May 1, 2011

Bin Laden is dead.

They say. And I'm not a deather.

UPDATE, 10:24 CT: Why is Obama taking so long? Very lame time-filling on CNN and Fox News.

UPDATE, 10:34 CT: CNN is showing crowds of people around the White House, chanting and celebrating.

UPDATE, 10:35 CT: Obama speaks, describing what happened on September 11, 2001. "The American people came together... We reaffirmed our ties to each other.... We were united as one American family."

UPDATE, 10:38 CT: Last August, there was a new lead about Bin Laden's whereabouts. Last week, there was enough information to launch an operation, Obama says. No Americans were harmed. A "firefight" took place, and we "took possession" of Bin Laden's body.

Obama reminds us that we "are not at war with Islam." He says Bin Laden was not a Muslim, but a terrorist murderer.

UPDATE, 10:41 CT: "Justice has been done." "Let us think back to the unity that prevailed on 9/11." "Tonight we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our minds to... not just because of our power but because of who we are, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." A fine speech.


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Seeing Red said...

I want someone to ask him if this means he is actually going to tone down his class warfare rhetoric and stop with using the powers of the executive branch to punish those who voting against him (Still no disaster declaration for Texas. Petty much?), etc.

And going to take TX' 2 most productive oil counties offline. For a chicken.

We can't get prices down, but do we really need to send them up at this time?

Can't we keep the status quo?

No we can't, cos he wants this.

Jeremy said...

Lombardi Chick - First of all, I have no proof of where the intelligence originated, nor do you.

And if it came from someone at Gitmo, I think that's fine, and if Bush was president when it was offered up, that's good for him, too.

But, according to what I've read, the actions today were a culmination of intelligence work tnat began in August, were confirmed in February and carried out after being given the green light by the current president.

Try giving credit where credit is due.

Jeremy said...

Lem - I listened to the presentation live.

It was well written, well delivered, and I'll lay you odds that, other than the teabaggers here and the wingnuts of will be remembered as an excellent explanation of the situation.

Read the papers tomorrow and get back to me.

Seeing Red said...

Did Blowback cause 9-11?

Things to ponder.

You're blaming Charles Martel for stopping them in 732 A.D?

Alex said...

Obama... go to hell.

Anonymous said...

You consider what happened today to be a form of "rhetoric?"

No, dipshit, today was effective American action.

But I'm trying to reconcile it with Obama's rhetorical opposition to American exceptionalism and unilateralism, to the detention of unlawful combatants at Gitmo, to a military approach to Islamic terrorism (oops, sorry, nonsectarian man-caused disasters), etc., etc.

I guess the rhetoric is all out the window and it's a new day for AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

Seeing Red said...

Read the papers tomorrow and get back to me.

Of course they're going to fawn.

They have nothing else to fawn over.

The legs R tingling!

Jeremy said...

Mary Beth - "Jeremy, I thought that the link, where and what it was, and quotation marks were enough for you to figure out that I was quoting something.
You prefer pictures?"

The "link" had nothing to do with the quotes.

Did it?

Jeremy said...

Seeing Red said..."Of course they're going to fawn."

When you say "they," are you referring to Americans in general or that nasty MSM that doesn't include Fox, Rush, Beck and others??

He did a good job and you're too much of a prick to admit it.

Jeremy said...

Leo Ladenson - Suck off.

You're just another teabagging fool.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

And so shortly after taking office, I directed..

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad..

Those leadins rub me the wrong way, but then he said this and I started to listen to him as if for the first time.

As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not — and never will be — at war with Islam. I’ve made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war is not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims. Indeed, al-Qaida has slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, including our own. So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity.

Seeing Red said...

Ohhh, did the WH actually give every other news channel a heads up so they could get their anchors in place except for Fox?


Anonymous said...

Leo Ladenson - Suck off.

You're just another teabagging fool.

Reduced to sputtering. Ha.

Mary Beth said...

Jeremy, the link was to the Google Map. The compound is listed there as an amusement park and had close to 200 "reviews" the last time I looked. Google users are reveiwing it as if it were a hotel or amusement center.

tl;dr - Yes. Open it, click on the blue review link.

Anonymous said...

Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims.

Only someone completely ignorant of history could make that statement and think that the second clause proved the first one.

Dustin said...

It's so weird to see an Obama shill like Jeremy so clearly angry.

It makes no sense. This is a great day for America, Jeremy. Don't be so mad.

Obama's speech was OK. The way he described the hunt for Osama was dishonest, but it was otherwise not bad at all. He explained to the world why even Muslims should cheer, and I liked how he described 9/11.

It did seem like a campaign speech, with a lot of self reference, but oh well. I can't be unhappy with such great news.

Why are you so mad, though? You seem like the angriest troll here.

The truth is that this probably helps Obama politically, but who cares about politics right now? In the long run, if Obama mentions Osama to criticism of his handling of Libya or Iran, he'll look stupid. It's not a big deal, one way or the other, that Obama was president when a policy of hunting Osama down, one we've had since the mid 1990s, came to a successful conclusion.

Can't you just relax?

Mark said...

Jeremy: Lem said to tell you this isn't about politics...even though he also said this:
"I'm listening to Obama and he sounds like hes giving a political speech."

Jeremy, go to hell. Something good happened on Obama's watch. Good for him and better for our Nation.

I think Obama's policies are a bigger danger to our future than Obama has been (operationally speaking) for more than eight years.

Lem is allowed his opinion; I think right now he'd vote for Obama's re-election, and if the election were held tonight that would be his right.

I don't think tonight's warm-and-fuzzy will last until 2012 though.

And quite frankly, I'm tired of being told to shut up by leftists who'd rather be boss than be right. Stuff it where you dogs love to sniff.

Jeremy said...

Mary Beth - I know what the link was. I've read all about the mansion, the security, the 12-15 foot walls, that they burned their trash, and the fact that it had no telephones or internet...which made it suspicious.

What does it have to with the "quotes" you also provided?

Are you saying that the Google Satellite Image had something to do with what you were quoting?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

its like Althouse says.. It was 'a fine speech'.

Jeremy said...

Mark - What do Obama's politics have to do with what happened today?

All you and others are doing is trying to denigrate literally anything the man usual.

Fuck off.

Seeing Red said...

He did a good job and you're too much of a prick to admit it.

Welcome to the world some of us have lived in for a long time, Jeremy.

Doesn't he want to dismantle Star Wars?

And he's putting us more dependent on the oil ticks.

1 step forward, but 2 steps back.

Alex said...

I live for the day that Obama will be completely humiliated.

Gary Rosen said...

Once again, C-fudd the flophouse masturbator blames it on da Joooos. Because OBL was such a Zionist. Actually his views on Jews and Israel are precisely those of Fudd the FM. He should be in mourning, sitting shiva LOL.

Jeremy said...

The Grand Inquisitor "It's so weird to see an Obama shill like Jeremy so clearly angry."

I voted for and support the president, just as other Americans did the same. That's why he's the president.

I also give him credit for a job well done.

Whay not try to be less of a teabagging prick for one day?

If that's even possible.

Jeremy said...

Seeing Red and Alex:

Are you two sharing a Snuggie?

Your comments are interchangeable.

Dustin said...

"Mark - What do Obama's politics have to do with what happened today?

All you and others are doing is trying to denigrate literally anything the man usual.

Fuck off."

Just listen to this guy.

He's not happy at all that Osama has met justice. He actually doesn't really care.

All he cares about is being nasty to conservatives on the internet.

Jeremy, I agree, Obama's politics didn't really have any impact on Osama being killed. Bush's probably did a bit, but who knows. It's too hard to tell. It's a great day for America, and there's nothing to denigrate. Obama approved a mission to kill OBL, and we rightly already expected that.

It's just good news, for the country. Can't you leave it at that? Why are you hissing cuss words at your fellow Americans? Obama told you to stand with us, as one nation. Can't you do what you're told? How do you expect me to believe Obama is a leader if his own shills do the opposite of what he asked?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Mark is right on the mark!

I know people who lost loved ones that day.

I'm i a celebratory mood.

(it dosent mean I'm in love with the One)

Peter Hoh said...

Twitter feed from a guy in Abbottabad:!/ReallyVirtual

Seeing Red said...

All you and others are doing is trying to denigrate literally anything the man usual.

Frustrating, isn't it? Can't understand it, can U?

Welcome to our world.

His opening gambit on Defense was $78 billion.

The Black Turbans & Hugo signed a deal to put missiles in Venezuela. They can reach FLA.

Anonymous said...

All you and others are doing is trying to denigrate literally anything the man usual.

If you'll look above, you'll see that I did say that Obama organized the hell out of UBL's community.

I meant that ambiguously, but you may read it as a compliment.

Peter Hoh said...

10 hours ago, the guy notices a helicopter. 9 hours ago, a loud bang.

Takes him a while to connect the dots.

Chip S. said...

Been following the coverage of this on Al Jazeera, where the consensus seems to be that AQ had largely been marginalized by the pro-democracy movements in the Arab countries, with OBL largely a figurehead in the new, decentralized AQ. Now there's talk among the talking heads on AJ that retaliation for the snuffing of OBL could re-energize AQ.

Sure it's great to hear about the way this went down, with the bullet to the SOB's head and all, but it feels more than a little anachronistic to me at this point in history.

Jeremy said...

The Gran Bullshitter - "It's just good news, for the country. Can't you leave it at that?"

After all of the inane comments whining and bitching about everything Obama, you feel we should put politics behind us, huh?

Things like this...from YOU?

"It's not a big deal, one way or the other, that Obama was president when a policy of hunting Osama down, one we've had since the mid 1990s, came to a successful conclusion."


ic said...

The CIA employed kinectic military action against the man who caused man-caused-disaster.

nbks said...

If, as O says, OBL was a terrorist not a Muslin, than why the rush to give him a burial within 24 hrs as proscribed by Islamic tradition?

Mark said...

Jeremy, I give Obama credit for pursuing the right policy re: the hunt for Obama.

For that matter, his continuation of Bush's general policies in Iraq and Afghanistan were a welcome surprise, even if I'd quibble about his management of those policies.

I'm surprised you would celebrate Obama's continuation of Bush's policies though, considering past commentary. One might suspect the celebration to be opportunistic.

The nasty bit of being in charge is no one really appreciates what you might be doing right, but everyone knows where you're screwing up. And right now, our President has one dead terrorist to claim as his "doing good" trophy, and pretty much everything else going to hell in a handbasket.

See you next week.

Seeing Red said...

I'm not going to Hat Tip where I got this from, cos I want Jeremy happy.

Xinhua is reporting:
Local Urdu TV channel Duniya quoted sources as saying that:
six children, two wives of Osama Bin Laden were arrested along with his four close friends in a search operation launched early Monday morning by the Pakistani forces in a mountainous area located some 60 kilometers north of Pakistan's capital Islamabad. The report said that one of Bin Laden's sons was killed in the operation.

Jeremy said...

Seeing Nothing - "The Black Turbans & Hugo signed a deal to put missiles in Venezuela. They can reach FLA."


Maybe we should consider invading Venezuela to make sure we destroy all of those missile silos.


Dustin said...

"I voted for and support the president, just as other Americans did the same. That's why he's the president.

I also give him credit for a job well done.

Whay not try to be less of a teabagging prick for one day?

If that's even possible."

Jeremy, Obama's speech asked you to unite. Instead, you are clearly extremely angry and trying very hard to divide.

That's sad. Clearly Obama is such a crap leader he can't even get his own shills to relax in the face of very good news.

Yeah, I know, Obama politicized this. That's predictable, and I don't really care about it. The least you could do is try to stop being so deranged about the Tea Party. What does the Tea Party even have to do with this news? Why show you hate them, for no apparent reason?

I doubt that makes you feel very good about yourself.

We all know that the USA has been trying to find Osama for a long time. Obama didn't really change any priorities there, and it's not like Mccain wouldn't have also approved a mission to get him, once he was found.

It's very good that Obama approved it too, but I don't think this success has much to do with who the US President is.

I do think his failure to get his own shills to try to unite this country for once says a lot.

Alex said...

Jeremy is in full approval of American unilateralism when his party is in power.

Chip S. said...

Just to be clear, I give Obama lots of credit for ordering a strike like this, well inside Pakistan, and without alerting the Paki government.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The CIA employed kinectic military action against the man who caused man-caused-disaster.

Well at the very least nobody can accuse you of not paying attention ;)

Jeremy said...

Mark - "I'm surprised you would celebrate Obama's continuation of Bush's policies though..."

I don't.

I've posted many comments saying the same thing again and again: I want us out of Iraq and Afghanistan today.

Right now I'm celebrating his leadership in today's actions, and of course, countering or taking the local teabaggers to task for not doing the same.

I don't consider saying you approve of Osama being taken out, while in the same breath, while at the same time bitching about an unrelated Obama political stand that has nothing to do with what happened today...a form of support for the president.

I consider it nothing more than teabagger snark.

Mary Beth said...

Jeremy, the link I provided is to the regular Google map. (Not a news story.) Someone marked Abbottābad, Pakistan with "Osama bin Laden's compound" the same way you would mark a restaurant or hotel or any place of interest. Google users are reviewing it as if it were an entertainment venue or hotel. Those reviews include the quotations that I posted.

Right side = map
Left side = links to rate and review it. Click the review links and you will see the first two. Click "More reviews by Google users" and you will see close to 300 more.

Dustin said...

"Things like this...from YOU?

"It's not a big deal, one way or the other, that Obama was president when a policy of hunting Osama down, one we've had since the mid 1990s, came to a successful conclusion."


That's consistent with my general point. You act like it contradicts it, but that's because you're desperate and deranged.

This is good news for our country. It's not very political, and there's no reason for you to try to use this to show how much you hate conservatives. It's really bizarre. It's just good news. Yay. try to stop crying about it, and just smile and be happy. Say something nice, for once, to conservatives. After you apologize for your terrible behavior in this thread.

Really, you're letting Obama down. While he really didn't change what happened today from what would have happened with Bush or Mccain as President, he did try to change how divided this country is. He was talking to you, when he called for unity. You just won't listen.

Mark's right, btw. This is a pathetic rebuttal to the bigger stories in the Middle East. Obama's actual foreign policy has been a disaster. Iran is stronger. Many of our allies when Obama took office won't even exist when he leaves it. We're more dependent on foreign oil than we were when Bush left office.

but Mark's points can wait. This is a good day, and we should all just be happy about it. Is it totally impossible for you to treat someone like me with a minimum of respect, even when Obama wants you to grow up?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I hate to say it but Alex is right..

How does Jeremy explain the killing of a religious leader at the hands of his imperious leader Barack?

Unless he is now a neocon just like the hated Bush...


Lombardi Chick said...

Lombardi Chick - First of all, I have no proof of where the intelligence originated, nor do you.

Jeremy, it came from a White House briefing, as reported by MSNBC tonight (MSNBC online - you can find it yourself. The story begins with "It started with a courier's name." Google it.)

Started on Bush's watch.

Now, I personally think it's the guys with their lives on the line - the Navy SEALs, in this case - that deserve the credit for these kinds of things. It doesn't take much to green light a mission, at least compared to what it takes to carry one out.

But if you're going to kiss Obama's ass for this, it's only appropriate to kiss Bush's also.

Pucker. Up.

Gary Rosen said...

"Jeremy, Obama's speech asked you to unite. Instead, you are clearly extremely angry and trying very hard to divide."

Maybe he was reading between the lines.

Jeremy said...

Alex "Jeremy is in full approval of American unilateralism when his party is in power."

Yeah, right.

We should all be very upset about what happened today, because taking out the asshole who was the leader of a terrorist group who killed 3,000 a major form of "unilateralism," and needs to be stopped.

By the way, do you approve of "nation building?"

Jeremy said...

Gary Rosen - Yeah, right.

It's always the primary goal of the teabaggers who frequent this "unite." Americans in support of our president.

Fuck off.

Lombardi Chick said...

I'm out of here - but congratulations are due both President Obama AND President BUSH (for reasons I've explained - the lead on this started on HIS watch, a fact that isn't in dispute), but most of all, the Navy SEALs deserve the credit for this success tonight.

Please don't forget that, whatever "side" you're on.

Anonymous said...

We should all be very upset about what happened today, because taking out the asshole who was the leader of a terrorist group who killed 3,000 a major form of "unilateralism," and needs to be stopped.

No U.N. resolution, no allies, no sanctions or diplomacy first, no Miranda rights, etc., etc.

Yeah, looks like unilateral American military action to us. I approve. But do you?

Jeremy said...

Lombardi Chick - I'm not kissing anybody's ass. I voted for and support the president.

And in regards to giving Bush credit, didn't I post this comment in response to yours?

"And if it came from someone at Gitmo, I think that's fine, and if Bush was president when it was offered up, that's good for him, too."

What is it about that that you don't understand?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Face it Jeremy.. Obama is like Bush!

He has to be! its the nature of the job.. knowhatimean knowhatimean hushhush.

In other news.. An American named Jeremy could not celebrate the good news of the killing of Osama Bin Laden because not all of his fellow citizens liked the president Obama.

He went on an internet tirade untill his fellow commenters stoped paying attention to him.. at witch point he regained his will to live and went to make better comments.

Alex said...

Like I said, Jeremy is full of shit and he can suck my balls.

Thanks Lem, believe me I WISH I could celebrate this. But the reality dictates otherwise.

Anonymous said...

When is Atty. Gen. Holder going to prosecute those CIA interrogators who got intelligence from GITMO detainees that made today's operation possible?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Jeremy said...

Leo Ladenson - You really need to read more.

Our primary goal after 9/11 was to find the people who committed the act.

It was made perfectly clear to the world that we would do whatever was necessary.

It was also made perfectly clear to Pakistan that if he were located in their country, we would not need their permission to take out Osama.

If you want to consider than specific goal and action a wide ranging form of unilateralism, so be it...but we both know you're just grasping at straws.

Just have the the guts to give Obama credit and stuff the snark.

Jeremy said...

Leo Ladenson "When is Atty. Gen. Holder going to prosecute those CIA interrogators who got intelligence from GITMO detainees that made today's operation possible?"

How do you know who or how the information was received?

More teabagger snark.

Jeremy said...

Alex - "Thanks Lem, believe me I WISH I could celebrate this. But the reality dictates otherwise."

You mean the "reality" of it being Obama who is president when it happened.

What a petty little asshole you are.

Jeremy said...

Lem - Fuck off.

You and others just hate being called out for being such petty little teabagger weasels.

Give Obama the credit he's due...for about the fifteenth time.

Sprezzatura said...


How about this thought experiment:

What would the cons who are reluctant to credit BHO say if this mission (deep into Pakistan) had been a failure? What if Osama had lived? What if Americans were killed? What if Americans were captured? Do you think the cons would be more willing to credit BHO? Do you think they'd be less interested in crediting W?

Jim said...

For those who are excited/disappointed that Obama will get a bump in the polls, a reality check:

1) He probably will get a small one. And it will be temporary. My guess is 2 weeks or so when the fight over the debt limit really starts to heat up and people forget completely about bin Laden.

2) Unlike 2004 which was primarily an election about foreign affairs, the election of 2012 will NOT be about foreign affairs: it will be about domestic economics. And killing bin Laden has ZERO effect on that.

3) Obama won't get nearly the credit for this that Bush would have. The public perception of Bush was that he was a warrior - like it or not. Obama has gone out of his way to be viewed as a reluctant (at best) one. He got his wish, and so a "warrior's victory" won't be nearly as beneficial.

4) The news is already out that this was due to intel that started with Gitmo detainees **4 years ago** - right about the time that Obama started campaigning on a promise to close it. It will, in fact, be a boost to Bush's foresight in setting up Gitmo in the first place as it has fulfilled the promise to the country that Bush made when he set it up: to develop intel which would be used to capture bin Laden. Obama will ultimately wind up smaller and Bush larger in the eyes of history. Obama was wrong. Bush was right. End of story.

5) As other commenters have mentioned, gas prices and unemployment are still high, inflation is still rising, Obamacare is still unpopular, etc. None of that will be changed by this, and it's not expected to change significantly (on the downside at least) between now and November 2012.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

By killing Osama, Obama became the Bush the real Bush could only dream of one day becoming.

Today, the Althouse tag 'Obama is like Bush' has come to pass once again.

Congratulations to our imperious leader, our host, our grader in chief.. Althouse.. or is that MeadeHouse.. sure why not ;)

Anonymous said...

How do you know who or how the information was received?

'Cause I read, numbnuts--an activity you ought to take up. From the Washington Post:

"The operation, according to senior officials who briefed reporters early Monday morning, hinged almost entirely on the hunt for a single man: a courier operating out of Pakistan who had been trusted by bin Laden for years.

"Using information from detainees in U.S. custody, U.S. analysts and operatives spent years figuring out the courier’s identity, concluding that he was a former protege of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-declared mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks who is being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The courier 'in particular had our constant attention,' the official said."

Dustin said...

"What would the cons who are reluctant to credit BHO say if this mission (deep into Pakistan) had been a failure? What if Osama had lived? What if Americans were killed? What if Americans were captured? Do you think the cons would be more willing to credit BHO? Do you think they'd be less interested in crediting W?"

soldiers die quite often in Afghanistan. Obama's leadership has had consequences already.

So you already know what conservatives have to say about such things. We are largely far more supportive of Obama than liberals were to Bush in a very similar circumstance.

Now, I also think it's important that you and Jeremy thank George W Bush for his leadership. Without GITMO, enhanced interrogation, or going after Saddam's military, would we have found Osama's courier, and thus Osama? It seems the intel breakthrough that led us to this success came 4 years ago, and took some choices that were much harder than Obama's call to kill Osama.

But I guess you have no feel for irony, right? When Bush's leadership had casualties, you were not so forgiving, were you? Indeed, Jeremy calls their entire effort a waste, even though it freed tens of millions of people from tyranny.

Can't you people just stop trying to score political points? This is good news for the USA. It's not about politics or Obama.

Skay said...

Congratulations to our troops. They deserve the credit.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

you fuck with Bush.. you fucking with Obama?

Everybody's Celebratin'

Seeing Red said...

The $78 billion was the opening gambit because they already ran the numbers because they knew this was coming?

& certain members of congress were briefed. hmmmmmmm

Dustin said...

"Jeremy said...

Lem - Fuck off.

You and others just hate being called out for being such petty little teabagger weasels.

Give Obama the credit he's due...for about the fifteenth time."

Yes, you've demanded Obama get praise many times, Jeremy, and you've done so by being quite nasty and angry.

But you've failed to articulate why Obama deserves special credit for this. You know that case needs to be made, if you're this angry, but you just start cussing and insulting people instead of making an argument.

Is that because you have no argument? You just want to have a fight, or deify Obama, but don't really know why?

Did Obama do something Mccain or Bush wouldn't have done? What? Explain yourself. If you can't, doesn't it make your anger and vulgarity seem deranged?

Why did Obama promise to close GITMO? Why can't you give Bush credit for making the right call, a tough call? You want to turn this entire topic into a demand to worship Obama for a much easier call. Face it: this is not about Obama. It's just good news.

LoafingOaf said...

Thank God Usama Bin Laden was finally taken out!

I stopped coming to this blog because this Althouse chatacter and her ultra-right-wing husband just got hard to take. Last I checked in they and their commenters were going on with their defenses of racist birthers. Plus, I recall some stupid video footage of Althouse and her husband trying to get some snow plow drivers fired for honking their horns.

Well, Obama was born in Hawaii. I'm glad the folks here finally figured that out. And Obama got Bin Laden.

This blog's commenters, of course, attacked Obama when he said, during the last presidential campaign, that we need to get tougher with Pakistan. This was after Bush's own White House assessment declared Bush's Pakistan policy a failure.

I dunno, I guess Meade can still patrol some statue in Madison to make sure no one sneezes around it. And I guess Althouse can continue defending racist birthers. The rest of us are happy that America finally took out bin Laden. That probably should've been the focus after 9/11 all along.

Seeing Red said...

...Do you think the cons would be more willing to credit BHO?...

Ummm, we'd start asking what's next, a killer rabbit?

Or since he golfs, gopher?

Dustin said...

"Last I checked in they and their commenters were going on with their defenses of racist birthers."

Link, please.

Also, shame on you for trying to take the good news of Osama's death and making political points with lies about racism against Obama.

you guys just don't know when to be quiet.

Anyway, I think we should all remember President Bush's wise decision to use GITMO to find Bin Laden. That was a well explained idea that a lot of democrats probably tuned out, but indeed, it seems that may have played a big role. Obama also played a role, in signing OK when the military came to him with Bin Laden's location and a plan to strike. I'm not sure he deserves more than a passing acknowledgement for that. Some start screaming 'teabagger' and 'fuck' when I say so, but they need a better argument than that.

Don't get me wrong: Obama did the right thing.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

A View To A Kill ..

Obama.. our commander in chief!

our warrior.. raise the shields!!

shiloh said...

I dunno, I guess Meade can still patrol some statue in Madison to make sure no one sneezes around it.

Too funny!

And I guess Althouse can continue defending racist birthers.

Her core mission in life, but one has to be impressed w/her consistent loyalty. :-P

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Congratulations to our troops. They deserve the credit.

Secret Agent Man.

Btw these are the people Obamas budget is hanging out to dry.

James said...

Who is Obama to be saying whether or not someone is truly a Muslim?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Obama said I'm a lover not a fighter.. and then to his surprise he became ... The Warrior in chief.


Gary Rosen said...

"Obama got Bin Laden."

You're not the first troll here to give all the credit to Obama, and none to American troops.

Gary Rosen said...

"Fuck off"

Been told by Jeremy to "fuck off". Guess I can cross that one off my bucket list.

Revenant said...

Cripes, we finally got bin Laden and all the local lefties can do is bitch about how much they hate conservatives?

Guys, this is a happy day. Seriously, go toss back a couple of shots of vodka and get a blowjob or something. Try for once in your lives to be happy for your country.

Sabinal said...

Although I'm happy about Osama being dead, Obama's hypocrisy really left a sour taste..

never a truer phrase, Jim

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

this is kind of funny.. i was complaining last night that Althouse left us with a saturday night funeral.. (meaning I felt constrained to play music)

And then here we are at a celebratory funeral, were music is most appropriate.

If I was Crack I say it was the work of an unseen hand ;)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Obama crediting Bush..


The decadence of the 'neocons' has been irresistible.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bin Laden buried at sea? What? Oh, that's brilliant.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

In a flare for facing up to the faceless birther fuck up.. republicans followed the presidents lead and folded once again..

Do It To The Music .

No question the WH might feel embolden.. The Obama = unamerican charge is going to have to be explained beyond the napkin test.

We better stop selling the election as anybody but Obama.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Bin Laden buried at sea? What? Oh, that's brilliant.

thats what Reuters is saying that the NYT is saying.

Methadras said...

Deathbaggery begins. Where are pictures of the body?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Well I hope the followed the Saddam procedure.. they took Obamas DNA and with a meticulous chain of custody they were able to match it with the known DNA of his family back in Kenya?

I've only watched CSI Vegas.. and the OJ Simpson trial. (but that probably doesn't count)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If what I'm reading is correct, Osama has been living the high life in Pakistan since around 2005..

Surely his host country, our so called ally must have known.

We need to ask questions.. We need hearings!

If he had been at that spot that long why did it take us this long to get him?

There better be satisfactory answers.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Whats playing at the WH?

You Got it All ..

Obama is a national security president.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The expectation..

An Obama resurrection.. an Encore..

I expect the resignation of some unserious (or do i spell that as usurious) republican candidates later today ;)

rhhardin said...

I don't see the importance, beyond one less leader.

Just part of decapitating the bad guys as much as possible to keep them from organizing anything big; instead, they have to watch their backs.

Michael said...

Jeremy: Thanks again for licking our balls.

Terrye said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Toad Trend said...

Congrats to the intelligence community and our top-notch military for bringing this man to justice.

wv - fully

Almost Ali said...

The gasbags are coming out of the woodwork, including Mr Phonetic Affectation himself, Tom Brokaw.

edutcher said...

Wonder why SEAL team was used instead of SF or Rangers. Possibly ISI had their eyes on Army units. Apparently we had some help from the Paks, but very sotto voce with plenty of deniability.

In any case, I'm getting a laugh out of the Lefties going all Red, White, and Blue over this and saying it's all Barry's doing. Apparently, intel work on this started on Dubya's watch and it started to take shape about two years ago. Tora Bora had already rendered bin Laden irrelevant and Iraq destroyed his organization, so, cheerleading trolls notwithstanding, in the larger war, we have moved on.

For the people who lost friends and family not only on 9/11, but on the Cole and in the embassy bombings, this is some closure. Good for them.

One thing that turns my stomach is we're giving bin Laden the full Islamic purification routine. Better bury him in a pig skin or have blown from a field piece. It's all he deserves.

Toad Trend said...


"Give Obama the credit he's due...for about the fifteenth time."

I imagine many of us imagining you fellating the One, right now, Jeremy.

You are a super-atheist douchnozzle, aren't you?

test said...

"Obama speaks, describing what happened on September 11, 2001. "The American people came together... We reaffirmed our ties to each other.... We were united as one American family."

Please. The left held teach-ins to blame the attacks on America the next day. They've undermined the fight against terrorism from the beginning. And now Obama, the leader of the far left, wants returned the unity his followers destroyed?

AllenS said...

I went through the first 200 comments, and I have to say, I'm sorry, but it makes hardly any difference at all that he's dead. Neither Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, Afghanistan, nor Iraq are the problem. Islam is on the march. They've lost leaders before, and it never mattered. It won't this time either. Now, go back to your drinking and drug usage. Return now to your regular scheduled TV reality show.

Combat veteran

Toad Trend said...


"I went through the first 200 comments, and I have to say, I'm sorry, but it makes hardly any difference at all that he's dead."

This was my reaction before going to bed last nite. Probably because I believed that he was already dead.

My other reaction was the expectation of all the Obots coming out in force to essentially say finally, FINALLY, this man has something he can hang his marxist hat on.

The other side of that coin, not so good. Obama now has the distinction of being the 'one' who killed OBL. Eyes in the back of his head much???

edutcher said...

Agree with AllenS.

Also, in the previous thread, the point was made that this may give Barry the excuse to pull out of A-stan.

And it was also noted the question of Khadaffy is a bit more relevant these days.

PS Considering all the commotion over Khadaffy's people maybe being killed, is it possible the op was timed to take a little heat of Barry, or make him look like a macho war President?

PPS Now Zawahiri moves to the top of the list. He was always the brains in Al Qaeda. bin Laden was just a groupie with lots of money.

VanderDouchen said...

Just think of the mindset of one Billy-bob Badass stud out there who is walking in boots, secure in the knowledge that he iced Osama Bin Laden. That motherfucker has to have stroked a couple of nuts off since the deed, and I'm certain he still has a cast iron rod. A walking hard on.

And if the story of the burial at sea is true, there's a crew out there who can't stop saying "we just through that bastard to the sharks!"

WV: squea:

Squea like a pig!

Almost Ali said...

AllenS said...
Islam is on the march.

Both Bush and Obama said we're NOT at war with Islam. I think we'll need to lose a city or two before they change their minds.

Actually, back on 9/11 I calculated that we would need to lose 30 million people before the problem with Islam came into proper focus. And there's been no reason to alter that figure since then.

TWM said...

"but it makes hardly any difference at all that he's dead."

It makes a world of difference,if for no other reason that it gives our nation a sense of closure over 9/11. Symbols matter and the up-close and personal killing of this bastard is a big win for the good guys. And a big boost to our military and intelligence agencies.

Does it stop the march of radical Islam? No. But it certainly slows it down a bit. And another thought. The greatest threat in the war on radical Islam isn't our enemy but ourselves. Our morale. Our will to fight and our belief that we can win.

Killing this bastard helps in all those areas.

Brian Brown said...

I see little jeremy was here all night flinging poo.

Just remember, Obama capitalized on the continuation of another program started by the Bush administration.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A proud moment for us, particularly the members of the military directly involved. A friend's son is nearly done with his Navy Seal training and I've heard some of the stories - unbelievable what they go through just to try to become a Seal. As demanding as the physical stuff is, I suspect they are even tougher mentally. Glad that they are on our side.

The Dude said...

Garage Mahal is in mourning. He has lost yet another hero.

Jose_K said...

All sharing a burning tar pit in Hell right now:
Pol Pot
Kim Il Sung
Usama Bin Laden
Asap: Castro

Jose_K said...

Seven days?
he died on resurrection day?

Jose_K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jose_K said...

The Black Turbans & Hugo signed a deal to put missiles in Venezuela. They can reach FLA."

you dont need to worry about Chavez. He is a problem only for us , we live under his boot. He is big mouth and nothing else.
Stop buying our oil and he is done

MadisonMan said...

The things you miss when you work in the garden all day and go to bed early!

Launch a killing attack on the US and you will be killed. That's the take-away from this. Justice has been done indeed.

(I'm still surprised he was alive all these years)

Anonymous said...

I've got to eat crow. I would have bet a substantial amount that OBL was blown to undifferentiated bits 9 years ago.

Next on the list is Zawahiri. He is the real day-to-day head of operations. OBL was the symbolic head.

The message to matter how long it takes, no matter where you are

AllenS said...

Symbols matter to you, TWM, and unfortunately to a lot of other Americans. To the rest of the world, things that we value have no value whatsoever to other people, and that's most of the other people of this world. If you want to say it's a victory, fine, but it's a small insignificant victory. Our soldiers, now standing in harms way, will be no safer than before he was killed. In fact, they will have to be more vigilant.

Clyde said...

I was at work last night when I got the good news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by Americans in Pakistan. I heard around 11:30, and when I went on break at midnight, I watched the coverage on television.

One thing struck me as odd: They were showing taped footage of a bunch of college-aged people celebrating in front of the White House, waving flags and shouting "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" Now, that's the appropriate response, of course, but the timing was very, very strange: This group supposedly spontaneously appeared in front of the White House less than twenty minutes after President Obama made the announcement of Bin Laden's death, with flags on poles, ready to parade around in front of the television cameras.

Do you believe that? I don't, and if you do, I'd like to sell you some nice vacation land in the Everglades. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the supposedly spontaneous crowd was bussed in by Democrat political operatives and supplied their flags when they arrived.

People (like Ann) were wondering why Obama took so long to come on television to make the announcement. It was obviously because his crowd hadn't arrived yet. It was a made-for-television political event with all of the spontaneity of a Kim Jong Il rally in North Korea, and frankly, I find it disgusting and cynical that the Democrats would do something like that, although not surprising.

I am, however, glad that Osama Bin Laden has assumed room temperature. I'm also glad that they were smart enough to bury him at sea, so there would be no shrine for Al Qaeda terrorists to visit. It's too bad that they didn't sew him up in pigskins, but you can't have everything.

Jose_K said...

Sohaib Athar
He live twitted teh operation

AllenS said...

Almost Ali said...
Both Bush and Obama said we're NOT at war with Islam

You are correct, sir. I still remember when Bush made a statement shortly after 9/11 and said the word "crusade". Do you remember that? It didn't take too long before members of the press and people opposed to Bush to call him on it, and apologize he did. That's when I knew we will never win this war. This war that has been going on for centurys. The thought that we would need to lose 30 million people before we realize it, rings true to me, also.

Seeing Red said...

And what soaring national goal(s)/task did he set out ofr us to do in his 1st SOTU?


Via Instapundit:

On Facebook, Michael Yon writes: “Major mistake. OBL was/is a powerful cult figure who has vanished with no ‘death certificate.’ His body should have been displayed. The only thing more powerful than a living cult leader is one who disappears off the face of the earth. Making his body disappear was a deadly blunder that plays straight into the hero myth. Joseph Campbell couldn’t have written a more terrible ending.”

Will the DNA evidence suffice to convince non-Western audiences?

roesch-voltaire said...

Justice has been done,done in a careful and decisive manner, done because it is good for our country, and for those opposed to terrorism. Now we can get back to the important things like rehashing old talking points.

Seeing Red said...

Stop buying our oil and he is done

Hard to do when our oil keeps getting put off limits. And everything else.

No, U can't have power 24/7.

Britain was indirectly told to expect rolling blackouts, or brownouts.

We will be as well.

Gotta save that chicken, don'tcha know.

Stephen A. Meigs said...

Feelingwise, the main difference for me now that I've slept on bin Laden being dead is that my back feels more comfy. As though little kittens spent last night using their paws to walk all over beneath my shoulders.

Tank said...

Good news for us and the Zero. First good thing he's done since letting the military shoot the pirates. Maybe that's his secret strength, letting the military shoot people?

Why dump the guy in the sea? Must he do things in the way most likely to create doubt? Even in victory, the guy cannot get it right.

Seeing Red said...

Obama is a national security president.

Job is done, bring em home, leave the borders unprotected & take our guns away.

I feel more secure already, don't U?

Sal said...

Intelligence officials believed the million-dollar compound was built five years ago to protect a major terrorist figure.

I wonder how many of these compounds there are in rural Pakistan. They must stick out. For five years no one knows who really lives there? Weird.

The Dude said...

It wasn't exactly a rural area. It was built in an area full of retired Paki military "leaders". Duplicitous muzzies.

pavlova8 said...

W must be so jealous!!!!

Scott M said...

One wonders if we would have gotten the courier info if Gitmo had been moved to Shithole, IL.

Kudos to President Obama for canceling the air strike for last month and insisting on a covert ops strike to confirm the body. That being said, the burial at sea thing is going to give the Loch Ness crowd fits.

Scott M said...

built five years ago to protect a major terrorist figure


The Dude said...

Okay, been reading more - maybe it is more rural than suburban. Hard to tell where the golf courses stop and the and goat fuckings starts.

WV: flier - yep, they took one.

Sabinal said...

my taste for the end of OBL is severly damaged because of all of the smugness of fellow libs. The responses are ugly and arrogant, and no, it would not be better if it happened under W with the cons.

Patrick said...

W released a statement saying that Obama called to inform him that the US killed OBL. I think that was a good move on Obama's part, unusaully classy. W released a classy statement as well.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why did we take great pains to handle his body in accordance with Islamic practice? We've been saying for ten years that bin Laden is not a legitimate part of Islam. Now this.

Mick said...

All nonsense meant as cover for Keys et al. v. Obama and the Blago trial opening today, as well as the obviously fake LFBC, and stories about the arranged marraige of Obama Sr. to Ann Dunham, and INS kicking Obama Sr. out of the US.
Buried at sea?--- Yeah right. An old pic of a supposedly dead Bin Laden was used as current, and an embarrassed AP had to retract that pic. You are all being played. But then we are in the presence of a supposed "law prof" that doesn't know what a natural born Citizen is, and even voted for the Usurper!

The Dude said...

I'm with you, Freeman, I would have preferred that they used Black Jack Pershing method. Oh well, we will be defeated by PC, eventually.

Dustin said...

"pavlova8 said...

W must be so jealous!!!!"

Well, yeah, probably to some extent he wishes he had been the one to call in this strike. What president wouldn't dream of that?

But Bush congratulated Obama.

and we all should. The Obama administration successfully ordered a very important mission. It was their duty, and they did it well. That's great. They get credit.

I also note that we found this compound because we tracked a courier that was named by a detainee at Gitmo in 2007. Indeed, it's clear the Bush Administration's harder decisions (much harder than ordering this strike) were responsible for the success today.

That's OK. That was Bush's duty. Obama played politics with national security in particular in his bashing if Gitmo and detainees, so it's clear he was wrong and shameless.

Many of the rude comments from Obama's shills in this thread are defensive in nature. That's because we all know it's not very classy to try to take credit for other people's hard work.

But Obama's right that today is a good day for America to just be happy, together. Obama did good! He wasn't always good on this issue, but he didn't shut down Gitmo as promised, and that clearly was a good move too. We can just be happy as a country today.

Fernandinande said...

"Tonight we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our minds to..."

Psst! Hey buddy - it took the US ten years to kill a camel jockey, and that's pitiful.

Hoosier Daddy said...

That being said, the burial at sea thing is going to give the Loch Ness crowd fits.

Well to the part of the world where it matters; the Middle East, they won't believe it unless there is some photographic proof and even then, they'll say its doctored.

test said...

"Patrick said...

W released a statement saying that Obama called to inform him that the US killed OBL. I think that was a good move on Obama's part, unusually classy."

Good point. Maybe his finally having a positive accomplishment to point to will give him the confidence to drop the childish "it's all Bush's fault" shtick.

Automatic_Wing said...

I wonder how many of these compounds there are in rural Pakistan. They must stick out. For five years no one knows who really lives there? Weird.

What's "weirder" is that OBL wasn't holed up in some dusty mountainside hamlet, his compound was about 1km from PMA Kakul, Pakistan's version of West Point.

The rat bastard Pakistanis knew where he was all along.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I also note that we found this compound because we tracked a courier that was named by a detainee at Gitmo in 2007.

Listening to the news on the way into work I chuckled at the description that they courier was found through a series of detainee interviews.

Interviews. Is that what they call it now?

Scott M said...

Interviews. Is that what they call it now?

Less is more. It's tough to keep twittering "kinetic aquatic questioning".

Hoosier Daddy said...

Less is more. It's tough to keep twittering "kinetic aquatic questioning".


Sal said...

Maybe this is a good time to declare victory and get the fuck out of Afghanistan.

Seeing Red said...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said on Monday that U.S. soldiers should be withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq after the killing of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11 attacks that led to two U.S.-led wars.

So they can start their mischief?

Scott M said... does this affect the FBI's ten most wanted list? Who bumps up and who gets added? Further, anyone able to check off a slot on their Dead Pool?

Michael said...

I believe a mistake was made in the burial at sea. It would have been better to have fed him to pigs and to have filmed the occasion in high definition for distribution to those adherents of violent Islam that question our ferocity and our lack of respect for those who misrepresent the religion of peace.

Anonymous said...

Poor Mick. Just when it looked like his bizarro issue was gaining some scintilla of traction...poof.

shiloh said...

Now we can get back to the important things like rehashing old talking points.

Why political blogs exist :-P especially Althouse.

Mick said...

Seven Machos said...
"Poor Mick. Just when it looked like his bizarro issue was gaining some scintilla of traction...poof."

Right Obama Internet Protection brigade member. This was all cover for alot of really bad news coming out about Obama, and shows how desperate he is, and how you are desperately trying to cover for him. Where are the Pics (dated)?

Blago trial starts today

Keyes et al. v. Obama (SSN fraud) starts today.

A lot of news recently about Obama's father being kicked out for fraudulent marraige to Obama's mother.


It's a godd day for misdirection! AND it came on your favorite Socialist Marxist Anarchist holiday, May Day!

AP has already retracted the pic of the supposedly dead OBL, since many knew it was an old, and already debunked as fake photo!

They are very scared in the WH! In due time...

Anonymous said...

Both Bush and Obama said we're NOT at war with Islam.I think we'll need to lose a city or two before they change their minds.

Sadly I think you're right Ali.

Political Correctness has so far been an impossible beast to kill, I fear it will take a catastrophe of this magnitude to nudge it aside.


Jeremy said...

Here's a shocker:

"WASHINGTON -- Most reactions from Republican leaders to news of Osama bin Laden’s death emphasized the U.S. military’s role or praised former President George W. Bush, while downplaying President Obama’s role in the seismic event."

Queen Mother said...

I am sorry, but first of all how did they verify his DNA ? Using hair? sperm? blood? and what did they have to compare it too? Mom? brothers ? Not sure I trust that besides as rich as he was how do we know he didn't have look alikes. I remember that being on the news before where they captured someone who looked like him but wasn't. I smell some Bravo Sierra especially right after his birth certificate. This makes my Obama fan meter go down even more. I don't even want photos , cause that can be photoshopped. I want them to do the same thing they did with the "alien" body they so called dissected...tee hee get the joke....

Jeremy said...

Clyde - "One thing struck me as odd: They were showing taped footage of a bunch of college-aged people celebrating in front of the White House, waving flags and shouting "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" Now, that's the appropriate response, of course, but the timing was very, very strange: This group supposedly spontaneously appeared in front of the White House less than twenty minutes after President Obama made the announcement of Bin Laden's death, with flags on poles, ready to parade around in front of the television cameras.

Do you believe that? I don't, and if you do, I'd like to sell you some nice vacation land in the Everglades. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the supposedly spontaneous crowd was bussed in by Democrat political operatives and supplied their flags when they arrived."


They had about a hundred buses, all packed with students, ready to roll.


Jeremy said...

Queen Mother said..."I am sorry, but first of all how did they verify his DNA ?"

I would assume they've had DNA from close family members for years.

They can do DNA testing in is as little as four hours if necessary.

Are you already doubting it's Osama?

Pastafarian said...

What do you suppose Obama's role here was, Jeremy?

Did he help with the coordination? I sort of doubt that.

He green-lighted it, once the intelligence and military communities told him that this mission was possible.

Bravo. That's almost as impressive as showing us your birth certificate.

I will say this much for Obama: At least he didn't kill the mission. So there's that.

Pastafarian said...

I wonder, by the way, how long BHO dithered on this decision, like he did with the pirate/hostage situation, also resolved, if I recall correctly, by Navy seals.

Almost Ali said...

We've been saying for ten years that bin Laden is not a legitimate part of Islam. Now this.

Make no mistake, this and the previous administration were/are and forever will be scared shitless of Muslims. Especially the peace-loving, moderate kind.

Still, this doesn't preclude the likelihood that our servicemen at sea wrapped the corpse in bacon, cooked it, and fed most of it to funeral dogs. Commending only his big toe to the deep out of respect for the all-powerful Allah.

Anonymous said...

Obama can run from you, Mick, but he can't hide. This birth thing is going to change everything. Some day. Before January 2013. Or maybe January 2017. Or who knows?

The point is that the cargo cult is real.

Chip Ahoy said...

Then, maybe 'buried at sea' is military-speak for crating and storing in a government warehouse like the one seen at the end of Raiders of the Lost Arc, labeled "Abbottabad remnants."

Known Unknown said...

I think that was a good move on Obama's part, unusaully classy. W released a classy statement as well.

But Trump owns classy!

Known Unknown said...

Good thing they didn't search Costellobad.

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