May 20, 2011

At the Morel Café...


... maybe you'll find what you're looking for.


Chip S. said...

I'm looking for good news from Pogo.

coketown said...

Me too. Has anyone heard anything since the ER comments?

Anonymous said...

Have you climbed the highest mountains? Run through the fields? Run? Crawled? Scaled these city walls?

Kissed honey lips? Felt the feeling in her finger tips? (Did it burn like fire... inside her?)

Have you spoke with the tongue of angels? Held the hand of a devil? (Was it warm in the night? Were you cold?)

Do you believe in the Kingdom Come? (Do you think all the colours will bleed into one?) Are you still running?

Did someone break the bonds and loose the chains and carry the cross of your shame? (Your shame-- do you believe it?)

Yeah, maybe here you'll find what you're looking for...

reader_iam said...

Jack Stuef leaves Wonkette to spend more time with his work.

reader_iam said...

Hold on. Did something happen to Pogo? ER comments?!? Link? (Please.)

I truly hope he's all right.

The rule of Lemnity said...

look here reader

Pogo 5/18/11 10:31 PM

The rule of Lemnity said...

Pogo took his wife to the ER.

Penny said...

"Yeah, maybe here you'll find what you're looking for..."

Yeah, you too, Julius.

reader_iam said...

Never mind. Found it.

:,, (

Penny said...

Hi Lem and reader.

reader_iam said...

However, thank you so much, Lem!

reader_iam said...

Hi, Penny.

reader_iam said...

Good night. Hold your loved ones tight.

Chip Ahoy said...

YouTube video. Little girl plays with dead squirrel. Commenters divided.

Paddy O said...

Oh, no, I'm off traveling and missed the Pogo news.

I too pray all is well and his wife is doing much, much better.

Ralph L said...

What's that sticky weed called? My dog hates it when I pull the seeds out of her fur. Now the pecan tassels are sticking to her butt and tail.

Paddy O said...

Now that is the new domain of gathering I have a couple of questions.

what's the new blogging platform of choice? Is the professor going Wordpress on us? Designing her own theme?

Also, when will these cafes start serving meatballs and lingonberries?

Paddy O said...

Leipzig, by the way, is a beautiful city. Walked inside the church where a prayer group blossomed into becoming the peaceful revolution that helped bring down communism in East Germany.

Today we're off to see the birthplace of Protestantism.

On this apparently last day, I'm hedging my bets with the Lutherans.

Fred4Pres said...

I found some morels in the back yard where I burn yard waste. Morels like it when you burn something. Phoenix like.

Penny said...

"Phoenix like."

Like in Phoenix, Arizona? Mighty hot there, Fred, of course I hear it has it's upside too.

On the other hand, I hear little about morels.

Can you shed some light?

rhhardin said...

Sydney NSW Australia
15 minutes before the rapture
15 minutes after the rapture

There's trouble at the poles in any case, which Camping ought to have realized, being a civil engineer. Polar coordinates put the poles in every time zone at once.

rhhardin said...

What's the viney plant? I remember trying to identify it once, but it never flowered, which defeated Newcomb's.

Chase said...

Right now the New York Times has a front page news article:

New York Times Reporter Attempts Obama Fellatio

Key "Fact" reported: "His strategy sometimes contrasts sharply with that of a president who has bold instincts"


Lexus/Nexus search underway for reported "bold instincts" facts ever "reported" in the Times about previous Presidents Bush or Reagan.

Still checking . . . . . . . . .

kinlop said...

Morels? Maybe they were all taken to heaven. Maybe the rapture was only for epigeous ascocarps. OMG what if the truffles were taken as well?!?

Clyde said...

Did you see the story about the cops escorting a stupendously rude woman off an Amtrak train in Oregon? She had been gabbing on her cell phone for 16 HOURS since she got on the train in Oakland, in a 'quiet car.' When people finally got tired of it and confronted her, she got belligerent and the police were called.

I guess we should cut her some slack: The 'rude yakkity bitch car' must have been full.

edutcher said...

"... maybe you'll find what you're looking for."

If I knew what it was I was looking for, I'd know it when I found it.

WestVirginiaRebel said...

It's Saturday; has doomsday happened yet?

It's early yet.

Skyler said...

I see poison ivy, but no morels.

The rule of Lemnity said...

So you mean using a cell cannot derail a train?.. Legend has it that it could mess with a planes avionics.. bring down the plane.

Almost Ali said...

If you missed it, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu gives Barack Obama a severe lesson in foreign policy - in essence telling the president he should refrain from dabbling in things he knows absolutely nothing about. That Israel is not a street-corner community that needs to be [dis]organized, especially by our Jive-Turkey-in-Chief.

Watch this video wherein Netanyahu lectures the juvenile Barack in artful, but no uncertain terms.

Anonymous said...

I don't see morels?!

But then again, that explains the four hours I spent looking on the bluffs this week, finding only two small greys that were past their prime. Usually i'd have a grocery bag full by now.

Maybe a little rain this weekend will help pop out a new crop.

madAsHell said...

"bold instincts" - that's the euphemism for "How the fuck did he come to that conclusion? Is he looking at the same set of facts!!"

Chase said...

Always remember Obama has BOLD instincts. It is a fact reported in the news.

Case closed.

Chase said...

The Times did not report if Helene Cooper was paid for her attempted blow job.

JAL said...

Anyone else notice it's All Hands on Drudge today?

Ralph L said...

That's far too small to be poison ivy.

Meade said...

rhhardin said...
What's the viney plant?


Meade said...

Ralph L is correct. It's wild raspberry.

Skyler said...

Ralph L:
"That's far too small to be poison ivy."

"Ralph L is correct. It's wild raspberry."

It has three leaves in a distinctive shape of poison ivy. It's close enough that I stay the heck away from it!

Skyler said...

But I admit that the leave are too serrated for poison ivy. I'd still stay far away. I am way too allergic to be less than paranoid.

Meade said...

I'm with you - err on the side of caution when it comes to P I.