“So now, when he needs help, there is no one who is there, not even Democrats."
Says Peter T. King. Peter King. Here he is relating to Weiner last July:
Who would you rather have representing you?
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Huma Abedin, has strongly encouraged him to try to remain in office. She is actively participating in discussions of his political future, speaking with him several times during the day.
Seems she has her mentor's sense of values.
For months he strung his cyber-g.f. along in Vegas, promising to one day show up to screw her in person.
He strung all of them along, always promising to deliver, but never coming through.
He was disloyal not only to his wife, but the (at least) six other women he showed his pee-pee to.
Epic fail.
It's hard to believe that the Dems looked up to and gave a prominent role to such an obvious liar and fraud. How dense, or how poor a judge of character, do you have to be to not have your sleazeball alarm go off whenever Weiner speaks?
live by the sword, die by it.
From the linked article: After one of the games, Mr. Weiner had a black eye because he had collided with another player in the outfield. Mr. Weiner bragged about the episode so much that his staff members were left rolling their eyes for days afterward, with one wryly suggesting that he wanted to give Mr. Weiner another black eye.
He collided with his team mate in the outfield. That just about sums up Mr. Weiner.
He will never resign - which isn't a bad thing if you are a Republican.
I think what Weiner and King are debating here is the House vote for the aid for 9/11 responders.
The Democrats used procedure to make this a vote that would require a 2/3 majority, instead of a simple majority, so that Rs couldn't propose amendments like preventing the aid from going to illegal immigrants.
So the bill was narrowly defeated, and it would have passed easily, if only a simple majority was required, and if these innocuous amendments had been allowed; and the Dems blamed the Republicans afterward. (Which is all the Ds wanted here -- they don't give a damn about illegal immigrants, they wanted a club to use against Republicans.) But King couldn't make this point, because Weiner, as is his wont, filibustered him.
He is such an embodiment of the New York loud mouth. I hope he stays and keeps torpedoing his caucus's effort at sensible legislation. We need more seats in the House.
Ever see his high-school pic? I'm guessing he got his ass kicked quite a bit. Especially if he was just a big a dick then as he is now.
Mr Weiner should remain in congress--he is the epitome of a democrat
we had an old saying in the cavalry: never burn a bridge you might have to cross again--Mr Weiner should have been in cavalry: he's the epitome of an horses ass
King seemed more whiney and weak.
Weiner seemed more dickey and dickey.
I really don't care for whiney, so...
NYT: "(Weiner's) Brash style..."
Brash? I guess that's a fair enough word, without resorting to profanity. Assholish, I think, is more accurate, but the Times is limited to a more conventional vocabulary.
But calling Weiner "brash" is a little like calling Stalin "bossy."
Sorry, my mind turned off when I heard Rep. Weiner declare:
"And the truth is going to hurt!"
I really don't care for whiney, so..."
Thats some winner you hitched your horse to chief.
Or like calling pb&j "slightly partisan."
Who would I rather have represent me? Neither of these charmless, heartless bastards.
The job is obviously all Weiner's got. The job got him fame and a trophy wife. The job gave him license to kick the other little boys around. The job let him forget being an outie in school.
No way is he leaving on his own. He is his job.
Not a big fan of King - read someplace that he was a big supporter of the IRA back in the '80s, but The Weiner is a typical nephew of Uncle Saul - any lie will do, shout down the other guy, etc.
He has no friends on the other side of the aisle, even among the RINOs, and the Demos, while they never call on one of their own to resign, really understand the need to get rid of him.
The Demos think they can spin Republican spending cuts as a war on women, but, if Tony is on display as the poster boy for the way the Demos have really treated women the last 40 years, they're going to have a message problem.
And, notice, the Republicans aren't all that loud in demanding he resign. Right now, The Weiner is the face of the Democrat Party.
Weiner is the epitome of all bark and no bite. He defines it.
"Thats some winner you hitched your horse to chief."
I know. Shame.
LOL @ Hemmer's closing comment.
"Gentlemen, this may be why Congress today has an 11% approval rating by the American public." rolls eyes
If he won't resign, the best way is to simply carve his district away in redistricting. It could be a bipartisan reach across the aisles moment.
They're both obnoxious.
Wild Weiner is very smart, but he does not wait for a teachable moment to use his smarts to win friends for his political position. He just intimidates the hell out of everybody and claims a victory by being the loudest and rudest man in the room. He never gets around to winning over the others...he just smashing them verbally in public. Now what could possibly go wrong for a man like that?
You know, Weiner can always become the new spokesman for Enzyte.
Just sayin.
In a good way, in your opinion? Like Sheen, in your opinion?
Apparently "had a style that wore people down" is code for a**hole.
X's lips to God's ears.
PS Damn Blogger's playing games with comments again. Althou.se can't come soon enough.
A. Peter King
Weiner has been an arrogant asshole for the last 15 years that I have been aware of him. So, he has no friends. This is a surpise?
"He[...]claims a victory by being the loudest and rudest man in the room. He never gets around to winning over the others...he just smashing them verbally in public. Now what could possibly go wrong for a man like that?"
What could go wrong?
He sounds like he'd be a good fit for many Althouse threads.
Huma Abedin, has strongly encouraged him to try to remain in office.
Here's the reason for that. Other than being in elective office, Weiner brings absolutely nothing else to the table.
It sounded like King's mic was turned down.
King wasn't microphoned properly in that video.
Update on Senior Policy Adviser Huma Abedin Weiner:
The NY Post is reporting today that she got paid $154,000 in 2009. That is a 300% pay raise from the $50,000 she was reportedly paid in 2008.
Nice work if you can get it.
If anyone else needs a flunky, I am available.
In other news, Weiner is practicing saying "You want fries with that?"
Seems his only career path when he resigns is to work in a McDonalds. He has no other skills or talents.
John Henry
<< Huma Abedin, has strongly encouraged him to try to remain in office. She is actively participating in discussions of his political future, speaking with him several times during the day.>>
She's as fucked up as he is, trying to foist him off on his constituency rather than deal with him, herself.
What happens with Baby Weiner? Imagine Baby Weiner, sitting on one knee while daddy sends dick-pics to his cyber gf.
Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
The guy is fatally flawed, his judgement is flawed, his thinking is flawed, he is flawed.
"It sounded like King's mic was turned down."
Either that, or his testosterone was turned down.
Just as it was said of Oakland, with Weiner -absent his Congressional seat- there's no there there.
"…Weiner is very smart,"
No he's not.
His current predicament is entirely of his own making and his clownishly inept attempts to manage it betray an intellectual dullness, if not outright stupidity.
Andrew Breibart is smart.
"But not Mr. Weiner, who usually kept to himself, and was busy either talking to his staff or, more recently, using his BlackBerry. "
Uh, the Blackberry? Whatever for?
pbAndj said...
"It sounded like King's mic was turned down."
Either that, or his testosterone was turned down.
No, The Weiner's ego was turned up. Too bad it wasn't his brain.
"Weiner had a style that wore people down"
Dishonest, in-your-face partisan berating is a "style"?
Congress ain't what it used to be. There was a day when King would have simply slapped that obnoxious bsstsard across the chops with his cane and have done with it.
Um, that's "Whom would you rather...", Dr Althouse.
"And the truth is going to hurt! So, I'll Twitter you some pictures instead."
pb and J: althouse threads are not the US congress-we get to say all kinds of outrageous things-Mr Weiner: not so much
Its all about context and fora sir--but nice try to deflect
Palin's emails to be revealed any minute. Everyone excited? Think it'll get the same attention as Anthony Weiner's cock?
garage: ? must not be paying attention
According to reports Weiner can't afford to resign. He needs the dough. Living on a combined income of almost 400 grand a year is not enough.
He will not resign until the Legislature passes unemployment benefits for unfit legislators.
It's hard to believe that the Dems looked up to and gave a prominent role to such an obvious liar and fraud.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the head of the DNG and the "mouth piece" of the party. That tells you all you need to know.
Likes young girls too? http://patterico.com/2011/06/09/evidence-that-weiner-was-talking-dirty-to-underage-girls-part-3/
garage mahal said...
Palin's emails to be revealed any minute. Everyone excited? Think it'll get the same attention as Anthony Weiner's cock?
Well, it sounds like garage is going to give it a whack.
I can only hope Ms Palin is going to give us a boob shot on tweeter
channeling titus, tits rule :)
Step back a minute. The seat Weiner now fills once belonged to Charles Schumer. Who went up against "Senator Pot Hole." (D'Mato). Who was the republican in the senate, from NY. And, who sat alongside the other senator from NY, Patrick Moinihan. Moinihan was known as an intellectual's intellectual. And, he didn't pay much attention to constituents.
On the other hand, D'Mato, also known as Senator Pot Hole, was the "go to" office for anyone with a political problem. And, he'd fix this! So,you'd think when D'Mato was running for another term, he'd be a shoo-in. Charles Schumer got in. And, it was so bad, that D'Mato's tears couldn't be stopped. And, he couldn't give his concession speech.
This is when (back in 1998, I think), that Weiner (a protoge of Schumer's) stepped into the ring. And, won the 2 year seat in the House of Representatives.
You know, in an odd side show "event," Leona Helmsley's dog, "Trouble" ... just died.
You'd figure with all the money in the world for care ... a small dog would live longer than 12 years.
While for all those who gawk at traffic accidents, Weiner's in the crash. I don't even hear the sirens that the rescue folk are on their way!
Yes. Weiner held on in 2010. When a lot of his colleagues bit the dust. Perhaps, he's counting on being in a very safe district?
Can't step into the Mayor's shoes. So, yeah. Alec Baldwin thinks he'll give it a run.
Maybe, Weiner can start wearing Bella Abzug's old hats? New Yorkers vote candidates in for the strangest reasons.
I'm a liberal guy, too cool for the macho ache
With a secret tooth for the cherry on the cake
With a pious smile, a smile that changes what I say
While I waste my time in regretting
That the days went from perfect to just okay
Garage...Has Sarah inserted computer chips into Liberal's minds that makes them knee jerk publicize every thing she ever says, all in a false hope of ridiculing her? She has become a Bin Laden like nemesis to liberals. You Liberals have even set the stage for her two hour movie on nothing but Palin being wrongfully attacked by liberals and RINOs. If she wins the 2012 election, I will blame you.
Penisaur is such a 'people person' isn't he!
I feel so bad for him. Poor Penisaur, he's the punchline with ears.
What comes around, goes around.
Being a laid back denizen of a Rocky Moutnain State who went to college in the midwest, can someone explain why people in the northeast tend toward the brash obnoxious and loud? Don't they ever step back and think, I'm coming across as a total a**hole in my demeanor and how I relate to other human beings?
I would prefer Mortimer Snerd be my rep.
Sofa King said,LOL @ Hemmer's closing comment.
That sanctimonious bit was the part of the video that annoyed me the most. If any of these screeching-heads shows really wanted to provide their viewers with useful information in complicated cases like the 911 bill, they would employ reporters with sufficient intelligence, education, and disinterest to report the basic facts. Instead, they set up cockfights between whichever two politicos have the greatest reasons to shout at each other.
Hemmer and the rest of them--on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, et al.-- ought to check out the approval rating of his own industry before tsk-tsking about Congress. Then he should STFU rather than express his shock!shock! that there's ranting on his TV show.
Palin's emails to be revealed any minute. Everyone excited?
I am. I heard a rumor that one of her emails included Obama's Columbia transcript as an attachment.
As to your original question, you need more choices and based on their character I'd be good with this one or this one
(But politically, I'd vote for the first one)
Via Drudge - it will link to Newsbusters:
On Thursday's Hardball, Chris Matthews determined that Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner could be in danger of being forced out of Congress by Blue Dog Dems who face uphill battles in red states because, as he put it, "people in the rural areas of this country who are Christian conservative culturally - you can say backward if you want...don't like this kind of stuff."
At this point, we're getting to the "how young" portion of the culture wars.
Garage...Has Sarah inserted computer chips into Liberal's minds that makes them knee jerk publicize every thing she ever says, all in a false hope of ridiculing her?
Well, there has been close to 40 posts here on Anthony Weiner since the story broke. Conservatives like Anthony Weiner's cock, and liberals like Sarah Palin's emails. It's all good fun.
If he resigns, he could be the new Shamwow guy!
"It's for the children" may get an entirely new meaning.
It's hard to believe that the Dems looked up to and gave a prominent role to such an obvious liar and fraud.
I suppose, in the sense that it's hard to believe that dogs are really interested in sniffing the asses of other dogs.
can someone explain why people in the northeast tend toward the brash obnoxious and loud?
Proximity. There is not enough space for them to spread out since there's a shortage of real estate and a surplus of regulation protecting it from development.
Also, small bathrooms.
"...like Anthony Weiner's cock,..."
Pathetic, projecting, pusillanimous.
Penisaur thrust his throbbing member into the spotlight, himself. Thats right, Penisaur, D-NY, is solely responsible.
We know you think non-liberals should just ignore that, but really garage, this particular strawman is just too stupid. Even for you.
Penisaur thrust his throbbing member into the spotlight, himself. Thats right, Penisaur, D-NY, is solely responsible.
True. But you guys can't stop talking about that penis. Or, Wenis?
Being called "backward" by Chris Matthews is a compliment. The fuckwit still thinks President Wee-Wee is a super-genius.
I am. I heard a rumor that one of her emails included Obama's Columbia transcript as an attachment.
Don't be cruel. We all know Obama is a genius of some sort. Even if he seems unable to make complex points in conversation and he has never used Mathematics in his adult life. He's articulate you see.
We all know Obama is a genius of some sort.
Yes--a genius at self-promotion.
True. But you guys can't stop talking about that penis. Or, Wenis?
Actually, we are just following the (tiny) trail of Weiner's wiener all over the internet. Right now we want to know whether 'he' made a visit to the visual field of an underage girl.
That's easy: Pre-scandal I'd rather have Weiner. Now I'd rather have King. Both are kinda typical NY pols in that they came up through the ranks in the gladiatorial form political winnowing that NY politics has evolved.
The last man standing from the primaries tries to outshine, out-smart, out-talk and out-hustle the other guy. Dirty tricks, smears, lies and such are not only allowed but are encouraged. Like with many NCAA football and basketball coaches the idea is to win first and explain later. If you have to.
Who would you rather have representing you?
Watching half the clip, I hate Weiner's style. Whining, although he accuses the other of that, blaming other, etc. He's only interested in winning the argument at the moment, no thought to working with someone else.
He's the kind of guy I'd work against just to piss him off and take him down. I wouldn't want him representing me or even on my side.
Betting opportunities I'd like to see:
Over/under on the number of days before Weiner smirks again on TV.
Lincolntf said...
It's hard to believe that the Dems looked up to and gave a prominent role to such an obvious liar and fraud
No it's not.
They elected one President.
Where have you been?
Weiner could not make a living outside the political gravy train. The first time he spoke that way to a man trained in fighting, he would end up in the ER in need of a dental surgeon, a plastic surgeon and an orthopedic surgeon. Sometimes even Christian men forget to forgive quick enough.
Hoosier Daddy,
You know, Weiner can always become the new spokesman for Enzyte.
There is a resemblance, isn't there?
There is a resemblance, isn't there?
There's also a demonstrated need.
C'mon, Althouse, the Palin circus is operating full tilt today!
When are you going to cover it?
It's Horshack on stoat-steroids. All mouth and no ears.
Incidentally, I had an hour-long conversation yesterday with a deaf woman who responded precisely to everything I said. Nothing was repeated, nothing was stepped on, nothing was ignored, nothing contradicted. The back-and-forth exchange was perfectly delightful and clear. The contrast between her and himself is remarkable.
I don't care what happens to him. Go, stay, I don't care.
You know what else? One last thing. All this I read about shaved chest. I never caught that. My chest is bare as that. My dear ol' dad, bless 'im, used to insist I have sips of his blended whiskeys. Ghastliest shit ever invented. Turpentine's own cousin. He never failed to laud it as the very thing that would put hair on my chest. Well, I had those sips and nothing happened. LIES !!11¡1uno!!
Gsrage. Yhe media is certainly more interested in bringing down Palin than bringing down the Weiner. Perhaps they will uncover some misspellings or subject/verb disagreements which,of course,would be much worse than sending lewd pictures to college girls. Yes, Garage, Palin sent and received emails.
Well unlike a lot of professional pols (of both parties) I could name, Weiner's relative penury is proof that what ever other faults he may have cronyism, quid pro quo, golden handshakes weren't his thing. Say what else you want about him but he's pure as the driven snow in terms of not lining his own pockets. Just sayin'. Unlike Clinton, Rangel, Dodd, and many many others.
Probably right. I think she primarily used her yahoo account anyway, and 2200 pages were redacted. Still, I'm pretty Weinered out. You?
Wrong. The media stayed stuck on him from the first accusations and never relented. And as has been pointed out elsewhere on this blog Weiner pushed back EXTREMELY hard but to no avail. The media will crucify who they can. And yes I know some get away with it.
They must be paid by the word, because that's an unusually elaborate way to write "he's a vile little schmuck and no one is remotely sad to see him fall on his face," which is really the takeaway.
Weiner looks like the kind of guy who is more adept at winning arguments than winning fights. In fact, his style of winning arguments probably inspires fights....The exchange between him and King shows why he is a cooked goose. His performance with King was virtually indistinguishable from his overbearing ways in the Karl interview where he lied about everything. When you lie that often and that aggressively, it is difficult to re-establish credibility.....Rahm Emanuel's brother is a big time Hollywood agent. If you think Weiner with his overbearing personality and facility for whoppers will have difficulty making a living, you are touchingly naive about American life.
@ Republican: "...Baby Weiner..."
I was thinking maybe the correct term is Teeny Wein-y, but then again that may not be specific enough in that family.
Garage - I'm sure the Weiner chatter will stop once the douche-bag resigns; however, Rep. Douche-Bag (D-NY) ain't gonna resign so people are going to talk about it.
Weiner certainly deserves the humiliation.
'More often than not, as members of the New York delegation waited for a vote, or a meeting, most would make small talk or huddle. But not Mr. Weiner, who usually kept to himself, and was busy either talking to his staff or, more recently, using his BlackBerry.'
Must have started when he got the twitter app.
This is a newsworthy observation?
A first-class dink to any reasonsable observer certainly.
I was thinking maybe the correct term is Teeny Wein-y, but then again that may not be specific enough in that family.
Surely he's known familiarly as Little Anthony. (It's Doo-Wop Day here, isn't it?)
Looking at the other thread it appears that Weiner has no choice but to stay in office. He does not have the skills, any skills, to feed himself otherwise. Surely we can do better as a nation than to hire people like this to represent us.
Mr. Weiner, who usually kept to himself
Kept to himself or ostracized?
"Mr. Weiner who usually kept to himself".....Not entirely true.
Not Peter King
Vicki from Pasadena
You'll have to be more specific, victoria. They both fancy themselves to be peter king.
That article made me kind of horny for him.
I love in your face aggressive types that don't fit in or get along with anyone.
It's just hot.
Why is there a video of you with your motorized desk instead of Peter King?
wv: theliff
BTW, Professor, I love the clean simple design of your new blog. How does one register to comment?
New York is losing two congressional seats, one upstate and one in the city. Dems are pulling to get rid of Weiner's district. They do not want him around.
Serious question? I'd be embarrassed to have Weiner as my rep, and not just because of his name. He never shuts up.
I suppose New Yawkahs love that moxie, but it's totally lost on me.
wv: eagobler
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