May 6, 2011

"InstaPundit was originally meant to be a group blog, you know...."

Says Glenn Reynolds, announcing one of his breaks.
I need these annual breaks to clear my mind, and in my opinion, the blog gets better with the guestbloggers anyway.
Help me — one of the group bloggers — try to create the illusion he graciously claims to perceive. It's not easy to find all manner of genuinely interesting things to link to!


Scott M said...

Would one be in trouble if your spouse saw pictures of you at a groupblog?

Sal said...

Look for something that's on sale at and then link to it. Here, cut and paste this:

AT AMAZON, it's the Friday buck knife sale

Anonymous said...

Here's one.

WOLF: Obama got bin Laden just like Nixon reached the moon

pst314 said...

"It's not easy to find all manner of genuinely interesting things to link to!"


traditionalguy said...

I hope the Instapundit readers like beautiful pictures of nature.

Titus said...

I would be devastated if Althouse took a break.

q12345q6789 said...

Some easy cheats would be:
1. Amazon Daily Sale links (of course why not be a libertarian and use those for yourself?)
2. Google "Higher Education" + Bubble = copy/paste
3. Anything Nanotech + cancer + "faster please"
4. Random update from Megan McArdle, Kausfiles, Ann Althouse, TaxProf, Above the Law, Popular Mechanics (DIY stuff's good, DIY apocalypse survival is better)
5. Think Glenn: ala "They told me if I voted for John McCain"... (to use to diss the current administration)

That should get you through the amount of links you yourself will need to post just TODAY to keep up with Glenn's numbers.
P.S. I am a BIG Insty fan so I'm surprised just how much fun it was to gently bust his balls here.

LordSomber said...

Always interesting things here on Fridays:

Irene said...

How about, "Even Jennifer Lopez can't make Harem Pants look attractive."

Moose said...

One of the other problems is that your commentators are as much the appeal of the blog as your writing. Yours truly not being one of the attractions I fear...

MadisonMan said...

What it's like to make it through a tornado.

Anonymous said...

Go Birther.

But remember, you never go full Birther.

Craig said...

I missed three footers on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th holes on Sunday. I think it's high time to give same-sex marriage a try.

O2BNAZ said...

Sea levels still dropping even after "scientists" fudge number upwards...

Henry said...

I nominate Titus to find the "Sex makes you healthy" links.

Richard said...

I’ve left a few scheduled posts, and there will be a fabulous crew of guestbloggers coming in: Profs. Kenneth Anderson and Ann Althouse, as well as Ed Driscoll, Michael Totten, and Megan McArdle.

Does it really take 5 regular bloggers to equal the output of Glenn Reynolds?

Leland said...

I think you should give Meade the Instapundit keys. I bet he'd put up some interesting posts that would resemble Glenn at the controls.

AllenS said...

Would you like me to tell some dirty jokes?

Scott M said...

Yours truly not being one of the attractions I fear...

No one really is. We're a borgish collective of snark.

coketown said...

"That's one hell of an illusion. Why don't we just saw her in half?"
-Sofia Petrillo

MadisonMan said...

Sea levels still dropping even after "scientists" fudge number upwards

The more accurate statement, I think, based on the linked-to graphs, is that the increase in sea level is smaller, not that that the sea level is dropping.

coketown said...

And really, Ann, just carry on as you normally do. 1/5 of InstaPundit's links lead back here, anyway.

The Crack Emcee said...

Help me! Help me! Oh, alright:

Hot Air - Palin IS electable.

The fact they're even pondering the question is enough for me.

The Crack Emcee said...

"InstaPundit was originally meant to be a group blog, you know...."

And it ended up a circle jerk anyway. Hilarious.

Henry said...

@Irene -- Or vice versa. Jennifer Lopez used to be attractive (Out of Sight). Now she's so processed she looks like a man wearing a sexy-woman wetsuit.

Titus said...

I don't mean to toot my horny but I am the most interesting commenter here.

Today I am going to go shovel gravel from one of my Daddy's gravel pits. We will be "hauling" (how butch) the gravel to my Daddy's Lake Home and "spreading" around the gravel to form nice rock gardens.

We will then be going to The Cheese Factory in Wisconsin Dells (not fab). Not to be confused with The Cheesecake Factory. It is a vegetarian restaurant which is very good.


The Crack Emcee said...

"Help me!"

So much for feminism. LOL!

madAsHell said...

Yeah....I dunno how Reynolds does it.

He must be able to read volumes quickly.

Leland said...

I want to add more explanation.

Meade seems to be very perceptive while also being pithy. Man of few words but good words...

Meade does a lot of citizen journalism, which is something Glenn posts about quite a bit.

I bet Meade could write a lot of interesting things about household tools, appliances, and gadgets, while even finding them a link for them at Amazon.

And as another points out, you can continue to do what you do here, Professor, and I'm sure Meade would send you links.

Titus said...

I am talking to my Indian UK boyfriend right now. He is driving home from the GYMy and is in Bangalore India.

Isn't that exotic. He is driving right now and beeps every minute because the mopeds get in his way.

The Dude said...

Meade "How Obama Won Me!" - a sure winner.

Titus "Swapping Bodily Fluids with Anonymous Partners in Gays Disco Bathrooms Is Good For Your Health".

I think you are good to go.

Sal said...

It looks like all the guest bloggers are waiting for someone else to go first.

JohnJ said...

For all his survivalist instincts, I dunno that Reynolds takes the "alien abduction" issue seriously enough.

You might try to remedy that…

traditionalguy said...

I would suggest working in some pro and con Trump and Palin links, but Insty doesn't do comments.

Paddy O said...
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Paddy O said...

Advertise your commentater's work.

Palladian's art.
Crack's music.
My new book (which isn't yet out on Kindle... argh!). My last book got a link from Glenn, so it's not an entirely outlandish idea.

I think there were at least a few other books and stuff pointed out around here. The Althouse blog persona is not, I know, one to link stuff to buy. But, maybe the Insta-Althouse might help spread the word about the creative endeavors of your beloved commentariat.

J said...

It's not just the links that make your blog interesting, for me, it is also your perspective on the content at the link. I want to know what you think.

Anyway, define a list of what you think is interesting and set up Google alerts to forward links to your e-mail.

erictrimmer said...

'A few hours had passed since they had been pulled away from the moon. A few hours and millions of miles. The moon was no longer visible, not even as a star. The whole thing was so crazy, weird and far-out. It was as though they were floating in a giant vacuum.' – Sara Cavanaugh, A Woman in Space

'Palmer's screams became fainter as the slugs ate their way into him, a number burrowing up through his torn genitals, using his anus as a means of access in their search for the softer, more succulent parts of his body.' – Shaun Hutson, Slugs

'He lifted her tee-shirt over her head. Her silk panties followed.' – Peter F. Hamilton, Mindstar Rising

From Thog's Masterclass, a collection of "differently good" prose from works of science fiction and fantasy. I found those quotes here:

Via Bill Harris' Dubious Quality blog:

Anonymous said...


Does your Indian husband know about this Indian boyfriend?

Suggestions for Althouse posts on Instapundit - articles from the Frisky and posts about the health benefits of sex.

Scott M said...

My new book (which isn't yet out on Kindle... argh!). My last book got a link from Glenn, so it's not an entirely outlandish idea.'t...procrastinate...any...longer......

I'll start on it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Palladian, where has he been?

WV: reckedl (Titus, take it away)

Paddy O said...

Crack, that Hot Air link is definitely interesting. That 58% definitely won't vote for Palin is pretty harsh. At the same time, I think a lot of the anti-Palin opinions comes from the pop-mischaracterization of her and the mismanagement of her during the McCain campaign. If she can get her message out there and show a mastery of topics that knocks the Couric interview out of the way, then she has a chance to change opinions.

This is a big 'if' though.

Scott M said...

'He lifted her tee-shirt over her head. Her silk panties followed.' – Peter F. Hamilton, Mindstar Rising

Why this particular PFH quote? There are much kinkier in Night's Dawn and The Void trilogies. All great works, to be sure, and equal to anything Heinlein, Niven, or Anderson have put out.

Brian Hancock said...

Just do a 'in the mail' and a 'heh' post every third or fourth post . . . and maybe a picture of you next to the Easter Bunny.

The Dude said...

'He lifted her tee-shirt over her head. Her silk panties followed.' – Peter F. Hamilton, Mindstar Rising

Damn, that sounds like the world's worst wedgie! What was the line preceding that one - it was a dark and stormy night?

Mick said...

Neither one of you "law profs" know what a natural born Citizen is(one born in the US of 2 US Citizen parents, i.e w/ singular allegiance to the US), so maybe you both need a sabatical to study the issue. Especially since you even voted for the Usurper.

Scott M said...

What constitutes a "critical mass of knowledge", Mick, and how do you achieve it outside commenting here?

Phil 314 said...

5. Think Glenn: ala "They told me if I voted for John McCain"... (to use to diss the current administration)

You might want to avoid that one; it might seem a tad bit...


Robert said...

Let Kloppenburg put up a post.

Hey, it takes a village....

erictrimmer said...

Scott M,

That quote was from the a collection of Thog's Masterclass, a feature of the Ansible newsletter, published in 1994. Today is the first I've heard of Ansible. There is a May 2011 edition, and Thog's Masterclass is included:

It's possible Hamilton has made the cut more than once. I read science fiction and some fantasy. I've never read any Hamilton. Can I take your post as a recommendation?

Bill Raftery said...

California: What does the Judicial Council have to do with skateboard parks? Soon, maybe nothing.

Bans on court use of sharia/international law: Law in Arizona, bills advance in Missouri and Texas, failing in most states

Minnesota bill would remove all judges/lawyers from judicial disciplinary board, rewrite code of judicial conduct, and convert it into a statute controllable by legislature

Oklahoma now in tie with Massachusetts for most legislative efforts to remove judges from office in 2011

Minnesota bill would, among other things, force judges to promise they will remain in office their full term or forfeit 25% of their pensions

Ohio House approves increase for mandatory judiciary retirement: If 70 is the new 65, is 75 the new 70?

1851 Florida law requiring clerk of court live within 2 miles of county seat likely to be repealed, possibly ending 150+ year national judicial tradition

You can adjudicate my case, but you can’t buy a beer: Legislative efforts to increase minimum ages for judges

Dustin said...

Althouse, I think it's just expected you will provide follow up coverage to WI. A few of those links, with little to no discussion, would be fine.

Also, education bubble news, such as WI's.

Also, some photography.

Plus, I recommend you link "Osama's death photo" to a rickroll.

nelda said...

For genuinely interesting and satisfying, there's Condeleeza Rice on Lawrence O'Donnell yesterday.

madAsHell said...

He lifted her tee-shirt over her head. Her silk panties followed

Can a wedgie be part of foreplay??

Scott M said...

It's possible Hamilton has made the cut more than once. I read science fiction and some fantasy. I've never read any Hamilton. Can I take your post as a recommendation?

Definitely. I'd start with Pandora's Star and read those couple of books before going to his older or newer work.

q12345q6789 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lauderdale Vet said...

Google moms share tech tips for your family

How Social Media Creates a Rough Draft of History

Discovery Kids Climate Cubes Weather Information Station

The Crack Emcee said...


Good idea: some of my old music is here - and free of charge.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

You can always check what happened this day in history:

Today includes the Hindenburg disaster and the first 4 minute mile.

q12345q6789 said...

If the internet has taught me only one thing, and it has, it's that *anything* can be foreplay - provided you've got a similarly enthused partner.

WV: supressl ("Ask your doctor about Supressl (tm) and get your life back...")

rhhardin said...

Anything on dwarfs (Gk. nanos) would be good. Faster please.

Steve said...

Obama Death Jokes:

The Dude said...

Those are some weak-ass "jokes", but what do you expect from leftists, eh?

WV: wrondowd - this is not the Dowd you were looking for .

Steve Koch said...

A penetrating analysis of porn produced by female directors for female audiences versus male directed porn aimed at male audiences would be interesting. Please include lots of pictures and links. No extreme closeups, please.

Some interesting constitutional links that are also educational.

Travel stuff, great deals to interesting places.

Photography links.

News of the weird links. Jonah Goldberg's assistant prepares this stuff once or twice/month and they are really interesting.

Interesting very short films.

Music links.

Art links.

Gardening links.

Anonymous said...

"I hope the Instapundit readers like beautiful pictures of nature."

And cafes where you can get away with all kinds of things.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

Al Queada has put out a statement confirming Bin Laden's death and then "the usual" it's at Le Monde an English paper must have it somewhere.

Al-Qaida confirme la morte de Ben Laden


Chennaul said...

Gawd can I borrow some punctuation marks...

Chennaul said...

Pygmie chickens?

Steve said...

Glenn loves him some Hitler spoofs:

Chennaul said...

You know what Instapundit needs?

You should "own it".

Instapundit needs to go Girlie.

When you read Instapundit and think of his fan base you imagine a bunch of science nerd types that would be beggin' for dwarfs-the nano kind.

But Instapundit needs a big Girlie Injection and not the kind that Steve err, Koch is talkin' about either.

Somethin' real catty and-hell go with J Lo's harem pants.

Gawd what was that girl thinkin'?

She's awesome though-je suis jalouse-or whatever.

Did you see her bust out those break dancing moves while handicapped in heels and those harem pants!?

Phil 314 said...

Instapundit needs to go Girlie.

I'd second that notion. As much as I tire of the feminist posts they'd be a good "relief" for Insta.

Also movies and music

And of course NEVER discuss legal issues. I mean, too much of that and you start attracting


Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
And of course NEVER discuss legal issues. I mean, too much of that and you start attracting

I second that, if I wanted that cr@p I’d go to the Volokh Conspiracy…I definitely would go with posts about America’s Got Talent, Dancing, and American Idol…that’ll send a ripple thru the Reynolds-verse.

edutcher said...

Well, you can always tell us what book just came in the mail...

Or link one of those oh-so-hip items on sex from The Frisky

Joseph of FP said...

The Hot Gate: Troy Rising III by John Ringo just arrived in my mail.

WOOT! :)

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)
TSR2: Britain's Lost Bomber (Crowood Aviation)
Damien Burke

Just arrived in the mail.

Anonymous said...


Scott M said...

The Hot Gate: Troy Rising III by John Ringo just arrived in my mail.

WOOT! :)

I read a ton of sci-fi and my father enjoys his work, but what is it about me that I just don't like Ringo? I'm betting it's blatant jealously for his come-out-of-nowhere success, but who knows?

Ipso Fatso said...

Hey open up comments and do like Volokh does with a Who Are You? thread. That would be interesting.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

He’s not one of my favourites either, ScottM. I’ve read March Upcountry and March to the Sea and Watch on the Rhine. They were OK, except Watch, which just seemed a bit of Neo-Fascist clap-trap to me…and I’m not generally considered a very liberal fellow that calls things “Neo-Fascist” at a drop of the hat…

Really how many times can you kill thousands of beings in a bloody firefight before it gets a bit repetitive?

Synova said...

Hot Gate is out? (Checks bank balance... hm...)

Scott? What have you read of his?

For me his stuff is pretty hit and miss. I usually like it well enough but he tends to rant. (And then, of course, there is Ghost.) Some rantings are worse than others. Troy Rising 1 and 2, Live Free or Die and Citidel, IIRC, seem relatively rant-free.

Scott M said...

Scott? What have you read of his?

March To The Sea

I'm an S.M. Stirling, Peter F. Hamilton, Dan Simmons kinda guy. I used to read a lot of Niven and Pournelle, but they're not producing like they used to.

Joseph of FP said...

Yeah, the Posleen war stuff is an awful lot of alien clobberin', but the Troy Rising series is just plain fun (so far). I really enjoyed Live Free or Die.

Anonymous said...

C'mon. What are you, the bizzaro Instapundit?

Sex could lead to a stroke???? You're supposed to point out all of the health benefits of sex.

Synova said...

Princess of Wands is interesting Ringo. It's essentially three novellas (the same structure as Ghost) with an oddly weak middle offering (same as Ghost). The middle novella fails, IMO, because the entire thing is an SF-fandom-publishing inside joke. The problem was that I kept on trying to figure out who the real-life identities were.

The first and third stories are stronger. In all, it's probably my favorite example of a novel with a Christian protagonist that seems to understand what real Christians are like. Apparently he caught some grief (or he didn't *catch* it, even though it was thrown at him) about his protagonist, but I thought she was well done.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Here is a joke for you AllenS. I used to tell it to my customers when I bartended as a yute:

What is the difference between a proctologist and a bartender? A protologist looks at only one asshole at a time!

The customers loved that joke because [I assume] they thought I was making fun of the other customers.

Synova said...

(I will guiltily admit to enjoying the first novella in Ghost, nasty as it was, because the protagonist was portrayed as broken and aware of it. Bin Laden shows up just long enough to die, which was also fun.)

Ron said...

I'd be great to see a post on Insty on how he refers to Althouse posts and this one. The Singularity approaches!

corey said...
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q12345q6789 said...

Holy $#@!

I have a *comment* on Instapundit's page as a link to an Althouse post!

Thanks, Ann!

Triangle Man said...

Tonight the name on everyone's lips at happy hour will be q12345q6789.

Chennaul said...

Oh ya...

Did you see that?

Althouse went with harem and like it's haarem or somethin' Glenn Reynolds followed almost immediately with the full science nerd post.

(btw-I was trying to figure out-'harem" and you should see the "artwork" at harem wiki)

Who the hell invented those pants and why?

Droopy poopy.

JAL said...

Does it really take 5 regular bloggers to equal the output of Glenn Reynolds?


Anonymous said...

Instapundit is generally a beer drinker, but being a wine-drinker primarily, I like to read tips about good inexpensive wines. I read one review last year recommending a red wine with the whimsical name Tempra Tantrum, a blend of Tempranillo (60%) & Cabernet Sauvignon (40%). I tried and liked it. Especially at only $10 a bottle. The link is

Kathy K said...

"Does it really take 5 regular bloggers to equal the output of Glenn Reynolds?"

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: yes, it does.

Allan said...

Meh. I don't think the man's balls are truly busted.

Chris said...

Here's one for you. Ed posted yesterday about th Lawrence O'Donnell interview of Condoleeza Rice where he says that President Bush gave up on looking for Bin Laden.

“SO YOUR STATEMENT WAS JUST FALSE” – “MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell had 32 teeth” — then he interviewed Condi Rice.

(Somewhere, Cathy Seipp is enjoying this interview as well.)

Posted at 3:30 pm by Ed Driscoll  

I think it's taken completely out of context, but in any event, James Taranto links to President Obama saying the same thing.
Breaking News From This Week
"We No Longer Need to Kill bin Laden, Claims Barack Obama"--headline, Daily Mail (London), Jan. 15, 2009

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