Says Ed Morrissey. Of course, the state legislature is conservative, so there's a question whether the legislature would have great credibility if it were to purport to delve into the facts. But what are you going to do? Right now, we've got the Dane County Sheriff investigating the matter and...
Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney... endorsed Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg in her challenge to Prosser in the April 5 election. Mahoney and Kloppenburg also use the same campaign manager, Melissa Mulliken, who has worked on many state and local campaigns.UPDATE: Mahoney says: "As the Sheriff, I have no role in the assignment of detectives and supervisors or overseeing the investigation."
Mahoney took over the investigation Monday at the request of Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs. Tubbs said he consulted with the court before turning over the investigation to Mahoney.
This is such nonsense. Perhaps they should bring back the duel to handle such shenanigans.
" Of course, the state legislature is conservative, so there's a question whether the legislature would have great credibility if it were to purport to delve into the facts."
Because we all know that WI Conservatives are just as dishonest and self-serving as Liberals. Oh, actually we don't, but let's ptretend it's true to be fair.
This court has a genetic defect: 2 assholes - both on the left cheek.
WV: "hymine" C'mon, stop it. I know you're reading these posts you little smart ass.
Wouldn't an investigation serve the interests of the anti walker gang by delaying any court work,maybe for a few years?
Sure, it's a Humpty Dumpty story. But the legislators would be fools to go in and try to get elected justices to resign.
It's as if the stupid party never learned anything from Bill Clinton's "mishigas."
Better to leave everything where it's fallen. Abrhamson and Bradley, like Sumi, will learn soon enough that they are laughingstock. None of them have reputations worth quoting years from now.
Maybe, we could call it the Chief Justice Tanney lesson.
What's that, you might ask?
Well at the Supreme Court in DC, the only previous chief justice who has no portrait hanging is Tanney.
Now, of course, we're dealing with farce.
Which is what Bill Clinton's penis is all about. It was very stupid to put the GOP through the wringer.
Will Abrhamson and Bradley resign? Nah. Not on their own, I don't think.
But will they be pointed out?
You bet! Just in case they're unrecognized, now ... they'll be like Kloppenhoppen.
Now, that was some victory speech Kloppenhoppen gave, huh?
When August 1st rolls around ... Governor Walker may have to call out the National Guard so that Prosser can be sworn in for his next ten year term.
But Prosser's not an embarrassment.
Abrhamson, Bradley, and Sumi, so far, are.
Wait till law students ahead get to carve up their opinions for a grade in a law school class.
Some case law just has pure entertainment value slapped right on top.
Or you've never read Hugo Black's finally getting even with the Klan.
OK, so let's say there is a brawl and all the justices jump in with bloody noses everywhere, blouses torn off and men bent over holding their jewels. What's funny is that we know this is actually possible now.
But if it happened, what could be done to them, legally?
Mahoney now says he won't take direct role in Supreme Court investigation.
It's good to have earnestness on the bench.
Everything is so partisan on the D-side - it's corrupt.
Another reminder why public unionization is a corrupting influence.
Dane County Sheriff, Dave Mahoney, has got a problem.
For all days forward everyone is gonna want to know "details."
He'll never escape being asked.
And, he won't escape the reality that his friends are such schmucks.
It must be so strange to suddenly wake up and find yourself in Bizzaro land, where up is down, truth are lies and lies are truth, and no one can be trusted to do what they are supposed to do.
Of course, it pretty much has always been that way and many of us have know it all along. It is just that people (you) are waking up because it is now shoved in your face.
Like Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. Just be careful with those funny mushrooms.
Or to put it another way....reality sucks, doesn't it.
Bagoh 20: They wear robes.
If this were a movie, stunt actors would have on all sorts of protective gear.
And, once they're in their courtrooms, all the sheriffs have guns. Some also have tasers.
I don't think Prosser has to worry that Bradley's gonna rush him, again.
Of course, if she does ... and he learns a little self defense ... there's a good chance she goes flying in the air. Could happen. He could practice a step at Arthur Murray's studio ... where he sashays around and sticks his foot out.
The troubling leak is the one that doesn't favor Prosser. (sad) No doubt about it! Good thing there was a "counter-leak" that gave a much more favorable version of events than the first leak that didn't favor Prosser. (happy!)
Which is a good thing for Prosser, because he *really* needed a counter narrative. If fact, if one didn't exist, it would need to be invented for him. (um, okay!)
*thanks Christian (BIG wink*)
Typical nonsense from "Captain Ed". He's supposed to be a conservative but instead uses his usual 'a plague on both your houses' approach, so that he look like a "reasonable conservative".
"Clean House"? What a cliche. Isn't he some kind of legal expert? And that's the best he can do? Of course the legislature should look into it -thanks Captain obvious.
"Captain Ed" seems to imply the problem is with *all* the justices, when, in fact, the problem seems to be the liberal ones.
I wish "Captain Ed" would defect and go to work for Andrew Sullivan or David Frum.
Man, this is a good story.
You usually have to work at the court ... and be part of the in crowd ... to know that this stuff goes on (behind doors). Always.
Even next term, when the court resumes. And, begins to hear cases ... All Prosser will have to do is smirk a funny smirk any time Abhrahamson or Bradley direct a question towards any attorney.
I bet you'll see an increase in visitors. The galleries will fill.
And, not just with journalists, either.
Are we the only ones talking about this?
Isn't it possible this is a hot topic even between our 9 Supremes? You think this isn't dinner conversation?
Would you want to be shirley abrahamson's reputation? Would you even want to be related to her?
So we now know for sure that Wisconsin has the most ignorant and violent teachers, the most feckless legislators, AND the most dishonest Judges in the entire country. You should all be very proud.
Lincolntf, you forgot doctors that will write you get-out-work sick notes from their street-side stands.
"...the state legislature is conservative, so there's a question whether the legislature would have great credibility if it were to purport to delve into the facts."
This is where the right goes wrong.
The left would "delve in" with both feet and not stop until they win or not.
The right should do the same.
Good Point PB. Wisconsin is also home to the worst "health care providers" in all of America.
Saint Croix - "From every version I've heard, it sounds to me like both parties are to blame.
Self-defense is the "she started it" argument. Doesn't work for kids. Doesn't work for adults very often, either."
Sorry St Croix, this is not a school system outside the real world where lazy Administrators can say "it takes two to fight" so equal punishment to the kid that threatened, attacked, struck the 1st blow and the 'equally at fault' student trying to defend themselves.
All to many liberals think life should be conducted by public school administrator rules after the thugs, the agressive, graduate.
Funny though...all too many times they shut up and cave when their "self defense target" has parents that want the cops and lawyers called in.
Nope. Wisconsin's got nothing on Anthony Weiner!
But sure. Lots of folk in Wisconsin have cell phones.
I don't hold the People responsible! I think they are now alert! Very, very alert!
And, People vote!
Do you know how expensive it is to go out and get votes AFTER you've seen so many schmucks on parade?
Everybody's just making it easier for Sarah Palin to win!
Place your bets!
We're a free country. And, dammit. Most people are gonna work hard at keeping her free.
If I were Prosser, I would not go anywhere in that building without my (male) law clerk at my side.
Two many opportunities for a harrassment accusation otherwise.
You guys are knee deep in the shit-
You have 49 (give it time)recall elections on the docket-
Probably some "judge" deciding half of them..
Nope. You guys have only just begun-
I'd have thought you guys cared more about your kids than politics...being "Mid-Western" and all...
I read the story Irene linked to. As happens with any other story about Wisconsin that I now read, when the name Kloppenburg comes up, my mind automatically replaces it with Kloppenhopper. And then I smile. I believe that Carol Herman might be responsible for that. It never fails to amuse, though.
"Captain Ed" seems to imply the problem is with *all* the justices, when, in fact, the problem seems to be the liberal ones.
The last three investigations by the WJC have been on the conservative justices, including Prosser. And this won't end well for Prosser this time either.
It was better in the old days. Each side would start from opposite ends of town and, when they saw each other, open up with their six guns.
That usually settled it.
bagoh20 said...
OK, so let's say there is a brawl and all the justices jump in with bloody noses everywhere, blouses torn off and men bent over holding their jewels.
If blouses are torn off, let's have some hot oil wrestling, too.
And all three still serving on the Court right now.
It's irrelevant whether the Wisconsin legislature is Conservative or Liberal. It is what the people of Wisconsin made it. That's all that matters vis a vis it's legitimacy.
To say that it cannot investigate because it is conservative is to say it cannot investigate. Period.
Here's what may be impeding Bradley's resignation.
A resignation people expect to be forthcoming. Because she can't get along with Prosser. And, through her, all of the court's decorum has been lost.
She can't resign now because she'd look like a total loony bat fool.
She can't work with Prosser, either.
Because through Abrahamson's maneuvering (behind the scenes), thinking this story would blow up in Prosser's face ...
What has actually detonated ... (like a suicide bomber going off before the target is reached) ...
Is that Bradley is left there.
Either stumped.
Or she must quit.
That's why the story continues to be interesting.
The tension mounts.
Edutcher, you clearly haven't seen the women on SCOWI.
I'm glad to see Wisconsin is not willing to go down in flames without a fight: Teachers Gone Wild, Paul Ryan, Justices using choke holds and atomic elbow drops on each other.
Damn, I wish we had that kind of spirit in California. We are just passively self-destructing. You must have fewer dope smokers up there.
Hey Wisconsin, who's your daddy?
"Hey! You kids stop fighting right this now!"
"Pa, she's bugging me and touching my stuff."
"But Daddy, he's being a poopy-head and won't share."
"I don't give a good ding-dong what you say, if you two don't start behaving I'll give you both something to cry about. Now play nice!"
Sometimes, the right approach is to make sure that the consequences for misbehavior are much worse than the discomfort of getting along with the Other, enabling the participants to feel good about finding a way themselves.
"... the state legislature is conservative, so there's a question whether the legislature would have great credibility if it were to purport to delve into the facts."
The Wisconsin Bar Association and the state legislature have to step up and perform their functions and disbar the Supreme Court justices who have been conspiring with George Soros to undermine Judge Prosser and to delegitimize this Court.
They're operating a clandestine conspiracy. That can't be allowed to continue.
It is clear that senior members of the Court or their staff are working very closely with George Soros' "Wisconsin Center for Yellow Journalism" to exact revenge on Judge Prosser for defeating Kloppenburg.
They're pissed about the 7,000 votes held back. They thought they had the election stolen on election night with their 200-vote margin and when they found out they had been punked, it pissed them off.
Kloppenberg's failed recount only rubbed salt in the wound.
The liberal members of this court, it is painfully obvious, are working hand-in-hand with outside secretively funded radical groups to deliberately undermine a sitting justice. They have managed in the process to bring the impartiality of the court into serious doubt and the reputation of the court into serious disrepute.
It's time to impeach these fucking connivers and to get them disbarred so they can't do any further damage.
So this is what all that "Shame, Shame, Shame" was about.
"You should all be very proud."
What about the cheese, surely the cheese is still good.
This is what (Wisconsin) democracy looks like!
If George Soros paid for this, he's been ripped off!
He should ask for a refund.
Is "Cabot" a Wisconsin cheese? They make my favorite extra-extra-sharp cheddar.
"As Sheriff, I have only one job. Pull my finger."
Rumor abound. I heard that the Supreme Court has renamed their building "The Octagon." And I heard that Donald trump is in negotiations to produce a new reality show called "Survivor Court." The Justices must compete in water sports on Lake Mendota and be publicly grilled in Con Law by UW's merciless Irma M Arthur-Bascomb Law Professor, who is known to sneak in questions on Bob Dylan lyrics and modern art.
"As the Sheriff, I have no role in the assignment of detectives and supervisors or overseeing the investigation."
Left out -> "I do, however, have a continuing role in the assignments, promotions, and careers of the men and women who will conduct the investigation."
The investigation should be turned over Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, or the sheriff of any county outside the incestuous confines of Dane County.
"If George Soros paid for this, he's been ripped off!"
He should ask for a refund."
Oh, he's paying for it. The Wisconsin Center for Hatchet Jobs is his baby and the guy who wrote the original "choking" story works for him.
Soros' crew is conspiring with members of the court itself (or their senior staff) to undermine the court.
It's the most amazing travesty of American justice I've seen since Anthony Weiner tried to smear Justice Clarence Thomas.
It's almost as if there is a coordinated attack on the American judiciary by a single billionaire.
And we're letting him get away with it.
He should be arrested.
What the liberal justices are doing is unethical and is grounds for impeachment and disbarment and it's high time the legislature step up and start subpoenaing the co-conspirators.
Let's get these fuckers under oath and into a witness stand.
Just checked, Cabot is a Vermont brand. So you guys really have nothing worth having (not counting AA and associates of course).
Its funny how nobody wants to investigate this. Nobody in the Dane County sheriff's office or the Capitol Police wants to be the one who uncovers the evidence that could get Justice Bradley off the court.
The complete lack of effort to investigate should tell you all you need to know about Bradley's allegations.
Part of the reason Wisconsin seems so c-r-a-z-y is that they seem to be a democracy. Unlike other states, which elect their philosopher kings for life,and meekly submit when the philosopher kings impose income taxes on them (for example), the c-r-a-z-y people of Wisconsin actually have a check on judicial power.
And of course, in most Blue states, someone like Gov. Walker would never be elected. In most of those states, you only have two choices, a Liberal democrat or a moderate/liberal Republican. Elect either and you get the same kind of Judge, a liberal one.
Leave it to ol' Charley Tubbs, he'll get to the bottom of it.
But I really wonder why people even bother to pay taxes in Wisconsin.
So far, unless I missed it, Ann Althouse has made no mention of what role she thinks the Wisconsin Judicial Committee would have.
They are the agency that investigates judges. Not just for criminal acts, but acts that undermine the reputation of the judiciary and which are matters the Bar Association wants reported on.
This is building as a national media story. It is just too delicious to ignore. As a detective story, as a "battle of the sexes" story.
Two state Supreme Court Justices went to the media with stories of another Supreme Court Justice "choking" one of them. Three other Supreme Court Justices plus the accused Justice, indicate it never happened.
Somebody is lying. Or more than one esteemed Justice is lying.
A "Weiner has been pulled" - people in high places lying about things to the media and the public. Which is worse than the precipitating problem in both the Weiner case and whatever tussle two old lawyers got into.
Although public-sector unions lead to this kind of corruption, my gut feeling is Mahoney will ultimately do the right thing.
Bradley, you're going under the bus.
Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney... endorsed Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg in her challenge to Prosser in the April 5 election. Mahoney and Kloppenburg also use the same campaign manager, Melissa Mulliken, who has worked on many state and local campaigns.
Conflict of interest?
CAbot is Vermont, where fags can get married, even a worse state than Wisconsin, but very very pretty.
Somebody is lying. Or more than one esteemed Justice is lying.
What does your gut tell you? Bradley "put up her dukes" and attacked Prosser in her own chambers, or the crazy uncle does....... what he always does.
What does your gut tell you? Bradley "put up her dukes" and attacked Prosser in her own chambers, or the crazy uncle does....... what he always does.
Ok, garbage, put up or shut up.
Let's start with the most obvious lie... that Prosser has ever "done" anything. He hasn't, liar.
The public statement, liar, is that he was outside her chamber.
Two, perhaps three lies in a single statement. That's why you are called garbage.
Are you a convicted liar, or just an alleged liar?
Garage: What does your gut tell you? Bradley "put up her dukes" and attacked Prosser in her own chambers
This has probably been asked (I haven't read all the comments), but if Prosser is outside of Bradley's office and she inside, how does he get his hands on her?
What your next lie, garbage?
You mean which next truth.
You just flat out lied twice in a single statement, which, as I said, is pretty amazing even for a liar as accomplished as you.
Perhaps you don't know the difference, or care to know the difference, between lying and telling the truth?
So, liar garbage, you just asserted or inferred that Prosser has some sort of history of unprovoked violence against women.
You lied. Flat out lied.
Prosser's New Work Rules
1. Never be alone with any female ever.
2. Buy one of those nifty new eyeglasses-with-cameras.
3. Refer to Bradley as 'Georgette Foreman.'
4. Speak loudly into your hidden mic.
5. Every once in awhile, wink at Abramson for no reason. It'll drive her mad.
I think Abrahamson and Bradley hatched a plan...
Some people just shouldn't be hatching plans.
We live in a free country.
I defend the right of George Soros to buy what he likes. But he if wants a whore to come to his room, he'd better be in Vegas. Where the trade is legal.
Other than that? Where's the downside to George Soros spending his money? You think he got much from Code Pink? Or obama?
I'm tellin in most cases spending money like that, they'd go to contract with a lawyer first. So they could sue.
Money back guarantee.
Since liberals are losing all the policy debates, they are resorting to flat-out lying.
The Real Supremes of Wisconsin-a new reality show.
It would be must see television.
You need an egg to hatch anything.
When the eggs are turned into omlettes, you need a frying pan.
I think the frying pan has hit abramhamson in the head.
And, I think George Soros spent his money on her, foolishly.
Prosser is not only ahead, he's famous! All he has to do is stick to legal opinions that work out on paper. And, aren't an embarrassment where they are read out loud by future generations.
abrahamson and bradley, in that department, have destroyed all their credibility.
If this were a broadway show, the producers would lose all their invested money. And, the show would close right after opening night.
People at Sardi's tables would twitter. (This, of course, was before "twitter" became a function for cell phones.)
Oh yeah. The "in crowd" gets the joke. Both abrahamson and bradley knows what it means when other people, in courts all over America, are gossiping about their antics. Meanwhile, I'll bet any "investigation" dies on the vine. Politicians don't want to feed this fire.
How comfortable that the sheriff and Supreme Court justice support each other in TV ads. And bonus connection to Sumi.
Gives you warm fuzzies all over.
Pogo, that ad agency won't be used, again. Having worked on it also disappears from resumes.
... Not from cocktail banter, though.
Supreme Court brawl 2 weeks ago. Concealed carry last week. Capitol metal detectors removed this week. I don't like where this is heading.
If people had a sense of humor, and a willingness to waste a postage stamp, they could send abrahamson condolence cards, sympathizing with her for her lost dignity. It's such a shame, isn't it?
Mail sent to the supreme court in Madison, Wisconsin would reach its destination even if you left off the zip code.
How comfortable that the sheriff and Supreme Court justice support each other in TV ads. And bonus connection to Sumi.
Madison's old lefty guard reminds me of this. Exaggeration? Hyperbole? I think not!
Sort of like watching a train wreck occurring in slow motion.
Everyone can see what's happening but can't believe their eyes or ears.
The end will be a mess.
It will be impossible for Bradley to suck those words back into the trash can like my iPhone camera does.
And now someone(s) is(are) investigating.
As noted above, not real aggressively so far, as the result will be the departure of Bradley. (They are busy busy busy behind the scenes trying to figure out how to prevent that from happening.)
Abrahamson will shortly thereafter retire to spend more time with her family.
The choking point (to put it gently) is that any retirement or other departure would mean the hated-by-the-left guv would get to appoint replacements?
Or would there be a special election?
At this point anyone who would vote for more Democrats needs their heads examined.
"Of course, the state legislature is conservative, so there's a question whether the legislature would have great credibility if it were to purport to delve into the facts."
I'd say we can risk giving it a shot. We KNOW almost everyone else is corrupt.
Clean house.
That's not "Reality". That's Madison.
Madison is "78 square miles surrounded by reality."
Dave Mahoney?!?
In addition to backing Kloppenhoof, he also back Abrahamson, and shupported Kathleen Falk in the shuper handling of the 911 call shenter. He's just another partisan hack.
Dust Bunny Queen,
It must be so strange to suddenly wake up and find yourself in Bizzaro land, where up is down, truth are lies and lies are truth, and no one can be trusted to do what they are supposed to do.
Of course, it pretty much has always been that way and many of us have know it all along. It is just that people (you) are waking up because it is now shoved in your face.
Like Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. Just be careful with those funny mushrooms.
Or to put it another way....reality sucks, doesn't it.
No, babycakes, this - reality - this is the good stuff. I don't think there's anyone here who knows what you've just described better than I do - you nailed it, note for note - and I say the trick, now, is to not go back down the rabbit hole. As a matter of fact, plug the damn thing, so nobody goes in and nothing gets out. Do that, and I might have a shot at a life again.
We all might.
We will have saved the world. *SMILE*
Mahoney now says he won't take direct role in Supreme Court investigation.
Yah right.
And I have a bridge for sale.
And I got some ocean front property in Arizona.
From my front porch you can see the sea.
I got some ocean front property in Arizona.
If you'll buy that, I'll throw the golden gate in free.
Carol Herman,
Everybody's just making it easier for Sarah Palin to win!
Place your bets!
We're a free country. And, dammit. Most people are gonna work hard at keeping her free.
My thoughts, exactly. I've been telling them, but even to me, what used to look like the vague outlines of a story arc, are now getting bolder and bolder until (as DBQ said) we're entering full-blown reality again.
And it's certainly not lost on me this deal landed on Ann's doorstep, just like I did.
I know - that's a kind of magical thinking there - but that just goes to show you it can happen for realists, too, and, for me anyway, it's a wonderful thing to know and behold. *SMILE*
Hey Wisconsin, who's your daddy?
Sometimes, the right approach is to make sure that the consequences for misbehavior are much worse than the discomfort of getting along with the Other, enabling the participants to feel good about finding a way themselves.
And this is called,...?
It was not the gravity of the crime that did Weiner in so much as the frivolity of it I can think of no activity so harmless (nor ultimately futile) as sending obscene tweets to a porn star. But it's one of those hobbies that people in public life have to give up. Priests cannot coach the middle school boy's swim team. Congressmen cannot send obscene pictures to their fans. Those in certain positions have to make sacrifices for their careers.....In like manner, when you don a black robe and pretend that you know the rational, orderly, and equitable way to resolve conflicts, you cannot engage in this kind of horseshit. There is no crime to investigate. There's just a huge stinking pile of horseshit which is what happens when you put too many horses' asses in a confined space.....There's no great moral to be found in this tale, and the office politics of the Wisconsin Supreme Court will not greatly affect the lives of most people. This, however, is a fine comedy. It's right up there with Charley Sheen and Anthony Weiner as a source of amusement. Even the names are kind of funny: If a novelist wanted a prissy, uptight name for a character, Prosser would serve. Sumi is kind of obvious, but Kloppenhopper has a lot of potential. Bradley is the wrong name. I would call her Patton. I can't wait for tomorrow's installment.
"As the Sheriff, I have no role in the assignment of detectives and supervisors or overseeing the investigation."
So just what does he do?
Does he evaluate and promote these people? Might that be a factor?
We will have saved the world. *SMILE*
"I can't wait for tomorrow's installment."
Let me guess? On BRAVO TV, preceding any one of the Real Housewives' episodes.
Surely a humanly tarnished, democratic struggle isn't deserving of prime time.
It's pretty ugly out there in the heartland right now.
Worse yet! The only "stars" they have are in the sky.
Should NOT have said that.
America's favorite D-list star, Kathy Griffin, is probably on her way as we speak.
Wanna bet she comes in by Greyhound?
She only pretends to despise Sarah because "Hating!" is THE lucrative brand.
"Since liberals are losing all the policy debates, they are resorting to flat-out lying."
Precisely. Soon, one of these liberal female judges will allege a sexual assault.
They'll entrap Judge Prosser ... get him alone in a room with a "victim" and then it will be a "he-said, she-said" and they'll accuse him of rape or sexual assault.
Just to get him to resign.
Won't turn out to be anything but by then, he'll be gone.
The female liberal justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court are framing another justice ... working in conspiracy with outside groups and members of the liberal activist media in Madison to undermine the authority of the court and bring its impartiality into question among the general public.
How can anyone have any faith in the decisions of this Court when its female liberal justices are conspiring with outside privately-financed hate groups to undermine the Court and its members?
This is unethical behavior from these female Supreme Court members.
They should be impeached.
They should be disbarred.
They are violating the ethical canon of this court.
And it's time for the Legislature to step up and do their job to put a check and balance on this out-of-control Court.
"But what are you going to do?"
Publicize the facts so we can all make up our own minds. Witnessing the inevitable garage and PB&J spin to attack those they hate will be free entertainment.
Abrahamson and Bradley continue to be the devisive unprofessional justices they have been all along. Abrahamson suggested that her opinion would take another month to complete yet it was done and was included the following Tuesday. These two political union hacks have once again proven they should not be on the court.
Once again, against all odds Prosser will come out of this ok. The Sheriff, DA, Abrahamson, Bradley, Madison press and union hacks within the capital will try to destroy Prosser, but will highlight further how twisted Madison and the union/democrats are.
Wisconsinites not living in Madison are getting a fast education of how distorted Madison is and how the union/democrats will go to any extreme to try to win.
"ethics? ethics? we don need no steeken etghics" This is Wisconsin
This whole kerfluffle is the Jerry Springer show in black robes
Dane County/Madison is one fucked up place.
PS: on the business model side, this whole thing is generating more hits than global warming or Sarah Palin--good job Ann/Meade
Somewhat more seriously: if there were ever an argument for executive appointment and legislative approval of the judiciary, this is the epitome.
The liberal elite in Madison have so insulated themselves they cant see the forest. When this goes bad for Bradley and Abrahamson will the liberal elite just shrug it off as another anomaly?
"...if there were ever an argument for executive appointment and legislative approval of the judiciary, this is the epitome..."
Tell it to Massachusetts, where we have appointed/approved Judges who routinely break the law. Some of them even (surprise, surprise!) were appointed/approved by the same criminals (Bulger, Finneran, Wilkerson, etc.) who would later stand, charged, in front of them.
I'm trying to remember the name of the biggest Judge/crook of all, but it's escaping me. Maybe McGonagle? I'll see if I can find the story.
Lincoln: OK, I take your point, and apparently it can be worse
what if we do the William F Buckly thing and choose at random from the phone book?
The phone book would be better in both cases. Both WI and MA are largely one-Party States with the Democrats being that one Party, and that's where the corruption comes from.
What does the election of judges have to do with 2 Liberal drama queens and Prosser not being able to get along?
The problem is the 2 Liberal judges who wanted to sabotage a conservative judge they don't like.
The whole thing is simply odd to me. Why do these judges have to "work" together? They listen to oral arguments and read written briefs and render their opinion. The need for them to interact is severely limited.
Roger J. said...
what if we do the William F Buckly thing and choose at random from the phone book? WFB didn't propose choosing randomly from the phone book...he proposed "the first 400".
Lincolntf said...
Both WI and MA are largely one-Party States with the Democrats being that one Party, and that's where the corruption comes from. MA yes...WI no. I mean we have a GOP guv, Assembly, and Senate and 4-3 advantage with conservatives on the court.
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