May 1, 2011

Obama was pretty funny at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

And the media would like us to believe he stuck it to Trump:

Hey, it's a victory for Trump that the President talked about him at all, and he talked about him a lot. And all these stories about how grim and grumpy Trump looked? Trump always has a grumpy expression on his face. I detected more of a shadow of a smile than usual.


Terrye said...

I don't know anyone who actually pays any attention to stuff like this, except for the press and pundits. The sad truth is that both Obama and Trump are jokes.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I can't watch the guy.

He's an arrogant prick who is screwing up in his job BIG TIME, and that just isn't funny.

vet66 said...

Trump was wearing a smirk knowing full well he was in Obama's head. The so-called comedian from SNL summed up what Trump already understood. Namely, that Obama could only win if he returned to the Obama of 2008. History put an end to that possibility in a short two years as Obama's "hope-and-change" illusion drifted away cut loose by real politik.

Of course Obama will still command a good portion of the population as they "cling" to the heroin of entitlement.

AllenS said...

Did obama make any funny jokes about the price of gasoline? How about some funnies involving the continuing foreclosures? Then, there's always the funniest of them all, people out of work.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Trump is not going anywhere. No one in the GOP is going anywhere. Obama will be here till January of 2017, when another democrat will take over the White House (Sen. Warner from Virginia, example). The GOP is becoming irrelevant. Why? No vision. No plan of action. No concrete deliverables. No discipline. No diversity.

NB: The Press, led by HuffPost, Andy Sully, NPR, NYT, and PBS, have already signed a document stating that they will do what it takes to re-elect Obama/Biden. Does the GOP think that having Fox provides a balance? Not bloody likely.

Palladian said...

Where's the brave political comedian, speaking truth to power?

Oh... right.

David said...

Did he make any jokes about Gadafffi's grandchildren?

Clyde said...

Ah, the return of Baghdad's Politico: There are no American tanks in Baghdad! The Republicans won't take over the House in 2010! Obama will be re-elected! All is well! ALL IS WELL!

Keep whistling past that graveyard, chum.

rhhardin said...

I turned off at the multimedia introduction, but I doubt Obama was funny anyway.

Trump strikes me as a Democrat plant, trying to identify the tea party with populist yahooism.

Maybe Obama is in on it.

AllenS said...

What would have been like really totally funny, if obama had shown up with a clown nose and clown shoes.

David said...

Meanwhile (as Mark Steyn reminds us in National Review), "under the 2011 budget, every hour of every day, the federal government spends $188 million it doesn’t have, $130 million of which is “borrowed” from itself."

The self-borrowing is the Federal Reserve's purchase of federal debt, which expires next month.

le Douanier said...

I liked Michelle's look.

MayBee said...

The press showed up to hear Obama slam other people?
Now there is something different.

PaulV said...

The Press can not joke about the Hindmost (leads from the rear) since Press Office could pull credentials.

rhhardin said...

The Feds can purchase all the Federal debt they want. What they can't do is issue debt.

They can always print money, regardless of the debt ceiling; which is how they buy newly issued debt now.

ricpic said...

Meanwhile America is being purposely taken apart by the Alien, step by step. Big yuck.

But Althouse finds you funny, so at least you've got one fan for life.

Most independents, on the other hand, have run far far away. Which means you're toast, Bozo.

Henry said...

Can we just make fundraising and stand-up his full time job and swap in a real president?

PaulV said...

If the Reserves holds say $4trillion of US debt they could resell bonds and we will not have to increase debt limit until the $4trillion is spent.

Fen said...

Circle-jerk with his MSM sycophants.

What really annoys me is how these same people will preach that their duty is to "speak truth to power" once a Republican replaces Obama.

Fen said...

Ah hell. Palladian already made my point and he was more concise.

PaulV said...

rhardin, the fed prints money by buying US debt from holders. It wires money to those accounts. By selling the US debt the fed holds the US can get trillions without increasing debt load. US debt is about $13trillion with fed holding $4trillion of it.

Shouting Thomas said...

You've really got to be a wonk, Althouse, to sit through this.

I got through a minute and quit.

Mick said...

I guess THAT's why you voted for him, He's a funny guy!!

Of course the media ignores the fact that the PDF Obama "released" is proof of nothing, just a layered PDF document on the internet.

And the media continue to protect the Usurper, declaring the issue "over", and how dare they demean a sitting POTUS! "We have more important things to think about". Then the LA Times does an editorial that contains this:,0,6735231.column?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fopinion%2Fcommentary+%28L.A.+Times+-+Commentary%29

"We saw an example of that this week, when the birthers' spokespeople quickly pivoted and insisted that the president was not a citizen because his father was a Kenyan immigrant. There is no constitutional or legal support in any serious quarter for such a view, but that doesn't seem to matter to the invincibly convinced."

Of course, again, the media REFUSES to state the issue correctly. They NEVER state it correctly, and what should that tell you? It tells you that the issue of Obama's non Citizen father is THE issue, Obama's Kryptonite, and that they are still protecting him. It's not whether Obama is a "CITIZEN", it's whether he's a "natural born Citizen" (which is the requirement). It's not whether Obama Sr. was a "Kenyan immigrant" or whether he was "born in Kenya", it's whether Obama Sr. was a US Citizen at the time of Obama 2's birth. And yes there is a PLETHORA of historical evidence, from SCOTUS, to the Federalist Papers, and from Congress (most recently when they said McCain was a natural born Citizen because he was born to 2 US Citizens in American Controlled territory in 4/2008) that suggests Obama is ineligible due to his Forign father. It is Criminal and treasonous what the Media is doing.

Yet right here we have a "law prof" that voted for a Usurper. Such is the state of our education system, and why this was allowed to happen.

Tank said...

While the Zero is telling jokes to his followers in the press,

the US

Is bombing civilians in Libya, and

Attempting to assasinate foreign leaders.

Ha Ha.

And Yay for us. Can't wait for the blowback - and it will come.

MayBee said...

I can't tell you how irritating I find it that this has turned into a celebrity red carpet event.

It illustrates almost everything wrong with our politics today, but I bet Obama wouldn't joke about that.

David said...

We don't have time for this silliness.

wv: bashing (Really!)

rhhardin said...

@Paul Debt is a way to avoid printing money - that is, taking the money out of the private economy and handing it to the government to spend instead.

In normal times, the Fed increases the money supply by buying back debt, and decreases it by selling new debt, when it thinks it's too low or too high for what the economy can do at once, with inflation control in mind.

Selling the debt it holds just continues that, taking money from the private sector in order to spend it in the government sector.

But the Fed can always just throw inflation to the winds and print money, debt ceiling or not. Then the government spends money in competition with the private sector, rather than instead of it.

Raising the debt ceiling is a way of constraining inflation, if the Fed acts responsibly on its end.

The problem isn't the debt but the spending that causes it.

David said...

Nice doggie, David.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I thought we were supposed to avoid circus side-shows and focus on the economy!

JM Hanes said...

It's pretty sad when the right can't even acknowledge that the President actually has a pretty good sense of humor, despite the occasional gaffe. It's the main reason so many people still find him "likable" in the polls! The right should take a cue from President Bush, and remember how to laugh at themselves. It's good politics.

As for the objects of his derision, every time he associates himself with The Donald is a win for our side. Everyone really knows that Trump is not a bona fide Republican candidate. He is sui generis, and the higher his profile, even bouncing off the walls, the more he distracts from the anti-Republican blitzkrieg Obama intended to launch before the real Republicans officially declared for office.

Thanks Donald!

avwh said...

"I'm sorry. I can't watch the guy.

He's an arrogant prick who is screwing up in his job BIG TIME, and that just isn't funny."


twinsdaddy said...

found in trash can , the first draft for last nights yuckfest

Hey take my Secretary of Transportation.......please

welcome to my annual dinner for my current and future press secretary's

let's see since I've been president, I've eliminated millions of jobs and close to 10,000 double wides in Alabama..

I thought it was pretty cool that Elvis Costello would come to my dinner....but it's ok it turned out to be Rachel Maddow....pudumtshhhhhh

I was lucky that Dan Rather was able to find my birth certificate wasn't I ...guffaws

Hey Donald , in a couple of years I might be available for Celebrity me

what the hell is Andrea Mitchell doing under my podium?

bagoh20 said...

If you want to go prime time, just piss off this President. Obama has landed a part in the sequel to Mean Girls.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So Obama lied again?

So we do have time for this kind of “silliness.”

'We' dont got better stuff to do.

MayBee said...

It's pretty sad when the right can't even acknowledge that the President actually has a pretty good sense of humor,

I don't know, JMH. This is an annual event he has to do and for which writers are hired. Last year Jon Stewart's guys took care of it. I don't know who wrote his jokes this year.

Off the cuff, he makes jokes about driving around in cars getting 8 mpg and Republicans drinking slurpees.
So I don't feel ashamed that I don't think he has a great sense of humor, even if you do (and you know I love you).

KCFleming said...

I quit listening to Obama speak long ago. His words mean nothing, whether he's trying to be funny or not.

At least thus far I am not forced to pay attention to his bloviations.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama comments on a TV show? This makes Obama look like a small man.
How stupid.

Dark Eden said...

Weren't these things once about making fun of the president and the president doing self deprecating jokes?

Or is that just for Republican presidents now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There is something sinister about this president. He hides behind written jokes, but you know his
Fascist lap dogs will do anything to destroy anyone who dare criticize this joke-in-chief.

Anonymous said...

Trump won. Barry lost. And no amount of joking about it is going to change that.

As to whether it hurts the GOP, please, Trump was never a serious candidate and everyone knows it. Yeah, he could have been a big spoiler, but in releasing his birth certificate Barry not only blinked - making himself look tiny - but also helped the GOP out by diminishing Trump's celebrity.

It's a double win for the GOP.

Fen said...

Weren't these things once about making fun of the president and the president doing self deprecating jokes?

Yes. And Obama can't because his presidency has been a disaster. Same reason its okay to make fun of someone for throwing like a girl.. but not okay if he's paralyzed from the waist up.

Roasting Obama would spotlight all his inadequacies that the MSM has been covering up. So it has to be about Trump.

Funny how they elevated Trump to the status of POTUS. I guess Obama needs a whipping boy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In Cuba, the communists are threatened by dissent and throw the dissenters in jail. In America, they work to destroy you in other ways.

Sal said...

Remember when Obama was talking about Rush? Or when he was talking about Fox News?

When Obama tries to cut you down, your stock rises.

Anonymous said...

I watched a few minutes. He seems quite peevish. It's as if he stored away every political slight from every major or minor player of the last year to respond with a pale zinger of his own.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I didn't watch this BS when Bush was president because the whole govt- press relationship is way too chummy & celebrity oriented.

You'd think the talking head attendees & serial failing elected officials are such spectacular achievers.

And I guess they never heard the story of Nero fiddling while Rome was burning? We are so screwed.

Fen said...

“All kidding aside, we all know about your credentials and experience,” Mr. Obama said, as people in the room either chortled or grimaced nervously, all depending on their proximity to Mr. Trump.

In “Celebrity Apprentice,” Mr. Obama told Mr. Trump, teeth flashing, “the men’s cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha steaks, but you recognized that this was a lack of leadership, so you fired Gary Busey.”

“These,” Mr. Obama said, “are the kinds of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well-handled, sir. Well-handled.”

These aren't jokes. They're not even funny. They're snark. Obama fights like a like a bitch. Makes him look very small.

edutcher said...

Insta's made the same connection as Ann.The Donald has Little Zero's number and his ascendancy in the polls shows that the Republicans want somebody who will go after Zero.

That's what separates what Rove and Krauthammer call the top tier from the second. Unless the top tier toughens up, the nominee will come from the next row - the Lefties' worst nightmare.

PaulV said...
The Press can not joke about the Hindmost (leads from the rear) since Press Office could pull credentials.

The Hindmost - good one.

Steve Austin said...

We have a very serious issue with this President because of his narcissistic personality disorder.

He doesn't seem to have any emotional intelligence to understand what is going on around him and how to solve problems.

It is almost as if he's affirmatively decided to be the Jim Carrey character from the Truman Show and that we should watch his every move, because he's so important.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the people did the clever editing are doing the same thing for re-election, and using social media to appear hip and funny and get votes.

Obama needs Rosie Perez to pull her Hollywood Latina strings, the Jon Stewart crowd, the Sharpton base etc. to have a shot.

So much for 'rising above politics'.

More Plouffery to come.

Brian Brown said...

JM Hanes said...

It's pretty sad when the right can't even acknowledge that the President actually has a pretty good sense of humor

Yeah, like when he told that guy to go buy a "Hybrid van"

That was a real gas!

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk....

Brian Brown said...

The right should take a cue from President Bush, and remember how to laugh at themselves.


Because I don't remember you leftists smiling too often in those 8 years of the Bush Presidency...

MayBee said...

JMH isn't a leftist at all.
But I do disagree with her that Bush being self deprecating should teach us a lesson about laughing as Obama also makes fun of Republicans.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why in the world would Trump even lower himself to attend an event where Obama was "headlined", knowing Obama's tendency to attack those who have to sit silently and take it.

Supreme Court Justices, Paul Ryan.

Obama has no class.

edutcher said...

JM Hanes said...

It's pretty sad when the right can't even acknowledge that the President actually has a pretty good sense of humor

Actually, it's pretty well acknowledged that, like Jimmy Carter, Little Zero has no sense of humor at all.

Or does Hanes actually believe Zero writes his own material?

Anonymous said...

What would have been like really totally funny, if obama had shown up with a clown nose and clown shoes.

But he does, every freakin' day.

Almost Ali said...

I watched the whole thing; it was Obama's public undoing, courtesy of Donald Trump.

Absolutely juvenile, Obama was, with the audience squirming more often than half-laughing. He wasn't funny - he was seething. An incomplete man teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

Aside from his spending a inordinate amount of time on his nemesis Donald Trump - including showing asinine videos and visual aids related to birtherism - the "president" even managed to insult his own wife. And FOX news. While casting a pall over the entire gathering.

Mark the date, because by the end of his humorless, on-stage vendetta, Obama had sewn the seeds of his own destruction.

Brad said...

vet66 said...

Trump was wearing a smirk knowing full well he was in Obama's head.

Getting "in Obama's head" isn't that hard - he's that think-skinned.

William said...

It is pleasant to think that the Presidential elction will be decided on such things as a high unemployment rate, high gas prices, huge deficit, lack of progress in our wars, etc. By such objective measures, Obama has had an unsuccesful Presidency. However, in terms of podium presence, good looks, comic timing, admirable family life, Obama does very well indeed. It worked before, and there's no reason it will not work again.

Jeff said...

Trump can't make Obama look small, any more than a dress can make someone look fat.

Fen said...

Getting "in Obama's head" isn't that hard - he's that think-skinned.


/sorry, had to get that out of the way, as our resident libtards are sleeping the afternoon away in their mommy's basement.

adam said...

Few seem to get what is going on.

Obama is picking his opponent. It is an economic election. Obama has weak hand. NEEDS weak opponent who represents rich so he can make election about class warfare.

Obama and press are fanning the Trump flames for all it is worth.

Kansas City said...

Fascinating comments in response.

I thought Obama was good, even somewhat humble, at least in the video clips. But at the same time, he was not that funny. His delivery was good (I really think there is something about his voice and appearance that cause a positive reaction in the mind of the typcial person), but he does not do funny very well. I think at some level, he let's on that he really does not think the stuff is very funny.

Of course, it is stupid to place much significance on how a politician delivers jokes written by someone else. On the politics, it was a mistake to give attention to Trump, because Trump is Obama's biggest problem at this point in terms of aggressive criticism that resonates with the public, even among voters who would never vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

any jokes about rising unemployment, make-it-up-as-we-go foreign policy, unsustainable debt, or general ineptitude at the White House?


There. A one word joke.

Shari Bruce said...

The obvious headline: "President Admits to African Birth". He is the Lion King.

(Pardon my error in spelling.)

btw, I wonder if the White House cleared the use of copyrighted material with Disney or Derringer?

Alex said...

Wow, and that clinched Ann's vote next year. Congrats.

Unknown said...

Not hard to get into Obama's head.
So much room.

jeff said...

Oh, come on. "“All kidding aside, we all know about your credentials and experience,” Mr. Obama said"

Obama making fun of someone else's credentials and experience? Now THAT'S funny.

Toad Trend said...

The Donald of course loves the attention.

Why the president feels a need to respond to Trump indicates that Trump is an irritant to the Pharaoh.

But its what we come to expect from a professional community agitator.

Toad Trend said...

@JM Hanes

"It's pretty sad when the right can't even acknowledge that the President actually has a pretty good sense of humor, despite the occasional gaffe."

Excuse me while I try to convince myself just how funny Zero is. How should I proceed? Oh, right...just pretend I'm a brain-dead liberal (sorry about that redundancy) with a nervous laugh.

"It's the main reason so many people still find him "likable" in the polls!"

REALLY? So many? Likeable??? Its true for M & M's too.

"The right should take a cue from President Bush, and remember how to laugh at themselves."

Now that's rich. Did you like how Mr. Bush 'laughed at himself'? I contend he was laughing at you.

wv hummagnm

One big humm

Lombardi Chick said...

AllenS said...

Did obama make any funny jokes about the price of gasoline? How about some funnies involving the continuing foreclosures? Then, there's always the funniest of them all, people out of work.


I don't think so, but he's out golfing again today, so he should have plenty of time to think some up.

Trochilus said...


. . . These aren't jokes. They're not even funny. They're snark. Obama fights like a like a bitch. Makes him look very small.

Bingo! BO is a guy who is constitutionally incapable of ever poking fun at himself, which is what the Correspondents' Dinner is at its best.

Choosing an opportunity to do nothing but jab at an opponent when he has no opportunity at all to respond, was very small indeed. Myers piling on was not funny either. He was actually quite petty. And he's supposed to be the pro!

I would not be surprised at all to find out someone in the WH passed the word to the WaPo that they would not be displeased if Donald Trump was invited to join them. I'll bet Donald thinks that now!

And lest anyone think I'm defending Trump, or expressing sympathy for his being zinged, I'm not . . . Trump is just blind and arrogant enough to have fallen right into that trap.

What Donald did accomplish was to goad Obama into giving up the BC before its time. BO would have much preferred to hold onto it for a while, hopefully (on his part) to snooker a more credible Republican candidate, and at a later in the season when it would count.

I think Obama was angry because he felt "had to" give it up now. And this snark was BO's payback, with no microphone time for Trump to respond.

Paul said...

Trump is another tar baby for Obama to get stuck on (and he is doing bang up job.) Obama, being a narcissist, just hates being put down by another narcissist(Trump.)

Libya was one to and now they say Obama is a baby killer for kiling Gadaffi's grandsons. Going to be hard to unstick himself from this one.

Over the brief two years Obama has stuck himself to many a tar baby. Palin was one, O'Rielly another..

Stuck on stupid as a general once said.

Toad Trend said...


"I think Obama was angry because he felt "had to" give it up now. And this snark was BO's payback, with no microphone time for Trump to respond."

I was thinking the same thing. What a spectacle it would have been if Trump would have had a turn. I'm thinking it would have been quite embarrassing for the Pharaoh.

Roux said...

I can't listen to Obama anymore. He's a terrible orator who is nothing more than the jackass sitting at the bar making fun of everyone who enters.

He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and for a leader that's a very bad thing.

Michael said...

There is nothing less funny than jokes told by a humorless person.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Quote, lifted.
"On the way home from the gym I heard a radio news account with sound bites. Trump had to be smirking at the attention, but it's a pathetic commentary that the allegedly independent White House Press Corps served as a vehicle for an incumbent President to bash his most vocal challenger. I mean, I know that they’re a bunch of partisan sycophants, but do they have to be so obvious about it?"

Freeman Hunt said...

Journalists getting schmoozed by the people they're supposed to cover.

No conflict of interest here... run along...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Seth Myers? Isn't he a member of what might be the worst SNL cast ever?

Freeman Hunt said...

It's the same every year. Why do they even have this? Why not have a party without speakers?

I would hate it if I had to go to a yearly party where I was expected to be wowed by celebrities like a schoolgirl, and the feature attraction was a stand up comedy routine crafted around political interests.

"Come to my party!"
"What's it for?"
"For openly trying to manipulate you and get you cozied up to state power."

Some "party."

ken in tx said...

Lynch is right. Remember, the Emperor Nero was an accomplished actor, musician, and olympic athlete. Why can't Obama be a comedian? It's only fair.

Big Mike said...

I remember back in mid-2008 reading a Washington Post column written by one of their midden heap of liberal columnists how "anyone who said that Obama is not a great orator would be guilty of journalistic malpractice."

I've wondered about the meaning of that phrase ever since I first heard Obama speak. He really isn't much of an speaker, much less an orator, is he?

It says something about him that he likes to take cheap political shots at people in large, televised settings, when they can't hit back. There's a level of cowardice there, is there not?

Carol_Herman said...

I guess this demonstrates that Trumps' the front runner?

Fen said...

Next week: Tune in to see DHOTUS take on Jill Zarin from "Real Housewives of Orange County".

*cue Obama making snide remarks about botox injections*

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin was in D.C. last night for a speech, and attended two after-parties.

Big name Hollywood types, big name politicos....

Who commanded all the attention by MSM--falling over themselves to shmoose and have their picture taken with?

And, it wasn't just some of them-- it was quote "all of them!"

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Seth-

From last night:

David said...

For contrast, GWB's last White House Correspondent's Dinner:

Warning: Mild nudity.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting that.

Whiskey said...

Obama has a habit of trying to pre-emptively destroy opponents. Disqualifying his mentor from the ballot for the race for State Senate. Unsealing the Jeri Ryan divorce records and allegations.

Making fun of Donald Trump.

Problem for Obama is that Trump is so well known and defined, that there is nothing really he can do. And personally mocking Trump makes Obama just another reality TV personality, instead of the President. He's no longer a fantasy of "President Martin Luther King Jr." but a player on Celebrity Apprentice.

And Trump LOVES feuds. Look at Rosie O'Donnell. He'll call Obama stupid right to his face.

Stan said...

No way I'm wasting that much time listening to him. These things are about the president poking fun at himself.

Ann, can you point out the jokes where he makes fun of himself?

skaus said...

Ann. Aren't you embarrassed by this group of followers. You cannot get more closed minded or humorless. Obama was funny. He made the birther thing into the joke it should be. Seth Meyers was off his game, but he did make fun of Obama. Unlike Clinton with Imus or bush with Colbert, Obama laughed and seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself.

Matt said...

I like seeing the right wing cry because their love child trump was made fun off. Hey, he's your front runner.

Poor poor trump. What a cry baby. He goes on Fox to tell everyone how it was so inappropriate. Then he says all those jokes are uncool when gas is $5.00. WTF? Then why would he attend a dinner he knows is designed around humor and jokes?

Sabinal said...

for a while Obama has won...until the next time people have to fill their tanks.

Jane the Actuary said...

Really, though, isn't this the dinner where the president (or other speakers) traditionally makes self-deprecating jokes? I particularly remember a dinner where McCain joked about his age. Was that something else? Or is the self-deprecation just gone? Or is it just Obama who simply rejects self-deprecating jokes?

shiloh said...

Obama must have done a good job "sticking it to" Trump 'cause the #1 teabagger birther was crying, whining all day Sunday!

Better to have a sense of humor, than no sense at all ...

Unknown said...

The only way America had cheap oil and gas is because you sucked the assjuice of the arabs ,we in europe always payed that price for gas ,so stop cryiing.

Stan said...

jim said...

Obama was indeed bringing teh funnay ... & yeah, he sure looked "furious/seething/on the edge of a breakdown," alright - just like the "Lion King" & Teleprompter clips weren't self-deprecating because SHUT UP THAT'S WHY.

If he'd REALLY wanted to get nasty he could've wondered out loud how someone who goes broke running a casino would fix the economy (presumably VISA is involved, or perhaps Amway) or how many wives he's up to by now. THAT would've been vulgar & beneath him.

As for Trump's lemon-sucking face: nice try but no sale. Trump's a public figure who knows when to put on a grin & play to the cameras.

He probably thought being a po-faced grouch all night would accord with his later (unintentionally hilarious) statement about everyone there joking around while Americans are suffering. Sure, Donald, we feel your pain. Now go sell some more overpriced made-in-China shirts like a good little tycoon.

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