May 31, 2011

"A senior Egyptian general admits that 'virginity checks' were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring..."

"... the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities," CNN reports:
"The girls who were detained were not like your daughter or mine," the general said. "These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters in Tahrir Square, and we found in the tents Molotov cocktails and (drugs)."...

"We didn't want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren't virgins in the first place," the general said. "None of them were (virgins)."
IN THE COMMENTS: Freeman Hunt said:
That sounds like he's saying that they did assault and rape them.


Mark O said...

Now that's some job.

Leland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

Barbaric? Anyone? Things like this lead me to scoff at anyone claiming moral equivalency between societies.

Anonymous said...

I once hooked up with an Egyptian girl. It was crazy hot despite (or maybe because of) the fact that she said we could only go so far.

Dustin said...

This really makes my stomach turn.

What a hopelessly insane country. They sexually assaulted all the women to prove they weren't sexually assaulted, with the intent of establishing (or reinforcing) the idiotic idea that you can't rape a woman who has had sex before. Now, they already knew that wasn't true. That kind of morality is built in to our brains. You know what rape is, and it's got nothing to do with virginity.

Every step of the way, the point is to demonstrate they can get away with this. They are the alpha dogs.

We need to give M-16s to these women.

Charlie said...

How's that Arab Spring workin' out for you?

traditionalguy said...

The western mind does not see into the Muzlim world on the Female Question. We see females as humans. They see females as cattle. Cowboys know that brands on cattle are very important to avoid serious charges of rustling another ranch's cattle.

Wince said...

Cairo (CNN) -- A senior Egyptian general admits that "virginity checks" were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring, the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities.

Any relation to Admiral Hyman Rickover?

General Hymen Lookover? Lickover? Dickover?

Okay, I'll stop now.

MayBee said...

Barack Obama wants these guys to have the democracy of their choosing, and he wants us to foot the bill.

The takeover of the country by these barbarians is supposed to uplift us.

Scott M said...

The western mind does not see into the Muzlim world on the Female Question.

I'm not disagreeing with the point, but let's bear in mind that there are a shitload of non-Muslim cultures throughout the world that think the exact same thing. It's those evil, oppressive westernized types that are the oddballs.

traditionalguy said...

It is not as bad as body cavity searches for prisoners in many American jails.

Nonapod said...

It's difficult for a lot of people in the West to understand the medieval mentality prevalent in Islamic countries. Essentially a lot of them are like a stoneage people living in a the modern world with modern weapons and technology.

traditionalguy said...

It is not as bad as body cavity searches for prisoners in many American jails.

Freeman Hunt said...

That sounds like he's saying that they did assault and rape them.

Anonymous said...

Pish, posh, all cultures are equal.

Anonymous said...

Freeman -- speaking of backward, stone age jackasses, did you see what some tool was writing about you in a thread below? What kind of a tool ascribes observation of the potential flaws in a female politician's potential presidential candidacy to female jealousy?

It takes a real warped outlook to do that, and I apologize to you, Freeman, on behalf of that yokel.

Hagar said...

I probably don't want to know what a "virginity check" consists of.

However, this struggle besides being about wealth and power in the modern world with modern weapons, etc., certainly is more about a medieval - or Dark Ages - mindset that needs to be exposed to daylight.

rhhardin said...

I'd imagine that the point is to discourage future women from protesting.

RuyDiaz said...

So, first they cut their clitoris, and then they make sure they don't use it?

Gee, what a lovely people.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Freeman Hunt said...

That sounds like he's saying that they did assault and rape them.

Yeah, but it wasn't rape rape.

RuyDiaz said...

That sounds like he's saying that they did assault and rape them.

More like "even if we did assault and raped them, there is no way you can prove it, and they probably deserved it anyway."

Scott M said...

and they probably deserved it anyway

"I mean...they were asking for it. You don't go into public as a woman with your ankles and wrists showing, for all to see, and expect good, faithful, Allah-fearing men not to be driven to assert their right not to be tempted."

Known Unknown said...

And people wonder why we are wholly incompatible with some societies.

Actually, society is too nice a term for whatever this is.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman -- speaking of backward, stone age jackasses, did you see what some tool was writing about you in a thread below?

Heh. No.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, Freeman, it was just asinine. I am stupider for having read it all. It was some interloper on a crazy tangent.

You are a fabulous commenter and an insightful thinker. I want you to know that. And I'm not saying that merely because you are beautiful.

edutcher said...

These are the people the dhimmi trolls are always defending, telling us, "You don't know anything about Islam or the Koran".

And the line, "We didn't want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren't virgins in the first place," the general said. "None of them were (virgins).", is just like the Dinner Jacket telling the credulous at Columbia, "There are no homosexuals in Iran".

Any more.

RuyDiaz said...

Freeman-don't bother, unless you are in it for a laugh.

Fred4Pres said...

So the police raped them to prevent them from accusing the police of rape?

Fred4Pres said...

Did we loan any TSA officers to the Egyptians?

David said...

Old Egyptian Saying: "It's not rape rape."

Fen said...

Fuck Allah.

David said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TMink said...

Arab Spring? More like Arab Strap.


Hoosier Daddy said...

This isnt a shock coming from a nation that practices genital mutilation of females.

KCFleming said...

They're showing Rep. Weiner how deniability is done.

Anonymous said...

The only way those countries will recover from their mass insanity is if we use the same plan as we did after WWII.

Not gonna happen.

Dustin said...

Should have left Hosni in power.

We should have given him some backup.

Egypt is not like Iraq. It takes a subtle, more careful look to see exactly how deeply different they are, but Egypt shouldn't become a democracy right now (and it really can't... at best they get to vote once for a dictator).

Sometimes, it's a good thing to have our bastard run the show. Not just for us, but for the bastards. Obama's foreign policy is an abject, nearly total failure.

Our one accomplishment is catching Osama Bin Laden, which is really great, but just not enough.

Freeman Hunt said...

Heh. Found it. Thanks for the tip.

I guess that saying you don't think Palin is running makes some people very very angry. So it goes.

edutcher said...

PatCA said...

The only way those countries will recover from their mass insanity is if we use the same plan as we did after WWII.

Not gonna happen.

Raise 90 divisions, clear out the whole rat's nest, and occupy it for a half century?

Except this time we make them all states of the Union, de-Nazify every square inch, and implement the Coulter Plan, along with the Marshall Plan

The Crack Emcee said...

This just made me laugh (I'm in a cynical mood today) because, here in the West, we let TV hosts openly run cults - and Newage murderers go free - and it's no big deal, but everyone here wants to point and tsk-tsk at the crazy shit they do ever there, I guess, because it's a religious society and people get hurt/killed.

Moral equivalency? Nope:

I don't see any morals at all.

Anonymous said...

""A senior Egyptian general admits that 'virginity checks' were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring...""

The unanswered question is "did they find any?".

Not likely. Egyptian virgin is any girl who can run faster than her brothers.

Anonymous said...

Ed -- Will you be paying for this personally?

Word verification: donor.

RuyDiaz said...


Even if you are right you'd still have to prioritize. The crap 'over there' has 1400 years of history behind it, about 1/5 of humanity as its nominal followers, and a mean, short temper. One thing is not equal to the other.

Toad Trend said...

"A senior Egyptian general admits that 'virginity checks' were performed on women arrested at a demonstration this spring..."

"... the first such admission after previous denials by military authorities,"....

Because all the good OB/GYN's went to school in Cairo, where a speculum and an insurance ID is not needed.

gerry said...

Did they wash the speculum before they used it on the next potential virgin?

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

Ed -- Will you be paying for this personally?

We may all be paying for it personally.

OTOH, it's the sort of thing that killed the Depression.

Of course, FDR hadn't broken the country with trillions in debt and double digit inflation.

Looking more like the Weimar Republic every day, aren't we?

Anonymous said...

Looking more like the Weimar Republic every day, aren't we?

No. We're not. Inflation hasn't even kicked in yet. Home prices are falling. Interest rates remain near zero.

You could make an argument that we are seeing stagflation. Maybe. But that's not exactly Weimar era inflation. Is it?

Also, which is it? A Great Depression or a bunch of inflation. Those two things do not go together. In a Depression, prices go down. In a period of rapid inflation, prices go up.

What's with the hysterics on the right lately?

Kirby Olson said...

Will any of this reportage make into Al-Jazeera, or any other local news that will reflect their thinking back to themselves so that something like a ripple of shame might pass amongst that beknighted crew?

RuyDiaz said...

Also, which is it? A Great Depression or a bunch of inflation. Those two things do not go together.


The Crack Emcee said...


The crap 'over there' has 1400 years of history behind it, about 1/5 of humanity as its nominal followers, and a mean, short temper.

And our excuse is?

Anonymous said...

Ruy -- Zimbabwe is merely inflationary. There's no Great Depression in Zimbabwe.

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

Looking more like the Weimar Republic every day, aren't we?

No. We're not. Inflation hasn't even kicked in yet. Home prices are falling. Interest rates remain near zero.

You could make an argument that we are seeing stagflation. Maybe. But that's not exactly Weimar era inflation. Is it?

The crushing debt is there. As to inflation, we've only just begun, as the Carpenters warned us. Those home prices are being called the second dip in the housing market, so it's not a good thing

In 16 months or so, I don't think things will look better.

And interest rates? Well, people are already wondering how long Bernenke can keep up that charade.

RuyDiaz said...

@ Crack;

We have no excuse. What else can I say?

By the way, I had a sign--so to speak--that I've been hanging around this blog too much. Over the weekend I watched an episode of House in which a New Age couple was starving their newborn with a 'raw food' diet. Dr. House snarks:

"A raw food diet? If only our ancestors hadn't discovered fire."

I thought: That's so Crack!


Anonymous said...

The crushing debt is there. As to inflation, we've only just begun, as the Carpenters warned us. Those home prices are being called the second dip in the housing market, so it's not a good thing

Crushing debt was fundamentally not a cause of the Great Depression. It was a bubble followed by stupid monetary policy and really, really bad governmental response that suffocated markets.

If prices go down, you do not and cannot have inflation. Because inflation is when prices go up. There is no such thing as inflation and depression together. They are different. What you are saying is the equivalent of saying that it's both hot and cold outside today.

You are living in some fantasy world where economic laws do not apply. Perhaps you should study economics, then get back to us.

Automatic_Wing said...

Depressions and inflation aren't mutually exclusive. The Great Depression of 1929-1941 happened to have deflation, but the next depression isn't guaranteed to turn out that way.

A depression is simply a protracted period with negative economic growth, which can include inflation or deflation or both at different times during the depression, or neither.

And Zimbabwe certainly has experienced a depression, their economic output is MUCH less than it was 30 years ago. If that's not a depression, nothing is.

Anonymous said...

Maguro -- This is simply an axiomatic, definitional issue. Depressionary periods are not inflationary periods.

The American economy did not shrink in consecutive quarters from 1929 to 1941.

RuyDiaz said...

Ruy -- Zimbabwe is merely inflationary. There's no Great Depression in Zimbabwe.


My one-word answer (naturally) wasn't clear enough, so I think I should expand.

A depression is a severe drop in economic activity over a period of time.

An inflation, however, is an ongoing increase in prices in an economy.

I was pointing to Zimbabwe as a case where you have both a severe depression and ongoing inflation.

Zimbabwe's output has really dropped--it turns out that ethnic violence and generalized thuggery lead to a drop in productivity. It also happens that the Government supports itself by printing money, thus leading to runaway inflation.

The case is fairly common in failed states, and so it is not inconceivable that it would happen to us. Unlikely, but not impossible.

Anonymous said...

Ruy -- Zimbabwe doesn't have anything approaching a free economy. Therefore, it's silly to ascribe the terms we use for free economies to Zimbabwe.

When you have a law that commands that bread cost less than it costs to make, yes, you are going to have economic problems. We are not going to have such a law.

Moreover, saying that something is possible, however remote and unlikely the odds of it actually happening, is simply bad argument.

My house could get hit by an asteroid before I finish this post.

Didn't happen.

Automatic_Wing said...

Depressionary periods are not inflationary periods.

No, that's not the case at all. Depressions have to do with real growth, not money supply. It is absolutely possible for the money supply to expand (inflation) while economic output is contracting. Zimbabwe is one example of this, Weimar Germany 1921-1923 is another.

The fact that The Great Depression was deflationary does not mean that depressions are deflationary by definition. Look at your Economics textbooks for confirmation if you don't believe me.

Anonymous said...

This is a stupid semantic argument at this point. It's pointless. The United State will not see runaway inflation.

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

The crushing debt is there. As to inflation, we've only just begun, as the Carpenters warned us. Those home prices are being called the second dip in the housing market, so it's not a good thing

Crushing debt was fundamentally not a cause of the Great Depression. It was a bubble followed by stupid monetary policy and really, really bad governmental response that suffocated markets.

If prices go down, you do not and cannot have inflation. Because inflation is when prices go up. There is no such thing as inflation and depression together. They are different. What you are saying is the equivalent of saying that it's both hot and cold outside today.

You are living in some fantasy world where economic laws do not apply. Perhaps you should study economics, then get back to us.

Spare me the snide remarks, especially since I was referring to the Weimar Republic, not the Depression.

You need to play closer attention.

And, if you think there's no inflation because housing prices have been dropping, don't go near a gas station or a grocery store.

chickelit said...

And, if you think there's no inflation because housing prices have been dropping, don't go near a gas station or a grocery store.

I thought higher food and energy prices were just corporate greed. Government will fix that for us with punitive higher taxes. ;)

ricpic said...

...they weren't girls like yours or mine...

To be born without connections in most parts of the world (not America, despite what the resident lefties say) is worse than to be born a bat in weasel country.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Seven Machos said...

When you have a law that commands that bread cost less than it costs to make, yes, you are going to have economic problems. We are not going to have such a law.

Over the weekend, I read where HHS -- without benefit of any law -- plans to dictate the cost of insurance premiums in a way that is pretty close to that.

We don't need laws. We have the Obama Administration.

Anonymous said...

"Blogger Seven Machos said...

This is a stupid semantic argument at this point. It's pointless. The United State will not see runaway inflation."

You're right. We're on our way to stagflation. (See Jimma' Carter for details)

The Crack Emcee said...


Over the weekend I watched an episode of House in which a New Age couple was starving their newborn with a 'raw food' diet. Dr. House snarks:

"A raw food diet? If only our ancestors hadn't discovered fire."

I thought: That's so Crack!

LOL! If that's my legacy, I'm honored.

Thanks, Ruy!

Big Mike said...

These are the people the dhimmi trolls are always defending, telling us, "You don't know anything about Islam or the Koran".

I don't need to know anything about Islam or the Koran. All I need to do is look at what Muslims do, and compare it to the norms of the 21st century.

The only thing about the 21st century that these men like are Avtomat Kalishinkov model 1947, expensive automobiles, and explosives.

Methadras said...

None of them were virgins? Before or after you raped them. Peace be to Islam. YAY!!! Who the fuck can defend this fucking political-religious death cult anymore?

vza said...

"LONDON — Newly discovered documents indicate that the British government concealed how often it administered so-called "virginity tests" to female immigrants hoping to enter the country in the 1970s on marriage visas."

holdfast said...


If the price of the thing you own (housing) is going down, while the price of the things you need (gas, food, heating oil, etc.) is going up, that's pretty f*cking bad. It may not be textbook inflation, but it is a massive squeeze on the working and middle classes.

ken in tx said...

They did it but they didn't enjoy it. So it is not rape. Everybody knows rape is fun.

Anonymous said...

Holdfast -- I'm not saying it's not bad. It's terrible out there. A disaster.

But as long as real assets are depreciating, as so many are, an interest rates are ultra-low, as they are, you can't really claim even the chance at runaway inflation.

Ralph L said...

In the immortal words of Inspector Clousseau, "Not anymore."

Trooper York said...

Hey they just did one of these at the Pierre Hotel.

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