June 6, 2011

Can you get any more loved and hated than Scott Walker?

He's got a 78 point partisan approval gap, with 87% of Republicans approve and only 9% of Democrats approve. The only other governor who's close is Mark Dayton, the Democratic governor of Minnesota.
Being polarizing is not quite the same thing as being unpopular. In Walker’s case, that partisan divide reflects both a strength and weakness.

The weakness is Walker’s horrible standing with Democrats. Walker’s approval rating among Democratic voters (9%) is the very worst on this list. The strength is his remarkable popularity with Republicans. Walker’s job rating among GOP voters is the best on this list....

Walker’s numbers in this regard look much less like a governor’s than a president’s. Presidents are such omnipresent public figures that virtually everyone has an opinion about them.

The extreme polarization over Walker is also more typical of presidents than governors. Walker is the only governor in these polls who generates as much partisan division in his or her state as President Obama does.


TWM said...

Nice try, Ann, but how can one think of a Walker while a Weiner is on the loose?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob said...

I think we'll see more of this as the culture war progresses toward a cold civil war.

Scott M said...

It seems obvious to wonder what the Walkerville types would think of the 9% Democrats that approve of Walker.

Scott M said...

I think we'll see more of this as the culture war progresses toward a cold civil war.

The progressive, those few with any sense whatsoever, hopes that it will never come to this. Their side is hopelessly outgunned.

traditionalguy said...

I thought sweet Sarah was still the most polarizing politician ever seen. It does seem like politicians who reach out to the other side become the least popular of them all.

Phil 314 said...

The state of American politics. And I'm sure those who are of mixed opinion regarding him are held in contempt by both sides.

But come election time, either side will crow about the "independents" who've voted for their guy.

We don't want their opinion we just want their vote.

garage mahal said...

To be popular with your Republican base, all you need to accomplish is appear to be sticking to liberals. That is all they care about.

My child's school is closing down due to Walker? If it pisses liberals off I support it!

james conrad said...

I think this is the inevitable result of liberal brain dead policies hitting a brick wall of economic reality. It might be more acute in Wisc where the electorate is more in the dem camp but this sort of thing is happening all over the nation. We simply cant afford to keep drinking the kool-aid and naturally this is causing stress among those addicted to govt sweets.

AllenS said...

My child's school is closing down due to Walker


Walker hates my child.
Walker hates me personally.
Walker doesn't want my child to go to school.
My child has been singled out by Walker.

roesch-voltaire said...

First they came for the teachers and public employees, and that made many happy, then they came for the farmers, and a few more were concerned, next they went after public education and more folks begin to take notice, then they came for the police and the fire departments, and a few more joined the oppositions,then they started on the small micro brewers, and soon only the martini drinking Republicans loved the New Walker Order. Chose your drinks wisely my friends.

Anonymous said...

87% of Republicans approve and only 9% of Democrats approve

The culture war staring us in the face.

TosaGuy said...

Scott Walker makes all the right people mad.

test said...

First they came for the wealthy's assets, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't wealthy.

Titus said...

I would do Scott Walker.

He definitely dyes his hair, which is kind of hot.

I bet he has a decent size hog.

I would do Rick Santorum too. He is kind of hot.

Fred4Pres said...

In Madison they love the Governor, woo, woo, woo.

Automatic_Wing said...

Wow, a Walker:Hitler analogy in the 11th comment, is that a record?

Fen said...

"First they came for the teachers and public employees, and that made many happy"

Then they came for the journalists and the lawyers, and everything got better immediately.

Really. The New Walker Order? Spoiled Union brats are the gypsy and Jew of our day?

The sherrif is one missed mortgage payment away. And these brats are whining that the cable got cancelled.

Its going to be alot worse for them before this is over. I have to admit I am looking forward to their suffering. Like cancer cells under chemo.

hombre said...

Anybody who put on the brakes to slow the demise of the country or its political subdivisions (or Israel) due to the actions of the lefties and their dupes in the Dem party will be villified and despised by the Dems.

It's a matter of survival, isn't it? If the one flourishes, the other perishes:

US vs the Dems
Wisconsin vs the Dems
California vs the Dems
Detroit vs the Dems
Israel vs the Dems
Etc., etc.

WV = mangie: Get a leash on those mangie Dems. lol

edutcher said...

Star Parker has a column in which she says 2012 is starting to remind her of 1860 because of this kind of divide.

garage mahal said...

Its going to be alot worse for them before this is over. I have to admit I am looking forward to their suffering.

I wouldn't get too confident. The WI GOP isn't feeling too confident.

Wisconsin GOP leaders encouraging colleagues to place fake Democrats on recall ballots

X said...

RV- we can't be held responsible for every undercapitalized brewery in America.

but the side that wants to regulate everything can.

Seeing Red said...

Came for the teachers' union.

There's a difference.

MadisonMan said...

How is Democratic or Republican Voter defined, I wonder? Voted in the Republican Primary or the Democratic Primary? Or just self-identified as a Democratic or Republican Voter?

The difficulties for Democrats in Wisconsin will be channeling the anger into a Candidate that works for the rest of the state. That means someone who is not from Dane County -- excepting Feingold, I guess, who doesn't live here anymore (does he?)

Fen said...

Garage: I wouldn't get too confident. The WI GOP isn't feeling too confident.

You don't get it. It will be worse for them if Walker fails.

garage mahal said...

but the side that wants to regulate everything can.

Except it's the GOP that is setting a barrage of regulations on the breweries.

Titus said...

I saw Feingold at the Willy Street Co-op the other day.

I think he still lives in Middleton.

I would do Feingold.

Some woman dressed like a whore was talking to him. She was a "masseuse" and gave him her card.


mccullough said...

Wisconsin is a pretty high tax state with pretty average public services. Why would anyone want to keep that losing formula going forward?

The liberal philosophy has run large urban areas since World War II. It hasn't worked. Why keep it going. Liberals need to adopt a more tough love stance to their victim-constituents.

Phil 314 said...

RV said;
the martini drinking Republicans

Tosaguy, I think he's looking at you.

Robert said...

Christ, Titus:

When you come across some guy you WON'T do, that would be comment-worthy.

We all have figured out by now what otherwise to assume.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Except it's the GOP that is setting a barrage of regulations on the breweries...."

Is it because the beer sucks?

TosaGuy said...

I do love a good martini made with Milwaukee's own Rehorst Vodka or Gin. All of the beers made in Milwaukee suck, to include the microbrews.

damikesc said...

I wonder if noted bigot Chucky Johnson thinks we are still morons.

At this point, why doesn't Walker just make the state right-to-work? It won't be hard to replace government employees.

Henry said...

rv wrote: First they came for the teachers and public employees, and that made many happy, then they came for the farmers...

They cannot come for farmers soon enough, my friend.

Garage wrote: Except it's the GOP that is setting a barrage of regulations on the breweries.

A political party that indulges in petty regulations? And you object? How quaint.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Why don't we all just sign our checks over to the government so garage's kid and others won't lose their schools. If the billions spent each year isn't enough, let's just let them take what they need.

Think of the childrens.

Chuck66 said...

Democrats don't like wishy washy liberal Republicans either. Look at the hatred they have for the Bush's.

MadisonMan said...

I've never tried Rehorst, but it's on my list now, thanks. Have to go through a lot of Sapphire first though.

Luckily (?), it's supposed to be beastly hot this week. Perfect Gin and Tonic weather.

Chuck66 said...

Titus, you will have better luck with Herb Kohl.

Phil 314 said...

Republican support notwithstanding, any politician reducing the size of government to balance a budget should not expect a lot of love. Once we get a benefit we learn to love it and begrudge anyone taking it away.

In Massachusetts they have learned to love MassHealth in spite of its failure to control costs.

Here's an article from the Boston Globe regarding public support for MassHealth

63 percent of Massachusetts residents support the 2006 health law, up 10 percentage points in the past two years. Just 21 percent said they were against the law.

And that in spite of a report by the Democratic Attorney General of Massachusetts

Health care costs are increasing much faster than the growth in the economy, grossdomestic production (GDP), and wages.

Titus said...

I wouldn't do Herb Kohl.

And I know peeps say Mitt Romney is handsome, which I agree, but I would have no interest in doing him. Way too vanilla. Same with Pawlenty. Neither has any sex appeal.

I definitely would not do "Bob".

Titus said...

I would definitely do Deval Patrick, big time.

A. Shmendrik said...

Contrast is all good in poltics.

The battle is like the statistical process of discrimination. You are trying to minimize within-group differences and maximize between-group differences.

garage mahal said...

Why don't we all just sign our checks over to the government so garage's kid and others won't lose their schools.

Funny, every other governor in our history has managed to balance the budget without slashing public education the way Walker proposes. And, handing out vouchers to rich kids in Milwaukee instead. So awesome.

garage mahal said...

Is it because the beer sucks?

No. Miller/Coors wrote the regulations. Their beer sucks.

garage mahal said...

(Miller/Coors losing revenue to micro brews, can't have that).

Hoosier Daddy said...

Funny, every other governor in our history has managed to balance the budget without slashing public education the way Walker proposes..."

Should have elected one then.

garage mahal said...

Soon Kemosabe.

Alex said...

Obviously the WI GOP shit the bed. They didn't run on big-time austerity measures, but nebulous "hope and change". The WI public is left-of-center and they don't want this.

Alex said...

gm... tell us oh wise one how will a Dem governor balance the budget?

Michael K said...

I think comparisons to 1860 are not so far fetched. What we have is a country that is divided between spenders and savers. The spenders have been in control since 1960. The country is on the verge of financial collapse. China has sold all of their US Treasury bills. They no longer are buying US debt. The Treasury seems to be buying a majority of new Treasury bills with newly printed money. That can't last. 2012 is probably the last chance for the savers to take control. The spenders will not give in easily.

Alex said...

Michael K - the spenders have been in control since 1930. We had a bad recession in 1920-1921, but it was quickly recovered from w/o any major government intervention. I pine for the days of Calvin Coolidge.

Hoosier Daddy said...

No. Miller/Coors wrote the regulations...."

Interesting. I just read an article on that and it looks like it had support from a lot of other groups too.

What's the problem? I thought you liberals love regulations?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Soon Kemosabe..."

Good Tonto. I'd hate to think the teachers unions won't get the hard earned money of the taxpayer they so desperately need.

Alex said...

Walker really shit the bed!

garage mahal said...

Interesting. I just read an article on that and it looks like it had support from a lot of other groups too.

Groups of people that get money from Miller/Coors I'm sure.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Groups of people that get money from Miller/Coors I'm sure...."

A travesty I am sure. Next thing you know they'll be asking for bailouts cause they're unprofitable. Hopefully a new governor Will let them fail.

garage mahal said...

Did you have a defense, of sorts, to the proposed legislation restricting Wisc breweries? I bet since it's a conservative proposing it you must, because that's how conservatives toll.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Did you have a defense, of sorts, to the proposed legislation restricting Wisc breweries? I bet since it's a conservative proposing it you must, because that's how conservatives toll...."

Actually I don't know much about the legislation so I dont have an opinion although I personally am always suspect of any laws or regs pushed by corps, unions of special interests. Unlike you, I'm not a blind ideolouge and will cheerfully criticize stupid laws regardless of the party behind it.

I'll check it out and see.

Automatic_Wing said...

garage mahal arguing against gub'mint regulation...the apocalypse surely must be near.

Phil 314 said...

Gee Garage according to this article the micro-brewery proposed legislation seems to have gotten bipartisan support

Deb Carey is not happy. "I'm so pissed off I can barely see," the founder of New Glarus Brewing Company says about the changes to beer wholesale licensing that the Joint Finance Committee approved Thursday.

According to Carey, the action by the JFC represents another milestone in state government's long history of providing favors to large beer distributors, often at the expense of microbrewers like her...
Only two members of the JFC, Dem Sen. Bob Jauch and –– wait for it –– Republican Sen. Glenn Grothman, voted against it. The other three Dems and 11 Republicans voted in favor.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Interesting legislation. Looks like its really about restricting Anheiser Busch from buying WI distributors so Miller Coors can protect it's market share. Craft brewers don't seem to have much issue other than a limit on operating brewpubs.

I'm a free market guy so I think any regs that stifle competion are bad. Only thing worse is the state bailing out a failing company.

Calypso Facto said...

"Funny, every other governor in our history has managed to kick the debt down the road while increasing payouts to gov't workers, unlike tackling the debt problem head-on the way Walker proposes. And, handing out vouchers to kids in failed (>50% drop out rate) Milwaukee school district instead. So awesome." FTFY

I frankly don't see any benefit to the beer regulation either (garage and I do tend to agree on beer issues), but it has bi-partisan support, so Walker is hardly the culprit here.

Alex said...

Funny thing, raise taxes on the rich and PRESTO budget deficits solved. Always works.

Scott M said...

Only thing worse is the state bailing out a failing company.

Not quite as bad as allowing public sector unions that include police giving overwhelmingly to one party out of two.

garage mahal said...

I didn't know the beer legislation had bi partisan support. Hadn't that anywhere.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not sure what your problem is with it garage. Big corp petitions the government to protect them from outside competition. Just substitute AFLCIO for Coors and savor the genius of such legislation.

X said...

No. Miller/Coors wrote the regulations. Their beer sucks.

And Bank of America wrote the financial reform regulation to their benefit. What's your point? That regulatory capture is bad when the GOP does it? It's always bad garage. Typically it's dorm room bull session stuff about a bad outcome and how something should be done, but unfortunately having never worked in the industry, the regulators have to turn it over to someone that has. The big players don't care about the details as long as it is larded up with legal costs that hamper smaller competitors.

Michael K said...

I pine for the days of Calvin Coolidge.

Alex, I have a biography of Coolidge over at Chicago Boyz. It's about six posts long.

Phil 314 said...

I didn't know the beer legislation had bi partisan support.

You need to get out more (as in "out of Madison")

mariner said...

They cannot come for farmers soon enough, my friend.

I have news for you, my friend. They came for the farmers 50 years ago.

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