Frank Bailey tattles on Sarah. Apparently, she referred to some elderly male supporters as the "crazy old men's club." One of them gave her his old hat. It's not like she threw it in the trash in front of him. What would you do if an old man who loved you presented you with "his lucky fedora festooned with campaign buttons"?
What do you expect from a female? Icky is icky.
Throw it away in front of people whom you trust have the good sense to not make a big deal out of it. I do something similar all the time. People leave things in my business that I have to dispose. It's no big deal. I've tossed dozens of hats, kid's toys, cell phones, wallets, and various other articles of clothing. Like a gaudy Christmas sweater from Grandma, you save the stuff a reasonable length of time, then discard it. Who cares if anyone sees it? You're not doing anything wrong.
This question has no validity considering that Frank Bailey is a liar
No man or woman is a hero to his valet.
Can we believe anything that is written about Palin? Isn't it safer to assume it's not true?
Plus if Michael Dukakis had throw away that silly hat someone gave him maybe he would had a better chance. Just sayn'
Baby, take off your coat...(real slow)
Baby, take off your shoes...(here, I'll take your shoes)
Baby, take off your dress
Yes, yes, yes
You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on
What's the big dealio anyway.
Didn't Obama do that to his grandmother?
There's a long tradition of Presidents putting on funny hats and then tossing them. Silent Cal put one on and then he made a pillow out of it.
Funny thing is, it's not even Frank's book. It's Jeannie Devon's book. She wrote the manuscript. She's the blogger at Mudflats who's been hating on Palin ever since Palin got picked by Johnnie Mac.
Much of the stuff in the book is overwrought. Frank got with Devon because he was upset, apparently, that Palin wouldn't give him a job at SarahPAC. Bailey wanted to be in the Big Time.
Now we know why Palin didn't hire him. He was a disloyal little ratfuck who used his access to Palin's email codes to compromise her and her family's privacy.
He's a swine. Not a hero. But the Left has to get its heroes where it can.
As for the book, the manuscript has been out since February. Most of its been either debunked or disregarded. But it's just irritating to read an "I Was Hitler's Toothbrush" Memoir by someone who claims to be acting out of some sort of damaged sense of integrity.
That's where John Kerry's hat went.
Did anyone here the latest on Tina S.P. Fey?
She says she can see Mexico from the top floor of her new digs in Scottsdale.
The Mary Tyler Moore option is inspired.
O, that I were a hat upon that head
That I might touch that updo.
All the icky people will like this book.
And that ad will cost you my next donation. lol
This may be a Sarah Palin book I would buy.
Icky little man.
I'm guessing the anecdote is false.
Put the hat in the campaign headquarters. Obviously.
So she throw a hat and is news. But The One fails every single day and is cheered.
The One tossed Israel in the trash and it s not icky
This may be a Sarah Palin book I would buy.
Well, that brought a smile. The Palin haters will crowd around this books thick as Democrats on a dog poop. That book review was an example of what happens when dogs eat their vomit. There are some sick souls in the comments to that review.
Trick question - John Kerry has the hat. He has the hat to this day. Keeps it in his briefcase.
He just can't locate the briefcase.
The briefcase is back in Cambodia. It's seared - seared - into his memory.
The answer, I suppose would depend, in part at least, on whether I intended to run for president.
In fact, John Kerry merely threw away a replica of the hat. He did not mean to imply otherwise.
I believe the hat was given to him by Zhenzhis Kahn.
Forgot one Ann-
-take to to Russia, so you can see it from your house
(Isn't mocking Palin great fun? All of us elitist professional women just can't get enough when it comes to this scornful, despicable woman)
I remember when if you were president your were had to wear
a funny hat!
I'm going to post this pseudonymously because I know Frank and I know quite a bit about the Palin administration (though I don't know her "personally").
Some of the prose might be called "overrought" or even purple, some of the details are of he said/she said, but...a lot of it rings true.
Palin is absolutely brilliant in some ways, but she did come to dislike the whole Governor schtick with all of its duties and limitations. She was not a good manager. She will not be President.
A minor point--the fact that she didn't write her own op-eds and campaign staff wrote letters to the editor? Come on, FGS that's been done by just about everyone since shortly after the Lincoln Administration.
This might be the book that saves Borders.
Well, probably not.
@Trooper: None of these hats did the trick.
What would I do? Probably not believe this horseshit.
The Palin haters will crowd around this books thick as Democrats on a dog poop. That book review was an example of what happens when dogs eat their vomit
Oh c'mon, let's wait until the book comes out before we judge it and Bailey. How would we know if it's dog poop before it even comes out?
God is a moby?
She can field dress a moose but a hat is "icky"?
By God (I mean the one in this thread, not the Big Guy), that has what they call "the ring of truth" to it, even if it's a complete fabrication.
Fake but accurate.
Also, have you see her butt? No female politician her age has a butt like that.
Fake butt! Accurate?
Poor Palin.
It's probably a bad sign that tradguy couldn't pump out at least a paragraph extolling the greatness of and/or defending the honor of Palin.
"How would we know if it's dog poop before it even comes out?"
I usually don't have to step in dog shit to tell.
She can field dress a moose but a hat is "icky"?
Not speaking to the hat story, one way or the other.
Look, Bailey's got a lot of email, and that's what the book is based on. And I'm not supporting the whole book because I haven't read it. But the parts that were leaked, a few things I have perosnal knowledge of. Like Palin accepting invitations, then canceling when she realized she'd be politically savaged, then denying she accepted them. That's what I'm talking about.
I think she's a giant, in some ways. But the role she has now is probably best suited for her talents. Showing up at the office 12 hours a days is not her forte. If all you have is an imago of her you're never going to buy anything that doesn't fit, I suppose.
There's the assumption that the story regarding the hat is true.
People tend to believe what they want to believe, even to the point of making stuff up.
Word verification: fughetin
That e-mail stuff could all be true.
I really don't care, when the current President is destroying our economy.
His performance could be bested by Ronald Reagan's shoes.
Shit, by Ronald McDonald's shoes.
"Not speaking to the hat story, one way or the other."
Bullshit in a bag of apples don't do much fer me wantin' apples.
How would we know if it's dog poop before it even comes out?
If you're waiting on something to come out of the dog's rear end, it's going to be dog poop.
But I only say that because your comment set it up so well. I don't know anything about this author or the truth of what the author has written. This hat anecdote doesn't ring true though.
God said: I'm going to post this pseudonymously because I know Frank and I know quite a bit about the Palin administration (though I don't know her "personally")
That tells me right away that you know much more about "Frank" than you do about Palin.
So tell us something scurrilous about Frank. We just might believe that. Come on, test our credulity.
This is just more the same old nonsense. The libs and progs are all upset because she threw a hat into the trash instead of her handicapped child. It's that simple to explain the Palin hate.
I don't think the Palin bait will score 200 comments.
Unless Jeremy shows up.
Or Loafing Oaf.
Then we can get about fifty posts about how Palin's vagina is icky.
If you're waiting on something to come out of the dog's rear end, it's going to be dog poop.
Funny we didn't hear that while Bailey was still working for the most Patriotic Patrioty Patriot in all of America. But now he has a book Palin won't like, it's all changed.
Bullshit in a bag of apples don't do much fer me wantin' apples
Ha! I'm saving that.
Garage, note the sentence I wrote after that. I know nothing about these people. Just wordplay.
Frank was a political tool--he was a typical stars-in-the-eyes type who was given a $100K job that he never could have aspired to without the unbelievable luck of hooking up with Palin and serving her any way he was told to.
That's why it took so long for him to get out, even after he was sure down in his bones that he was doing wrong. It's an old story. 'member John Edwards ass-kissing friend? Now he has a book out too. And I would be willing to bet, without even looking at it, that it's mostly true.
This is like listening to Dick Morris talk about the Clintons.
You suspect that some of what Morris says is true; but you also think he's exaggerrating out of bitterness or to make it sound more dramatic.
What to believe? What not? And what in between?
If it all comes down to tribal politics, you dismiss it.
This is the kind of ridiculous attack article that Bailey can cough up? Sheesh, this is lame.
Imagine: Sarah Palin passes gas. She has yelled at people. She has misspelled words. Sometimes, she has even looked at pornography. She doesn't always say grace before she eats.
Let's have polls about the proper thing Palin should have done in every single aspect of her life, and then pretend, Oprah Winfrey style, that we're now somehow more proper, as we live lifes that couldn't bear one single solitary percent of the scrutiny on Palin.
BTW, personally, I don't like Sarah Palin, and most of her loud fanboys annoy the hell out of me. And I realize Althouse is not really being hard on her in this case... it's not really her I'm talking about.
It's the general nuttiness about those who are deranged about how awful she is. I get it... they want to scare anyone normal out of trying to be elected. Power is for the freakshows like Romney and Obama who would actually love to live under a microscope.
How about we find a better way to evaluate politicians?
I'd never vote for her - I do mean never - but the orchestrated attacks on her are more disturbing than any potential Palin presidency.
She'd be a disaster but we'd survive.
I'm not sure we can survive what her opponents think they have to do.
Yes, yes, similar stuff on the other side.
This need to demonize one another is far more dangerous, I think, than Palin or Obama or whomever.
Okay, call it my League of Women Voter's letter of the day.
The is a long history of former staffers writing memoirs that exposed secrets and mysteries about politicians and Presidents. Once of the most famous was that of John George Nicolay who was one of the personal secretaries of President Abraham Lincoln. Not as famous as the other secretary John Hay, he was tasked with the dirty jobs in the Lincoln administration. He had to walk the Presidents rare clumbers, wipe the drool off of Thad’s harelip and make excuses to Mrs. Lincoln when old Abe was closeted with Frederick Douglas. So his memoir was quite savage.
(No One Is A Hero To Their Valet, The History of Political Hachetjob Memoirs, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Penguin Press, 2011)
What you're saying, then, is Frank lacked the integrity to make an honest observation about the situation he was in, due to blind loyalty or star worship or fame or maybe cash or whatever--
--but we should believe what he says about Palin now because...
--> He surely has no plans to make money off this book
--> This book won't garner any fame
--> He's traded in his star worship for star hatred
Or, what, exactly?
What makes this dude credible?
Funny we didn't hear that while Bailey was still working for the most Patriotic Patrioty Patriot in all of America. But now he has a book Palin won't like, it's all changed.
You can imagine my relief, Garage, when he finally left Palin's employ so I could really say what I wanted to about this guy.
Like "Who the fuck is Frank Bailey?"
"Like "Who the fuck is Frank Bailey?"
Isn't he the guy that nearly bankrupted the Bailey Building and Loan?
Now mean ol' Mr. Potter will control the whole town!!
but the orchestrated attacks on her are more disturbing than any potential Palin presidency.
She'd be a disaster but we'd survive.
Good point. I don't think she be disaster, necessarily. If she had the right people helping, pros, she'd probably be okay.
The orchestrated attacks on Palin are emotionally based--they go far beyond just politics. You need to understand she is a symbol, a sharp stick in the eye of the Beltway, the NYTWaPo Urban Establishment. She reperesents the Silent Majority who are supposed to STFU, work, pay taxes and leave policy to the graduates of Yale and Harvard.
She drives them over the cliff, completely. She's a threat. Christ, if she gets any real power the next thing you know someone from U of Texas Law School will be on the Supreme Court.
That was Uncle Billy. And it was really Potter behind it all, as shown in the alternate ending.
The is a long history of former staffers writing memoirs that exposed secrets and mysteries about politicians and Presidents. .
Thank you, my dear Trooper, for that.
I didn't start out here on a mission to defend Frank Bailey. I'm just sayin', use critical thinking on him, and his critics.
I'd decline the gift, thank him profusely for the offer, and explain that I don't wear that type of hat and can't accept that sort of gift.
The most baroque of the memoirs of political staffers was that of Lem Billings who was JFK’s closest aide. He had many duties such as scheduling the President’s “private” appointments which were primarily with female constituents or Italian American men who were dropping off large bags of money. He also had to clean up after Macaroni who was Caroline’s pony, spreading the chief executive’s butt cheeks as he was getting injected with amphetamines by “Dr. Feelgood” as well as washing the splooge off of the interns after they had “private” time with President Kennedy. His memoir was full of sex, drugs and rock and roll but the publication was squashed by Benjamin Bradlee of the Washington Post who remembered that his sister-in –law was murdered because she had talked too much.
(No One Is A Hero To Their Valet, The History of Political Hachetjob Memoirs, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Penguin Press, 2011)
Why do I get the feeling this guy Bailey is another David Brock?
Trooper York said...
This is just more the same old nonsense. The libs and progs are all upset because she threw a hat into the trash instead of her handicapped child. It's that simple to explain the Palin hate.
Christ, if she gets any real power the next thing you know someone from U of Texas Law School will be on the Supreme Court.
Someone from UT Law School has already been on the Supreme Court - Justice Tom Clark. Hopefully there will be more in the future, but right now the HYS lock on such posts is pretty strong, as some people on both sides of the aisle(like Justice Scalia) seem to prefer it. And you're not likely to find many Palin fans at UT (even among Republicans), so mentioning that university as somehow being Sarah Palin country is absurd.
KACHING! That is what this book is about. Kachingos. It should be titled Cashing in on Palin.
But, Baily will be a heroic rat. The progressives love rats. Who knows maybe Baily the rat will hook up with one of those wealthy progressives and get his own media site like David Brock.
The most influential member of US Grants staff was John Rawlins who served as his aide throughout the Civil War. Tasked with clipping his cigars and hiding the Whiskey, Rawlins rose to the rank of General and was in fact made the Secretary of War when Grant became President. Most thought this was a political payoff since Rawlins knew where the bodies were buried and kept all of Grants secrets. He was reported to be working on his memoirs which would have exposed the Grant Administrations corrupt activities when he was smothered on his sick bed by General William Tecumseh Sherman. Much like the time Paulie Walnuts smothered his mothers best friend. Crime Families are more alike than they are different.
(No One Is A Hero To Their Valet, The History of Political Hachetjob Memoirs, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Penguin Press, 2011)
Umm, Trooper, Rawlins died of TB. Oh wait, Doris Kearns Goodwin, I get it. ;)
What's really sad and tawdry is the way this whore of an ex-"insider" prints and sells this bilge.
Showing up at the office 12 hours a days is not her forte.
Wish several millions of people had put that in their calculations when deciding to vote for Barack Obama.
garage and pbj - LEAVE SARAH ALONE!!!
If this was written by a staffer to Obama Hussein I would definitely believe it.
But not if it is written about Sarah. She just would never do this.
This episode assumes that we believe Frank Bailey. He sounds just a little disgruntled, does he not? Is he above making things up? Somehow I think not.
Petty people can't help but reveal that pettiness *publicly*, from time to time. There's no way they can keep the general public in dark about their mean nature. Even if all they do is have a smile which is just a bit forced and insincere, it always shows.
We've heard whispers from people like Bailey who claim Palin is such a mean, petty person; yet for the millions who have actually met her publicly, she's never been anything but gracious. I kinda think that proves something about her which the left cannot grasp or accept.
Meanwhile, their hero, Barry O, doesn't have a problem showing his own disdain for others publicly (like the time he secretly flipped off Hillary Clinton with the old middle-finger-raised-alongside-his-nose bit). Barry and the people who love him are the kind of snide, petty people they claim Palin is. Funny how that turns out, innit?
BTW, as with the John Edwards aid who wrote a tell-all book after the fact, I get the distinct impression (based on nothing more than my ability to read subtext) that Edwards' aid and Baily both had some romantic feelings for the politician they worked for. But the romantic feelings were never returned, and thus the turncoat behavior later.
One last thing: Edwards lied about having a happy marriage with a dying wife while he was getting it on with another staffer and fathering a love child. The worst Palin allegedly did was a bunch of trivial slights?
Does the left really think anyone will care about that garbage? The only people who'll believe it or care are those who'd never dream of voting for Palin anyway.
The rest of us are more concerned about having a POTUS who loves this country and wants to grow our economy.
@Marc:I believe the hat was given to him by Zhenzhis Kahn.
"Zhenzhis" is close to the Chinese pronunciation; older books, like "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", write it Zingis or Jengis.
"Genghis" with hard g is a little like pronouncing every letter of "hors d'ouevre".
Every person in Sarah Palin's intimate circle who is privy to any kind of indescretion by her can make a quick 100g if they run to the Enquirer with the story. That must take some of the zest out of unscheduled matinees or fights with the in-laws. If you are not a nut before you seek public office, just give it time.
Even if the story is true, seriously, who gives a fuck.
Dear God,
Self-assumed authority on the Internet is a cheap as a three letter moniker.
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