June 8, 2011

Breitbart's X-rated picture of Anthony Weiner just slipped out.

Like a Hollywood startlet, splashing in the wavelets in front of the paparazzi, when oh, no! how did that happen! — her bikini top falls off, Andrew Breitbart iPhone-flashed his ultra-secret picture of Weiner's wiener on the Opie and Anthony Show, and "Opie" took a picture of the picture, and that picture is now all over the internet.

Breitbart is outraged or putting on a performance in the Theater of Outrage.

I don't really know why a closeup of a naked erect penis means anything (other than the usual Naked! Erect! Penis!). The evidence connecting it to Weiner is all that matters.


Fred4Pres said...

Ann, It usually means someone is getting excited.

Fred4Pres said...

I guess the hang to the left is really no surprise.

Alex said...

Like I said in the other thread, why should I care about his sexting activities? All I really care is that the guy is a socialist scumbag and yeah I'll take anything that hurts them. Although i'd rather win on policy!

Rebecca said...

Really Breitbart - WTF where you thinking having this on your phone and then flashing it around. I am completely with you in indignation regarding this ignoramous but seriously flashing the picture to Opie - Not a smart move.

ndspinelli said...

Is it Dirk Digglerish? I'm afraid to look.

garage mahal said...

Breitbart keeps a picture of Weiner's cock on his iPhone?

traditionalguy said...

Weiners, weiners, weiners...first bulging ones and now hard ones. What ever happened to this being a breast blog?

Robert said...

If Breitbart truly holds his cell phone in that manner, he is badly farsighted and needs his prescription adjusted.

The more likely explanation is he knew it was being photographed.

His credibility just fell back into the shitter. Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

le Douanier said...

"but seriously flashing the picture to Opie - Not a smart move"

Back off. He's the victim here, again.

Perhaps he can have another press conference to vindicate himself. Fortunately this time Alhouse won't miss the important event, since she's sworn allegiance to the Fair and Balanced crowd.

LL said...

Excuse me but that isn't a photograph of the dead Osama Bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

Exit question: Why is he showing that to people? It's certainly not much to be proud of.


Robert said...

Your blog comment du jour:

cigarsNscotch about 4 hours ago
Amazing.....even his balls hang to the far left


Anonymous said...

I see he shaves it so that it resembles a newborn babies penis.

Fucking pedo freak.

Alex said...

His credibility just fell back into the shitter. Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

who needs Breitbart anyways? Is he going to get Sarah Palin elected President?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Titus bait!

Scott M said...

I don't really know why a closeup of a naked erect penis means anything (other than the usual Naked! Erect! Penis!). The evidence connecting it to Weiner is all that matters.

This. I'd say it matters because the panel that Ed Shultz had on last night, including Bill Press, all agreed that if Der Weinerr had sent a pic like this, it was over for him. Up to that point in a rather heated discussion, they were all arguing over various points. They were united on that one.

I suspect the trail is there that leads right back to Der Weinerr having sent it.

Sal said...

It could actually be Briebart's wiener if he shot in the bathroom mirror and it really points to the right.

Scott M said...

Excuse me but that isn't a photograph of the dead Osama Bin Laden.

No, no. There's on one hole in that head.

Robert Cook said...

"Slipped out" or burst free?

Carol_Herman said...

Weiner shaved all his hair off!

And, yes. His flagpole goes up to the left. It must be some sort of brain damage that causes this to happen "below."

As to how Breitbart let this picture drop? He was asked by two people on a radio show ... and he just pulled out his iPhone. And, passed the lewd picture to his friends. Someone took an over-the-shoulder shot.

And, the rest, as you know, is that the picture has gone viral.

Huma and Hillary are in Libya. All covered up.

Peter Hoh said...

Shocking meat video!

wv: nonvid

Matt said...

This is exactly what Breitbart wanted. You don't carry around a photo like this and flash it unless you want someone to see it. Not sure it matters though because ultimately Weiner is toast.

Robert Cook said...

Maybe Breitbart has the picture on his iPhone because he's one of Weiner's weinerfans.

Known Unknown said...

Shocking meat video!

Honestly, I don't know which one would be worse to see day in and day out.

Professor, how much does the meat ad cost? Can I buy them out?

Scott M said...

I'll never be able to east slightly out of focus bratwurst again.

Scott M said...

east = eat

dammit...when snark goes bad...

Fred4Pres said...

garage mahal said...
Breitbart keeps a picture of Weiner's cock on his iPhone?

6/8/11 3:01 PM

Jealous? He keeps for a different reason than you do garage mahal.

Rebecca said...

Matt - I agree about Weiner but this incident is an unforced error. Breitbart was looking good and riding high on the vindication and now we will have to hear the whining of the left wing about how horrible Breitbart is and how much he makes up. This doesn't help those of us who defend him.

Anonymous said...

I think the caption should be: "So He Didn't Resign?"

Almost Ali said...

For those of us who don't have the time or patience to wade through all the links - would someone kindly post the relevant link - and ONLY the relevant link - minus the extraneous fanfare.

Anonymous said...

"As to how Breitbart let this picture drop? He was asked by two people on a radio show ... and he just pulled out his iPhone."

This is not the first journalists who have demanded to see the evidence that Breitbart had. He has secured agreements with other media outlets to show them the photo provided they would agree not to release it. (That's not uncommon in journalism.)

Opie & Anthony reneged on that agreement (which is uncommon).

Now, one can question the wisdom of trusting others in the media, since we know they're all snakes. And I think that criticism is probably fair

But to set the record straight, the media has been demanding to see what Breitbart had for themselves and thusfar, not releasing it.

Pastafarian said...

You know, the shocking meat video ad usually makes me hungry for steak.

This photo really doesn't do much for me, on the other hand.

Dude either has one of the biggest lopsided scrotums I've ever seen, or a 3.5 inch long fully erect micro-dick. That's just painfully embarrassing right there. Yikes.

I mean, look at that. His dingus is the same length as his ballsack. How can that even be possible? Does he have elephantitis of the testicles?

Anonymous said...

"Breitbart keeps a picture of Weiner's cock on his iPhone?"

Yes, he does.

And the reason he does that is so that people like you can't accuse him of not possessing the evidence he claims to possess.

And we have photos of other Democrat Congressmen's penises that they've been flashing on the internet too. (You didn't think Tony Weiner was the only one, did you Garage?)

Kills you, doesn't it Garage, watching your boy have his little 4-inch gherkin bandied about for our amusement.

Flashy Tony is a laughingstock and that just kills you, doesn't it Garage.

Hey, remember when I told you about the other shoe? Should have listened, dude. Should have listened.

Mark O said...

And, it's the actual size.

Pastafarian said...

So what did this little man have stuffed into his grey underwear? A banana? A rolled up tube sock?

Sorry, but I don't see how this makes Breitbart look bad. Someone's going to have to explain that to me. Is it because he's unleashed this tragic image on an unsuspecting public, forcing us to confront the horrible disfigurement of nano-cock?

Scott M said...

Is that picture of Anthony Weiner or Tyrion Lannister?

Anonymous said...


The walls are beginning to crumble as Democrats beg Flashy Tony Weiner to resign.

FoxNews: The Democratic Party's former leader became the first prominent member of the party to call on Rep. Anthony Weiner to step down, calling the New York congressman's actions "unforgivable."

Kaine: "Lying is unforgivable. Lying publicly about something like this is unforgivable, and he should resign.

CatherineM said...

Breitbart was flashing it at a bar Monday night too. It was bound to happen.

Still, even if Breitbart didn't flash it to Opie, someone would have sent it out anyway just as the other pics are being released.

To all of those who think his job should be spared (it's his private life), note he would be fired if he was at a private company and this became public (Nestle executive's genital pics!). Besides embarrassing the company, he would be seen as lacking judgement, a possible future sexual harrassment...he would be fired.

Anonymous said...


First House Democrat calls on Weiner to resign

MSNBC: Rep. Allyson Schwartz of Pennsylvania, a top official at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is the first Democratic member of Congress to call on Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign for sending a lewd photo of himself to a woman via Twitter.

Schwartz: "Having the respect of your constituents is fundamental for a member of Congress. In light of Anthony Weiner’s offensive behavior online, he should resign."

Ron said...

The whole thing is a metaphor for the Declining American Dream. See, you can't actually have a prosperous, full life, but you are allowed to see a picture of your former fecudity, put on display by a politico who actually has the real thing but denies it until caught.

Next year, during the campaign, we will all be 21 year old girls, getting messages we don't really want, that were really intended to be sent to the hooked up Porn Stars of the Old Polity.

Perhaps what we need is a woman with a love of the real thing...American Democracy, that is. Palin, 2012.

SPImmortal said...

Brietbart's a cagey operator.

He's keeping this thing in the news and putting the pressure on Weiner more and more. He doesn't expect the Democrats and their pawns to play fair in the media and so he doesn't play fair.

He's truly taken Alinsky's rules and made them he own. I wish more people on the right would do the same.

jr565 said...

One thing Breitbart and others should note going forward. Do NOT show stuff you want hidden to people like Howard STern or Opie and Anthony, EVEN if you sign an agreement with them.

Anonymous said...


ABCNews says Weiner may have 'psychiatric vulnerabilities'

ABCNews: When impulsive habits such as sexting, masturbating and viewing online pornography are repetitive, they can signal deeper problems.

Dr. Martin Kafka, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, an affiliate of McLean Hospital, said adults who have impulse control problems with sex often have "psychiatric vulnerabilities."

"Most guys don't do these things," he said. "We might think to do them, but we don't. The question is, why do some people have control over their impulses compared to others?"

Scott M said...

Well...when you've lost ABC News...although, to be honest, I won't stick a fork in him until NBC does the same.

Original Mike said...

[Breitbart's] truly taken Alinsky's rules and made them he own. I wish more people on the right would do the same."

I saw Breitbart interviewed last night. He described how Weiner, his staff, and the lefty press attempted to deflect all of this at the beginning by trying to make it about Breitbart. And it worked; for a few days. Heh.

Scott M said...

He described how Weiner, his staff, and the lefty press attempted to deflect all of this at the beginning by trying to make it about Breitbart.

Was that a pun?

Anonymous said...

"And it worked; for a few days. Heh."

Yeah, if it wasn't for Dana Bash at CNN and the "jackass" interview, he might have gotten away with it.

Flashy Tony's problem is that over the years, he had made a lot of enemies in the press. He's an asshole and he treats EVERYONE around him as if they're complete morons and ONLY HE is intelligent.

Think GarageMahal, but with a smaller penis.

Just watch this ABCNews interview with Jonathan Karl and you'll see what I mean. He doesn't just refuse to answer questions, he tries to make it seem like Karl is some kind of a fucking moron or something.

When you step on people on the way up, they're going to stomp your fucking ass on your way down.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

chickelit said...

The fruit-of-the-loom fig leaf is off!

Original Mike said...

@ScottM: Talking about Weiner is a mine field.

Scott M said...

Which Weiner?

Fred4Pres said...

On a day Titus' contribution and expertise might be needed, he is AWOL.

Original Mike said...

He's not AWOL, exactly. Titus commented on it a couple of hours ago. He'll be back.

Anonymous said...

"On a day Titus' contribution and expertise might be needed, he is AWOL."

He's not AWOL.

He's in his bunk.

Anonymous said...


Weiner's former girlfriend says he must resign ... now

DailyBeast: Anthony Weiner’s former girlfriend, Kirsten Powers, defended him on TV to millions of people after he insisted to her that he didn’t send lewd photos on Twitter. Now she takes him to task for his rampant misogyny — and says he must resign immediately.

Kirsten Powers: "I had been defending him, based on what he told me, but no more. Weiner must resign from Congress immediately. This has not been my previous position during the scandal, but as I have recovered from the shock of seeing an old friend’s life unravel and have had time to get my mind around the extensive and sociopathic lying in which he engaged, there seems to be no other choice than for him to step aside and stop hurting his family, friends, and the Democratic Party."

edutcher said...

Well, this makes Pelosi's life a little easier.

One wonders if this is one of those "Now you owe me" moments, with Breitbart being the owee.

RuyDiaz said...

Like I said in the other thread, why should I care about his sexting activities?

This is the new duality: the old one was the mind/body duality, now we have the creep/statesment duality.

Alex, you see that immature, creepy, lying bastard, who seemed to enjoy sexting more than actual sex? That's the same person debating and voting on bills.

The duality is false. The sexting creep and the lofty statesman are the same person. You should care about the sexting activities because it tells you about the kind of perosn he is.

Anonymous said...


Democrat Anthony Weiner was showing young girls on the internet his penis while his pregnant wife was working

NY Times: "The pregnancy, which the couple has disclosed to close friends and family, adds a new dimension to questions about the future of their marriage.

Mr. Weiner, 46, who has admitted to engaging in salacious online conversations with at least six women over the last few years, has declared that he and his wife have no intention of splitting up, even though some of the exchanges occurred during their marriage.

“We will weather this,” Mr. Weiner claimed on Monday, during his emotional news conference. “I love her very much, and she loves me,” he claimed.

But Ms. Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton, has remained silent about the topic as she keeps up a hectic schedule at the State Department.

Fred4Pres said...

Huma is pregnant.

This is not funny.

Anonymous said...

" ...why should I care about his sexting activities?"

Nobody said you had to care. You are free to choose not to care.

We choose, however, to care.

Everyone is free to choose. You are free to go read some other topic while we work on geting Anthony Weiner's resignation from our Congress for his almost pedophillic sexual indiscretions.

Fred4Pres said...

The Corner on Huma's Pregnancy.

Original Mike said...

Kirsten Powers dated Weiner??? I had more respect for her than that. And I'm not referring to the photos. I'm referring to the fact that Weiner is such a jerk.

Anonymous said...

"This is not funny."

No, it's not. While his child is developing inside his mother's womb, his father is chasing internet tail? I mean what the fuck?

And he's doing it in a historic way that's guaranteed to be recorded for all time in the history books.

Anthony Weiner just has no redeeming value as a human being. He should do the right thing.

I really feel badly for his unborn child that his piece of shit father is so demeaning to his mother while the child is in the womb.

What a horrible way to come into the world.

You stay Flashy, Tony.

Anonymous said...

"Mazel Tov"

Obviously somebody thinks its funny. She's a Muslim.

Original Mike said...

That is too bad, for her. Kind of narrows her choices.

Although she's a Democrat, so maybe not.

Fred4Pres said...

Well he is Jewish. I am not sure what the Corner was thinking. I do not think Huma thought this scandal was very "mazel tov." Which roughly means good luck or good blessing. Yeah, the pregnancy is a good thing but the timing of all of this is horrible.

Weiner is an absolute cad.

Carol_Herman said...

Okay. Andrew Breitbart is the CHAMP! The way the nude photo came out ... was when Breitbart, who was a guest on a radio show. Was asked to show if he really had such a picture.

Turns out the MSM gets swiped again.

And, the VIRAL effects of the Internet are obvious!

Even Matt Lauer at NBC says he was impressed by Anthony Weiner's presser.

Surreal TV. Given a boost by the Internet.

Victories abound. But not for the old news business. (Imagine what it must be like to be any one of them.)

Anonymous said...

"Although she's a Democrat, so maybe not."

In this instance, I can support her right to an abortion.

Who would want to have this scumbag's offspring in her womb?

Anonymous said...

"Well he is Jewish."

No, he's not. He claims to be Jewish. But his mother is not Jewish and he does not practice Judaism.

He's only Jewish in the sense that Barack Obama is Irish.



Anonymous said...


Weiner to resign tonight, 7pm EST.

Fen said...

uh oh, Breitbart let Wiener's x-rated photo slip out? Oh NO! And they've been so fair to him! Its not like they falsely accused him of a federal crime and then enlisted their media whores to slime him all week... right?

Don't fuck with Andrew Breitbart.

Are we clear? Democrats? JournoLists? Good. Try that bullshit again and see what happens.

Original Mike said...

"Weiner to resign tonight, 7pm EST."

Hey, that'll give him more free time!

Anonymous said...

"Are we clear? Democrats? JournoLists? Good. Try that bullshit again and see what happens."

Hey, Fen ... question for you.

Do you think Anthony Weiner is the only Democrat Congressman who is doing this?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Anthony Weiner regrets Barack Obama telling us to get up in their faces and punch back twice as hard.

You think he regrets that shit right about now.

Almost Ali said...

Kirsten Powers dated Weiner???

Actually, the ideal union.

Between her phony smile and his phony life, they could pony up to just about any dyke bar east of the Mississippi.

Ralph L said...

What a horrible way to come into the world
It'll be ancient history by the time the child hears of it, hopefully. At least Weiner doesn't have children 10-14 now. Kids that age can be merciless to each other. A guy in my small high school was caught wanking at freshman football camp. He was known as "Springboard" the rest of high school.

Anonymous said...

You know what I'm wondering: Will Andrew Sullivan conduct as thorough an investigation of Huma Abedin's uterus as he's devoted to Sarah Palin's to ensure that the baby really is hers.

Phil 314 said...

Fred4Pres said...
The Corner on Huma's Pregnancy.

Now we enter the sad/absurd phase of the story.

Again I'll say to Nevadabob, you're showing just a little too much interest in Anthony's Weiner.

Carl Vero said...

The perp as twittering twerp
Apologizing for womanizing
Lying outright with the truth in plain sight;
A sordid saga
He should have stayed above the fray
Doing a Gaga:
Born this way.

Anonymous said...


Weiner's congressional district to be eliminated in thinly-disguised bid to fire him

CNN: Multiple New York Democratic sources told CNN it is highly likely Weiner's district will be eliminated as part of next year's redistricting process.

Weiner, who is married to a pregnant wife, admitted earlier this week that he engaged in sexually tinged communications with multiple women and sent nude pictures of his erect penis and lied about it.

Democrat Senator Mark Pryor: "I think at this point it would probably be a good thing if he would go ahead and resign."

Anonymous said...

"... you're showing just a little too much interest in Anthony's Weiner."

You know, if he would do the right thing and resign, I think people would stop posting things about him and we could instead talk about the important issues such as the debt ceiling or Medicare.

But as long as he insists on being a distracting force and sucking all the oxygen out of the room, then I think he's doing no good for the Democrat Party.

I wonder if he's gotten that message yet? That he's actually hurting the Democrat Party cause by hanging around where he's not wanted.

Anonymous said...

"The pregnancy changes everything. Weiner could depict fighting as political courage, but dragging a pregnant wife deeper in this muck?"

You know, Joan Walsh should probably remove her tongue from Anthony Weiner's ass.

I hear he's a married man.

Anonymous said...

For myself, I'm praying to God she doesn't have a girl.

Fen said...

Hey, Fen ... question for you.
Do you think Anthony Weiner is the only Democrat Congressman who is doing this?

Sexting coeds? No, he's not the only Democrat. I'm sure there are a bunch of Democrats doing something just as reprehensible. And a few Republicans too.

I worked 4 years at a state capitol. Congress-critters were not allowed to hire their girlfriends, or have affairs with their own secretaries, so they would hire each other's "nieces" and swap during lunch.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

I've decided Rep. Weiner is none too smart.

By the time of his press conference, he had to know...

1. These photos were out there.

2. All internet photos come to light eventually.

3. The more you try to change the subject, the more people will pry for the photos.

And then the part he MIGHT not have realized...

4. There IS a line you can cross where your own party and the rest of your supporters will abandon you.

Knowing what we know now, the smart move would have been to resign at his press conference. Interest in these photos would've waned. He'd have a tiny smidgen of self-respect for doing the honorable thing very late but still before he's forced out.

He's past the point now where damage control is possible. From now on, it's damage, damage, all the way down. But he could have managed a little damage control if he had just bowed to the inevitable.

ampersand said...

Do you think Anthony Weiner is the only Democrat Congressman who is doing this?

I suspect there are a few Republicans doing this as well, probably with a mimeograph machine and a telex however.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you all are obsessing about Weiner's unit when hey, Paul Revere!

Anonymous said...

Most politicians on the left are Darwinist-Sexular Subhumanists.

We have our share on the right.

NONE of this is WEENIE's FAULT...Frustrated closet homosexual Rethuglicans are to blame.

Evil is incapable of owning its own evil.

Anonymous said...

"The evidence connecting it to Weiner...."


Anonymous said...

If he insisted that the pronunciation was Viner 95% of the population would lose interest.

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