Do you really feel Vitter and Weiner handled their respective scandals equally poorly?

2) Do you believe the Republican leadership should have pushed Vitter out over his scandal after the way he handled it when it went public?

3) What do your tears taste like today? I gotta go with garlic.

Anonymous said...

"What happened to the rehab bit?"

He never went to rehab.

That was all lies too. He's a serial liar and mentally ill exhibitionist.

He just wanted to buy some time to see what would happen next and wait for his wife to come home to see if the Clinton's still support him.

They don't. Obama can't support him any longer with the guy's cross-dressing past coming now back to haunt him on the pages of the only investigative journalism newspaper left in America - the National Enquirer.

So, he's quitting now rather than have his committee assignments stripped and for the Ethics Committee to recommend his expulsion from the House of Representatives for committing the felony crime of conspiring to obstruct justice.

He's lucky he's not going to jail.

Let this be a lesson to other Democrats: Leave Clarence Thomas alone and give up on trying to illegally coerce the Supreme Court into ruling ObamaCare constitutional.

Anonymous said...

"What do your tears taste like today?"

Garage's tears taste like unfathomable sadness.

Goooooood cracker.

Anonymous said...

I imagine he (or Hillary) has finagled a job which he will take after the requisite 40 days in the desert rehab.

O/w, the little condo and a baby and a useless husband are Huma's future. Don't think she signed on for that.

edutcher said...

The cross-dressing revelation did it.

And now that Huma and the Hildabeast are home, he'll never need the package maintenance products in the previous post. Hilla needed Willie at the time,but Huma's gotten all she can out of The Weiner.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Johnny Ringo: Smell that? Smells like somethin died.

Curly Bill: Jesus, Johnny.

Tombstone 1993

Doc: It's not justice he's after, its a... reckonin'!

PS IIRC, the revelations about Vitter were 7 years old and he had already revealed (no pun) and apologized to all and sundry on his own

Anonymous said...

C'mon, it's obvious that Garage's tears are extremely bitter. You could probably bottle them and use them for cocktails.

Cedarford said...

What did Weiner in was not his little perverted ways - but the 4 days of bombastic lying to the media and Democrat leadership that permanently shredded his credibility. He managed by that to become a prominent symbol of the Democrat Party in a way that the Dems do not want to be cast in. And the media that had given the pimp spot in camera face time to Weiner from his NYC origins and common cultural ties with members of the media all the airtime he sought - had signalled his lies were enough to forever taint Weiner on speaking out on any issue on behalf of Dems.

That made him a little different a case than other politicians caught in scandal. There have been some that give initial denials, but do not voiciferously deny it to Party leaders - or escalate the lie into attacking the professional reputation of members of the media.

And everyone in politics knows the bottom line - Weiner's 9th District has not selected a Republican since 1923. So it is really just an Administrative task of selecting the proper replacement Democrat that worships Obama, progressivism and critical to NYC pols - toes the AIPAC party line. Doesn't even have to be a replacement loud-mouthed media loving Progressive Jew - though that is likely.
(In short, nothing but upside to Dems in getting rid of Weiner in a special election. And his replacement will likely be a Weiner clone with a clean Twitter account.)

traditionalguy said...

If Huma only had the talent that Ginger Lee has shown off, so often to so many, then this high functioning man would still be functioning. That must hurt the Weiner the most...that a young porn starlet handled this smarter than he did.

Carol_Herman said...

Poor fetus. Maybe, it's really not there?

What will the man in the grey underpants do next? Where can he land that people will pay him money to see him flaunt his schmuck?

What did Huma bring into this marriage? The HA pillows?

With weiner's exit ... do you see Huma anywhere near him, in sight?

Wonder what fish they'll pick out of Sheepshead Bay to run for the empty man's seat? A potato?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage's tears taste like unfathomable sadness...."

If you saw Star Trek VI, you would know that Klingons have no tear ducts.

The Crack Emcee said...

I would love to know what those conversations between Huma and Hillary were like, not that Anthony will ever know what that was.

Who says? They ARE married. Or are you hinting at the deceptive nature of feminism? The unforced us-against-them nature of the feminist world view? I mean, you - a feminist - say the husband will be left out of the truth of his surroundings (which, naturally, will be controlled by the women) as though it's a given. Well, if it is, it's also a deception, and no matter what he - also a feminist schooled in deception - has already done, adding more deception into the mix isn't going to make anything better.

I'd prefer we state openly that feminists are compulsive liars while waiting to see if there's any way they can work this out.

Wait - you did. My bad.

G Joubert said...

What Garage doesn't get is far and away most Republicans don't want Weiner to resign, but want him to stay right there in Congress, being the public face of the Democrats. It's the Democrats who are forcing him out, for that very reason.

Cedarford said...

Memo to Garage trying to play hypocrisy police - citing Vitter while studiously ignoring Bwanny Fwank, Jane Harmon, Charlie Rangle, Maxine Waters, etc:

Some scandals are survivable - but key to that is not to get up and day after day hold vehement lie-fests in front of a national audience.
There is a "rule" that in Progressive Jewish media and Dem leadership - oppressed multimillionaire Harvard-educated gays and minorities and any perv with a "Kennedy" name are to be protected at all costs.
And there is the Louisiana rule: Politicians from both parties are expected to have scandal and deliver corruption-based pork - voters prefer rascals there. They are still waiting on Bobby Jindal, though his involvement in an exorcism did satisfy much of the Louisiana populace's expectations.

Outside the immunity to scandal exceptions - the country does a fairly decent job expelling pervs and people too stupid to have good lawyers advising them on legal ways to betray the voters via corruption. (legal revolving doors, spreading Fed money to lawyers cabals, big biz, community organizers, in-laws working as campaign consultants, hiring your lawyer wife for a 300,000 dollar no show job or a 2 million lobbyist gig)

John henry said...

I forget now where I saw it but someone in some blog was suggesting that he resign then run for his seat again.

This is what Adam Clayton Powell did in the 60s when forced to resign.

Weiner still has support in his district. and this whole thing will be 18 months old by then.

Like Powell, he might be able to win.

It seems a fairly safe seat if it does not get redistricted. Since the 1850's the repos have held it less and 8 years. Last in 1923.

Or he could run as an Indie and break the stranglehold the Demmies have on the seat.

John Henry

Rialby said...

Is there ANYONE who believes this dude has not actually cheated on his wife? Physically I mean, not virtually? He absolutely has. And it will come out.

Carol_Herman said...

Will Sumi step down?

Most people who play inside politics, and have the seats to prove it ... don't resign. They die in place, to be carted out.

Sumi got her slap down from her own court system. Does this mean people in Wisconsin are not involved in her decision to stay and gavel?

That weiner is going, now, ONLY MEANS HILLARY HAS SPOKEN!

Huma was with the Hillary Clan when weiner made his TV apology.

All you are seeing is Hillary's clout.

The fetus? If it's real it will poke itself outward in a few months time. Even though Huma has hips that can keep a pregnancy tucked inside for a good six months, before "showing."

If Huma's pregnant? She's gonna be a single mom.

If Huma's pregnant, weiner won't be allowed near Huma ever again!

Arkansaw "rules?" I have no idea.

I suspect Weiner could land a job as a high school teacher, in Brooklyn. He'll teach Mideast relations. Or warped history. But he won't have to work as a manikin in Barney's window.

And, I have a suspicion Gloria Allred got a "Hillary Signal" ... to run to the cameras. Can't fool me. These people counter dirt, with their own insider grifters.

Scott M said...

What Garage doesn't get is far and away most Republicans don't want Weiner to resign

I don't count among that group. This particular incident(s) has persuaded me that if the most egregious, in-your-face-guilty-and-lied-about-it scandals aren't punished, they will creep toward worse and worse territory until, one day, we pull our heads out of the sand and these people are nigh untouchable.

Original Mike said...

Now he'll have a lot of time on his hands. Whatever will he do?

William said...

I'm probably the only person here who has actually read Milton Berle's memoirs. In that book, he bragged about the size of his penis and the number of women, including Marilyn Monroe, who were impressed by his sexuality. He also claimed that he was not a transvestite and that only the demands of show business made him dress up like a woman on the day his mother died. It was a fascinating book not because of the things he revealed but because of the things he kept concealed from himself. I would recommend Weiner read it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hay, Ann, are you listening to Rush?

"What brought Weiner down was the truth!"

Feminism just can't get there,...

Anonymous said...

"Some scandals are survivable ..."

The truth is that many regular old Americans now have a lot of time on their hands to watch Congressmen.

We're out of work, bored, and pissed off that these people still have jobs despite being a bunch of perverted douchebags.

So, we're following them.

We're watching everything they do, 24 hours a day. Everything they do and say in public is being watched and in many cases filmed. Because we don't have jobs and so we have lots of free time on our hands.

Anthony Weiner should have invested his time solving the job crisis instead of sitting around in his underwear beating his dick to the Junior High School teasings of internet skank-chatterers.

Message to Democrats: We have nothing better to do than ruin your lives. Or, we could go back to work. It's up to you.

Michael said...

Will his press conference today be held in front of his rehab center? Or has he completed his rehab? Hopefully someone will ask during the q&a.

Heart_Collector said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

Pogo said...
In which Garage posts but misses the words "in private."

It is funny to watch the spittle flecked frenzy garbage is putting on here.

Pretending that sending unwanted weeny photos to college aged girls (and communicating with a high school junior) is the same as 2 consenting adults is just another lie this silly liberal has to tell himself in order to get through the day.

Fen said...

Echo what Nevada said. People are pissed off at the nation's leaders. When they can't take it out on their congress-critter, they yell at anyone remotely resembling a leader. The soccer coach. The mail-room supervisor. Anyone. Peeps are pissed.

Heart_Collector said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol_Herman said...

Hillary's best postures are behind the scenes. Too bad she has no clout as secretary of state, though. Her public appearances are her weakness.

But behind the scenes? You know when Bill Clinton got in trouble with Monica, it was Hillary who saw the damage Algore could do ... if Bill resigned.

And, Hillary didn't want to be "Robert Kennedy knocking on LBJ's closed door."

IF Bill had resigned, the whole Arkansas structure would have collapsed. So, under threat, where Bill was more terrified of Hillary than just about anything else on the Hill ... He just kept on "seeking sympathy."

Weiner? Doesn't have a sympathetic bone in his body.

What's up? Well, there's the fetus. Real? Or unreal? If it's a phantom thing ... Hillary's greatest threat would be for Huma to "lose it." Would smell too much like an abortion.

That's the dilemma.

At least being a single mom shows ya your child can still be elected president.

What's ahead? Well Obama can only get another term if the GOP has no common sense. And, no ability to pick candidates who register mightily within the majority of beating breasts.

Those are the cards Hillary's holding.

Trooper York said...

Hello God. I got two presents today.

Today was the first time I got my period. My mom explained it to me and I studied about it in health class so I wasn’t scared. I mean like the blood in my pants did scare me but then I realized what it was. And the cramps really hurt.

And I got another present. My congressman tweeted me a photo of his penis.

Now I feel like a big girl.
(Hello God, It’s Me Anthony by Judy Blume, Bantam Books 2011)

Heart_Collector said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"I hope Huma doesn't bite it off."

6/16/11 9:33 AM

I doubt it. I'm pretty sure muslims don't eat pork.

wv: lindin - Anthony's lindin johnson causes gag disorder in young girls.

Seeing Red said...

Rats - we won't get to bang the weiner anymore.

I'm surprised I wish I were an Anthony Weiner didn't make the rounds here.

Too easy?

Trooper York said...

He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world wanted to see his weiner. And that was all his patrimony.
( Scardouche, Rafeael Sabatini , Viking Press 1948)

G Joubert said...

I don't count among that group. This particular incident(s) has persuaded me that if the most egregious, in-your-face-guilty-and-lied-about-it scandals aren't punished, they will creep toward worse and worse territory until, one day, we pull our heads out of the sand and these people are nigh untouchable.

There's that, and add that allowing him to stay further undermines already crumbling public confidence in the integrity of Congress and of politicians generally.

The Dems much more than the Repubs have a long history of enabling and returning particularly odious characters to Congress election after election --Adam Clayton Powell, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, Charlie Rangel, to name a few. One, Robert Byrd, actually rose to the status of "conscience of the Senate," as incredible as that is, and didn't finally leave until they practically wheeled his corpse out. If Weiner were to stay, he'd be just one more on the dog pile. So I can be persuaded that it's best for Weiner to resign.

But, then, his district will find another like him, someone who'll be unimpeded by the baggage and thusly be more effective than Weiner would've been going forward. So who knows.

Penny said...

A rare day when both Republicans and Democrats can come together to celebrate agreement about the important things.

edutcher said...

OT: at the link, there's a link to an article by Kristof, the Gray Lady's "Conservative", which will give our vets a laugh. "The Lefty Military"; except that the military, to a great extent is a meritocracy and the Lefties believe in set-asides and Affirmative Action, etc. The Lefties believe minorities can't make it on their own and the military tries to see they can.

Anonymous said...

"Rats - we won't get to bang the weiner anymore."

Don't put away your popcorn just yet.

Weiner isn't the only Democrat we have the goods on.

Gonna take 'em down one by one.

Trooper York said...

"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in Washington that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the candles that struggled against the darkness. The congressman had oiled his body as he sat naked in front of his computer. It was time.
He no longer had to worry about the scorn of his fellows as his wife flaunted her affair with her superior. He no longer had to see the pity in the eyes of his collogues when his spouse left him for weeks at time bereft of her companionship. He no longer had to endure the whispers and covert glances at the gym.

He would tweet a photo of his penis to the porn star.

He finally felt alive.

(Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Clifford’s Peter, J Putnam & Sons 2011)

Ann Althouse said...

Garage: "And here we go: Ann Althouse re: Vitter - "I hate seeing people publicly humiliated for the sexual things they do in private"."

So... like... you read the post, right? Could you summarize what I said in it? Or are you assuming you know from the title?

It's a very interesting post. I stand ready to hear your abject apology.

Anonymous said...

"One, Robert Byrd, actually rose to the status of "conscience of the Senate," as incredible as that is, and didn't finally leave until they practically wheeled his corpse out."

Card-carrying Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan he was - big recruiter. Got 150 friends to join. Used to say "nigger" on national television. Hell he didn't care what people thought. Told his own Senator he'd rather see America put asunder than have to serve with a mongrel.

Robert Byrd: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

Scion of the Democrat Party.

If you're in the Democrat Party this is the party you belong to. The KKK party.

Anonymous said...

"I stand ready to hear your abject apology."

It's a mildly interesting post that is flawed, but despite that, I don't think you'll be getting an abject apology from GarageBanal.

The idea that visiting a prostitute is a crime equal to being a prostitute is the failing of that post.

In order of moral wrongness, here are the players:

1) The pimp
2) The prostitute
3) The john

The pimp has committed a far greater crime than the prostitute has and the prostitute has committed a far greater crime than the john has.

They are not the same level of wickedness and that's why our laws and legal system don't treat them the same.

(Arguing that they ARE the same is ridiculous.)

Scott M said...

The pimp has committed a far greater crime

The prostitute can operate without a pimp, though, while a pimp cannot without the prostitute. Wouldn't that make the prostitute the top of that list?

Anonymous said...

Althouse -

You will be standing a very long time. Good thing you have that special, motorized desk.

Trooper York said...

Cap Roundtree poured a cup of coffee the pot that we kept on the pot bellied stove. Orrin leaned back in his chair at the desk as the cold wind whipped tumbleweeds through the street. A paint pony knickered at the livery at the sounds of the night.

Suddenly we heard the sound of someone running down the boardwalk. The telegrapher’s clerk burst through the door.

“Here Sheriff it just came over the wire.” He handed it over to Orrin.

“This is bad Ty.” He slid over the paper. It was a photo of a penis.

“The Weiner gang is back. And they are on their way into town.”
(The Sackett Brand, Bantam, 2011}

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Ann Althouse said...

It's a very interesting post. I stand ready to hear your abject apology.

I hope you have comfy shoes, 'cuz you're gonna be standing for a long time. When proven wrong, garage doesn't apologize; he just goes away, and then comes back in another post and makes the exact same wrong statement, hoping this time he'll fool somebody.

Anonymous said...

"Wouldn't that make the prostitute the top of that list?"

No, and here's why:

1) The pimp profits without actually having to do much of anything. He's not just a pimp. He's also a thief.

2) The prostitute is taking immoral advantage of an innate human instinct and lures people in society to commit crimes. That is worse than actually committing a crime because not only is she a criminal ... she manufactures other criminals.

3) A john is a lured into committing a relatively petty offense by a God-given instinct he is doomed to live with that he didn't ask for.

Of these three, the john has committed the lessor crime and can point to meaningful mitigating circumstances.

In fact, one could argue that the john is actually doing long-term society a favor by accidentally impregnating some prostitutes unknowingly and thus keeping the gene pool viable.

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

Perhaps Oscar Mayer is hiring.

Trooper York said...

My opinion of my whole experience varies from time to time. In broad daylight, and at most seasons I am apt to think the greater part of it a mere dream; but sometimes in the autumn, about two in the morning when winds and animals howl dismally, there comes from inconceivable depths below a damnable suggestions of rhythmical throbbing ... and I feel that the transition of my penis to tumescence was a terrible one indeed.
("The Transition of Anthony Weiner" HP Lovecraft, Scribner’s, 1932)

kimsch said...

John at 10:29

Too bad. I was hoping that Weiner's resolve would stiffen, that he would stand proud and hold up his end, that he would stick it out....

They just write themselves...

Anonymous said...

"I hate seeing people publicly humiliated for the sexual things they do in private."

GarageBalan points to this commet as somehow being proof of Althouse hypocrisy, but it isn't.

What Vitter did (let's stipulate), he did in private as Ann correctly wrote. But what Weiner did, he did in public.

That's a key difference.

So, Ann cannot be accused of any hypocrisy here.

Flashing in public is a far worse crime than visiting a prostitute privately.

ampersand said...

That was quick, Wife and Wife-in-law get back to town and,lickety-split, He's out.

Anonymous said...

AP: "Congress Loses Weiner--Hookers Hardest Hit"

Anonymous said...

A Weiner death watch is forming outside his NY apartment.

WV: pronic, a chronic prong.

Trooper York said...

Decadence is a difficult word to use since it has become little more than a term of abuse applied by critics to anything they do not yet understand or which seems to differ from their moral concepts

Photos of my flannel encased penis can only be termed art and should be shared with the impressionable young. For how else will they learn.
(Death in the Afternoon, Ernest Hemmingway Scribner’s, 1957)

Clyde said...

Weiner has had the schnitzel.

Stick a fork in him, he's done.

wv: duckedax. What the duck?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"..... I stand ready to hear your abject apology...."

Heh you might want to pull up a chair cause you might be standing awhile.

Anonymous said...

Weiner to resign, staff leaves D.C. office, locks doors

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

One less louse in the House.


Clyde said...

And if Huma kicks him to the curb, she could just as easily have an abortion as be a single mom. Remember, these are Democrats we are talking about. Sarah Palin she ain't.

Scott M said...

12 minutes.

Trooper York said...

Ladies first, partner?"he asked. I looked up to see him smiling on the Skype screen with a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot.
"Or I could start, if you wish." The smile faded; he was obviously wondering if I was mentally competent.
Then he stood. He was naked. My congressman. My friend. My obsession.
(Twilight, Stephenie Meyer Bantam 2011)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

widdle weiner within..

www.. tweet

Anonymous said...

"One less louse in the House."

While this is true, there are still 192 Socialists left to destroy in the House and 49 in the Senate.

This is but one small battle in the civil war and while we should all take a moment to congratulate ourselves and take solace in the fact that this fucking pervert has given up the fight rather than to stand and battle, the price of our continued freedom is not this lone victory.

The price of our continued freedom is eternal vigilance.


Anonymous said...

The crush to the car.

Trooper York said...

Hermione: Has anyone seen a penis? A boy named Anthony has lost one. He sent me a photo on my phone to see if I could find it. [sees Ron attempting magic] Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see then.
Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.
[Nothing happens]
Hermione: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, not very good is it? Of course I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me. For example, [sits in front of Harry] Oculus Reparo.
[She touches his wand and Harry's penis is immediately rock hard.]
Hermione: That's better, isn't it? [realizes who he is] Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. [looks at Ron] And... you are?
Ron: [muffled] I'm Ron Weasley.
Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon. [leaves, but turns around to face Ron] You've got dirt on your nose, by the way... Did you know? Just there...
(Harry Potter and the Congressman’s Weiner, Bloomsbury Press, 2011)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hacked by Huma.

Good one Meade. lol

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rush just said "Weiner has not pulled out" like three time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

its on -

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

its getting ugly in there.

Anonymous said...


"Bye Bye Pervert"

Weiner heckled by his own constituents at his resignation speech.

Scott M said...

"...so that I can heal from the damage that I have caused."

DADvocate said...

I hope the widdle weiner within is all wight.

Fixed it. It's "Talk Like Elmer Fudd Day."

Anonymous said...

Headline of Weiner presser:

"Bye Bye Pervert"

Stunning. His own constituents show up to the press conference to make jokes at his expense.

I hope he can heal.

kent said...

Der Weinerr, like a child, shouted, cried, pointed fingers at others, and lied to the public when it was pretty damned obvious to most he was lying.

Easy to see, in retrospect, how garage might relate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Weiner is dead.. long live the Weiner.

Anonymous said...

Some unbiased reporting from Reuters.

Amid scandal, US Republican Weiner to step down

Scott M said...

The Weiner is dead.. long live the Weiner.

The Once And Future Weiner?

Anonymous said...

BTW: The above headline is correct at this time, I wonder how long they'll leave it up before the correction.

From Inwood said...


You win the thread by far.

Your "Judy Blume" a classic.

Let me try one more Limerick

His privates out on twitter chatter
Made him seem as mad as a hatter.
Some said “quit
You horrid twit.
Others, “his privates a private matter.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Amid scandal, US Republican Weiner to step down

I took a screen capture..

Its hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Might be more to the story than meets the eye ...


Anonymous said...


See if this link works better.

MadisonMan said...

The Resignation For Scandal Score is Republicans 2 Democrats 1 this year -- and it's only June! Am I omitting anyone on the National Scene?

There's the shirtless Craigslist guy -- which seems positively tame now, the Aide Affair Guy, and the Bulging twitpic guy.

And it's only June. What's the record, I wonder, for scandal-caused resignations in one year?

Methadras said...

I can't say i'm sad to see this happen, because I'm not. So long you piece of shit. I could care less if you stayed or not. Having you stay would have been a perpetual reminder of leftard hubris, so now having you go makes it that much better.

Good luck landing a job since you aren't a lawyer or have any real practical work experience, which has been the case for you sucking off the public tit for 13 years. Well, there is always K street. I'm sure someone has already put in a good word for you. Oh hell, I bet you twitter is calling you now for a position.

MadisonMan said...

K street

Yes, that is definitely his next job location. He will fit right in.

DaveW said...

I see everyone picked up on the Clinton angle to this, but the irony of Bill Clinton being furious that someone else did this to this woman he thought of as his second daughter is simply too rich.

If you think about it though, it's an interesting insight into the mindset of our cultural elites. Oh, you can do it to the proles, but stay away from OUR families.

Scumbag is too good a word.

Meade said...

The gentleman is corRECT in stepping down!

Phil 314 said...

So is the guy that took calls from hookers during roll calls and had sex with them dressed up in diapers next?

Not to condone Sen. Vitter's actions but if I recall correctly:
-when first discovered, Vitter quickly came out and admitted the accusation and "apologized"
-the hooker interludes had occurred several years earlier and the Sen. had already "confessed" to his wife and had sought "counselling"
-the Senate ethics committee investigated and cleared Sen. Vitter.
-there were no criminal charges
-in the ultimate test, Sen. Vitter faced his electorate (who presumably had in the past put confidence in him because of his "pro-family values" stands) and won re-election.

Now you are correct that there wasn't a firestorm of Republican criticism and calls for his resignation. I'd assume that was based on political concerns (a Democratic governor would have appointed a Democratic replacement) just as this episode had political concerns (Weiner a distraction as the Dems sought to regain control of the public dialogue)

So not a lot of similarity EXCEPT for politics. But I'll presume you're upset at the HYPOCRACY of Sen. Vitter. Apparently Louisiana voters (who's opinion matters the most)are less upset.


BJM said...


Deborah Jeane Palfrey could not be reached for comment.

Neither can Mary Jo Kopechne.

G Joubert said...

The Weiner will land on its feet. That's likely part of the quid pro quo for resigning. And he can still run for mayor too down the road.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote:
Sending pics of your dick = horrible and grounds for dismissal

No one has been dismissed, asshole.

Toad Trend said...

LOL, love the heckling he endured during his self-fellatio (I mean, resignation).

'Yay! Bye-bye, PERVERT!!!'

No one is more deserving.

Toad Trend said...

Anthony ’Bye-bye pervert’ Weiner.

DaveW said...

Couldn't find the video of Weiner resigning.

It's the first time I've ever googled "weiner" and nothing came up but the Wein's announcement.

Anonymous said...

Still standing ready, Professor?

Michael said...

He apologized for his "mistakes.". This reminds me of my buddy who caught his manager stealing. He was heaving boxes of steaks to a colleage who was tossing them into the trunk of his car. When confronted he said anyone could make a mistake. You didnt make a mistake, my friend noted as he fired him, you were doing it in purpose.

William said...

You don't know how these things will play out until they play out. I think Ted Kennedy committed the greatest crime. At any rate, he's the only one whose libido has a body count. Still, he retired as the lion of the Senate. And who could have predicted that Bill Clinton would enjoy his current esteem.....I can see why Weiner made the effort. You just don't know until you play out the hand. He was drawn down not by the gravity of his sin, but by its utter frivolity....I don't feel any real anger or indignation. It was not that type of wrongdoing. But he just looks so stupid and self deluded about his own nature that it's difficult to see how he can participate in public life without drawing jeers. Still Clinton endures.

Toad Trend said...


Without willing handlers/supporters, Ted Kennedy (family dynasty), Bill Clinton (visionary to liberals), et al, would not have survived.

Weiner killed off any possibility of survival and was ultimately expendable.

There are many Anthony Weiner types (liberal attack dog) waiting in the wings.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

William said...

And who could have predicted that Bill Clinton would enjoy his current esteem

It took me almost a week to realize the simple answer to this question: Why was Bill Clinton so staunchly defended and Anthony Weiner abandoned, even though Bill Clinton's transgressions were larger and his lies were perjury?

I finally realized, and it really is simple. Bill Clinton, standing alone, could veto any anti-abortion legislation. That made him important to the feminists. While they could count on Anthony Weiner to support abortion, he wasn't an essential vote. So they could safely oppose him where they wouldn't oppose Bill Clinton.

Forgive me, I'm slow...

wv: unonism. The form of government garage and Cook and RV want. (I think this wv is on the wrong thread.)

Scott M said...

While they could count on Anthony Weiner to support abortion, he wasn't an essential vote. So they could safely oppose him where they wouldn't oppose Bill Clinton.

But they didn't. The NOW spokesperson for NY said that it's embarrassing and unfortunate, but that they didn't want him to resign because, basically, because they agreed with his politics.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

ScottM, I thought I remembered some prominent feminists abandoning him. Certainly Pelosi and Schultz did. But I haven't paid that close attention.

Anonymous said...

"There are many Anthony Weiner types (liberal attack dog) waiting in the wings."

DT12- Weiner was an essential tool in the box and with the coming election it will be interesting to see who fills the breach. It will become apparent soon enough.

B said...

"Phil 3:14 said...'So is the guy that took calls from hookers during roll calls and had sex with them dressed up in diapers next?'"

Actually, Garage is lying. He lies a lot. If you asked him, he'd say he doesn't lie. However, since the story has been debunked, and he knows it, he is passing on a known lie. But debunking this garage lie with facts is futile. It's a lot like his multiple posts lying about the facts of the Prosser election, no matter who many people pointed out that the votes were recorded election evening.
Guy's just a lying asshole.

Briefly (because there was more to the story, both true and false),

The DC end...US Representative Vitter's name was found in a DC madam's contact list. He admitted to it. Worked it out with his wife, and subsequently was elected to the Senate. This was 5 or more years back (the prostitute stuff), and he is still married.

That's it. That is all he admitted to. No diaper kink, no Louisianna madam, no talking with hookers on the house floor. Having admitted to the DC end, Vitter would have been taking a hugely stupid track - like Weiner did - denying the the other tales if there were any truth at all to it. Garage is either not smart enough to get this, or does and opts to lie.

The Lousianna end...a madam in Louisiana claimed she also provided services to Vitter. She also claimed that Vitter had a kinky side involving diapers with one of her girls. Vitter said she was full of it and it was never substantiated. The madam could not show any contact - including phone records - with Vitter. The girl could not even describe Vitter. The madam and the girl clammed up when the police came into the picture.

As far as 'taking calls from hookers during roll calls', garage is outright lying on this one. Not a shred of proof.

A contributer to Wonkette, that well-known bastion of non-partisan and honest storytelling, ran hard with this story, especially the roll call fable. The Alinsky types, knowing that the marching moron garage mahals of the left will swallow anything that meets their preconceptions, have pushed the Louisiana end and the roll call fable as being as substantial as the DC madam's address book end and conflated the stories to infer that Vitter admitted to all accusations.

Vitter, however, being smarter that the aggregate of 20 garage mahals plus the entire Wonkette crew, never bought into the part of this Alinsky tactic that makes it work. He doesn't continue to deny the false story and thus let them steer the narative. He ignores the assholes.

Garage dresses up in just antlers with a sleigh bell on his dong and runs the streets of Madison at 4 on Sunday mornings clopping two blocks of wood together. I need not provide any proof or substantiate this. I say it is so. If I say it is so long enough and loudly enough, someone will pass the story along as true and it will take on a false life of it's own.

Feel free to help.

Cedarford said...

@B - that was some serious debunking of all Garages "Vitter Hypocrisy!!" nonsense.

kent said...

Garage dresses up in just antlers with a sleigh bell on his dong and runs the streets of Madison at 4 on Sunday mornings clopping two blocks of wood together.

World's eeniest, weeniest, eensiest sleigh bell. EVER.

Peter V. Bella said...

The wittle wiener is alright. But the big Weiner is still a fiendish pervert. He should change his name to Richard Cranium.

No pity. No mercy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh to have been a fly on the wall when Huma gave Weiner his marching orders.

Meade said...

Garage can dress up in just antlers with a sleigh bell on his dong and run halfway around the streets of Madison at 4 AM Sunday mornings clopping two blocks of wood together while B is still putting on his shoes.

kjbe said...

When will Weiner be arraigned for his sexting of consenting adult women who were neither his employees nor students?

ken in tx said...

Cedarford, congratulations, you made one entire comment without mentioning anyone being a Jew. Unfortunately, your next comment abrogated that standard.

The Crack Emcee said...

Scott M,

The prostitute can operate without a pimp, though, while a pimp cannot without the prostitute. Wouldn't that make the prostitute the top of that list?

You clearly have no clue about the nature of that relationship.

reformed trucker said...

"So, Ann cannot be accused of any hypocricy here."

True, but I do think she has a serious Weiner fetish...

wv: ginesses - One more u and I would have been up to my neck in Guiness.

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