June 25, 2011

An alternate account of the Prosser-Bradley confrontation surfaces: Did she "charge him with fists raised"?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel presents new detail to the undersourced report that everyone's talking about today:
A source who spoke to several justices present during the incident told the Journal Sentinel that the confrontation occurred after 5:30 p.m. June 13, the day before high court's release of a decision upholding a bill to curtail the collective bargaining rights of public employees.

At least five justices, including Prosser and Bradley, had gathered in Bradley's office and were informally discussing the decision. The conversation grew heated, the source said, and Bradley asked Prosser to leave. Bradley was bothered by disparaging remarks Prosser had made about Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson.

Bradley felt Prosser "was attacking the chief justice," the source said. Before leaving, Prosser "put his hands around her neck in what (Bradley) described as a chokehold," the source said. "He did not exert any pressure, but his hands were around her neck," the source said. The source said the act "was in no way playful."

But another source told the Journal Sentinel that Bradley attacked Prosser. "She charged him with fists raised," the source said. Prosser "put his hands in a defensive posture," the source said. "He blocked her." In doing so, the source said, he made contact with Bradley's neck.

Another source said the justices were arguing... [and] Prosser said he''d lost all confidence in [Abrahamson's] leadership. Bradley then came across the room "with fists up," the source said. Prosser put up his hands to push her back. Bradley then said she had been choked, according to the source. Another justice - the source wouldn't say who - responded, "You were not choked."
According to the Journal Sentinel, Prosser issued a statement today, saying the accusation against him "will be proven false."

The NYT has picked up the story: "Wisconsin Judge Said to Have Attacked Colleague." The NYT article refers to the Journal Sentinel's new article this way:
Late Saturday, a separate Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report described a physical encounter in which two sources offered conflicting accounts of what happened, including one in which Justice Bradley was said to have charged at Justice Prosser.
I'm reading the Journal Sentinel's account as referring to 3 — not 2 — sources, with 2 of the 3 versions portraying Bradley as the aggressor: "the source... another source... [a]nother source...."

I want to know not only what really happened at the time of the physical contact (if any) between the 2 justices, but also who gave the original story to the press. If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign. But if the original account is a trumped-up charge intended to destroy Prosser and obstruct the democratic processes of government in Wisconsin, then whoever sent the report out in that form should be held responsible for what should be recognized as a truly evil attack.

ADDED: Everyone who thinks Prosser must to resign if he attacked Bradley ought to say that if Bradley attacked Prosser, she should resign. If that happens, then the tactic of leaking the original version of the story to the press will have backfired horrifically for Democrats, as Governor Scott Walker will name the Justice to replace Bradley. If both Justices erred and must resign, that will be 2 appointments for Walker, both of whom, I would imagine, will be stronger, younger, and more conservative than Prosser, and, with Bradley gone, the liberal faction on the court will be reduced to 2, against a conservative majority of 5.

AND: Remember, the legislature has the power to impeach, so it is Bradley who is at the greater risk as the story, suppressed for 11 days, comes out. The legislature could play neutral and impeach both Prosser and Bradley, but that would give 2 appointments to Scott Walker.

ALSO: People may assume that the man is larger than the woman, but — from what I have heard — Bradley is significantly larger than Prosser. Bradley is also 7 years younger than Prosser, who is 68.


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Palladian said...

What the hell is with you people in Wisconsin, anyway?

Fen said...

whoever sent the report out in that form should be called to account for what should be recognized as a truly evil attack

"This is what Democracy looks like", they said.

/good reminder to check your carry and ammo.

KCFleming said...

And if Bradley did "charge him with fists raised"?
Shouldn't she resign?

Carol_Herman said...

Okay. What are "the rules of evidence?"

Anybody went to the hospital? Nope.

Anybody went to the doctor's office. Nope.

No X-rays.

Just words. And, words from skirts, no less.

But the media moves.

Like it's moving mountains in Libya.

Okay. Libya's ain't got no mountains.

So, we make it official. And, we spend billions sending in missiles to pound sound.

You want victory? Send in the Western Union. With a TELEGRAM. It used to be such a great bit on Saturday Nite Live.

The press isn't supposed to immitate farce.

Too bad Bradley didn't go to the dentist.

There's no evidence Prosser can whacked, or assaulted, anybody.

Too bad Shirley Abrahamson doesn't have a penis. Cause if she did, she could piss into the punchbowl, when Prosser gets his office party. After he gets sworn in for another ten years.

This reminds me of the hopes people get to have when they see a rent controlled apartment. And, they're reading the obituaries. Trying to find theirs.

Carol_Herman said...


There, I fixed the typo.

Peter V. Bella said...

What goes on behind closed doors....

Freeman Hunt said...

What universe does one live in where it is believable that Prosser just started strangling one justice in front of others, and no one immediately reported it?

m stone said...

I go to The Progressive for my unbiased factual news. Is there anywhere else?

Jason said...

Now its clear why Bradley didnt press charges or get the police involved, or why the other justices reportedly in the office didnt do the same. Either she instigated it, or she threw a punch. Which is also why none of the "sources" wanted to go on record...they could be called as witnesses in any potential legal action.

What the hell has happened to investigative journalism in this country? And what has happened to the left in this state?

Freeman Hunt said...

Abrahamson and Bradley come off as so obnoxious that I'm surprised anyone wants a position with either of them on that court. Can you imagine working everyday with two malicious, neurotic drama queens?

(We know this describes Abrahamson by her dissent. We know this describes Bradley by her email about Prosser calling Abrahamson a bitch.)

Geoff Matthews said...

What is wrong in Wisconsin? A judge attacks a colleague?
Completely unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign.


I find it hard to even address such an illogical, improbably scenario.

Or, is this just the lawyerly way of advancing liberal talking points-

"Hey, I'm not carrying anybody's water--I said 'if'"

Jason said...

Just as an aside, I would love to see Prosser file a defamation suit. Just to out the "sources" that Wisconsin Public Radio for the initial story.

Jason said...

"Abrahamson and Bradley come off as so obnoxious that I'm surprised anyone wants a position with either of them on that court. Can you imagine working everyday with two malicious, neurotic drama queens?"

Especially after losing an election where they wanted to see the justice they hate the most (Prosser) voted out, and after having to file a losing dissent to a piece of legislation that will cripple the left in this state.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right?

sorepaw said...

Unless Justice Bradley files charges against Justice Prosser, the entire story should be dismissed as arrant BS.

Is any other state Supreme Court so dysfunctional?

XWL said...

In retrospect, "Margarita Mondays!" may not have been the most prudent manner in which to build camaraderie amongst the justices...

Charlie Martin said...

What universe does one live in where it is believable that Prosser just started strangling one justice in front of others, and no one immediately reported it?


Charlie Martin said...

In retrospect, "Margarita Mondays!" may not have been the most prudent manner in which to build camaraderie amongst the justices...

Now, is it fair to submit the winning comment so early in the thread?

Freeman Hunt said...

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right?

Or a man. I've known plenty of malicious, neurotic drama kings.

Margarita Mondays!


Michael K said...

Women can be so vicious to colleagues, especially other women but including men. We had a situation in the city council where I lived for 20 years. No physical violence but constant verbal attacks and refusal to speak to her otherwise. She stuck it out for 8 years and was re-elected because she read the city check book every week and asked about individual items every council meeting. That's enough to get the rest of the council angry at you but the tactics were pretty despicable.

Wisconsin sounds a lot like that city council. I have a lot of stories about that dysfunctional city council and this story sounds familiar.

Sal said...

"...disparaging remarks Prosser had made about Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson."

1. "You look like Maude."

2. "You're barely competent to iron my robe"

3. "You're a fucking bitch!"

Freeman Hunt said...

It's not just women. Haven't you fellow commenters ever worked with men like this? I certainly have.

Snakes come in both sexes.

edutcher said...

Gee, if she came at him like that, isn't that assault or something?

You know, a felony?

PS Someone define "undersourced"?

PPS What Fen said. Madison is looking like something between Abilene when Hickok was marshal and Saigon in '68.

Milwaukee said...

In basketball, doesn't the person moving their feet collect the "player control foul"? Sounds like Prosser had his feet set and Bradley was moving. My guess is that they all agreed to keep it quiet, and the progressives, without integrity, leaked it to the press. Prosser made a defensive gesture. Can't really do anything below the neckline, as then he might touch her breasts and then he is a sexual offender. Sounds like at least Bradley needs to resign, or be removed.

Ehe progressives believe that if she had punched him with her fist, broke his glasses and one of her nails, she could complain about him hurting her.

traditionalguy said...

It appears that the attacking Bradley finished her attack with the false accusation that Prosser's blocking her fists was a choke attack upon her. But in a case like this one Bradley would have immediately called in 10 police officers and had Prosser arrested had there not been the other witnesses to what she did. Progressive mob actions sure do slow things down.

bagoh20 said...

"I'm out of order? You're out of order! This whole court's out of order!"

urpower said...

Kind of an odd chivalry kept it under wraps but they got maddened.

Jason said...

How long until the media tucks this story away, now that all of the facts are starting to ooze out?

The timing of this was to be leaked for it to be the headline in the Sunday papers...needless to say, that has backfired.

Simple fact is this: Bradley even refuses to comment on this situation, even after Prosser has given a statement. That says volumes, as far as Im concerned.

Real American said...

no reason the argument should get so heated that a justice in the Majority should resort to violence. You know who resorts to violence? Union thug-backed losers. That's who.

bagoh20 said...

This is inappropriate. I mean, you don't see pro wrestlers putting on robes and sitting around fine furniture just because it's a hard day at work. A man (or woman) has got to know his limitations.

tommygun said...

Too bad the "victim" apparently had no legal background of her own or any reasonable access to any legal remedy at the time.

Anga2010 said...

Y'all have a very disfunctional family dynamic going on there in the Wisconsin. I think that mebee they all ought to resign just to get some fresh blood.

Freeman Hunt said...

That NYT article is the perfect example of why I don't read or trust the NYT.

Anonymous said...

Idealogues tend to strike out-

They have a bug up their ass-

bugs bite-

Ask Hugo Chavez....just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the lady justice's story. I've worked at very high levels with extremely well educated and cultured men and women in high pressure environments for most of my career. Sadly, I've seen some incidences of violence, few but still too many. All male/female physical attacks were instigated by the women usually by a push to the chest, a slap to the face or a kick to the leg.

Freeman Hunt said...

The first rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is: you do not talk about Supreme Court Fight Club.

garage mahal said...

What the hell is with you people in Wisconsin, anyway?

You can trace it back where the trouble started fairly easy.

You just need to get past all the lunging necks into innocent stationary hands.

bagoh20 said...

"All male/female physical attacks were instigated by the women usually by a push to the chest, a slap to the face or a kick to the leg."

I think we all know this is what happens. When was the last time you saw a man attack a woman, as described, in a work environment. It doesn't happen. The worst a man ever considers in such a situation is a very rude verbal assault, because he knows that's the only way to win such a confrontation. A man attacking a woman like that is one of the most powerful taboos in our culture, or most others for that matter.

Even in those crazy Korean legislative brawls, the women attack the women and the men stick to the men.

The men attack the men.
The women attack the men.
The women attack the women.
The men attempt to stop the women from attacking both sexes.

That's the full range of actually interactions you see.

Men attacking women? Only in trailer parks, unless you are French.

Sal said...

...the legislature has the power to impeach...

If it got that serious, I imagine there would be statements of what actually occurred from the three other justices that were present. Then it wouldn't just be anonymous sources.

bagoh20 said...

"You just need to get past all the lunging necks into innocent stationary hands."

It may well have been very close to exactly that, and it's the most plausible, if you don't have a partisan plank in your eye.

Anonymous said...

Give the two of them boxing gloves, put them in a ring, and let them go at it until only one is left standing. It would be a pretty close match. Prosser's main advantage is that he is, well, a he, while given the ages involved the fact that Bradley is eight years younger could be significant.


bagoh20 said...

Hey garage,

I agree with Althouse: If Prosser attacked, he should resign.

But, if she did, do you hold that she should resign?

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

This is inappropriate. I mean, you don't see pro wrestlers putting on robes and sitting around fine furniture just because it's a hard day at work. A man (or woman) has got to know his limitations.

Somebody else told me that, but he carried a .44.

Which is probably the next step.

Freeman Hunt said...

The first rule of Supreme Court Fight Club is: you do not talk about Supreme Court Fight Club.

What happens in the State Supreme Court stays in the State Supreme Court.

I think the odds are better in Vegas.

Freeman Hunt said...

They should have a duel at dawn.

Steven said...

"Will be proven false" strikes me as a strong statement. I realize that lawyers use the word "proof" more loosely than, say, mathematicians, but it still seems to be a claim that he has some evidence that isn't yet public, doesn't it?

All we have right now is Plosser's word and the words of several anonymous witnesses, right?

Sal said...

Will this be on Drudge tomorrow? If it gets legs, this could get interesting.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the truth of any of this, I am interested to see how it all affects the reasonable person standard in Wisconsin. Probably quite adversely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Safe prediction: Lefty prog democrats will lie.

windbag said...

Wisconsin...making North Carolina look better every day. Seriously, whoever started that needs to go. Either or both. No excuse for that kind of behavior.

However the story unfolds, it can't get much worse for Republicans. They're already hated by Democrats. I think it's the Democrats who stand the most to lose, especially if Bradley attacked. There has to be some reasonable Democrats still clinging to the party who will let go after this sorry mess, if that's the way it turns out.

Anonymous said...

All we have right now is Plosser's word and the words of several anonymous witnesses

No. Read the story. The witnesses largely support Prosser's report of the events.

Anonymous said...

"If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign."

Let's examine this further.

By all accounts, Prosser is described as 'mild mannered', is he not?

So, for a mild mannered man, in a professesional setting, to attack a 'non-violent' woman would be extreme behavior, would it not?

With others present-

A mild mannered man, in a professional setting, with others present must have been in a state of rage-

A man in a state of rage that attacks a non-violent women and has his hands on her neck to choke her, chokes her.

Attempted to choke?

Why not conspiracy to choke?

Robert said...

I'm getting a pretty strong impression there are no reasonable persons in Wisconsin.

The past few months have been a lot of fun to watch from the outside.

God help us if WI ever gets to choose a president.

Anonymous said...

I did a long, long paper supporting the election of judges over appointment.

Maybe I was wrong.

Freeman Hunt said...

Asserting that Prosser choked another justice in a fit of rage and without provocation while other justices looked on is as stupid as it was to believe that Weiner was hacked.

Fen said...

Lucy pulls the ball out from Garage. Again.

Poor Charlie Brown.

Hey Garage, these people you claim are smart enough to know whats best for the rest of us? They can't throw a punch without tripping up and falling to the ground.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Damned if your "in retrospect" comment didn't sound just like The Far Side dude. Are you Gary Larson?

Anga2010 said...

WOW! Woman attempts assault against man and finds she is unable to do much of anything but complain about it later... YAY!

Freeman Hunt said...

Next up: Someone will leak that Prosser once body-slammed Abrahamson on the floor of the State Supreme Court lounge while all the justices were calmly discussing an uncontroversial case.

James said...

Especially after losing an election where they wanted to see the justice they hate the most (Prosser) voted out

Actually I think Michael Gablemann is the most hated Justice. He ran a very aggressive yet truthful campaign to beat "Loophole Louis" Butler and Abrahamson, Bradley, and the left in general have neither forgotten nor forgiven him. They have been harassing him with demands for recusals and accusations of ethics violations since he's been elected.

Much of the current dysfunction on the Supreme Court can be traced back to Gableman's election. Prosser is merely collateral damage in a much larger battle.

Sal said...

"By all accounts, Prosser is described as 'mild mannered', is he not?"

I thought he has a reputation for having quite a temper.

My guess is he's a grumpy old man who grouses about Abrahamson constantly. Bradley finally just flipped her wig.

Anonymous said...

Who "broke" this story?

Am I to believe this story was broke by Think Progress and nobody thought it dubious??

From Crooks and Liars:

Holy cow...ThinkProgress broke the news:

The Wisconsin State Journal reports: “Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around the neck in an argument in her chambers last week, according to at least three knowledgeable sources.” The incident occurred “before the court’s release of a decision upholding a bill to curtail the collective bargaining rights of public employees.” According to their sources “Bradley purportedly asked Prosser to leave her office, whereupon Prosser grabbed Bradley by the neck with both hands.”

I'm Full of Soup said...

And looks like Garbage Mahal was wrong again.

Jason said...

"God help us if WI ever gets to choose a president."

Funny thing is, Wisconsin could have a front-running presidential candidate if Paul Ryan ever decided to run.

What you have been seeing since Walker took office in January is a bunch of liberal Dane County residents realizing that they dont run the state. And this is what they do when the GOP actually has politicians with a spine actually stand up to them....something this state hasnt had since Tommy Thompson left. And he wasnt even that far to the right.

XWL said...

AJ Lynch above


Damned if your "in retrospect" comment didn't sound just like The Far Side dude. Are you Gary Larson?"

I'm fairly certain I'm not Gary Larson, though, I'm also pretty sure we've never been seen in the same room together, so...

Also, I got quoted by Instapundit, Woohoo!

(I think I deserve 1/1000th of his ad revenue for today for providing him with that bit of added value content)

Jason said...

"By all accounts, Prosser is described as 'mild mannered', is he not?"

I thought he has a reputation for having quite a temper."

I have also heard that he is temperamental, but at the same time Ive heard from others that he is one of the most personable men you could meet.

Thats why I laugh whenever I hear the left rail on Scott Walker and call him "Hitler", among other things. Walker is actually one of the nicest people you would ever meet.

Michael Haz said...

But if the original account is a trumped-up charge intended to destroy Prosser and obstruct the democratic processes of government in Wisconsin, then whoever sent the report out in that form should be held responsible for what should be recognized as a truly evil attack.

Liberals are never held accountable for this kind of thing. Never. In fact, the idiot who did this will be lionized as a hero by his/her peers and friends.

kimsch said...

Margarita Mondays. Well it is Margaritaville Saturday in East Troy. Jimmy Buffet's playing at Alpine Valley tonight.

Whatever happened to Alpine anyway? The next concert scheduled is Pearl Jam on Sept 3...

James said...

So who swears in Prosser on August 1?

Anonymous said...

James -- I believe it's 15 bouts, and Mick is Bradley's trainer.

edutcher said...

Browndog said...

"If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign."

Let's examine this further.

By all accounts, Prosser is described as 'mild mannered', is he not?

So, for a mild mannered man, in a professesional setting, to attack a 'non-violent' woman would be extreme behavior, would it not?

Never let logic get in the way of a good smear.

Freeman Hunt said...

Next up: Someone will leak that Prosser once body-slammed Abrahamson on the floor of the State Supreme Court lounge while all the justices were calmly discussing an uncontroversial case.

Won't fly unless it was part of a threesome with Bradley pushing Prosser over onto Abrahamson to make a boy sandwich while Prosser sexted it to Kloppenberg.

Carol_Herman said...

Sometimes, it's a good thing to just hem your robes up,so they don't come down lower than your knee.

If Bradley gets a chance ... since she's bigger than Prosser. And, I'll bet also taller than Mr. Peepers. She'll switch robes. So she can trip Prosser ... on his way to his formal swearing in.

Can she get away with this?

Wouldn't be for lack of trying.

But if a judge goes splat. Can't he just stand up, trying to hold onto as much of his dignity as possible?

Given that Prosser doesn't talk to the press.

All ya got here are rumors.

For Prosser?

He listened to Kloppenhoppen give her victory speech.

He kept his cool.

I'll vote for Prosser keeping his cool, even if Bradley manages to stick her foot out. And, she trips Prosser up.

These are contests to which you have to bring band-aides.

Kansas City said...

To Ann's credit, she said that Prosser shoudl resign if he assaulted Bradley, before she knew that Bradley had allegedly assaulted Prosser. Bradley and Abrahamson must be pieces of work.

JAL said...

Makes more sense that he would make contact (if he did) with her if defending himself.

And given the histrionic behaviors I see in womyn journos and writers and pols, her over-reaction to his dismissiveness (if that is what he was doing) seems about right for that gender of that species of democratiosii.

Also explains his reticence and slight obfuscation. More gentleman than she is a lady.

Mark said...

I'm sure this isn't the first time Prosser has thought "It sucks to have to be a gentleman."

OTOH, Bradley's "allies" may have pushed past that into, "Ah, yeah" territory.

If the story keeps evolving in the direction it's taking, this year should be the first chapter in the Progressive Handbook on "How Not To Respond to a Major Setback."

Milwaukee said...

Kansas City: Why give Ann credit for saying Prosser should resign before the facts are all in? Has she called for Bradley's resignation if she charged at Prosser with her fists up?

JAL said...

If she threatened him it was a joke, she didn't really mean it,he was misreading her action of strcthing and clenching, and get over it.

If he put his hands out to stop her and protect himself he deserves the tar and feathers. And impeachment or forced resignation.

No other possibilities.

Black. White.

Anonymous said...

Milwaukee -- Did you read her post?

Dan said...

"What the hell is with you people in Wisconsin, anyway?"

They wear those cheese hat thingies too tight. Vikings and Bears fans have been aware of this issue for some time; it's good to see the warning getting out to the broader public like this.

DJT said...

This whole wonderful story reminds me of Mencken's assessment of the great contribution of American politicians to their citizens;

"Turn, now, to politics. Consider, for example, a campaign for the Presidency. Would it be possible to imagine anything more uproariously idiotic - a deafening, nerve-wracking battle to the death between Tweedledum and Tweedledee?"

The fighters quit before the end of the first round? The people demand a rematch!

Carol_Herman said...

Uh, Mark. Nixon wrote the testbook example case.

What we're getting now is mere panic.

While, yes, Glenn Reynolds has it about right. You take the "mystery" out of the judicial chambers ... when you turn it into something as foolish as ...

"He hit her."

Oh, no! He didn't hit her. She hit him.

At moments like this you'd just hope lawyers remembered to call in the police to at least "make a report."

Or go to the dentist, and get a whole new set of dentures. Blaming it, not on biting food, but on chomping down on an adversary who was also wearing robes.

If we got them out of their robes, and into clown suits, would it improve the system, and make it work better?

Shouting Thomas said...

Clearly, it's time for both sides in this ongoing battle to gather up clubs, knives and other small arms for an all out war at Camp Randall Stadium.

Commies and public employees vs. conservatives and taxpayers. A fight to the death in the public arena.

Winner take all.

Milwaukee said...

Women are much better than men at being bitches: at nagging and nagging and ripping on their victim with many different and unusual ways to be nasty.

This is one of the reasons athletics are good for girls in school. If A. is a better basketball player than B., say winning consistently at Horse or 21 or what have you, that is objective. But girls are masters of comments like "you must like that outfit, you've worn it 3 times in the last 2 weeks" or "What magazine do you get your hair style ideas from, they are so unusual". Subjective attacks are much harder to defend against. Men don't play that way. They say "you're an ass." and are done with it. I've had students show up at school with the wrong hairdo, and they might as well have gone home. The negative feedback from their female classmates was so bad they couldn't do anything productive.

Now all you feminist idiots can wail. Go on. Deny your femininity. Isn't that what killing your unborn babies is about? That's what modern womanhood is about. Oh yes, and it is ok to hit a guy who isn't supposed to defend himself, and by God he better not defend himself.

When are we going to start jailing women who falsely accuse men of rape? They should go to jail for the same length of time the man would have gone to jail, had the rape charge been true. Hell, we have men who are victims of being raped who end up paying child support.

JAL said...


Carol_Herman said...

DJT: What you wrote reminded me of Mark Twain's famous quote:

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself."

Meanwhile, while the judiciary in Wisconsin are behaving in ways so unbecoming of their positions ... I'm reminded that to become a judge, first you must be a parasite on the behind of a politician.

bobby said...

"PS Someone define "undersourced"?"

When all sources agree that the liberal was at fault.
- - - -

Y'all are talking about this incident like you're shocked or appalled, or even incredulous. As a Minnesotan, please let me remind you that Wisconsin has the highest number of on-sale bars per capita of any state.

While this factoid has nothing specifically to do with this incident, I've always felt that knowing about it as a contextual factor adds to one's understanding of, and empathy for, all things Wisconsin.

Back in junior high, I remember getting my MN license plates muddy (WI cops were hell on MN teen drivers) and driving over the border with a buddy to pick up something at his aunt's house. We met her in a bar, and got there just in time to witness this 55-year-old mother-of-eight aunt beat the living carp out of two larger men who had called her fat.

My buddy just grinned and said "don't mess with Yjortis!" That's Wisconsin in a nutshell.

avwh said...

"What the hell is with you people in Wisconsin, anyway?"

Must be the cheese....

Well, that and the usual progressive media, which means using "all the lies that are fit to print". No need for investigation or any real journalism - it's so much easier when you just fulfill your agenda and cheerlead.

Mwalimu Daudi said...

This is starting to remind me of the recently concluded Oscar Mayer Scandal. Weiner's defenders initially tried to blame Andrew Breitbart.

Likewise, in this case Judge Prosser was fingered as the initial villain. Now we find out it could have been Bradley.

Anyone have the line on how long before Bradley requests a leave of absence in order to enter an anger management program?

bagoh20 said...

So as I understand it, the process involved in selecting for this job would make these people some of the most reasonable, intelligent and judicial available in Wisconsin.

They either physically attacked each other over a discussion of law, and then covered it up, or they lied about it happening to defame one another.

You guys do set some high bars up there in the tundra.

James said...

Its instructive to watch how the left wing attack machine works. The three liberal justices (the Shirleyettes) leak this story to Bill Leuders.

Think Progress picks up (or collaborates with Leuders) to spread the story across the lefty blogosphere; where it is picked up by the likes of the New York Times.

By comparison, Weinergate occurred on a Friday night and was reported immediately by Breitbart but it never got traction as quickly as this story does.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its a Weiner deja vu all over again..

Many versions, but no police complaint with the force of law behind it.

If there was a law broken you would think the highest law officer (co-equal to the governor) in that state would see to it that the proper enforcement would be carried out.. otherwise it starts to look like favoritism and a double standard - one for those in power and another for the rest of us.

I say this is much ado about nothing, otherwise enforceable complaints would have been filed.. Weiner deja vu.

Guildofcannonballs said...

These urine-ants, the Wisconsin Judiciary, proper, defined, are not fit to decide in fact or not, the issue of William F. Buckley Jr.'s I.Q.

My fault, like all of ours, is our inability to properly advertise, or market, WFB.

Market it, before I do.

Do it.

bobby said...

" . . . the process involved in selecting for this job would make these people some of the most reasonable, intelligent and judicial available in Wisconsin."

You cannot truly understand a different culture if you insist on ascribing your own values and goals to its people and then deriding their failures at serving those values and attaining those goals.

Would you criticize Lombardi's hiring of Fuzzy Thurston because he couldn't line dance?

Anonymous said...

"What is wrong in Wisconsin? A judge attacks a colleague?
Completely unprofessional."

Pretty much. We don't know who attacked who or who yelled at who or what happened -- but I would bet multiple justices have been acting in an unprofessional manner.

And it just shows how dysfunctional Wisconsin has become that this ridiculous and unprofessional fight has very quickly devolved into party against party. It's not all about partisan politics.

Ridiculous. It's ridiculous that it's come to this point. The people of Wisconsin deserve much better. These justices have the public trust and they are acting like five year olds. If you can't act like an adult get off the court. Period.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If a law is broken in the presence of a supreme court justice (never mind the choking) is it not the duty of that supreme court justice to see to it, by the way the law proscribes, that the law is enforced.

If that justice does not carry out that duty isn't that obstruction of justice?

I'm not a lawyer but simple shit like this is obvious even to me.

Steven said...

Seven Machos:
[[All we have right now is Plosser's word and the words of several anonymous witnesses

No. Read the story. The witnesses largely support Prosser's report of the events.]]

I'll cop to not having read the story the first time, but I just did, and I still don't see anything attributed to anyone but Prosser, whose name I really can spell correctly if pressed, and anonymous witnesses.

I suspect you've inferred that when I said "and" I meant "against", or something like that, which I didn't mean. I acknowledge that I could have worded my comment to make such an inference less likely.

One thing I did notice from reading the piece, even though it was covered in Ann's quote, is that six justices (as I read it now - "[a]t least five" as Ann quotes it) were present. The chief does not seem to be fond of (or respectful of) Prosser; the other three who were present are probably (though less clearly) not fond of Bradley. None of them apparently thought it important that this incident be publicized. Isn't that interesting in itself?

Anonymous said...

S -- That's right about the wording. However, all we are ever going to have is the word of all the people who were there. That's the nature of evidence in these matters.

Anonymous said...

If a law is broken in the presence of a supreme court justice (never mind the choking) is it not the duty of that supreme court justice to see to it, by the way the law proscribes, that the law is enforced.

Lem -- I say definitely no. That's clearly the duty of the executive branch, which has police powers, not the judicial. I am guessing that Wisconsin judges are deputized with police powers. That'd be weird even for Wisconsin.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Sweet is the melody

le Douanier said...

Would it be asking too much to have Meadehouse act out this scene, on video?

I need some visuals.

So this gal comes w/ fists flying and the dude pushes her away by contacting her neck w/ his hands.

I can't picture it.

Need visual aid.

P.S. Please throw in some dialog too. For example: gal: "don't be mean"
dude: "you bitch I'm going to destroy you"
gal:**runs to dude and throws air punches**
dude:**two handed choke/glancing neck contact**
gal:"you choked me"
dude(?):"did not, bitch"

Joanna said...

What you have been seeing since Walker took office in January is a bunch of liberal Dane County residents realizing that they dont run the state.

...a bunch of liberals not realizing that they don't run the state.

Anonymous said...

"However the story unfolds, it can't get much worse for Republicans. They're already hated by Democrats."

You know, the state sounds so polarized it's almost certainly a wash.

Wisconsin Democrats will believe blah blah and Wisconsin Republicans will believe blah blah and nobody will act reasonably. And the a-political people are clearly the luckiest people in that state because they are ignoring all of this nonsense.

The political Wisconsinites have divided the world into only two groups, there are no shades of grey, it's all good and evil. And it has become acceptable for State Supreme Court justices to get into physical and verbal altercations with each other in chambers!

They all need to resign.

Penny said...

We all know this isn't going to end up being about what happened in Bradley's office. The discussion will quickly turn to the horrors that can result when a party in power steamrolls the party that is not in power.

Ultimately, it will become a lesson in the benefits of cooperation and negotiation across party lines and being mindful that those holding the minority view should be treated with respect.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem -- I say definitely no. That's clearly the duty of the executive branch, which has police powers, not the judicial.

That opens it up for another Clintonian effect.. it depends on what the meaning of is is and what not.. aren't the justices officers of the court?

I'm confused.. what is the upside of sheltering judges?

Robert said...


Be better if those Taiwanese cartoonists would make an animated movie out of it.

A "Shotgun" Gold said...

Seriously, I think there's a competition among the three branches of WI government to see which one can come across as the most controversial or dysfunctional. I wonder what they have riding on the bet? What will the winner get?

Robert said...


How much respect do you think a minority party running to another state to avoid an unpleasant legislative outcome deserves?

Really, that's how all this started.

Carol_Herman said...

This is beginning to sound like an episode of Seinfeld.

Almost like deja vu, exaggeration has nothing to do with it.

Oh,yeah. This is another example that Shirley Abrahamson has absolutely no leadership skills.

And, even though she's "chief," as long as she's in the minority, she can't even assign tax cases to Prosser.

le Douanier said...

"Be better if those Taiwanese cartoonists would make an animated movie out of it."

Great idea!

bagoh20 said...

"You cannot truly understand a different culture if you insist on ascribing your own values and goals to its people "

So why does Wisconsin have such a strange culture? Are the natives too violent to allow outsiders to make contact, or is it that the government has set it aside as a kind of endangered culture to be preserved by limiting outsiders who might infect it with reason or fire water.

I've never been there, and it seems quite exotic, do they dress anything like this?

My Madison Vacation

Seeing Red said...

Bradley played the womyn card.

Put me on the jury.

She's guilty.

I loathe womyn like her.

Anonymous said...

"So this gal comes w/ fists flying and the dude pushes her away by contacting her neck w/ his hands.

I can't picture it.

Need visual aid."

Oh come one -- it's easy to visualize it.

Justice one: "I have no faith in you blah blah"

Justice two: "You need to leave chambers."

Justice one: "No"

Justice two: Walks aggressively towards Justice one.

Justice one: Puts up hands to grab her shoulders, they miss or slip and he grabs her neck instead. He lets go immediately.

Other justices: "You strangled her!" "No he didn't!"

Now I have no idea what actually happened in this case, but that's a possibility.

In the above situation: I am deeply unimpressed with both justices and in the other justices for allowing the situation to devolve into this mess.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Seven I understand the thing about executive privilege, the need for presidential executive privilege..

State Justices don't have that.. do they?

If you are saying a judge is above a particular law, you are saying there is a privilege.

I've dated lawyers.. that's as far as I've gone ;)

garage mahal said...

So why does Wisconsin have such a strange culture?

That's the thing. We don't. Normally. We just have strange people that took over our government. It's not a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

You Wisconsin progs and media types have really let me down. By reputation, you are much better liars and thugs. Look south to Chicago and learn.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As far as I know only the federal executive branch is granted "privileges" meaning basically end runs around laws Joe six pack has to abide by.

davemartin7777 said...

She's a big woman so it makes it ok for him to assault her.

Carol_Herman said...

When will decorum return?

If Monty Python got a hold of this for a skit, it would be full of loose mice and funny walks.

No wonder there's always an odd number of judges in the room.

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

Notice the pattern?

If it were an even number somebody would get killed.

dhagood said...

"We just have strange people that took over our government. It's not a coincidence."

uh huh. a democratically elected government took office, but that equates to "took over" on whatever planet garage lives on. got it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Executive privilege is so cool Obama gets to redefine the term hostilities from whole cloth.

Its efing amazing.

Steven said...

Seven Machos: probably true, though we could at least have a few more people on the record. And if I had been Prosser, I wouldn't have used the verb "prove" if that's all I expected to come out.

Canuck: I saw a collection of polls a few weeks ago - I wish I remember where - of about 35 states' governors' approval rating by party. Walker had the highest own-party rating (~75%, IIRC) and the lowest other-party rating (< 10%).

I was disappointed that my own Andrew Cuomo wasn't listed. I'm pretty much on the right, and am pretty happy with the Democrat so far. The governor with the best other-party approval rating was the governor of Nebraska.

Fen said...

those holding the minority view should be treated with respect.

For people calling us nazi's while they faint on the Capitol steps? Are you daft?

Although it does follow. The very people who have squandered any respect we had for them are now *demanding* we give them more respect. Just like they do with our money.

Anonymous said...

"Canuck: I saw a collection of polls a few weeks ago - I wish I remember where - of about 35 states' governors' approval rating by party. Walker had the highest own-party rating (~75%, IIRC) and the lowest other-party rating (< 10%)."

yeah - it has been interesting. A completely polarized state -- And they seem very closely divided in terms of numbers.

I have to admit -- with all the publicity about the Civil War anniversary, it makes me wonder how it felt to live in a border state leading up to the war.

Obviously Wisconsin is nowhere near Bloody Kansas, but it's a little disturbing to see institutions like the judiciary act like this.

Although if somebody does make that animated cartoon -- something good might come out of this!

Robert said...

The JS story has been updated. It now quotes Bradley and she uses the word "chokehold".

So, why not report it to the police, Madame Justice?

Fen said...

Its a mental disorder.

le Douanier said...

" So, why not report it to the police, Madame Justice?"

""Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren't resolved by competing press releases. I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace.""

Carol_Herman said...

A complete investigation?

Man, they haven't even been able to get the red balloon off the ceiling of the rotunda, yet.

As to "altercation," believe what you want.

But Bradley's reduced to lying about it. Maybe, whoever helped her "author" her paper, also helped Bristol Palin claim Levi Johnson raped her. But she wasn't sure. Because she was too drunk at 15 to know the difference of sex. And, not sex. Anymore.

Bradley's a lying slut.

Chef Mojo said...


So, why not report it to the police, Madame Justice?

Madame Justice is an officer of the court, and is required by oath to report violations of the law.

And I do believe, under the law, that this, as described by unnamed sources, is assault & battery. Isn't that a felony?

Face it, libs. You're in a lose/lose situation here. If Bradley is found to be leaking false accusations, she goes down.

If it turns out Prosser assaulted and battered Bradley, then Walker gets to pick his replacement.

Nice going, morons.

Penny said...

"How much respect do you think a minority party running to another state to avoid an unpleasant legislative outcome deserves?

Really, that's how all this started."

Is it? Hey. Never been much into history...it depends too much on exactly which POINT in history you want to start with.

Seeing Red said...

Bradley is in her 50s?

Time for HRT. Or tranqs.

Her hormones r wacky.

She's not in her "right" mind.

Ohhh, the whisper campaign that could be made on that.

Seeing Red said...

Now the question becomes

Does Abrahamson lie?

As an officer of the court, didn't she have a duty to report this when it happened?

She's protecting Bradley?

She could be out as well.

The recall elections for nada.

All that money & hot air - and the progressives get bounced cos they can't control themselves.



Then MORE POPCORN! They're foaming at the mouth now, they'll officially go rabid.

Chuck66 said...

It started with Diamond Jim Doyle doing Enron like accounting....double counting revenue, hiding liabilities, etc. Then public employees not wanting to make even the most minor sacrifices. And then left wing wackos coming in their custumes and banging their drums and just being stinky. Then they declared war on Wisconsin businesses.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Has there ever been a greater defeatist unAmerican than Mark Steyn?

Consider, this evil bastard Steyn promulgates the most idiotic, hateful libel against the single most consequential human being to walk the face of the Earth since none other than Jesus.

William F. Buckley, of course, can withstand any stupid libel. The fact most don't care about the libel is disturbing.

The fact the ingrate Steyn cashes checks from WFB's name and legacy is unacceptable to those who don't hate William F. Buckley Jr.


Anonymous said...

"You're in a lose/lose situation here. If Bradley is found to be leaking false accusations, she goes down."

When governmental institutions start to fracture (ie - violence in judicial chambers), it's not just about partisan politics anymore -- the people loose.

Weiner was funny, ect. and people can laugh and be partisan and get out the popcorn and it's all good. But when it gets to this point it's not a game anymore.

reader_iam said...

Weirdly enough, I think this link works here, however weirdly.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Steyn and Rush were wrong about Iraq too.

Sure sure, more troops.

But Steyn, Rush, Hannity, and others, said political correctness was killing American troops.


General Petreaus said, given that our troops were being killed, we should do opposiite of what Rush and Mark advocated; excepting the correct conclusion to add more troops.

As far as strategy, Rush and Mark couldn't have differed more, in that G.P. advocated winning hearts and minds while Rush and Mark advocated fewer restrictions with regards to engagement.

How could Obama take a warmonger like Rush serious, when none other than the General War Hero D.P. says "winning hearts and minds" is more important than breaking things and killing people?

Obama could not take Rush seriously with regards to war matters, as those fools advocated, clearly, against everything Petreaus did with the exception of adding more troops.

Penny said...

Frankly, what Scott Walker did was exactly what I would have done.
It had never been tried before, so it was worth a shot.

When you have the power of the executive branch AND the house AND the senate, you gotta make some hay.

That might have been done before, but the thing I liked about what Walker did was that he set about DELETING. Getting RID of.

Scratch this rule, and then that rule while you have the chance!

And he went BIG! And I loved that he did, because some things...like public unions...really need to be GONE.

Here is maybe where we differ. I would have LOVED what Scott Walker tried to do...EVEN if he was a democrat getting rid of .. fill in the blank, and that's because I believe that the less laws and rules our government leaders make, the better off we are.

Doesn't make much difference to me what political party is ridding us of all the idiotic rules they sit around and concoct with the help of their special interest pals, and Walker!!! Bless his heart! The man was into DELETING!

But here's the "rub".

Everyone is SO worked up, that even the friggin' court is acting like a bunch of thugs, and personally? That just might tell me that Chris Christie had a better path.

No doubt there will be unending "compare and contrasts".

Carol_Herman said...

First of all, why are people assuming that judicial conferences are like corporate boardroom meetings, with Powerpoint?

I'm not surprised there's yelling at the table. I wouldn't even be surprised to hear there was some table-pounding to go along with strong opinions.

But, here, you've got 7 people in the room. Abrhamson, as chief, knows she's not assigning cases IF she's in the minority.

And, it's not as if these people are playing poker, either.

You may think it's like "going to have tea with the queen." But, it's not.

You can even tell from Antonin Scalia's own pen, how an individual's "temperment" gets measured. Sometimes? Very unpleasantly.

As far as the facts go, here, by the way, it seems Bradley has hit menopause. And, she wasn't getting treated for it.

What's worse? Women in the room "on the rag?" Or women who've passed that "cornerstone." And, their bitchiness becomes constant. No longer any highs and lows.

If Prosser was worse than Kloppenhoppen, Prosser would not have won. And, his win wasn't small.

Kloppenhoppen, when she declared victory with only a 200 vote margin. Was actually gambling her side was gonna win.

And, that's the side that lost.

Since the republicans won an advantage in 2010. What with Walker's election and everything ...

The whole playbook the democraps are using ... from the walkout of their minority players to Illinois ... To everything else seen on stage. Has been a fiasco.

You need Brooks Atkinson to tell you this?

Stinko show. Bombed as soon as the curtain went up.

Backstage, all the players know.

What they don't want is for you to know.

reader_iam said...

Sheesh, Carol. You could have at the very least provide the obvious cheap link for Brooks Atkinson, for context. A household name, generally and vastly speaking, Atkinson ain't after all.

Penny said...

Carol Herman?

Just want you to know that while I don't always understand your point, you have phenomenal cadence!

The rhythm of your words is quite extraordinary. You're like a BEAT poet!

Course, all the above from someone who never started listening to song lyrics until when? ha ha A couple of years ago.

Anyway...please don't stop being YOU, Carol.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Where are the criminal charges? How can you commit a crime in a room full of judges (...) without it being reported?

Heck, let's have an inquiry. Make them live by the same rules the rest of us have to follow.

I'm vastly amused by this.

Lombardi Chick said...

I've never been there, and it seems quite exotic, do they dress anything like this?

Hey, we even have a book called "Wisconsin Death Trip".


VanderDouchen said...

@John Lynch

I'm amused by this, as well. Between this whole Wisconsin fiasco, where the Reds (from the "blue" states) drew a line in the sand (water), and the gunwalker mission, to prepare the battlespace for 2nd ammendment violations, it really makes me wonder what we are not seeing. The American way is about to be a proven, because certain folks won't stop pushing.

WV: rewor:

Either we find middle gorund, or we rewor to prove a point or two.

Penny said...

And there's another favorite melodian.

Hi, reader!

Heck, we should all go "On the Road" with Kerouac, but dammit if I will let that man drive.

Fred4Pres said...

Ann, Is there something in the waters of Madison?

Oh yeah, goose shit!

Penny said...

"The American way is about to be a proven, because certain folks won't stop pushing."

Point well made, VanderDouchen!

Friggin' Kerouac can drive.

Me bad. :(

Anyway, care to come along for the ride? But you need to sit in the front with Kerouac. The man is lonely! Well, really like DEAD lonely.

We ladies need to keep our eyes on your heads if we ever hope to get there.

Penny said...

So? Where we headin', gents?

Penny said...

"Oh yeah, goose shit!"

Why yes they do, Fred.

Were you trying to, um...put a plug in?

Love you bro, but I think those geese might give two thumbs down to your newest invention. But try again!

You throw enough shit against the wall...hey...

Penny said...

Sorry, I got sidetracked.

Back to the bossy cow.

Althouse asks, ""Did she "charge him with fists raised"?""

How the hell would I know?

I'm still counting quotation marks.

Course if you'd like to give me a little help with that, Professor?

reader_iam said...

Hi, Penny.

reader_iam said...

As for us, we're taking care of our own plate just now and not paying much attention to others' plates.

Is that good enough for you, Penny?

reader_iam said...

Always there is that eternal question: What is it to which people choose to pay the most attention?

Ask Penny. She'll tell ya.

reader_iam said...

One other thing, Penny: I get the "melodian" reference.

I'll withhold comment on that for now.

reader_iam said...

Bottom line: It's all about Representatives in their littlest selves and not so much about their representing all those little people out there.

Well. That, as they say, is that. So it goes.

reader_iam said...

What I'm wondering is this: Who thinks that, however this Prosser-Bradley/Bradley-Prosser thing is resolved, the court will be able to move into the immediate future with any semblance of authority intact?

It's important to determine who does, in fact, think that's possible: those who do are the first who ought be swept out of office. Public offices are best not held by ostriches (of any type and all types0.

Penny said...

"Bottom line:"

No exclamation point, reader?

Ha ha Hell no!

We're into...um... Colons?

Whoa, thinking it's my bedtime, and I'll let you "represent".

Love you, honey.

Night night.

James said...

Let's judge judicial temperament on the basis of the dueling press releases (in chronological order:

Justice Prosser

"Once there's a proper review of the matter and the facts surrounding it are made clear, the anonymous claim made to the media will be proven false. Until then I will refrain from further public comment."

Justice Walsh Bradley

"The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold,"

"Those are the facts and you can try to spin those facts and try to make it sound like I ran up to him and threw my neck into his hands, but that's only spin."

"Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren't resolved by competing press releases."

"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."

Bob_R said...

This is probably nothing more than a comical physical confrontation between a couple of soft desk jockeys who have never been in a fist fight in their lives. I little pushing and shoving. Nothing to see here. The problem is that it's being reported by a bunch of wimps who have never SEEN a real fist fight. The leakers are the only people who have done anything wrong.

Toad Trend said...

He did it!!!!

No, she did it!!!

He hit me first!!!

No! She hit ME!!!!

Its NOT FAIR!!!!

Tune in Wednesday for a new episode of 'Wisconsin Behaving Badly'.

Impeach them both.


rhhardin said...

Choking and punching are an executive function, not a judicial one.

Charlie Eklund said...

The first comment on this post, by Palladian, really does bear repeating; what the hell is it with you people in Wisconsin, anyway?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

That's the thing. We don't. Normally. We just have strange people that took over our government. It's not a coincidence.

Actually bozo, the weirdos are the ones acting with hysteria and rage about those who have been elected into office.

Like, that would be you.

KCFleming said...

Worse than the claims and denials about this event is the fact that none of the newspapers or TV stations can be counted on to do any actual reporting.

I view them all as media for the Democrats, so their position is always the same no matter what facts.

As for Prosser, it's pretty clear the leftists on the bench are colluding to get him ejected.

And I think they are colluding with the unions and the Democrats on this as well.

This would be a national scandal, if there were any media to report it.

Mr. Forward said...

"What's wrong with the people in Wisconsin?

Not a damn thing, what's so right about being wussified?

Our cows can kick your cows ass.

The black ones and the white ones.

And the black and white ones.

The Drill SGT said...

" So, why not report it to the police, Madame Justice?"

It's obvious, just like weinergate.

Step 1. go to police
Step 2. they ask the victim to make a sworn statement as to the incident. (at this point the stake go way up)
Step 3. They go to every other person there who was a witness and get sworn statements. How can a Judge refuse?
Step 4. They confront the attacker or go back and charge the alledged victim with a false report. Will it be the Man or the woman?

The Police hate false reports. This will peter out because she will never file a police report.

The Drill SGT said...

A source who spoke to several justices present during the incident told the Journal Sentinel that the confrontation occurred after 5:30 p.m. June 13, the day before the high court's release of a decision upholding a bill to curtail the collective bargaining rights of public employees.


Another source said the justices were arguing over the timing of the release of the opinion, which legislative leaders had insisted they needed by June 14 because of their work on the state budget. As the justices discussed the case, Abrahamson said she didn't know whether the decision would come out this month, the source said.

In all the she said, he said... we're not talking about why they were meeting at 1730 on a Monday night, June 13. The left had been playing "rope-a-dope" trying to stretch out the restraining order, etc to allow the unions to get new fat contracts in place. The majority say they can have their opinion written by Tuesday so that the lower court can be overturned and the restraining order declared void. Abrahamson says it will take weeks, not 24 hours....
Sounds like the majority made it clear they were going public on Tuesday.

That's the context of the ongoing set of delaying and obfuscating tactics of the progressives.
-when you have the law, argue the law,
- when the law is against you, but the facts look good, argue the facts
- when you have neither the law or the facts, talk about chokeholds

Freeman Hunt said...

I see that almost every article about this incident has a headline like this, "Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley around neck."

Where are the headlines reading, "Justice Ann Walsh Bradley allegedly charged fellow Justice David Prosser with fists raised?"

This is what conservatives are talking about when they talk about a biased media.

Hey, journalists, here's a free bit of j-school for you. See this headline from WISN ABC:

"Sources: Argument Between Prosser, Bradley Turns Physical"

That's called journalism. Notice how accurate it is. Notice how unbiased. Try to emulate that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I have been to 40 of the 50 states. I want to visit each of the ten I have not seen and Wisconsin is one of the ten. But I may scratch Wisconsin off my list.

Hagar said...

It could be worse.

When the Civil War ended in 1865, Slough was appointed Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court by President Andrew Johnson. He became so unpopular in this post that many sought for his removal. In 1867 William Logan Rynerson, a member of the Legislative Council of the territory of New Mexico, participated in a campaign to remove the judge, leading Slough to publicly slander Rynerson. The next day, Rynerson drew a gun on the judge in Santa Fe. Slough exclaimed, "Shoot and be damned!" and Rynerson fired. Mortally wounded, Slough drew a derringer and let it fall to the floor. Rynerson was found not guilty (by reason of self defense) by a court thought by many to be corrupt.

Captain (later Colonel) Rynerson went on to a long career in New Mexico politics, and was the District Attorney in Las Cruces who prosecuted Billy the Kid while being himself associated with the Murphy-Dolan faction.

Anonymous said...

Bradley is a nut that carries the water for the unhinged Abrahamson. Abrahamson is 78, this will be her last term. Bradley will then be on an island.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm completely fed up with this entire mess.

Time to settle it with fisticuffs.

Mano-o-mano in the arena... I suggest Camp Randle Stadium.

Duke it out. Prosser vs. Bradley. Weapons of their choice.

I want garbage. I'm ready to pound him good.

Winner take all!

Enough of this sissy shit! Let's settle this like men!

Freeman Hunt said...

Abrahamson's term ends in 2019. Yow! That's a long time.

sarge said...

sarge loves miz althouse suggestin the lady savaged thar tiny an weak victim prosser probably mizz althouse savages poor meady an thinks thats normle behavyer

now thet old crook gablemen haz cum out on his bff prossers side in thar dispute bradely has releesed a saement thusly:

"Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley issued a statement late Saturday saying that fellow Justice David Prosser choked her and disputing claims that she attacked him first.

"The facts are that I was demanding that he get out of my office and he put his hands around my neck in anger in a chokehold," she said. "Those are the facts and you can try to spin those facts and try to make it sound like I ran up to him and threw my neck into his hands, but that's only spin.

"Matters of abusive behavior in the workplace aren't resolved by competing press releases," she said.

"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."

prosser the supreme strangler

Read more: http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/govt-and-politics/article_0eccd0ea-9f33-11e0-b4f1-001cc4c03286.html?mode=comments&page=3#ixzz1QOCDZgTH

Roger J. said...

This is what comes from eating road kill--not a pretty picture. Chronic Wasting Disease and Kuru

Destroys the brain

On Wisconsin.

windbag said...

After sleeping on it, I've decided that Prosser is quite possibly guilty. He did kick Kloppenberg's ass.

Anonymous said...

And what people leave out is that Prosser has already admitted to referring to the Chief Justice as a "bitch."

He's such a kindly, gentle 68 year man who is so very dignified, right Ann? Give me a break. No wait....

The Drill SGT said...

This ex-sergeant (and ex-private and ex-officer :) wants to permanently disassociate himself from "sarge" the troll above.

Freeman Hunt said...

And what people leave out is that Prosser has already admitted to referring to the Chief Justice as a "bitch."

That only bolsters Bradley's story if you think he was incorrect.

Michael said...

Professor, a "source" gave out the information. The "source" apparently got the information from one of the five, (5), justices that were present. Now in my world, I would know that if an attack happened in the presence of five, (5), justices that one or more of them might have come forward had there been an actual "attack." Perhaps they should all go and Walker should replace them all. Win. Win.

Conserve Liberty said...

From the School of recurring themes . . .

Ladies and gentlemen don't behave this way.

Prosser should have stood there and let her slap him. They can't lie if you don't respond in kind.

Roger J. said...

Drill: rest assured that you will never be mistaken for the cretin that posts as "Sarge"

Poor bastard thinks his schtick is funny--what he doesnt realize that he is unreadable--he's a douche

Lincolntf said...

Whatever happened to that hooker-loving Democrat who screamed that he was going to "fucking kill!!" a Republican colleague? Did that shitstain resign yet?

Lombardi Chick said...

And what people leave out is that Prosser has already admitted to referring to the Chief Justice as a "bitch."

He's such a kindly, gentle 68 year man who is so very dignified, right Ann? Give me a break. No wait....

So you think it follows that he'd choke someone just out of the blue? Maybe you hang with priests all day or something, but I don't believe I know a single person - male or female - who hasn't called some woman, somewhere, a bitch.

I think you're going to need more than that to prove he's some kind of woman-hating psychopath.

Lombardi Chick said...

Whatever happened to that hooker-loving Democrat who screamed that he was going to "fucking kill!!" a Republican colleague? Did that shitstain resign yet?

I don't believe so, and I don't remember hearing anyone on the left demand such a thing.

Funny, that.

George said...


It's a little different that she "demanded he get out of my office" when there were six of the 7 justices in her office at the time, isn't it!

Calypso Facto said...

The Journal Sentinel article suggests there's witness support for both versions. It'll be interesting to see if the lying side balks at perjury when official testimony is taken.

Nothing will strengthen the legitimacy of Wisconsin's court system in the eyes of the public like watching Supreme Court justices lying under oath. Sigh.

Lincolntf said...

"It'll be interesting to see if the lying side balks at perjury when official testimony is taken."

So we should be watching to see which side starts backpedaling first. I doubt it will fall down purely partisan lines in the long run. That would just be too much.

sarge said...

"The Drill SGT said...
This ex-sergeant (and ex-private and ex-officer :) wants to permanently disassociate himself from "sarge" the troll "

listen up yar shitstained spincter yar wuz never and nevr could bee associatd with the sarge in thar 1st place but come on over an let sarge bend yar over an drive yar all the way home yar cumguzzlin pogie shitbird

The Drill SGT said...

"It'll be interesting to see if the lying side balks at perjury when official testimony is taken."

It would have been better to get police statements from these witnesses early, rather then let both sides develop spins marginally consistant with the facts yet not perjurious.

These are after all, experienced lawyers :)

Roger J. said...

Ahhh--the idiot posting as Sarge seems to have, in addition to language proficiency some issues associated with anger control.

Typical progressive-so Sarge why dont you post your dd214 so we can evaluate the caliber of your service--if you were in the service, which I doubt, probably ended with a DD

SGT Ted said...

We just have strange people that took over our government.

yea, because a majority of people certainly did NOT replace liberal Democrats with Republicans in a regular election with their legal votes because they didn't like what the Democrats in charge were doing.

They TOOK IT OVER,MAN! By unspoken, nefarious means, so leftwing drama queens like garage can pretend they are nobly opposing evil, rather than admit to not doing what the voters actually want out of their government was the reason they were voted out of power.

Garage and his leftwing brethren are so convinced of the moral superiority of their failed ideology that they can hardly conceive of anyone who would dare to disagree with their conclusions. Therefore and ergo, opposition to their superior ideas is illegitimate. It really is a USSR style mindset.

sarge said...

sarge will dd down yar leg an yar will tell sarge its only rainin you hear the sarge well boy do yar?

AllenS said...

He probably is a sergeant. On the Madison police force.

SGT Ted said...

"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."

translation: "I didn't like the tone of his voice and he called me a name. And when I moved towards him in a threatening manner, he dared to react in defense of himself."

garage mahal said...

Just another day in Clusterfuckwalkerstan.

richard mcenroe said...

" Everyone who thinks Prosser must to resign if he attacked Bradley ought to say that if Bradley attacked Prosser, she should resign."


SGT Ted said...

Why do leftists hate Democracy?

Because social justice demands mob rule.

The Drill SGT said...

SGT Ted said...
"I'm confident the appropriate authorities will conduct a thorough investigation of this incident involving abusive behavior in the workplace."

translation: No way in hell am I going to the Police and make a sworn statement. It was me and Abrahamson in the room along with those four wingnuts... I'm going to let this play out in the left wing press :)

Roger J. said...

OK--its sunday and I have to put up with my lady's mother this evening, so its time to go all nasty--apologize in advance, but its a great time to fuck with the idiot known as sarge

garage mahal said...

I find it impossible to believe someone with several past episodes of pounding podiums, yelling and threatening to destroy fellow colleagues would ever do something like this.

Bradley is taller!

Even if this did happen, Walker would appoint the replacement anyway!


Roger J. said...

so Sarge--your quite the internet stud--there are a whole lot of sheep in montana the could use your skills--you are loser son--get a life

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