June 7, 2011

"I've been fangirling him for years and every time I see something like this I fangirl him a little bit more. THIS is what leadership looks like."

The second comment — right after "Wow!" — at a post called "Rep. Anthony Weiner for President" at the "progressive feminist blog" Shakesville. It's from last July, when Weiner got "quite rightly, mad as hell about it—and he's not going to take it anymore" at the blogger Melissa McEwan saw it, responding to this Weiner freakout on the floor of the House:

Other progressive feminist comments:
I've watched this clip about a thousand times today. I absolutely adore him....

I just saw this piece on CNN. Maude bless him. THIS is what we need more of....

I adore this. I may have to watch it later with headphones after the kids are in bed, so that I can REALLY turn it up. "The gentleman is correct in sitting" may quickly become part of my lexicon, right alongside "here we have pie."

I gotta say, I totally dig this guy. I love that he rants and tells it how it is in these moments. I love his passion.

Someone clone his backbone NOW and send it in pretty packages to the rest of the do-nothing Dems in office. He is made of 50% win and 50% badass.
Clone his backbone? Clone his frontbone!
Probably they can hear my loud, excited SQUEEEEEEE all the way to Washington....

Swoon! I love this guy!...

*giggle* Hate to say it, but I can already hear all the "Clinton/Weiner" jokes now....
Well, now, there's a progressive feminist with great hearing. She could hear all the way into next June.
Whenever Anthony Weiner is on Rachel Maddow, I get this big, goofy smile on my face.
You think Huma is suffering, but have some sympathy for all the progressive feminist fangirls who'd thought they'd found true love this time.


mccullough said...

No one takes feminists seriously.

Lincolntf said...

It's brainless twits like those who populate our Universities, Govt. jobs, media, etc. Why anyone takes any Liberal seriously, ever, is a great mystery.

Shouting Thomas said...

Weiner takes feminists seriously.

He's the archetypal asshole you knew in college who attacked other men as "sexist pigs" and parroted feminist cliches in the hopes that the professors would give him good grades and that the feminists would fuck him.

And, predictably, the professors gave him good grades and the feminists fucked him.

Geoff Matthews said...

He's under the delusion that yelling means that he's winning the argument.

mccullough said...


That is not taking them seriously.

Original Mike said...

"I love that he rants and tells it how it is ..."

Tells it how it is???? Like when he argued incessantly that repealing ObamaCare would increase the deficit, based on an OMB report that even the OMB warned was misleading due to the rules under which they were required to score it?

This guys a fucking liar. We now know that not only does he lie on public policy issues, he even lies to the ones he proports to love. Anybody who has not been able to see through this bastard needs to reassess their sense of judgement.

write_effort said...

I'm sure somewhere Republican women are squeeing over Paul Ryan. And, we get the male Palin love on here all the time. Is this a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

""I've been fangirling him for years and every time I see something like this I fangirl him a little bit more. THIS is what leadership looks like."

No this is what having a hissy fit looks like.

Fred4Pres said...

Didn't passion ultimately lead him to his downfall?

It is an old story.


David said...

I said it in an earlier post: "Intimidation and Monopolization." That's his MO. What a horrid human being.

Lie. Manipulate. Intimidate. Monopolize.

This is their idea of leadership?

RuyDiaz said...

At least two of the women in the scandal contacted him by praising his online rants. THIS is how he got phone sex.

Which tells you that what sounds angry and stupid to you sounds different to a partisan.

David said...

"Didn't passion ultimately lead him to his downfall?"

You think that was passion? You think "passion" had anything to do with his little internet manipulations of lonely and impressionable women? That's not passion, it's a manifestation of an aggressive, domineering, manipulative personality.

Horrible, horrible man.

Anonymous said...

You don't actually think the feminist fangirls will change their minds about him, do you? Has even one of those nits said "he's scum and I'll never support him again", or have they excused him because he's on their team? I know which way I'm betting.

B said...

"Maude bless him"

Is that a feminist thing?

Jane said...

Just goes to show they have absolutely no discernment or taste.

But mostly it shows how brain-dead leftist women are, which we all knew, anyway.

I'm a 40-year-old woman, and I always despised him, because he was impolite and rude to the press, and I didn't find him funny, and I certainly didn't find his "rants" to be persuasive.

Give me a reasonable, thoughtful, sober man any day and I might respect him.

MayBee said...

I bet most of them are just sad they didn't make these comments on his Facebook page, which he apparently used to hit on women who made similar comments.

Why? Why? Why did I not put up a cute avatar and tweet #WeinerYes? Who knew he was so...gettable?

Anonymous said...

write effort: "I'm sure somewhere Republican women are squeeing over Paul Ryan. And, we get the male Palin love on here all the time. Is this a bad thing?"

No, but PFF's have a distinct preference for Democrat sexual predators. I mean, they're so oodly, you know. SQUEEEE! *giggle*

Chip S. said...

I knew about the Daily Beast-Newsweek merger, and the AOL-HuffPo merger, but I didn't know that Ms. and Tiger Beat had pooled their resources to create Shakesville.

MayBee said...

There's actually an interesting kind of "chicken or the egg" question there.

Did Weiner make these impassioned statements and then hit on women who found it hot?
Or did Wiener make these impassioned statements to make women hot, so he could hit on them?

What was the real passion behind his rants?

edutcher said...

My God!

If these women have men in their lives (I know, assuming a lot), I can only imagine how they're treated.

Maybe he's the kind of (and I use the word loosely) man, women like that can get hot about.

PS I think we can safely assume no House Republicans are reaching across the aisle to this Particular Democrat.

The Crack Emcee said...

And that's all you need to know.

holdfast said...

An unhinged rant, even for a fairly righteous cause, is not admirable in anyone. These pathetic little twits mistake his spittle-flecked tantrum for real courage, only because they don't know any men or women with real courage. The guy or girl peeling potatoes at Kandahar Air Base has more courage in his or her little finger than this pathetic meat sack has in his whole misshapen body.

Bayoneteer said...

Nah. Won't change a thing. Love is blind.

Anonymous said...

"Chip S. said...

I knew about the Daily Beast-Newsweek merger, and the AOL-HuffPo merger, but I didn't know that Ms. and Tiger Beat had pooled their resources to create Shakesville."

WINNER! Post of the day. Nominee for post of the week.

Anonymous said...

You think "passion" had anything to do with his little internet manipulations of lonely and impressionable women? That's not passion, it's a manifestation of an aggressive, domineering, manipulative personality.

Anyone want to venture a guess on how many of these women had stable, supportive, loving fathers in the home? There are reasons that people fall for liberalism.

- Lyssa

traditionalguy said...

Screaming "shame, shame, shame" while finger pointing is not a good way to make friends. The Wild Weiner has no friends now because he refused to make any.

caplight said...

Male primates beat their chests to attract females. Feminists want you to think that on some fundamental level they are different than other, less liberated and enlightened woman. They would like you to believe they have transcended biology. They haven't.

Anthony Weiner=Dudley Dooright
The Feminist swooners= Nell

Toad Trend said...

Proof positive that progressivism is a mental illness.

Anthony Putz and the female swooners need help!!!

Chip S. said...

Lars, humble thanks.

Fen said...

No one takes feminists seriously.

Weiner's fangirls would have given him blowjobs just for voting against a partial birth abortion ban.

As we learned during the Clinton Impeachment, this is who they are.

Lucius said...

Let's have some sympathy for all the progressive feminist fangirls who *did* find 'love' with this guy! (we know they're out there!)

"Feminist blogs" are sickening. Most of those poor girls should never have been admitted to college.

CatherineM said...

Oh, they will cover for him.

Anonymous said...

Feminists have a proud (post-60's) history of getting weak in the knees when they think they see their Knight in Shining Armor riding in to save them, poor damsels.

tim maguire

Jeff with one 'f' said...

More evidence (as if it was needed) of the Left's need for hero-cult as an essential part of their politics and self-image. For a supposedly independent-minded group they seem awfully fond of adulation of the "big Daddy" du jour: FDR, Adlai, JFK, MLK, Che, Malcolm X, Dylan, Obama and now Weiner.

Haiku Guy said...

Weiner keeps trotting out these 9/11 Responder Bills, but every time he makes sure it includes some poision pill, that makes it unpassable.

Then he gets down on the floor and throws a hissy fit like the one shown here, about how the Eeeeeevil Republicans don't care about the heroes of 9/11, etc.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

BEK477 said...

Losers inn Birkenstocks. Earth-mamas from Planet Bizzaro....

Feminists are today's Quaker missionaries, looking to save souls but at everyone else s expense. Thank goodness they are ending their reign....

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Man, I'm hoping all of the posters quoted were 14 or under. If not, this country is doomed.

Salamandyr said...

As much fun as it is to point and laugh at all these women who found this ridiculous mountebank the epitome of virile, manly leadership, I honestly don't see much difference between that and Conservative eagerness to see the next Chris Christie video.

(btw, anyone seen any new ones lately? hook a brother up!)

Fred4Pres said...

David said...
"Didn't passion ultimately lead him to his downfall?"

You think that was passion? You think "passion" had anything to do with his little internet manipulations of lonely and impressionable women? That's not passion, it's a manifestation of an aggressive, domineering, manipulative personality.

Horrible, horrible man.

6/7/11 11:54 AM

Not passion in an operetic sense, on in a tragedy sense, or in a religous sense, but in a patheic lack of control over one's base chakras sense. Or rather, in a very New Age "if it feels good do it" sense.

Lucius said...

I really do thank AA for this compilation: it's quick a rich lode, and I'm sure it gave her as many smirks as it's given me.

I truly do regret the impressionability of today's left-leaning girls. All joking aside, it's pitiful. They're so duped. If they have brains, they've been seduced into autolobotomizing; if they have no brains, they've been duped into believing themselves smart.

Either way, the results have been catastrophic on my lovelife. And society-- that too.

Seeing Red said...

Feminists have a proud (post-60's) history of getting weak in the knees when they think they see their Knight in Shining Armor riding in to save them, poor damsels.

As someone pointed out, they also needed fainting couches after Larry Summers suggested men & women R different & that may partially be why there r fewer women in engineering.

Didn't they recently melt down over something else?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Jeff with one 'f,'

For a supposedly independent-minded group they seem awfully fond of adulation of the "big Daddy" du jour: FDR, Adlai, JFK, MLK, Che, Malcolm X, Dylan, Obama and now Weiner.

There's a rather abrupt dynamic change in there, round the mid-60s, yes? I was going to say "decrescendo," but "subito pp" is more like it. I mean partly that the heroes decline pretty rapidly in quality, but also that there seems to be a gap of, oh, forty years or so.

No one seems particularly nostalgic for McGovern (which is too bad, since I can't think of another pol so far left who has so much intelligence and good sense), nor even for Clinton (the male one). As for Jimmy Carter, I think even his ertswhile fans wish he would retire, already. He's almost as annoying as Biden, which is a positive accomplishment.

wv: subill. I wouldn't sue Bill. He might be disbarred, but I bet he could afford a good attorney.

autothreads said...

What is striking is the overt sexual and romantic interest these feminists have in Weiner. Sure, plenty of conservative men think Sarah Palin is attractive, but these girls are getting positively moist over Weiner. There's a palpable element of sexual fantasy at play here.

absolutely adore him....

I adore this. I may have to watch it later with headphones after the kids are in bed

I gotta say, I totally dig this guy... I love his passion.

Probably they can hear my loud, excited SQUEEEEEEE all the way to Washington....

Swoon! I love this guy!...

Whenever Anthony Weiner is on Rachel Maddow, I get this big, goofy smile on my face.

JAL said...

Has anyone ever seen those kind of comments coming from the keyboards of Republicans, independents or libertarians?

I mean, geeze looeeze, these people vote?

Can we see some of their comments responding to the passion with which he bold faced lied to the national media on TV live?

Hopefuly his wife has a better handle on this guy now.

(And don't tell me it's because we don't do "hotness". <-- Note period outside quotes.) <-- Note period inside parentheses.

TosaGuy said...

Liberal chicks are easy.

DADvocate said...

Pretty amazing what turns on a bunch of leftie women.

Methadras said...

Typical Weiner bluster of sound and fury signifying nothing.

wv = gastso = the other type of fat gasbag

Issob Morocco said...

Sorry out of sympathy for "Der Teufel's Handmaidens".

TMink said...

"Succesful" sex addicts are amazingly charming.


TMink said...

lyssalovely nailed it. No father in the home makes the children more likely to engage in all sorts of questionable behaviors: teen pregnancy, addiction, incarcerations, progressive politics.



TMink said...

"Whenever Anthony Weiner is on Rachel Maddow"

I thought Maddow was gay. My bad.


madAsHell said...

That kind of behavior is attractive to womyn??

Who knew?

d-day said...

And yet these progressive feminist fangirls spend the other half of their time wringing their hands and getting the vapors about the decreasing number of self-identified feminists.

Anonymous said...

'TMink said...

"Whenever Anthony Weiner is on Rachel Maddow"

I thought Maddow was gay. My bad.'

She'd 'take one' for the team if called upon.

Scott said...

I thought that "progressive feminist " was a synonym for "lesbian. "

Seeing Red said...

Hopefuly his wife has a better handle on this guy now.

And a dull




Simon said...

When bad things happen to bad people, it's win win.

The man may be a Weiner by birth, but he's a dick by choice.

Calypso Facto said...

Fred4Pres said: "Winning."

Can we officially change that to "Weinering" now?

MDIJim said...

Simon wins the thread.

Anyway, think about the women who fell for Edwards. A woman in my town did. I was at the '08 local Dem caucus, for Hilary, if you must know, because I thought we could get another term for Bill that way. She was the only one for Edwards and made an impassioned speech for him. She had Edwards bumper stickers all over her car and Edwards signs in all the windows of her art gallery. I'm afraid to ask her how she feels about him now because she might rupture a blood vessel.

roesch-voltaire said...

Shouting as far as I can remember in the sixties and seventies one did not have to attack other men as sexist pigs to get laid by feminist or non-feminist as those were the days of equal opportunity and experimentation with little fear of STDs. Further today's new generation of feminist have their own take on feminism as evidenced by Molly Jong-Fasts who is very traditional, others who like to wear stiletto heels and view porn. It strikes me that this form of self-crated virtual pornography that Wiener and others indulge in has become today's safe substitute for the real thing. Still that does not excuse the cover-up.

X said...

ha ha. where's their crying alpha Screech now?

what is good in life? to hear the lamentations of their Weiner.

Charlie Sheen would have handled this better.

jr565 said...

Any time I feel the slightest bit of sympathy for jerks like this I see him grandstanding on the senate floor and forget all about it. This guy has been demagoging repubs for the longest time, and had no problem embarrasing his enemies.
So if he becomes embarrased through a conroversy of his own making I can't really shed many tears.

It couldn't happen to a bigger jerk.

Roger J. said...

Progressive womyn give lousy blow jobs.

Lucius said...

Late to the draw, but in case anyone wants some progressive feminist chick defense for tireless champion Weiner:


mariner said...

Shouting Thomas,
And, predictably, the professors gave him good grades and the feminists fucked him.

And just as predictably, he's fucking us.

BJM said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yelling and screaming like he's in the movies. oh! Yes, Weiner. Whatever shall we lowly people do without your legislation to control our lives?


oh wait - I mean - barf.
Progressive women are seriously stupid.

Van Halen said...

Off with his head!

DANEgerus said...

If you are a 911Truther with your boyfriends hands down your pants... you can hotchat the Weiner too!

jeff said...

From what I've read, he didnt have much to do with this bill. One reason he didnt have other Democrats lining up behind him was he avoided doing much of the backstage work or attend meetings, but was pretty happy throwing a fit on the floor and going on the tv shows getting credit for it. So THAT'S what real leadership looks like.

LTC John said...

I rather liked Chip S' comment as well. Nicely done.

"Leadership" looks like that, eh? Be damned to me. I rather thought it was what I have seen in dangerous places and times, where men and women thought of others first, worked like hell to help in hard tasks at risk to themmselves, stood out as an example of calm in the midst of chaos....but apparently it should have been unhinged shouting all the while. Guess I have a few things to learn about "leadership"...

Janice Sue G. said...

When I watched this video, I said, wow, hot! /s
Then I watched Megan Broussard's interview on Hannity and that's exactly the word she used when she saw Weiner's 9/11 video, "hot". She wrote that on his Facebook page and that's when their relationship began. Here's the video:

Quaestor said...

Weiner's problem isn't so much a superabundance of testosterone but a surfeit of cellulose

dick said...

My apologies for my stupid congresscritter. I didn't vote for him but apparently my stupid neighbors did and I apologize for them. They did not know what they were doing to send this little POS to DC.

el polacko said...

chicks love the bad boys.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Ain't enough Scotch in the world to hit this troll http://tinyurl.com/62ax3z7

JorgXMcKie said...

"She had Edwards bumper stickers all over her car and Edwards signs in all the windows of her art gallery."

So, which of the Two Americas did/does she live in, and what, exactly was/is she doing about it? Let me guess. About as much as the Silky Pony did.

William said...

There's an awful lot of self adulation in that rhetoric. He's striking a pose, not making an argument. Reminds me of something else about him.....At any rate, after the past week's demo of impassioned lies, he will never be able to credibly strike such a pose again....

Peter said...

There's the grand Weiner Lie, of course, but there's also the "Coaching The (Ex)Porn Star To Lie" lie as well. A few others as well.

When this brief saga (or should I say "Briefs Saga"?) gets written up into profitable book format, this many-faceted pile of lies will have to be carefully categorized according to type, date, audience, etiology etc.

I still say that the more pertinent question is "What do we really want young people to learn from all this?"

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