May 19, 2011

Arnold's other woman.

An interesting contrast to Maria.


Patrick said...


Skippy said...

Doesn't matter what she looks like, does it? The dick wants what the dick wants.

Titus said...

I went on the website "Dick Dorm" once, I did not become a "member, and just now I received an email from Dick Dorm letting me know that they are running a special.

How did this happen?

I am outraged.

I am not into porn at all but sometimes I am porn-curious when they say it is "amateurs". And the thing is it really looks like "amateurs". They put girls in the videos in the beginning to make it look like it is just a bunch of coeds hanging out and all of a sudden after spin the bottle the guys are doing it.

BUT, if you read the comments you will be in the loop that these "amateurs" have actually been in other porns on other sites and they are hardly amateurs.

Such a Bummer.

traditionalguy said...

The bitter criticism of Elizabeth Edwards for her going along with a happy family charade for political promotion of her husband is exactly what Maria did for Arnold's governor's election. Watching CNN and MSNBC repeat over and over that Maria is a victim who knew NOTHING until the Governor's term was over has been very amusing. The mother figure named Pat was worse that ugly by Hollywood standards, means to me that Arnold is a weak minded sex addict.

coketown said...

Oh my God, I look awful.

Skippy said...

Rich men can afford to be sex addicts. Poor men, not so much.

Titus said...

The other woman has definitely had some work done=everywhere.

I saw some media clip and the razzi of course, were camped outside her house. The maid has a fantastic home.

She obviously negotiated an excellent separation/severance/pay for the kid package.

The Drill SGT said...

Skippy said...
Rich men can afford to be sex addicts. Poor men, not so much.

How does that saying go?

An ugly poor man is an ugly poor man.

An ugly rich man is a rich man :)

PS: to calibrate Arhnold's taste, we need to see a picture of her 15 years ago... just sayin...

Unknown said...


wv hotolygo. Indeed, why go to a hotol when you are banging the maid?

Titus said...

By the by, if you go onto that picture, the one with Shriver with the kids, you can mouse over her clothes and it will tell you what the item is, how much and where to buy.


Unknown said...

@Titus, look at those tits!

coketown said...

PS: to calibrate Arhnold's taste, we need to see a picture of her 15 years ago... just sayin...

The timestamp on the pirate picture is 1996, assuming the camera was set up right.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I had Maria's mother in my back seat once. Ethel too.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I wonder if Mildred is an illegal immigrant?

Skippy said...

Titus, it's a typical cheaply constructed Central Valley house built during the housing boom of the last 10 years. If it's still worth the original price the newspapers report it sold for a year ago ($268K?), it's a miracle. Might be down to $250K by now. No great shakes.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Both women gave birth within days of each other

Poor man must have been on a strict Viagra regiment.

(he he, titus said package)

Titus said...

Thanks Skippy. 268k? You couldn't buy a room in Boston for that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I wonder if Mildred is an illegal immigrant?

It would have come up during the elections.. he won twice.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Mildred Buena was a supplement ;)

Sal said...

No doubt Maria hired her because she looked "non-threatening."

Sal said...

By Austrian standards, she's exotic

The rule of Lemnity said...

TMZ claims that Mildred was obsessed with Maria Shriver and wanted to 'be just like her.'

Mildred just couldnt lay off the huevos rancheros.

Anonymous said...

The title should probably be "One of Arnold's Other Women."

Maria always looked a little to masculine for my taste.

Rialby said...

I bet Titus has less unprotected sex than Arnold.

Anonymous said...

New Pussy Syndrome is a terrible affliction that affects 100 percent of all honest straight men.

Skyler said...

I suspect that Maria kept quiet out of pure embarrassment rather than in a desire to protect his career.

And now this poor woman is going to be ridiculed all over the world for this.

What a sordid mess.

Anonymous said...

Titus -

If you're looking for amateur porn, try to get your hands on the John Edwards sex tape.

The rule of Lemnity said...

That picture of Mildred and Maria goes to show as governor, Arnold often looked at both sides of the isle.

edutcher said...

Maria has the I-just-look-like-I'm-sucking-on-a-persimmon look common to the Kennedy women and some Irish (whatever they call the non Black Irish) in general. Add to that her fashionable emaciation and anybody would have looked good.

Thing is, the "other woman" could, at any time, have sold her story to Gloria Allred or the National Enquirer if she didn't care for Ahnold's advances, so she's hardly a victim (assuming here the Governator stipulated she'd be well-compensated for her complicity and silence).

traditionalguy said...

The bitter criticism of Elizabeth Edwards for her going along with a happy family charade for political promotion of her husband is exactly what Maria did for Arnold's governor's election

It's what Kennedy women do.

And act as if they're better than everyone else while doing it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

By the by, if you go onto that picture, the one with Shriver with the kids, you can mouse over her clothes and it will tell you what the item is, how much and where to buy.

I get Filene's Basement when I mouse over Mildred..

(that's not right.. I probably should ban myself)

Phil 314 said...

An interesting contrast to Maria.

Professor, you are so discrete.

bagoh20 said...

Not exactly a poor victim look she's sporting there.

sakredkow said...

Not in your wife's own house dude.

Titus said...

I just read that Newt Gingrich's cell phone went off in Iowa.

Seriously, and I am not making this up, his ringtone was Abba's Dancing Queen.

That is hilarious.

David said...

The pictures of Arnold's son are pixellated, but several were available at other sites yesterday.

Unless they kept a bag over the kid's head every time Maria was around, Maria had to have suspicions. Arnold is a distinctive looking man, and the kid looks like Arnold.

I also find it distasteful that Maria confronted the former maid about this. What's the point? Maria has status, power, money, connections. Mildred has none of this. Pick on someone your own size, Maria. Like Arnold.

The kid is now an international celebrity, when he least needs the attention. Arnold needs to get protective about his son, immediately. Maria needs to recognize that Arnold's son is the brother of her children, and that she needs to take the young man's situation into account in her comments and public appearances.

They all need to grow up.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Arnold said to a friend.. 'She had me at'

mccullough said...

That kid looks more like Arnold than his 4 kids with the soon-to-be X-ray ex-wife.

This is a classic American tale. Man comes over from Europe, learns to speak the language, becomes successful, bags the niece of a former U.S. President, knocks up a not-so-sexy Mexican maid, and becomes Governor of California.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I agree with David.

Anonymous said...

It would have come up during the elections..

Oh, it certainly did come up

The Dude said...

Prince Charles, Bill Clinton, John Lennon, now Arnold. Seriously, guys, you could do better. I did better, but then again, that's not real difficult to do.

The rule of Lemnity said...

So Mildred was/is illegal?

That means only one thing.. Arnold's love baby can never become president of the United States..

(this is a tough crowd)

Anonymous said...

mcccollugh wins the thread!

I've really enjoyed your comments of late, dude.

RuyDiaz said...

The best chuckle from the article s the part where it describes Arnold as having a 'strong sexul appetite'.

B.S. Arnold's 'strong sexual appetite' is not extraordinary at all--he just could get away with it, and did.

In other news, bacon is really tasty, and playing Russian roulette is 'kind of dangerous'. Who knew?

madAsHell said...

yea....but is there a sex tape??

He took advantage of a woman with low self-esteem. Who da' thunk a politician/actor would do such a thing?

Especially, when he's paying for plastic surgery on his wife?

I mean, at some point, ya' gotta stop thinkin' about your dick! ..and start thinkin' about your children, and your well-maintained wife...cuz they're going to bury you.

One way, or the other!

Skyler said...

Oh, and Ahnold, beyond completely screwing up his mandate to fix California's budget problems, has always been an ass about "girly men" and mocked men smaller than him.

Well, I may not be muscle bound or Mr. America, but I have never had sex with anyone looking like that. I say that puts me more than a bit above his level.

William said...

Can some woman explain the politics of the other woman. If your husband cheats on you with a younger, prettier woman is it more of less forgivable than if he cheats on you with an older, heavier one. My sight reading of this is that it is demonstrative more of the compulsive nature of Arnold's sexuality than of marital dissatisfaction. But who knows? Perhaps he was looking for a woman with a warm, generous nature....Again, I think we should all thank Charlie Sheen for showing us that sex scandals can be salacious and enviable rather than sordid and depressing.

MadisonMan said...

There is absolutely nothing in this story that interests me.

RuyDiaz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

I suspect that Maria kept quiet..

Maria had been chosen.. How can I get out of this sentence?

RuyDiaz said...

Can some woman explain the politics of the other woman. If your husband cheats on you with a younger, prettier woman is it more of less forgivable than if he cheats on you with an older, heavier one.

You didn't read the story carefully. Maria is more attractive, but 'the other woman' is younger, by about five years.

Seven Machos identify the affiction earlier in the thread: 'new pussy syndrome', seems to be correct diagnosis.

Synova said...

I don't know that Maria is more attractive. Not that men seem particularly picky. Was it better somehow that, oh, Tiger Woods was going after dozens of pretty, slim, 20-somethings? And how many excuses were made for that?

My main take on this, other than not seeing the parallels to the French serial assaulter, is that it's sort of boring. An old old story. And it reflects far worse on the people willing to make a spectacle out of a pre-teen boy than it does on the man who fathered him.

Who looks bad here? Really?

Methadras said...

Conan! What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

That is good! That is good.

Man, that never gets old. Especially now.

mccullough said...


Tiger Woods was banging the local Perkins waitress, along with others. That waitress was not only objectively not good looking, Tigers wife was objectively very attractive.

I'm sure if we saw the line-up of women Arnold has nailed during his marriage, you would get a sense of the Tiger-like array as well.

Every man who has had numerous sexual encounters has the same stories. You have your thoroughbreds and your nags and everything in between.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't know. I just can't get upset by Arnold and his bastard kid. Stories are that he would do anyone available, mostly women, but maybe a man or so, back when he was cranked on steroids.

Then he marries a Kennedy. A family notorious for the men doing any woman who walked by. And, women who were trained from birth to accept that. Maybe not Maria's father, but his brother-in-law (Stephen Edward Smith) was famous for being seen around town with multiple girl friends. This was apparently well known in Boston, even showing up in the papers, and yet he was still trusted to manage the Kennedy money.

So, what did the woman expect?

Actually, she probably did expect something like this, since apparently there is a prenuptial that may have been breached here. We shall see as it all plays out.

wv: "recent" - maybe applicable to Maria's supposed discovery of this.

Chip S. said...

'new pussy syndrome', seems to be correct diagnosis.

The preferred term for this is the Coolidge Effect.

David R. Graham said...

The lady's a breeder. Who can blame him? Mamma sita. And Mexican women are noted, at least in the American South West, as excellent mothers, something seemingly bred in them. So for a man in his position, why not?

Was it Kissinger, noted sybarite, who mentioned to Mao, noted sybarite, during the meet with Nixon, noted family man and more than usually dirty politician, that power is an aphrodisiac?

And to imagine that Maria didn't know all along is not credible. A woman does not know her husband? An ambitious woman? A Shriver-Kennedy, she knew from her father what to expect from powerful men.

Something besides her husband's philandering drives Maria's actions in this matter. I have no idea what it is.

Ralph L said...

Hey Maria, Zombie Jackie wants her sunglasses back. And eat some food--you need all your strength now.

MDIJim said...

Hey, conservatives: y'all are always moaning about the coming islamification of the West when we will all have to live under Sharia. Look on the bright side. As far as I know, men are allowed four wives as long as they can keep them, which, of course, rich men can do. Sharia will be the death knell for tabloids because there will be no more scandal stories of rich dudes and their sex lives, and no more pictures of starlets in bikinis.

Leland said...

What I find interesting is they pixilate the love child, yet still suggest he has a striking image similar to Arnold's. And yes, I think there are similar attributes with strong arms and long hair. But then, many teenage boys look like that.

Then they show a picture of Arnold and Maria's children. Does Patrick have any traits that jump out at you as "that's Arnold Schwarzenegger's son!"?

Freeman Hunt said...

There are too many teenage children involved in this. It will never happen, but I wish the press would shut up about it. Or at least shut up about everyone involved except Arnold.

This story is particularly bad as it tries to blame it all on Baena. If the maid hasn't said anything for 14 years, or however long it is, she's probably ashamed.

Mel said...

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" or A mans brain is located under his belt,

Skyler said...

cokaygne missing the forest for the trees, surmised, "Sharia will be the death knell for tabloids because there will be no more scandal stories . . ."

I think sharia will be the death knell for tabloids because the tabloid people will be dead.

The Dude said...

Today's interesting and plausible new theory - Arnold was cycling steroids when he banged that woman. That makes more sense than most ideas I have read so far.

WV: mudspoll - past tense of mud spill.

Skyler said...

The normally wise Freeman conjectured, "If the maid hasn't said anything for 14 years, or however long it is, she's probably ashamed."

Or she was being paid to keep shut, and she didn't want to lose her husband.

Freeman Hunt said...

Or she was being paid to keep shut, and she didn't want to lose her husband.

I thought she was already divorced.

The being paid to keep quiet, I can see, but that is still a very long time. She didn't tell a friend who later imagined media dollar signs? I don't know.

Known Unknown said...

I get Filene's Basement when I mouse over Mildred..

(that's not right.. I probably should ban myself)

There's nothing wrong with Filene's. I got $200 jeans for $25.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

Bet Arnold wishes it WAS a tumor.

I mean I've been with a woman or two that I wouldn't want anyone to know about, but I was drunk teenager, not a mega millionaire married movie star.

Steven said...

Is the boy on the escalator Arnold's? How did Arnold Schwarzenegger, of all people, let his kid get that chubby?