May 3, 2011

Osama bin Laden was not armed and did not use a woman as a "human shield."

There's a revised narrative of the operation. Notably, Instead:
Bin Laden and his family were found on the second and third floor of the building. There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and indeed he resisted.

In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden's wife -- rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed.
The original portrayal had a more active and nefarious bin Laden. Now, suddenly, the woman is the aggressor.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Osama appeared to be reaching for a gun but it was later determined he was going for his wallet ;)

Alex said...

So... Obama committed an act of premeditate murder against a defenseless man.

There was no arrest, no Miranda rights, no trial. Just straight to the execution.

Alex said...

Althouse needs to add a new tag "Obama is like Hitler".

Scott M said...

The original portrayal had a more active and nefarious bin Laden. Now, suddenly, the woman is the aggressor.

Since the movie about this, most likely a Charlie Sheen career revamp vehicle billed as SEALs 2, is probably already in production, the woman as the aggressor and a cowering, inept man fits the current trends in Hollywood.

All snark aside (NEVER!!!), anything like this is extremely fluid. The information will most likely change a dozen times over before it settles down into co-mingling book deals by declassified personnel who were in the "know".

windbag said...

Chivalry is NOT dead.

Anonymous said...

"..There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and indeed he resisted..'

There were 22 individuals in the compound and none were taken prisoner?

Who do they think they are kidding with this 'capture operation' meme?

AST said...

I'm glad they preempted all the inevitable calls for a civilian trial and obsessing over interrogation tactics. This is the language these people understand, but I hope we don't put videos or gory photos on the internet. That would reek of those snuff videos the terrorists seem fond of publishing. We don't conduct martyrdom operations and we don't view dead terrorists as martyrs.

wv: dancea

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

OMG, I am tired of this cr@p...Who cares if he had a gun or didn’t or drew it or didn’t? This isn’t an episode of Law & Order and this wasn’t Detectives Green Briscoe kicking in the door of suspect…

Now, to complain a little…why, oh why couldn’t the D@mn Administration just put a sock in it, until they KNEW what ACTUALLY happened…all the “senior officials” just have to pop off. The people who actually KNOW are the operators on the ground, and until they’ve been debriefed the WH out to have simply said, “We don’t know enough to comment until at least 36 hours have passed.”

chickelit said...

Laden with lead, bin Laden is dead.

MayBee said...

We couldn't even risk having his dead body in our possession for 24 hours. What does anybody think we could have done with him if he were taken alive?

Of course he was meant to be killed.

What I find interesting is we've left the others in the compound to be questioned by the Pakistanis.
Do we trust them or not? Will they get good intel for us?
Do we think they'll follow our interrogation rules?

madAsHell said...

I guess they're going to fill the air with conflicting stories, and we will never know the real story.

I also have to believe that one or more of the SEALs on the tip of the spear were wearing helmet cameras, and caught much of the action. It will be used for future training.

AST said...

why couldn’t the D@mn Administration just put a sock in it, until they KNEW what ACTUALLY happened?

Obviously you've never dealt with the Washington Press Corps. It would be nice, though, to have all the press reporting "Nobody in the government is talking, denying the people their right to know."

wv: biden Seriously.

Roger J. said...

The administration, military and intel community did a brilliant job in killing this sorry SOB, it looks like they arent doing so well with the post event narrative.

When the story changes hourly, all that does is fuel conspiracy nuts.

Considering Mr Obama's successful presidential campaign I have to wonder how they cant put out a single story without hourly revisions.

Scott M said...

Laden with lead, bin Laden is dead.

Nicely crafted.

Alex said...

Murder is murder, no matter all your justifications. God will judge you.

Scott M said...

God will judge you.

Does Romans 13 give spiritual cover to the SEAL that actually pulled the trigger?

Anonymous said...

OT: Senate Intel Chair: Torture Did Not Lead To Bin Laden In Any Way

beware Republican lies

Lucien said...

Assuming for a minute that the US administration is in control of the narrative that it disseminates, it had at least a couple of choices:
1) Bin Laden was shooting at US forces, so we killed him -- pro = clearly nothing wrong with offing him, but con = he went down as a martyred warrior;
2)Bin Laden was not armed (and maybe was hiding behind a woman), but we shot him anyway -- pro = Bin Laden's death not glorious and maybe cowardly, but con = we shot a defenseless unarmed man.

First we heard version 1, but now it seems more like version 2. Does this indicate a re-calculation of the perception of the event?

Which story would you prefer to tell?

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't mind. Of course when I watched "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford," I thought all the people who were mad at Robert Ford afterward were a bunch of soft-headed provincials.

traditionalguy said...

This after action report probably exaggerates the fire fight. They usually do. What counts today is the soon coming after download reports.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
Which story would you prefer to tell?

I’d prefer we shot Usama bin Laden, the Mastermind of 9/11, Spiritual Leader of Al-Qaida, the man who’s movement has killed 20,000-30,000 Muslims. I think THAT “story” would sell well, irrespective of who had or gun or didn’t.

Freeman Hunt said...

(By "I don't mind," I mean I don't mind that we shot him.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The decision to target and kill Osama Bin Laden is being applauded by all decent people. Approval to capture or kill this mass-murdering terrorist leader was given by Presidents Obama and Bush. It was the right decision, both morally and legally.

Although Bin Laden wore no military uniform and held no official military rank, he was an appropriate military target. As the titular and spiritual head of Al Qaeda, he was the functional equivalent of a head of state or commander in chief of a terrorist army. From the beginning of recorded history, killing the king was the legitimate object of military action. The very phrase "check mate" means "the king is dead, "signifying the successful end of the battle

Alan Dershowitz

edutcher said...

Looks like A-Reuters was right for once.

Scott M said...

The original portrayal had a more active and nefarious bin Laden. Now, suddenly, the woman is the aggressor.

Since the movie about this, most likely a Charlie Sheen career revamp vehicle billed as SEALs 2, is probably already in production, the woman as the aggressor

But this time she's a hot babe who attacks Sheen who disarms her with Kama Sutra sex.

Roger J. said...

Perhaps a more simple narrative would be US forces raided a compound in which OBL lived and he was killed in the ensuing fire fight. We will release photos of OBLs corpse, DNA results, and a video of the burial at sea. (end of release)

The track the administration has gone down will continue to fuel conspiracy theories around the world.

Scott M said...

But this time she's a hot babe who attacks Sheen who disarms her with Kama Sutra sex.

That would be bin-winning.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
Perhaps a more simple narrative would be US forces raided a compound in which OBL lived and he was killed in the ensuing fire fight. We will release photos of OBLs corpse, DNA results, and a video of the burial at sea. (end of release)

Not bad….

Roger J. said...

Mr Dershowitz' comment is asinine--al Zawhiri is already in command and when we eventually get him, someone else will stand in.

Killing a titular figure head, while good for Domestic Morale, will not change the nature of the fight with jihadists one whit.

Roman said...

He needed dying. I would have been amazed if he survived capture.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem at all with killing this confessed mass-murderer and my respects, admiration, and a little envy to the SEALS who got to do it.

Barry's bumbling crew, however, have sure turned a PR plus into a PR minus though.

What morons.

Roman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayBee said...

Now let us imagine that Bin Laden himself is the Charlie Sheen of the Muslim World. He draws crowds with his outrageous behavior, has several wives, a few goddesses, children of various ages wandering in and out of his life, an inexplicable entourage living in his mansion, and a disdain for Jews.

Duh. #infidels!

X said...

tomato, tomahto. he's dead Jim.

paul a'barge said...


They were under orders to kill him. Take no prisoners.

Nice, President Obama.

I mean, I'm happy with the outcome, but somebody pinch me if I'm dreaming.

The community organizer from Chicago, the great pontificator, the holier-than-George-Bush-and-everyone-else .... ordered a military team of men who report to him (Obama) to kill Osama?

Wow. Just wow!

You Liberal pussies really will go all out when you want to get elected.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Are we saying that Obama's October surprise has come in May?

traditionalguy said...

This fair fight morality need is bunk. The purpose of the US Military is to seek out and overwhelmingly kill our enemies with no chance given. They are trained by the IRS.

paul a'barge said...

The community organizer from Chicago, the great pontificator, the holier-than-George-Bush-and-everyone-else .... ordered a military team of men who report to him (Obama) to kill Osama?

And then sat in a room with your administration staff and watched it all via helmet cam.

Roger J. said...

Lem--while I am cynical about politics, especially about jug ears, I am not cynical enough to think this operation was done for political gain. I do have a bit of an idealistic streak.

Anonymous said...

"You Liberal pussies really will go all out when you want to get elected."

Liberals don't mind killing people. Not because of principle though. Only politics.

X said...

Please! Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about how who killed who.

Anonymous said...

When the story changes hourly, all that does is fuel conspiracy nuts.

Cui bono? This is a feature for Obama, not a bug. I'm no Obama fan, but I'm starting to get sick of the "Is Osama really dead?" crowd that's already popped up domestically.

Scott M said...

Please! Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about how who killed who.

THREAD WINNER, HANDS DOWN. Although it should probably be over in the situation room thread.

Come to think of it, it applies to just about any thread hereabouts.

Anonymous said...

I feel really bad for the conservative mouthbreathers whose delicious moment of jubilation in the death of bin Laden has been taken away-- tainted beyond enjoyment-- by the fact that a liberal Democrat is the one who gave the order.

Actually, on second thought, they can go f themselves! And shove Desert One where it don't shine while they're at it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My question is if a targeted killing is legal why not "enhanced interrogation techniques"?

The death of Bin Laden proves that one is deadlier than the other..

If I'm making any sence.

Michael said...

So this is what liberals are applauding. Obama ordered the murder of an unarmed and untried man in a foreign country using information that was obtained through less than gentle means.

I applaud it too but then I thought....never mind.

Anonymous said...

Also, hey conservative mouthbreathers, NONE of the intelligence that led to capture came from enhanced interro/ waterboarding/ torture. Stop lying.

Anonymous said...

"I feel really bad for the conservative mouthbreathers whose delicious moment of jubilation in the death of bin Laden has been taken away-- tainted beyond enjoyment-- by the fact that a liberal Democrat is the one who gave the order.'

Of course you're right.
Obama is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey Franglo? I'm loving it. I'm especially loving that Best Supporting Actor award in this particular kinetic military action is going to...drum roll, please....


Robert said...

What do Barack Obama and Yassir Arafat have in common?

1. Both one the Nobel Peace Prize.
2. Both ordered assassinations of their enemies.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Typical mouthbreathing liar.

Anonymous said...

NONE of the intelligence that led to capture came from enhanced interro/ waterboarding/ torture.

Shorter Franglo:


Anonymous said...

Keep fuckin' that chicken, Franglo. Keep fuckin' that chicken.

Robert said...

Won. Not one.

Jesus H. Cannot believe I did that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

on second thought, they can go f themselves! And shove Desert One where it don't shine while they're at it.

All the celebrating or lack there off resulting from the operation to kill Bin Laden will not rewrite desert one.

paul a'barge said...

Someone help me out here ... is Franglo French or is he an Anglo who speaks with a lisp?

Anonymous said...

To the mouthbreathing liars who think torture led to bin Laden's killing--

you have nothing to back that up.

Just because Cheney said it don't make it so.

Stop biting every piece of crap Republican talking point that gets thrown out.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Face it franglo..

Obama did not allow a fellow Muslin to listen to "the most beautiful sound in the world".. morning call to prayers.. but the muffled sound of Seal helicopters instead.

Anonymous said...

you have nothing to back that up.

Nothing but documents provided to Julian Assange's wikileaks by the sainted Private Bradley Manning.

See, it's just gonna get better and better for us mouthbreathers, you know Franglo? If Osama's killing was the main course, Franglo, your hysteria about what got the ball rolling is like a sweet, sweet roicotta pie for dessert.


Anonymous said...

Roicotta pie, of course, is the King of Ricotta Pies.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Another possibility for not waiting till closer to the election was Ramadan..

Joe said...

franglo, your idiocy is astounding.

NONE of the intelligence that led to capture came from enhanced interro/ waterboarding/ torture.

How do you know?

you have nothing to back that up.

In psychology, this is called projection. Of course, you lack the capacity for logical thinking, so now you'll just screech hysterically repeating the same thing over and over thinking that's argument. You are a Monty Python sketch. Congrats, I suppose.

Fred4Pres said...

Shit happens.

Scott M said...

You are a Monty Python sketch. Congrats, I suppose.

The hell you say. An insult to dead parrots, silly walkers, and Bruce's everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I notice that none of these responses contain anything to back up the cretinous and vile line being pushed by Cheney and Republicans, that torture led to this killing.

NO PROOF. NONE. but I'm the delusional one, right?

Jeremy said...

Lem - "Obama did not allow a fellow Muslin..."


Jeremy said...

franglo - Of course they have no proof.

Even their buddy, Rummy says they didn't use torture to glean any of the information relating to Osama's demise.

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tells Newsmax the information that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden was obtained through “normal interrogation approaches” and says the notion that terrorist suspects were waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay is a “myth.”

It's nothing more than a teabagger's wet dream.

Automatic_Wing said...

franglo just KNOWS that all the intel used in the bin Laden assassination came from purely voluntary, Amnesty International-approved interrogation methods.

How does he know?

No idea.

But he knows, he knows.

And he's NOT delusional. Remember that, y'all.

garage mahal said...

If the mission to kill bin Laden went horribly, does anyone think the right would be blaming Bush or Cheney?

edutcher said...

I'm getting the impression that the Administration will blow this simply by all the backtracking.

Then there's all the futzing by the Demos about how we got the intel, "franglo said...
Also, hey conservative mouthbreathers, NONE of the intelligence that led to capture came from enhanced interro/ waterboarding/ torture. Stop lying."


Lefties. Gotta love 'em.

Jeremy said...

Once again, a prime time teabagger candidate who they think will beat president Obama in 2012...does what she does best...

At the White House Correspondents Dinner festivities NBC's blog NBCU Direct asked here:

Who do you think is the most influential journalist today?

"Oh my goodness, that's a great question," she said, before turning to her husband Todd and asking for his input.

Then, when Todd also balked, Palin came back and said, "Um, gosh, that's a great question, I have to think about it, OK? Because there are many."


Jeremy said...

edutcher - "I'm getting the impression that the Administration will blow this simply by all the backtracking."

Osama's already dead, Dude.

And it was Obama and his team that killed him.

Get over it.

Jeremy said...

Maguro - How do YOU know any different?

dbp said...

here And lots of other places, only a simple Google search away.

The Associated Press reports that the first leads on bin Laden’s whereabouts, information on the fictitious name the al Qaeda head’s closest aide was using, came from harsh interrogation tactics CIA officials were using on confessed 9/11 mastermind planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his successor, Abu Faraj al-Libi.

The Weekly Standard’s Thomas Joscelyn points out, too, that The New York Times downplayed the importance the harsh interrogation tactics played in getting this information, but at least reported that it was Mohammed who was the original lead.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

So sending in special ops to execute the big O in a foreign country is great but waterboarding is a crime against humanity? OK, got it.

Just for the record, no bystanders were killed or wounded when KSM was waterboarded. Not even KSM.

Michael said...

I am delighted that liberals agree it is perfectly fine for the US Govt. to search out and kill a person without trial in a foreign country without the permission of the foreign nation or the person killed. Works for me, I just thought for some reason that liberals did not like that idea. But here we are and they are applauding like crazy, like they invented the idea of killing a foreigner, a Muslim foreigner, in a foreign country. No trial. No lawyers. Clean kill. No uniform on the guy. No weapon. Pop him. Adios.

dbp said...

I'm not sad that OBL is dead, but to my view it would have been a much larger victory taking him alive.

Michael said...

JeremyTeacupper: "And it was Obama and his team that killed him."

You got that right, dude. No fucking fuss to the big O. Off to a foreign country and pop the guy. Constitutional lawyer dude with the big cowboy gun there with the smoke coming out the end. The big O killed a guy without a trial in a foreign country. No fucking problem.

garage mahal said...

Old spin: Obama is a sissy who coddles our enemies!

New spin: Obama is ruthless! He killed an unarmed Muslim!

Michael said...

JeremyTeacupper: But one more thing, the liberals did not, absolutely did not, torture OBL. No Miranda, no shit. Bang. Big O popped the little O. Liberals crack me up.

Michael said...

Garage: You will recall that famous, now defunct, phrase "the rule of law" so often hurled at the right wing. Heh, dude, I am glad as hell that we have a bloodthirsty president and I hope to hell he likes the feeling as much as you do because we need a guy like that, and not like the pussy he was before. So people are pulling your leg a bit, Garage, if you haven't noticed. Literary people call it irony. Lefties call it being insulted.

Roger J. said...

ummm--Obama didnt do shit--the SEALS did the heavy lifting--and jug ears agonized over the decision for 16 hours--rather like McKinley who prayed to god before starting the spanish american war--I mean really--jug ears has to agonize for sixteen hours? this is a 16 second decision.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
If the mission to kill bin Laden went horribly, does anyone think the right would be blaming Bush or Cheney?

No, theyd be blaming him for botching their mission.

Come on Garage, Cheney was all inclusive in his praise--why can't you be too?

It is but a small step towards reconciliation.

It also puts Althouse's strategery in jeopardy.


garage mahal said...

Old spin: We do not torture!

Newer spin: What that is you're talking about isn't really torture.

Newest spin: Torture works! It got bin Laden!

Roger J. said...

Good to know that Mr Obama supports torture--otherwise he couldnt have nailed that coonskin on the wall (a reference to LBJ for the historically challenged)

windbag said...

this is a 16 second decision.

Fries or onion rings is a 16 second decision...eliminating the primary conspirator of 911 is an automatic.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Old spin (under Bush): denying terrorists Miranda rights is a war crime!

New spin (under Obama): Offing terrorists with extreme prejudice is awesome!

garage mahal said...

Military operations in soverign countries and Presidentin is easy. Just ask the 101st Chairborne

Jeremy said...


Could Osama bin Laden have been found faster if the CIA had followed the advice of ecosystem geographers from the University of California, Los Angeles? Probably not, but the predictions of UCLA geographer Thomas Gillespie, who, along with colleague John Agnew and a class of undergraduates, authored a 2009 paper predicting the terrorist’s whereabouts, were none too shabby. According to a probabilistic model they created, there was an 88.9% chance that bin Laden was hiding out in a city less than 300 km from his last known location in Tora Bora: a region that included Abbottabad, Pakistan, where he was killed last night.

The bin Laden tracking idea began as a project in an undergraduate class on remote sensing that Gillespie, whose expertise is using remote sensing data from satellites to study ecosystems, taught in 2009. Based on information from satellites and other remote sensing systems, and reports on his movements since his last known location, the students created a probabilistic model of where he was likely to be. Their prediction of a town was based on a geographical theory called “island biogeography”: basically, that a species on a large island is much less likely to go extinct following a catastrophic event than a species on a small one.

“The theory was basically that if you’re going to try and survive, you’re going to a region with a low extinction rate: a large town,” Gillespie says. “We hypothesized he wouldn’t be in a small town where people could report on him.”

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Old spin: We do not torture!

Newer spin: What that is you're talking about isn't really torture.

Newest spin: Torture works! It got bin Laden!

Torturous logic there Torquemahal!

Jeremy said...

Roger J - "Obama didnt do shit"

And yet another jerkoff teabagger rears his ugly, uninformed head to denigrate the president.

Would you say the same of Truman?



Of course not, but today, people like you just can't bring yourself to stand back and give Obama credit where credit is due.

And to insinuate that taking 16 hours was somehow a form of poor leadership, when we had 40 American military lives at stake is disgusting.

Oh, and thanks for the jug earred comment so we can readily identify you as a fucking racist prick, too.

Roger J. said...

Actually presidenting is easy--as harry truman said the buck stops here and you have to make a decision. Now if you cant make a decision, your pretty fucked as a president.

In this case Jug Ears made the right decision and I applaud it.

chickelit said...

According to a probabilistic model they created, there was an 88.9% chance that bin Laden was hiding out in a city less than 300 km from his last known location in Tora Bora: a region that included Abbottabad, Pakistan, where he was killed last night.

Well that narrows it down. Problem is, there's no room for the uncertainty principle.

Jeremy said...

Michael - You're actually going to stay on track with the "Obama is a murderer" teabagger drivel?

With Osama Bin Laden representing the poor, innocent victim?

Are you that fucking dense?

Roger J. said...

Ahh I see Jeremy is back with all the grace charm and intellect of a wounded warthog

do fuck off Jeremy--and do have a nice day while you are doing it

you are such a trivial asshole.

Godot said...

So they killed him after he tried to defend his wife?

Fen said...

Oh great. Hey DHOTUS, let me know when you're done editing.

Known Unknown said...

But this time she's a hot babe who attacks Sheen who disarms her with Kama Sutra sex.

That would be bin-winning.

That would be disgusting.

Fen said...

Revision to the the revised narrative:

"Obama himself slid down the rope upside down, shooting OBL to death along the way."

garage mahal said...

Oh great. Hey DHOTUS

Still gnashing your teeth over the diversity hire getting the big kill?

Jeremy said...

Fen - Well, we know one thing for sure.

It wasn't you or any of the other teabaggers here.

Little man.

Jeremy said...

Godot "So they killed him after he tried to defend his wife?"

Evidently not:

“In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden’s wife -- rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed,” Carney said. Separately, another woman on the first floor was killed in crossfire, which may have led to Brennan's misstatement."

What made you think so...other than being a teabagger?

Jeremy said...

chickelit - "Well that narrows it down. Problem is, there's no room for the uncertainty principle."

Still interesting.

Jeremy said...

Roger J.- I like to counter bigoted, racist and just plain stupid remarks from small-minded teabaggers like yourself.

Why not try posting something that doesn't include any of it?

Oh, and saying that "Obama didnt do shit--and that jug ears agonized over the decision for 16 hours"...fits the bill.

Roger J. said...

Ahh jeremy my man--I am much smarter than you, more published than you, have quite a few decorations for gallantry including a purple heart--now what precisely fuckhead have you done except post anonymnous drivel on blogs; you got your little red badge of courage? running your mouth doesnt count son. you are really a pathetic little shit, boy. you are a blustering coward and an abolute piece of shit.

Anyway--have a nice day--

Anonymous said...

"If the mission to kill bin Laden went horribly, does anyone think the right would be blaming Bush or Cheney?"

No, but you should would be. Along with all the other libs.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

edutcher - "I'm getting the impression that the Administration will blow this simply by all the backtracking."

Osama's already dead, Dude.

And it was Obama and his team that killed him.

Get over it.

As always, subtlety eludes Jeremy.

I was referring to Little Zero and Company blowing any political bump from this.

And it was not "Obama and his team".

It was JSOC. Darth Cheney's personal assassination squad.


WV "calmlee" Not how Jeremy does things.

Jeremy said...

Roger J - If you're such a successful and educated person why do you spend your time posting racist and bigoted comments on a blog site?

Phil 314 said...

Narrative requires several dots to be connected.

This is not narrative; there's only one dot


Jeremy said...

edu-whatever - "I was referring to Little Zero and Company blowing any political bump from this."

It just happened two days ago, numbnut.

As for it not being Obama's "team"...since when does Cheney have any input these days?

It was Obama's ability to make the right decision, his security team for organizing the operation, and of course, the Navy Seals who pulled it off.

Instead of continuing to whine and bitch about everything Obama, why not step back and give everybody involved their due?

As for calling the president "Little Zero"...well, he appears to have his career more on track than any of the assholes here every day, denigrating him and the office.

Playing the whiney teabagger makes you look even smaller than you already are.

Phil 314 said...

What I find interesting is we've left the others in the compound to be questioned by the Pakistanis.
Do we trust them or not? Will they get good intel for us?
Do we think they'll follow our interrogation rules?

Actually several have now been accepted into the Pakistani Military Academy down the road.

(PS I have a bad head cold right now, so yes, as a matter of fact, today I am a mouth-breather.)

Phil 314 said...

An all around delightful, engaging, educated, personable, fun, funny, romantic, fit, and liberal human being.

Well the liberal part is true but I'm just not seeing the rest.

garage mahal said...

No, but you should would be. Along with all the other libs.

But wouldn't Obama have been using the same exact methods Bush used? Bush only gets credit if it works?

Cedarford said...

This is no doubt costing the Left, University faculties, Progressive Jews, and EuroLeft considerable stress in having to shut up loyally to back their Man. Who just did an "extrajudicial execution on an unarmed man". And harming "innocent civilian terrorist wives" in the process. And of course violating the sovereignity of a country we are not at war with. In the Peak of American Arrogance and Sneering At Rule of Law!! (That is if a white conservative oppressor male Christianist had done so.)

Still, if you see some very grumpy people at the NY Times, ACLU HQ, and university lounges and Euroleft "Conferences on human rights" - you will know why.

Anonymous said...

"But wouldn't Obama have been using the same exact methods Bush used? Bush only gets credit if it works?"

Actually I have said several times in a couple of different threads that both Obama and Bush deserve some credit. Bush for starting the ball rolling by taking the fight to Afghanistan and through the use of enhanced interrogation techniques of captured enemy combatants at Gitmo, and Obama for following-through on what Bush started by continuing to work the issue and in finally approving direct action to kill the target.

The problem for the left, as I see it, is that they do not want to acknowledge two things. One, that Bush had anything to do with it at all, and two, that Obama used the tools that Bush helped create to get the result we had this week.

Instead they are tying themselves into knots trying to explain how Obama pulled this win out of thing air.

Almost Ali said...

Everything is a big secret.

Which is exactly why we need Wikileaks.

PaulV said...

Radius of 300 km would be an area of 260,000 sq. km. Not much help.
BTW nobody was waterboarded at Gitmo. It was done elsewhere. KSM fwlt free to talk after he talked first time. Big stuff libs all for targeted killing. Holder feared a trial would destroy administration.

edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

edu-whatever - "I was referring to Little Zero and Company blowing any political bump from this."

It just happened two days ago, numbnut.

Polling cycles are three days, so we can get a feel for it. Flash polls can get results immediately -this isn't 1948. No indication Little Zero gets much. The military and The Company, as it should be, get the cred.

As for it not being Obama's "team"...since when does Cheney have any input these days?

It was Obama's ability to make the right decision, his security team for organizing the operation, and of course, the Navy Seals who pulled it off.

Zero has done more to inhibit ops like this, going back to '05 with his anti-war garbage and obstructionism, like the rest of the Demos than he did to help. This started on Dubya's watch and continued through the use of his policies.

The case can be made this succeeded in spite of Zero, not because of him.

As for Cheney's input, they are HIS personal assassination squad, as the Lefties loved to put it when they hated the Administration.

Instead of continuing to whine and bitch about everything Obama, why not step back and give everybody involved their due?

As for calling the president "Little Zero"...well, he appears to have his career more on track than any of the assholes here every day, denigrating him and the office.

Denigrating the office??

Who here uses the phrase Little Georgie? Who here never gives credit to Cheney or Rumsfeld or Rice (oh, yeah, unless he has to weasel out of the effectiveness of waterborading)?

As for career on track, take a look at the value of the dollar, unemployment, or prices. Little Zero has the country on track the same way as Wile E Coyote - right into a solid rock wall.

And don't call people numbnut.

It shows how insecure you are.

Anonymous said...

"BTW nobody was waterboarded at Gitmo. It was done elsewhere. KSM fwlt free to talk after he talked first time. Big stuff libs all for targeted killing. Holder feared a trial would destroy administration."

Yes, of course you're right. I meant using enhanced techniques away from Gitmo and regular interviews at Gitmo (and for establishing it and Obama keeping it open).

Sorry for the confusion.

chickelit said...

Almost Ali said...
Everything is a big secret.

Which is exactly why we need Wikileaks.

But isn't Wikileaks rather unilateral? In other words, it's just a weapon for truth for one side.

Trooper York said...

The story will keep changing.

I just hope the ending doesn't change.

jr565 said...

This story is Pat Tilman all over again. We need to get to the bottom of it. Cheney's assassination squad targeted and assassinated an unarmed man!
Oh wait, I forgot who was president. Way to go team!

Roger J. said...

Jeremy--because it fucks with your little mind. and I mind like yours is a terrible thing not to fuck with

Anonymous said...

Why the completely different versions that keep coming out? All it does is provide fodder for people to generate more doubts and conspiracy theories. (although maybe those people don't need any help, they'll just do it on their own...but it still makes our government look bad to keep changing the details of the mission).

Is our government that inept that they couldn't get the story straight the first time? Find out what the story is and stick to it. Or alternatively make it up to suit your purposes. Say that Obama was caught giving fellatio to a goat while wearing a sundress. Whatever. Just stick to the same story man!

MadisonMan said...

Just stick to the same story man!

Yes. Stop talking about it. Move on. Why are they still talking about what happened? It doesn't matter how the details evolve, as long -- as Trooper notes -- the ending stays the same.

Milwaukee said...

A great big bomb and a gaping hole where once a house stood would have been good enough. We were sure he was there. Now, without a body there will still be rumors he isn't dead. Of course, take him out. He is an illegal enemy combatant. While I'm against the death penalty in general, shooting people who sworn themselves to being our enemies and killed our people is justified. Of course, if we were wrong, we say "dang, well, we'll get'em next time". Are you sure you want to live near him?

So anybody recall that in the first version of Star Wars Hans Solo shot the bounty hunter without warning. In the second, the bounty hunter appears to be drawing his weapon, and Solo is responding in self-defense. The changing stories rather reminds me of that.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I meant Osama. Not Obama.

Unknown said...

I honestly don't care if torture led to his capture, if he was going for a weapon, if he resisted, or whatever. He was a war criminal. We don't negotiate with terrorists. He tortured thousands of people for over 10 years (Before the 9/11 attack). Our military and administration did what they had to do. Republicans who are complaining about the lack of rights because they murdered Bin Laden; they don't want their 2nd amendment right taken away. Shut up :) He's dead. Now just destroy the rest of that insane organization that he led. Who cares about what politics have to say. Do what's right for the world rather than our reputation.

Trooper York said...

The problem is will the ending stay the same?

I wonder.

Almost Ali said...

chickelit said...
But isn't Wikileaks rather unilateral? In other words, it's just a weapon for truth for one side.

Whatever it takes to get at the truth, I'm for. Not just in all cases, but especially in this case, wherein the whole country was grievously wounded by a religion posing as one man.

Our government has no right to secrecy when such secrecy is only designed to appease the so-called moderate Muslims, at the expense of Americans.

I am incensed that the Obama administration observed Islamic law, such is their duplicitous position when it comes to truth vs. actions.

On the morning of 9/11, my 12-year-old nephew called me in a state of shock and fear. He wanted to know what was going on - why passenger jets were flying into the World Trade Center (where I had taken him just the year before). And he wasn't the only 12-year old profoundly affected by the events of 9/11.

Now we come these ten years later to tell all those 12-year olds they have no right to know. That we must, by virtue of incompetence and fear, defer to Islam.

Methadras said...

Leave it to leftards to screw this up with contradictory statements.

Brian Brown said...

it was Obama and his team that killed him.

I love watching silly little jeremy giggling about an event where Obama used intelligence gathered from "enhanced interrogation" (nee, torture) to send an assassination squad into a sovereign country that poses no imminent threat to America to blow up a home while shooting everyone inside.

PS, Obama has signed off on more assassination's than all the other Nobel peace prize winners combined.

Fen said...

Revision to the revision of the revised narrative:

"Obama himself slid down the rope into Bin Laden's chambers, only to find Donald Trump and Goldstein playing cards with OBL. They panicked at The One's Greatness and shoved OBL into Obama's line of fire, then fled out the back door"

gerry said...

Panetta: No, I think some of the detainees clearly were — you know, they used these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees. But I’m also saying that the debate about whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always going to be an open question.

Lefty denials of waterboarding effectiveness is contradicted by Panetta.

Leftists betray thoughtless, blind obedience to the groupthink narrative.

Clyde said...

"Bitch had it comin'..."

Too soon?

Unknown said...

If the Obama Administration told me that the Sun was coming up, I'd go to the window and look.

They are either liers or bunglers.

This was a VERY important fact, they should have said nothing until they could make an accurate statement.

Do we always have to wait for the "clarification" before we can believe.

"What the President meant to say was ... ."

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