June 6, 2011

I've been averting my eyes from the Weiner...

... but I can't help noticing this and this.


Fred4Pres said...

Betty and Veronica? Does that make Anthony Weiner Jughead?

chickelit said...

The media reveres Palin but shafts Weiner?

It must be agenda driven because both drive traffic.

Fred4Pres said...

Could this guy be sexually awkward?

Anonymous said...

Breitbart seems to have some news this morning which may really excited the weiner watching crowds.

At first I thought he might be able to withdraw before the excitement built too much, but now it's not looking that way.

Fred4Pres said...

More Weiner links!

Anonymous said...

"It's Me"

The Weiner

Bob said...

I expect that Breitbart will trickle the info out all day, rather like the Chinese Water Torture. What got me intrigued is how much Huma Abedin will be able to stand before she snaps.

wv: lickers. I shit you not.

Anonymous said...

"Brietbart, you magnificant bastard" ~ George S. Patton

Anonymous said...

You know, the more I think about this sort of thing, the more it ticks me off. How smart do you really have to be to know that putting pictures of your private parts on the internet is a bad idea? Particularly if you are married? Even more particularly if you are married and the recipients are very young?

If a friend or acquantance, who I already knew not to be that intelligent, was doing this, I'd still be dumbstruck at how stupid it was. I'd be disappointed in a teenager doing it, even though they at least have the excuse of raging hormones and poor understanding of consequences. The fact that someone in such a high powered job exercises this piss poor judgment (and the fact that it is so common as to not even be a surprise) is outrageous.

- Lyssa

Scott M said...

The pretzelized events surrounding the high school girls seems akin to teasing a mountain out of molehill with tweezers. On the other hand, I'm interested in what BB has from the "woman" that has come forward.

Dumber things have certainly happened, but I assume (you know that doing that does...) that Weiner knows about those dumb things as well and wouldn't be stupid enough to get tweeter-ensconced with high school chicks.

Humperdink said...

"I doubt he lasts the week-"

Disagree, in most cases this is a resume enhancement for the Dems. Kinda like getting an MBA at night while working full time. His jury, the voters, are similar the first OJ jury.

MikeR said...

'The voice in my mind asked, "Fool, do you expect intelligence to stop an entity from breeding?" I thought that was a funny remark, so I whispered, "Ask any elected official."'

Scott M said...

Niven and Pournelle need to get back together for another couple collaborations.

Fen said...

in most cases this is a resume enhancement for the Dems. Kinda like getting an MBA at night while working full time. His jury, the voters, are similar the first OJ jury.

Worked for Bill Clinton. I still meet Dems who rallied to fluff his flacid poll numbers, because "sexual assault, sexual discrimination and sexual harassment are just about sex. MoveOn."

Fred4Pres said...

Unless there really are underage girls involved, I doubt Weiner will leave office. But who knows what will eventually come out of this and he is severely damaged goods.

What is becoming absolutely clear is Anthony Weiner is no victim. This is a completely unforced error on his part.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Huma Abedin already knew what she was getting, and was only marrying for power.

Never underestimate the pain people are willing to endure for their vain ambitions.

test said...

"Reaganite Republican said...
I doubt he lasts the week-"

This is wrong. His chances for high office are over, but there's no pressure for him to resign. It's not like leftists are capable of shame.

He's from a far left district where he can only lose to other Democrats. And the left doesn't care about anything except how much he hates conservatives. He can now fill the role Alan Grayson recently vacated. I suspect his support from other elected Democrats is now higher. He can be useful to them but cannot threaten their own ambitions.

David said...

Wiener won't resign. And he won't be forced out. He may lose his lovely but judgment impaired wife, but this guy is so full of himself he will never resign.

Fred4Pres said...

Burning shorts of truth.

Are cooking the Weiner.

Scott M said...

Unless there really are underage girls involved, I doubt Weiner will leave office.

Glenn over at Insta linked to a nice juxtaposition between current DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. He contrasted her current comments re Anthony Weiner and her previous comments during the Foley scandal in 2006. During those tirades, she went as far as calling for Speaker Dennis Hastert's resignation because he wouldn't investigate Foley.

Of course, assuming actual intellectual consistency from this woman would require that she actually have an intellect to begin with. Her various ridiculous comments since ascending to her vaunted office have given slim hope for that.

virgil xenophon said...

Not that you're not right to be outraged--in principle--over the actions of someone like our gallant knight, but lyssa, surely by now you've learned that the sense of power and entitlement that all too many of those who live inside the belt-way political bubble come to acquire makes such things all but inevitable. The GREATER outrage is the sight of the MSM (Rush calls them the "State Controlled Media--I prefer the State Controlled UBER Media myself--or SCUM for short) sending hoards of reporters swarming over every nano-second of S. Palins life and dissecting every syllable she utters, but having to be dragged kicking and screaming to even admit the existence of the Weiner affair, let alone the seriousness of its nature. They've already dropped this like a hot potato. Howard Kurtz of CNN's "Reliable Sources" has ALREADY proclaimed on yesterdays Sunday show that he was not writing a "single thing" more on the subject unless (para from memory here) "someone shows me new information that makes it actually important." The SCUM CAN'T WAIT to move on..

Fred4Pres said...

ScottM, Democrat Party hypocrisy is the relish on this Weiner.

Debby Wasserman Schultz is just mad she did not get any Weiner.

The Crack Emcee said...

I agree with everyone here, but especially Lyssa:

Watch the wife.

How she reacts to being made the fool will tell all. If she's normal, he's toast. If she's as corrupt as he is (another Hillary) he ain't going anywhere because the Dems won't demand it.

I'm going to take a(nother) shower now.

Curious George said...

Toast or no toast? I think the former. Dems will throw him under a bus. But one thing's for sure. Anthony Weiner will be getting as much pussy in the future as he got in high school. Which is none.

virgil xenophon said...

"It's not like leftists are capable of shame."

Truer words...CAN'T be said often enough--or remembered often enough when dealing with their like..

Anonymous said...

Agreed, if it involved underage girls then he is toast. He will resign or be forced out - especially if he sent them any risque pictures. Otherwise he is toast as a spokesman for the Dems and for higher office and he will be relegated to just another vote.

The Crack Emcee said...


Debby Wasserman Schultz is just mad.


[BTW - this is my 5th attempt to post this. Please, Ann, move soon.]

Scott M said...

Otherwise he is toast as a spokesman for the Dems and for higher office and he will be relegated to just another vote.

This. Short of strong Democrat opposition for re-election, he'll easily pull a Wrangle. I'd like to see how this would go down in those terms, though, with a censure on the House floor and everything...this time coming from the opposition instead of a creepy, botoxed Pelosi. I'm wondering if Weiner could keep his cool the way Wrangle did or if he'd just 'splode.

Agreed. Watch the wife.

Bob said...

Second drop falls.

"Me and the pussys."

Fen said...

Maybe even help her along.

Anonymous said...

First picture is now out at Big Government.

Drip, drip, drip.

Lincolntf said...

I'm enjoying the "slow drip" method employed by Breitbart. We'll get the info in due time, but meanwhile Breitbart has Weiner, the DNC and all the networks panting like overheated poodles while furiously clicking "refresh". Small pleasure, but I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart is Jascha Heifetz this morning.

Scott M said...

What's the other side of the slow drip technique? Somewhere in DC, Weiner and his staff have cloistered themselves in their chambers. It must be silent as a morgue in there.

Think about that for a second. Here we sit waiting expectantly for each new link to drop while real people fearing for their livelihoods are sitting in their offices and cubes in DC wondering just what the fuck is going to happen. Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still.

Keep things in perspective.

Anonymous said...

Where is GarageBanal with his obligatory "there's nothing to see here, move along" comments?

While we wait ...

Here's Flashy Tony cavorting with two pussies.

Anonymous said...

Keep things in perspective.

Breitbart's methods are intended to counter the "rapid response spin talking point" techniques that have been developed and perfected by modern political handlers.

When done correctly, it teases them into spin themselves right into the path of the next information bomb coming.

Plus, the spin doctors don't know when to put the final conclusory pronouncement together because they don't know how much information is still being held back by Andrew.

It is the information equivalent of the timed delay cluster bomb.

Yes there are casualties, but they have to happen to save the republic from the damned liars, IMHO.

rhhardin said...

Imus's historical speculation is that there must have been some woman somewhere that responded positively to penis pics, to account for the activity.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

Remember the old saying ... "Don't get caught with a live boy or a dead girl." Wienerschnitzel is innocent.

Nothing to see here. "I have back back to work for the American people mocking the opposition."

Fen said...

Scott: Think about that for a second. Here we sit waiting expectantly for each new link to drop while real people fearing for their livelihoods are sitting in their offices and cubes in DC wondering just what the fuck is going to happen. Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still.

Good point.

Fans of "The West Wing" (like me) will recall the episode where Bartlett finally comes clean with his staff about the MS. Sorkin was capturing the Clinton White House, the reactions of loyal followers discovering that, not only had their own guy lied to them, he made them into fools.

This will go down much the same.

The savy ones already arranged for discreete job interviews last week.

Curious George said...

Scott M said...
Think about that for a second. Here we sit waiting expectantly for each new link to drop while real people fearing for their livelihoods are sitting in their offices and cubes in DC wondering just what the fuck is going to happen. Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still.

Keep things in perspective."

F*ck 'em. How's that for persepective?

Chef Mojo said...

Tell you what: Any of these pics coming out involve Tony whipping his junk out on the clock in his office?

Toast, baby.

Scott M said...

Yes there are casualties, but they have to happen to save the republic from the damned liars, IMHO.

Granted. All I'm suggesting is that we remember those casualties as we wantonly revel in impending political doom. After all...Weiner obviously didn't and somebody has to.

gerry said...

"Make them conform to their own standards"


KCFleming said...

"Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still."

I hear you. But their boss could stop this at any point, if he had any integrity or concern for them.

He has the power to cut short any suffering they have.

He also had the power not to put his wife and those workers at risk in the first place.

Integrity and Restraint are virtues now mainly honored in the breach.

Anonymous said...

Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still.

Yeah, the congressional aid prisoner's delima is really a bitch, isn't it.

William said...

One generation never understands the courtship rituals of another. Back in the day, I remember how judgemental those prudes in the DA's office were regarding my playful use of chloroform and duct tape. American Puritanism runs amok again.

MayBee said...

Think about that for a second. Here we sit waiting expectantly for each new link to drop while real people fearing for their livelihoods are sitting in their offices and cubes in DC wondering just what the fuck is going to happen. Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still.

And we are paying them all.
They would like to get back to their real work of figuring out ways to taunt Michelle Bachmann and collect more taxes.

Anonymous said...

"Make them conform to their own standards"

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

You know, I really have to thank Hillary Clinton for introducing me to this Saul Alinsky fellow.

If it wasn't for Hillary Clinton doing that, I wouldn't know how to take down Flashy Tony.

Thanks, Hill!

Scott M said...

Integrity and Restraint are virtues now mainly honored in the breach.

The big public scandals certainly seem to point that way, although think of the number of reps/senators in Congress. Integrity and Restraint have to be making daily appearances here and there or we'd get these Weinerish-type things all the time.

Anonymous said...


Few things are worse than a drippy weiner . . .

MayBee said...

FWIW, I'll be shocked if Weiner steps down.
He'll go to rehab and those congressional staffers will keep his office running while he's away.

Titus said...

The graphic imagery cummig up better be the full hog with no underwear on it.

Scott M said...


Few things are worse than a drippy weiner . . .

Elegance will get you everywhere. Thread-winner so far in what is sure to be a rigorous competition.

Peter Hoh said...

Foley isn't comparable. Some of the pages are still minors, correct? And while they might be above the age of consent, they are subordinates -- not groupies.

If Weiner sent any photos to underage girls, he'll be forced to resign.

As for the idea that this is somehow resume enhancement, because of his party affiliation, that's bunk, as Senator Vitter demonstrates every day.

Even if he doesn't resign, Weiner is out of consideration for higher office. His role as "attack dog" on the talking head shows is over.

Weiner made a mistake in suggesting that there was a hacker. Further photos expose that claim as a weak attempt at a cover up, and the cover up is often more costly than the crime.

Yes, he's in a solid D district that will re-elect him if he wins the primary. Similar to the deal that Vitter has going for him.

Anonymous said...

"The graphic imagery cummig up better be the full hog with no underwear on it."

You're going to get full release, Titus. Relax.

Let the master masseuse do his thing.

Humperdink said...

"Think about that for a second. Here we sit waiting expectantly for each new link to drop while real people fearing for their livelihoods are sitting in their offices and cubes in DC wondering just what the fuck is going to happen. Granted...they hitched their wagons to this guy's ass, but still."

A mere temporary inconvenience. They will all have jobs in a heartbeat. Think about this. Up to the twitter display, the Dems loved this guy's body of work (heh). His aids will be treated as all-star free agents.

But I still think he will survive.

Anonymous said...

"If Weiner sent any photos to underage girls, he'll be forced to resign."

He doesn't know HOW old they are. He's having cybersex with people he is meeting online. He has no way to know if he is having cybersex with a minor or not.

He will resign because his donors will not fund the re-election campaign of a pervert flasher who is bound to lose.

The best photos will be held back until about three days before the polls open.

Anonymous said...

"You're going to get full release, Titus. Relax."

Release, for sure, but it will only be a truly "happy ending" for some . . .

The Drill SGT said...

Inside Washington had a good segement on Weinergate this weekend.

Mark Shield, whom I enjoy, (former Marine, however :) even though he always tilts dem, summed it up in this bit.

He can’t say, “Is that picture of your crotch?” He can’t say, “No?” I mean, and what the hell is a member of Congress, who wants to be mayor of New York, having portrait galleries of his crotch available for distribution?

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a fly on the wall of Mrs. Clinton's office if Huma comes in for solace and counsel.

MayBee said...

Foley isn't comparable. Some of the pages are still minors, correct?

Foley is very comparable.
He didn't approach them while they were pages.
The first email that was released was very innocuous- something like "It was nice to meet you, I'd love to keep in touch". That kid was 16, and it is almost exactly like what Weiner did with DMs to high school girls.

The sexy IMs with the other kid took place, again, when that kid was back home, and months before he was 18 (legally not underage).

It's the same scandal with added pictures, on Twitter not email/IMs, and different sexuality.

It will be interesting to see if Democrats really want to stick with the optic that they will respond more strongly to a gay scandal than a straight scandal.

Anonymous said...

"Weiner made a mistake in suggesting that there was a hacker."

For the record, the Democrat Anthony Weiner did not merely "suggest" there was a hacker. He said it outright. He told journalists that his Facebook account had been hacked and that somebody ELSE sent the photo to that young student in a felony criminal attempt to smear the reputation of a sitting United States Congressman.

That's not "suggesting" something. That's "alleging" that a crime occurred and that allegation demands investigation by the proper authorities.

Milwaukee said...

I can say with certitude that there are pictures of his "package" out there. The problem is that this was just a youthful indiscretion, and people are all in a tizzy. He is a Democrat, and morals mean nothing, so the water will be so muddied nothing will come of it. Except for a few jokes. He may even go on to bigger things. Democratic Senators have lied about their Vietnam service, and still get elected and re-elected.

#derati "the dirty rats"

traditionalguy said...

The internet is being used by Breitbart to catch the left wing moralists who in their hearts are a lawless bunch that believe they are exempt from the laws. I am sure that Weiner will say his is a special case because he keeps young women happy and does no harm. But for everyone else the law has another opinion when aggressive older men go after the young stuff. The list includes Joe Kennedy and his sons, Bill Clinton, and now The Weiner Man. They are exempt from laws protecting the young. At least John Edwards went after 40 something year old tail when he wasn't seducing a 95 year old woman.

JohnJ said...

"How smart do you really have to be to know that putting pictures of your private parts on the internet is a bad idea?"

Yes, it all must be some kind of mistake. Remember, Weiner is "extremely tech savvy" and a "technophile."

I guess what the media missed was that he also is a hopelessly immature schmuck who may have misperceived the entitlements that come with being elected to congress.

Peter Hoh said...

Congressmen and pages have a relationship that I would categorize as similar to that between teachers and students.

It wouldn't matter to me if the pages were male or female -- a congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with a current or former page.

Of course, a congressman shouldn't be engaged in intimate chat with groupies, either.

Nor interns. Nor staffers. Nor the employees of the D.C. Madam.

Peter Hoh said...

NevadaBob, you are correct. It was more than a suggestion. It was a declaration.

And as such, it was an outright lie.

That's what will get him.

Phil 314 said...

Hate to ask this question but how would Weiner know he was tweeting to underage girls?

How do we know that any of us isn't an underage girl?

MayBee said...

It wouldn't matter to me if the pages were male or female -- a congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with a current or former page.

I agree with you about current, but not on former.
That relationship is over.
There's no power left any more, except for the power of being a Congressman.

Peter Hoh said...

Traditional Guy, why the one-party list? Don't you want to have to look at the right-wing moralizers who can't keep their pants on?

Titus said...

What if the graphic imagery has cum all over it?

I admit the graphic imagery has me very excited.

Anonymous said...

"A congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with a current or former page."

And a married Congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with anyone who is not his wife.

Let's not forget that the real issue here is the betrayal of trust that this episode represents. Anthony Weiner is cheating on his wife with internet chat-rouletters - endangering his and her careers.

It is the height of betrayal by a spouse and not acceptable behavior by someone whom the voters must trust with our national security secrets.

This sort of behavior opens a Congressman to the potential for being blackmailed by a foreign government (or terrorist organization) to act in their interests.

He MUST be ejected from the House of Representatives if he refuses to resign his seat.

MayBee said...

Hate to ask this question but how would Weiner know he was tweeting to underage girls?

It was in their profiles, and HS stuff was in their twitter streams.

Peter Hoh said...

And a married Congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with anyone who is not his wife.

Please hold Gingrich to that same standard.

Anonymous said...

"At least John Edwards went after 40 something year old tail when he wasn't seducing a 95 year old woman."

I have no respect for Edwards no matter what age woman he went after, but still, I always thought less of Clinton because he shared a cigar with someone young enough to be his daughter instead of an accomplished woman close to his age.

Titus said...

If would be hot if the graphic imagery included a spit wad projected from his mouth as he was looking down at his hard hog.

The spit wad then would be used as a kind of lubricant in order to get him more aroused and ready to shoot.

Spitting on the hog to lube it up during sex is always very hot.

Lincolntf said...

Phil, you better not be talking about me! You are so NOT MY BFF anymore! Don't even call me, don't even!

Scott M said...

Please hold Gingrich to that same standard.

Everyone I know does. And what's with the "right-wing moralizer" quip? Simply because one side is more known for espousing "family values" doesn't mean the other side isn't every bit the "moralizers". A typical example would be the climate change advocates posing as Congressional members but traveling like there's no such thing. Left-wing moralizer would apply in this context would it not?

The Crack Emcee said...

Phil 3:14,

How do we know that any of us isn't an underage girl?

Ann's Lady GaGa posts make me wonder. But then I see her in videos with Meade and think, "Nahhhh,..."

wv: "abrestop" - too good to make up on this thread.

Peter Hoh said...

Scot, I was picking up on this from TraditionalGuy: The internet is being used by Breitbart to catch the left wing moralists who in their hearts are a lawless bunch that believe they are exempt from the laws.

Anonymous said...

"How do we know that any of us isn't an underage girl?"

Precisely. As they say: On the internet, nobody knows you're a hounddog.

Even if his victims did email a photo, it could be somebody else. Fact of the matter is that Weiner really has no idea who he is flashing on the internet, nor how old they are.

And really, are we prepared to settle for a flasher Congressman just because he's carding his victim first?

This country has some big problems and the last thing we need is a Congressman who is spending this kind of time and our money doing this sort of thing for which he could easily become the subject of a blackmail attempt.

The United States House of Representatives may eject any member on a two-thirds vote for ethical violations which stain and splatter onto other House members.

And that's precisely what they should do if Mr. Weiner doesn't voluntary resign his seat.

Fen said...

It wouldn't matter to me if the pages were male or female -- a congressman should not be engaged in intimate chat with a current or former page.

Yes. Foley was abusing mentor-student relationship to harvest future sex partners.

The difference is that conservatives did not stand by him. I even said here that "he should be taken out back and shot." Republicans not only throw their wayward elected officials under the bus, they hit reverse and back over them again, just to be sure.

Democrats are just in it for themselves.

Scott M said...

Scot, I was picking up on this from TraditionalGuy

Ah. Gotcha. Round 'n round we go.

The Drill SGT said...

Completely off topic.

It's June 6th.

Here's to A Co, 1st Bn, 116th Inf Rgt, the Bedford Boys.

Absent Companions

X said...

Please hold Gingrich to that same standard.

Speaker Gingrich really should step down.

The Crack Emcee said...


The difference is that conservatives did not stand by him. I even said here that "he should be taken out back and shot." Republicans not only throw their wayward elected officials under the bus, they hit reverse and back over them again, just to be sure.

Democrats are just in it for themselves.

And that's the difference.

traditionalguy said...

Peter Hoh...Remind me of who are the right wing lust hounds. That NY Congressman who posted his picture on Craig's list comes to mind. But my comment was on the "lawless" liberals. The right wingers when caught tend to affirm the law by resigning in shame. The best push back to my comment was how do they know an internet companion is under age. I figured the pictures would alert them, but maybe not.

Anonymous said...

It's going to take the release of a graphic photo for Weiner to be forced to resign. Having been sent to an underage girl might be neccessary too.

The Dems are that morally fluid.

The criminal invesitgaiton that would follow such a revelation might help a bit.

Peter Hoh said...

Scott, I'm not here to defend Weiner. I object to the idea that only one party demands that their members resign when their members are caught in some scandal, so to speak.

Disagree, in most cases this is a resume enhancement for the Dems.

It's not like leftists are capable of shame.

These statements only make sense if you ignore all the incidents that don't fit that frame.

Anonymous said...

"Please hold Gingrich to that same standard."

I hereby demand that Newt Gingrich resign from the United States Congress.


Known Unknown said...

Completely off topic.

It's June 6th.

Here's to A Co, 1st Bn, 116th Inf Rgt, the Bedford Boys.

Absent Companions

Nary a mention from the media anywhere.

Thanks, SGT.

Peter Hoh said...

Traditional Guy: The right wingers when caught tend to affirm the law by resigning in shame.

Like Vitter?

And I suppose Spitzer resigned because he was a right winger, eh?

Anonymous said...

"These statements only make sense if you ignore all the incidents that don't fit that frame."

You seem to be ignoring incidents. US Represenative Christopher Lee - a Republican - was forced to resign for sending a photo of his - shudder - naked chest to a woman on Craig's List.

Anonymous said...

"It's going to take the release of a graphic photo for Weiner to be forced to resign."

I doubt such a graphic photo would be published, although one carefully pixelated certainly appears to be on the horizon.

Wait for it.

test said...

"It's not like leftists are capable of shame.

These statements only make sense if you ignore all the incidents that don't fit that frame."

What would these mythical incidents be?

test said...

Spitzer resigned because he broke the law.

Fen said...

I object to the idea that only one party demands that their members resign when their members are caught in some scandal, so to speak.

Its just about sex. MoveOn.

Fred4Pres said...

Debby Wasserman Schultz is just mad.

Oh yeah. She is also a gift to Republicans.

Patrick said...

Nevada Bob, I'll go one further: I hereby demand that Newt Gingrich withdraw from the Republican Presidential Primary.

Titus said...

I will not be satisfied if the graphic photo is pixilated.

I want to see the entire image, full on.

We need to see the truth.

edutcher said...

Well, we all know Weiners come 10 to a pack, so we shouldn't be surprised there's more than one.

The only way this Weiner resigns is if he becomes too much of an embarrassment to the Demos. But any dreams he might have had of House Whip or Speaker, Senator, or Mayor of Gotham are gone forever.

Like Ahnold, he's just a punchline now.

The Drill SGT said...

Completely off topic.

It's June 6th.

Here's to A Co, 1st Bn, 116th Inf Rgt, the Bedford Boys.

Absent Companions

Nicely put, Sarge. To all the men of Normandy and the Liberators of Rome - whose efforts so often are forgotten.

Fen said...

I doubt such a graphic photo would be published, although one carefully pixelated certainly appears to be on the horizon

After a few days of this constant drip, Weiner will have zero credibility. Someone could release a fake pic of him and no one would believe his denial.

KCFleming said...

One pixel oughtta do the job.

Lincolntf said...

If there is a coup de grace coming from Breitbart, Weiner knows exactly what it is and he is sweating bullets waiting for it.

"...Lemme think, gotta think...did I send her the one with the feather-duster? Did I...did I...? Dammmit, I did!"

Anonymous said...

"One pixel oughtta do the job."

If it were me I'd demand twice the needed pixals - one must protect one's image.

Anonymous said...

"And I suppose Spitzer resigned because he was a right winger, eh?"

For the record, Eliot Spitzer resigned because otherwise he was going to go to jail for committing felony crimes for which ample witnesses and detailed financial records exist.

Spitzer first drew the attention of federal investigators when his bank reported illegal money transfers, which initially led investigators to believe that Spitzer may have been hiding bribe proceeds. The investigation of the governor led to the discovery of the prostitution ring he had given $80,000 to and was protecting.

Vitter has never admitted to anything except committing "a very bad sin" early in his marriage to a wife who said she forgave him.

It is alleged (but no proof is ever offered) that Vitter visited a prostitute in the past ... but that is a far cry from felony money laundering and protecting a criminal enterprise. Eliot Spitzer was the Attorney General of the state of New York - the state's highest-ranking law enforcement oficer - at the time he was protecting The Emperor's Club prostitution ring.)

If you have evidence to show that Vitter did something illegal - then by all means post that evidence. Show us the photos. Show us the records. Show us the evidence.

I'll pre-emptively say that I think Vitter should resign as well, but their cases are not comparable.

Remember ... Vitter is not blackmailable. He came clean. But Weiner is still blackmailable. He is still denying that anything other than a hacking crime has been committed against him.

Anonymous said...

"Remember ... Vitter is not blackmailable. He came clean. But Weiner is still blackmailable. He is still denying that anything other than a hacking crime has been committed against him."

There goes his security clearance. Or should anyway.

Methadras said...

Weiner is going down.

RuyDiaz said...

We need to see the truth.

You can't handle the truth!

Curious George said...

Lincolntf said...
If there is a coup de grace coming from Breitbart, Weiner knows exactly what it is and he is sweating bullets waiting for it.
I am hoping that it is more than just a "cock shot" but something totally humiliating. If that is wrong of me then I don't want to be right.

Methadras said...

Jeez, I wonder where Jay Retard is? He has been nowhere to be seen on this story since his lies have been curb stomped on. Where are you Jay?

Scott M said...


Why are letting Breitbart let this info out? Won't that ruin the marketability of your proof?

test said...

" Lincolntf said...
If there is a coup de grace coming from Breitbart, Weiner knows exactly what it is and he is sweating bullets waiting for it."

The drip tactic is not targeted at Weiner. Dripping ensnares the maximum number of ancillary defenders who revise their defenses into ever less plausible scenarios, or even contradict earlier defenses.

It seems most Democrats have avoided this trap by not making a case (many elected leaders simply saying "I believe him") or playing the standards ruse (Kurtz's "I won't say anything until there is something to say). So in this case the only people burned look to be unimportant blogs or commenters.

Anonymous said...

"The drip tactic is not targeted at Weiner. Dripping ensnares the maximum number of ancillary defenders who revise their defenses into ever less plausible scenarios, or even contradict earlier defenses."

ScottM, you should read that sentence again because it explains how allowing Breitbart to drip-drip-drip this only INCREASES the market value of the IP address log evidence that implicates Mr. Weiner.

Lincolntf said...

I failed to notice this earlier at the original Breitbart post. The last line seems to tell the tale (extreme, graphic)...

We will be updating BigGovernment.com and BigJournalism.com throughout the day with photographs, timelines, and other clarifying details. However, we will not be releasing all of the material because some of it is of an extreme, graphic nature.

Scott M said...

Ah. I get it. So...how many media organizations have bid for your material?

Titus said...

What if he is wearing a cockring in the pic?

I can definitely handle the truth and most importantly we need to know the truth and as a result we need to see the full weiner, in all it's glory.

NOW, release the weiner.

Titus said...

And Althouse, you are not averting your eyes from the weiner.

Be honest you want to see the weiner.

Anonymous said...

"NOW, release the weiner."

Script change for the porn version of Clash of the Titans.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Tony Weiner flashed a peck of perky peni.

Anonymous said...

"Apparently, Tony Weiner flashed a peck of perky peni."

His official goomba "nickname" is Flashy Tony.

RuyDiaz said...

Second picture up:

Weiner and Pussys

RuyDiaz said...

Apparently, Tony Weiner flashed a peck of perky peni.

Yes, but Breitbart won't be releasing some of the photos because of 'their extremely graphic nature.'

Titus is waiting in vain.

gerry said...


Carol_Herman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol_Herman said...

Usually, when you see a photograph of a democrap, you see a photo of an asshole.

Here? Anthony turned around and took the front view approach.

How can you tell it's Anthony's wiener? It hooks far to the left.

William said...

In the Alger Hiss case, his Democratic supporters claimed that the FBI fabricated not only the Pumpkin Papers but the typewriter that was used to type them. In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, when a ballistics test (developed years after the crime) proved that Sacco was in possession of the murder weapon, his supporters claimed that the DA had switched the evidentiary bullets....There is no evidence possible that will convict Weiner in the eyes of his supporters. Remember Monica's blue dress. The case then changed from Bill Clinton being stalked by a mad admirer to Bill Clinton being persecuted by a Puritanical investigator. The smarmy details were not the result of Clinton's kinks but the prosecutors prurient interest....Very soon the story will change from Weiner's lies to Breitbart's sick fascination with Weiner's love life....I take pride in the fact that I wrote the above without making a single double entendre. With Weiner, the real challenge is not to make a bad pun, but to refrain from one.

John henry said...

I still say we should focus more on Huma. Not as the suffering wife.

Huma the "Senior Policy Advisor" (Her actual title) to the Secretary of State raises some worrisome questions.

Raised in Saudi Arabia until she was 17.

Associate Editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from before 2002 to December 2008.

Mother still in Saudi Arabia working for the govt as a professor.

Mother runs the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs.

Huma shows an awful lot of money in designer clothes, handbags, shoes, Vogue magazine profiles, really expensive DC townhouse.

Before she became a Sr Policy Advisor she never made as much as $50,000/yr

Who paid for her college?

Where does her money come from?

Is she a Saudi mole at the highest level of the State Dept?

John Henry

Anonymous said...

As two the second Breitbart/ Weiner pic captioned "me and the two pussys (sic and sick), you knuckle draggers need to lay off. Just what exactly is wrong with a photo of Weiner posing with Obama and Geithner?

Anonymous said...


Flashy Tony having a "long-term affair" with a woman not his wife via Facebook instant messaging.

RadarOnline is printing the "sexting" messages the woman provided that show she and Democrat Anthony Weiner having adulterous online cybersex.

Anonymous said...


RadarOnline reports today that Democrat Anthony Weiner has been abusing the Congressional telephone system to have phone sex with women he has been meeting online.

Anonymous Source: "I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to talk dirty for at least 30 minutes."

"A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number.

"But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only."

As they say, read the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm beginning to feel sorry for the guy.

Not . . .

Fen said...

3rd Woman: "I have more than 200 messages from him and they're all explicit in nature," she told us.

Weiner: "...need to get back to doing the people's business..."

200 messages? No wonder no one has time to read the bill before they vote on it.

MayBee said...

I wonder if the 200 messages were from him, or from a staffer.

I love the idea of Weiner reading over some important legislation while an aide sits nearby, sexting on his behalf.

Anonymous said...

Flashy Tony - in the buff.

Lincolntf said...

The pics are of him. It's a done deal. He is what we thought he was. Full-on creep who keeps a chain of gals around the country to have phone-sex with.

Anonymous said...

He's shirtless now and there's precedent for his resignation.

I now belive he is totaly toast.

Anonymous said...

"Full-on creep who keeps a chain of gals around the country to have phone-sex with."

Guess who gets to pay the long-distance telephone bill for his little sex adventures?

That's right. You and me.

$1.5 trillion dollar deficit they're leaving our children and grandchildren and this is what these fuckers are doing with our goddamned tax dollars?


We need more tax cuts. They have too much goddamned of our money if they can waste it this way, and too much time on their hands.

Anonymous said...

As they said over at Hot Air - "I think we have achieved certitude."

The Drill SGT said...

John said...
Is she a Saudi mole at the highest level of the State Dept?

certainly problematic from a normal security clearance process.

That would make anthony a beard'd kosher weiner?

Well since the Israeli's know that the DoS has few secrets now from Fatah, that shouldn't be an issue. After all, it could be a lot worse. Mom could be Yemeni rather than Saudi

The Drill SGT said...

nevadabob said...
Flashy Tony - in the buff.

Grilled beard'd kosher wiener

Anonymous said...

The significance of these new photos cannot be understated.

Before, the photo was of a cloth-clad semi-erect penis that might, or might not, have belonged to the junior member from New York.

These new photos are full-on frontal shots showing his identifiable face, with pictures of his family and friends in the background for added embarassment.

Up to now, Democrat Weiner has been able to claim that he cannot with any certainty say these photos are of him.

He will no longer be able to make such claims.

Additionally, these photographs establish a "pattern and practice." Before, Mr. Weiner was able to plausibly deny that he is carrying on affairs with other women he is meeting online.

He will no longer be able to make such claims believably.

These new photos cast significant doubt on his previous claims that his systems had been hacked and strongly suggest that he has been bald-faced lying to hundreds of journalists who now look like fools for having taken the man at his word.

Hell hath no fury like an anchorman scorned.

Right, ScottM?

Scott M said...

I never doubted it was him for a second. I doubted your possession of ironclad, unimpeachable proof that was him.

LL said...

He is done.

My word verification for this post was WANCER.

Anonymous said...

"I doubted your possession of ironclad, unimpeachable proof that was him."

BREAKING NEWS: yfrog has concluded its internal investigation and now confirms nobody has hacked its photo upload systems despite recent allegations.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Weiner is cooked.

gerry said...

CE: Breitbart also includes some darling wallets, just case anyone wants a few...

RuyDiaz said...

Using Government resources for phone sex is enough to get an ethics investigation going. I say fry him.

Scott M said...


At least this woman knows the value of hands-free.


Superfluous link, Bob. There's absolutely nothing that shows you had proof when you said you had it. You wouldn't provide it, so you can link to anything, now, and say, THIS is what I had. You never answered my question about being in contact with anyone in the media or any bids you'd received. Doubt definitely warranted, wouldn't you say?

Scott M said...

CE: Breitbart also includes some darling wallets, just case anyone wants a few...

All we need now is some sort of shot that shows the same carpet from the bulge pic in the background with his mug. I don't think it's going to rise (no pun) to that level of proof though.


Anonymous said...

"I don't think it's going to rise (no pun) to that level of proof though."

You're going to see a full frontal mastabatory shot of the Congressman having cybersex with someone who is not his wife and who recorded the encounter.

RuyDiaz said...

By the way, what's the deal with having cyber-sex with a woman you've never met? Call me old-fashioned, but if you are going to cheat on your wife, at least try to get the most out of it.

Anonymous said...

"There's absolutely nothing that shows you had proof when you said you had it. You wouldn't provide it, so you can link to anything, now, and say, THIS is what I had."

What I have is not for sale to the Teamsters union. At any price, Scott.

Sorry, but we will not accept your bid.

Scott M said...

What I have is not for sale to the Teamsters union. At any price, Scott.

'splain, please. Unclear snark is almost as bad as plain ol' bad snark.

Anonymous said...

"By the way, what's the deal with having cyber-sex with a woman you've never met? Call me old-fashioned, but if you are going to cheat on your wife, at least try to get the most out of it."

We're following them all with multiple cameras the moment they step into the public sphere because you have no expectation of privacy when you step out in public and it's totally legal and appropriate to film them doing things.

So, they're reduced to internet flashing from their basements.

I'd bet they wish there was such as law as "privacy" in the United States.

Oh well. They set the board. We're just playing the game.

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing: If you're going to go up against the only sitting black Supreme Court justice and try to ruin that man's career, you'd better be living a fucking squeaky clean life.

Or your career is fucking over with.

Flashy Tony isn't living clean. And he forgot the first rule of politics:

You can be got to.

William said...

I don't see how anyone can possibly claim that Weiner is innocent, or that his activities are harmless, or that he is a bright, techno-savvy Congressman. Weiner looks as stupid as his friends in the media who minimized, denied, or explained away his guilt. Jeffrey Toobin, Jon Stewart, Debbie Schultz-Wasserman take a bow. This is your finest hour.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC reports on the new sexual allegations against New York Democrat Anthony Weiner, who is reported have engaged in a long-term sexual affair with a woman on Facebook using instant messaging, computer cameras and even telephone sex from his Congressional office.

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to figure out how a hacker got Anthony Weiner's shirt off?

Them's some l33t skilz, yo.

Scott M said...

I'm just trying to figure out how a hacker got Anthony Weiner's shirt off?

Them's some l33t skilz, yo.

Easily explainable. It looks like said hacker just found some pics of the body-double they used for Viggo Mortensen in The Road and photoshopped Der Weinerr's head on top.

Anonymous said...

It looks like said hacker just found some pics of the body-double they used for Michael Sera in Juno and photoshopped Der Weiner's head on top.


Anonymous said...

They say Weiner has a large enough war chest to beat off all comers.

We'll see.

BJM said...

What sort of idiot sends come hither pics to women with family photos in the background? Especially one with the wifey looking over his shoulder.

What a scumbag.

I can understand why Hillary stayed with Bill, he was President, not a backbench Congressman, with power to promote her ambitions for 2008 and it wasn't their first time at the infidelity rodeo.

Weiner's chances of electoral career advancement are now slim to none. Huma will not be the First Lady of NYC or NY.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if Huma levered "standing by her man", at least in the short term to staunch party damage, to advance her career within the party power structure.

The Dems will then circle the wagons and Weiner, like Charlie Wrangle, will become madogiwazoku.

Anonymous said...

Weiner presser scheduled for 4pm (in time to get his spin in for the 6pm evening newscasts).

Predictions, anyone?

test said...

"Predictions, anyone?"

- I've been bad.
- I'm sorry [not sure if real or the "if anyone was offended" variety, probably the latter.]
- This is not a public matter, so please respect our privacy while I make amends to my family.

Scott M said...

No way in hell is he resigning.

BJM said...

Not only is Weiner a scumbag cheater; he doesn't even give a happy ending.

Well, there went the window seat.

Anonymous said...

Joy Behar (on The View): "It's all over for Anthony Weiner."

Once you've lost the liberal shrews on The View, fuggedaboudit

JohnJ said...

"…or that he is a bright, techno-savvy Congressman."

That's what I find almost as galling.

The media pick their heroes and then assign the admiring adjectives. That's how we end up with an "extremely tech savvy" congressman who doesn't have the sense to keep his teenage mating rituals off the internet; an "intellectually gifted" president who often seems more obviously shallow than gifted; and a "politically shrewd and nimble" Secretary of State who, for the most part, just seems to be calling it in.

(I suspect their new project is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.)

Anonymous said...

Barbara Walters: "Anthony Weiner has a problem ... but if Sarah Palin can still ride around in her bus and be considered a possible President, then this man can override this, stay in Congress and just hope that there's another scandal that will take him off."

How is this dumb cunt considered a responsible journalist in this country advancing a cockamamie scheme like that?

She needs to go the way of Helen Thomas.

Scott M said...

(I suspect their new project is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.)

I don't know about that one. She seems to have broken up after she hit atmo. Not even a chance to crater spectacularly on the surface.

Besides, you think they're really going to go after a woman sitting in the DNC seat?

Scott M said...

but if Sarah Palin can still ride around in her bus and be considered a possible President, then this man can override this, stay in Congress and just hope that there's another scandal that will take him off.

How those two things have ANYTHING to do with one another is beyond me.

JohnJ said...

"Besides, you think they're really going to go after a woman sitting in the DNC seat?"

No, sorry, I meant Wasserman Schultz was the Media's new project.

As in…

"Wasserman Schultz combines the look and theatrics of Streisand with the dedication of Walesa."

Scott M said...

Wasserman Schultz combines the look and theatrics of Streisand with the dedication of Walesa."

Oh, I get it. I'd say she combines the nonsensical ramblings of Dean while maintaining the gaffs of Biden. Better rack, though.

kimsch said...

he admits the crotch shot was him. He sent it "as a joke". He's sorry. He's made mistakes and hurt his wife and family and he WILL NOT resign. He takes responsibility though....

He's embarrassed.

JohnJ said...

"I'd say she combines the nonsensical ramblings of Dean while maintaining the gaffs of Biden."

Well…, yes.

But, see, the idea is to come up with admiring personal qualities to bilk the public. Then, when the façade collapses, we can all snicker at the conceit.

(See "intellectually gifted," "extremely tech savvy" and so on.)

dick said...

Peter Hoh,

No Foley sent the messages only to pages who were legal. In fact the messages were congratulating them on their birthdays. It was the Dems who tried to pass it off that he was after them before they were legal. It was Studds who did that when he took his 16 year old page lover on Congressional trips and he was a Dem.

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