May 27, 2011

"The bottom line is Sarah Palin is not going to run for president... She's making money, she's moved on..."

"... she's kind of an entertainer rather than a politician. She still has some sway with the grass roots, but she is not going to run."

So says somebody close to Romney, according to Byron York. Somebody close to Pawlenty says something similar: "I don't think she's going to run... She has faded a lot in the last few months. I look at what she's doing now and say that she's found a way to get back in the story."

These people are in the middle of raising money and attracting attention to their candidate, so it's in their strong interest to diminish the rise of Palin. York acknowledges that his unnamed confidantes may be "just spinning." But he says, these are "serious people," and they point at her "lack of a campaign operation."
"Watch what she has done," says the Republican close to Romney. "Has she contacted one major donor across the country about putting together an organization? Has she talked to one member of the Republican National Committee about working for a campaign, or one governor, or one former governor about working for a campaign? The answer is no."
Maybe these "serious people" should be called conventional people. What did these "serious people" say when Palin was doing most of her communication via Facebook? Did the serious people say that serious people do not talk to the press and the public by writing Facebook updates? Because that would be conventional. Conventional people saying you're not serious because you're not conventional. But what if Palin is out ahead of them, and they can't see it? I wonder what these serious people thought about the Tea Party as it emerged?

York sees this, sort of:
It's possible Palin is in fact running and believes she can do so in a way that's never been done before. Maybe she can. It's certainly been tried; in 2007, former Sen. Fred Thompson and a small group of aides conceived of a campaign that would rely on Internet videos, social media and lots of buzz to gain support, with less reliance on old-fashioned things like shaking hands, begging for money and courting state party chairmen. It didn't work.
Strange contradiction there: "never been done before"... it's been done before and it didn't work. If Palin has a another new way, then it hasn't been done before, and you can't say it didn't work, based on the fact that "it" didn't work. We'll have to see what Palin's new way would be. But suppose it is essentially the same as what Thompson tried. The fact that it didn't work the first time it was tried doesn't mean it won't work the second time. And, obviously Sarah is not Fred.

York sees that:
Of course, Palin is a far more ambitious politician than Thompson. 
Yet the whole point of Fred was that he was the serious person. He was the adult in the room. Palin is the one so many people like to think of as a lightweight. Fred had an old-fashioned sort of gravitas, melded, perhaps, with some new ideas about how to campaign for President. It's 4 years later and Palin is a different person, with a different relationship to new (and old) media.

The serious, old-fashioned people are saying that there's a conventional, old-fashioned way to finance a campaign, and if Sarah Palin isn't using it, then she must not be running. And York is adding: If she is running, she will fail. But there may be a new way, despite what happened to Fred, and she may be doing it, and it may very well work. The Tea Party worked.

Things have changed since the days of Fred Thompson.


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Toad Trend said...


"Plenty of politicians take tremendous heat from opposing forces, but they certainly do not just up and quit."

What Joe said.

You are a useful idiot for the left.

Lap lap lap.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Joe - So now, regardless of your political leanings, we're to believe that William F. Buckley was not an intellectual?
His “stammer” didn’t make him an intellectual you potato-uh-ooooom-uh---- head, his BRAIN did…so the fact that he was an intellectual and stammered and Obama stammers; doesn’t make Obama an intellectual…it uh-h’mmmmm-uh-makes him simply someone ahhhhh-u’mmmmmmm effectuating a foolish uh- AFFECTATION….

Just like bowing toward Mecca five times a day doesn’t make me a Muslim….I really shouldn’t have to explain this to anyone, with half-a-brain, you know…

ricpic said...

Hey Paul, Cookie's a Stalinist, it's as simple as that.

mccullough said...

Don't Tread,

I agree Obama is a weak leader, etc. If I were the Republicans, I would not put up such a lightweight like Palin against him. It makes Obama look better.

Palin and her family were treated horribly. W. was treated horribly. Hillary Clinton was treated horribly.

Being despised by the media does not mean you should be President. Palin hasn't done anything in her short time in office, and does not have any serious proposals and enough knowledge of the issues to be President. Saying Obama sucks just as bad and is as big of a lightweight as Palin is all true. But the Republicans can do better.

Jeremy said...

educher - "She was asked about evolution and pointed out even Darwin conceded there were holes in the theory."

Oh, please....she said much more than that.

Princess Sarah also said this:

Philip Munger, says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. "She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board," said Munger, a music composer and teacher. "I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, 'Sarah, how can you believe in creationism -- your father's a science teacher.' And she said, 'We don't have to agree on everything.'

"I pushed her on the earth's creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them."

"she'd seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them..."

Good grief.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Joe - Buckley is really just a fool, and Sarah Palin is some kind of political genius?
Funny now that he’s DEAD, WFB is a veritable “God” to the Left….a measure of ALL things Conservative…yeah he’s just the kind of Conservative you like, DEAD, and hence incapable of actually opposing any of your policies. Wm. F. Buckley was a Rich, Northeastern Republican, who managed to keep political Conservatism alive, but no, I don’t accord his policy views any special credence for all that….

ricpic said...

Shmuck Jeremy is above making money. Shmuck Jeremy lives on others. Shmuck Jeremy is a noble parasite.

Jeremy said...

Joe - I never said Buckley's "stammer" made him an intellect.

I have no idea where you come up with that.

He was an "intellect" due to his education and inherent ability to think.

Jeremy said...

ricpic - "Shmuck Jeremy is above making money. Shmuck Jeremy lives on others. Shmuck Jeremy is a noble parasite."

I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean.

I currently own a successful business, and have owned and operated other businesses in the past.

And if you're going to call someone a name, I would think you would take the time to make sure you even know how to spell the word...schmuck.


Scott M said...

And if you're going to call someone a name, I would think you would take the time to make sure you even know how to spell the word...schmuck.

Sorry, but your compatriot J has lowered the bar in that regard to such an extent that logic and actual facts don't mean much anymore.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Scott - Stuttering intellect as in William F. Buckley?

Oh, and President Obama doesn't "stutter."

Pick yourself up a dictionary, dipstick.

No as everyone points out, he “Stammers” and it’s a “sign” of his BRILLIANT intellect….or a silly affectation, started by Adlai Stevenson and perpetuated by Wm. F Buckley, that “staggering intellects” stammer, thinking too fast for their mouths to catch up….

I simply say both Obama AND Buckley are simply being pretentious when they stammer OR they were just vacant, and rather than saying, “uh-uh-uh- MATT DAY-MON-!!! they act like they are “Cogitating.” As I don’t hold WFB as any special “Saint of Conservatism” it doesn’t cause me the least heart burn to speak ill of him, in that regard….It’s an uh-u’uuuuum annoying uh-oooooom-habit that is –uh-well—uh-h’mmmm distracting and makes uh-the train-uh-h’mmmmm the argument hard to follow….

The Crack Emcee said...

Look at this - 200 posts - Sarah Palin's our president! Also, forget Christie - he blew it:

Roger J.,

Crack--I love you man--you are good

keep bringing the heat--but I gotta tell you: you need get a whiter face pic :)

Thanks - I love you, too - and, I'm sorry, but that's about as white as it gets. I don't even tan well. I yam what I yam.


I hear you, Crack, but how about we instead think of Newt, Palin or any other political person, as being part of some "new conversation".

Look, you talk to him. Call me when he's leaving his wife for you. Hell, I'll find out before she does.


Crack - what do you have against Cain? He seems like the perfect Veep for Sarah. If the GOP does that, the libs can't accuse them of hating the black man anymore!

That's part of it - let's stop playing the race game. I want to see as many black elected leaders as we can get (and have nothing against a Cain Veep pick) but not because they're black. I want true blue Americans who think of themselves, and who the rest of us think of, in that way first. Clint got it:

I seem to recall a fairly substantial chorus calling Bill Clinton black and Clarence Thomas white. In really ugly terms.

If we nominate Herman Cain, it should be because of who he is and what he stands for, not because of the color of his skin, and sure as Hell not in some misguided attempt to appease those who hate us.

edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

Don't Tread - "She is no less qualified than Zero..."

I'm assuming "Zero" is in reference to our President?

And you're comparing Sarah Palin's ability to President Obama?

You're an idiot.

Jeremy's projecting again.

Little Zero's only accomplishment before lying his way into the White House was voting "present" and running unopposed.

Zero has governed the country into a double-dip recession, if not a full Depression, and makes a fool of himself on a daily basis.

Miss Sarah had a record of executive achievement in local government and business.

Do the math.

PS Phillip Munger is a Lefty twit who created a cantata for Rachel Corrie. His say-so does not pull much weight.

B said...

'Named her daughter Piper - coincidentally one of the sisters in Charmed, also coincidentally the name of actress Laurie.'

Her daughters are named after towns in Alaska. The rest is coincidental.

Jeremy said...

This is how concerned President Obama is about the Princess running...

B said...


She didn't quit. Alaskan law made it inevitable that she and her family would be financially ruined responding to frivolous lawsuits.

Jeremy said...

The Crack Emcee "Look at this - 200 posts - Sarah Palin's our president!"

The Princess wouldn't let you ride in her husband's snowmobile, Dude.

You and Cain are probably the only blacks in America who would cast a vote in her direction.

*And what in the world are you doing here with all of these lily-white teabagging fools?

You actually think they give a flying fuck about people of color?

Scotty doesn't even think people of mixed heritage are "authentic" Americans.

B said...


'Oh, please....she said much more than that. Princess Sarah also said this:'

According to someone whose word on this is taken as gospel by the left without any proof whatsoever that she said it, or if she did, in what context.

Use your head, jacka$$.

Alex said...

Jeremy spewed:

*And what in the world are you doing here with all of these lily-white teabagging fools?

You actually think they give a flying fuck about people of color?

More projection of how you really feel about "people of color" asshole.

Scott M said...

Ah, Jeremy. Your projection is showing through. So is your disdain for black people.

Jeremy said...

B- 7/3/09:

"Alaska Governor Sarah Palin stunned the political world today with her announcement that she will resign as governor on July 26th."

"Resign," as in "Quit."

Why she "quit" is not the point.

The fact of the matter is this: She couldn't handle the pressure, saw the opportunity to make millions...and she quit.

Get over it.

Jeremy said...

Scotty - I have no problem with blacks or any people of color.

You're the idiot who, for whatever bizarre reason, thinks people of mixed heritage are somehow not as "authentic" as others.

I just get a kick out of blacks who support a political party that could care less about them...and especially blacks who spend their time on far right political sites like this.

Why don't you explain that "authentic" theory to the rest of us?

Alex said...

Scotty - I have no problem with blacks or any people of color.

Of course you do, as long as they stay on the left-wing plantation. You're really quite a virulent racist.

Alex said...

Jeremy - define "far right".

Jeremy said...

Alex - Blah, blah, blah.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I just get a kick out of blacks who support a political party that could care less about them...and especially blacks who spend their time on far right political sites like this.

Because the Party of LBJ and Jim Crowe LOVED Blacks and thent he Great Society has been nothing but helpful to Black Families....

Why don't you explain that "authentic" theory to the rest of us?

I believe you might want to talk to Rev. Sharpton who pointed out Obama didn't have a drop of "Slave Blood" in him and the number of Blacks, who early in 2008, questioned Then-CAndidate Obama's "Authenticity" KNOWE the DEMOCRATS, questioned whether Obama was "down for the stuggle." But don't let reality hinder you....

Jeremy said...

Alex "Jeremy - define 'far right'."

99% of the regular teabaggers (like yourself) who post on this site.

As if you didn't know...


Alex said...

Alex - Blah, blah, blah.

I win.

Jeremy said...

Joe - Yeah, the GOP is certaily the party of blacks and other Americans of color.

Probably why they garner such a huge percentage of their votes.


As for your other inane comment, bringing Al Sharpton into the mix?

What does something stupid via another course, have to do with making Scotty's ridiculous comment any less ridiculous?

Grasping at straws.

Jeremy said...

Alex - "Of course you do, as long as they stay on the left-wing plantation."

Kind of like the Founding Fathers?

Alex said...

Joe - Yeah, the GOP is certaily the party of blacks and other Americans of color.

Political parties should not pander to races. To do so is racist.

Matt said...

Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)

1967 borders.

I'm guessing you didn't actually listen to Obama explain what he meant by this? I'm gussing you listened more to right wing spin? Seriously.

Jeremy said...

Alex - "pandering" has nothing to do with "supporting."

That's why your precious GOP garners such a small percentage of the votes from people of color.

They know what the right is all about...and it sure as hell isn't about them.

Trooper York said...

Blogging 101:

Need hits, page views and comments on a slow Friday afternoon before a big weekend. Two words:


Works every time.

Alex said...

Kind of like the Founding Fathers?

50% of the FF were against slavery.

Michael K said...

they haven't been debunked, trash--all part of her record--.

I was sure that facts would be no impediment to your rhetoric. Go for it ! Somewhere there used to be a site that simply debunked leftist talking points about Palin. I wonder if it is still up ?

edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

This is how concerned President Obama is about the Princess running...

If Little Zero weren't concerned, people like Jeremy wouldn't be here telling us how dumb she is.

Joe - Yeah, the GOP is certaily the party of blacks and other Americans of color.

Especially the ones who think for themselves and want to be off the Democrat Plantation.

Alex - "Of course you do, as long as they stay on the left-wing plantation."

Kind of like the Founding Fathers?

No, like the Democrat masters. The Founding Fathers were at least willing to discuss the issue (Jeremy gets his history from the same place J does). No black people are allowed off the Demo plantation.

Jeremy's problem is not with all black people - only the ones who don't want to be slaves

Matt said...


50% of the FF were against slavery.

Clarify this. I know that some of them were opposed to slavery but 50% sounds like an arbitrary number that you made up.

traditionalguy said...

Jeremy...Welcome back. IMO Palin is still a one woman wrecking crew aimed straight at stopping the Reign of King Obama I. And she is way smarter than that loser, Joan d'Arc.

Jeremy said...

Alex "50% of the FF were against slavery."

Yeah, and many of their best friends were black.


Anonymous said...

"I just love this use of 'teabagger'. How about we use 'leftist felcher' to describe the lapping sound heard from you and your brethren anytime Zero makes his weak attempt to 'govern'.

Works for me DT12....

Shanna said...

I know that some of them were opposed to slavery but 50% sounds like an arbitrary number that you made up.

Studies show that 97% of statistics are completely made up.

Jeremy said...

traditionalguy - I'll agree with your term; wrecking crew.

But that's about it.

Obama would give his eye teeth to run against the twit.

I have no idea why so many here apparently think this woman is some kind of deep thinking leader.

She attended about five colleges before getting a degree, quit as Governor as soon as she saw that massive MONEY LIGHT at the end of the tunnel...yet you and others worship at her little feet.

Personally, I pray the woman is the GOP nominee.

Jeremy said...

Shanna - Being against "slavery" doesn't exactly put you into the open-minded about black people category.

How many of the lily-white do you suppose married blacks?

Or, for that matter, ever even dealt with them as equals?

When they wrote the Constitution they apparently didn't feel they were.

Jeremy said...

Princess Sarah: Deep thinker...

Remember when Sarah Palin said that dinosaurs lived with humans?

Philip Munger, an antiabortion activist who protested with Sarah Palin, had this to report: “I pushed her on the earth’s creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she’d seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them.” (Salon,,Washington Times)


edutcher said...

Jeremy said...

traditionalguy - I'll agree with your term; wrecking crew.

But that's about it.

Obama would give his eye teeth to run against the twit.

That's why Media Matters has spent the last 3 years trying to destroy her.

I have no idea why so many here apparently think this woman is some kind of deep thinking leader.

Maybe because she galvanized opposition to ZeroCare and impressed Conservatives with her penetrating opposition to QE2.

She attended about five colleges before getting a degree, quit as Governor as soon as she saw that massive MONEY LIGHT at the end of the tunnel...yet you and others worship at her little feet.

And Little Zero attended three and we still don't know if he was a social pass or not because he's afraid to let us see his transcripts.

And she resigned because brainless trolls forced her to defend herself in court until her family was out of money. But, if Jeremy hates the "massive MONEY LIGHT at the end of the tunnel", maybe he can explain how the Zeroes made so much as Affirmative Action hires and as BFFs of Tony Rezko.

Personally, I pray the woman is the GOP nominee.

Old Greek proverb:

Be careful of that for which you wish, you may get it.

VanderDouchen said...

I could give two shits who runs or gets elected; it's not going to matter one way or another. But, I do like the way Mrs. Palin makes so many people froth at the mouth. It is absolutely incredible how she draws out the psycho in certain subsets of people.


Sarah Palin will soon release a new scify book that will be the groundwork of a new world religion. Heads splode everywhere.

Terrye said...

Well sooner or later we will know whether or not Palin is running..but thus far she is still employed at Fox.

She might try to run via facebook, etc...but that will not change her bad numbers. I just don't think she can get past the fact that a majority of voters have said they will not vote for her..period.

Can she win the nomination? I don't know, but if she does Obama will be celebrating right along with her.

I have been told time and again not to underestimate Palin..and I am not saying that some miracle can't or won't happen, but I don't see it.

Shanna said...

Shanna - Being against "slavery" doesn't exactly put you into the open-minded about black people category.

Good lord, Jeremy, it was a joke. A statistics joke, I didn't even say anything about slavery. Sheesh.

Terrye said... far as most people are concerned, the fact that Sarah Palin quit her job is enough to disqualify her. Sure, she was harassed...she had made enemies who made her life and the lives of her family miserable..she was worried about money...but whatever the pressures she faced the Presidency is not going to be any easier. And most people do not want someone in that job who quit his or her job as Governor.

And since then she has made a lot of money..that is not a crime of course, she earned the money and has every right to make the money...but nonetheless it means that we have a former failed VP nominee who quit her job as Governor and moved on to a lucrative career as a political some people that sounds opportunistic.

Joe said...

The Crypto Jew

Terrye thank you for your “concern”. I agree I mean she was only in office 150 days before running for...oh WAIT that was Obama...but true she wrote TWO Autobiographies that made her...oh wait AGAIN, that was STILL Obama...Never mind.

CurmudgeonlyTroll said...

maybe the whole point is to whip up a three-ring-circus, run against and be a victim of the establishment and enhance the media career, without risking having to do a day's work governing.

B said...

jeremy said:
'The fact of the matter is this: She couldn't handle the pressure, saw the opportunity to make millions...and she quit.'

That is not the fact of the matter. I can believe her, who I believe to be a straight shooter, or I can believe you, a proven liar. (Here, and on PJM and a few other sites before they banned you).

Joanna said...

Palin has already begun her campaign for president. You do NOT say "Game On!" in a speech in Madison if you're not campaigning. Sure, she hasn't "declared" that she's running, but she sure as hell is campaigning. And she's been doing it for years.

It's not in her best interest to declare candidacy. The people who declare early need help with name recognition and/or money. Declaring early also provides the MSM (& Obama Machine) with more time to tear them down. Palin's not about to hand herself over like that. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The right will probably lose this election because the entire media will help BO.

Which is why the ONLY sane pick for the GOP is one who knows how to play the media. This election will be UGLY. '08 will look like recess compared to the upcoming war. If the GOP candidate does not have experience being seriously attacked in the past (regardless of how good/bad the attacks were handled), the candidate will get knocked over from the get go and spend the rest of the time two steps behind while the MSM throws bomb after bomb.

For the MSM & the Obama Machine, the truth about the GOP candidate DOES NOT MATTER. Their opposition will be smeared, lies will be told, anything and everything will be said -- to DRAW ATTENTION AWAY from Obama's poor performance as POTUS and the FACT that people's lives are worse than they were before he was elected.

When evaluating the best candidate to beat Obama, Palin's previous record simply does not matter. They'll say crap about whoever is running, and it will be just as bad -- and probably worse -- than whatever has been said about Palin thus far (true or not).

One positive thing about Palin's history is that the crap is already out there. Humans living with dinosaurs? Old news. Performance in Alaska? Old news. Are you telling me that there's some secret box of Palin-smear material that has not yet been used? Do you think that Obama, MSM, Media Matters, et. al. have left a stone unturned when it comes to her history? What NEW info can they bring into the campaign to smear her? Nuttin.

This is like a boxing match. It doesn't matter what you've won/lost going into it. The only thing that matters is what happens in the ring. The GOP candidate needs to be able to handle herself in the ring.
Crack, you mentioned Palin/Bachmann. Why do you think this is more likely (or better?) than Palin/Ryan, Palin/West, etc.?

Steve Koch said...

I did not know that Palin believed that man and dinosaurs walked the earth at the same time. I also did not realize that she supported (supports?) teaching creationism in public schools.


NewMiner.Com: in response to written questions in a 2002 election ...
Q: The education section of the Republican Party of Alaska’s platform states “We support giving Creation Science equal representation with other theories of the origin of life. If evolution is taught, it should be presented as only a theory.” Do you support this position? Why?

Palin: "I support this plank in the Republican Party’s platform. I believe society can have healthy debates on scientific theories, so equal representation of creation and evolution shouldn’t be an offense."

Anchorage Daily News in 2006 reported:
The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms.

Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said,

"Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

---end of linked comment---

Palin is the candidate of the religious right so she must have benefited quite a bit when Huckabee dropped out.

section9 said...

Jeremy, you need to stop being an assclown. You sycophancy and sucking of His Oneness Mighty Johnson is embarrassing.

Obama has pissed away four trillion dollars and put this nation on to a pathway to national insolvency.

Palin not only reduced her state's spending in absolute terms, but her ACES tax agreement with the Legislature is chiefly responsible for the 11 billion dollar surplus that the State enjoys today. In every way she was a superior administrator of her state than Jeebus is of the U.S. Government.

Because of Palin's oil tax reforms, Alaska also enjoys a AAA credit rating from Standard and Poors. Contrast this with the warning that the same credit agency gave the U.S. Government, given the insane amount of spending projected by the Administration over the next ten years.

At some point, Jeremy, you have to use blush to cover the bruises on your ching made by Obama's ballsac. In a time when the dollar is a nasty insult to the memory of the Reichsmark, and real unemployment is hovering close to 20%, you're just an embarrassing regime propagandist.

Nicole Owl said...

Palin served 2 1/2 years, or two-thirds of her term (Obama served two-thirds of his senate term if you don't subtract the two years he spent campaigning, in which case he served much LESS.)

Why is it that we look so much at the superficial time SPENT in office vs. what was DONE in office?

Mitt Romney served exactly 1.5 years more than Palin. But according to the Mass public he was mostly missing in action. Add that to Romneycare, and it's not a favorable record compared to Palin.

Palin left her state with a $12 billion surplus because she forced Big Oil to compete instead of allowing them to enjoy favors at the behest of their GOP corruptocrats.

It's not time spent in office, but what is done with that time.

dick said...


You 1;17 comment. Every single one of those statements is false and if you checked it out you would know that it is - but then thanks for playing - go see G Soros and pick up your check - shame you were such a loser.

dick said...


You 1;17 comment. Every single one of those statements is false and if you checked it out you would know that it is - but then thanks for playing - go see G Soros and pick up your check - shame you were such a loser.

dick said...


The difference is that she was successful at governing and Obama has been a total disaster. She cleaned up the party and Obama has just added to the dirt and filth of the party. She was able to pick people who could do their job and Obama hasn't even figured out what his job is yet let alone anyone else's.

reader_iam said...

A vid, with reference to the concept of "in the long run."

reader_iam said...

That is: in the end.

reader_iam said...

Jeremy: If it were not for strength that Althouse commenters give you by virtue of their responding (and responding, and responding, and responding) to you, you'd have nothing at all.

I suspect you're even more grateful IRL than you're scathing online.

Anonymous said...

Palins got you all fooled.Just because shes not in Iowa sucking up to political operatives means nothing.I doubt she can win there anyways.

As far as her stepping aside in Alaska that was a good move.Who needs Obamas hacks piling up frivilous ethics complaints and paralizing your staff with FOIA requests?

Oh the others who are in it as carear politicians would of milked it.They would of sat back and let thier supporters send them thier hard earned cash to pay legal fees for another 18 months.Just so they could say I did it.

However she spared her supporters a million or more of thier HARD EARNED cash.She spared the state millions of its cash.She saved herself from further legal debt and went out and fought like a grizzley.Made good bucks doing it too.

Thats the problem with politicians today they worry what people say and think,not what is the right thing to do.Screw them they all need to learn a lesson. Times have changed and so have the American people.

This internet thing has blown the conventional candidates conventional ways to pieces.This social media thing is 50xs as potent as in 2008.Who watches the news anymore?Its all right here.Watch out good ol boys your about to get Palinized in 2012.

reader_iam said...

Henrey: Nope, can't buy you or what you're peddling. You're a moby-troll and not even one who, in attempting to lampoon perceived enemies, knows when/how not to go over the top with all of the deliberate typos, misspellings, grammar errors and punctuation atrocities. Jeez, you can't do even socio-commentary, critico-humor right.

This is what comes from spending too much time, for example, chortling over the cleverness of choosing "Henrey" over "Henry" as a screen name.

Or something like that, anyway.

manotick said...

Sarah will announce on July 4th.

Peter Hoh said...

manotick, you got a citation for that, or are you just speculating?

If Palin has announced that she will announce her decision to run or not to run on July 4, well, then she's certainly running.

T. D. said...

Exactly right: "We'll have to see what Palin's new way would be. But suppose it is essentially the same as what Thompson tried. The fact that it didn't work the first time it was tried doesn't mean it won't work the second time."

This is the center of Byron York's mistake. He believes there is a "law of gravity in politics. In a long race, you have to have an organizational foundation."

Certainly that is true. What is not true is that there is only one major way to build an organizational foundation or one major timeline.

What's interesting is that without any traditional fund raising apparatus, Palin's PAC has been in the same ballpark as Romney's PAC in the last year.

Romney: $5.6 million in 2010

Palin: $3.5 million in 2010

So, if almost no effort results in almost 2/3rds of the same result as high grade conventional effort, that doesn't bode well for the necessity of using conventional organizations and timelines.

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