June 9, 2011

"A Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia and a Jewish native of Brooklyn — 'the future of the world to be.'"

That was Bill Clinton's wedding toast to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner last July.

Oh, that's an unfortunate prophecy for the world!


XWL said...

According to her bio, Huma was born in Kalamazoo, but I guess that's less poetic.

Saying Huma is from Saudi Arabia (where she spent her childhood), is like saying President Obama is from Indonesia...

Curious George said...

He forgot "and a wide hipped WASP with a voice like fingers on a chalkboard from Park Ridge, IL"

RuyDiaz said...

And, of course, isn't Huma an apostate for marrying a non-Muslim man?

That's one of those questions we are not suppossed to ask, isn't it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, Jeremiah had these two guys pegged thousands of years ago:

"For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to acovetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.

"They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.

"Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush:...."

Palladian said...

The future of the world to be is a lesbian with a taste for expensive Hermès bags marrying a compulsive masturbator with a small penis and a face that looks like an overdone roast turkey.

traditionalguy said...

The future World To Be should not be the Clinton's concern. The USA is still self governed and will continue to be so for as long as there remains the United States Marine Corps willing to kill our enemies. Saudi Muslims and anti-Zionist Jews in Brooklyn are very unlikly to be what the future holds.

Palladian said...

When Bill heard that Weiner was enjoying walking all over his new Oriental rug, Bill thought he was talking about one of his wedding gifts.

Scott M said...

I was going to give you a "well-crafted" for the turkey bit, Pall, but I'm glad I didn't have the chance. The rug quip edges it out.

Sal said...

I had thought she was Persian without the big nose. A 2008 article in The Hindu states that Weiner is hot for her.

Sounds like texting lingo.

kent said...

The future of the world to be is a lesbian with a taste for expensive Hermès bags marrying a compulsive masturbator with a small penis and a face that looks like an overdone roast turkey.

"I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

coketown said...

I hope this doesn't play out like some extended metaphor, with them naming their child West Bank, then the two divorcing, then a ten-year custody battle over whether the Jew or the Muslim should have custody of West Bank.

gerry said...

I once knew a Muslim from Kalamazoo
Who traveled to Brooklyn to marry a Jew...

Carol_Herman said...

Nope. Perhaps though Bill Clinton sees some politician he could count on, lose his way?

Plus, five years from now. If the weiner's get to have a child ... And, it's a boy ... Weiner will be watched by all the rabbis in America ... to see if what he sells is "kosher."

If it's a girl? For argument's sake, let's say the pregnancy story is true. And, a little girl is born to them.

Would she be able to muster sleepover guest at a birthday party?

You'd trust weiner with your little girl?

By as much of a margin, I suspect, as Dr. Lewinsky, trusts Bill Clinton.

As far as I'm concerned, though, Weiner is a great poster ad for the democraps. Bill Clinton's also happy. Since weiner's cock doesn't have a mole to show.

Wiser politicians would have looked for better safety nets.

As to Huma and Hillary in Abu Dabai ... let's just say this. Weiner can't go there!

This is a good thing.

Many other good things will follow.

AllenS said...

I once knew a Muslim from Kalamazoo
Who traveled to Brooklyn to marry a Jew
They were wed by a Clinton
And it wasn't what they were expectin
Now the husband Twitters in his loo

Shouting Thomas said...

Diversity is our greatest strength!

The Drill SGT said...

RuyDiaz said...
And, of course, isn't Huma an apostate for marrying a non-Muslim man?

Yes, Muslim men can marry outside the faith, because of the patrilineal theory that all children inherit the father's religion. Women? a capital offense.

I was struck by this part, where he had confessed to these behaviors earlier, yet lied to her in the specifics and the hacking up till the time he went public. She must be pissd about that.

and that he had previously confessed these habits to his wife. . . though she had not known until that very day that the Twitter crotch shot that triggered the whole scandal was indeed his doing, and not that of a

Fred4Pres said...

I thought Bill did not drink alcohol? He sure sounds tipsy.

The Drill SGT said...

Yes, Muslim men can marry outside the faith, because of the patrilineal theory that all children inherit the father's religion. Women? a capital offense.

Neither is the kid born a jew either, since Jewishness descends from the female.

Fred4Pres said...

AllenS, that is made of awesome.

Toad Trend said...

I have yet to see the Chinese fall for this 'diversity' meme.

When does this happen?

After they embrace liberalism?


m stone said...

Technically, Weiner isn't a Jew since his mother was not. Apparently, she named him Anthony.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Thats almost vomit inducing.

edutcher said...

Define portent:

A phony wedding presided over by a disgraced and impeached POTUS where the 2 main female participants are rumored to be in love with each other.

MnMark said...

What Clinton's toast really meant is a celebration of the fact that, if the liberal vision is accomplished, all racial/ethnic/religious/cultural diversity will be eliminated. Everyone will meld into one undistinguishable mutt background. Liberals think that is great.

That's why all their talk about how diversity is great is such bullshit. If you really truly like diversity - really like that there is real variety in the world - then you want to encourage people to maintain the uniqueness of their people and their backgrounds, not submerge it in a mixture of others. Just like if you like a variety of spices, you keep them in separate jars in the cupboard. You don't pour everything from every jar into a bowl, mix it up, and have just one hodgepodge spice-mixture to use forever without variety.

Clinton was basically toasting the end of Jewry and the end of Saudi Arabians and the end of Muslims.

Geoff Matthews said...

"A Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia and a Jewish native of Brooklyn — 'the future of the world to be.'"

Yeah, a world where the muslim wants to kill the jew.
Or a world where the jew screws over the muslim.
Pick your prejudice.

AllenS said...

"A Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia and a Jewish native of Brooklyn, the future of the world to be. Here, have a cigar. No, not you Tony."

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Technically, Weiner isn't a Jew since his mother was not. Apparently, she named him Anthony.

You’re a “Jew” if you profess and practice the faith…this other definition of “Jew” is getting dangerously close to (Godwin’s Law ALERT) a kind of Nazi/Anti-Semite definition of “Jew.” If your mom or dad were Catholic are you “Catholic,” alternatively if I convert to Catholicism, though having been Jewish, am I NOT Catholic? One’s Judaism or lack thereof, is a function of one’s FAITH, not some mystical attribute of a Birth Canal.

Now is Weiner “Jewish;” I don’t know, does he attend Synagogue or Temple regularly? Does he practice the tenets of his sect? If “yes” “He’s a JEW” if not, then No, Anthony Weiner is NOT a Jew.

Toad Trend said...

A glimpse of the world to be.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Libruls see everyone in color. My older sister can't tell you a simple story about a neighbor without relating the ethnic makeup of the person [if the person is non-white].

I would say her town and most of its residents are extremely proud about the low % of white residents.

Jeremy said...

Speaking of the "future of the world to be"...

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich's campaign manager, senior strategists and key aides in early delegate-selection states all resigned on Thursday, a mass exodus that leaves his hopes of winning the Republican nomination in tatters.

Guess it'll just have to survive with the Newter.

Jeremy said...

AJ Lynch "Libruls see everyone in color. My older sister can't tell you a simple story about a neighbor without relating the ethnic makeup of the person [if the person is non-white]."

Opposed to Republicans who don't know enough about anybody of color to have a story.


virgil xenophon said...

When the Cathedral Canyon Country Club in Cathedral City, CA (adj to Palm Springs) was built in the 70s the original 2 majority owners/developers were a Jew and an Arab. Needless to say they fought like cats & dogs over EVERY SINGLE detail..lol. So much for American Jewish/Muslim "synergy"..

Scott M said...

You don't read the posts very closely, do you Jeremy? There's another thread on your off-topic topic.

As long as we're off-topic, you never answered my question over in the Der Weinerr thread. Care to revisit it?

Jeremy said...

Geoff - "Or a world where the jew screws over the muslim."

Ahhh, I wondered how long before the usual anti-Semite might rears his or her ugly head.

Thanks for not making us wait...

Jeremy said...

Scotty - Please...let's revisit it.

Scott M said...

Surely. Go over there and answer the question so we can stop bothering these good people.

Jeremy said...

You can really tell when the wingnuts/teabaggers, egged on by The Queen of course...are desperate.

Days and days of the Weinergate story.

C'mon...there must be something else...

edutcher said...

Jeremy talks of race as if he knows anyone who isn't white.

Jeremy said...

Scoty - I have no idea what important question you might have asked.

I mean, they're ALL so important...it's hard to keep track.

Just throw it out there again, numbnut.

The Drill SGT said...

Joe (CJ),

You and I may be in violent agreement. My comments were that for a child born of a Muslim woman and a Jewish man, the default position of both religions would be "none", though if the polarity of the situation were reversed, both faiths would say that the child was theirs at birth. I think that either faith, am I wrong? would require the weiner child to profess/convert in at an age of understanding? would that be 13 for a Jew or could it be younger?

Alex said...

Jeremey the race baiter!

Jeremy said...

edu-whatever - I know all kinds of people of color.

I'm a liberal.

The only one you know is your CrackHead buddy who, for whatever bizarre reason, spends time here...sucking up to people who wouldn't let him into their garage.

chuckR said...

Right next to this entry are two ads - the shocking meat video (hope that's not Weiner) and right below that, an ad for divorce services.

Jeremy said...

Alex - The truth hurts.

Fuck off.

Scott M said...

Just throw it out there again, numbnut.

Erudite as ever. You can go find it yourself, as it immediately follows one of your own screeds. I don't hold you as one without consistency, so go see if it raises to level of deserving your attention.

Otherwise, you can hang out here and keep on with the usual schtick, ie ad hominem for the sake of ad hominem.

Jeremy said...

The Drill SGT - I didn't realize there was a requirement to either profess or convert when born of a Jewish mother.

I always thought if born of Jewish mother, the Jews say you are indeed a Jew...regardless.

Jeremy said...

Scotty - If you yourself can't remember the question, what exactly is your point?

I'm not going to spend time trying to ferret out some inane question you threw out in another thread.

If it's that important...bring it on. (ala little Georgie)

William said...

They said Frank Perdue made an effective spokesman for his product line because he looked so uncannily like a chicken. I think that also explains a lot about Weiner. The man looks like an engorged penis. There's not an ounce of body fat on him. He's purple with a rage that looks about to spill over. He walks with erect posture and a bobbing gait....It's not just his name and personality. He really looks literally like a prick.....I think this explains so much about him. If identity is destiny, how could he avoid being an exhibitionist. He has long felt that the most salient and boast worthy fact about his person is his weiner. He needs to introduce his weiner into the conversation the way Ivy League graduates need to slip their years at Harvard into the discourse.....I suppose there are advantages to looking like an erect dick. To me, he's kind of ugly, but it is undeniable that he appeals to women. Maybe it's analogous to Angelina Jolie's lips. Whatever she's talking about, you're subliminally thinking blowjob. If you look like a dick, maybe women subliminally think about fucking.....Well, as he has said, he has learned to embrace his Weiner identity. I think it would be cool that if when the House gathers to censure him for hs behavior, he zips down his fly and flashes them all. Now your gods, stand up for weiners.

hawkeyedjb said...

There once was a fellow named Tony

Who sent off a pic of his Bony

Now Huma is mad

Says Tony is bad

It's goodbye to your Matrimony

Jeremy said...

William "The man looks like an engorged penis."

Ahhh, the intellect of the teabagger.

*And how is it you know so much about engorged penises?

The Drill SGT said...

Jeremy said...
I always thought if born of Jewish mother, the Jews say you are indeed a Jew...regardless.

My point exactly. either I said it poorly or you read it wrong...:)

we agree. same with a child born of a Muslim father.

In this case, the polarities are reversed, hence neither religion would have a default claim on the kid

Jeremy said...

Speaking of sex, lies and hypocrites:

WASHINGTON -- As Republican calls for the resignation of Democratic New York Rep. Anthony Weiner mount, the party is being forced to confront its own uncomfortable reality: sitting Senator David Vitter of Louisiana.

Vitter was discovered to have regularly used the prostitution service of Deborah Jean Palfrey, also known as the D.C. Madam, after details of an investigation into Palfrey’s service were leaked to Hustler magazine.

Vitter admitted to using the Washington, D.C.-based prostitution service in July 2007. Even so, 27 prominent Republicans gave a total of $161,700 to Vitter’s 2010 reelection effort.

Didn't seem to bother any of the local teabaggers then...

Jeremy said...

The Drill SGT - I was referring to the profess/convert requirement.

Otherwise, I think we're on the same page...

Toad Trend said...


"I'm a liberal."

No shit?

I couldn't tell from your drive-by commenting or your ignorance.

A legend in your own mind.

Scott M said...

Didn't seem to bother any of the local teabaggers then...

How can you possibly know that? You can't remember as far back as this morning.

Known Unknown said...

Speaking of sex, lies and hypocrites:

WASHINGTON -- As Republican calls for the resignation of Democratic New York Rep. Anthony Weiner mount, the party is being forced to confront its own uncomfortable reality: sitting Senator David Vitter of Louisiana.

Vitter was discovered to have regularly used the prostitution service of Deborah Jean Palfrey, also known as the D.C. Madam, after details of an investigation into Palfrey’s service were leaked to Hustler magazine.

Vitter admitted to using the Washington, D.C.-based prostitution service in July 2007. Even so, 27 prominent Republicans gave a total of $161,700 to Vitter’s 2010 reelection effort.

Okay, you go first.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

It’s good to be in violent agreement. You’d be a “Dreedle Jew” akin to Cradle Catholic, If mom were a “Jew.” I see your point though….

Huma and Anthony children will be “nothing” and therefore have the maximum confusion/choice…as a child it’s not comforting but as an adult it could be a plus. Not being “Jewish” or “Muslim” allows some flexibility in religious choice, because in any case, someone doesn’t “expect” you to join, you have to CHOSE….So Little Huma or Anthony will have to JOIN some faith group-or not for the atheists here, because they are not, by default, one faith grouping or another.

Alex said...

The only one you know is your CrackHead buddy who, for whatever bizarre reason, spends time here...sucking up to people who wouldn't let him into their garage.

I wouldn't let Jeremy into my garage, but Crack is always welcome.

Jeremy said...

Alex - "I wouldn't let Jeremy into my garage, but Crack is always welcome."


test said...

" E.M. Davis said...
Speaking of sex, lies and hypocrites:"

I don't recall Vitter calling those criticizing him liars on national TV. Do you have a link?

The Drill SGT said...

Joe (TCJ)

would require the weiner child to profess/convert in at an age of understanding? would that be 13 for a Jew or could it be younger?

I was referring in Joe's terminalogy that the child would not be a "dreedle jew" (e.g. born from a Jewish womb), hence:

what are the joining rules? I've heard of adults converting in, what is the minimum age of consent?

just curiousity

Curious George said...

AllenS said...
"A Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia and a Jewish native of Brooklyn, the future of the world to be. Here, have a cigar. No, not you Tony."

Thanks Allen. Needed the laugh today.

Toad Trend said...


No matter how hard you try, we and at least 60% of America know that 'liberals' are the brain-dead morons that you so aptly demonstrate.

I'm not telling you to get lost, but if you had any common sense, shame or dignity you wouldn't say 1/4 of the stupid things you regularly say.

By all means, stick around and continue making a complete ass of yourself. For those new to this, its instructive.

Carry on, and by all means, do explain the virtue of your standard-bearers such as Weiner, et al.

Almost Ali said...

Nothing humorous about this marriage, which had/has nothing to do with western notions of romance - and everything to do with Islam's war against infidels.

Jeremy said...

Marshal - "I don't recall Vitter calling those criticizing him liars on national TV. Do you have a link?"

Oh, I see.

If the offender doesn't say his accusers are liars...but still lies himself...it's all good?

Then again:

July 16, 2007
Vitter Denies Prostitution Accusations

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Sen. David Vitter on Monday denied charges that he had relationships with New Orleans prostitutes and said he will return to work in Washington this week.

Oh, and how about Ensign and Craig?

Are they also okay in your book?

Jeremy said...

Don't Tread 2012 "No matter how hard you try, we and at least 60% of America know that 'liberals' are the brain-dead morons that you so aptly demonstrate."

Got a link for that important teabagger statistic?

Other tna Glenn Beck?

Trooper York said...

Hey we would let Crack into Garage but I don't think they swing that way.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Jeremy said...

Scotty - Find that important question you had for me?

We're all waiting on pins and needles.

Jeremy said...

Trooper "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Yeah, many of your best friends are gay...right?


Quaestor said...

Palladian wrote: The future of the world to be is a lesbian with a taste for expensive Hermès bags marrying a compulsive masturbator with a small penis and a face that looks like an overdone roast turkey.

A family of four could eat for a year with the price of that ostrich skin handbag. and look! Two, count 'em two, iPhones! The ultimate badge of IMPORTANTNESS.

Trooper York said...

Weiner is a pretend Jew.

His jewishness is for getting votes. Just like Chuckie Schumer and Eliot Spitzer and Ackerman and many other politicians.

There are "real Jews" who are practicing devout members of their faith. Dov Hivkind, Shelly Silver and Senator Lieberman spring to mind.

Weiner has lived so many lies in his life that lying about this sex stuff just comes naturally to him.

test said...

"Almost Ali said...
Nothing humorous about this marriage, which had/has nothing to do with western notions of romance - and everything to do with Islam's war against infidels."

What are you referring to?

Geoff Matthews said...

Jeremy, get a sense of humour (yes, that is the correct spelling).

Trooper York said...

Jeremy said...
Trooper "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Yeah, many of your best friends are gay...right?

As a matter of fact they are. And several members of my family. Not that it matters to me but you always seem to have a problem with gay people Gene.

Jeremy said...

Trooper York - "Weiner is a pretend Jew."

Based on what?

And how do you know about the others you denigrate?

Provide any proof of such a claim.

Jeremy said...

Trooper - I have no problem with gay people.

Only slimy comments from people like you...who then try to whitewash them with bullshit comments like this:

"Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Scott M said...

We're all waiting on pins and needles.

I doubt that, otherwise you would have gone and answered it in the thread it's relevant to.

How can you attempt to slam someone for not knowing many gay people when you ask people things like *And how is it you know so much about engorged penises?

If he's gay, what does it matter to you if he's intimately knowledgeable about them? If he's not, again, what do you care if you're just dandy with people being gay? Why does it matter if you're not into identity politics?

Forked-tongue. Typical.

Here, I'll save you the time...again.

"Fuck off, Scotty"

Trooper York said...

Gene Olsen said...
Provide any proof of such a claim.

He married a Muslim. No practicing orthordox Jew would do that. That is what he posed as in his first few elections to get elected. He is a liar and a gonif as well as a putz.

Democrats are slow. They are just catching on to that.

Jeremy said...

Geoff - British at least.

Be careful...many of the teabaggers here do not particularly like the British...or anybody for that matter...that disagree or do not share their wingnut philosophy of the universe.

Jeremy said...

Who the fuck is Gene Olsen?

Is this the guy who teaches somewhere in California.

Trooper York said...

Gene Olsen said.....
Trooper - I have no problem with gay people.

Anyone who has ever read you posts know that you have a big problem with gay people as you use terminolgy to denigrate people by implying they are gay as if there is something wrong with that.

But I will leave it to our gay commenters to determine if you have a problem with gay people. Commenters like Palladian, Jason the Commenter and Titus will I am sure agree that you are one of the most homophobic people you post here.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

You are entitled to your bigoted opinions that you spout in every post. It is still America despite your best efforts to destroy it.

Almost Ali said...

Marshal asked...
What are you referring to?

A-bed-in married Weiner for the same reason she wooed Hillary - access to national security in the service of the House of Saud [Mecca]. For "Allah" she sacrificed her body to an infidel dog.

But now look for a miscarriage, a stillborn, a western divorce.

test said...


That's a pretty big accusation. What are you basing it on?

Scott M said...

What are you basing it on?

Absolutely nothing, as far as I can tell.

Jeremy said...

Trooper York "Anyone who has ever read you posts know that you have a big problem with gay people as you use terminolgy to denigrate people by implying they are gay as if there is something wrong with that."

I have no idea what you're referring to.

I use the term; "teabagger" because the right wing crazos are the idiots who came up with it.

Other than than...show me where I am homophobic or racist.

You're just sucking up to your fellow teabaggers.

edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

edu-whatever - I know all kinds of people of color.

I'm a liberal.

Which means the only people of color (whomever that is) he meets are in restaurants and other places where the staff wait on the patrons.

Liberals prefer places where only people of "their sort" are allowed.

The only one you know is your CrackHead buddy who, for whatever bizarre reason, spends time here...sucking up to people who wouldn't let him into their garage.

No, Crack thinks for himself, which all those Liberals like Jeremy can't stand. They like nice, docile slaves.

He sounds just like J, except the Old Grand Dad hasn't hit yet.

PS Nominate Jeremy first one we vote off the new site.

Scott M said...

Other than than...show me where I am homophobic or racist.


Almost Ali said...

Marshal asked...
What are you basing it on?

Empirical law, and the lesson of the duck. If I'm wrong, the lovely couple will live happily ever after. Meanwhile, do a little research on the lovely Ms Abedin. Including the life and times of her father, the Islamic scholar.

Ralph L said...

And how is it you know so much about engorged penises?
His works. You should see a urologist.

Anonymous said...

'"A Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia and a Jewish native of Brooklyn — 'the future of the world to be.'"

I can't wait for her to take him home to the old country so he can meet the extended family back in Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of).

Fred4Pres said...

Bare Naked Islam.


Yeshiva World.

So there you have it!

Jeremy said...

Scotty - You constantly whine and bitch about the teabagger term, but we both know it was you and the rest of the wingnut idiots who came up with it.

I call you what you asked to be called...so...live with it, numbnut.

And by the way...where is that important question you're sooooo concerned about me answering?

Trooper York said...

Jeremy said....
I use the term; "teabagger" because the right wing crazos are the idiots who came up with it.

Other than than...show me where I am homophobic or racist"

Gene you continually tell other commenters to perform homosexual acts as though that behavior denigrates them in some way. You are a transparent fool and one of the most egerious wastes of space on the internet. You attempt to troll this site to distrupt the normal conversations is a well know device that is getting old.

Don't you have some papers to grade or something?

In any event your act is tiresome and I hereby cut you off from futher contact in this and all future threads.

Please take my name out of your mouth. If not.... well I will be in Southern California in the fall and I might go look you up so we can discuss this in person.

Jeremy said...

eu-whatever - "Which means the only people of color (whomever that is) he meets are in restaurants and other places where the staff wait on the patrons."

What does that even mean?

Liberals frequent restaurants that have people of color as employees?

Now that's a real shocker.


Jeremy said...

Trooper Dork - "you continually tell other commenters to perform homosexual acts as though that behavior denigrates them in some way..."

What homosexual acts are you referring to?

And who's "Gene?"

Jeremy said...

Trooper -Dork "Please take my name out of your mouth. If not.... well I will be in Southern California in the fall and I might go look you up so we can discuss this in person."

Ohhhhh, now we have the hard-ass looking to settle this like a man, huh?
You're that tough, huh?

Well, since you apparently think you know who I am and where I teach?...be sure to "look me up," hotshot.

I'm quivering...

test said...

"Almost Ali said...

Meanwhile, do a little research on the lovely Ms Abedin. Including the life and times of her father, the Islamic scholar."

Could you share with us the material you used for your research?

Anonymous said...

Jeremy asked William how he knew about engorged dicks.

Pure speculation, but my guess is because he has said equipment that has from time to time been in action.

Don't worry, Jerry. When you're 10, you'll understand. Think about teacher and touch yourself.

Anonymous said...

My hope for the new website is that I have the ability to ignore comments (make them not appear) of certain boring posters AND all replies to those posters. When jeremy enters the room nothing interesting happens. Jeremy is easy enough to avoid reading but the asinine retorts he causes are harder to scan past. Most who respond to Jeremy have interesting thoughts on other topics. It is akin to listening to a three year old continually ask "why" interspersed with many "I know you are but what am I" responses.
I would not miss the Titus "hog" posts either.

John henry said...

What about her vagina?

Mutilated or not?

William said...

They say that the pay off for compulsive gamblers is not the big win, but the shame and futility of losing. You go home broke and confirmed in your view that life is unfair....Maybe all this exposure and shame is what Weiner really wanted. It is an oxymoron to say that someone is a closeted exhibitionist. There is an undeniable streak of flashiness to Weiner's personality, and this is flashing on the grand scale. Maybe he should embrace not just his Weinerhood but his exhibitionism and share it with the world...Liberation doesn't just have to be for gays and lesbians. All hues of the sexual rainbow should unfurl their banner and make their stand. Just as Roman Polanski, became a role model for pedophiles, Tony Weiner can become the face of exhibitionism in America. Roman showed that pedophiles don't have to live in isolation and prison, but can, instead, live in luxury and fame. Also, it should be noted that no one ever lost their faith in God because of his transgressions. To the contrary, Roman just confirmed what ever person believed about Hollywood and its liberals. In like way, Weiner can show that exhibitionists don't have to lurk around in raincoats on dark nights. He can demonstrate just how harmless this mild idiosyncracy really is. It would be purgative and liberating for all exhibitionists if during the course of his next impassioned speech, he unzipped and struck a heroic pose. It's what he really wants to do, and, if the Democrats on the floor awarded his bravery with a round of applause, another sexual taboo would be defeated. "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."

Phil 314 said...

I wondered how long before the usual anti-Semite might rears his or her ugly head.

Why do I never see you criticize "J"?

(and once again I've broken my troll-feeding rule.)

Jeremy said...

Lionheart - Then quit bitching and whining and ignore my comments.

It's that easy...

Jeremy said...

Phil 3:14 - "Why do I never see you criticize "J"?"


EA said...

LAST July!?!?!?!?

This guy was married less than a year?

Oy Vey!!

KCFleming said...

Have Jeremy and Rep. Wiener ever been seen in the same room together?

I mean, how many insufferable liberal pricks can there be, right?

Ken Mitchell said...

Joe & Jeremy; you might want to look up the criteria for being "Jewish"; it's a little more complicated.

Simply living as a Jew and professing Jewishness isn't enough. You become Jewish either by being born to a Jewish mother OR by going through a formal conversion process which includes a Bar Mitzvah ceremony AND (for men) circumcision. I was raised as a Catholic, so when I converted, I went through a ritual circumcision. In my case, I was snipped as a baby, so the "ritual" is a pinprick to draw a drop of blood, but if I hadn't been, it would have been ... painful.

And requirements DO differ by sect; Reform Jews don't require the ritual circ, and Reform Jews often consider that the father being Jewish is enough. But the Orthodox and Conservative denominations DO require both.

Nancy Reyes said...

A child of a Jewish mother is a Jew. The child of a Muslim Father is a Muslim. A child baptized by a Catholic as an infant is Catholic and these religions see these things as irreversible.

Religions chose who they want to be a member, but in the US, when you grow up, you chose whether or not to stay with that religion.

That said, I suggest that the Congressman announce he is getting counseling from a famous rabbi, become a born again Jew, and get his photo taken going to synagogue wearing a yamulke. That worked for Bill Clinton, didn't it?

Or the Congressman could convert to Catholicism, and then say he is forgiven...it worked for Newt and Dick Morris, didn't it?

or just maybe, he could actually grow up and seriously get instruction on how to live a just and holy life from the clergyperson of his choice...but then I'm an idealist to think he might do so...

Almost Ali said...

Marshal asked...
Could you share with us the material you used for your research?

Sorry, I no longer have relevant links, or rather, the cumulative links. I base my assertion on the sum total of what I've learned over a period of time.

Aside from Abedin, interesting that Weiner and Hillary have very similar [blind] ambitions; they'll do virtually anything for recognition and power - making them sitting ducks for a beguiling representative of Islam.

And it almost worked; Hillary at the power-pinnacle but now with a limited shelf-life - and Weiner, up and coming, earmarked for sensitive, powerful committees. For Abedin/Islam, the best of intersecting worlds.

walter said...

Yes..well..at least over on the Brooklyn side of the world, no appendages will get chopped off.

But really, when your union of matrimony is err..firmed up..by the likes of Bill, what could go wrong?

With so many many men gone wild, the only answer is to have Hil reign over teh World (sperm) Bank.


veni vidi vici said...

Bill Clinton, twatraker.

test said...


So you've been following a relatively unknown State Department official? Or this research has ocurred over the last two weeks?

Almost Ali said...


A bit longer than two weeks, but tell me what you think -- maybe about Huma Abedin's "career track" and how it meshes perfectly with Islam's political twin, American liberalism - represented by the Democrat's current #1 slug Anthony Weiner.

Scott M said...

You constantly whine and bitch about the teabagger term, but we both know it was you and the rest of the wingnut idiots who came up with it.

Show me once where I've done so. And since you said, "constantly", show me at least three. Nice try, homophobe. Once again, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

gerry said...

Didn't seem to bother any of the local teabaggers then

Then was 2007.

The Tea Party materialized after the 800+ billion economy-killer bailout of Wall Street, UAW, GM, and Chrysler.

The party didn't form as a result of moral outrage.

Tea Party members couldn't care less about personal morality. Theirs are economic concerns.

But libs can continue to insult them, as long as libs ignore what really motivates Tea Party members, since libs then cannot address the truth about these political times.

You may now continue spewing useless talking points. It will do the Tea Party a world of good.

Ironic, ain't it?

test said...


I had never heard of Huma before her husband's recent notoriety and I suspect that is true of the vast majority of even fairly well informed Americans. Your conclusion seems extremely unusual to me, and to reach it myself would take substantial evidence. To reach this conclusion in a mere two weeks would require a smoking gun.

Since you cite no smoking gun I have to conclude this is at best an unproven opinion. So to me it seems that either (a) you've been following her far longer than virtually anyone else and have access to information no one else has brought up, or (b) your conclusion is woefully under-evidenced.

Almost Ali said...


Good argument.

No smoking gun, true, just smoke. Like coincidental Muslims in high places. So sit back and watch how it plays out - and we'll lament later those all-too-familiar "random" dots.

Rick Jones said...

Perhaps he was practicing Taqiyya when he lied (lies)?

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