June 12, 2011

Russ Feingold: "This game's not over until we win."

He was trying to stir up the crowd in Walkerville today.

He had a really gruff, angry edge to his voice.

But afterwards, people looked really lackluster.




ADDED: Here's the entire Feingold speech:


JAL said...



Who pays the bills in the house?
Where does the money come from?

Henry said...

"The games not over until we win."

That sounds about right. Very apropro.

No voting need be involved in this game.

Step right up for your pitchforks and torches.

Amy said...

I see white people....

Meade said...

His sister should've slugged him and said, "Game's over, ya little brat."

Daryl said...

When Democrats lose an election, that's not really a setback. First they pressure the elected Republicans to betray the people who elected them. Then they go to the courts to shut down the Republican agenda.

And if that fails? They hold new special elections, before the regularly-scheduled elections, until they win. They're trying to use off-time elections to reverse the results of the real election, in hopes that fewer Republicans will show up to vote.

This is sore loser behavior. They won't accept that people have rejected their failed ideas. In a democracy, the people are allowed to reject either party.

Democrats: not so democratic.

Wince said...

He had a really gruff, angry edge to his voice. But afterwards, people looked really lackluster.

Whaddya expect? Propping up a failed system is exhausting work.

Daryl said...

Democrats got very upset when people used "Sore Loserman" rhetoric against Gore/Lieberman.

It's time to bring that back. The Dems need to be tarred as sore losers, lazy government workers, and filthy urine-flinging hippies.

Republicans have been too nice for too long. It's time to disrespect the other side.

Phil 314 said...

Sorry Russ but you remind me of this

Kirby Olson said...

I think people are sick of the left and it's we shall overcome schtick. Once they win you get Spitzer and Weinergate and 14 trillion dollar deficits, and behind it all is the spectre of the Khmer Rouge. I was talking with a convinced Obama-ite from 2008 last night and she said she is going to vote for Romney, and switch parties, if he wins. It takes a very innocent kind of sucker to fall for the Democratic pitch.

JohnJ said...

What an alarmingly foolish statement by a former United States Senator. The implication, of course, is that rules of engagement are for the chumps on the other side. Seems to implicitly justify any sort of tactic, doesn't it?

I can only hope that this buffoon stays out of public office.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh snap - Feingold's gone homeopathic!

Titus said...

I would do Russ Feingold.

What a gnarly bunch those protesters are though. Very representative of the Wisconsin population.

You could look around for hours on end and not find a single one worth doing. Just sad.

Karl said...

100% of the shitty footware in the snaps are Chi-Com produced.

These are same the assholes who boycot a Wisconsin manufacturer of shoes that don't suck.

That boycott must be crushing.

Titus said...

And that one with a rainbow dress on a fag?

Oh God. Just horrible.

1775OGG said...

That "Peace" sign reminded me of a house on the north side of University Avenue, across the street from the Mixer's Bar near the West Bank of the UofM, which had the peace sign hanging upside down. In other words: "Drop it!" That was a great place to hold rent parties back then.

Maybe that's what the Madison Socialists should do occassionally, hold parties with plenty of booze and lousy music.

That would make as much sense as having Russ give his rousing, uplifting speech (Not!), and the Socialists strutting around singing their "This is what democracy looks like" spiel.

Titus said...

That thing with the rainbow dress on is so wrong.

Just look at her. Lord. What a crime.

Pettifogger said...

For the Left, the game's not over until they win. That's why, for the rest of us, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

Steve Austin said...

I remember last year when Russ his MSM supporters tried to convince us that he wasn't just a big lefty hack. Rather he was a fair and balanced maverick. A man committed to fiscal disciplne and balanced budgets.

Wouldn't the maverick move here be to support Walker's budget that is balanced with no gimmicks? You want long term vision? Making the hard decisions to protect future generations? It sure ain't Russ yelping at tent city for six figure pay packages for union teachers.

le Douanier said...

That's gruff and angry, in Madison (home of the so-called chaotic mobsters, according to Meadehouse)?

At least we don't need to worry about Feingold being overwhelmed by testosterone. Follow his tweets w/o worry.

JAL said...

When Rick Perry shellacks Barack Obama, they might get the idea they have to go home and create a new playbook.

wv change
Psychic google strikes again.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

More like Russ Find-debt.

Karl said...

The tall dude with the Titlist cap...looks a lot like the fucker that won't pick up my garbage can if it has anything remotely "recyclable" in it.

Lincolntf said...

What a gaggle of losers. Let 'em honk and squawk, eventually the City will authorize their humane disposal.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

When, o god, when will boomers quit wearing blue jeans? And t-shirts? WHEN???? Will they finally dress like adults only when they're dead?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Feingold sounded like a close version of Admiral Stockdale..

Who am I? Why am I here?

Carol_Herman said...

Russ Feingold got bounced out of his senate seat. He ran and LOST. And, his name will be forever linked to McCain. Two idiots who tried to commandeer political cash.

And, I'm with Meade. It's too bad Feingold got to bully his sister. And, then brags about it! He's not a very wise politician, is he?

KitaIkki said...

The redhead in shorts on the left in the last photo ...

"You could not throw a golf ball between those legs with the knees together."

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

All white. Well nourished. Levis wearing. They hate it that their forefathers made it so good for them.

White guilt liberal idiosy on display in Madison.

ic said...

That "peace" sign! Sigh! Someone really like to "progress" back to the good old flower children days. In those days, they refused to work for a living, today they want other people to work to pay for their living. The "greatest" generation spawned the "entitlest" generation.

dhagood said...

@jeff, i'll stop wearing jeans and tshirts when i'm dead, and not before. deal with it.

Martin said...

"This game's not over until we win."

What an unpleasant sentimant--mildly cute but deserving parental correction in a little brat playing with a sibling, but unworthy of someone wanting to be an eected representative of a democratic people. He and those who cheered him are just over-aged brats.

edutcher said...

I think Feingold's comment is a kind of flop sweat and Ann's comment, "people looked really lackluster", shows why.

The Lefties had their best shot in '08 and it's all blown up in their faces. What's different is the paradigm has finally been discredited after 80 years and I think it's beginning to sink in.

They couldn't stop Iraq, the old New Deal lies about the economy have really been shot to Hell, it's getting harder to fix elections, and control of the media is slipping away.

Next thing you know, we'll see Conservative university professors.

KitaIkki said...

The redhead in shorts on the left in the last photo ...

"You could not throw a golf ball between those legs with the knees together.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Fen said...

"The games not over until we win."

Still fighting Bush V Gore, I see.

mesquito said...

"The games not over until we win."

Perfectly distills the fascist attutude about democracy.

Jon said...

When Rick Perry shellacks Barack Obama, they might get the idea they have to go home and create a new playbook.

Rick Perry= G.W. Bush 2.0. Another Hispandering pseudo-conservative gov from Texas. No thanks.

AlanKH said...

I half expected to hear Feingold to say this: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

Brian Brown said...

The games not over until we win

Win what?

Oh, more funding from the taxpayers.

Never mind.

Tacitus said...

Game over! Game over, man!


Toad Trend said...

Because liberals personalize everything, like its theirs to take...its just this big game with the spoils being your personal property, which is liberty...

Liberals - laying claim to others' property for 100 years.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I love the woman's sign in the last picture:

My Students Deserve Better

I think that's something we can all agree on.

AllenS said...

So, what was the crowd size? How many thousands showed up?

David said...

"The game's not over until we win."

Reminds me of the 1972 Olympics, when the USSR basketball team got three replays in the last two seconds to win the championship game.

And that was also the year those pesky terrorists killed all the Israelis. They would well identify with Russ's sentiments.

gerry said...

I would do Russ Feingold.

Feingold is a homosexual homeopath?

The Concrete Dog said...

long ago
when i was a god

i failed

the rain did not come
even tho the peopl
dancd and prayed
and left many sacrfices

still it did not rain

but i was only a concrete dog
ashamed as i was
at least i knew
i could not make it rain

these peopl in madison
are very angry at their god
mr feingold is their priest

but he cannot
conjure water
to fall from the sky
despite saying the magic words
wearing the magic clothes
and making the magic laws

they shake their
mighty blue fists
to the silent sky
and walk home
peace sign under their arms

it is so very sad
when your god fails
best to find a devil
to blame

Anonymous said...

What kind of an idiot puts the stage for his speech right next to 8 fucking Port-O-Lets?

Eh Russ ... wondering why the crowd isn't larger?

What a maroon.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Russ Geingold, a lifelong public teat sucker, should try working in the real world.

wv = ingrate [me or Russ?] heh

Anonymous said...

"We're here because the big corporate interests in this country decided about 20 years ago 'I think the first thing we'll do is pass a bunch of trade agreements and ship oversees all the jobs of the people in the private sector,' That's the first thing they decided to do. They got the job done on that. Ruthlessly tricking both parties into it."

Hahahaha. That's the best line of the speech. "Ruthlessly tricking BOTH parties into it."

Since, you know, it was Democrats who pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement through the Congress and it was Democrat Bill Clinton who signed it into law.

Russ Feingold is a fucking dolt for reminding people it was Democrats who shipped their jobs overseas. And the "giant sucking sound" of American jobs being shipped overseas was predicted, accurately, by Independent Party presidential candidate Ross Perot.

Why are these Democrats not throwing fucking tomatoes at this moron? Why is he still invited to these events when he's such a political idiot?

Why are they not rushing the stage?

Oh wait ... it's the overwhelming stench of the 8 Port-O-Potties creating a protective barrier of shit smell around Russ Feingold.

Now I understand why he put the stage right next to the shitters.

Curious George said...

Russ uttering the much repeated lie that the SCOTUS overturned 100 years of law and allowed corporate contributions to campaigns. Of course if Obama can lie in front of the judges at a SOTU, why not a has been Senator...

AllenS said...


Feingold worked as an attorney at the private law firms of Foley & Lardner and La Follette & Sinykin from 1979 until 1985.

He can always go back to suing productive citizens of Wisconsin.

Temujin said...

They don't look lackluster. They just look stupid. And lost. Like they missed the 60's turnoff and they're stuck in these times with those slogans. Aaargh. It's painful to watch.

The Crack Emcee said...

Note to Fred4Pres,

I told you we have the ball,...

Skyler said...

I guess Feingold has a lot of time on his hands nowadays. :)

garage mahal said...

That's gruff and angry, in Madison (home of the so-called chaotic mobsters, according to Meadehouse)?

That's was the Charlie Sykes hate radio meme from last year.

Feingold is ANGRY!

I see Althouse got the memo.

KCFleming said...

The man in the rainbow dress is the apogee of leftist polices, and its aim.

D.D. Driver said...

I half expected to hear Feingold to say this: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"


"Nothing is over until WE say it is!"

Don't forget that the man who gave that rousing speech himself went on to the U.S. Senate.

SGT Ted said...

Well, garage, when are the spoiledbrat, unionistas NOT angry?

Pointing out the rude, entitled nastiness of those who commit breaking, entering and vandalizing of public buldings while calling it 'peaceful' and 'nonviolent' isn't a 'meme'.

It's just being accurate, seeing with your own eyes and acknowledging the fact that the unionistas want to intimidate other people into agreeing with them, complete with union thug threat letters to local businesses and death threats to politicians.

Quit pretending they are peaceful because that sort of behavior is not.

garage mahal said...

Hundreds of firefighters rallied yesterday up to the terrace right before Feingold spoke. It's funny we never see them here, just pics of the one dude in rainbow dress.

And Russ is still angry! Sheesh

garage mahal said...

Sgt Ted
You're under the mistaken impression that people at the Capitol are only there to protest collective bargaining. It's but one component.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hah the lady with the bullhorn resembles librul pundit, Eleanor Clift.


I did not know that about Russ. I stand corrected. I should have said he perfected his sucking technique at the public teat from 1986-2010. Heh.

Lincolntf said...

"It's but one component."

True. They're also protesting against representative democracy, individual freedom, and the rule of law.

garage mahal said...

Nice Lincoln. I did a spit take after reading that. Were you laughing your ass off as you typed that?

Anonymous said...

"Hundreds of firefighters rallied yesterday up to the terrace right before Feingold spoke. It's funny we never see them here."

Why is it Democrats think they can steal the memories from the NY Fire Department victims of 9/11 by having union firefighters show up to political events.

That's crass and craven.

You really have no idea, Garage, how bad this makes Democrats look to see you trying to use the memories of dead people who were murdered by terrorists to advance your goal of higher salaries.

Firefighters in Madison already make up to $170,000 a year in salary and benefits. When is enough enough, Garage?

Have you people no shame at all?

It's disgusting and pathetic. It has the look of last-gasp desperation by a bunch of fucking goons and thieves.

TWoPolitics said...

Man carrying the peace symbol, now that's original. OK Rip Van Winkle, you and your peace symbol can go back to sleep for another 40 years.

Skyler said...

The military can't wear their uniforms to political rallies. I wonder why firefighters don't have the same ethic?

Fred4Pres said...

So is Russ trying be relevant again?

madAsHell said...

I don't think that is a rainbow skirt. I think it's a beach towel. It's like he forgot to change after the swim.

w/v: ejactiv - Must be a leftover from the Weiner thread!

Big Mike said...

I read the headline to my wife. She said "he's a Democrat, isn't he?"

ricpic said...

Didn't Walker and the Republicans win the last election and don't they get to govern until the next election at which time maybe the Dems can retake control? No! Only the Dems can take control. Ever. Anything else is NOT ALLOWED!

garage mahal said...

So is Russ trying be relevant again?

Latest polls show he could pick either the Senate or Governorship, and crush whoever he runs against. So yea, relevant. All the Koch/Rove money in the world and running fake Democrats won't save GOP hide in the state in all likelyhood.

Mogget said...

Just like Kloppenberg was all set to crush Proser, eh?

Anonymous said...

"Latest polls show he could pick either the Senate or Governorship"

Correction: The latest poll was conducted November 2. In that poll, Wisconsin voters fired Russ Feingold from the United States Senate.

Guy is a washed up has-been.

Move on.


Original Mike said...

"He had a really gruff, angry edge to his voice."

He's trying out for the Al Gore role?

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. "Polls." The world would ever be run by lefties, if only they could figure out a way to eliminate those pesky "elections," and just rely instead on "polls."

Don't think they're not working on it, either. Poor Kloppy - just a victim of timing. If only she could have waited until only polls mattered.

garage mahal said...

Correction: The latest poll was conducted November 2. In that poll, Wisconsin voters fired Russ Feingold from the United States Senate.

Guy is a washed up has-been.

Keep lying New Ham, it only shows how desperate you are.

Feingold beats Walker by 10 points, majority supports recalling Walker, majority wants Dems in control of the Senate.


Haha. Swirl that around your empty head, loser.

roesch-voltaire said...

Russ sounds a lot like Rand Paul, who seems to have taken up Russ's cause in terms of protecting our freedoms, but of course Russ has not attacked the the American made dual flush toilets. Instead Russ stands up for porta pottie--use something we can all wait in line for while working to re-call Walker's New Order.

AllenS said...

garage mahal said...
Feingold beats Walker by 10 points, majority supports recalling Walker, majority wants Dems in control of the Senate.

Do you have a cite for that?

garage mahal said...

I linked it in the post.

Original Mike said...

Didn't know who Public Policy Polling, garage, so I went to their website and checked out the titles of their posts. These guys do not look like honest brokers.

Meade said...

"The game's not over until I win."

Sister of Russ: But you lost.

Russ: No I didn't. Watch -
Eenie meanie miney mo,
catch a tiger by the toe
if he hollers, let him go
eenie meanie miney moe.

Oh. Wait -

My mother said to

Oh. Wait -

Klippity Kloppety Kloppenberg
rode east to meet the queen
With bells on her fingers
and rings in her nose,
She shall count ballots

Oh. Wait -

Sister of Russ: Rusty, you weaselly little worm, you lost. In fact, you've now lost five times in a row. Now put on the rainbow sarong and the umbrella hat and shut up or I'll make you eat another bug.

garage mahal said...

Sister of Russ: Rusty, you weaselly little worm, you lost. In fact, you've now lost five times in a row. Now put on the rainbow sarong and the umbrella hat and shut up or I'll make you eat another bug.

That will be Governor Feingold soon. Get used to it. A breath of fresh air in a room full of wide open ass. The stench is overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

"I linked it in the post."

No you didn't.

You linked some no-name Democrat Party blog. They don't even have enough money to host their blog on their own server. They have to use free Blogspot.

You didn't link any poll result.

The most recent poll of voters was November 2 when 2.2 million Wisconsin voters turned out in massive numbers statewide and fired Russ Feingold's ass.

The race wasn't even close. Blowout. Five percentage points.

Feingold is a has-been trying to get back on the teat after voters weaned him involuntarily.

Move. On. Dot. Org.

Anonymous said...

Public Policy Polling is a North Carolina private Democrat Party consulting company.It's CEO is Dean Debnam, a Democrat Party member who has donated the maximum possible amounts to Democrats running for office in North Carolina.

Guy isn't even from Wisconsin.

Jon said...

garage said: "Latest polls show he could pick either the Senate or Governorship, and crush whoever he runs against."

Is there another poll showing those results that isn't from Kos' pollster?

Meade said...

Garage, I love your reliably wrong predictions. No one does them better than you. In fact, just after Colby Rasmus doubled in the top of the sixth yesterday, I turned to the Mrs. and said, "Don't worry. Garage predicted no sweep. He's hiding in his bunker wearing his away uniform and sipping warm Miller. Brewers will sweep."

Bottom of the 6th, Fielder launches his dinger.

Thanks, Garage!

Anonymous said...

I love the faux populist growl in his voice. It reminds me of Al Gore's fake outrage and exagerated southern accent saying (re: GWB), "He Liiiiiiiiiiied"

Anonymous said...

My it got awful quiet in here once it was revealed that GarageMahal's "so-called" pollster:

1) Isn't from Wisconsin
2) Works for DailyKos
3) Only consults for Democrats
4) Donates the maximum amount to Democrats
5) ONLY donates to Democrats

Where are you Garage?

Link us to your mythical poll showing Russ Feingold somehow overcoming 1.25 million Wisconsin voters who fired his lazy ass on November 2.

Don't link us to some North Carolina blog on Google. What the fuck does some Democrat hack in North Carolina know about Wisconsin politics?

Link us to an actual poll that you claim to know about.

Phil 314 said...

OK here's the REAL speech we're talking about

That's what these protesters need,
not a peace sign but the


Eat me!

Cindy Martin said...

I agree with the lady holding this sign...




Alex said...

Where are the people of color at these leftist rallies?

Alex said...

Meade... big mistake now garage is going to get really angry at you.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats even seem to be surging in many polls. Uh-oh!" -- Garbage Mahal, 10/7/10

Lava said...

Still not convinced Russ would ever run for Gov. Doesn't play to his strengths. He's more big picture, 30,000 foot kind of guy. Governor is really an administrative position...daily grind of running something.

Senators don't really run anything. He'd be like a fish out of water.

He sounds about as angry as he did during non-concession speech in Nov.

I, for one, will be really flippin' glad when all of this mess is over...and they couldn't wait 24 hours...

Drew said...

Yeah, . . . shut up, Russ, you big crybaby.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"He had a really gruff, angry edge to his voice."

Feingold is pissed because he knows he is irrelevant and his cherished librul ideas are out of favor.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Garbage Mahal is a more suitable name for our librul dope.

Tommy Duncan said...

This thread has never lost it's relevance.

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