This one is impressively up-to-date with "Walker: Take the 'Prosser-hold' off Wisconsin":
June 26, 2011
The protest today in Green Bay as Scott Walker signed the budget bill.
New Media Meade was there, not inside for the signing ceremony, but outside photographing the crowd of about 300 protesters. He brought home a lot of stills and video. Here's one:

This one is impressively up-to-date with "Walker: Take the 'Prosser-hold' off Wisconsin":

This one is impressively up-to-date with "Walker: Take the 'Prosser-hold' off Wisconsin":
I see Wisconsin Protestors Union Locals 32 & 12 were out earning their pay today.
wv: fial: Um. No. You mean fail, right? As in epic fail?
OK, is it written somewhere they have to have at least one over-the-hill hippie at all of these things and do they pay him?
That guy with the Santa Claus beard must be making out like a little bandit, if so.
So, Walker resembles a horse's tail?
I'm trying to figure out whether NYT reporter David Carr includes Wisconsin in the "middle places," which he characterizes as the "land of the low-sloping foreheads."
My cats could have crapped a better teacher. And they have.
They're all white.
Doesn't this mean that they're the reincarnation of the Klan?
The sign doesn't say "Walker: Take the 'Prosser-hold' off Wisconsin"; it says to take the hold 'off of' Wisconsin.
I think tear gas and police brutality is called for.
"My dogs could have crapped a better bill." And, the horse mural.
These are what constitutes a rebellion these days?
Seems like the bill has more support, rather than less support. If all you go by are the signs the few protesters carry.
This is what a temper tantrum thrown by the 'entitled class' looks like.
I will ignore these people, and the people in my state when they end up doing the same thing.
Defund and disempower every last one of the public unions. Every single last one of them.
If someone can just think up the perfectly witty slogan and sign, the whole unfunded scheme of luxurious pension and health benefits for middle-class white people of average skill and intelligence can be salvaged.
The Lincoln quote applies quite well to the protesters.
Don't these people have lawns to mow, dog crap to pick up, houses to upkeep, or other weekend chores?
Or are they all the white bread trailer park trash class?
Do any of these people realize that Walker could have gutted this budget as much as he wanted to, just by the stroke of his pen? They should be thanking their lucky stars Walker only required them to contribute just over 5% to their pension and 12% of their health care. Walker could have - and some say should have - pushed for more.
The fact that he allowed some 50+ changes to the bill that he DIDNT want and still signed the bill is something Im sure a figure in the mold of Hitler would have done.
I also like all of the signs that they could have "crapped a better bill", yet none of them could tell you how to pay for it. Except simply raising taxes.
But they're such a happy lot!
Sixty Grit said...
That artwork is as impressive as their collective intellect. Who the fuck would draw a horse like that? Seriously, a child would be embarrassed to draw that poorly.
They clearly didn't stay within the lines. Terrible crayonsmanship.
I wonder if Garage McDunglefuck was out there with one of his witless phrase signs too.
Talented dogs.
The first picture. "Why do you hate WI?"
I don't exactly hate you, but I am damned tired of your childish ignorance, temper tantrums and ridiculous street theatre.
They have zero idea about the content of the bills being passed or proposed, about economics, about the consequences of their own actions, about anything.....anything at all. Just a bunch of parrots squawking soundbites without any critical thinking.
I am sick of you. Please go away.
As always, the "protestors" do themselves more damage than they do to Walker.
Allen, maybe the horse person likes Walker's hair. Maybe it's an advertisement for Mane 'n Tail.
I do not like the construction "off of," and I do not think a teacher ought to use it.
I just noticed in the corner of one of the pictures that a lady is holding a "Thank you Wisconsin 14" sign.
I would like to walk up and ask her exactly what they did or what they stopped. Walker still got everything he wanted. Every. Single. Thing. And in the end, the 3 Dems that are getting recalled are probably all going to lose.
Solidarity with The Hulk.
Just exactly how boring is Wisconsin? Don't these people have anything better to do?
I see more white people. Where are all the hispanics (Green Bay has a significant Latino/a population)?
If they are short of cash, some of them may want to cut back on the double butter burgers at Culvers.
Looks those who weren't fat and old had better things to do.
I've never understood using horse's rear end as an insult. It is the most beautiful part of the horse.
Wisconsin people are some of the ugliest MOFO's in the world.
The horse only has 3 legs.
Seems the "artist" should go back to school and take more drawing lessons.
Oh, and dogs don't crap bills. The crap turds.
Meade.....okay, I like the tales (or is it tail?), but the horses butt......
Titus, the fox vally has some fine looking gals, but they don't spend their afternoons at Big Government political protests.
Even Wisconsin's gays are butt ugly and that is just wrong.
If you grow up in Wisconsin and are attractive you leave.
Methadras, that Garage McDunklefuck is a caption winnah!
You do not like them. So you say.
Try them! Try them! And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.
Titus, are you sill mad the Herb Kohl spurned you?
Come on, everyone. Sure it's easy to make fun of the shoulda-been-a-baker tubby women, the ZZ Top impersonators, the horrible artwork, unimaginative slogans, union stoogery, the dearth of minority representation, and the fact that today's union solidarity movement is populated by middle class public sector workers, but is that really gratifying? Does any good come from pointing out these obvious particulars?
(I agree with Titus. This fucking rally should be AKC registered.)
"If you grow up in Wisconsin and are attractive you leave."
Yes, and if you're unattractive, you should stop being gay.
Yeah, middle class public employees singing "we shall overcome" reminds me of white suburban kids trying to be radical rebels. Yeah, rage against my allowance man!
And a thought on the Green Eggs and Ham placard: Didn't he read the story? Sam I Am ends up trying the green eggs and ham and loves them. Is that guy's point that Wisconsin should give the budget bill a chance because they may end up loving it? And then declaring their love for it in a house and with a mouse?
A better literary allusion would be the Butter Battle Book by the same author. Who will drop theirs first?
This thread is full of lulz.
Lots of rice bowls getting kicked over these days. And the people who have been eating somebody elses rice don't like it.
These posters remind me of being in high school and participating in "spirit day" rallies.
All the really cool kids, the in know...the cheerleaders, spirit leaders (who weren't quite cool enough to actually be cheerleaders), some of the jocks who mostly only wanted to bang the cheerleaders, would all get together and on the gym floor make signs to taunt the rival football team.
Oooh... big horse's butts, funny puns and silly caricatures. Make fun of the other team's mascot.
Meanwhile the nerds are trying to either join in, unsuccessfully, or are planning to make computers that will take over the world.
Go team!!!
For Christ's sake. Please Wisconsin. Grow UP!!!
Do you like to whine and grouse?
Can you hollowly espouse?
You can hold a sign, you see,
You can hold a sign, like me.
That Scott Walker,
That Scott Walker,
I do not like that Scott Walker.
You are in the right place friend,
Start protesting, it's on trend!
"Solidarity"? I wonder how many foreign or non-union made cars are in the parking lot?
"I've never understood using horse's rear end as an insult."
It's an old insult, from the days when a good part of the population (including most Americans ancestors) spent their work life looking at one.
"I'm here because Walker is a liar! What brings you here?"
"I'm here because he reminds me of long, flowing hair. And I hate him."
"I'm here because I'm tired of endlessly reading children's books at home. I hate Walker too though."
"I'm here because I couldn't wait to use 'Prosser-hold' and I heard there would be a protest here with signs. Walker sucks."
"I'm here because I had this Lincoln quote, and it made me picture a skunk, and I hate Walker, so I pictured his head on it, and I needed to share that."
"I'm just here to brag about my dogs."
I am sick to death of all the bullcrap. My local news out of Green Bay just had a 5 minute segment that consisted of letting some Dem recall candidates spew outrageous statements about Walker. Nothing of course refuting what they said. I used to say i respected teachers but not their union. I have now reached the point of not respecting teachers either. Good thing my kids are no longer in school. college there are stories about guys doing to various types of protests to pick up women.
"I don't know opposed to testing on animals also. That's great."
"Yeah, I support animal rights. Say, want to get a beer afterwords?"
Is there any wonders why leftards play to their party banner of the Ass.
Hey! I just realized that the horse only has 3 legs.
If you can't count to four, thank your teacher.
(My "whine and grouse" musing shouldn't be taken too pointedly. I love a good protest myself.)
"Why do you hate WI?"
See, now that there is a loaded question. It's also watchyacall erotema, a rhetorical question that is not meant to be answered. I read that in a book!
What a world where taxpayers no longer pay 100% of public employees' pension and health care costs! What about the common good you galley slaves? Row, damn it, row!
Indeed the day Walker made teachers pay just over 5% to their pension and 12% of their health care will go down in the history books with the Triangle Shirtwiaist Fire and Upton Sinclair's The Jungle marking the depths of employer depravity
Come on, people! If mindless slogans, sophomoric insults, kindergarten-quality namecalling, and crudely drawn cartoons won't persuade you, then what will convince you of the rightness of their cause?
Do they have to bring out the puppets?!
Gee, there's only one "RECALL" sign.
So, how, exactly is that "recall election" going, after all?
I, too, am intrigued by the dog that can crap better bills than this.
I would make that dog a State Senator, slightly overfeed him, and harvest those excellent bills for the good of Wisconsin.
"What a world where taxpayers no longer pay 100% of public employees' pension and health care costs!"
I heard a caller on some talk radio show, I don't recall which show, and I don't remember what state they were in. Anyway, they were complaining that their medical costs were going up 350%. As a result, they would need to pay about twenty-five hundred a year for health care.
Needless to say, they were ripped to shreds on the air. about hundreds of WEAC and other union employees going to the venue in Madison where Governor Palin is speaking, sticking their middle fingers up in the air, and chanting "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU".
That probably changed many minds about unions. Or when they boo'd the 14 year old girl.
Gee, there's only one "RECALL" sign.
So, how, exactly is that "recall election" going, after all?
Actually three, and one additional that refers to him losing his job.
As long as we're talking about ass, this one is a favorite .
That was a great rally, maybe 60-70k strong by days end. That same day Tony Schultz blew the [real] populist roof off before Jim Hightower hit the stage.
garage mahal said...
As long as we're talking about ass, this one is a favorite .
That was a great rally, maybe 60-70k strong by days end. That same day Tony Schultz blew the [real] populist roof off before Jim Hightower hit the stage.
How'd that work our for ya?
You combine stupidity, malice and pure evil into an incredibly complex package.
And, every day, you seem to get worse.
It's fascinating, in a disgusting way.
The horse itself is a symbol of these protests...gelding.
And, every day, you seem to get worse.
Thanks bro. Populism kills.
Re the green fist in the first poster - I didn't know the Incredible Hulk belonged to any Wisconsin unions.
That's some fat, ugly crowd, man.
They got a union for obesity?
Are they allowed to marry, and make fat, ugly chidren?
Wow, WI really is a progressive state.
Here in NY BloomGold is sending 'em to reeducation camps.
Thanks bro. Populism kills.
Every now and again, Garage makes a valid point.
They got a union for obesity?
Hey for whiteness and fatness, you cheeseheads have nothing on Oregon's government employees!
Note that this picture is staged for the newspaper - this is how the Oregon SEIU wants to present itself to the world!
Hmm... blogger truncated the url for the picture, which ends seiu.JPG.
You can frighten small children with this...
Heh. The porcine woman at lower right couldn't even be bothered to actually wear her SEIU T-shirt -- she's holding it over her chest. Yeah, that's "Quality" for you.
garage mahal said...
And, every day, you seem to get worse.
Thanks bro. Populism kills.
In the form of leftardism? Oh you bet?
"As long as we're talking about ass, this one is a favorite ."
Your wife is looking good holding that sign.
I picture garage as Gollum-like character.
No blood, just bile and vinegar.
And fingers. Long, knarled fingers with sharp nails.
And like NY-9, no Weiner.
wv - fraphypo
"Solidarity" = You pay for my pension and health care.
Lovely people, aren't they?
What is it with all the fat chicks? While the demonstration might have been 300 people, they weighed as much as 600 people.
We, the tax payer, are so happy to pay these people to do this. I say we pay higher taxes so we can pay these unionists to do nothing but whine.
I see the lefties are trying to overcome their astroturf image by finding an artist to handdraw their mass production signs.
Every time I see this stuff I think I must have a proxy-cached page from, what, 6 months ago? Or Althouse doing a "bump" of her greatest hits.
Doesn't anyone in Wisconsin have anything to do? This is really the same nonsense that has been going on for so many months? This is the most pathetic group of people I have ever heard of. "Get a life" doesn't even begin to cover it.
I felt less sorry for the Japanese soldiers they'd find during the 70's, hidden in the deep jungle of some forgotten island, still waiting for news of how the war was going.
garage forgets that Copperheads, like all vipers, fang themselves to death.
wv: ocrat. Works for the ass-end of the party.
i wonder if that woman's dog could crap a better her?
AllenS said:
So, Walker resembles a horse's tail?
Perhaps they mean Gov. Walker resembles the horse-part responsible for eliminating worthless shit.
SGT Ted said...
I see the lefties are trying to overcome their astroturf image by finding an artist to handdraw their mass production signs.
Well, their unionista printing houses are pissed they didn't get the business.
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