June 17, 2011

"Moving from would-be anarchist to successful business owner brings a few quandaries."

"If you oppose the idea of a state, should you pay taxes? Is it ethically sound to care for the animals of professionals while they are at work at institutions such as the International Monetary Fund? And if you don’t believe in corporations, should you buy health insurance from one?"


gerry said...

From the start, Brighter Days has taken a path in the middle, keeping as close to its anarchist ideals as possible while running a legitimate business.

Heh. Hypocrites. All for $$$$ and vacation, and all possible because of people they want nothing to do with except to get $$$$.

Carol_Herman said...

HELLO. Do you know the size of the unemployed, who are finding out what regulations do to small businesses ... the hard way?

Small businesses aren't hiring people! The regulations are a mess!

Do you know why?

Let me explain.

You see the tip of the iceberg, with the way unions can do payroll deductions. But you know our Federal and State governments have their hands in this till!

People who file their returns ... but who don't go through the nightmare world of reclaiming what's already paid in ... Should discover that these are the very ways your paychecks get cut down to size!

IF the government didn't "pre-collect" their April 15th revenues ... throughout the year. Be it weekly. Or bi-weekly. Or monthly deductions ... There would be no "till" in DC!

You mean you didn't know that?

As to small businesses, what's been tacked onto them, to make them inefficient ... are REGULATORS ... with badges. Who come by to check off lists of FINES they can attach to the behind of small business people.

Will there be a straw that breaks the camel's back? BOTH PARTIES stick their hands into your pockets!

And, no. I don't miss Dubya, either!

Patrick said...

Someone said somewhere sometime ago that today's "anarchists" would be the first to go in the event that an actual state of anarchy came to exist.

Couldn't agree more.

Beth said...

Anarchists and libertarians cross paths at times, and its interesting to see how they react when that happens.

I'd totally hire that Stephen kid, though. (I'd leave a bottle of antibacterial hand gel at the door.)

edutcher said...

Political fact: There is no such thing as a poor, white Liberal.

This was true in the hippy dippy days. It was true in the days of Lenin and Stalin. It is true now.

Corollary: There are, however, plenty of poor, white radicals.

These are the ones at 65 still wearing tie-dyed T-shirts with pony tails down to their waists, but no hair on top, leading chants like, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Scott Walker's gotta go".

Hoosier Daddy said...

Are all leftists fat and ugly? Is that why they're perpetually pissed off all the time?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I always read these articles or see those clips on TV and say, “Get back to me in two years.” I’m glad they’re growing up, I’m glad they still have principles, but I want to see what they look like in two years, when 2 of them see an “opportunity” or see a “heresy” and they can’t take it/stop it…and then the “Collective” breaks up, do they have by-laws and the small claim suits are going to be fun…remember East Bay Ray was suing Jello Biafra over the control of the Dead Kennedy’s “name” and residuals….

Also I want to see how they handle employee relations, let’s just say they really prosper, but the number of anarchists willing to be responsible and timely, clean and courteous is probably pretty small, so will they be able to expand via new “partners” or will they have to hire employees? And I want to see that, what to pay, and then the rules and regulations….

Oh yes, I want a follow-up in a year or so.

Scott M said...

Someone's going to have to clear up for me how an anarchist (the absolute least amount of government/central power) can be a "leftie".

Automatic_Wing said...

A true anarchist would let the dogs walk themselves.

Anonymous said...

They think they're anarchists; that's cute. I assume that they'll eventually grow out of it.

Oh, and one of the comments in the article said that they're making 23-24K a years. In Washington, DC. (I couldn't read the whole article, so I'm just assuming that's true.) Yeah, at that, I imagine they'll grow out of it sooner rather than later. (or, alternatively, they may never, since I'd bet that mom and dad are sending a good chunk their way each month to cover the bills.)

- Lyssa

I'm Full of Soup said...

You need a new tag called "left-wing idiotology" not idiology.

It especially fits the never-ending WI temper tantrums.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Someone's going to have to clear up for me how an anarchist (the absolute least amount of government/central power) can be a “leftie?”

It’s the “Counter-Cultural” thing…we’re fighting Da Man, here, Scott.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hoosier asks a very good question. Since he has observational skills equal to Althouse, i would bet she has asked the same question herself. Meade, am I right?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Scott M said...

Someone's going to have to clear up for me how an anarchist (the absolute least amount of government/central power) can be a "leftie".

True anarchists who understand and endorse the concept are rare. Most self-described anarchists are actually anti-capitalists with varying degrees of socialism mixed in. They're not against "The Man" in general, they're against "The Man" when it's not them.

wv: nobought. Speaks for itself.

Tank said...


Another word that, apparently, does not mean what I think it means.

Seven weeks vacation? Hey, I want to be an anarchist too. It pays great. They should incorporate, or maybe an LLC.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Seven weeks vacation? Hey, I want to be an anarchist too. It pays great. They should incorporate, or maybe an LLC

Is it their by-laws? And what happens if I want to take my 49 days off, in ½ day increments? So, I’m off 98 days a year, about ¼ of the work time? If that inconveniences the collective what happens? Or what if I take 51 days, do I get a full share? Or if I NEVER take my 49 days, what do I get?

Henry said...

Tunnel vision. They're irked by the jobs of their clients but not apparently by the money sucked into Washington that pays for the jobs of their clients.

Maybe they should read Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia. People rightly think of this work as a libertarian benchmark, but Nozick also justifies the minimal state against the claims of anarchists.

Sigivald said...

Growing up requires learning things, it's true.

("The health insurance issue has also forced some reluctant interactions with the corporate world. “They’re all evil,” Seager, the co-founder, says of health insurance companies."

It would be interesting to hear what she thinks is evil about them, and what non-evil solution she might think possible or plausible.

I'd like to think that "anarchists" wouldn't suggest the State just provide it for free, but, well... many so-called anarchists aren't.)

(And "their webservers run on wind energy"? Oh, how preciously deluded! THey're paying extra so the state-monopoly-regulated power company can waste money on a wind turbine it backs with coal.

But they can feel so good about giving extra profits and State tax incentives to that giant corporation that they hate.

I'm not sure what's more pathetic - the anarchist posturing, or the way they don't even realize that much of it is nothing BUT posturing.

I suspect very strongly that they really do believe that magic wind pixies are making sure that not a single coal-fired electron is pushed through their webserver.)

garage mahal said...

Speaking of anarchists, anyone hear this one?

And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

Can you imagine if a prominent black radio host had said this?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

1) Garage is thread-jacking; and
2) He’s NOT advocating “murder” a la Daily Kos, but self-defense, UNLESS car-jacking is a protected civil right and I missed the memo.

Scott M said...

Can you imagine if a prominent black radio host had said this?

Roundly applauded for clarity of the situation?

You should quote Boortz more, not less, Garage.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...Can you imagine if a prominent black radio host had said this?...'

Yeah. I'd assume he was fed up with rampant urban crime.

What's your point?

garage mahal said...

A Tribal Leader is being attacked. To your battle stations!

Deflect! Minimize! False equivalencies!

Scott M said...

So you're for urban criminals and against self-defense? Garage?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Hey, garage, if you're gonna make lame attempts to threadjack, you could at least include a link to the transcript, so we can see the full context.

Or didn't Media Matters give you that link?


Tank said...

Nozick. Wow haven't heard his name in awhile. I actually read that book. Weak characters. Weak plot. Strong themes and analysis.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage mahal said...

Deflect! Minimize! False equivalencies!

Hey, garage, you're not supposed to actually quote your Media Matters playbook there! Those are your instructions, not your lines.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

A Tribal Leader is being attacked. To your battle stations!

Deflect! Minimize! False equivalencies

This whole losing to Scott Walker thing has left you pretty silly, recently, Garage….is there EVEN a point to this rant? How does it relate to anarchist dog-walkers? How does self-defense have any bearing on this thread? What difference would have made if the speaker had been Black? How is anything being minimized or deflected?

Why are you even bringing this up here? It’s not YOUR ‘blog” you want to talk about inflammatory rhetoric from Neal Boortz start your own thread on your own blog….and please drop this thread for your jacking.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage, I think Walker has you depressed. Why not take a week off. Get some beer, brats and maybe take it easy. Dust off your Dr. Zchivago or Motorcycle Diaries dvd and indulge in what might have been.

The rest of us will take care of things here.

Phil 314 said...

As we used to say "More power to 'em" (for their business, not their politics.)

And I don't necessarily see them as hypocrites. Being an anarchist doesn't mean you can't run a successful business.

They've learned what China learned some time ago, ideals are fine but they don't pay the rent.

garage mahal said...

Garage, I think Walker has you depressed. Why not take a week off.

I was thinking the same about you. Your strawmen don't seem to have the same zip they usually do. I was thinking you haven't been getting any?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Speaking of straws, garage, you're grasping at them.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

So now we have ANOTHER Small Pathetic Voice, here…at least this one isn’t speaking Spanglish and pouring out anti-Semitic slurs. It just tries to thread jack. I recommend that this Small Pathetic Voice join the OTHER SPV, at that SPV’s blog and they can talk to one another and thread-jack each other, leaving the rest of us alone.

BarryD said...

I'm not sure how these entrepreneurs can be "far left". Do they believe that their income belongs to anyone but the people who own and operate the business?

A consensus-based management structure among equal partners in a business is just a form of corporate governance -- if not legally a corporation, that's what this business is, in fact.

garage mahal said...


BarryD said...

I.e., to answer gerry's post, I think that they're businesspeople on one hand, and poseurs on the other -- maybe like a tobacco company that cultivates an image of caring about health or something. I'm not sure that "hypocrite" captures this.

Anonymous said...

Garage, this is an honest question, not an argument, why do you think that it would make a difference whether a black man or white man (or brown lesbian or purple unicorn) had said the quote you gave? I really don't get the significance.

- Lyssa

(I do hope you'll answer.)

Scott M said...

Seriously, Garage, did you feel an unquenchable thirst to post something, but couldn't come up with anything relevant?

This week is going about as good for the left as the week that Scott Brown won and Air America went off the air. I can understand your angst, but please don't subject the rest of us to it.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I'm not sure how these entrepreneurs can be "far left". Do they believe that their income belongs to anyone but the people who own and operate the business?

A consensus-based management structure among equal partners in a business is just a form of corporate governance -- if not legally a corporation, that's what this business is, in fact

They THINK they’re Far-Left, UNTIL one of them starts taking “too many days off” or one of them realizes that s/he is doing about 25% of the work, either in walking or drumming up new clients…and then the fun will start. Right now it’s 7 friends making money together, doing something they like, wait until it becomes “work” or until they get “successful” and then need to get ‘cell ‘phones, or beepers or stationary, and the like….

Someone needs to go take their medications and lie down…the whole “Wisconsin, the Whole World’s Watching” thing has left them with some serious distortions in their brain chemistry, and they are sliding off into incoherence….

Moose said...

Interesting business model. Nice to see them growing up. It'd be even more interesting to see them make it in, like Detroit or Pittsburgh, rather than lala land.

Synova said...

I'm still pondering how training and licensing to carry a gun because there (apparently) is a car-jacking issue in Atlanta has 1) got anything to do with anarchy, and 2) is not an obvious and laudatory plan. Oh, and 3) got anything to do with the race of the person making the suggestion.

Maybe Garage can use very small words.

(Definitely not "anarchy" to say that people need to get permits for their guns.)

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Joe said...

They THINK they’re Far-Left, UNTIL one of them starts taking “too many days off” or one of them realizes that s/he is doing about 25% of the work, either in walking or drumming up new clients…and then the fun will start.

On the plus side: that can be the sort of life lesson that opens their eyes and makes them realize that maybe the people they mocked in the past actually knew what they were doing, and had sound, logical, and moral reasons for doing it.

Synova said...

As for the anarchists, I'm with Lyssa... how cute!

Scott M said...


One of my son's acquaintances claims to be a die-hard anarchist. When he was making his point to me, he mentioned that keeping grass cut doesn't require all twelve houses on our street to have twelve separate lawn mowers bought from global congloms. He said the twelve of us (homeowners) could accomplish the same thing with one mower.

When I pressed him on exactly how that would work (Sword of Damocles-style, as I'm wont to do with these types), he proceed to explain at great length how the lawn mowing could be staggered so that everyone's lawn stays uniformly cut, but the same machine could be used. When asked how he was going to accomplish that, he said that we could keep it at one guy's house, preferably the person with best tools and knowledge to maintain the mower and charge everyone a small fee for tools and maintenance.

I asked him if he realized that not only had he created a government, but a centralized one. He disagreed, of course. He didn't have an answer for constituent abuse of the mower, using the mower overlong or flexibility to deal with things like vacations and such. He kept saying that could be dealt with by majority vote.

garage mahal said...

So you're for urban criminals and against self-defense? Garage?

Why are we only to be concerned with urban criminals? Is urban crime any different than rural crime? And what was up with locking up mothers?

Synova said...

Majority vote = anarchy.


Learn something new every day.

Scott M said...

That's the only part he got right, Syn. The point is he hadn't thought it through very well, but was very loud and assured of himself at first. I sensed he was channeling a prof, but what do I know.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Martin I hope that this IS a “growth” moment for them….I’m not criticizing, I’m commenting. They ARE cute…they think that they’re about to change the world and show Ben and Jerry’s or that mean old Rush Limbaugh how it OUGHT to be done. I’m just pointing out that they are about to discover that the meeting of reality and dreams is going to be fun, for us older, more cynical humans, and well-worth a follow-up in a year or so. I can hardly wait to see what has happened and how reality has ambushed them, who’s still in Brighter Days, who left, what recriminations or small claims were filed, how they handled new employees/partners and the like…

I believe this will be a moment for some of them to grow up, and realize, as someone else pointed out, that the reason he world isn’t like what they want it to be is because the WORLD, not them, knows what it’s about. The rueful nature of the learning will be joy to see, they probably won’t be Republicans next year, but they will certainly have questions about the need, scope, slowness and expense of DC’s government, and they will learn a lot about themselves and their friends.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage, I agree: if anyone attempts to carjack you out in the rural area, shoot them, too. But I'm not hearing a lot of reports of carjacking in the boondocks. Maybe the concern is urban because the crime is urban.

Again, link to the transcript, and we'll be able to have a more informed discussion. But you don't have a transcript, just an emailed excerpt from Media Matters, so you can't do that.

Prove me wrong, garage. Prove you're not just a Media Matters tool. Link to the full transcript.

Scott M said...

Why are we only to be concerned with urban criminals?

Maybe because Boortz lives/works in Atlanta and not Canton?

Anonymous said...

Hey, does the alleged racism (I guess he's upset about racism) in the quote that Garage shared with us depend on an inherent assumption that a carjacker would be a certain race? I didn't make that assumption*- maybe that's why I don't get it?

- Lyssa

* as I would consider such an assumption to be . . . racist.

Synova said...

"Why are we only to be concerned with urban criminals?"

There are more of them.

"Is urban crime any different than rural crime?"

Yes. It really is. Mostly because rural crime is generally rare and almost never mysterious. Everyone knows everyone's business.

"And what was up with locking up mothers?"

Everyone feels sorry for the mothers who think that their little murderer shouldn't be locked up. It was probably a reference to local and recent events and meant to suggest that we should stop feeling so sorry for the mothers.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I believe the phrase is “Don’t feed the trolls.” Though the New Small Pathetic Voice was once a proud regular, today, at least, it is a thread-jacking troll a la Jeremy. I believe the best approach is “Loving Detachment” we can hope and pray that the NSPV will, one day, overcome its plunge into the Slough of Despair due to the aftermath of the whole disastrous Walker is Hitler Interlude, but until then let us ignore the thread-jacking troll and instead remember Garage from his/her “Salad Days”.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Synova said...

It was probably a reference to local and recent events and meant to suggest that we should stop feeling so sorry for the mothers.

But since Media Matters never gave garage a link to a full transcript that he could share with us, we can only speculate on this context.

Sal said...

They're going to compromise their politics just enough to stay warm and fed until their politics catches up with idea of staying warm and fed.

Chip S. said...

When a committed anarchist takes a dog for a walk, should he avoid public thoroughfares, and only walk on "private" property?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

How will they handle the G20 Conferences or the IMF/IBRD meetings, they’re “anarchists” but they have dogs to walk? Do they split the time up, “I’ll work the G20 Conference, YOU take the IMF meeting”. Really when the need to “anarch” in the streets conflicts with Fluffy’s need to go “walkies” that should prove interesting.

ark said...

"Their web servers run on wild energy." Is "wild" a euphemism for "stolen?"

Anonymous said...

And what was up with locking up mothers?

Garage Mahal: For urban crime. Against self defense. Against parental responsibility. And against, apparently, hyperbole as a rhetorical device.

And that last one is particularly ironic, now that I see it typed out.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

When a committed anarchist takes a dog for a walk, should he avoid public thoroughfares, and only walk on "private" property

Well if the dog “poops” on a rich fat-cat CEo’s lawn do you clean it up or is it the class struggle by other means? What if the fat-cat has Jeeves, or worse Consuela, clean it up, have we struck a blow for anarchy or simply burdened the Oppressed Other? And are they “pet” or “companion animals”? What are our moral obligations to the companion animals?

Peter said...

"The health insurance issue has also forced some reluctant interactions with the corporate world. “They’re all evil,” Seager, the co-founder, says of health insurance companies."

I'm not sure I get this, as there are still some mutual insurance companies left. And a mutual insurance company is, arguably, a form of co-operative enterprise.

But the real test of this form of business organization will come when

1. Someone wants out- to move, or for some other reason. And the one who wants out expects to get paid a share of the equity.

2. One or more of the owners becomes non-productive for some reason- by choice, or due to accident, or for some other reason. And one or more of the still-productive decides that the non-productive individual should not share fully in the profits ...

Chip S. said...

Joe, I was thinking of Proudhon's dictum that "Property is theft." So the poop is a matter of unconcern. I don't know about the Consuela aspect, though. Anarchism is hard.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Anarchism is hard

Yeah, that’s why they meet weekly as an anarcho-syndicalist collective, all decisions of the “executive” must be ratified by the collective, by a simple majority vote, in matters pertaining to purely routine matters or a two-thirds vote……otherwise, well you’re just participating in farcical aquatic ceremony

garage mahal said...

It was probably a reference to local and recent events and meant to suggest that we should stop feeling so sorry for the mothers

He said "lock their ass up".

Boortz was a little vague on what warranted shooting someone dead. He wants his listeners to get a gun and shoot "urban thugs". Does this mean he wants his listeners to go into urban areas and look for crime? Or become a crime, and then act?

Chip S. said...

all decisions of the “executive” must be ratified by the collective, by a simple majority vote, in matters pertaining to purely routine matters or a two-thirds vote...

If they're not careful, they'll evolve into some sort of formal organization.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

@ Scott, just imagine how they’d handle the Zombie Apocalypse…

I once ran into a person who explained that we could defeat world hunger if we EACH grew an 5X8 vegetable garden, according to Wendell Berry. I enquired as to the SPECIFICS of the alleviation of world hunger by these 40 sq. ft gardens and somehow the details were rather less than clear…..but nonetheless Ms. “I’m Concerned and You’re Not” was convinced of both her righteousness and her correctness.

Scott M said...

otherwise, well you’re just participating in farcical aquatic ceremony

It was only a matter of time.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

The Small Voice is not only a troll today, but slow and off his/her game…please if you’re going to thread-jack you need lightning fast non sequitur responses and profane ad hominem attacks…. I’m forced to conclude that Garage is on Xanax or Thorazine or Hadol today, and that the staff are not letting him/her have unlimited Internet access. Really Garage, get well, we all pray you do, and come back to us, better and more whole, not some dull, slow-witted parody of “J” or Jeremy……or talk about the FREAK’N topic of the thread!

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

@Scott, I mean supreme Executive Authority comes from a mandate from the Masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony...I mean if I went around saying I was Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!

Methadras said...

Idiotic principals meeting reality ends up in fail.

Shanna said...

So you're for urban criminals and against self-defense? Garage?

I got some news for Garage. Owning guns and using them for self defense is not in any way limited by race. And people who live in areas with more crime have more need for self defense.

TosaGuy said...

"I asked him if he realized that not only had he created a government, but a centralized one. He disagreed, of course. He didn't have an answer for constituent abuse of the mower, using the mower overlong or flexibility to deal with things like vacations and such. He kept saying that could be dealt with by majority vote."

probably doesn't understand that that guy who stored the mower and had the tools also has the veto power.

It is wasteful in my neighborhood for everyone to have a mower and a snowblower--small yards and tiny garages. That is why my neighbor has the lawnmower and I have the snowblower.

Fred4Pres said...

In a few years they will be listening to Rush Limbaugh and nodding their heads in agreement.

Look at Ann.

Scott M said...

they’d put me away!

Are you suggesting that you would see the violence inherent in the system?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

In a few years they will be listening to Rush Limbaugh and nodding their heads in agreement.

Look at Ann

That’s why we need the Fairness Doctrine Fred….

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage you should just end your posts with 'duh' from now on.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Yes, I would be OPPRESSED, by the violence inherent in the system!

bagoh20 said...

The only anarchist in the story is the dog.

Michael said...

Garage: Not sure who uttered the language you quote but it could well have been a black radio personality, at least in the market I live in. You live, I gather, in lily white Wisconsin so your opinions on race are ill informed, at best. In the south even black people speak of urban thugs as urban thugs and even black people are in favor of shooting carjackers inasmuch as black people, in the majority where I live, are the ones generally hijacked. Your racism is so ugly and so unapparent to you that it is cringe making.

Shouting Thomas said...

Calling yourself an anarchist is the ultimate in pseudo-intellectual leftist preening.

What a bullshitter!

Alex said...

garage - being fat and stupid is no way to go through life son.

yashu said...

Garage is accusing other commenters of deflection, false equivalences, and strawmen??? Wow. You're missing one, to complete the picture: accuse them of projection too!

Seriously, Garage, do you ever take the time to read the content of your own comments? Dr. Mahal, diagnose thyself.

(That would be like me accusing other commenters here of writing turgid overlong comments. At least I'm aware of my own faults, and refrain from criticizing others for what I'm first & most guilty of.)

Alex said...

The only true anarchist is someone who lives entirely off the grid, somehow grows their own food, makes their own clothes w/o trading. Like nobody.

Basically wild animals = anarchy. not a place I want to be.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Taking a break from your internet stalking of Gov Walker? You have not dragged him into the comments yet.

Are Fridays the day you are paid to focus on right-wing radio hosts?

garage mahal said...

You live, I gather, in lily white Wisconsin so your opinions on race are ill informed

And I'm the racist? Interesting.

You know damn well who Boortz was talking about, but as a conservative of course you're compelled to lie about it. Even Boortz is too chickenshit say "blacks" when he talks about them. He says "urban" "aspiring rappers" "NBA players", etc

Scott M said...

Is anarchy anti-trade? I'm not talking about G20 trade here, but more the mountain man sort of thing. Anti-trade has never really been part of my anarchy definition.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

The only true anarchist is someone who lives entirely off the grid, somehow grows their own food, makes their own clothes w/o trading. Like nobody.

Basically wild animals = anarchy. not a place I want to be

That’s not entirely true, Alex…Anarchy means no central law-giving authority….you can have anarchy and order…you’re thinking CHAOS, and chaos is a sub-set of anarchy, but not all that anarchy is…communes are short-lived, but can be anarchic, and have division of labour. You don’t have to ‘live off the grid” being a subsistence farmer. Think of the trek out of NYC after 9/11 it was ANARCHIC, but not CHAOTIC….

I am not a fan of anarcho-syndicalism, or anarcho-capitalism, so I am not really the person to extol the virtues of “anarchy”.

Sofa King said...

Can you imagine if a prominent black radio host had said this?

Milwaukee County Sherrif David Clark - black, by the way - has said similar on the radio often enough. He's pretty popular, but not among lefties.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage mahal said...

You know damn well who Boortz was talking about

No, we don't.

Because you haven't provided us a link to the full transcript for context.

Because Media Matters hasn't provided you a link, and all you are today is a Media Matters shill.

Aren't you the one who always lies about Andrew Breitbart, claiming he doesn't provide full videos even though he does?

But when pressed for a full transcript here, you ignore the question as if it never happened.

Everyone can see you ignoring it. Everyone knows you're lying. But like your hero Weiner, when caught in a lie, you just can't stop the lying.

Maybe you need a leave of absence for rehabilitation.

Alex said...

Ed "pyscho-talker" Schultz was just ranting about the Boortz segment. He had some other radio host on accusing Boortz of wanting people to become vigilantes and shoot African-Americans in the streets. Very irresponsible and Schultz should have his radio program pulled.

garage mahal said...

Aren't you the one who always lies about Andrew Breitbart, claiming he doesn't provide full videos even though he does?

Go find the ACORN videos, unedited, and come back to me. With an apology.

Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting to see what happens to the collective when something happens (dog hit by a car, for example) that ends up in a lawsuit against them.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

You first, garage. Where's the transcript?

Anonymous said...

Here are the full audio and full transcripts of the ACORN sting. Are you claiming these are somehow exculpatory, Garage?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Don't expect a response, t-man. Those have been pointed out to garage repeatedly. He just pretends it never happened.

Meanwhile, he still can't produce a link to the Boortz transcript. Why not? Because Media Matters hasn't given him one. Why haven't they? Because they know it would show them up as liars.

Like garage.

Michael said...

Garage: You are a fucking bozo as well as a racist. Yes. Garage. You. Are. A. Racist.

Anonymous said...

I know. But for the casual reader (with nothing better to do than wade through all of these comments), I don't want to leave that idiocy unanswered.

garage mahal said...

Meanwhile, he still can't produce a link to the Boortz transcript. Why not? Because Media Matters hasn't given him one. Why haven't they? Because they know it would show them up as liars.

Here is where I first saw it.

I looked on Boortz's website, but he doesn't have transcripts available.

Why do you feel context is necessary in this case?

Michael said...

garage: In the south even black people speak of urban thugs as urban thugs and even black people are in favor of shooting carjackers inasmuch as black people, in the majority where I live, are the ones generally hijacked. Your racism is so ugly and so unapparent to you that it is cringe making.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Don’t feed the Trolls…let the thread die…You’re falling for a Jeremy, here…If Garage wants to talk Boortz, let him get his OWN blog and talk about Boortz.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

t-man said...

It will be very interesting to see what happens to the collective when something happens (dog hit by a car, for example) that ends up in a lawsuit against them.

Most likely, the one with the most money (or the wealthiest parents to back them up) will learn the joys of joint and several liability. Since the article didn't say (at least in the free portion I could read) that they formed a corporation, it's likely that any one of them can end up responsible for what any of them does.

Kinda like an old quote I can't recall exactly: just because you're not interested in the system doesn't mean the system isn't interested in you.

wv: mintaxes. Swear to God, I'm not making that up!

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

WHOA, doods are you saying that I might be liable for things I didn’t do, but where’s the justice in that, dood…that’s just bogus! I mean I’m sorry the companion animal got blown to bits by the anarchist’s pipe bomb an’everything, I mean that was NOT kewllllll at all, but what do you mean I’M responsible, dood I was sleeping on Matt’s futon crashing after the IMF meeting protest!

Shanna said...

In the south even black people speak of urban thugs as urban thugs and even black people are in favor of shooting carjackers inasmuch as black people, in the majority where I live, are the ones generally hijacked.

There was a clip from the local news a few weeks back in Atlanta and the story was some lady shot a robber/rapist who attacked her in her house. They interviewed 2 or 3 neighbors and a cop and they all basically said “right on, lady!” One guy said that was exactly why he has a pistol. This is the attitude of most people in the south, white or black.

Synova said...

"You know damn well who Boortz was talking about, but as a conservative of course you're compelled to lie about it."

Garage, the point isn't that we don't know that Boortz was talking about urban thugs who were black. The point is that they *are* black and the point is that they do not represent *blacks* as a whole to anyone else but you. He wasn't talking about *blacks*, he was talking about urban thugs.

Stop seeing people as primarily representatives of their races, Garage. It's not useful, and it's actually harmful. The whole country would be better off if everyone would just stop.

garage mahal said...

Interesting as well, when looking for the transcript I ran into some white supremacist sites like Stormfront and Occidental Dissent that approvingly linked to the Boortz "urban thugs" comment. If Boortz isn't a racist, racists sure like him.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage mahal said...

I looked on Boortz's website, but he doesn't have transcripts available.

So no, you don't have the transcript. You're just repeating the Media Matters smear campaign (by way of Crooks and Liars).

Why do you feel context is necessary in this case?

Because even the tiny bit of context that Crooks & Liars includes (but you oh-so-conveniently left out) describes exactly who he thinks needs to be shot. It's not "Go shoot black people!" And you're a liar to say it is. It's clear:

"And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it."

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage mahal said...

If Boortz isn't a racist, racists sure like him.

Guilt by association. Sad, garage, sad. Pedophiles supported Anthony Weiner. You supported Anthony Weiner. Can we deduce from this that you're a pedophile? I don't think so, but that's the kind of "logic" you're employing.

Joe McCarthy has been reincarnated in his home state of Wisconsin, and he hides behind the name of "garage mahal".

Scott M said...

If Boortz isn't a racist, racists sure like him.

Weaksauce indeed, Garage. I have more respect for you than that comment warrants. Are you loosing it in yourself? Why fall back on guilt by association fallacies?

Michael said...

Garage: When you immediately think of black people when the words "urban thug" are used you might consider how your own brain operates. You might put to use some of that massive liberal brain power and decide that your view of black people might be a little, how shall I put this, racist. You should also consider that had a black person uttered these very words he might have been referring to urban thugs who were, in fact, black. Would that have made the speaker a racist? Would it have made the car jackers less or more thuggish? These are questions that should occupy some time in your tiny racist brain.

Synova said...

Gawd, Garage. I don't know if Boortz is a racist or not, because I don't pay attention. But what you *quoted* is not racist. And because it is NOT racist, now you're going to damn him by association, and by association he's got no control over?

So, you know, if I wrote something that fails to be condemning of my Scandi heritage and some white supremicist uses that as "Yay! Whiteness!" then it's my fault somehow?

That's the same thing you're doing. Do you not know that you're doing it? Or do you just hope no one notices?

garage mahal said...

Pedophiles supported Anthony Weiner.

Transcript? Cite?

You supported Anthony Weiner.

When? Where?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Synova said...

Or do you just hope no one notices?

Dingdingdingdingding! We have a winner!

garage mahal said...

Now how bout that the full unedited ACORN tapes link you promised.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

As t-man pointed out: here.

SGT Ted said...

Modern anarchists are poseurs and fakes. They rely on a civil society that protects them from true anarchy and allows them their Walter Middy day dreams of destructive power over The Man and their non-conformity pose.

garage mahal said...

As t-man pointed out: here.

Those are not the full unedited tapes. Remember, you called me a liar. So what's it gonna be?

Chip S. said...

Last time I checked in on this thread it offered a welcome opportunity to mock white semi-hipster, full-bore dipshit, soi-disant anarchist dog-walkers. That was fun.

This stuff...not so much.

Scott M said...

Modern anarchists are poseurs and fakes.

I've always wondered how many of the rioters at the G20 et al were actually idealists and how many are adrenaline junkies.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage, those are full, unedited tapes. Your assertion to the contrary carries zero weight. It is just another one of your lies.

ampersand said...

Wow $32 an hour to walk a dog. If I eliminate my partners and hire illegal aliens at $8 an hour I can make $187500.00 out of the $250,000gross.

Chip Ahoy said...

I would like to congratulate our resident troll on another successful complete threadjack having drawn attention entirely to himself. In that, Sir, you are truly brilliant.

Why members persist in playing your ridiculous little reindeer game by responding to what is better placed in any number of generous cafés? You really are that irresistible.

I collapsed every comment as I went along titled 'Garage' and every scanned comment containing the word 'Garage' by touching the tiny blogger logo by member name in order to avoid all traces of your nonsense and now there is nearly nothing left read.

This, on the individual level, comes close to the meaning of anarchy.

garage mahal said...

garage, those are full, unedited tapes. Your assertion to the contrary carries zero weight. It is just another one of your lies.

The full unedited tapes have never been released. Breitbart never had the unedited versions to begin with! He says he was duped by O'Keefe like everybody else.

I collapsed every comment as I went along titled 'Garage' and every scanned comment containing the word 'Garage' by touching the tiny blogger logo by member name in order to avoid all traces of your nonsense and now there is nearly nothing left read.

That's more attention I give yours. I just scroll, fast, past yours.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage, I can believe that page, where it says "Full Audio" and "Full Transcripts"; or I can believe you, a desperately spinning liar.

I'm gonna go with the former.

SDN said...

I think garage should call Chris Rock a racist... of course, that won't happen because Chris says flat out he has guns...

garage mahal said...

garage, I can believe that page, where it says "Full Audio" and "Full Transcripts"; or I can believe you, a desperately spinning liar.

I asked for full unedited video. O'Keefe and Giles did give them up to the CA Attorney General, in exchange for immunity from prosecution. But they have never been released to the public that I'm aware of.

here is you, upthread:

"Aren't you the one who always lies about Andrew Breitbart, claiming he doesn't provide full videos even though he does?"

I'm guessing an apology is going to be too much to ask.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Because video would show something that the audio doesn't cover?

No, it wouldn't. You're just looking for a thread to cling to.

But if you want to be technical... I'm sorry the video you asked for isn't available. Instead, there's audio that proves you're wrong.

You're still lying about Boortz, and everyone knows it.

Palladian said...

Wow, garage, from roadkill to complete train wreck...

garage mahal said...

Because video would show something that the audio doesn't cover?

Yes, like O'Keefe dressed in business casual instead of a pimp costume.

To recap: you called me a liar. You double down even after you're proven wrong. You said I was withholding context on Boortz because my sources are biased, but you pasted directly from my link the context that you feel absolves Boortz.

Jesus Christ.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Try again.

You're a liar. That's established.

I was inaccurate in that I confused video and audio. I apologized for that technicality,

You withheld context on Boortz through most of the comment thread. Even when you linked to a partial transcript, you didn't quote the text that showed you to be a liar.

All clear here for anyone to read.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Their Web servers run on wind energy.

She's like the wind through my tree
She rides the night next to me
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league
Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

garage mahal said...

You're a liar. That's established.

Actually, I was right, and you were proven wrong. It's not a "technicality", and you're pathetically trying to squirm away from being publicly humiliated.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

You lied about Boortz. I confused audio with video.

Go ahead, declare victory. Everyone knows better, but it will help you sleep better tonight.

Synova said...

"Yes, like O'Keefe dressed in business casual instead of a pimp costume."

I know I've mentioned this to you before, Garage, but only a complete moron thought he dressed like a pimp for anything other than the intro. There was no deception involved because no one was deceived. No deception means no lie.

He wore a suit, particularly when he was presenting himself as hopefully entering a career in government! Everyone knew that, and how does it change anything involved in the interviews? You figure he says "prostitute" and "under-age girls from Central America" and "She's going to make money to finance my congressional career by turning tricks" and the poor ACORN ladies were duped because he wasn't wearing a fedora?

This pimp costume thing is something you got up your own butt, and you expect someone else to remove it for you?

garage mahal said...

I didn't lie about Boortz. I pasted word for word commentary he made. I even gave you the link you used to make your case.

vnjagvet said...

Did not. Did too. Did not. Did too.


WV: Chary. What I am about replying to GM.

garage mahal said...

This pimp costume thing is something you got up your own butt, and you expect someone else to remove it for you?

Um, O'Keefe wore the pimp costume in each of the opening and closing scenes. What is your theory on that again?

Synova said...

My theory? I donno, Garage, because I don't know what you're asking.

I know that I never for a moment thought that he walked into the ACORN office dressed like a buffoon. Did you think so? It was an intro and over the top silly. If he'd walked in dressed like a clown they'd have laughed him out the door again.

Perhaps you could share your theory about how the facts become substantially different if he and Hanna, like most pimps and prostitutes, looked like normal people?

You know, not only did they not dress like bit-actors on an episode of "Shaft", but they were the wrong color, too. There is NO WAY those ACORN ladies could have thought that they wanted a house so that Hanna could entertain men to fund O'Keefe's congressional ambitions... white guys in "business casual" are never sexual predator scum-bags.

Is that YOUR theory?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

garage, you implied Boortz was racist and trying to incite racial violence. That's a lie.

But here, I'll make your night! I hereby admit that my confusing audio with video was a more egregious error than your lies and allegations of racism.

Automatic_Wing said...

Wow, garage, from roadkill to complete train wreck...

And not even a high speed train wreck. More like slow motion.

Synova said...

Garage, my point (not theory) is that what you think "unedited" tapes would reveal is common knowledge. No secrets, no deception and no lies.

O'Keefe and Hanna represented themselves as a pimp and prostitute, not by subtle (or unsubtle!) clues of clothing, but by saying outright exactly, explicitly, what they intended to do. They used the word "prostitution" and were advised on what other term to use for taxes. They said, outright, that they were bringing underage illegal-alien girls in to work as prostitutes in the house and were advised on how to take care of them.

Now, my theory is that the lady explaining that she murdered her Ex and dropping names is probably a pathological liar, but there really is no question about the rest of it where they presented themselves as a couple intending to run a prostitution business by outright stating that they intended to run a prostitution business.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I always had a quick temper, but now things were getting out of hand....(At meetings) I needed to identify, not compare- trying to see how I was like the people I was with... Comparing was looking for difference, usually seeing how I was better than others" - "A Drunk, Like You"

Alcoholics Anonymous pages 399-406

Often we point out the oppositions weakness in odder to cover up our sides weaknesses.

For every bit of outlandish free speech garage points out, Ann Coulter points out something similar from the other side. (click on Look Inside and scroll to pages 35,36)

Its a stale stalemate.. if you ask me.. fruitless.

garage mahal said...

Garage, my point (not theory) is that what you think "unedited" tapes would reveal is common knowledge. No secrets, no deception and no lies.

The reason Bretbart won't release the tapes is because the entire sham ACORN sting was full of lies and deception. O'Keefe lied when he said he WAS wearing the pimp outfits inside the ACORN offices. One of offices the edited version shows an ACORN employee discussing how to smuggle girls, the unedited version shows the employee asking detailed questions about where and when these girls would arrive, but it turns out the employee immediately called his cousin who is a detective and reported the apparent crime. For that, he was fired.

Synova said...

"For that, he was fired."

And this is why you so stridently condemn ACORN right?

Synova said...

Seriously, Garage. Each encounter they pushed harder and were more obvious about their intentions to see where the line was. Could they outright say they were talking about prostitution? Yes. Could they get advice on how to thwart the law? Yes. What if they added under-age illegals? No problem.

If the one fellow in California worked for details and reported the crime (I'd understood he simply talked to a relative and no official report was made, which is too bad) he is the only one who did.

If ACORN fired him, they really are scum, aren't they.

garage mahal said...

No he shouldn't have been fired. But he never would have been if two malicious scumbags didn't intentionally misrepresent the entire fiasco to make it look like he did the exact opposite of what he actuall did do. And if we had a functioning media in this country that could debunk things in real time. Same with Shirley Sherrod.

Methadras said...

Alex said...

The only true anarchist is someone who lives entirely off the grid, somehow grows their own food, makes their own clothes w/o trading. Like nobody.

That's more of an isolationist/hermit. An anarchist is really nothing more then a rebel without a clue. Seeking to destroy for the sake of destruction to bring down that which 'they' believe should never be organized.

Phil 314 said...

for a local, black and granted conservative perspective on Atlanta you might check out this blog

Here's one of his posts re: street crime in Atlanta

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

No he shouldn't have been fired. But he never would have been if two malicious scumbags didn't intentionally misrepresent the entire fiasco to make it look like he did the exact opposite of what he actuall did do. And if we had a functioning media in this country that could debunk things in real time. Same with Shirley Sherrod.

You get debunked here all the time, yet you come back for more because you either don't care about your credibility or you wish to continue to constantly lie and make shit up. You have zero credibility as a commenter. You have the loosest concept of what facts are and yet you have the nerve to trot out the vast right wing conspiracy of what happened to Shirley Sherrod?

garage mahal said...

You get debunked here all the time

Not today, and never by you. You ain't very bright.

Scott said...

So garage is thread jacking again. Sure is taking a long time for him to cum.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

You get debunked here all the time

Not today, and never by you. You ain't very bright.

Oh really? So when you jumped to Weiner's defense and I posted several links that clearly debunked and discredited you and that other asshat Retread doesn't count right? Yeah, I'm sure whenever you bend over, the sunshine just shines right on through, bright boy.

William said...

There's a certain period in your life when friendship, sports, and sex are much more important than careers, politics, and money. It's a brief enough moment, and if these young people have found a way to extend it for a few extra years, then more power to them. If you read about the real anarchists, they managed to kill people at a brisk rate in the 19th and early 20th centuries. These kids are not anarchists so much as none of the above.

garage mahal said...

So when you jumped to Weiner's defense

Link to it.

test said...

I've always wondered what Womens Studies majors did after graduation.

Phil 314 said...

And Garage if you truly are interested in black perspectives (meaning all of them), Booker Rising is a very good moderate/conservative blog.

Synova said...

I think it's interesting who you chose to blame, Garage.

Are the "malicious scumbags" able, somehow, to force the actions of those who chose to throw their own people under the bus? No, they aren't. Are they responsible for knowing that it's almost certain that the powers in charge of some liberal undertaking or massive government organization can be *counted on* to be spineless ass-covering imbeciles and so become responsible for their actions?

The Dude said...

Garbage's grasp on the facts is not as strong as the grip he uses to rip the guts out of his road kill supper, but is still better than his ability to spell French words.

But what the fuck his thread-jack has to do with the subject of this post is beyond me. Now, even I am feeding the already bloated and parasite-riddled POS that is Garbage. I think he has contracted spongiform encephalopathy from eating the brains of whatever he finds dead on the side of the road. There is no other possible explanation for his continued arguing on any matter.

Revenant said...

Why are we only to be concerned with urban criminals?

I live in a city.

Is urban crime any different than rural crime?

Rural crime doesn't take place in cities.

Alex said...

garage can't walk and chew gum at the same time. poor chap.

Coldstream said...

"garage mahal said...

'So when you jumped to Weiner's defense'

Link to it."

Here's a few of Garage's comments regarding the Weiner Affair prior to his press conference (apologies for not linking. I'm not overly familiar with linking to comments). I'd call this supporting Weiner:

"It is amazing how the media keeps falling for Bretibart's ratfucking black ops. There is not single moral bone in this guy's body." 5/30/11 1:05 PM

"Any story that has Breitbart's dirty dick beating hands on it, must be assumed to be hellacious hatchet job first."
5/30/11 1:16 PM

"How comes no one wants to know who this creepy "patriotusa76" dude is? He's been stalking Weiner for weeks. And this girl has been harassed ever since."
5/31/11 7:36 PM

"patriotusa76 predicted on Twitter a week ago there would be a scandal involving Weiner. Weird."
5/31/11 8:44 PM

"Then you would be able to prove it, which you can't. Yesterday it was demonstrated it was relatively easy to post a pic on someone's yfrog acct, without even hacking into it. Today, yfrog disabled that feature. If that happened to Weiner, the butthurt here will be epic."
6/2/11 1:51 PM

SDN said...

Or maybe garage can explain why Boortz had Royal Marshal as a sidekick and Herman Cain as his #1 guest host, since both are black.

garage, hou lie as naturally as breathing, and pretty much as often.

wv: eneless. the lies of garage.

garage mahal said...

Now, even I am feeding the already bloated and parasite-riddled POS that is Garbage.

Whatever you say, old man. No shouting at clouds this time, the meds must be just right.

donald said...

Not for nothing but this garage dude can call Neal anytime between 8:30am and 1:00pm Monday through Friday and discuss racism with the sauce himself. I believe Neal would have some fun with some typical fat Wisconsin filthy hippies nonsensical rantings. C

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