May 29, 2011

Palin's Rolling Thunder photo op.

The NYT emphasizes that she couldn't really ride anywhere because of the crush of photographers. I will emphasize the utter gorgeousness of the photograph at the link (and, presumably, all the other photographs that got taken as the bike went nowhere).


Shouting Thomas said...

She's a babe.

I take back everything I ever said about white women.

She can ride on the back of my Harley whenever she wants.

Chip S. said...

Compare and contrast: SP in a helmet vs. BO.

The Drill SGT said...

There are photo-ops and photo-ops

Sarah fits in with the RT crowd, they know it, she knows it and so do the rest of us.

Those pictures of Bush riding the Secret Service ragged in Crawford weren't faked, but they were photo-ops. But he was a serious biker

O'bama on a bike. Pure BS

Kirby Olson said...

Hagar said...

Snark, snark.

The Crack Emcee said...

Come on, Ann - I'm appealing to your womanhood here - wouldn't it be cool to have a "pretty" president?

And talk about shaking up the Middle East.

I'm telling you, look at it clearly, and she's the right person at the right time.

Carol_Herman said...

"Missing in Action" means there wasn't anything left to pick up. It doesn't mean Americans left troops behind, either living. Or dead.

Palin just had a fantastic media Coup. (Pronounced "COO") ... Because you can pretty much predict the "editors" at the NY Times were reviewing their choides:


TWO: Write something nasty.

THREE:"DEAL WITH IT!" Because this is the Internet! And, Palin got Drudge to link to this story BEFORE the ONE NATION bus even moved out of the garage!

Even before the Internet, Ronald Reagan ACED dealing with the press! He knew they'd say terrible things about him. But he also knew they needed PICTURES.

Reagan controlled the visuals.

Reagan WON! Today, "Sam Donaldson" is just the answer to a trivia question.

The magic of ONE NATION ... is that Sarah Palin went to New Hampshire. She went into the heartland of media control. And, she's got a "LABEL" up there now as solid as "UNITED WE STAND."

Karl Rove may have some idea that to Sarah Palin, a "moderate republican candidate" could come in 3rd. Even if there's a great money push up the "McCain/Dole" sort of turkey.

I wonder what's gonna happen when Sarah's bus reaches New Jersey?

Ann Althouse said...

"Come on, Ann - I'm appealing to your womanhood here - wouldn't it be cool to have a "pretty" president?"

We do have a pretty President. And, I note, the prettier candidate always wins (in the last 30 years). So if the GOP wants to win, maybe they should pick Palin.

Shouting Thomas said...

We do have a pretty President.

Finally, we know why Althouse voted for Obama.

The female version of thinking with your dick.

rhhardin said...

It takes longer for the sound from the far end of a lightning bolt to reach you than the near end.

Hence the thunder roll.

Short sound variation comes from bolt shape at the sound's origin, and variations in the air in between you and the bolt causing sound path deviations from straight line.

All of this the press ignores.

Shouting Thomas said...

But, it's OK by me, Althouse.

My late wife, Myrna, always said that interracial sex is the hottest.

And, she was right.

write_effort said...

Palin is exceptionally entertaining. I'd feel a little better, however, if I also heard that she was doing some policy wonking in her off-time. That is if she wants to get elected to something. Maybe she doesn't.

Shouting Thomas said...

Palin is exceptionally entertaining. I'd feel a little better, however, if I also heard that she was doing some policy wonking in her off-time. That is if she wants to get elected to something. Maybe she doesn't.

Fuck policy wonking!

She irritates the hell out of the kind of women who go to yoga classes.

That's good enough for me. And, I do yoga!

Finally, a presidential candidate that I would do!

Anonymous said...

If Palin is a candidate, then she must have a great VP. The only great VP today is no one. The bottom line is that no one can beat Obama/Biden in 2012. Believe me, I can deliver pizza to everyone reading this blog, but the GOP cannot win. The GOP should focus on 2016.

There I said it. A free advice from a consultant.

YoungHegelian said...

Every now and then, ya just gotta admit, Palin just brings the hammer down and rings the bell.

Shouting Thomas said...

There I said it. A free advice from a consultant.

Thanks, consultant.

You sure had those 2010 elections pegged!

How much do you collect in unemployment?

Seeing Red said...

Kiss your fireworks shows GOOD-BYE!

The enviro...........r at it again!

virgil xenophon said...

My man--hell, OUR man--Shouting Thomas has been hitting his stride the last few days, I see...Go Ahead On!

The Drill SGT said...

Carol_Herman said...
"Missing in Action" means there wasn't anything left to pick up. It doesn't mean Americans left troops behind, either living. Or dead.

No Carol, MIA means we didn't recover a body (live of dead). Of the 2,000+ MIA in Vietnam, 80% are pilots/aircrew that went down in jungles. mot likely died in the crashes, some chutes were sighted on others however.

20%, roughly 400 were not recovered from ground actions.

Now the VC/NVA had little incentive to haul off a corpse, so the thinking is that some of those missing were hauled off alive, likely injured. The common practice was to exhibit captives in bamboo cages, in villages to demonstrate the power of the NVA. The experience was not pleasant. a number of POWs ultimately turned up in Hanoi after going through the experience. These guys made it to the books. For wounded captives that didn't survive the displays, they would have been dumped and buried, and their names would never make it into the official NVA POW books, hence they went missing.

Carol_Herman said...

I'll bet that Karl Rove fears Sarah Palin! However, what sticks in his craw is that Sarah has to self-destuct. The way Trump did ... when he used the "F" word.

While Sarah has a BASE!

You could learn a lesson that the people who ride motorcycles, for the most part, can be included in her "base count."

Though the biggest number of future voters needs to be among Independents, who have a hatred for the lemmings in both parties!

Does Sarah have a plan?

Seems she's kept her plans under wraps. Since she kept the documentary (2 hours long), and called "UNDEFEATED" ... away from the critics ... who would have panned it. Now? Does it matter? You know it's out there. You can even go to Amazon and reserve a copy.

That's how you get positioned to WIN.

And, "ONE NATION" fits the bill, just as UNITED WE STAND, once did.

If the GOP thinks it can bypass an Independent run ... because "it would mean Obama gets re-elected." I'd tell these dopes to switch their gypsies ... and get better crystal balls.

The other thing to notice?

This is the Memorial Day Weekend. Notorious slow ... for the major outlets.

Not so much for Twitter, Facebook, and the Internet. Seems, here, you get 24/7 coverage. And, a chance, as well, to add your own opinions into the moving current.

When I'm out walking the dogs in the morning, I hardly ever see a newspaper in someone's driveway, waiting to be picked up.

Even my junk mail, which the post office brings, seems to be reduced in volume.

Can we call this a New Age phenomenon?

AllenS said...

You're wrong, Carol. Listen to the SGT.

Carol_Herman said...


I remember reading that the waters turned so bloody ... one person reported that all he saw floating by, where a pair of lips.

"Missing in Action." Nothing was recovered.

Soldiers wore dog tags so anything left could be identified.

deborah said...

""Missing in Action" means there wasn't anything left to pick up. It doesn't mean Americans left troops behind, either living. Or dead."

Where do you get this stuff?

Shanna said...

She irritates the hell out of the kind of women who go to yoga classes.

That's good enough for me.

Yeah, not for me. Not for a lot of people. I'd like to think she's doing some policy wonking in her spare time, if she is truly interested (although I'm still not convinced she is).

Great photo, though. I'm amused at the way the times tries to make you think she's having a great time because of the press, when I bet she'd be happy if they'd have hung back and let her ride, since that Rolling Thunder event is awesome. I'm sure she'd have been thrilled to be there, press or no press.

Milwaukee said...

Mrs. Palin is one fine looking woman, healthy, wholesome and fun. Why does the NYT insist on referring to her as "Ms."? Isn't that a title for a woman who isn't sure if she is married? Mrs. or Governor would be more appropriate titles.

Here is a link to photos of the President riding a bicycle.

I have worn a bicycle helmet for years, and encouraged by children to do likewise. Seeing him inspires me to want to give that up.

Mrs. Palin is so much more vibrant than so many on the liberal left. I'm sure Professor Althouse won't vote for Sarah. Jealousy is such an ugly monster.

coketown said...

I wonder if the driver is wearing a shirt that says, "If you can read this, Mama Grizzly fell off."

Carol_Herman said...

Vietnam is the war we lost.

And, while the sargent remembers the terrible fates left to captured soldiers ... We got Bridge Over the River Kwai. To remind us that our enemies always terrorized captured our solders.

While in Israel, they know their soldier, Shalit, was catured, alive. And, the red cross has never gotten to visit him. While the USA is changing its position to Israel. To blame Israel for the woes arabs have.

In vietnam? Those people now have woes, too.

The UN leads by giving power to dictators and despots.

Made worse because of obama's careless handling of foreign affairs.

Can't fix it. But, yes. I know it's broken.

On Memorial Day, lots of Americans pay homage to the soldiers lost on battlefields. Here. There. And, everywhere.

"Missing in Action" doesn't mean there weren't Americans who had their hearts ripped out.

And, oh. By the way. Back in the 1960's, prosecutors went after kids who burnt their draft cards. Ever hear of "JURY NULLIFACTION?"

Well, that term started off back in 1810. When slave holders pushed prosecutors to prosecute. And, judges, too, were part of the team.

So you go from 1810 ... to 1967 ... And, you see that JURIES use their conscience. Not so much prosecutors and judges. And, JURY NULLIFICATION is LEGAL!

(OT): Drudge has the headline up. ONE STINKING JUDGE in La Jolla, California, has ruled you can't have fireworks in public places, unless you get an environmental report.

Guess what? A few judges ... bad ones ... seated. And, able to rule ... can turn our republic haywire. What to do?

Ricardo said...

"We do have a pretty President. And, I note, the prettier candidate always wins (in the last 30 years). So if the GOP wants to win, maybe they should pick Palin."

Nikki Haley has my vote, whenever she decides to go national. Beauty and brains in one package.

AllenS said...

Carol, take a deep breath.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yeah, not for me. Not for a lot of people. I'd like to think she's doing some policy wonking in her spare time, if she is truly interested (although I'm still not convinced she is).

Policy wonking is bullshit.

I've said this many times. This is one of the few chestnuts of wisdom I have to offer, and you all keep bypassing it.

Politics is not about who's smart and who isn't. Politics is about the self-interest of varying constituencies.

Palin represents the self-interest of middle and lower class whites (not the ones from the hipster neighborhoods of NYC and SF). This is the outcast class of American politics. In other words, me. Middle and lower class whites are supposed to know better than to advance their self-interest.

Palin is a big fuck you middle finger to the assholes who think I don't have the right to advance my own economic and political self-interest.

That outcast class, middle and lower class whites, is the economic and intellectual backbone of America. Time to stop apologizing. Time to stop fretting about whether we deserve what we've got. Time to tell the race and sex quota mongers to go fuck themselves.

So, no, it is enough that Palin irritates the hell out of the awful women you'll meet in a yoga class. And, you're making a terrible mistake in focusing on this policy wonking bullshit. Everybody else, encouraged by the Democratic Party, is prosecuting their economic and political self-interest with a vengeance.

Go Sarah!

Rick said...

Come on, Ann - I'm appealing to your womanhood here - wouldn't it be cool to have a "pretty" president?

And talk about shaking up the Middle East.

I'm telling you, look at it clearly, and she's the right person at the right time.

5/29/11 12:15 PM

You are exactly right about shaking up the Middle East. A few years ago I had a trial against an a muslim attorney, whose clients were muslim. I was assisted by an extremely able female attorney, who was responsible for all communications with plaintiff's counsel. That totally befuddled plaintiff's counsel and rendered him even less effective.

Shanna said...

Why does the NYT insist on referring to her as "Ms."? Isn't that a title for a woman who isn't sure if she is married

It's pretty common to refer to women as Ms. Miss is unmarried, Mrs. is married, but Ms. is easy because you can use it for everyone particularly in business when you necessarily know if someone is married or not, or what they like to be called. Of course, that's not an issue here, when they could have gone with Former Governor Palin or some such. However they refer to the other folks who used to be Governor/Senator/etc...

J said...

Ahhyeahh, this is the Sarah Palin-Davidson that we love. Git yr motor runnin'.... You tried the rest now ride the best: HARLEY. Now, show us yr tits, hot Grizzly Mama!

Roy Lofquist said...

" I'd feel a little better, however, if I also heard that she was doing some policy wonking in her off-time."

Palin is dumb and uninformed. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I just watched a segment with Chris Matthews, Joe Klein, Andrew Sullivan and Gloria Borger. Sullivan and Klein said she could win in certain circumstances. The consensus, however, was that she would get killed in any serious debates. This bit of absolute cluelessness is one of the things that is going to bite the Dems real hard where it hurts most.

I have seen her in serious debates. Her debates in Alaska are on the web. Check them out. She was devastating against Biden - admittedly not a great accomplishment. The commander of US Forces in Alaska said she was an amazingly quick study and had a deep understanding of the issues.

Palin is wicked smart. She plays the opposition as well as any politician I have ever seen - and that goes back to Truman. I remember two others, Eisenhower and Reagan, who the Dems painted as dull. Subsequent revelations show that they were both very intelligent.

The Dems mantra for as long as I can remember is the President is a dummy and the Attorney General is a crook. The single wing offense was abandoned years ago. The Dems have been using the same playbook since 1932. With the recent explosion in media it ain't gonna work.

Chip S. said...

I agree completely with ST on the relative worthlessness of wonkery. The big problem voters face is predicting what a candidate will do after being elected. Will he or she bend, break, or stand fast in the face of adversity? Palin's appeal has never been her ability to pen position papers, it's her complete credibility in terms of her core beliefs and her inner strength.

J said...

Whoa! It's even f*cking hotter. She's riding byatch on a hog ridden by a .... lady biker! Sapphic overtones up the ying-yang.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, show us yr tits, hot Grizzly Mama!

I know you think that this makes her damaged goods, J.

But, that's the crack addict beat off artist within you speaking.

I get the feeling that Palin is just the kind of woman who gets a thrill out of showing a man she loves her tits.

That's one of the things that I like about her.

And, she also thinks of those tits as having a useful purpose... feeding kids.

She's the real thing.

Yes, she should be called Mrs. The hell with feminism. My late wife hated that crap. She wanted people to know that her man owned her and that she owned her man.

That's the way it should be.

deborah said...

The biggest benefit of Palin winning the nomination would be people like J and those in the MSM having the most sexist hissy fit of the century throughout the campaign. lol

Shouting Thomas said...

So, for those of you who think that policy wonking is what we need:

Do you think Wisconsin's fat cat public employees got those big salaries, expansive benefits and luxurious retirement plans by policy wonking?

I'll answer for you: No. They paid off their Democratic representatives.

This is how things work.

So, how do middle and lower class whites end the race and sex quota game? How to they put an end to the offshoring of American jobs? How do they end the massive theft from the public treasury that was the mortgage scam?

I don't have the answer, but I assure you it isn't policy wonking.

J said...

Yr the lil jerk off boy, New Yawk Tommy . You're too stupid for any normative judgments, satire, or politics. And I know harley people--don't generally agree with their politics, but they're not all GOP. They'd be happy to ____you, punk.

Another stoner-phony turned Bircher--the sorts of cowards who thought Ronnie Reagan might save them from all the nasty black and mezcans, and teachers who went to college.

Yr skanky old lady's with me, too. Maybe we can get 5 shekels a shot for her on like Sepulveda....ay ay

Capichay, pissant?

garage mahal said...

So awesome.

J said...


Heh heh.

More like STFU, snitch byatch. You don't know what politics is, slut

chickelit said...

I think the the phrase bitter clingers should be augmented to include not just guns and religion but motorcycles too. Tea Party is a big tent about to get even bigger.

deborah said...

lol Okay.

deborah said...

If you don't cling to your motorcycle you'll fall off.

J said...

Actually looks like they just kicked the TP fags--say, Mittens and Glenn Beck-- into the street.

Michael K said...

She is the most interesting potential candidate in a long time. I saw some GOP hissy fit today about how she hadn't been in touch with the New Hampshire party before visiting the state. Who cares ! She is an outsider to make all other outsiders look like the establishment. They called McCain a maverick but that was because he was unpredictable in his votes. She is the real maverick in that nobody is telling her what to do. I would like to see her president just to put the thumb in the eye of all the consultants. I don't know if she can win but she sure is interesting.

george said...

If by "pretty" you mean pretty stupid then yeah, by that standard we have an absolutely gorgeous president. Physically, he probably bears the greatest resemblance to Abraham Lincoln... if Lincoln were afflicted with a huge set of jug-ears the wingspan of which would make a Piper Cub jealous.

As much as I like Palin I don't like the fact she didn't ride very far. But then I don't trust the media to ever report anything correctly and without bias in her case, just as I never expect to read anything but the most glowing reports of Obama. Even when the economy puts up some new metric in futility it is always labelled as "unexpected" and downplayed. They can't even criticize him tangentially.

Heck, the First Lady looks like she shops the Ringling Brother's clearance tent sale (or the WWE Used Title Belt Outlet) and the press doesn't say squat. There is literally no way in which the first black, liberal couple in these positions will be allowed to be seen as failing... no matter how absurd the behavior, or policy... or outfit. Good Lord, Michelle had some sort of hat/wig thing on in England that looked like Tina Turner's wig had mated with a beefeater hat for God's sake. No one is brave enough to tell her she looks like a clown because it would be seen as racist to tell a black woman she doesn't even know how to dress herself appropriately.

The only reason I even knew about the hat/wig was that one of my high school friends who is a fashion photographer in Europe called me up laughing so hysterically that I thought it was a prank call. The press shields the First Couple here but overseas it is brutal.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
So awesome.

Maybe when she rolls through Madison you and your little MC can meet up and drink beers

J said...

Woodstock Tommy on a Harley. ! Heh heh. You mean like your Segway, pops?

J said...

garag... SP however f-ed up may be angling to the center. She dissed...the Goldman sachs gang a while back. Even sounded a Sarah...crypto-blue dog.

write_effort said...

I don't think Palin is dumb. In many ways I think she is brilliant. I do think, though, she is not a well-rounded candidate, and it seems like she could be. But I generally vote for moderate to liberal Democrats so if this charismatic woman with politics I don't like doesn't want to give my team a run for its money, okay by me.

Titus said...

I have to agree with ST, Palin is the kind of woman that proudly shows her tits to her man.

Gives him the pleasure of fondling them, while also enjoying the stimulation.

She can ride on my hog any day and let those tits free because they are beautiful and represent everything great about this country.

Let tits ring.

Joanna said...

Did ya notice that when the press focuses on Palin, Mediscare gets pushed to the side? Mwahaha

I'd love for Palin to run; however, if she's just acting as a red herring to manipulate the MSM away from unfavorable GOP stories... Well, that's simply brilliant. (And, ironically, shows why she *should* run.)

chickelit said...

deborah said...
The biggest benefit of Palin winning the nomination would be people like J and those in the MSM having the most sexist hissy fit of the century throughout the campaign. lol

"J" is the Althouse blog's resident Sullivanist. Imagine if the man himself were to come here and comment. Wouldn't he take great pains to disguise his "voice"? Wouldn't he ceaselessly and mindlessly rant about Palin?

A Palin post is sure fire way to draw commenters like "J" out into the open. It's kinda like the Bush strategy in Iraq with al Qaeda- lure them out and slaughter them. The catch (and risk) is inflaming the other Sullivanist sympathizers whose numbers are an unknown unknown.

Shouting Thomas said...

She can ride on my hog any day and let those tits free because they are beautiful and represent everything great about this country.

Let tits ring.

Tight Ass, I'm beginning to like you.

J said...

Git yr Segway rolling-- headin' down the high-way.

it's Yapping TomTom as.........Capn America!

Paul said...

Looks like more people are catching on to Palin's unorthodox, but shrewd and effective style. I think she is in a class by herself and have thought so since I first saw her before she was picked as McCain's VP. She has simply gotten stronger and more canny since the media became obsessed with her destruction.

The small minded, hidebound and conventional thinkers that insist another year and a half as governor would make the difference between her being qualified or not will be like so much chaff in the wind when Hurricane Sarah flattens them out.

Titus said...

And any woman on this site or in general that has "reservations" about her as president it is because you are jealous. When you say "wonky" what you mean is beautiful smile, legs, tits and legs-which you don't have.

Pure and simple-jealousy. You resent her beauty and are threatened by it.

Well if you are that insecure about it than do something about yourself, don't take it out on Palin.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with ST, Palin is the kind of woman that proudly shows her tits to her man.

Maybe she's one of the tens of thousands of women who've appeared on Voyeurweb's Instant T*t Flash (most don't show their faces).


Tim Wright said...

Ann: You were right, great photo. I also got a message from the NYT that I hav "2 of my 20 free articles" remaining. Those people are irritating me. How about not linking to the NYT on your new web address, now matter how appealing the story is?

Tim W.

Shouting Thomas said...

J might very well be a bitter Sullivan type of fag.

He's suggestion that there are homosexual implications in Palin riding behind a woman shows a complete lack of understanding of Harley culture.

Palin rode behind a woman because it would be indiscreet to ride behind any man except her husband. A decent woman doesn't spread her legs, push her genitals against the backside of a man she doesn't know, and smoosh her tits against that man's back.

Palin rode behinds a woman because she's a decent woman who respects her husband.

J's lack of understanding of this basic courtesy probably does mean he's a frustrated fag.

And, J... 2003 anniversary model Road King Classic. Just passed the 16,000 mile mark two days ago.

Anonymous said...

Palin rode behind a woman because it would be indiscreet to ride behind any man except her husband. A decent woman doesn't spread her legs, push her genitals against the backside of a man she doesn't know, and smoosh her tits against that man's back.

I'd say it's a lot worse for a woman to do that with another woman than with a man not her husband.


Shouting Thomas said...

I'd say it's a lot worse for a woman to do that with another woman than with a man not her husband.

Might seem that way to you. But, it is the hetero version of discretion.

Titus said...

As you are aware ST, not all fags are created equal.

Some, like Sullivan are woman aversive.

Other gay men love and appreciate a hot woman for the fact that they are hot.

Palin is a hot woman and that's just the truth.

Fag or straight should be able to appreciate her beauty.

J said...

Yr the Sullivan here, Chicken-hick, log cabin boy.hick, like yr hero Larry Craig. Got that?

I suspect that's yr little attempt to bash catholics. Won't work. Not catholic, but respect JP II. Bot Sullivan.

Step in the street, chickenlittle. How bout that, mouth. 818 side.

Althousers are even too stupid for Palins quasi-libertarian BS.

Shouting Thomas said...

As you are aware ST, not all fags are created equal.

My closest friend for the past 30 years, Tight Ass, is an HIV positive gay man.

He is a great friend. And, like you, he tells it like it is.

J said...

Gosh Deep Shouting Segway.

Yr the faggot here--an old one, TomTom like Whittaker Chambers sort--you're the one hanging with blowhard Titus, as well. More like molesters than g*y.

Byatch-slap time, TomTom, basura.

Dissent really bothers the LOg Cabin--don't it.

richard mcenroe said...

" I'd tell these dopes to switch their gypsies ... and get better crystal balls."

The GOP's crystal balls are its problem...

edutcher said...

Oh, I can just bet the people at the Gray Lady hate her so much, they taste it when they throw up in their mouths a little bit.

Shouting Thomas said...

She's a babe.

I'll say it again; the most beautiful woman in public life today.

America's Politico said...

If Palin is a candidate, then she must have a great VP. The only great VP today is no one. The bottom line is that no one can beat Obama/Biden in 2012. Believe me, I can deliver pizza to everyone reading this blog, but the GOP cannot win. The GOP should focus on 2016.

He can deny all he wants, but I think even AP just bliked.

PS With all his homosexual snark, if J ever gets on a Harley, he'll do it sidesaddle.

J said...

Dope test time, Shouting Segway. You've put too much tweek in your geritol again, grrl, now stammering like a Bush II on a coke and rum buzz.

YOu're going down, pops. Yr little backroom chitchats and wannabe mobster shit is of no avail.

chickelit said...

Your problem "J" is that like Sullivan, you're just too predictable when it comes to Palin. That's a real foible on your part.

Also, explain the anti-Catholic swipe you just took. It went over my head.

J said...

Yr the queer here Edutcher, jew boy. Sorts of Althouse own Roy Cohn

Now, imagine your byatch face smashed in, satanist

new rules. Got that jewboys?

J said...

got that yet Ahouse satanists? Yr not even worthy of being called nazis

just zionist-WASP-glibertarian chandala.

Now, Edu--yr on the list, Kissinger boy. Got it, tough guy?

J said...

let's reiterate!

fuck you satanists. Your every word stuffs you a bit deeper in the asshole of the world

now, hasta la buh bye

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm also an EMT, J.

One of these days, an EMT like me will be picking you up after you OD on bile in mid keystroke.

Trooper York said...

This is getting tiresome.

The anti-semtism is way over the top J.

You can do better pal. Knock it off.

RuyDiaz said...

Palin looks radiant in that picture, good for her. If she can keep her spirits up during her campaign, she will be a tough opponent. A happy Palin is a very attractive person.

SecondComingOfBast said...


The next time you swill whatever kind of rotgut you're on, you might want to add just a tad less saltpeter.

Anonymous said...


You need to get a refund on your lobotomy. The quack got your rational thought centers, but completely missed your stupid and offensive neural pathways.

Your caretaker should look into it. Seriously.

Milwaukee said...

What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say when Luke Skywalker started eating with his fingers? "The forks Luke, remember the forks!"

News flash! Nobody is "smart" enough to be President. What it takes is some smarts, and good intuition or instincts. Having values which guide you: in this situation which we have never seen before, what is the "Right" thing to do.

Sarah knows how to march to the sound of guns.

SecondComingOfBast said...

If Palin runs she should sew up enough delegates to be the nominee by halfway through the primary process. Her main opponent will be Pawlenty. She should be able to knock Romney off pretty early. A Palin-Pawlenty ticket, with Sarah at the top, wouldn't be half bad.

RuyDiaz said...

This is getting tiresome.

The anti-semtism is way over the top J.

You can do better pal. Knock it off.

No, he cannot. The antisemitism is integral to who he is. You may as well ask a dung beetle to stop eating shit.

Anonymous said...

Chip S. wrote:

Compare and contrast: SP in a helmet vs. BO.

Compare and contrast: SP in a helmet vs. Michael Dukakis.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Anothe memorial service for Obama..

I mean Joplin MO. is on CSPAN

Roger J. said...

I find the person known as J to be quite fascinating--when he drops the trashtalk ghetto barrio schtick he is quite literate. Which suggests to me he is more interested in schtick than he is in ideas. YMMV.

Interesting dude, J is. Interesting indeed.

Hagar said...

"Politico" says that was Willow Palin driving Ms. Sarah's hog.

Trooper York said...

Well you have to realize Roger it is really hard to write in the style of an illiterate cretin when you are an intelligent person.

That’s why garage mahal’s posts are such works of art.

Chip S. said...

I don't think "J" is a dude. She used to write a lot better, though.

I attribute the decline of J's writing skills to old age. Sympathies, babe. You were one of the greats, once.

Chuck66 said...

I am a T-Paw man all the way, but a Palin run would be interesting. Just to watch the left go nuts. The hatred they have for her is interesting.

To really top it off, she should pick Govenor Walker as her running mate.

edutcher said...

J said...

Yr the queer here Edutcher, jew boy. Sorts of Althouse own Roy Cohn

Now, imagine your byatch face smashed in, satanist

new rules. Got that jewboys?

got that yet Ahouse satanists? Yr not even worthy of being called nazis

just zionist-WASP-glibertarian chandala.

Now, Edu--yr on the list, Kissinger boy. Got it, tough guy?

Still wrong, the moron. It's Irish Catholic, but he can come ahead.

At our house it's BYOBB.

Chuck66 said...

"My closest friend for the past 30 years, Tight Ass, is an HIV positive gay man."

ST, was that his birth name or did he change it somewhere along the way?

Chuck66 said...

Pagen, now you are talking my language.....Palin/Pawlenty. Actually I would make it T-Paw/Palin, but I suppose she doesn't want to be second on the ballot again.

Pawlenties resume is much more impressive than the Alaskans.

g2loq said...

“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”
Madeleine Albright, Former U.S. Secretary of State

That one for you Ann ... You womyn have a big mooslime one coming.

I'll vote Palin ...
Otherwise why support a RINO. May as well vote Democ.rat. Easier to fight Democ.rats than RINOs.

David said...

Take a look at the comments at NYT.

She baffles them.

She terrifies them.

She is dangerous.

They know she could win.

They must destroy her.

Chuck66 said... a Dem stratigist's comments yesterday. He said what you say. They fear Palin hugely. He also said a Michelle Bachmann run would be a big gift for the Dems. As a somwhat Bachmann fan, I have to say that I agree.

But yes, there is a reason why the Democrats have this insane hatred for Governor Palin.

edutcher said...

What David said.

In spades.

Imagine Palin/West.

The Lefties would freak.

If you're into discrete math, you can have a lot of fun with the permutations and combinations of a Republican ticket.

Chuck66 said...

edbuthcher, the Demograhic thing would be interesting. I know this would not happen, but what about a female/female ticket? Not sure who would run with Palin (heh, Hillary?).

If it were Palin/West, imagine the sexist and racial slurs coming from the left. It would make Clearence Thomas' hearings appear calm.

The Democrats need that 95% black vote to make up for the white males who vote Republican.

Roger J. said...

David and Chuck--agree with your take--cannot address the "why" part of the commentary, but it seems to me that ignoring the NYT/establishment comments is why she (Palin) is doing what she is doing.

One of the big unknowns to me is the percentage of the electorate that take their cues from the (non-fox) part of the nightly news--I do not have a feel for that portion of the electorate--Palin is, IMO, doing an end run around them--will it be successful? Who knows.

As for the republican establishment: thats my biggest concern--dont think these guys are outside the box thinkers--they are only inside the beltway thinkers--that augers ill for Palin, again, IMO.

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RuyDiaz said...

As for the republican establishment: thats my biggest concern--dont think these guys are outside the box thinkers--they are only inside the beltway thinkers--that augers ill for Palin, again, IMO.

I don't want to speak ill of the whole Republican establishment, but for a good portion of it. Their problem is not lack of imagination, but timidity. Their response is to retreat and compromise at the first difficulty: Palin was smeared--let's dump her; Democrats win NY26--let's abandon the Ryan plan; voters favor stem cell research--let's abandon the pro-life message. A sad sack of people if you ask me.

edutcher said...

Chuck66 said...

edbuthcher, the Demograhic thing would be interesting. I know this would not happen, but what about a female/female ticket? Not sure who would run with Palin (heh, Hillary?).

There are others, but think:


Palin/Brewer - that one interests me



Also, more than a few wags have done a flip on the last go-around:


Roger J. said...

Hola Ruy--recently in Miami visiting my old home and old schools--dont recognize it, but it has been 50 years--ate at the Versailles where we had the classic cubano plate and the criollo plate--sabrosa--and dirt cheap too. :)

RuyDiaz said...

@Roger J;

Man, would you believe that in all the years I've been here, I've never to the Versailles? Gotta got to stop drinking rum--metaphorically speaking--and make the time to visit one of Miami's iconic stops.

Roger J. said...

Ruy: verguenza :)-- food is wonderful, service outstanding and best prices in town--we ate there around 3 PM and the place was packed--

Paco Wové said...

"Interesting dude, J is. Interesting indeed."

Umm, no. Not in the least.

RuyDiaz said...

Ruy: verguenza :)-- food is wonderful, service outstanding and best prices in town--we ate there around 3 PM and the place was packed--

That's precisely the problem:

Ruy: where are we going? The Versailles?

Ruy's friend(s): Nah, it's probably full.

Ruy: True. (...)

The place is overrun with tourists, the bastards....

Roger J. said...

Ruy--y las mujeres son muy linda--a side benefit--Las mujeres son caliente

Trooper York said...

Hot bitches?

Muy beuno!

Pancho, Chico, Ruy, Rogerbeto we ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roger J. said...

Damn Trooper--of course you would speak spanish--probably better than I write it--Cuban ladies are hot--

Andale a Miami

RuyDiaz said...

The women in Cuban restaurants/cafes? Lots of curves, skimpy outfits. I think it is a work requirement.

Roger J. said...

Duncan Reynaldo: Ohh cisco; Ohh pancho

Roger J. said...

Ruy--and Trooper--thank you both for a very pleasant trip down memory lane--the best to you both for a wonderful long weekend. Please take time to think about the purpose of the holiday and lift a glass to those who didnt come back-

Best to you both.

Anonymous said...

What am I?

I am about eight inches long, with hairs at one end and a little hole at the other end. I move back and forward in a warm moist hole, and leave a sticky white substance behind. What am I?
I am a toothbrush. What did you think I was, you pervert?


Trooper York said...

The teacher decided to play a little game with her class. She turned her back and said “Class I am holding something round and red in my hand what is it.” Little Annie said “An apple.” “No it’s a cherry but I like the way you are thinking.” Then she said “Now I am holding something in my hand. It is round and orange and very sweet.” “It’s an orange” said little Titus. “No it’s a peach but I like the way you are thinking.” Dirty little Meade wanted to play. So he stood up and turned his back to class. “I am holding something that is six inches long and has a red tip.” “OH MY GOD” shouted the teacher “Put that away you filthy little boy.” “It’s a pencil, but I like the way you are thinking.”

Little Annie just smiled.

JAL said...

Lots of pictures over here.

(On the homepage.)

And yes indeed -- the motorcycle did go somewhere! Pictures of that too.

SP might just be a glad-handing politician like everyone but somehow she (and Todd) look very happy and comfortable and, geeze, dare I say it? Genuine.

And I can't imagine a Marine (corpseman) voting against a gal who wears a Marine Corps pin on her black tee shirt.

I do believe this looks like a game changer, even if she doesn't run.

Roy Lofquist said...

The Republican establishment is as afraid of her as the Democrats. She took down the establishment in Alaska. They have no hold on her. They are afraid for their positions and power. They'd rather lose the election than have her win. Big fish in a little pond kind of thing.

dick said...

You want policy wonking. What do you think all the points she brings up that the Dems have tried to hide from us. She has them left-footed all the time. She seems to able to go right for the spots that they have screwed up and point them out. You can't do that without doing your policy wonking as you call it. She has pointed out time and again what not to do which implies what TO do.

Don't depend on the MSM to let you know what she is saying and thinking because they will not tell you the straight talk at all. We have seen that over and over again with them. Read what she is saying and you will get the picture. Realize that she is not doing things like the other politicians are with their code words. She is giving you straight talk, something that is very refreshing in a politician. Look for the Dems and the MSM to keep trying to trash her and she just steps right around them. She got caught in the traps in 2008 thank to the McCain team. Now she is her own team and the results will be very different.

Mark said...

I'd feel a little better, however, if I also heard that she was doing some policy wonking in her off-time.

The funny thing is, she posts real position statements on Facebook all the time. She has a more coherent platform than the current Administration. But you'd never know it if the only place you got your news was the NYT and its fellow travelers, who don't believe Palin's motorcycle actually moved today.

deborah said...

I must remember this place...... nice exchange of thoughts amongst people of differing views......The HuffingtonRoast could learn a thing or two about balanced opinion sharing here.

Fen said...

The NYTs link is worth clicking for the comments. So much irony and projection. Bring your popcorn.

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