June 3, 2011

Politico says: "Sarah Palin's bus tour leaves GOP cold."

While Palin has reveled in giving an extended one-fingered salute to the national press, refusing to give out details about her travel schedule and forcing reporters to literally chase her vehicle up I-95 in order to cover her, she reached out to precious few activists and party leaders in the states she visited.
So "leaves [them] cold" means that she was cold to them? In normal English usage, when you say X leaves Y cold, it means that Y isn't responding to X's overtures. It's not another way of saying X cold-shouldered Y.
Pennsylvania Republican Party Chairman Rob Gleason, whose state hosted Palin on visits to Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell, voiced a common exasperation about Palin’s tour: “I don’t think theater wins elections.”

“Running for president is a very serious thing and you need to deal with it as such,” Gleason said. “I’m looking for party builders.”
How far down on the list did Politico go to get a GOP politico to give the quote it wanted for an article disparaging Palin's bus tour? (And I love the locution "whose state hosted." Americans have a right to travel from state to state. We don't need the state to extend any invitation or hospitality. )
In New York – where Palin stopped at Ellis Island – GOP Rep. Peter King mused that the Alaskan “probably has more hardcore support than any other candidate.”

“But she needs to show that she can go beyond that, and this tour doesn’t accomplish that,” said King, who is urging Rudy Giuliani to enter the 2012 race.
So... King is pushing another candidate.
To former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, Palin’s visit to his state seemed more or less irrelevant. Asked for his thoughts on her arrival Thursday, the Republican shrugged: “I don’t think she’s running.”
Because nobody's more relevant than John Sununu.

Conclusion: The evidence in Politico's article is best seen as evidence of Politico's desire to undermine Sarah Palin.


Fred4Pres said...

Steve Schmidt was the source for that.

Wear a hat Daddy Warbucks.

Known Unknown said...

I wonder if she'll hold an UNCONVENTION in 2012.

There's the way things have been done for years, and then there's what she's doing, which the Professor has rightly said is unconventional

These party types need to get over themselves.

Rick Caird said...

It sounds as if JournoList is still alive and well. Where is Ezra?

Fen said...

Because nobody's more relevant than John Sununu.

Oh cool. I thought he was dead.

Luke Lea said...

So Palin is off the reservation? Maybe not such a bad thing at this point in time. Maybe she will attack the twin problems of trade and immigration which are undermining our middle-class standards of living. The Democrats won't.

Fred4Pres said...

John Sununu, the only guy with worse instincts on SCOTUS picks than the Bushs.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

So "leaves [them] cold" means that she was cold to them?

Maybe he was intending "leaves them out in the cold."

Scott M said...

“I don’t think theater wins elections"

LOL! I wonder what color the sky is in his reality. The last presidential was won primarily on the basis of theater. It was obvious during the show and the four-year-long after-party we're currently living through.

It's the hangover that's got me worried.

joated said...

"Conclusion: The evidence in Politico's article is best seen as evidence of Politico's desire to undermine Sarah Palin."

Right on the money with that conclusion. An awful lot of folks from both major(?) parties are attmepting to cast stones at Palin right now.

deborah said...

Nice picture at the jump.

One more article quote:

"One of those Republicans might be Fran Wendelboe, a longtime New Hampshire conservative activist and former state lawmaker, who recently emailed Sarah PAC and offered to hold a reception for Palin. As of Tuesday, she had received no response.

“If she planned this to just take her family around, return to our roots and get back to the Constitution, then she should have done it quietly,” Wendelboe said in advance of Palin’s visit. “She looks disorganized. People in New Hampshire are pissed off. They feel like she’s been ignoring us or avoiding us.”"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56167_Page2.html#ixzz1ODzwc9Gn

Anonymous said...

Such as this is why I don't knowingly click on Politico for anything.


WV: crumula, yea, you got that right!

Seeing Red said...

The reporter couldn't find 1


GOP woman to interview in 3 states?


gatic - what Bill the Cat hocks up.

Automatic_Wing said...

So she didn't bother to kiss a bunch of minor politicians and party officials on the ass, big fucking deal.

Hagar said...

This meme of Palin "not talking policy" I think stems from that she is not saying what they are expecting her to say based on what they have read other reporters and pundits describing her positions to be, but that they are not hearing what they had expected to hear, does not mean there is nothing to hear.

Ms. Sarah is talking policy all the time if they would bother to listen to what she is actually saying and doing.

KCFleming said...

Palin's not doing it the right way!!

Seeing Red said...

Sorry - didn't read the article.

OTOH - is Sarah even having fundraisers on this trip?

Whoa -

“She looks disorganized. People in New Hampshire are pissed off. They feel like she’s been ignoring us or avoiding us.”"

What does this mean?

She looks disorganized because she didn't contact them?

Acknowledge them?

A private dog & pony show w/no fundraising?

Or fundraise?

What do they want from her?

Approval to come to NH? Photo-ops?


Anonymous said...

The MSM wants Palin to speak on policy so that when she says potato, they will instantly scream POTAHTO!

Palin is not giving the enemy media any weapons so they whine.

KCFleming said...

Palin doesn't seem to follow The Rules.

Romney follows the rules. For example, he still endorses Romneycare.

You choose.

chickelit said...

Another day of Palin doing things the right way without doing anything anybody asked.

BTW, when did America's Politico go national? Didn't he start out here at Althouse?

Seeing Red said...

...“I figure that politicians in office are really busy and they don’t need to be bothered by someone just knocking on their door,” she told CNN and RealClearPolitics. “We were in Wal-Mart last night in Gettysburg and I met one of the local city council members who happened to be there in line, so it’s not that we avoid them....”

...Palin hasn’t made it particularly easy for fans to seek her out, interacting with supporters largely at impromptu events that haven’t been announced in advance. That means she’s not just blowing off officials, but also regular voters. While the media can’t quit Palin, there are many more GOP voters and activists who won’t try twice to meet a candidate....

Boy, they are really foaming she won't give out her schedule.

& no - the media can quit her. They don't want to.

Hagar said...

One funny thing about her "dinner" with the Donald, other than that both of them ate their pizzas with their forks, from the clip on O'Reilly last night.
I don't think the meeting went well, since when Trump got to talking, she leaned farther and farther away from him until she was about to fall off her chair.
Perhaps he just had a case of bad breath, but the body language was pretty telling otherwise too.

ThreeSheets said...

Hmm, Sarah Palin isn't reaching out to party insiders as she travels across the country meeting with ordinary people. Sounds like a smart strategy if you plan to run as an outsider/tea party candidate or a third party candidate.

Seems obvious to me, but what do I know, I don't write for a fancy newspaper or anything.

edutcher said...

It should be noted that PA is one of those Eastern states where the Republican Party can often be described as vestigial.

It may be said their candidates win in spite of Party support, not because of it.

Chase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chase said...

The only people left who are pushing Sarah Palin for President are the disaffected and angry with their lives/government/social status faux conservatives.

As clever and self-congratulating it may seem to frame anyone who does not see or desire Sarah Palin to be President as "party establishment","RINO", or simply elite, it is only clever and childish.

Sarah Palin is a poor choice for the next President. I am tired of schooling arrogant half-wits and oh so clever Palin defenders in the reality of the future dangers this country faces and how someone with actual experience and a proven track record - and not a quitter - and the correct values is the biggest need this country has. We are already suffering under someone with poor credentials. Even if he had the correct values it would still be a disaster.

We need more reasons to vote for someone than only the category of their enemies.

traditionalguy said...

I finally figured it out: Palin is actually a form of Kryptonite that weakens the super powers of the GOP party hacks wherever she goes.

Phil 314 said...

Well, speaking as a moderate Republican/quasi-independent, my initial reactions to Palin in '08 were very positive. I still like her but have definitely "cooled" to her ?candidacy since then.

Just as certain liberals love to "hate on her", now certain conservatives love to "love her", hopefully, not just because the liberals hate her.

Anyway the bus tour doesn't give me "warm feelings" regarding her ?candidacy. And if her supporters/admirers are represented by her support within this blog, I'd say we're entering Ron Paul territory (i.e. candidate that has aspects to praise but whose small, energetic support far exceeds those aspects)

But hey, that's just my opinion.

Scott M said...

Palin is actually a form of Kryptonite that weakens the super powers of the GOP party hacks wherever she goes.

Luthor is the only one that benefits when Superman is weak from kryptonite. Do you want Luthor to have another four years?

X said...

We are already suffering under someone with poor credentials.

actually he has excellent credentials. hollowed out, but excellent. he has no common sense.

viator said...

Chase, you did a great job of hitting all the troll JourNOlist talking points.

edutcher said...

Phil 3:14 said...

Well, speaking as a moderate Republican/quasi-independent, my initial reactions to Palin in '08 were very positive. I still like her but have definitely "cooled" to her ?candidacy since then.

It's a little like people during the Depression following the careers of people like Bonnie and Clyde.

You don't have to approve, or even support them. It's just fun watching the powers that be tied up in knots by them.

WV "decul" What could happen to Titus if he doesn't watch his six.

Mutnodjmet said...

It is as I always say: What someone says about Palin now tells me more about them than it does about her. Politico lost its credibility with me long ago, especially on any report about the former Alaskan Governor.

chickelit said...

Chase said:
We need more reasons to vote for someone than only the category of their enemies.

So who's your choice?

I'm listening.

Milwaukee said...

Whenever there is a challenge to the existing power structure, all who share power in that structure respond. Thus Democrats seem to hate Palin, but so do traditional Republicans party members. So if you have been a stalwart New Hampshire Republican party member for 30 years, and have met every Republican presidential candidate in that time, you would expect all future candidates to come and kiss your ring. Ain't gonna happen.

For one thing, there are other ways to communicate with potential voters. For another, Sarah has reasonable security concerns. Lame union and progressives could rally enough protesters to make innocents around her uncomfortable.

traditionalguy said...

The Palin Express rolls along on a family vacation. But her faux friends want her skinned for refusing to make it into an official Presidential campaign trip, all the while confidently asserting that, "she will not run for President". Meanwhile back at FOX News Roger Ailes is plucking daisy petals trying to discern whether his high paid employee will run for President or she will not. The SarahCuda rules the road.

SteveR said...

“Running for president is a very serious thing and you need to deal with it as such,” Gleason said.

Did she announce she was running?

TMink said...

Palin does not need the Republican party. None of us do. The tea party is NOT a Republican movement, it is an American movement. Certainly, there is overlap between mainstream Rs and the tea party, but there is a wonderful disconnect between the party establishment and us.

We love that. It invigorates us and gives us solace. They are not our type and we are not theirs, and that is well with us while it is disconcerting to them.

Palin is one of us, so this all applies to her as well.


Chase said...

So who's your choice?

I'm listening.

I am not yet thrilled with anyone frankly. I still have time to figure it out. Dream candidate: Chris Christie, if he is everything he seems to be. But he's not running, at least we'll see.

But the real question you're asking CL is this: "How dare you criticize a choice when you cannot right now present an alternative?"

And I simply reject the false argument that I have to have picked out a candidate to defend in June of 2011 in order to criticize a potential November 2012 candidate. I don't have to choose who I may want in order to know who I don't want.

Sorry if that ends the game early for you.

Dad29 said...

She's in the OODA-Loop of all the right people.

Christopher in MA said...

Well, I'm still agnostic about Palin. I like her, and I find most of her policy proposals worth a consideration (and frankly, if you don't know what they are, it's because you haven't looked into them. She's been very upfront about her views). But were the election right this very minute, I don't know that I could vote for her. Teh Fred was my man the last go-round, and frankly none of the pygmies on the GOP side - with the possible exception of Herman Cain - interest me.

What I do, like, however, and cheer on incessantly, is that big middle finger she's giving to the treasonous, lying, biased "media" that has slandered her since she came on the national stage. For many right-of-center types (myself included), so used to gutless RINOs trembling in fear because they think the NYT will say nasty things about them, a politician willing to tell them, repeatedly, to fuck off is a breath of fresh air.

chickelit said...

Sorry if that ends the game early for you.

Heh. I've long said that it's too early in 2011 to be picking POTUS candidates. Somewhere in the Althouse archives, I even said that the GOP's focus should be on strengthening numbers in both Houses.

I do happen to like and admire Sarah Palin and have since she came on the scene. I think that she (if she chooses to run) will have to build a coalition with disgruntled Republicans. That will be interesting too.

chickelit said...

One more thing: Palin does have policy wonks in her camp: Paul Ryan. Witness the concerted effort by the left to take him out early too.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sarah Palin should ask Politico for permission before she does anything.

Crimso said...

"Because nobody's more relevant than John Sununu."

I'm waiting to hear Bud McFarlane's opinion before I make up my mind on her.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Memo to GOP leadership: your current list of potential candidates leaves me cold.

Milwaukee said...

Once a candidate declares their presidential ambitions aloud, they come under a host of rules and regulations. As long as she hasn't declared for President, Palin is free of those restrictions. Why make herself a bigger target for the media and oppressed by those rules? Waiting as long as possible makes more sense for her than declaring early.

jimspice said...

Oh, I think Sarah Palin does a perfectly adequate job of undermining Sarah Palin all on her lonesome.

David Smith said...

Sounds like a lot of people didn't get the memo. The Republican leadership (and their punditry) are as much the problem as the Democrat leadership and their pet press.

"Come meet the new boss, the same as the old boss" was old news when Baba O'Riley came out in '69. We've been far to patient with the children, but it's past time to take their toys away and give them a time out in the corner.

David Smith said...

I am tired of schooling arrogant half-wits and oh so clever Palin defenders in the reality of the future dangers this country faces..."

Typo? Did you mean " I never tire of schooling..."?

Anonymous said...

I saw this somewhere on the web:

headline summing up Palin overshadowing Romney in Massachusetts

Romney misses the bus; gets beaten up by a girl

garage mahal said...

Some serious word salad here:

"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms uh by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."

Oh boy.

Phil 314 said...

Chase, you did a great job of hitting all the troll JourNOlist talking points.

Chase, are you a troll?

If so more f-words please.

chickelit said...

Cool avatar ST. Did you make it, or is it borrowed from somewhere?

jimspice said...

That avatar looks like the opposite of a Columbian necktie to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it-

How can you attempt to destroy what has long been destroyed?

-she got creamed in the election, proving she's unelectable

-she quit her elected office, proving she can't handle elected office even when she does win.

-Couric proved to the world how stupid she is.

-Fey proved to the world what a joke she is

-media invent ways to remind us how hated she is.

The woman has been totally destroyed six ways to Sunday, over and over. She holds no value to society whatsoever.

So, why do the ones to tell us all these things are true now tell us it is critical that they record and analyze her every waking breath?

Michael K said...

I am tired of schooling arrogant half-wits and oh so clever Palin defenders in the reality of the future dangers this country faces and how someone with actual experience and a proven track record - and not a quitter - and the correct values is the biggest need this country has.

Like Obama

Scott M said...

She holds no value to society whatsoever.

I'm not a Palin waterbearer and I don't think she's the GOP's candidate (least I hope not), but even so...what an odd statement. Do you normally go around making such absolutes?

Michael K said...

Oh, I think Sarah Palin does a perfectly adequate job of undermining Sarah Palin all on her lonesome.

You might want to listen to that video again. She said, "he was warning the British were going to take away our arms."

Depending on your grammarian's opinion, she may have omitted a "that."

You're trying too hard.

Eric said...

Jeebus, look at all the concern trolls come out of the woodwork.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

"An awful lot of folks from both major(?) parties are attmepting to cast stones at Palin right now."

And hence, her appeal, given that the GOP base is rather angry with the GOP. It strikes me as odd that the media has yet to understand this. It's not exactly complicated. Or, more likely, they know it but it suits them better to pretend that they don't.

Rich B said...

Sarah is practicing guerilla politics. They're pissed that she won't come out and fight a pitched battle. Not fair!

Seeing Red said...

She holds no value to society whatsoever.

Do the 4 kids who will pay your social security count?

Seeing Red said...

I am tired of schooling arrogant half-wits and oh so clever Palin defenders in the reality of the future dangers this country faces..."

Typo? Did you mean " I never tire of schooling..."?

And I do believe oh so clever is hyphenated.

I guess there is schooling and there is "schooling?"

jimspice said...

Michael K said "...he was warning the British were going to take away our arms."

My listening produces:

"He, who warned, uh, the, the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms..."

You add consonants and whole words that are not there, and drop some that obviously are. I take it you are not a court reporter.

For the record, the rest of the quote:

"...uh, by ringing those bells, and and, um, making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that, uh, we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free."

Ah yes, the famous Paul Revere bells. I remember them well. "The Brit(CLANG)ish are (CLANG) com(CLANG)ing..."

We get it. You guys don't like the pointy headed, elite, liberal academics. But do you have to go all the way to the other end of the smart/dumb spectrum? A little middle ground perhaps?

Trooper York said...

"Chase said...
The only people left who are pushing Sarah Palin for President are the disaffected and angry with their lives/government/social status faux conservatives."

That's not true. I am an arrogant asshole and I love Sarah Palin.

I hope she continues to stick to the elites in both parties regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

She is one of us.

They are one of them.

Trooper York said...

Peter King is a big bag of bull shit who is too worried about accomendating his "friend across the aisle."

And New Hampshire Republican party officals are notorious for demanding that people kowtow to them. As are the caucus douchenozzles in Iowa.

You smell that?

That's a breath of fresh air you humps.

Trooper York said...

Oh that is "Stick it to them."

Sorry I didn't go to Havard or Yale. Just a commuter school at night while I worked full time.

Chase said...

I am an arrogant asshole and I love Sarah Palin.

Right there with ya Trooper.

I have an autographed copy of "Going Rouge". I was an ardent defender of her on this blog in the 2008 campaign. I love that she drives liberals stark raving sideways.

Obviously it is a rare and unique talent to admire someone, acknowledge their strengths and yet still not feel compelled to put them into a position outside of their zone by voting. Glad I have it.

Christopher in MA said...

"nice word salad."

OK. So we're reduced now to transcribing every "uh" and "er" and "umm" in a Palin quote in order to prove she's an ignorant snowbilly? Really?

Fine, then. Just don't start whining when someone throws back your Little Black Jesus' own stammering word salads once he's off his telebinky. Let me see if I can google a few shining examples. . .

Hagar said...

Give Garage his due.

That was one time Ms. Sarah should have let the challenge slide rather than try to make up an answer to she did know what.

chickelit said...

Obviously it is a rare and unique talent to admire someone, acknowledge their strengths and yet still not feel compelled to put them into a position outside of their zone by voting. Glad I have it.

You sound just like Seven Machos! lol

Clyde said...

I don't understand why she needs to buy a house in Arizona; she's living in their heads, rent-free, 24/7.

wv: pyrotscu. Dracula's pyromaniac brother.

Chase said...

You sound just like Seven Machos! lol

Thank you (blush)

Joanna said...

Oh, I think Sarah Palin does a perfectly adequate job of undermining Sarah Palin all on her lonesome.

Remember when Palin said there were 57 states? That was hilarious.

wv: polex. "I voted for Obama when I thought he was a Rolex. Too bad he's just a polex."

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...Some serious word salad here:..."

That's funny coming from the guy who cheerfully slips on his kneepads for President Teutonic Shift.

But he's so dreeeamy.....

Trooper York said...

I love Seven Machos but he has a blind spot as you do Chase. You are so busy trying to be "reasonable" and "responsible" and trying to find somebody who is electable.

Fuck that noise.

You're electable by getting fucking elected. If she runs then it is soon enough to see if she is electable. Every motherfucking douchenozzle liberal is taking a cut at her morning noon and night.
Her answer is to not sweat it and to do what she does. You don't need to add your fingernails to scratching the surface of her pure lily white skin as it streches over her bounteous breas......err.... Sit back and enjoy the show.

Trooper York said...

Do you remember who Richard Schweiker was?

Take a lesson from him.

mariner said...

I am tired of schooling arrogant half-wits and oh so clever Palin defenders in the reality of the future dangers this country faces ...

Well, I'm a Palin supporter. If she runs I'm giving money and working on her campaign.

Does that make me an arrogant half-wit?

Do you seriously think I'll suffer to be schooled by you?

You have a lot of nerve and little self-awareness to be referring to others as "arrogant half-wits".

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...You guys don't like the pointy headed, elite, liberal academics. But do you have to go all the way to the other end of the smart/dumb spectrum?e trying too hard..."

I don't think anyone touts Palin as some intellectual giant or orator like you lefties think President Corpsemen with his pregnant pauses is some kind of Cicero.

Palin is likable to the right. That's her charm. Pointy head elite academics tend to be pretty stupid as the current administration demonstrates daily.

mariner said...


I forgot to add this:

Go Fuck Yourself.

Paddy O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Now, now mariner when we fight amongst ourselves Mandy Marcotte creams her carefully faded blue jeans.

Don't worry. When Sarah get's the nomination Chase and Seven Machos will come along just fine. Remember Richard Schweiker!

Milwaukee said...

Can we compare and contrast the non-campaign Palin is doing with the non-campaign President Obama is doing? He goes somewhere are "President" and makes ripping partisan attacks, but the taxpayers pay for it because that was a "Presidential Visit". She goes somewhere on "vacation" and the press is in a tizzy they aren't telling us what she is up to.

In order for her to fight a guerrilla war the traditional Republican Party needs to rethink itself. All those "known" Republican players are known, and so are potential leaks to the traditional media.

Every mistake she makes is put on a loop for eternal replay. Obama mistakes are ignored. Miss Manners once advised that if you should accidentally pass gas in public, or one of your party does, be sure to laugh and make a joke of it. To do otherwise is to suggest that this is typical behavior and you're too embarrassed to comment. Where is that list? "When the oceans stopped rising, the planet stopped warming, when nature started to heal..." He is such an arrogant ass.

Milwaukee said...

This country needs Palin for the same reason Lincoln needed Grant. We need somebody who will fight for us, not for their part of the establishment.

SunnyJ said...

Palin is not forcing anyone to chase her, speak to her, support her, welcome her or otherwise. The MSM, left, and party republ shot their wads (weiner story mixed metaphor here) at Palin and she's still standing. She's one upped them all by surviving and demonstrating...yeah, demonstrating that this is what democracy looks like.

chickelit said...

Milwaukee said...
This country needs Palin for the same reason Lincoln needed Grant. We need somebody who will fight for us, not for their part of the establishment.

You know, a good portion of that need would go away if people had any inkling or feeling that Obama did that for them. But he doesn't project that, the mass media doesn't report that, and a casual observer concludes that POTUS would just tell Palin supporters to get lost.

Forgetting his awful mother for a moment, why doesn't Obama choose to project his grandparent's heritage? He's a master projector...why doesn't he?

jimspice said...

HD said: "Palin is likable to the right...[unlike]...(P)ointy head elite academics..."

But you didn't answer my question. Why does the right feel the need to fish from the shallowest end of the lake? Palin last time, GW, I'll give you '96, and both Quayle AND Stockdale in '92. Can't you find someone even remotely near the center of the intellectual normal curve who still meets the "every man" requirement?

AlphaLiberal said...

Ann Althouse's darling is one dim bulb.

So now Paul Revere was warning the British?? Ha!

d-day said...

I can think of no better way for a republican candidate to ensure rabid and sustained tea party support and fundraising than alienating the GOP Inner Party.

Good job, Sarah!

Robert Cook said...

"Well, I'm a Palin supporter. If she runs I'm giving money and working on her campaign.

"Does that make me an arrogant half-wit?"

Supporting Palin--working on her campaign, giving her money, or simply taking her seriously as someone one would want in high office--in itself, does not make one arrogant, but it certainly indicates one is likely a half-wit.

Jeremy said...

DUH Althouse teabagger gang's choice for President of the United States:

In Boston, yesterday, former Alaska Governor and possible 2012 contender Sarah Palin kept mum about her plans to run or not run for President, but she did share some fairly jumbled thoughts on the story of Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride...

“…he who warned the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free. And we were gonna be armed.”

For the record, no shots were fired nor bells rung on the famous ride along the Freedom Trail.

Like I said: D-U-H.

Trooper York said...

I guess the talking points just went out.

Milwaukee said...

Chickenlittle: Has this President ever done anything to make you feel like he was fighting "for" you? I believe his attitude is that he is oh so smart and if I would just think about his wise words, then I would see how wrong I am and how right he is. During the health care debate he made up stories, like doctors charging $15K to amputate a leg, or deciding they need to make the payment on the Bentley and so need to do a tonsillectomy. Did the press pillory him for those? No. Then he has the nerve to say that the reason it didn't have support was because he hadn't explained it well enough. If only he had given one more speech, then the masses would like it.

I think this President thinks that if he should step in dog shit, I'm not good enough to clean his shoes.

My list isn't complete, but among the things I really despise about this guy is his inability to give the nation a speech rallying us to the common good. When was the last time he gave a speech which didn't have a dig in it for his opposition? Brave men don't tell lies when the opposition can't call him out. He is a coward.

Milwaukee said...

My recollection is the quote "Some men are born great, some men achieve greatness, and some men have greatness thrust upon them." was from a Shakespearean comedy. Does anyone think that had John McCain not selected Sarah Palin as his running-mate, that she would be involved in Presidential politics? Nothing in her past gives any indication of that.

Jeremy said...

"...but it certainly indicates one is likely a half-wit."

More like a quarter-wit.

Jeremy said...

"Does anyone think that had John McCain not selected Sarah Palin as his running-mate, that she would be involved in Presidential politics?"

Not a snowball's chance in hell.

McCain created this semi-literate monster...and the GOP is paying the price.

Jeremy said...

"So now Paul Revere was warning the British?? Ha!

Hey, somebody had to warn them against...

"...takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells..."

...bells, horses and warning shots...

Try to imagine what many of the listeners were thinking as she spewed insanity this into the airwaves.

The woman is an absolute dolt.

Carol_Herman said...

John Sununu is Palestinian.

Back in 1988, knowing McCain was polling better than the elder Bush, Sununu made a deal with the devil.

Sununu, by the way, is a computer expert. He carries such an engineering degree.

And, back in 1988, Sununu was the governor of New Hampshire. When suddenly the primary vote format became "cumputerized." All sununu did was switch the phone lines.

All the votes the elder Bush claimed were his; were actually McCain's. And, the exit poll data? Never got reported. The "win" which was faked went down as you know. So that the elder Bush was a one-termer.

But inside this "deal" ... John Sununu drew the "chief of staff" card. And, then?

It was "leaked" to the press that John Sununu was using "helicopter #1" ... to go to his dentist back in New Hampshire. And, to stop in NYC for stamp shows. He was a stamp collector.

Bush "felt so sorry." But the story created at storm. And, sununu had to "step down." And, then the chief of staff's shoes were filled by James Baker.

Politics is a very dirty game played by both sides, by their "insiders." We're all outsiders.

Revenant said...

Maybe she's planning a third-party run.

ricpic said...

If the official types "know" the hoi polloi is upset by Sarah's tour then why are they upset about it?

Scott M said...

The woman is an absolute dolt.

Yeah. Why else would she claim there's 57 states, or claim a Teutonic shift has occurred, or tell people the GOP wants everyone to drive foreign cars before scampering away in her Infiniti.

Chase said...

You are so busy trying to be "reasonable" and "responsible" and trying to find somebody who is electable.

O, Dear Trooper,

Go back and read what I wrote. I did not say Sarah Palin is unelectable. I said several ways that she is not the right choice. Is she inspiring? Yes!. But a good President needs more than the ability to piss off people I don't like, people who make me mad, who make me feel small. The Presidency needs someone with experience - and not just a couple of years (and then goes back on his or her word and doesn't finish their elected job) experience with no real accomplishment.

When Obama was running I nnted continually right here on this blog that he was the least qualified by experience and accomplishment Major Party Candidate of the last 160 years.

And I am not going to choose someone else also poorly qualified just because she of the other party and sends a tingle up the leg of so many. And every serious conservative who loves this country and is truly concerned about our children and grandchildren's futures would put country first and at least slow down and think long and hard about what another inexperienced person in the White House will mean.

Now, if Sarah Palin is the nominee, I will support her and give money for her election against Obama. Citizenship is about making the best possible choice.

Hear that? Best. Possible. Choice.

Anyone else need to stay after school for further education on common sense and rational thought? I'll be around holding office hours for a while longer this Friday.

Revenant said...

You're electable by getting fucking elected. If she runs then it is soon enough to see if she is electable.

That's like saying "the way to find out if you can survive a jump is to take the leap".

It is an accurate enough statement, in a banal sort of way, but it is a pretty dumb way to approach life. Are you a human or a lemming?

chickelit said...

Chase wrote: Hear that? Best. Possible. Choice.

Maybe he meant best available choice.

You're getting pedantic. This isn't a court room or legal brief -- it's a blog comment section.

Get over yourself.


chickelit said...

It is an accurate enough statement, in a banal sort of way, but it is a pretty dumb way to approach life. Are you a human or a lemming?

Geez revenant, are you living a life of uncertainty or unfolding a carefully prepared plan?

I'm pretty sure that most candidates on both sides of every election think they're electable. Of course only one is.


Revenant said...

Remember when Palin said there were 57 states? That was hilarious.

This is the routine Garage Mahal pulls whenever his side does something indefensibly boneheaded and/or illegal -- scamper to point out something boneheaded and/or illegal that the other side did. It signals loud and clear that he knows the accusations against his guy are right on the money.

When confronted with an accusation such as, e.g., "Palin's a twit and a lightweight", the good response is to give examples of her displaying intelligence and substance.

Trooper York said...

Revenant said.......
"That's like saying "the way to find out if you can survive a jump is to take the leap".

Dude every election is like jumping off a cliff. Don't you get that.

As far as being a lemming...the lemmings are the ones who indulge in the group think of the conventional wisdom of the liberal/rhino douchenozzles mainsteam opinion leaders. You ain't bringing anything new to the table bucko. Sarah is. She isn't listening to the same old same old. I think the country is ripe for such an approach. You don't.

Do you know who Richard Schweiker was?

Trooper York said...

Richard Schweiker was the Rhino-ist of Rhinos from Pennsylvannia who looked down his nose at the upstart "crazy" conservative Ronald Reagan. He was such a Rhino that they used his photo in the opening credits of Daktari!

Anywho when the Gipper offered him the chance to run as his Vice-President he got on the bus real quick. That's what all of these douchenozzles will be doing.

Watch and see.

chickelit said...

He was such a Rhino that they used his photo in the opening credits of Daktari!

LOLOL!!! I forgot about that show.

Chase said...

You ain't bringing anything new to the table bucko. Sarah is.

And that would be . . . ?

And why do you live in a lnd of false arguments? This conservative - and millions more like me who adore so much of Palin but would prefer her to not be President, are hardly all RINO's and elites. I despise elitism as much or more tahn anyone you know, and I have the comments on this blog to prove it. But I am not dying on that hill. There are far more important things to the future of this country than constantly being in the paranoid regions of politics.


Best possible choice usually means best available choice, yes.

You passed today and get to go home early.

AlphaLiberal said...

Sarah Palin, the intellectual leader of the modern Republican Party:

"...takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells..."

Isn't that a gem? too bad for our country that this grifter and former half-term Governor has ever had any power at all. Or may again.

I love the doltish look in her eyes in that video. That fount of gibberish.

Now Republicans will probably adopt the Palin history of Paul Revere's ride and demand we all do the same.

AlphaLiberal said...

When confronted with an accusation such as, e.g., "Palin's a twit and a lightweight", the good response is to give examples of her displaying intelligence and substance.

Ok, I'll play. Palin is a twit and a lightweight.

Your turn!

Chase said...

Anyone comparing Ronald Reagan to Sarah Palin . . .

Let's start. First question:

What year did Ronald Reagan FIRST run for the Republican nomination for President?

Second question: How many years of executive government experience did Reagan have when he first ran for President?

Question Three:How may years of political activism did Reagan have when he first ran for P{resident?

Trooper York said...

And don't be giving me Chris Christie. Dudes and dudettes. He is a politician in New Jersey!

The only place that is dirtier is Chicago and he doesn't have the benefit of affirmative action and a lapdog press.

Revenant said...

Geez revenant, are you living a life of uncertainty or unfolding a carefully prepared plan?

I'm living a life of managed risk. So I do not, for example, go to Vegas and slap down my life savings on #13 at the roulette wheel on the theory that, hey, it would be awesome if I won and I'll never know if I would have unless I try.

Sarah Palin is openly disliked by swing voters. Forget the fact that she's hated by liberals, because they were going to vote for Obama anyway. She is openly disliked by swing voters, i.e. the people no President has ever been elected without. No Palin supporter has offered up a plan for overcoming that crippling disadvantage. Apparently she is just going to wow them with the sheer force of her personality and has only refrained from doing so to date because she's too polite or something.

Chase said...

Sigh. I can see that remedial classes on citizenship are going to be necessary . . .

Chase said...

Rev you are on a roll!

And Trooper, please do tell us how Alaska is so corruption free . . .

chickelit said...

revenant wrote: No Palin supporter has offered up a plan for overcoming that crippling disadvantage.

I suggested one back up at 11:40 AM.

Don't ask me who though. Probably somebody you really like. :)

SunnyJ said...

Those carping at Palin for her Paul Revere comments, need to remember that the response to his warnings were for those countrymen to ring their community bells and or fire shots to warn the rest of the countryside (no twitter feed at the time)...the sounds of those warning bells and shots fired were heard not only by the patriots preparing to stop the british but, by the british sympathisers and loyalists already in the area and the troops. It is intellectually dishonest to be so linear and literal in judging Palins words, that you refuse to reference perfectly well established history regarding methods of communication at that time. You are in such a lather to diminish Palin, that you make yourselves look foolish and ignorant of well documented non-partisan american history. Stop trying so hard to find fault with Palin.

Revenant said...

You ain't bringing anything new to the table bucko. Sarah is.


So, can you actually name what the "new" thing is that she's bringing to the table? She's reading the same "we gotta do something about this out of control government" script that Republicans have been suckering voters with for the last thirty-five years. It is a great way to make big bucks on the public speaker circuit, but it isn't new. What *would* be new would be concrete proposals for cutting government. What are hers?

Belatedly hopping onto the "we gotta do something about this out of control spending" bandwagon after championing $700 billion bailouts does not impress.

Roy Lofquist said...

Those who resort to ad hominen arguments show themselves to have no arguments and are too fucking dumb to realize that it demonstrates a particularly evil character and a particularly disorganized mind.

Phil 314 said...

Sarah Palin is openly disliked by swing voters. Forget the fact that she's hated by liberals, because they were going to vote for Obama anyway. She is openly disliked by swing voters, i.e. the people no President has ever been elected without.

Well I'd have to think about it (and by that I don't mean voting for BO). I just don't want four more years of sound bites when big issues are at stake. I need someone more than just words

Jeremy said...

Scotty - The another teabagging Princess Dolt sycophant.

Misspeaking isn't quite the same as not having the slightest idea of what you're talking about.

Maybe she can team up with Duh Bachmann and really turn the GOP upside down...as if it isn't already there.

Jeremy said...

Phil - "I just don't want four more years of sound bites when big issues are at stake."

You must mean somebody like little Georgie.

He certainly handled all of the "big issues" that came his way...


Chase said...


Are you using satire here?
If so, please keep on trying

Or are you serious?

Jeremy said...

Sunny - "It is intellectually dishonest to be so linear and literal in judging Palins words..."

Yeah, right.

Except it isn't exactly a form of being "so linear" when you actually read what she said:

“…he who warned the British..."

He warned the British?

"that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms...?

Taking away our arms?

"uh, by ringin’ those bells"...

He rang bells?

"um, makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town..."

What else would he ride? A motorcycle?

"to send those warning shots and bells..."

He fired warning shots and rang bells?


chickelit said...


When has there ever not been a plurality of candidates going into a primary (incumbents excluded?). Obama won a hard fought primary and so did McCain. I really dislike this notion of let's not back somebody unless they can win. It's just so defeatist.

Why don't you get behind a candidate and that person can be a primary challenger to Palin and blow her out of the water? That's how things are supposed to work last I checked.

Otherwise, you just sound like you want Palin disqualified. But for what, being weaker than another potential candidate? LOL, she's not even a candidate, and you want to kill her off.

Jeremy said...

Trooper Dork thinks there will be a line forming, all begging to be Princess Dolt's V.P.

Probably because of the incredibly positive effect she had on the McCain ticket.

You need to stop watching old movies a start reading.

Chase said...


What makes you think that to not want Sarah Palin as the nominee means the same as not wanting her to run at all? She is more than welcome to run - more power to her. Choosing someone else does not have to equal hating Sarah or seeking to tear her down.

What is this extremism that peopls have about her?

More about that later.

Jeremy said...

Palin will not run.

This is nothing more than a way to keep the money flowing.

The minute she says she isn't running...the speaking fees plummet.

And she'll still be just as stupid.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Supporting Palin--working on her campaign, giving her money, or simply taking her seriously as someone one would want in high office--in itself, does not make one arrogant, but it certainly indicates one is likely a half-wit...."

Says the half wit who supported Ralph Nader.

Keep em comin I can go all night.

Jeremy said...

Corn Cob - Say what you will about Ralph Nader, but he certain isn't an idiot.

Something you can't say about the Princess.

Why in the world would you possibly consider voting for such an uneducated, uninformed and unqualified person the lead the country?

Other than merely hating President Obama.

Roy Lofquist said...


I am quite serious. This thread, like most comment threads on the web, comprises an extraordinary number of fallacious arguments.

Here's a handy dandy list.


I find it amusing to check off each fallacy in a comment. I had this drilled into my head in the 7th or 8th grade, along with Latin. I don't think it's part of the modern curriculum.


Jeremy said...

certainly...my bad.

Jeremy said...

Roy - Care to provide a what you consider to be "fallacious arguments" presented here?

Trooper York said...

"So, can you actually name what the "new" thing is that she's bringing to the table?"

What she is bringing is a new way of campaigning that is driving people crazy. Not least the Republican Apparatchik's who will cut out of the rice bowl. She is taking it to the mainstream lapdog media just as she will take to the Jug Eared Jesus who makes Mitt and Tim and Mitch shit their pants.

Plus there is the added benefit of watching Gene Olsen and his collective Borg identity from Santa Monica foam at the mouth and lose their shit. That is always most amusing.

Trooper York said...

"Sarah Palin is openly disliked by swing voters."

That is of course the meme trumpeted by the liberal lapdog press, the compliant conservative commentors and the nit pickers here who know so much about what will happen over the next few months.

The proof will be in the pudding as they say. If she runs then we will find out what happens. All the concern trolling in the world does not mean jack.

Trooper York said...

"Chase said...
What is this extremism that peopls have about her?"

It is the mirror image of the extemism that people have against her. The other side of the coin.

Being all above the fray and "holier and smarter than thou" will not cut it when the rubber hits the road.

Or the rubber hits the Weiner as the Congressman might say.

Roy Lofquist said...


I suppose I could but it would be tiresome. Why don't you go to the reference and check out the rather long list yourself? Might make your life in blogland a little less confusing.


Chase said...

It is the mirror image of the extemism that people have against her. The other side of the coin.

And that's a good thing in any way because . . . . . ?

chickelit said...

And that's a good thing in any way because . . . . . ?

Because countervailing political forces are an import part of free speech. They help undue extremes. Here's a discussion with visuals: link

Revenant said...

When has there ever not been a plurality of candidates going into a primary (incumbents excluded?). Obama won a hard fought primary and so did McCain. I really dislike this notion of let's not back somebody unless they can win. It's just so defeatist.

I don't get the correlation between the first two sentences and the third.

In the '08 election you had a number of electable candidates on both sides. You also had a number of candidates with no prayer of winning the general election even IF they managed to win the primary: Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, for example.

There are plenty of electable Republicans in the current field of announced or prospective candidates. Palin isn't one of them. Neither are Gingrich (another widely-hated politician), Gary Johnson (too libertarian for middle America) or Ron Paul (ditto).

If you want to go down in flames supporting a candidate who isn't electable but is dead serious about wanting to straighten out our finances and reduce the size of government, I recommend Gary Johnson. Unlike Palin he has a proven track record and specific policy proposals.

Revenant said...

That is of course the meme trumpeted by the liberal lapdog press, the compliant conservative commentors and the nit pickers here

So your argument is that the swing voters who routinely tell polling agencies that they dislike Sarah Palin are either complicit in, or victims of, a vast bipartisan media/political conspiracy to conceal the true popularity of Sarah Palin? That struck you as a more likely explanation than "the media successfully convinced voters she's a twit", did it?

Hagar said...

Haven't bothered to go back and look it up again, but from what I faintly remember, the networks' comments about Paul Revere's Ride are not any improvement to Ms. Sarah's version.

Joanna said...

the swing voters who routinely tell polling agencies that they dislike Sarah Palin


Hoosier Daddy said...

Corn Cob - Say what you will about Ralph Nader, but he certain isn't an idiot.

You know what you're right. He's not an idiot. He's a moron.

That's why I said anyone who supported the man is a nitwit.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Why in the world would you possibly consider voting for such an uneducated, uninformed and unqualified person the lead the country?

I didn't vote for Obama. What is your point?

Hagar said...

Ralph the Raider is not a moron. He is a lawyer with a row of quite successful commercial enterprises.

Big Mike said...

Do you realize how much money Dumbocrats can save on laxatives? All they need is to post a picture of Sarah Palin in their bathrooms since she seems to scare the crap out of them.

Gadfly said...

Did Paul Revere alert you, too, Ann, after alerting the British?

You're a bigger effing ditz than Palin if you think she's a good candidate because she's like a lot of Americans.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Ralph the Raider is not a moron. He is a lawyer with a row of quite successful commercial enterprises.

What's your point? Lindsay Lohan and Snooki are successful and they're morons too.

Try again.

Actually don't cause I hate making fools of people who are morons themselves. It's like making fun of fat kids on mopeds.

Revenant said...



Ãœber said...

To all the folks here who experienced a little schadenfreude with what Palin said regarding Revere:


It's amazing. By now after all the times you lemmings have thrown yourselves over the cliffs to score that one sweet jab at Palin (reference "Party like it's 1773? Ooops!"), you'd think by now you'd give it just a few minutes of thought and perhaps research before you made utter fools of yourselves.

Like John Hayward of Human Events said:

"Every time Palin closes her eyes and holds out her sword, a hundred liberals race up to impale themselves upon it."


Feel free to continue beclowning yourselves. It'll make this election cycle even more fun for those of us who point and laugh at your latest belly flop.

Robert Cook said...

"...I said anyone who supported the man is a nitwit."

Un, no, you said they were a halfwit.

C'mon, c'mon, HD! You've got to keep your unsupported pejoratives straight or you'll impeach your own veracity!

Trooper York said...

So your argument is that the swing voters who routinely tell polling agencies that they dislike Sarah Palin are either complicit in, or victims of, a vast bipartisan media/political conspiracy to conceal the true popularity of Sarah Palin? That struck you as a more likely explanation than "the media successfully convinced
voters she's a twit", did it?

No. I think the people who take and slant thses polls are lying sacks of shit who make sure the polls reflect their point of view and are not true representations of the actual facts as most voters have not really made up their minds or could be persauded otherwise after a campaign.

These people are liars and I dosn't trust anything they say. I give you the benefit of the doubt Rev because I know you are an atheist and you don't believe in anything.

Jeremy said...

Trooper Dork - "These people are liars and I dosn't trust anything they say."

So, anybody who says Princess Dolt is a...dolt...or that they don't think she has the qualifications, education or experience to be the leader of the free world...is lying?

The fact that she quit as Governor, spends 99% of her time sucking in as much money as she can, still can't name a book or publication she reads, can't name a news person she admires, and throws out inane comments like the Paul Revere drivel...has no bearing on people's opinions?

And, if she's such a dynamic candidate, why did she sink McCain's shot at the gold?

You and other teabaggers, who do nothing but whine and bitch about anything the President says, proposes or does...have no real argument to support this twit. It's all based in pure hatred of a black President.

And you know it, too.

Trooper York said...

Sorry Gene but I don't care what you have to say.

Don't you have a class today?

Trooper York said...

And the story has turned with Paul Revere dude. Have one of your students read it to you pal.

Jeremy said...

Trooper - Can I assume you're now on the Pogo track...who, for whatever bizarre reason, thinks my name is Gene and that I teach in Santa Monica?

I don't teach, other than doing my best to make you and the rest of the teabaggers understand how ridiculous you sound on a regular basis, and I have never been a teacher or a professor.

I suggest you slow down on the old movies where you cop 99% of what you post...and do more reading.

And try to back off on the racist garbage...it makes you look even smaller than you already are.

Jeremy said...

Trooper Dork - "And the story has turned with Paul Revere dude."

You mean the guy with the bells and guns and other thingies...who warned the British?


Revenant said...

No. I think the people who take and slant thses polls are lying sacks of shit who make sure the polls reflect their point of view and are not true representations of the actual facts as most voters have not really made up their minds or could be persauded otherwise after a campaign.

Uh, Trooper... Palin was IN a Presidential campaign, remember? It is safe to say that voters know more about her than they do about any other candidate on the Republican side.

Your argument would make sense if she was new to the public square, but she has had a national profile for going on three years now. The idea that voters dislike her now but won't once they get to know her is just silly.

Jeremy said...

"The idea that voters dislike her now but won't once they get to know her is just silly."

It's more than silly, it's ridiculous.

Her disapproval ratings are already dismal and she hasn't even had to take the stage in a real debate...where actual questions and answers are required.

She will never run for President. This is nothing more than a huge money and fame grab. The instant she announces she is not running her speaking fees, etc. will plummet.

Only an uninformed fool would support this twit.

You know...people like Trooper.

Milwaukee said...

Only an uninformed fool would support this twit.

You know...people like Trooper.

and Milwaukee, as in

Only an uninformed fool would support this twit.

You know...people like Trooper and Milwaukee.

Trooper York said...

Losing Vice Presidents have won before. McCain was the reason why they lost. Blaming it on Palin is the meme of liberal douchenozzles and astro-trufing trolls like Gene Olsen. She has the opportunity to run again and see if she can win on her own merit. She doesn't need my permission to do so and as I have said we will see what we will see.

All the shouting and the crying and the nonsense of Gene and the liberal borg will not matter.

Trooper York said...

Gene of course has missed what happened today when the remarks that Governor Palin made were put in context in view of the facts as gleaned in the scholarly work "Paul Revere's Ride" by David Hackett Fischer. I have downloaded it form Amazon and read the relavent portions.

But there is no need for sock puppets to do so. They can just prattle mindless as we ignore them.

Carry on.

Chase said...


Your argument would make sense if she (Sarah Palin)was new to the public square, but she has had a national profile for going on three years now. The idea that voters dislike her now but won't once they get to know her is just silly.

Winner of the thread.

The fact is, the dislike of Sarah Palin is stronger among today's independent voters than Nixon's. That is one of the main reasons a run for the Presidency will not work for her.

Sarah Palin fascinates many:

• - To most liberals and those on the left, she enrages them. But that is not a reason that she can win the Presidency.

• - To many conservatives, she inspires them. But that is not a reason that can push her into the Presidency.

• - To Tea Party types, she carries the making the enemies of these people mad. But that will not get her even close to the Presidency.

• - To the vast majority of swing voters, she is either despised or applauded. Their is little middle ground, and nothing else to be revealed. And she cannot win the Presidency without a majority of swing voters - as Rev said earlier above, it has never happened in America history.

Nixon was able to win in 1968 because he spent the years of 62 - 67 keeping a low public profile while carefully and deliberately networking and diligently building reltionships by working for candidates and building chits he could later redeem. It was the only way Nixon - and anyone ever can - was able to redeem his public image, pull in the favors from relationships and convince voters that he was different. Notice the different. It was so important in convincing the on-the-fence, never-cared-for-Nixon, but maybe-he's-changed middle voter.

Sarah Palin? Nothing low key.
Relationships? Tea Party people only and her stance on gay rights (Tweets and Facebook commentary) will cost her the evangelical vote - that alone will sink her.

She can run, but this is the fact. She is an inspirational figure who has every right to run for the Presidency - I will support her if she is the nominee against Barack Obama, but she will do worse than Bob Dole against Bill Clinton in 1996.

The deck is stacked in others favor. Sarah.Palin.Cannot.Win.

Now you have facts. You may choose to believe otherwise, but you will fight valiantly and be killed quickly. There are far better candidate who can beat Obama.

Trooper York said...

Concern trolling does not become you dude.

Just because you want to believe she has no chance does not make it so. Just like me saying she can win does not make it so either. The proof will be in the pudding if she runs.

That is why I said it doesn't matter what anyone says. Especially the conventional wisdom that you are spouting off here. She doesn't care about the conventional perceived wisdom that all the pundits and media whores and internet experts like to spout. She is doing something different. Running a campaign through reality TV, twitter and Facebook. It is something new. I get it. You don't.

We shall see what we shall see.

Trooper York said...

Nobody is gonna wanna have one of those newfangled horseless carriages. Old Besty was good enough for my pappy and she is good enough for me. Now let me hitch up the buckboard and head over to the Ponderorsa. I want to meet Hoss's Fiance before she gets run over by a steer or something.

Did anybody see my buggywhip?

Chase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Milwaukee said...

It must be the Democrats and Socialist who love to pontificate on the failings of the possible Republican Presidential nominees. The primaries haven't even started yet. We can be moan our choices after the Presidential Nominating Convention.

Too bad about the Democrats. They are stuck with the One. He has a bank account large enough to pre-empt any challenge. Although I heard Nader was interested. Maybe that guy from New England who gives whup yells.

By the way, the Republicans are not going to nominate somebody who is perfect. That person doesn't exist. The Democrats can nominate somebody who is perfect for a second term.

Chase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jimspice said...

So now we are to believe that the comment was not, in fact, a bumbling misremembrance of the tale, it was an astute analysis of several recondite academic sources? Occam? Meet razor.

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