Worry? Please, he is doing his intended job perfectly. Obama was planted by the NWO Central Bankers to put the final nails in the coffin of the sovreignty of We the people, by invading the Oval Office w/ foreign influence. He is not a natural born Citizen, since he was born a British subject, of a British subject father. He is puposefully degrading the Constitution.
Obama was installed (McCain wasn't natural born either--born in Panama, and was never meant to win) by the Central Banking elite. His task is to systematically overwhelm the economy, and bring about collapse, to be followed by a new vision in the Marxist ideal.
The NWO chose Obama for a reason-- his lack of allegiance and attachmant to America.
Obama's Kryptonite--- Since the purpose of the natural born Citizen requirement is to prevent foreign influence into the Oval Office (FACT--see Federalist #68), how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
I remember when she told us her husband would require us to work. Maybe we aren't working hard enough yet and are thus adding to his burden.
It is such an odd thing about politics, that we ask wives to get out and campaign as proxies for their husbands.
Imagine Althouse sending Meade in to teach a class if one day she took ill. I imagine myself going to meet my husband's client to help sell them on a new contract.
"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed."
Exactly what went through my mind when I heard the "my family's okay with one term" quote. Although, I would imagine a short Biden term would give us candidate Hillary again.
So you are not outraged that the putative POTUS is Usurping the office? And if you think he IS eligible, then answer the question. How can it be possible that one born BRITISH is eligible to be POTUS?
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
Will he leave without instituting a National Championship Play-off Tournament? The trophy could be called the "Barack Cup" and the Championship Game could be called the "Obama Bowl"? Remember, you heard it here first.
Scott M said... "how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
So, what's your plan to remove him/prevent re-election?"
Nunya. And what do you care anyway? You whine and complain about his "policies" but are clueless as to his Constitutional violation that nullifies everything he has signed---Duh. You will know.
He has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting.
The guy works less than any president in the past 60-70 years at least. Unless you count golf and worthless traveling to comfort our enemies and confound our allies.
but are clueless as to his Constitutional violation that nullifies everything he has signed
How can you call me clueless if you're absolutely correct about everything you've ever posted here on the topic?
Yeah, Mick, I post here about his policies. Primarily because I think dealing with Obamacare effectively is more a reality than your attempts to remove him from office, whatever that entails. Which do you think is more likely to impact your life?
If President Obama somehow raises taxes on your income bracket, Mick, are you going to refuse to pay that increase based on his unconstitutional authority to sign the law raising said taxes?
Mick, to the extent he’s not a “Moby”, wants to take the “easy route out.” Obama not eligible, Obama impeached, Obama gone…all acts null and void…sadly the last is not guaranteed. Much of what Obama has done was valid and legal, if not prudential, and courts are not going to overturn ObamaCare or EPA regulations on the basis of Obama’s impeachment. They were valid laws, or regulations, and will be enforced until repealed or amended. Mick just wants you to think that he has a plan to return us to 18 January 2009, “painlessly.” At best Veep Biden confirms all actions previously undertaken, and we return to today…
Michelle should see the sadness and worry creasing my husband's face as he contemplates his retirement --hyperinflation and a de-funded Medicare complete with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment.
"Mick, to the extent he’s not a “Moby”, wants to take the “easy route out.” Obama not eligible, Obama impeached, Obama gone…all acts null and void…sadly the last is not guaranteed. Much of what Obama has done was valid and legal, if not prudential, and courts are not going to overturn ObamaCare or EPA regulations on the basis of Obama’s impeachment. They were valid laws, or regulations, and will be enforced until repealed or amended. Mick just wants you to think that he has a plan to return us to 18 January 2009, “painlessly.” At best Veep Biden confirms all actions previously undertaken, and we return to today…"
He wouldn't be impeached, since ineligibility is not a crime or misdemeanor. Quo Warranto in the DC District is the only means to expel him. Actions of an illegal POTUS are null and void, including the Communist SCOTUS appointments. As a Presidential candidate, many people will also have standing to challenge his eligibility, if he makes it full first term.
with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment.
Glupy ptitsa, Obama is one of the Vlasti, the Nomenklatura, he will have health care in perpetuity, at the Special Clinics. Death Panels are for the Narod, the Bitter-Clingers. I’m pleased to see that my many years study of the CCCR will finally pay off! I simply did not expect to see the it here, just study it THERE…Oh well.
When the left constantly snarked at Dubya for his "vacations," it was like talking to a brick wall to insist that no president has a "day off," no matter what. So I'll give Little Black Jesus that much.
But I do sympathize with the First Klingon. Sadness and worry will crease your face when you actually have a job - that you have to show up for and from which results are expected - for the first time in your life.
Where do these people come from? Indymedia, Democratic Underground? Free Republic?
Obama is a plant from the Zebulon's insidiously plotting to increase our Thetan levels."
Yes, he admits to birth as a British Subject, of a British Subject father. His "Citizenship was governed by Britain" says Obama himself. So answer the question--- how can Obama be a natural born Citizen if he was born BRITISH, in light of the fact that A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence?
From Fight the Smears (Obama's campaign website):
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Silly Mick they are NOT “null and void” they were legally and validly passed or promulgated. No court is going to hold EPA regulations null and void that have been validly placed in the CFR. The US SENATE confirmed Kagan and Sotamayor, so their appointments are valid as well. Reid and Pelosi passed ObamaCare LEGALLY, ObamaCare is going nowhere. You live in a funny Dream World….
Between FLOTUS and POTUS comments...can they be any more tone deaf..sounds like Tony Hayward from BP wanting his life back. I think what is most obvious is that Obama was clueless of the demands and work required. He was just going to smile, charm and give a few "let's get her done" speeches and party on. Why would he not think that? What work had he actually done prior? And now he's pouting...they don't appreciate me...look how hard I worked...only 75 rounds of golf this year, at 3hrs each minimum...that's 5-6 weeks spent on the golf course. Never let the facts get in the way of your self centered narrative.
"How can you call me clueless if you're absolutely correct about everything you've ever posted here on the topic?"
So you're saying that I am absolutely correct? Where's your outrage then? I will prevent him from running again. You keep whining. Meantime, I educate as many as possible.
Btw, you said "clueless". That doesn't apply if I've read any of your posts, which I have. Thus, I have a clue. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree. You seem to be incapable of giving me a plan of action outside blog comments.
Silly Mick they are NOT “null and void” they were legally and validly passed or promulgated. No court is going to hold EPA regulations null and void that have been validly placed in the CFR. The US SENATE confirmed Kagan and Sotamayor, so their appointments are valid as well. Reid and Pelosi passed ObamaCare LEGALLY, ObamaCare is going nowhere. You live in a funny Dream World….
All appointments and bills (including the totally unconstitutional, and criminally passed Obamacare) signed off by an illegal Usurper are null and void. So answer the question--- cat got your tongue? How is it possible that one born British is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? NO ONE can answer, and NO ONE will, because it is the reflection of Truth.
All appointments and bills (including the totally unconstitutional, and criminally passed Obamacare) signed off by an illegal Usurper are null and void. So answer the question--- cat got your tongue? How is it possible that one born British is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? NO ONE can answer, and NO ONE will, because it is the reflection of Truth.
1. He’s NOT a British Citizen, but a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and therefore NOT an “Usurper.” I reject your base premise, but as you are impervious to logic, history, or law on the matter I will not debate it any more. 2. So we move on to your further claims which are laughable as well. His acts are NOT “null and void” they are valid and many have been affirmed by ANOTHER Branch of the Federal Government, making it next to impossible to ever undo them by Judicial fiat You sirrah are a one-trick pony, and a rather dull one at that.
Scott M said... "I will prevent him from running again.
How? He's already running?
Btw, you said "clueless". That doesn't apply if I've read any of your posts, which I have. Thus, I have a clue. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree. You seem to be incapable of giving me a plan of action outside blog comments."
My window of opportunity has not occurred yet. In light of the FACT that A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence, how is it possible that Obama, born BRITISH, is eligible? Can you answer the question, or do you avoid it, like everyone else? NONE of the esteemed "lawyers", "law profs" or other self acknowledged "smarties" here can answer that question. If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
I might be. You wouldn't know because you never seem to listen very well. I've never agreed or disagreed with your position. I have always asked you just what the hell you're going to do about it. Again, you seem incapable of telling me.
Interesting she says it in reference to the upcoming campaign, not governing America. We always knew thir priorities, but I'm surprised to see them admit it.
His mother was an American citizen. Thats all there has to be to be a natural born citizen. Like John McCain, born in Panama to US Citizen parents who were, not coincidentally, officials representing the country, is a natural born citizen.
You have given no credible cite in this post as to why you are right.
" MayBee said... Is it embarrassing that Michelle talks about him never taking a day off when he is in the midst of a fund-raising trip to Miami and Puerto Rico?
What exactly does she consider work, and what does she consider his own time?"
This was the 14th week in a row Obama played golf. Bush gave up the game during his presidency after the media turned one round into a circus.
I don't care that Obama plays. I just wonder how liberals can be smacked in the face with constant and irrefutable evidence of bias and still pretned it doesn't exist.
I guess the only answer is they're dumber than dog shit. But really, it's hard to believe so many are so stupid.
Martha said: "Michelle should see the sadness and worry creasing my husband's face as he contemplates his retirement --hyperinflation and a de-funded Medicare complete with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment."
His mother was an American citizen. Thats all there has to be to be a natural born citizen. Like John McCain, born in Panama to US Citizen parents who were, not coincidentally, officials representing the country, is a natural born citizen.
You have given no credible cite in this post as to why you are right"
No credible posts? I love that one (it's common). I've given MANY historical and factual cites as to why a natural born Citizen must be born of 2 US Citizen parents in America. McCain was not a natural born Citizen, since it took a statute regarding children born of Americans in the PCZ to make him a citizen. Natural born Citizens require no statute, and are the only Non Naturalized US Citizens. EVERYONE else is a Citizen by Congressional statute, or the 14th Amendment. So WHERE is your cite for your claim of birth to 1 US Citizen makes one a natural born Citizen?
Scott M said... "If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
I might be. You wouldn't know because you never seem to listen very well. I've never agreed or disagreed with your position. I have always asked you just what the hell you're going to do about it. Again, you seem incapable of telling me."
So why do I have to tell you again? Can you answer the question? Nope.
Michelle Obama channels CheChe, the famous Kos poster.
"I don't think I've ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. ..
I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult - the rage and feelings of helplessness were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words - nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, "Honey, I just don't know - I don't know what's going on in this country anymore..."
When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, "Daddy" she said, "why are the Republicans doing this to the country?" Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.
For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet. Sometimes I just think it's too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter's voice helped me to get through.
Federalist #68 By A. Hamilton, who wanted A2S1C5 to say "born a Citizen, but was overruled in favor of natural born Citizen.
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
You have never told me what you plan to do in the first place. How can you tell me "again" something you've never told me in the first place? You have zero proof that I've ever disagreed with your position on the legality of President Obama's presidency. The fact that you keep coming back to that, and your lack of laying out an action plan for like-minded people to remove him from office both tell me you're an empty suit with nothing going on but outrage.
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
Because he was born in America to an AMERICAN citizen….this is the part you have trouble understanding. His dad wasn’t a foreign national stationed here for official purposes. Barak Hussein Obama may be a LOUSY POTUS, but he’s a LEGAL one…sorry about your luck Mick.
A better approach, when your medications finally kick in and you forget this obsession, would be to CAMPAIGN against Obama….rather than keep hoping some Federal Court is going to agree with your hair-brained beliefs.
I question your premises because your conclusions are so obviously false….
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?
I believe his plan is to write long, turgid screeds on Althouse until January 2013 or January 2017, depending on the outcome in November of 2012. After that he’ll discover some other Constitutional Bug-a-boo to bore us or others with.
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
"Because he was born in America to an AMERICAN citizen….this is the part you have trouble understanding. His dad wasn’t a foreign national stationed here for official purposes. Barak Hussein Obama may be a LOUSY POTUS, but he’s a LEGAL one…sorry about your luck Mick.
A better approach, when your medications finally kick in and you forget this obsession, would be to CAMPAIGN against Obama….rather than keep hoping some Federal Court is going to agree with your hair-brained beliefs.
I question your premises because your conclusions are so obviously false…."
He was born British, to a British Subject, and says that his "Citizenship was governed by Britain", so I think even Obama would disagree w/ you. Do you disagree with the FACT that the purpose of A2S1C5 was to prevent foreign influence, or that Obama was born British? And where is that cite saying that the child of ONE US Citizen is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
especially when you don't know what the fuck you're doing!"
I actually do feel sorry for him on this level. The economy is in the shitter and I think he truely doesn't understand why. He's incapable of understanding that all his cherished beliefs in big government are the problem.
Scott M said... "So why do I have to tell you again?
You have never told me what you plan to do in the first place. How can you tell me "again" something you've never told me in the first place? You have zero proof that I've ever disagreed with your position on the legality of President Obama's presidency. The fact that you keep coming back to that, and your lack of laying out an action plan for like-minded people to remove him from office both tell me you're an empty suit with nothing going on but outrage.
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?"
I meant "again" euphemistically, like "tell me a gain why I have to tell you". Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest. Only fools rush in. If you agreed (and you should), by your philosophy, you would be doing something, so that tells me that you don't. That's OK, since there are many readers that don't comment that are getting educated. These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
especially when you don't know what the fuck you're doing!"
I actually do feel sorry for him on this level. The economy is in the shitter and I think he truely doesn't understand why. He's incapable of understanding that all his cherished beliefs in big government are the problem."
He understands perfectly. His "job" is to make it worse.
These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
They may demonstrate vacuousness or obstinacy or even blind, willful, stupidity, but it isn’t ALL on the “opposition” side, trust me, Mick. Heck, at least Cedarford, can tailor his/her anti-Semitism to the thread, and sometimes, C4 even manages to leave the Juice ENTIRELY out of his/her comment. YOU, however, are simply beating the same dead horse, for no good reason….you’ve been told you’re wrong, shown the law, told by consular officials, you’re wrong, but you keep coming back with this silly argument….
To recap 1. Obama IS a “natural born citizen”; and 2. Even were he NOT, his actions would stand as they were either valid administrative actions, and/or confirmed by the Legislative branch; and finally 3. No court has seen fit to honour your delusion with a ruling, remotely, close to what you want, so your ‘solution” is a complete pipedream. Give it up dood/doodette.
NYTNewYorker said... "The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?"
You're gonna make Mick cry."
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
And were he to do so, what would Mick do about it?
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
Or if he admitted it 18 January 2013/2017 what would anyone do about it?
"These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
They may demonstrate vacuousness or obstinacy or even blind, willful, stupidity, but it isn’t ALL on the “opposition” side, trust me, Mick. Heck, at least Cedarford, can tailor his/her anti-Semitism to the thread, and sometimes, C4 even manages to leave the Juice ENTIRELY out of his/her comment. YOU, however, are simply beating the same dead horse, for no good reason….you’ve been told you’re wrong, shown the law, told by consular officials, you’re wrong, but you keep coming back with this silly argument….
To recap 1. Obama IS a “natural born citizen”; and 2. Even were he NOT, his actions would stand as they were either valid administrative actions, and/or confirmed by the Legislative branch; and finally 3. No court has seen fit to honour your delusion with a ruling, remotely, close to what you want, so your ‘solution” is a complete pipedream. Give it up dood/doodette"
Right. Consular Officials? 1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen. 2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid. 3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases.
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence.
Right. Consular Officials? 1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen. 2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid. So when Joe Biden RE-SIGNS ObamaCare whatcha gonna do? And again, Kagan and Sotamayor were CONFIRMED by the US Senate. And EPA regulations don’t require a POTUS signature. So tell me again about all this “null and void” stuff again.
3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases. Well then I guess the courts aren’t the place to discuss this then are they?
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence. My answer is that his citizenship was NOT “determined by Britain” dood/doodette, but also by his maternal citizenship and his birth country…both US. I’m pretty much done with you, Mick…you have a laughable argument about Obama’s citizenship, you’re “solution” is for some hypothetical Federal Court to rule him “unqualified” and then you’re conclusions are unwarranted…and you’re “clueless” that is to say you lack any mechanism to judge your actions or words, there is no self-monitoring, and so even when confronted with unassailable logic or facts, you continue to mouth your foolishnesses. In short, you are CLUELESS. You cannot begin to fathom that you’re wrong and will continue to argue, mindlessly, about how “correct” you are.
murgatroyd666 said... My window of opportunity has not occurred yet.
Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest. Only fools rush in.
Uh-oh. "Helter skelter!" as Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme would say".
I see nether of you can answer the question either. Obama was born British, thus not eligible as natural born Citizen, even if born in the Oval Office.
Cat got your tongue, Mick? If President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination to be their presidential candidate, making it official by accepting it on stage at their convention, will that be proof you have failed?
You know what's good for getting rid of sad worrying creases?. Be careful, the Secret Service might show up and confiscate your iron….would a rice steamer work to eliminate those creases as well?
Right. Consular Officials? 1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen. 2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid. So when Joe Biden RE-SIGNS ObamaCare whatcha gonna do? And again, Kagan and Sotamayor were CONFIRMED by the US Senate. And EPA regulations don’t require a POTUS signature. So tell me again about all this “null and void” stuff again.
3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases. Well then I guess the courts aren’t the place to discuss this then are they?
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence. My answer is that his citizenship was NOT “determined by Britain” dood/doodette, but also by his maternal citizenship and his birth country…both US. I’m pretty much done with you, Mick…you have a laughable argument about Obama’s citizenship, you’re “solution” is for some hypothetical Federal Court to rule him “unqualified” and then you’re conclusions are unwarranted…and you’re “clueless” that is to say you lack any mechanism to judge your actions or words, there is no self-monitoring, and so even when confronted with unassailable logic or facts, you continue to mouth your foolishnesses. In short, you are CLUELESS. You cannot begin to fathom that you’re wrong and will continue to argue, mindlessly, about how “correct” you are."
Nice Alinsky there, but you said you were "done" (you can't answer the question, or cite the reason why I am wrong) an hour ago! Again, here is what Obama says at Fight the Smears, his campaign website:
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Get that? "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN". How can a natural BORN citizen of the US have his citizenship "governed" by Britain.
Oh yeah, here's the SCOTUS on what a natural born Citizen is (and this was after the 14th Amendment).
Minor v. Happersett (1874):
"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
Have fun w/ that. How does it feel to do the bidding of a Usurper? Feel treasonous yet?
Scott M said... "Cat got your tongue, Mick? If President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination to be their presidential candidate, making it official by accepting it on stage at their convention, will that be proof you have failed?"
This political class cares nothing for the Constitution, neither to those they pander to, so no. But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”
"Strong check against the admission of foreigners". So how can Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH eligible?
But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
You said you were going to prevent him from running again. He's already running. What is the milestone, exactly, that you predict that you will be successfully be able to stop him from reaching? This isn't a complicated question.
Scott M said... "But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
You said you were going to prevent him from running again. He's already running. What is the milestone, exactly, that you predict that you will be successfully be able to stop him from reaching? This isn't a complicated question."
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Well as your “tactic” did not: 1) Prevent his FIRST campaign, nor 2) His FIRST term, Let us just say we find your little to be confident in concerning your tactics or strategery.
Federalist #68 By A. Hamilton, who wanted A2S1C5 to say "born a Citizen, but was overruled in favor of natural born Citizen.
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
How can Obama be a "creature of our own", when born to a British father, and governed by Britain? How is it possible that Obama can be eligible, when the purpose of A2S1C5 was to PREVENT foreign influence?
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Not at all. I want to know by what metric you're measuring success or failure. You don't seem to have a very long memory re this topic between me and thee and how I came to ask you about it in the first place a couple months back.
What constitutes not completing a run? Not winning? Not being on the ballot on November 4th? Please explain what not completing a run means. This is crucial.
"My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Well as your “tactic” did not: 1) Prevent his FIRST campaign, nor 2) His FIRST term, Let us just say we find your little to be confident in concerning your tactics or strategery."
Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible--- and you STILL can't answer the question. Cat's still got your tongue Obama Internet operative?
Scott M said... My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Not at all. I want to know by what metric you're measuring success or failure. You don't seem to have a very long memory re this topic between me and thee and how I came to ask you about it in the first place a couple months back.
What constitutes not completing a run? Not winning? Not being on the ballot on November 4th? Please explain what not completing a run means. This is crucial.
Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible---
OMG, who cares about being “eligible” you Knucklehead, HE’S GOT THE POWER…..ObamaCare, Auto Bail-Outs, Financial Reform, EPA regulations, Kagan, Sotamayor, that’s what he’s got…YOU’VE got some pathetic 12 y.o. argument that is basically, Neeener-neener-boo-Boo, you can’t do that” To which Obama can rightly respond, “I just did.” You have NOTHING and have stopped NOTHING….
But you have hi-jacked a thread nicely. You can do something well.
"Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible---
OMG, who cares about being “eligible” you Knucklehead, HE’S GOT THE POWER…..ObamaCare, Auto Bail-Outs, Financial Reform, EPA regulations, Kagan, Sotamayor, that’s what he’s got…YOU’VE got some pathetic 12 y.o. argument that is basically, Neeener-neener-boo-Boo, you can’t do that” To which Obama can rightly respond, “I just did.” You have NOTHING and have stopped NOTHING….
But you have hi-jacked a thread nicely. You can do something well."
I have not had the opportunity Yet (courts say no standing). And you still haven't answered the question, because you can't. That question Proves his ineligibity. Why do you think that it not allowed to be asked in the media?Your assertion that "he sits there so he's eligible" is pure nonsense.
Mick, you are being juvenile…again, who cares if he is “eligible?” He’s ELECTED! You keep acting AS IF, this mythical ineligibility makes Obama powerless, which he’s not…dood/doodette…This is why you’re clueless…even though I keep pointing out that all of his actions are valid and confirmed by law and Congress, YOU keep acting as if, simply saying “He’s ineligible” makes his actions non-entities. I keep hearing Goober yelling “Citizens Aye-rest, Citizens AYE-REST”
Plus if you have no standing to sue, you have no capacity to make him INELIGIBLE…and hence, by DEFINITION he IS “eligible.”
And so I’m done with you. You have this mantra of He’s British, he’s ineligible, his actions are null and void, but at no point can you prove any of these assertions nor change any outcomes. Hence, as a agent of change you are pointless and useless. The ONLY thing to stop Obama from being in office come January 2013 is the election of Palin…..SHE’S a “natural born citizen,” right?
"Mick, you are being juvenile…again, who cares if he is “eligible?” He’s ELECTED! You keep acting AS IF, this mythical ineligibility makes Obama powerless, which he’s not…dood/doodette…This is why you’re clueless…even though I keep pointing out that all of his actions are valid and confirmed by law and Congress, YOU keep acting as if, simply saying “He’s ineligible” makes his actions non-entities. I keep hearing Goober yelling “Citizens Aye-rest, Citizens AYE-REST”
Plus if you have no standing to sue, you have no capacity to make him INELIGIBLE…and hence, by DEFINITION he IS “eligible.”
And so I’m done with you. You have this mantra of He’s British, he’s ineligible, his actions are null and void, but at no point can you prove any of these assertions nor change any outcomes. Hence, as a agent of change you are pointless and useless. The ONLY thing to stop Obama from being in office come January 2013 is the election of Palin…..SHE’S a “natural born citizen,” right?"
Ah the musings of a leftist who doesn't care about the rule of law. There are methods described in the 20th and 25th Amendments to unset an ineligible POTUS Elect or POTUS, so the fact that he is elected means nothing, since he must be eligible. We are a nation of LAWS. If removed for that ineligibility, then anything he signed is null and void. Obama is being protected by Congress, as they all know he is ineligible. They are all committing treason-- on both sides. Palin, born in America of 2 US Citizen parents IS a natural born Citizen, Marco Rubio, who's parents were in the US for 15 years before Marco was born, is not. He was born in 1972, and his parents were naturalized in 1975. Bobby Jindal is not natural born either, since his parents were Indian Non Citizen residents when Jindal was born in La. Either one of them could be a REAL statesman, and wouldn't even have to mention Obama. They could demure from running because they "respect the Constitution", and since their parents were not US Citizens when they were born, they are not eligible. But there are no statesmen, only dirtbags, like the Usurper. Even Palin cannot be trusted, as she too has failed to speak, but maybe she has a surprise, who knows.
Funny how you ignore all inconvenient facts in my prior posts, but that is typical of your ilk. I thought you were done hours ago!
Sometimes I come late to the party and I have 100+ comments to skim through. This time, it was easy skimming: skip all of Mick's. Thanks, Mick, for taking the work out of it for me.
As for the President working hard, if there were any indication that his non-stop work had to do with him trying to understand the issues, I might buy it. As it is...it's too easy to remember his explanation of how car insurances worked for him.
E.M. Davis said... "I still don't understand how British Nationality Acts trump the U.S. Constitution.
If you were being honest, wouldn't he have dual citizenship, since he was born to an American in the United States in 1961?"
Just like children born to US Citizens abroad are considered US Citizens, it also works the other way. Those children are US Citizens by statute, as was Obama, born in Hi. to an American mother. He was naturalized as a US Citizen by the 14th Amendment. He was also considered by Britain to be a British Subject, born to a British subject father. Only those born in the US of 2 US Citizens need no naturalization. They are US Citizens of Natural Law. The rationale of the framers was to insulate the Presidency from foreign influence by requiring a second generation American Citizen, insulated from foreign influence by 2 US Citizen parents, and born on US Soil, to be POTUS. If the PURPOSE was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then Obama, born BRITISH, is certainly not eligible.
I always thought the "civilian force" as powerful as the military was one of the ages. Didn't he also say something about if everyone had their tires properly inflated we could end foreign imports of oil?
Phil 3:14 said... "Two questions: 1) Did you all really think the FLOTUS speaking at a $1000/plate funder raiser would not "preach to the choir"?
2) Does anyone really believe you will change Mick's mind?"
No one can-- the truth is the truth. You can't answer the question either I see.
If the perpose of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence, then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
You mean NO ONE can answer that question? I thought you were, like smart, or something!
Looks like the thread dissolved into a natural born issue--have to give Mick credit for derailing it
as to the FLOTUS comments--like what the fuck did she and her sorry ass husband think the President's job was? a nine to five day job?
the jug eared asshole has fucked up every thing he has touched--any normal supervisor would have fired his sorry black ass in 6 months--he's a sorry excuse for both a human being and worse yet, the worst president this republic has had--love that white liberal guilt
Looks like the thread dissolved into a natural born issue--have to give Mick credit for derailing it
as to the FLOTUS comments--like what the fuck did she and her sorry ass husband think the President's job was? a nine to five day job?
the jug eared asshole has fucked up every thing he has touched--any normal supervisor would have fired his sorry black ass in 6 months--he's a sorry excuse for both a human being and worse yet, the worst president this republic has had--love that white liberal guilt
Mick, I'm pretty sure you have been told this before, but let me try again. The only people born on US territory who are not US citizens are the children of foreign diplomats. Obama's father was not a diplomat. His father's nationality is irrelevant to Obama’s US citizenship.
..Yet in the alert, warm animal there lies the pain and burden of an enormous sadness. For it too feels the presence of what often overwhelms us: a memory, as if the element we keep pressing toward was once more intimate, more true, and our communion infinitely tender. Here all is distance; there it was breath. After that first home, the second seems ambiguous and drafty. Oh bliss of the tiny creature which remains forever inside the womb that was its shelter; joy of the gnat which, still within, leaps up even at its marriage: for everything is womb. And look at the half-assurance of the bird, which knows both inner and outer, from its source, as if it were the soul of an Etruscan, flown out of a dead man received inside a space, but with his reclining image as the lid. And how bewildered is any womb-born creature that has to fly. As if terrified and fleeing from itself, it zigzags through the air, the way a crack runs through a teacup. So the bat quivers across the porcelain of evening..
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What, is he worried about his handicap?
Jay-zus Christ. Tell me, was someone playing a violin in the background?
Doesn't take a day off? Hell's bells, the GOOD days for this country are the ones when he's out playing 36.
I'm actually very glad he's in campaign mode so soon. It's going to limit the amount of damage he does.
Supposedly he said his family would be fine w/1 term.
He's the president of the US. Of course one doesn't get a day off.
Honestly, what in the hell did they think this job entails?
Unlike W, he's homeless.
The lines on Obama's face are Bush's fault.
Fuck them both - fuck their husbands - just make them all go away.
Has any other president whined like this one has about how tough the job is? Good lord grow a pair already.
Worry? Please, he is doing his intended job perfectly. Obama was planted by the NWO Central Bankers to put the final nails in the coffin of the sovreignty of We the people, by invading the Oval Office w/ foreign influence. He is not a natural born Citizen, since he was born a British subject, of a British subject father. He is puposefully degrading the Constitution.
Obama was installed (McCain wasn't natural born either--born in Panama, and was never meant to win) by the Central Banking elite. His task is to systematically overwhelm the economy, and bring about collapse, to be followed by a new vision in the Marxist ideal.
The NWO chose Obama for a reason-- his lack of allegiance and attachmant to America.
Obama's Kryptonite---
Since the purpose of the natural born Citizen requirement is to prevent foreign influence into the Oval Office (FACT--see Federalist #68), how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
Oh he said it alright.
Obama: My family is 'fine' with one term
Looks like the family can't take it either.
He is worried he might not get a second term and that would not sit well with the Ego In Chief.
I could see him running a State Department Of Education, somewhere, like Illinois...or Hawaii.
Maybe the Gingriches and the Obamas can retire and spend some quality time together. Far from us.
how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
So, what's your plan to remove him/prevent re-election?
I remember when she told us her husband would require us to work. Maybe we aren't working hard enough yet and are thus adding to his burden.
It is such an odd thing about politics, that we ask wives to get out and campaign as proxies for their husbands.
Imagine Althouse sending Meade in to teach a class if one day she took ill. I imagine myself going to meet my husband's client to help sell them on a new contract.
It IS a tough job...
especially when you don't know what the fuck you're doing!
You need some new material.
He could always resign. For the good of his health. And the health of the nation.
We can survive a short term President Biden.
"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed."
We can survive a short term President Biden.
Exactly what went through my mind when I heard the "my family's okay with one term" quote. Although, I would imagine a short Biden term would give us candidate Hillary again.
Perhaps the reference to a "worth ethic" was a Freudian slip and not a typo...
AllenS said...
You need some new material."
So you are not outraged that the putative POTUS is Usurping the office? And if you think he IS eligible, then answer the question. How can it be possible that one born BRITISH is eligible to be POTUS?
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
MO: Seriously, do you still believe your lying eyes?
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
He is just worried that he has so much more work to do before being booted out of office that he might not get it all done. He has nationalized the auto industry, crippled health care and health care insurance, hampered energy. I guess there is more to be done in screwing up education and construction and manufacturing. Wait, if NLRB has their way we can permanently hobble Boeing. No, there is loads for him to do before he is turned out. How many years will it take us to recover from the damage?
When are we getting out light bulbs back? You know, when incandescent bulbs are outlawed, only outlaws will have incandescent light bulbs.
Will he leave without instituting a National Championship Play-off Tournament? The trophy could be called the "Barack Cup" and the Championship Game could be called the "Obama Bowl"? Remember, you heard it here first.
Scott M said...
"how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS?
So, what's your plan to remove him/prevent re-election?"
Nunya. And what do you care anyway? You whine and complain about his "policies" but are clueless as to his Constitutional violation that nullifies everything he has signed---Duh. You will know.
"...that you move out of your comfort zone..."
I'm so far out of my comfort zone that even Moochelle would be surprised.
So you are not outraged that the putative POTUS is Usurping the office?
We know that you are enraged about it. Obviously this requires action on the part of those enraged. What is that action going to be?
He has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting.
The guy works less than any president in the past 60-70 years at least. Unless you count golf and worthless traveling to comfort our enemies and confound our allies.
Maybe it's jetlag.
Mick complains almost as much as the Obamas.
Also, repeatedly commenting at Althouse isn't going to get the usurper out any quicker.
(The Crypto Jew)
We know that you are enraged about it. Obviously this requires action on the part of those enraged. What is that action going to be?
He shall taunt you a SECOND time…..
but are clueless as to his Constitutional violation that nullifies everything he has signed
How can you call me clueless if you're absolutely correct about everything you've ever posted here on the topic?
Yeah, Mick, I post here about his policies. Primarily because I think dealing with Obamacare effectively is more a reality than your attempts to remove him from office, whatever that entails. Which do you think is more likely to impact your life?
If President Obama somehow raises taxes on your income bracket, Mick, are you going to refuse to pay that increase based on his unconstitutional authority to sign the law raising said taxes?
So Obama's British now?
Where do these people come from? Indymedia, Democratic Underground? Free Republic?
Obama is a plant from the Zebulon's insidiously plotting to increase our Thetan levels.
Is it embarrassing that Michelle talks about him never taking a day off when he is in the midst of a fund-raising trip to Miami and Puerto Rico?
What exactly does she consider work, and what does she consider his own time?
(The Crypto Jew)
Mick, to the extent he’s not a “Moby”, wants to take the “easy route out.” Obama not eligible, Obama impeached, Obama gone…all acts null and void…sadly the last is not guaranteed. Much of what Obama has done was valid and legal, if not prudential, and courts are not going to overturn ObamaCare or EPA regulations on the basis of Obama’s impeachment. They were valid laws, or regulations, and will be enforced until repealed or amended. Mick just wants you to think that he has a plan to return us to 18 January 2009, “painlessly.” At best Veep Biden confirms all actions previously undertaken, and we return to today…
Add up all the time on the links and bow-and-scrape junkets as vacation and he's only been in office about a year.
Michelle should see the sadness and worry creasing my husband's face as he contemplates his retirement --hyperinflation and a de-funded Medicare complete with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment.
DADvocate said...
He has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting.
Oh, man -- now you have me wanting to watch A Knight's Tale tonight!
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"Mick, to the extent he’s not a “Moby”, wants to take the “easy route out.” Obama not eligible, Obama impeached, Obama gone…all acts null and void…sadly the last is not guaranteed. Much of what Obama has done was valid and legal, if not prudential, and courts are not going to overturn ObamaCare or EPA regulations on the basis of Obama’s impeachment. They were valid laws, or regulations, and will be enforced until repealed or amended. Mick just wants you to think that he has a plan to return us to 18 January 2009, “painlessly.” At best Veep Biden confirms all actions previously undertaken, and we return to today…"
He wouldn't be impeached, since ineligibility is not a crime or misdemeanor. Quo Warranto in the DC District is the only means to expel him. Actions of an illegal POTUS are null and void, including the Communist SCOTUS appointments. As a Presidential candidate, many people will also have standing to challenge his eligibility, if he makes it full first term.
(The Crypto Jew)
with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment.
Glupy ptitsa, Obama is one of the Vlasti, the Nomenklatura, he will have health care in perpetuity, at the Special Clinics. Death Panels are for the Narod, the Bitter-Clingers. I’m pleased to see that my many years study of the CCCR will finally pay off! I simply did not expect to see the it here, just study it THERE…Oh well.
When the left constantly snarked at Dubya for his "vacations," it was like talking to a brick wall to insist that no president has a "day off," no matter what. So I'll give Little Black Jesus that much.
But I do sympathize with the First Klingon. Sadness and worry will crease your face when you actually have a job - that you have to show up for and from which results are expected - for the first time in your life.
Salamandyr said...
"So Obama's British now?
Where do these people come from? Indymedia, Democratic Underground? Free Republic?
Obama is a plant from the Zebulon's insidiously plotting to increase our Thetan levels."
Yes, he admits to birth as a British Subject, of a British Subject father. His "Citizenship was governed by Britain" says Obama himself. So answer the question--- how can Obama be a natural born Citizen if he was born BRITISH, in light of the fact that A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence?
From Fight the Smears (Obama's campaign website):
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
(The Crypto Jew)
Silly Mick they are NOT “null and void” they were legally and validly passed or promulgated. No court is going to hold EPA regulations null and void that have been validly placed in the CFR. The US SENATE confirmed Kagan and Sotamayor, so their appointments are valid as well. Reid and Pelosi passed ObamaCare LEGALLY, ObamaCare is going nowhere. You live in a funny Dream World….
Between FLOTUS and POTUS comments...can they be any more tone deaf..sounds like Tony Hayward from BP wanting his life back. I think what is most obvious is that Obama was clueless of the demands and work required. He was just going to smile, charm and give a few "let's get her done" speeches and party on. Why would he not think that? What work had he actually done prior? And now he's pouting...they don't appreciate me...look how hard I worked...only 75 rounds of golf this year, at 3hrs each minimum...that's 5-6 weeks spent on the golf course. Never let the facts get in the way of your self centered narrative.
ScottM said
"How can you call me clueless if you're absolutely correct about everything you've ever posted here on the topic?"
So you're saying that I am absolutely correct? Where's your outrage then? I will prevent him from running again. You keep whining. Meantime, I educate as many as possible.
I will prevent him from running again.
How? He's already running?
Btw, you said "clueless". That doesn't apply if I've read any of your posts, which I have. Thus, I have a clue. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree. You seem to be incapable of giving me a plan of action outside blog comments.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
Silly Mick they are NOT “null and void” they were legally and validly passed or promulgated. No court is going to hold EPA regulations null and void that have been validly placed in the CFR. The US SENATE confirmed Kagan and Sotamayor, so their appointments are valid as well. Reid and Pelosi passed ObamaCare LEGALLY, ObamaCare is going nowhere. You live in a funny Dream World….
All appointments and bills (including the totally unconstitutional, and criminally passed Obamacare) signed off by an illegal Usurper are null and void. So answer the question--- cat got your tongue? How is it possible that one born British is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? NO ONE can answer, and NO ONE will, because it is the reflection of Truth.
He got Osama - that's all he needed to do.
It was very stressful making that decision.
He should eat more chili dogs, the lines will disappear.
Quit picking on the poor black man.
You are RACISTS! Do you hear me! RACISTS!
Callista advice? Botox?
Holy Cow! Biddy is leaving UW!
(The Crypto Jew)
All appointments and bills (including the totally unconstitutional, and criminally passed Obamacare) signed off by an illegal Usurper are null and void. So answer the question--- cat got your tongue? How is it possible that one born British is a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS? NO ONE can answer, and NO ONE will, because it is the reflection of Truth.
1. He’s NOT a British Citizen, but a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and therefore NOT an “Usurper.” I reject your base premise, but as you are impervious to logic, history, or law on the matter I will not debate it any more.
2. So we move on to your further claims which are laughable as well. His acts are NOT “null and void” they are valid and many have been affirmed by ANOTHER Branch of the Federal Government, making it next to impossible to ever undo them by Judicial fiat
You sirrah are a one-trick pony, and a rather dull one at that.
Scott M said...
"I will prevent him from running again.
How? He's already running?
Btw, you said "clueless". That doesn't apply if I've read any of your posts, which I have. Thus, I have a clue. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree. You seem to be incapable of giving me a plan of action outside blog comments."
My window of opportunity has not occurred yet.
In light of the FACT that A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence, how is it possible that Obama, born BRITISH, is eligible? Can you answer the question, or do you avoid it, like everyone else? NONE of the esteemed "lawyers", "law profs" or other self acknowledged "smarties" here can answer that question. If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
Maybe she has a point. I recall my first job was pretty exhausting.
Crikey. What did they think the Presidency was?
If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
I might be. You wouldn't know because you never seem to listen very well. I've never agreed or disagreed with your position. I have always asked you just what the hell you're going to do about it. Again, you seem incapable of telling me.
Interesting she says it in reference to the upcoming campaign, not governing America. We always knew thir priorities, but I'm surprised to see them admit it.
"Maybe she has a point. I recall my first job was pretty exhausting."
Quit picking on the poor black man.
You are RACISTS! Do you hear me! RACISTS!
ST, just use this
WV: Chrumas <-- The annual festive celebration of the birth of Jesus Chru.
His mother was an American citizen. Thats all there has to be to be a natural born citizen. Like John McCain, born in Panama to US Citizen parents who were, not coincidentally, officials representing the country, is a natural born citizen.
You have given no credible cite in this post as to why you are right.
" MayBee said...
Is it embarrassing that Michelle talks about him never taking a day off when he is in the midst of a fund-raising trip to Miami and Puerto Rico?
What exactly does she consider work, and what does she consider his own time?"
This was the 14th week in a row Obama played golf. Bush gave up the game during his presidency after the media turned one round into a circus.
I don't care that Obama plays. I just wonder how liberals can be smacked in the face with constant and irrefutable evidence of bias and still pretned it doesn't exist.
I guess the only answer is they're dumber than dog shit. But really, it's hard to believe so many are so stupid.
Martha said:
"Michelle should see the sadness and worry creasing my husband's face as he contemplates his retirement --hyperinflation and a de-funded Medicare complete with a DEATHPANEL to decide whether or not he "qualifies" for medical treatment."
Thread winner!
And Hoosier gets 2nd place!
U got 401k's those might be "defunded" as well.
SGT Ted said...
His mother was an American citizen. Thats all there has to be to be a natural born citizen. Like John McCain, born in Panama to US Citizen parents who were, not coincidentally, officials representing the country, is a natural born citizen.
You have given no credible cite in this post as to why you are right"
No credible posts? I love that one (it's common). I've given MANY historical and factual cites as to why a natural born Citizen must be born of 2 US Citizen parents in America. McCain was not a natural born Citizen, since it took a statute regarding children born of Americans in the PCZ to make him a citizen. Natural born Citizens require no statute, and are the only Non Naturalized US Citizens. EVERYONE else is a Citizen by Congressional statute, or the 14th Amendment. So WHERE is your cite for your claim of birth to 1 US Citizen makes one a natural born Citizen?
Scott M said...
"If you can't answer the question, then why are you not outraged that a Usurper is sitting in the Oval Office?
I might be. You wouldn't know because you never seem to listen very well. I've never agreed or disagreed with your position. I have always asked you just what the hell you're going to do about it. Again, you seem incapable of telling me."
So why do I have to tell you again? Can you answer the question? Nope.
Michelle Obama channels CheChe, the famous Kos poster.
"I don't think I've ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. ..
I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult - the rage and feelings of helplessness were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words - nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, "Honey, I just don't know - I don't know what's going on in this country anymore..."
When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, "Daddy" she said, "why are the Republicans doing this to the country?" Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.
For once she had to comfort me and get me back on my feet. Sometimes I just think it's too much, but seeing the strength in my young daughter's voice helped me to get through.
Federalist #68 By A. Hamilton, who wanted A2S1C5 to say "born a Citizen, but was overruled in favor of natural born Citizen.
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
So why do I have to tell you again?
You have never told me what you plan to do in the first place. How can you tell me "again" something you've never told me in the first place? You have zero proof that I've ever disagreed with your position on the legality of President Obama's presidency. The fact that you keep coming back to that, and your lack of laying out an action plan for like-minded people to remove him from office both tell me you're an empty suit with nothing going on but outrage.
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?
(The Crypto Jew)
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
Because he was born in America to an AMERICAN citizen….this is the part you have trouble understanding. His dad wasn’t a foreign national stationed here for official purposes. Barak Hussein Obama may be a LOUSY POTUS, but he’s a LEGAL one…sorry about your luck Mick.
A better approach, when your medications finally kick in and you forget this obsession, would be to CAMPAIGN against Obama….rather than keep hoping some Federal Court is going to agree with your hair-brained beliefs.
I question your premises because your conclusions are so obviously false….
(The Crypto Jew)
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?
I believe his plan is to write long, turgid screeds on Althouse until January 2013 or January 2017, depending on the outcome in November of 2012. After that he’ll discover some other Constitutional Bug-a-boo to bore us or others with.
Don't be so hard on FLOTUS. She was out begging campaign bucks, and when you've got no record you resort to saying stupid shit and mooching pity.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
A2S1C5 was designed to prevent foreign influence. So how is it possible that Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH, and who's citizenship was "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN", can be a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS
"Because he was born in America to an AMERICAN citizen….this is the part you have trouble understanding. His dad wasn’t a foreign national stationed here for official purposes. Barak Hussein Obama may be a LOUSY POTUS, but he’s a LEGAL one…sorry about your luck Mick.
A better approach, when your medications finally kick in and you forget this obsession, would be to CAMPAIGN against Obama….rather than keep hoping some Federal Court is going to agree with your hair-brained beliefs.
I question your premises because your conclusions are so obviously false…."
He was born British, to a British Subject, and says that his "Citizenship was governed by Britain", so I think even Obama would disagree w/ you. Do you disagree with the FACT that the purpose of A2S1C5 was to prevent foreign influence, or that Obama was born British? And where is that cite saying that the child of ONE US Citizen is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
"It IS a tough job...
especially when you don't know what the fuck you're doing!"
I actually do feel sorry for him on this level. The economy is in the shitter and I think he truely doesn't understand why. He's incapable of understanding that all his cherished beliefs in big government are the problem.
Scott M said...
"So why do I have to tell you again?
You have never told me what you plan to do in the first place. How can you tell me "again" something you've never told me in the first place? You have zero proof that I've ever disagreed with your position on the legality of President Obama's presidency. The fact that you keep coming back to that, and your lack of laying out an action plan for like-minded people to remove him from office both tell me you're an empty suit with nothing going on but outrage.
The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?"
I meant "again" euphemistically, like "tell me a gain why I have to tell you". Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest. Only fools rush in.
If you agreed (and you should), by your philosophy, you would be doing something, so that tells me that you don't. That's OK, since there are many readers that don't comment that are getting educated. These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
Original Mike said...
"It IS a tough job...
especially when you don't know what the fuck you're doing!"
I actually do feel sorry for him on this level. The economy is in the shitter and I think he truely doesn't understand why. He's incapable of understanding that all his cherished beliefs in big government are the problem."
He understands perfectly. His "job" is to make it worse.
Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest.
When he is on stage at the convention accepting his party's nomination for POTUS in 2012, can we, at that point, assume you would have failed?
"He understands perfectly. His "job" is to make it worse."
"The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?"
You're gonna make Mick cry.
When U surround yourself w/socialists, communists, terrorists, who HATE US, then apply said tactics/princples of said ideology,
You're either a true believer or a useful idiot.
Did Uncle Joe know the sheeple or what?
He's The Won.
It's really really REALLY gonna work this time!
(The Crypto Jew)
These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
They may demonstrate vacuousness or obstinacy or even blind, willful, stupidity, but it isn’t ALL on the “opposition” side, trust me, Mick. Heck, at least Cedarford, can tailor his/her anti-Semitism to the thread, and sometimes, C4 even manages to leave the Juice ENTIRELY out of his/her comment. YOU, however, are simply beating the same dead horse, for no good reason….you’ve been told you’re wrong, shown the law, told by consular officials, you’re wrong, but you keep coming back with this silly argument….
To recap
1. Obama IS a “natural born citizen”; and
2. Even were he NOT, his actions would stand as they were either valid administrative actions, and/or confirmed by the Legislative branch; and finally
3. No court has seen fit to honour your delusion with a ruling, remotely, close to what you want, so your ‘solution” is a complete pipedream. Give it up dood/doodette.
NYTNewYorker said...
"The Framers were outraged. They did something about it. What are you going to do?"
You're gonna make Mick cry."
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
(The Crypto Jew)
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
And were he to do so, what would Mick do about it?
(The Crypto Jew)
So answer the question. If Obama admits to being a British subject, "governed by Britain" at birth, then how is it possible that he is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
Or if he admitted it 18 January 2013/2017 what would anyone do about it?
So answer the question.
Answer mine. I have reasons for keeping my opinion about it close to the vest.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"These threads show the vacuousness of the opposing opinion.
They may demonstrate vacuousness or obstinacy or even blind, willful, stupidity, but it isn’t ALL on the “opposition” side, trust me, Mick. Heck, at least Cedarford, can tailor his/her anti-Semitism to the thread, and sometimes, C4 even manages to leave the Juice ENTIRELY out of his/her comment. YOU, however, are simply beating the same dead horse, for no good reason….you’ve been told you’re wrong, shown the law, told by consular officials, you’re wrong, but you keep coming back with this silly argument….
To recap
1. Obama IS a “natural born citizen”; and
2. Even were he NOT, his actions would stand as they were either valid administrative actions, and/or confirmed by the Legislative branch; and finally
3. No court has seen fit to honour your delusion with a ruling, remotely, close to what you want, so your ‘solution” is a complete pipedream. Give it up dood/doodette"
Right. Consular Officials?
1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen.
2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid.
3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases.
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence.
Mick's First Symphony:
(key of C major)
(pp) C C C C C C C C C C ...
(ff) C C C C C C C C C C!
My window of opportunity has not occurred yet.
Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest. Only fools rush in.
Uh-oh. "Helter skelter!" as Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme would say.
Mick, give it a rest. I'd vote for Yakov Smirnoff if he ran. Unlike some, he was always proud of his adopted country.
(The Crypto Jew)
Right. Consular Officials?
1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen.
2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid.
So when Joe Biden RE-SIGNS ObamaCare whatcha gonna do? And again, Kagan and Sotamayor were CONFIRMED by the US Senate. And EPA regulations don’t require a POTUS signature. So tell me again about all this “null and void” stuff again.
3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases.
Well then I guess the courts aren’t the place to discuss this then are they?
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence.
My answer is that his citizenship was NOT “determined by Britain” dood/doodette, but also by his maternal citizenship and his birth country…both US.
I’m pretty much done with you, Mick…you have a laughable argument about Obama’s citizenship, you’re “solution” is for some hypothetical Federal Court to rule him “unqualified” and then you’re conclusions are unwarranted…and you’re “clueless” that is to say you lack any mechanism to judge your actions or words, there is no self-monitoring, and so even when confronted with unassailable logic or facts, you continue to mouth your foolishnesses. In short, you are CLUELESS. You cannot begin to fathom that you’re wrong and will continue to argue, mindlessly, about how “correct” you are.
Rick67 said...
"Mick's First Symphony:
(key of C major)
(pp) C C C C C C C C C C ...
(ff) C C C C C C C C C C!
6/14/11 12:09 PM
murgatroyd666 said...
My window of opportunity has not occurred yet.
Anyway, I have reasons for keeping it close to the vest. Only fools rush in.
Uh-oh. "Helter skelter!" as Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme would say".
I see nether of you can answer the question either. Obama was born British, thus not eligible as natural born Citizen, even if born in the Oval Office.
Cat got your tongue, Mick? If President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination to be their presidential candidate, making it official by accepting it on stage at their convention, will that be proof you have failed?
You know what's good for getting rid of sad worrying creases? A nice hot iron, that's what. I got a clothes steamer that would work too.
(The Crypto Jew)
You know what's good for getting rid of sad worrying creases?.
Be careful, the Secret Service might show up and confiscate your iron….would a rice steamer work to eliminate those creases as well?
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
Right. Consular Officials?
1) your assertion that Obama is a natural born Citizen is not cited, as to birth to ONE US Citizen.
2) Obama's signature is needed to activate the legislation, if he is ineligible, then the legislation is Null and Vid.
So when Joe Biden RE-SIGNS ObamaCare whatcha gonna do? And again, Kagan and Sotamayor were CONFIRMED by the US Senate. And EPA regulations don’t require a POTUS signature. So tell me again about all this “null and void” stuff again.
3)The courts have only said that the plaintiffs have no "standing", they have NEVER ruled on the merits of the cases.
Well then I guess the courts aren’t the place to discuss this then are they?
I see that you still can't answer. If Obama was born British, to a British subject father, and his citizenship was "governed by Britain", how is it possible that Obama is a natural born Citizen in light of the fact that the requirement was made to prevent foreign influence.
My answer is that his citizenship was NOT “determined by Britain” dood/doodette, but also by his maternal citizenship and his birth country…both US.
I’m pretty much done with you, Mick…you have a laughable argument about Obama’s citizenship, you’re “solution” is for some hypothetical Federal Court to rule him “unqualified” and then you’re conclusions are unwarranted…and you’re “clueless” that is to say you lack any mechanism to judge your actions or words, there is no self-monitoring, and so even when confronted with unassailable logic or facts, you continue to mouth your foolishnesses. In short, you are CLUELESS. You cannot begin to fathom that you’re wrong and will continue to argue, mindlessly, about how “correct” you are."
Nice Alinsky there, but you said you were "done" (you can't answer the question, or cite the reason why I am wrong) an hour ago!
Again, here is what Obama says at Fight the Smears, his campaign website:
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Get that? "GOVERNED BY BRITAIN". How can a natural BORN citizen of the US have his citizenship "governed" by Britain.
Oh yeah, here's the SCOTUS on what a natural born Citizen is (and this was after the 14th Amendment).
Minor v. Happersett (1874):
"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
Have fun w/ that. How does it feel to do the bidding of a Usurper? Feel treasonous yet?
Scott M said...
"Cat got your tongue, Mick? If President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination to be their presidential candidate, making it official by accepting it on stage at their convention, will that be proof you have failed?"
This political class cares nothing for the Constitution, neither to those they pander to, so no. But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
John Jay's letter to G. Washington (1787)
“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”
"Strong check against the admission of foreigners". So how can Obama, ADMITTEDLY born BRITISH eligible?
But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
You said you were going to prevent him from running again. He's already running. What is the milestone, exactly, that you predict that you will be successfully be able to stop him from reaching? This isn't a complicated question.
Have fun w/ that. How does it feel to do the bidding of a Usurper? Feel treasonous yet?
"What is government, if words have no meaning?"
-- Jared Lee Loughner
Scott M said...
"But I feel that I can prevent that senario, but just attaining party nomination is not the end of the Republic. Attaining a second term is.
You said you were going to prevent him from running again. He's already running. What is the milestone, exactly, that you predict that you will be successfully be able to stop him from reaching? This isn't a complicated question."
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Minor v. Happersett (1874):
"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
(The Crypto Jew)
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Well as your “tactic” did not:
1) Prevent his FIRST campaign, nor
2) His FIRST term,
Let us just say we find your little to be confident in concerning your tactics or strategery.
Federalist #68 By A. Hamilton, who wanted A2S1C5 to say "born a Citizen, but was overruled in favor of natural born Citizen.
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention."
How can Obama be a "creature of our own", when born to a British father, and governed by Britain? How is it possible that Obama can be eligible, when the purpose of A2S1C5 was to PREVENT foreign influence?
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Not at all. I want to know by what metric you're measuring success or failure. You don't seem to have a very long memory re this topic between me and thee and how I came to ask you about it in the first place a couple months back.
What constitutes not completing a run? Not winning? Not being on the ballot on November 4th? Please explain what not completing a run means. This is crucial.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Well as your “tactic” did not:
1) Prevent his FIRST campaign, nor
2) His FIRST term,
Let us just say we find your little to be confident in concerning your tactics or strategery."
Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible--- and you STILL can't answer the question. Cat's still got your tongue Obama Internet operative?
Scott M said...
My tactic will prevent him from completing his run. So what do you care? Are you trying to get me to say something criminal?
Not at all. I want to know by what metric you're measuring success or failure. You don't seem to have a very long memory re this topic between me and thee and how I came to ask you about it in the first place a couple months back.
What constitutes not completing a run? Not winning? Not being on the ballot on November 4th? Please explain what not completing a run means. This is crucial.
Being taken off the ballot for ineligibility.
Being taken off the ballot for ineligibility
Which ballot?
all ballots
(The Crypto Jew)
Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible---
OMG, who cares about being “eligible” you Knucklehead, HE’S GOT THE POWER…..ObamaCare, Auto Bail-Outs, Financial Reform, EPA regulations, Kagan, Sotamayor, that’s what he’s got…YOU’VE got some pathetic 12 y.o. argument that is basically, Neeener-neener-boo-Boo, you can’t do that” To which Obama can rightly respond, “I just did.” You have NOTHING and have stopped NOTHING….
But you have hi-jacked a thread nicely. You can do something well.
all ballots
So, whatever it is you're planning on doing, you're going to have his name taken off the ballot for president in all 50 states?
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"Again, all nonsense. Means nothing. The fact that he sits in the chair does not mean he's eligible---
OMG, who cares about being “eligible” you Knucklehead, HE’S GOT THE POWER…..ObamaCare, Auto Bail-Outs, Financial Reform, EPA regulations, Kagan, Sotamayor, that’s what he’s got…YOU’VE got some pathetic 12 y.o. argument that is basically, Neeener-neener-boo-Boo, you can’t do that” To which Obama can rightly respond, “I just did.” You have NOTHING and have stopped NOTHING….
But you have hi-jacked a thread nicely. You can do something well."
I have not had the opportunity Yet (courts say no standing). And you still haven't answered the question, because you can't. That question Proves his ineligibity. Why do you think that it not allowed to be asked in the media?Your assertion that "he sits there so he's eligible" is pure nonsense.
He's not having the fainting in the aisles.
For the first time in his life he found himself less than adored and getting heckled.
Of course he's sad and worried.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Our Golfer in Chief doesn't take any days off? I wish he'd take every day off - less opportunity to damage America.
(The Crypto Jew)
Mick, you are being juvenile…again, who cares if he is “eligible?” He’s ELECTED! You keep acting AS IF, this mythical ineligibility makes Obama powerless, which he’s not…dood/doodette…This is why you’re clueless…even though I keep pointing out that all of his actions are valid and confirmed by law and Congress, YOU keep acting as if, simply saying “He’s ineligible” makes his actions non-entities. I keep hearing Goober yelling “Citizens Aye-rest, Citizens AYE-REST”
Plus if you have no standing to sue, you have no capacity to make him INELIGIBLE…and hence, by DEFINITION he IS “eligible.”
And so I’m done with you. You have this mantra of He’s British, he’s ineligible, his actions are null and void, but at no point can you prove any of these assertions nor change any outcomes. Hence, as a agent of change you are pointless and useless.
The ONLY thing to stop Obama from being in office come January 2013 is the election of Palin…..SHE’S a “natural born citizen,” right?
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"Mick, you are being juvenile…again, who cares if he is “eligible?” He’s ELECTED! You keep acting AS IF, this mythical ineligibility makes Obama powerless, which he’s not…dood/doodette…This is why you’re clueless…even though I keep pointing out that all of his actions are valid and confirmed by law and Congress, YOU keep acting as if, simply saying “He’s ineligible” makes his actions non-entities. I keep hearing Goober yelling “Citizens Aye-rest, Citizens AYE-REST”
Plus if you have no standing to sue, you have no capacity to make him INELIGIBLE…and hence, by DEFINITION he IS “eligible.”
And so I’m done with you. You have this mantra of He’s British, he’s ineligible, his actions are null and void, but at no point can you prove any of these assertions nor change any outcomes. Hence, as a agent of change you are pointless and useless.
The ONLY thing to stop Obama from being in office come January 2013 is the election of Palin…..SHE’S a “natural born citizen,” right?"
Ah the musings of a leftist who doesn't care about the rule of law. There are methods described in the 20th and 25th Amendments to unset an ineligible POTUS Elect or POTUS, so the fact that he is elected means nothing, since he must be eligible. We are a nation of LAWS. If removed for that ineligibility, then anything he signed is null and void. Obama is being protected by Congress, as they all know he is ineligible. They are all committing treason-- on both sides. Palin, born in America of 2 US Citizen parents IS a natural born Citizen, Marco Rubio, who's parents were in the US for 15 years before Marco was born, is not. He was born in 1972, and his parents were naturalized in 1975. Bobby Jindal is not natural born either, since his parents were Indian Non Citizen residents when Jindal was born in La. Either one of them could be a REAL statesman, and wouldn't even have to mention Obama. They could demure from running because they "respect the Constitution", and since their parents were not US Citizens when they were born, they are not eligible. But there are no statesmen, only dirtbags, like the Usurper. Even Palin cannot be trusted, as she too has failed to speak, but maybe she has a surprise, who knows.
Funny how you ignore all inconvenient facts in my prior posts, but that is typical of your ilk. I thought you were done hours ago!
It's ALL Bush's FAULT. And Sarah Palin's to!!!
Obama is just a leaf blowing in the wind.
Poor baby.
Well maybe in 2012 he can go play golf more.
Sometimes I come late to the party and I have 100+ comments to skim through. This time, it was easy skimming: skip all of Mick's. Thanks, Mick, for taking the work out of it for me.
As for the President working hard, if there were any indication that his non-stop work had to do with him trying to understand the issues, I might buy it. As it is...it's too easy to remember his explanation of how car insurances worked for him.
I still don't understand how British Nationality Acts trump the U.S. Constitution.
If you were being honest, wouldn't he have dual citizenship, since he was born to an American in the United States in 1961?
E.M. Davis said...
"I still don't understand how British Nationality Acts trump the U.S. Constitution.
If you were being honest, wouldn't he have dual citizenship, since he was born to an American in the United States in 1961?"
Just like children born to US Citizens abroad are considered US Citizens, it also works the other way. Those children are US Citizens by statute, as was Obama, born in Hi. to an American mother. He was naturalized as a US Citizen by the 14th Amendment. He was also considered by Britain to be a British Subject, born to a British subject father.
Only those born in the US of 2 US Citizens need no naturalization. They are US Citizens of Natural Law. The rationale of the framers was to insulate the Presidency from foreign influence by requiring a second generation American Citizen, insulated from foreign influence by 2 US Citizen parents, and born on US Soil, to be POTUS.
If the PURPOSE was to prevent foreign influence (FACT), then Obama, born BRITISH, is certainly not eligible.
Two questions:
1) Did you all really think the FLOTUS speaking at a $1000/plate funder raiser would not "preach to the choir"?
2) Does anyone really believe you will change Mick's mind?
Will he leave without instituting a National Championship Play-off Tournament?
I note, for the record, that we already have a national college football playoff tournament. It's merely one round instead of multiple.
"As it is...it's too easy to remember his explanation of how car insurances worked for him."
One for the ages. Right up there with garage's Bush/Gore house post. Thing is though, garage is not running the country. Zero is.
One for the ages.
I always thought the "civilian force" as powerful as the military was one of the ages. Didn't he also say something about if everyone had their tires properly inflated we could end foreign imports of oil?
"for" the ages...sheesh
He made some fantastic claim for tire inflation and tune-ups.
Remember tune-ups?
Remember tune-ups?
That's right about the same time he wasn't playing the race card by reminding everyone that he doesn't look like the guys on our money.
"the GOP’s ugly new fad: Blame the wife."
This is the MSM ugly old practice: finding ways to paint Republicans as being mean and petulant.
As for Obama, he's a prisoner of his own ideology. The economy was in a hole when he took over and he made it worse. No sympathy here.
wv: hirideen - an extremely bitchy woman.
I thought the economy was in the ditch?
Phil 3:14 said...
"Two questions:
1) Did you all really think the FLOTUS speaking at a $1000/plate funder raiser would not "preach to the choir"?
2) Does anyone really believe you will change Mick's mind?"
No one can-- the truth is the truth. You can't answer the question either I see.
If the perpose of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence, then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
You mean NO ONE can answer that question? I thought you were, like smart, or something!
Looks like the thread dissolved into a natural born issue--have to give Mick credit for derailing it
as to the FLOTUS comments--like what the fuck did she and her sorry ass husband think the President's job was? a nine to five day job?
the jug eared asshole has fucked up every thing he has touched--any normal supervisor would have fired his sorry black ass in 6 months--he's a sorry excuse for both a human being and worse yet, the worst president this republic has had--love that white liberal guilt
It has really fucked us.
Looks like the thread dissolved into a natural born issue--have to give Mick credit for derailing it
as to the FLOTUS comments--like what the fuck did she and her sorry ass husband think the President's job was? a nine to five day job?
the jug eared asshole has fucked up every thing he has touched--any normal supervisor would have fired his sorry black ass in 6 months--he's a sorry excuse for both a human being and worse yet, the worst president this republic has had--love that white liberal guilt
It has really fucked us.
Mick, I'm pretty sure you have been told this before, but let me try again. The only people born on US territory who are not US citizens are the children of foreign diplomats. Obama's father was not a diplomat. His father's nationality is irrelevant to Obama’s US citizenship.
..Yet in the alert, warm animal there lies the pain and burden of an enormous sadness. For it too feels the presence of what often overwhelms us: a memory, as if the element we keep pressing toward was once more intimate, more true, and our communion infinitely tender. Here all is distance; there it was breath. After that first home, the second seems ambiguous and drafty. Oh bliss of the tiny creature which remains forever inside the womb that was its shelter; joy of the gnat which, still within, leaps up even at its marriage: for everything is womb. And look at the half-assurance of the bird, which knows both inner and outer, from its source, as if it were the soul of an Etruscan, flown out of a dead man received inside a space, but with his reclining image as the lid. And how bewildered is any womb-born creature that has to fly. As if terrified and fleeing from itself, it zigzags through the air, the way a crack runs through a teacup. So the bat quivers across the porcelain of evening..
Duino Elegy 8
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