May 2, 2011

"The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

George W. Bush's short statement on the death of the man he wanted to see taken dead or alive.


Anonymous said...

Before you know it, these two peas in a pod, Obama and W., will be making public service announcements for international tragedies.

Hagar said...

"Burying" him at sea was a big mistake. Difficult to see how that could be a "Moslem" practice, anyhow.

They should have embalmed him and stuck him in a freezer, so that his body could be produced on demand.

PaulV said...

Intell from Gitmo was key to finding OBL. OBL was getting lazy as time went by.

Roman said...

I am happy not to be sharing the same world as UBL. Perhaps a better place for his remains would be in a plexiglass casket in the middle of a large pig farm.

Dustin said...

We never would have found him without interrogating detainees at Gitmo, a place meant to collect intel on where OBL was located.

The real success there came in 2007, when Obama was condemning keeping detainees and Gitmo and our interrogation techniques.

Of course, that was then, and this is now. Obama has reversed course on these things, now that he's president, and most Republicans do not try to undermine his correct policy today the way Obama tried to undermine Bush.

Bush is right to congratulate Obama for doing his most basic job. It's a stark difference from that 'air raiding villages' language.

Anyway, I am thankful for another Bush admin success, and I honestly think Obama has learned to appreciate this point of Gitmo in a protracted war on terror.

test said...

Burying him at sea probably was a mistake, but a minor one. Those whose ideology runs counter to the evidence will refuse to admit any evidence is sufficient.

Consider liberals' belief in command economies.

Anonymous said...

Dumping him at sea was the right thing to do. No relics, no shrine for jihadis to go and worship at.

Bravo SEALS.

Tibore said...

The world is better without Bin Laden.

I mean that. I know that since 9/11 he's been more disconnected from his old role in the group he helped create, but still... just because a tumor goes quiescent doesn't mean it's not worth removing.

I like what Michael Totten said: There is no downside for this for the US, and there is no upside for Al Qaeda.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Kudos to GWB for first taking the fight to the enemy!

Big Mike said...

A short, classy, statement.

Robert Cook said...

"Intell from Gitmo was key to finding OBL."

And you know

Robert Cook said...

"No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

So, I guess we can assume this means that eventually, some future administration will finally bring charges against all decision-making members of the Bush and Obama administrations for their part in commission of war crimes.

As if.

chickelit said...

And you know

Because it's more credible than the story about Eric Holder getting the intel during a deposition at a Manhattan law firm.

Fen said...

Robert Cook: And you know

He can read, you socialist parasitic scum.

Marhsall: Burying him at sea probably was a mistake,

I don't buy that, I think he's on a slab in some CIA lab. But I agree its smart to let the world think he was fed to the.. er.. buried at sea.

shiloh said...

"Intell from Gitmo was key to finding OBL."

And you know

Fantasy which makes conservatives feel good.

It will be their meme for a few days and then back to hating Obama 24/7 ie priorities lol.

Hoosier Daddy said...

So, I guess we can assume this means that eventually, some future administration will finally bring charges against all decision-making members of the Bush and Obama administrations for their part in commission of war crimes.

I suppose if some future administration is part of Al Quaeda then yes, I suppose your wish would come true.

Fen said...

Robert Cook: I guess we can assume this means that eventually, some future administration will finally bring charges against all decision-making members of the Bush and Obama administrations for their part in commission of war crimes.

Please go jump off a bridge. People like you get good men killed.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Shiloh: Fantasy which makes conservatives feel good.

Oh look, the 60 year old "navy" poser wants to lecture us about fantasy.

Still working on that photoshop of your DD214 eh? Do your bar buddies know you've been stealing all their war stories and making them your own?

shiloh said...

Anal retentive Fen had to delete yet another post lol.

Dustin said...

"Those whose ideology runs counter to the evidence will refuse to admit any evidence is sufficient. "

That's an extreme generalization.

Sure, there's some truth to it, but at the very least, it is mandatory that Obama release all videos and photos that establish we really got OBL. I am sure he has such things, and I'm pretty sure we'll see them soon.

This isn't about politics. We need to be as convincing as possible to the world, especially the paranoid world in the middle east that things we could make anything with CGI. Honestly, it's a little weird that they didn't have this ready when he gave his speech. I figured that was why they waited so long to give it.

Robert Cook said...

"People like you get good men killed."

Um,no. People who fabricate "wars against terror" that are really "wars for oil" (and other American political objectives) get good men, women, children, and old people killed, combatants and noncombatants alike.

PaulV said...

In just feel sorry fot the fish eating that corrupt body. Hope there are no belly aches. Gitmo detainee gave up pseudonym of trusted courier and in 2007 his real name. Intel followed him to USL's mansion in August. They figured it was too good for a courier.

PaulV said...

In just feel sorry fot the fish eating that corrupt body. Hope there are no belly aches. Gitmo detainee gave up pseudonym of trusted courier and in 2007 his real name. Intel followed him to USL's mansion in August. They figured it was too good for a courier.

rhhardin said...

A refreshing change from Obama.

I don't know that it's justice but rather don't mess around, and a sense of American fair dealing.

Justice is a dead codification of that.

garage mahal said...

Oh dear. It looks like Fen isn't taking the news of Bin Laden's death very well.

test said...

Fen said...

I don't buy that, I think he's on a slab in some CIA lab.

I don't think so. The last six months have taught us again that our government can't keep secrets. Something like this would get out.

Dustin said...

"shiloh said...

"Intell from Gitmo was key to finding OBL."

And you know

Fantasy which makes conservatives feel good.

It will be their meme for a few days and then back to hating Obama 24/7 ie priorities lol."

read the washington post before lying, please, Shiloh.

this is a very good day for America. Obama has a legitimate success to his credit. But if you learn about how we found Osama Bin Laden, it's clear Bush also deserves credit for his Gitmo policies. That's just an established fact now.

Why play partisan games with national security, shiloh? Can't you just avoid that for once in your life? This isn't really about Bush or Obama. This is about the USA never stopping until we get Osama bin Laden. For their differences, both presidents clearly did their best to make this happen, and they both are to credit for it.

It really doesn't have to be a partisan hate fest. I saw one of the other kooky trolls here screaming 'fuck teabaggers' or something. Is that really the way to respond to this great news?

Can't you people just admit that Bush and Obama are imperfect, but did their best?

jimbino said...

No matter how long it takes, justice will be done, huh? We Latins are still waiting to grab the mass killer Henry Kissinger.

Fen said...

Robert Cook: Um,no. People who fabricate "wars against terror" that are really "wars for oil"

Damn you're fucking stupid. Still washing that "blood for oil" swill around in your mouth. Grow up.

Garage: It looks like Fen isn't taking the news of Bin Laden's death very well.

How do you figure, libtard?

WineSlob said...

The Bush Doctrine is totally vindicated by the actions (not words) of Obama:

--Hunt down and kill those who commit acts of war on the U.S. instead of coddling them, capturing them and giving them trials in civilian courts;

--Gitmo is the best place to imprison these war criminals;

--Interrogations at Gitmo produced the key intelligence that made finding Bin Laden possible;

--Try terrorists like Kalid Sheik Mohammed before military tribunals;

--Troop surge in Afghanistan is the best way to win there;

--Depose terrorist dictators like Gaddafi.

Barry is becoming more like Bush every day. Mission Accomplished Barry!

KCFleming said...

W shows 'em how it's done.

Concise. Classy.

No "I" or "My".
Just "America".

Dustin said...

"garage mahal said...

Oh dear. It looks like Fen isn't taking the news of Bin Laden's death very well."

That's a really nasty thing to say.

But I looked, and I don't see any justification for it. Claiming Fen is upset OBL died is really going too far. Why play partisan games?

His point is that we shouldn't witch hunt earnest efforts to protect America, from Obama or Bush. His other point is that Shiloh is weird and dishonest, which obviously is not important or breaking news or anything.

But you turn it into something uglier. Sad.

JohnJ said...

Where's the second half of the message where he tries to make the case that it's all about him?

Fen said...

To be fair, our resident libtards have been looking for something to hang their hat on for 2 years now. So its expected that they would turn this into a partisan game.

test said...

I thought these "war for oil" idiots went away after we won the war and didn't steal the oil. Seriously, how stupid can you be?

shiloh said...

Let the record show TGI says The Washington Post is the gospel according to all conservatives lol

Big Mike said...

@Marshall, it is fair to consider Libya a war for oil. Qaddafi renounced his efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction shortly after the US took down Iraq, so there is nothing besides oil in Libya worth worrying about.

Fen said...

Robert Cook: this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood.

Oh my bad, that quote was Hamas. Easy to get you confused with them.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Why play partisan games?

You must be new.

shiloh said...


"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
~ G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him." ~ G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts, 3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

take care, blessings

Fen said...

Libtard: Let the record show TGI says The Washington Post is the gospel according to all conservatives lol

No. But it is for idiots like you. Thats why we throw it in your face - your own propaganda machine confrims it was a result of Gitmo (ie. WaPo realizes they can't twist the narrative or cover it up)

KCFleming said...

Somebody's still reading shiloh?

I thought he just pasted the same comment over and over, like tagging in graffiti.

shiloh said...

Somebody's still reading shiloh?

Yes Pogo, just like you are. lol

test said...

"Big Mike said...

@Marshall, it is fair to consider Libya a war for oil. Qaddafi renounced his efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction shortly after the US took down Iraq, so there is nothing besides oil in Libya worth worrying about."

So when that's over and we don't take their oil either you'll agree this is stupid?

Libya isn't about oil. It's about not standing by and watching civilians be slaughtered. It may or may not be good policy, but it isn't about oil. A pro-oil policy would be supporting the regime.

Robert Cook said...

"I thought these 'war for oil' idiots went away after we won (sic) the war...."

Anonymous said...

Dear Robert Cook:

Information from Guantanamo detainees made it possible to locate bin Laden.
From the NYT article "Detective Work on Courier Led to Breakthrough on Bin Laden":

For nearly a decade, American military and intelligence forces had chased the specter of Bin Laden through Pakistan and Afghanistan, once coming agonizingly close and losing him in a pitched battle at Tora Bora, in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan. As Obama administration officials described it, the real breakthrough came when they finally figured out the name and location of Bin Laden’s most trusted courier, whom the Qaeda chief appeared to rely on to maintain contacts with the outside world.

Detainees at the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, had given the courier’s pseudonym to American interrogators and said that the man was a protégé of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the confessed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks.

American intelligence officials said Sunday night that they finally learned the courier’s real name four years ago, but that it took another two years for them to learn the general region where he operated.

Still, it was not until August that they tracked him to the compound in Abbottabad, a medium-sized city about an hour’s drive north of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

How was this information extracted from the detainees? Obama scores the success of killing bin Laden, but did that success depend on interrogation methods that he has long condemned?

Ass clown.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

@shiloh. Yep. I agree with GWB on all three of his quotes. The ones you posted and the one above. Bin Laden deserved to be tracked down and killed, but by 2002 he wasn't the catalyst for anything.

@Robert Cook. Extrapolating some kind of logic from your accusations, I suggest you add Clinton, GHWB, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt and the rest as targets of your star chamber. Some of them you'll have to try posthumously, of course.

Henry said...

@garage -- Good one. He must still be fuming about Trump.

Known Unknown said...

So, I guess we can assume this means that eventually, some future administration will finally bring charges against all decision-making members of the Bush and Obama administrations for their part in commission of war crimes.

You're as predictable as Mick. And as boring.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you add Clinton, GHWB, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt and the rest as targets of your star chamber.

Robert Cook's Court of the People has many defendants. You've hit just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of thousands of kulaks must pay for their crimes.

But, Robert, under what law you moronic ass clown?

test said...

So apparently the "war for oil" idiots believe a meeting about what might happen in the future is more important that what actually transpired. So they believe we went to war for the oil, but inexplicably decided not to take it after we won.

Strange how theories evolve to match one's ideology. It's almost like facts don't matter.

Known Unknown said...

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
~ G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him." ~ G.W. Bush, responding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts, 3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02

Do you not understand the point of these comments?

Anonymous said...

Mick is interesting as hell. The conspiratorial mind is fascinating.

Garden variety ass clown would-be Pol Pots like Robert Cook only seem interesting. Really, there's nothing under the veneer but vacuousness and stupidity. Thus, the answer to every question is trial, jail, and death to the enemies.

But, Robert, under what law? How will you prosecute if you don't have a law and maintain your ostensible respect for due process and that constitutional shit?

Anonymous said...

Since ass clowns like Robert Cook don't understand supply and demand, war-for-oil makes all the sense in the world now.

Oil is expensive now, see. So of course we went to war to get more so we could sell it at a higher price.

Ass clown logic at its finest.

Known Unknown said...

Libya isn't about oil. It's about not standing by and watching civilians be slaughtered

I don't think Libya is about oil, but how do you reconcile our involvement there but a dearth of action in Darfur, or Syria, or Iran?

I'd like a consistent application of our foreign policy objectives.

Anonymous said...

Iran's got plenty of oil.

PaulV said...

Shiloh is so stupid he does not understand the concept of a statement against interest. Compost is a liberal rag and would not lie to support a conservative.

The Crack Emcee said...

The man he wanted to see taken dead or alive - and was condemned for saying so.

Tell the whole truth. Everybody's always trying to let themselves off the hook, now, for wrongly beating up the man back then.

I've never seen so many hypocrites in my life.

PaulV said...

The Crack Emcee said...

I've never seen so many hypocrites in my life.

5/2/11 9:42 AM

Come on, You have, They are just exposing their hindmost more so today

Robert Cook said...

"Iran's got plenty of oil."

Why do you think we've been jonesing for so long to attack them?

Robert Cook said...

"Do you not understand the point of these comments?"

Yes. The trail had gone cold and it didn't appear as if Obama would be found anytime in the short term, if ever, and he never really cared anyway. The real objective--justifying war in Iraq--had been achieved.

Robert Cook said...


At least most of those past Presidents you name, and possibly all, could be considered guilty of war crimes, yes.

Anonymous said...

Robert Cook -- So we can have more and make the price go up? Because that's how things work in your land of economics.

Tell us, though, ass clown: under what law will you prosecute American politicians? What of the the blatant and obvious constitutional issues involved?

test said...

"I don't think Libya is about oil, but how do you reconcile our involvement there but a dearth of action in Darfur, or Syria, or Iran?"

Darfur was before leftists spent a decade telling each other America was to blame whenever a million people die. We're in Libya specifically because of Darfur.

Syria and Iran are each in a position to ensure a war costs more to win than Libya was, plus neither country had even the level of organized and armed resistance the Libyans have. If the cost goes up enough a cost-benefit analysis gives you a different conclusion.

edutcher said...

You notice Cook never mentions the all-stars - Stalin, Mao, Ho and Giap.

Agree with Pogo and Big Mike on the statement. Dubya as usual.

WineSlob said...

The Bush Doctrine is totally vindicated by the actions (not words) of Obama

The real takeaway on this.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to shut Robert Cook up, people. Just ask him to cite a law under which he will prosecute. Works every single time.

Bye, Bob. See you next kill.

Seeing Red said...

"Iran's got plenty of oil."

Why do you think we've been jonesing for so long to attack them?

Back in about 1947 a holocaust survivor was interviewed and asked what lesson had he learned"

"When someone tells U he intends to kill U, believe him."


I believe them.

Kirk Parker said...


No, it means that eventually, some day, you'll finally get to live in the world you seem to desire.
Nah, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Sorry.

Phil 314 said...

Not that you had far to fall but with your comments over the last 24 hours you have completely demonstrated the case that you are worthless as a commenter.

shiloh said...

Phil 3:14, thanx for continuing to read my posts er pay attention to my every word "anyways" lol

And of course, thanx for replying! :-P

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