Unlike many of his peers in the House, Weiner doesn't have a business or even a law degree to fall back on.
Weiner, 46, took home $156,117 in 2010, according to his federal tax returns released by his staff. His humiliated wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, earned $154,000 in 2009, federal records show....Wow. Any ideas for jobs for him? Does this affect your analysis of whether Huma should leave him (if you stoop to analyzing things like that)?
[H]e could grovel to cable TV execs for talking-head "analyst" gigs...
I think this means he'll stay in Congress, at least until 2012. I'm glad about that. I want politicians to weather these sexual scandals. There must be hundreds of them waiting to burst out, and if Weiner is destroyed, it means all those other men with their Twitter and Facebook peccadilloes are sweating it out and susceptible to blackmail and various other manipulations.
These are the folks making the decisions by which the rest of us have to live. Sleep tight my children.
I say if they own up when they're busted they can stay. Generally. But if they lie, like Weiner did, they gotta go.
Spokesman for Hebrew National? Oh I am so racist!! I condemn myself!!!!
Maybe he could go to seminary and become an Episcopal priest?
With his personality, you just can't put that guy in front of the purchasing public. So that eliminates McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Jackinthebox, In-and-Out.
Well maybe In-and-Out.
How about gigolo.
I don't think many people give 2 craps about his Twitering. I know I don't!
What I do give 5 craps about is the blatant lying for a week, leaving his supporters out to dry, and blaming others for a "conspiracy"
I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Stewart is already warming a chair for Weiner at Comedy Central.
He'll have to get a job? My heart bleeds.
Hey, Weenie! Look on the bright side. The lower half of the income scale in this country pays no income tax.
Their idea that his reputation is too tarnished to get a cable gig is absurd. Two words: Elliot Spitzer. Sharp-elbowed lefty asshats have a standing job offer on the networks, and sex scandals have a half-life of six months. Give it a year and he'll be cohosting or competing with Spitzer. It's amazing Alan Grayson isn't already doing so.
But none of that matters. He isn't going to resign, and has no need to resign. It's exactly like Adam Clayton Powell and Charles Rangel: No matter how much scandal he gets himself in, he will never lose his seat because Democrats in New York don't lose elections. He just has to (oh boy) ride it out.
He can partner with Eliot Spitzer.
Or ask for Larry King's old job.
If there are cock fights ... that even Mark Twain in his writings (Life on the Mississippi) describes ... why can't an attack dog show make it on cable?
Bring your own chairs. It could be just like Jerry Springer's show.
Or, maybe, weiner can ask for a corner counter job at Nathan's?
Which is worse.... Slick Willie Clinton, who was impeached but stayed in office or Winnie doggie.
Standards of ethics are so blurred and or non existant.
Word usage suggestion: Monica Lewiinsky was "scandal-stained." Anthony Weiner's been tainted by scandal.
Curious that you refer to this as a sexual scandal when the sex (such as it was) is the least of why Weiner is spectacularly unfit for office.
He is the sort of man who will take the last seat on the life raft as women and children remain on the sinking ship.
tim maguire
I read somewhere that Rep. Douche Bag (D-NY) has something like a $5.1 million war chest for his re-election and/or already doomed NYC mayorial run. I wouldn't be surprised if he just pocketed that money.
I've been seeing this meme all day now.
HE should have thought of these things before he acted. I don't have to and won't. His wife is pulling down a nice salary, he should quit and stay home taking care of his new baby....all the while thinking of the things that could've been.
Abedin will leave Weiner in due time, simply because he's outlived his usefulness, that is, his access to state secrets via the halls of congress.
Of course, if Weiner remains in congress Huma reserves the option to stand by her man.
And his wife will stay with him too, not because of the $156k salary, but because of all the "campaign contributions" and numerous other perks that a loser like him would never get any other way.
if Weiner is destroyed, it means all those other men with their Twitter and Facebook peccadilloes are sweating it out and susceptible to blackmail and various other manipulations.
I disagree. Even if Der Weinerr weathers this storm, no two of these situations are ever the same. The next shoe to drop along these lines will likely have enough difference in details to make that guy sweat and be susceptible anyway.
HELLO. There's always "re-districting." And, the GOP is now the majority in the House.
Losing his district only gives this bum until next June's primary. When the whole scandal erupts, again.
Or, no one runs. The district goes under ... and people get re-assigned to other places.
Think about it. His district involves Queens and Brooklyn. How did he keep this? Don't the people of Queens deserve as much representation as Sheepshead Bay and Brighton Beach?
The story continues.
And, it looks like a gift that keeps on giving.
Did you know Larry King opened a retail bagel shop in Beverly Hills? It's called Brooklyn Bagels. And, Lary King swears the water is "imported" from Brooklyn. Or somehow goes through the tap ... and comes out with a Brooklyn accent.
For a good bagel in this town, people will go the distance.
weiners on a bagel bun?
You know Nathans started out with only a pushcart. But he was in a great location! He also refused to serve Coke. Was angry at them. So all you could buy for a nickel was either a grape drink, or an orange drink. Flat. No seltzer.
Besides, weiner can become an underwear model. Not just nationally, either. He can stand in the window of Barney's. He'll make a living.
What should be noticed is that he can't afford a divorce from Huma.
I want him to stay for the reasons Rush proscribed.
But if he goes and has trouble finding work, Let the Weiner thank the policies he and his breatherans help put in place.
The gentleman will sit!!... the gentleman is correct in sitting!!
I think I get it. The good people of his district have hired a man to make laws for us all, a man who cannot demonstrate a means by which he could feed himself absent his current position. Makes sense.
Oh, I know. Weiner can trademark his name, and sell tee-shirts. Or sue others who do.
And, for Christmas, he can package a "magic wand," housed in grey underwear material.
There's always a market.
How much money does he "need" to make? How much is enough?
You can always be a lobbyist. Requires no license or particular education.
But no one reputable is going to hire this miserable little prick as a lobbyist.
That leaves "consulting."
Expect him to be a consultant for some lefty organization that wants to burn a few hundred thousand dollars a year on a has-been little prick.
Or he can be a male model, or a porn star.
Yes, porn star.
Or he could stay home with the kid.
LL said...
I read somewhere that Rep. Douche Bag (D-NY) has something like a $5.1 million war chest for his re-election and/or already doomed NYC mayorial run. I wouldn't be surprised if he just pocketed that money.
I believe the law permits this. He might have to pay tax, poor creature, but he'll probably move to Florida before he draws the money to try to avoid NY tax.
Anthony Weiner, Male Prostitute.
He just has to (oh boy) ride it out.
Simon said 'ride it out'.. he he.
Yes, by all means, God forbid he go out and find real work, for a change. He's another one of these slugs who's spent his entire life on the public payroll.
He ought to remember the immortal words of Edwin Edwards, "Th' on'y way they goin' to get me is ketch me in bed with a dead girl o' live boy".
He was got, however, and, if the Demos need The Weiner to be gone badly enough, evidence of contact with a minor will miraculously be found.
Carol_Herman said...
HELLO. There's always "re-districting." And, the GOP is now the majority in the House.
I put in a link to an article in another thread. It is being considered.
It's obvious:
He should go into porn.
So, it turns out Weineris a hot-headed, uneducated boob?
An unemployable one, at that?
I thought my betters were better than that.
CE: I think Weiner might come up short for that profession as well.
Giggalo for the lonely liberal woman with money to spend.
Weiner could have a long and incredibly profitable career as a media personality. I guarantee his salary will go way up once he's out of Congress.
You can always be a lobbyist. Requires no license or particular education.
But no one reputable is going to hire this miserable little prick as a lobbyist.
The laws there are really weird, and vary state to state to quasi-state (i.e. D.C.) My understanding is that D.C. is pretty unique in the country, allowing non-lawyers as partners of sorts with law firms so that well connected people w/o law degrees (or who have their licenses pulled, like a certain former President) can work with the law firms in lobbying.
I should note that it sure appears that most lobbyists in D.C. are lawyers, but.... there are exceptions.
That said, I think that he would do better as a talking head of sorts. Someone like a James Carville. Weiner can out talk almost anyone (maybe not Ann Coulter, but we shall see). And that ability is one of the ones that brought him to prominence. He would do a far better job at representing the DNC than Debbie what's her name, the dufus (or, is it dufa?) who is their current chair. Weiner can rapid-fire talking points, talking over anyone around, better than almost anyone. And, if he gets that sort of job, his sexual, etc. problems will not be much of an issue.
Heck, he should try to interview with Ailes at Fox. That is where I think he would do best.
Media Matters can always place a new left-leaning attack dog.
What, it doesn't pay squat? Nobody promised you a rose garden, Tony. Or a 150k sinecure.
I don't care what ephemeral value one wishes to attach to keeping Weiner in Office. It's a bad deal for everyone, whether he serves as an object lesson, a distraction or as anything else.
He lies about the state of the country, his own motivations and the motivations of his opposition with the same facility with which he lied about his homemade porn habit. Why sentence the country to another year+ of his pathologically flawed judgment? No time to humor these people.
Weiner can stand by the freeway exit holding up a sign "will sext for food".
Well Media Matters could always use another hand...
I would respectfully submit that, for the greater good of the American people, Rep. Weiner remain seated in the House of Representatives for as long as possible.
And definitely keep his Twitter feed open.
And definitely keep his Twitter feed open.
I wish people understood that the idiots they elect to Congress don't just affect their little spot in the world, but impact all of us. Wiener's votes impact my life and to say it's up to his constituents to decide if he stays should not be the final word. I hope the Republicans throw him out.
By all means, keep Weiner in office! Let him be the face of the Democrat party in 2012. What could go wrong?
And that, in a nutshell, is why Nancy Pelosi wants him gone. She knows how effectively the Democrats used Mark Foley to generate anti-Republican revulsion in 2006, and doesn't want to see the shoe on the other foot.
Pizza delivery.
Pizza delivery.
It's not delivery, it's DiGorno.
If Weiner showed up at the door with my pizza, I'm not sure I'd eat it.
Spokesman for Van Kamp's Beans and Franks.
So he should stay on and continue getting $156,117 to show his short dick to women around the country? Are we supposed to feel sorry that Weiner lacks job skills? Isn't photographing and sending pix of your dick a job skill?
"Someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries."
"it means all those other men with their Twitter and Facebook peccadilloes"
women are incapable of peccadilloes?
Viagra commercials. He could throw a football through a tire hanging from a tree ...
oh, wait, that's been done.
Not 100.
Pizza delivery.
What happens when the topping is sausage?
Any politician who is my age (as Weiner is) who has absolutely no job possibilities to fall back on if he has to leave office should never have been elected to office in the first place.
He needs to open a public establishment.
Call it "The Tweeting Weiner".
Not sure what goods or services should be provided there - any suggestions? Probably doesn't matter, he'll get plenty of customers with the catchy name.
And we're supposed to care about his income, why?
Because he's a bureaucrat with no real life skills?
Not only that, but a bureaucrat who supports policies that make it much harder for those of us in the private sector to earn a living.
I find myself all out of pity for the moment.
Police are questioning a 17 year old. He might not have a voice in the matter much longer.
Police are questioning a 17 year old. He might not have a voice in the matter much longer.
This is correct. Delaware Police have begun a criminal investigation against the Democrat Anthony Weiner, who refuses to resign his post after caught sending obscenely lewd images of his penis to underage girls he met on the internet.
FoxNews: Sources close the student said the 17-year-old minor followed Weiner on Twitter after seeing him speak during a school trip to Washington on April 1. Weiner direct-messaged the girl back on April 13, the sources said, though it is not clear what other communication the two may have had between or after those dates.
So, this 17-year-old has actually been to Washington, D.C.
She's been in his presence.
He began following her after her school trip to Washington, D.C.
If he had any balance in his political favors-owed account, he could land a sinecure on some obscure government board.
Yet, somehow I suspect his balance may be negative.
Which leaves? The possibility that some sleaze media will pay for his (true?) story?
I'm tellin ya, Enzyte spokesman.
How about a new CNN with Spitzer...whoremonger and son...sleeze and sleezer...the titles are endless.
A politician who supports government touching every aspect of our lives has no job skills but to argue for laws supporting government touch every aspect of our lives.
That's awesome.
Hey, remember when those silly leftists asserted this story wasn't true because it wasn't on Drudge?
Well Drudge has a big red link to a story about the police visiting the home of a 17 year old Weiner was messaging.
Hmmm, funny that, huh?
This guy tries to make Michelle Bachmann look like an incompetent boob all the time. I wonder which one of them would be first to get a job outside of Congress, without using favors?
My money is on Bachmann.
Weiner, 46, took home $156,117 in 2010, according to his federal tax returns released by his staff. His humiliated wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, earned $154,000 in 2009,
So taxpayers are on the hook for over $300,000 annually for these two.
Anyone arguing we are getting our money's worth?
I mean this guy is so "busy" that he is sending weeny pics to 5 or 6 different women...
lol where's that asshole Jay Retread now?
I'm sure Uncle Billy and Auntie Hillary will take care of him.
The 17-year-old ought to do it.
If Wiener-Spitzer does not work out as either a cable tv show ora bidet for men, he can go back to his old job.
Althouse says: "I want politicians to weather these ... scandals."
I have a hard time reconciling that with a previous disgusted exclamation to John Edwards, at the height of his scandal, to "just go away".
Here's a reconciliation that works. Having Edwards around would only hurt the Demos. Since the majority of the long-timers in Congress now are Demos, it is more likely that Demos will be bounced, and more Repubs will replace them.
To say that one dirtbag scoundrel should go, but others should stay, is to then equate good government with Democratic Party dominated government. But given the current condition of Detroit, California, and New York, it is mistaken.
He has the perfect face for radio.
When one door closes, another opens. Little Anthony can enter the burgeoning new occupation of service rat.
Anyone arguing we are getting our money's worth? I mean this guy is so "busy" that he is sending weeny pics to 5 or 6 different women...
Over the last three years Congress has added a couple of billion dollars a day to the public debt.
So overall I have to say that any money we pay them to NOT work is money well spent. :)
Weiner just needs to think outside the bun for different employment.
So taxpayers are on the hook for over $300,000 annually for these two.
At a certain point, you've made enough money.
I think.
"Over the last three years Congress has added a couple of billion dollars a day to the public debt.
So overall I have to say that any money we pay them to NOT work is money well spent. :)"
Amen, brother Revenant!
The funny thing to me is that legislators seem to think most of us judge them by what they "DO"?
No sweat, as long as he's not a Republican, he can run a male brothel in his basement for side incomes and will return to office to run our lives.
"What it’s about is a guy in a position of power having a grip on reality so weak that he thought he might be elected mayor of America’s biggest city despite tweeting photos of his rod to random women around the country. When the average politician is unfaithful, as sleazy and shameful as his behavior may be, there’s usually at least some rational precaution taken to keep from being found out. With Weiner, it’s the opposite — photographic evidence, perfectly preserved and duplicable via the Internet, generated by him without so much as the minimal precaution of making sure that his face isn’t captured in any of the photos. You don’t have to find his behavior immoral to think, “Gee, maybe this guy, who’s clearly willing to do almost anything to impress his admirers, shouldn’t be trusted with sensitive government responsibilities.""
more from Allah:
"Even now, after two weeks of saturation coverage, some of his Democratic colleagues are marveling that “I don’t think he understands how bad this is.” Of course he doesn't. Name one fact adduced about him over the past two weeks that would make you think he has a realistic sense of anything that relates to his own ambition. For cripes sake, we’ve reached the point where Bill Clinton is allegedly frustrated that he won’t step down.
I do like the implication from this morning’s Post story, though, that Weiner needs to stick around in Congress because he has no marketable job skills to make it in the real world. That’s a perfect microcosm of our political class these days — clammy, corrupt, removed from its subjects to the point that it couldn’t survive among them if it had to, and yet somehow entitled to govern them. What a unique skill set Weiner has, huh? He’s incapable of doing anything except (a) peppering liberal talking points with soundbite-worthy wisecracks and (b) crafting the laws everyone else has to live by. Oh, and (c) snapping photos of his bare ass and e-mailing them out. There’s your “high-functioning man” for you."
Here's the problem...
Legislators behave like Customer Service Reps... WITH POWER!
It'd be funny if it were not so fucking sad for our nation.
So something goes wrong with what you paid good money for...
And then you call that Customer Service number to get it resolved.
What if every single time you called Customer Service you knew your personal problem would be resolved to your liking?
Would you call more, or less?
I disagree that Weiner should stay in office just to "protect" other representatives. First, that assumes they are hiding equally-repugnant scandals, something of which we have no evidence. Second, (from where I stand) if they're that slimy, they should resign on general principles. Third -as others have pointed out- it wasn't the original photo that sunk him, but his idiotic refusal to just issue a mea culpa and apologize. I doubt anyone would have dug any further into his activities then.
Speaking of that explicit photo, I have not read (or heard) of any evidence that it had been sent to an underage girl. Aha! Just found a link about the Delaware story. Key quote: "the nature of the communications wasn't immediately clear."
Let's keep our scandals sorted out neatly, yes? :)
Face it, we LOVE getting exactly what we want.
Problem is...
The more people who call Customer Service Legislators and get EXACTLY what they want, the more people who will call for their personal "right to satisfaction".
What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this kind of Customer Service?
So what if he's never trained himself for anything except political life? Everyone else who brings scandal and disrepute to their employer is terminated.
Anthony's Weiner never held a real job in his adult life and never trained himself for anything out of the political spotlight. Machinists, welders, engineers, managers and college grads across the country are unemployed, what makes Weiner's unemployment worries more important than anyone else's?
No marketable skills?
....maybe he could be a community organizer!
w/v: bohyd - He couldn't keep his bohyd.
How about a new CNN with Spitzer...whoremonger and son...sleeze and sleezer...the titles are endless.
I'm betting on "In the Arena with a Weenah", assuming Huma doesn't let him work on her campaign for his old district.
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