April 11, 2011

Why can't Gabby Giffords run for the Senate? "We’ve had congressmen in Arizona who didn’t even have a brain."

Says Mike McNulty, Giffords’s last campaign chairman.
An entity called “the office of Gabrielle Giffords” (as the steady flow of press releases referred to it) effectively became the representative for the Eighth District of Arizona....
... and it is engaging in some ghoulish political opportunism.
[A]lthough she was completely unaware of it, the wounded Gabby Giffords had become the most potent political force in the state....

While Giffords herself does not even know that she is considered a possible candidate, much less the Democratic frontrunner, her potential opponents are stymied....
What a crushing dysfunction!  Is there no capacity for shame?


Bayoneteer said...

Not in American politics.

Dose of Sanity said...


Anonymous said...

In politics, not generally, but for liberals, not one ounce of it.

traditionalguy said...

The magic Gabby with a healed head shot has a strong appeal in the age of Walt Disney Politics. Too bad JFK had no magic.

AllenS said...

Crack beat me too it.

Greg Hlatky said...

She's sort of like El Cid, propped up on a horse to defeat the infidels.

Wince said...

I suppose in Hollywood agent-speak, it's kind of like The Candidate "meets" Weekend at Bernies.

Lincolntf said...


Ignorance is Bliss said...

In politics a capacity for shame is considered a crushing dysfunction.

Paddy O said...

Anyone with a capacity for shame is criticized for lacking fire in their belly.

Henry said...

The politicians really crushed by this escapade are her potential Democratic primary opponents. A Republican doesn't need to worry about running against Giffords until the general election when all cards are on the table.

Anonymous said...

One starts by mowing down only bad people to get to one's objectives.

It ends by mowing down anyone and everyone.

Scott M said...

Well, whoever ends up running, let's hope the tone of the campaigns are nice, warm, soft, and cuddly.

Fred4Pres said...

It is shit like this that makes me think politics is beyond repair sometimes.

PaulV said...

I have a friend who was second all time scorer at VCU who suffered a stroke. After a few years he has recovered a lot, but damage to left side of head means he cannot talk. He made it to final four to support former Dane County hoop star Shaka Smart.

Known Unknown said...

So, he's pimping her by insulting her?

Alex said...

What I want to know is what the fuck happened to the "new civility"? It's like they forgot about that in 15 mins.

Methadras said...

Is there no capacity for shame?

Not from leftards there isn't.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


If they could stick pole up her ass and wave her around like a bloody flag, they would do it.

I wonder what Mr. Giffords has to say on this subject.

Lgbpop said...

Come on, you dreamers, you expected anything tasteful from the Paul Wellstone Memorial party?

Trust me, if those bottomfeeders could be convinced Jack Kennedy had the highest poll numbers in February 2012, they'd exhume his body and go for it.

Geoff Matthews said...

Just make sure she participates in debates and townhalls.

This may not be too different from Strom Thurmond's last run for senate (or last 2 runs).

Robert said...

@ Dust Bunny Queen:

By not saying anything thus far to squash murmurs of her potential Senate candidacy, he's complicit in the illusion that she is competent and able to do it.

One of her cerebral hemispheres suffered a devastatiing injury.

Eventually there will have to be a campaign photograph, a public appearance. Once the first credible alternative Dem candidate expresses reservations about running because of Giffords, the house of cards will come down. Dems have to put up a credible candidate and she's just not, sadly.

Although the GOP put up Keyes against Obama in '04, so maybe credible was an overstatement. They have to put forth a candidate the public can stand to look at without averting its eyes.

Scott M said...

They have to put forth a candidate the public can stand to look at without averting its eyes.

How many hemispheres has Trump had severely damaged? It's hard to tell with that thing on his head.

Unknown said...

Henry nails it; when the time comes to put up or shut up, the Demos may well find themselves hoist on the civility petard again.

According to The Blonde, Ms Giffords (she's Mrs Somebody-else) will have the usual cognitive and motor functions, but she will be unstable emotionally to the point she will need a constant companion.

Dustin said...

Mr Giffords seems like an impressive guy, so I'm not going to assume he's OK with this, so much as just not wanting to increase the spectacle.

But I've long wondered why they don't replace Ms Giffords with a representative.

As things are now, this district has no representation in the House.

In fact, the most reasonable replacement for her would be her husband. They seem to be approximately similar politically, and he's a legitimately impressive guy on his own.

Someone needs to tell the democrat ghouls to stop, but some were in full ghoul mode the day of the shooting.

Revenant said...

My understanding was that the candidate himself/herself needs to officially file for candidacy. Is this not correct?

Can you run somebody else for office without their informed consent? That seems odd.

Dustin said...

Maybe this was covered in her living will, Rev.

"In the event I am in a vegetative state, I wish to run for US Senate."

Not really funny, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Harry Reid would prefer all his caucus be "brain dead"

DaveW said...

M&M Giffords have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives. They both have lavish government benefits to the tune of 6, 8 no 10 times what any normal person in the U.S. makes in a given year. She'll be able to get treatment at the Mayo clinic while the rest of us sit and slowly die in a waiting room running a constant loop of the Obama channel.

Why "can't" she? Well, of course she could. The proper question is why should she.

KCFleming said...

In Minnesota, you can vote if you live in a nursing home and have dementia, or live in a group home because of retardation.

Which explains Jessie Ventura, Al Franken, and A Prairie Home Companion.

Hugo Chavez said...

By posting this, I do believe Professor Althouse has killed the Giffords candidacy.

There's a reason Tina Brown (sorry, Newsweek) buried that horrible quote from McNulty on page 5 of a 5 page story.

Now it's page 1.

mockmook said...

Mr. Giffords is absolutely to blame for much of this.

He insinuated that the Right was partially to blame for her shooting.

He should publicly tell everyone connected to her to quit being partisan hacks, to quit using her as a political football.

He should not have agreed to (nor attended) the Obama Rally for niceness (and Obama re-election) in "honor" of Gabby.

I can only conclude that he is a partisan hack himself; he is shamelessly using his wife as a prop.

rhhardin said...

Vegetables are supposed to be very healthy.

Scott M said...

Vegetables are supposed to be very healthy.

Only when eaten or crushed up and rubbed on.

Dustin said...

"He should not have agreed to (nor attended) the Obama Rally for niceness (and Obama re-election) in "honor" of Gabby.

I can only conclude that he is a partisan hack himself; he is shamelessly using his wife as a prop"

I think you are being ridiculous and unreasonable.

During that ugly rally, his wife had very recently been horribly shot. He was preparing for a mission into outer space.

He was angry, and made a relatively mild comment about conservative, and merely attended a rally honoring his wife.

And from that, this is proof he is shameless and a hack?

No, it's proof he's a human being who loves his wife and didn't run everything he said through a focus group.

Let's cut the guy a lot of slack. If it were my wife in that recovery bed, I'd probably be looking a lot worse than he does. He's a bona fide American hero for his service to our space program, too.

I do not agree with Ms. Giffords on politics, and I do hope Mr Giffords can help their district get their representation back by conceding the obvious fact her seat is vacant. I also hope he runs for office.

One critical lesson that I want violent assassins to realize is that martyring your political enemies is counterproductive. Even though I would not like Mr Giffords's votes, the lesson is worth it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I do not agree with Ms. Giffords on politics, and I do hope Mr Giffords can help their district get their representation back by conceding the obvious fact her seat is vacant. I also hope he runs for office

Why? Seriously. Why do you want him to run for office?

Other than the fact that he is married to a politician, does Mr. Giffords have some special qualifications or even a desire to be a politician.

Just being married doesn't make you qualified. (cough Hillary cough)

TMink said...

She should not run if she is not capable of doing the job. Popularlity is not enough. I thought we learned that in our last Presidential election.


Roman said...

I pray for her complete recovery. In reality, I hope for some reasonable level of function.

Anonymous said...

It's fucking unconscionable that the citizens of her district in Arizona have been left without Congressional representation because of some maudlin attachment people have to this vegetable.

Gabby Giffords should resign her seat ... but she cannot because her brain is not sufficiently there to even KNOW that she should resign her seat - or even aware she is a member of Congress.

These reports from her camp of interested parties are bullshit. She's a veggie.

Why has a special election not been called to fill her seat already?

What the fuck is going on in this country that you can't even get them out of office by fucking shooting them in the head?

Anonymous said...

Shame in politics? Surely you jest.

Doug Fletcher said...

On the marquee-style sign over the Phoenix Democratic party headquarters, they have posted "Go Gabby".

Maybe they mean well but I think something "pray for Gabby" would be more appropriate.

Phil 314 said...

A few thoughts from AZ:

-Yes this (2012 Senate race)was a big discussion point once Kyl announced he wouldn't run again
-If Giffords office is smart they would quickly and forcefully denounce McNulty's comments
-Is her incapacity issue any different than Tim Johnson's?
-brain function/cognitive ability is one thing; speech fluency is a whole 'nother thing. If Jim Brady had wanted to run for public office how would he have done?
-Its been seen as relatively "unseemly" to discuss in detail "other" democratic candidates for the Senate seat besides Giffords. I'm waiting for Napolitano to step down as DHS and announce. Also wonder if Phil Gordon, outgoing mayor of Phx will consider it.
-If Giffords were well she would be a formidable candidate. Folks see her district, think Tucson and immediately think Democrat. Her district covers the southeast Arizona/Mexican border. That's minuteman territory so reflexive liberals need not apply.
-On the Republican side I'm very enthusiastic about Jeff Flake running.

Indigo Red said...

While the French are banning head gear, they should ban the wearing of baseball caps by men when they aren't playing baseball.

Dustin said...

Other than the fact that he is married to a politician, does Mr. Giffords have some special qualifications or even a desire to be a politician."

Is it really that hard to understand?

I want to send a message that violence is not an effective way to end someone's political agenda. i want to send a message that it would backfire. Her husband is a very intelligent man who understands Gabby's agenda, and can be trusted to honor it.

As to 'qualified for office', are you kidding me? we're talking about congress. It's not a difficult job. An astronaut is easily capable of this.

We can't pretend this shooting didn't happen, or that the future elections relating to this office don't speak to the public's reaction to that. We can ignore it at our peril, as ghouls turn this brain damaged woman into a Senate candidate, or we can answer this issue like adults.

The most adult way to do so is to have someone carry on Gabby's political agenda, and why shouldn't that be her spouse?

But the best way to see this done is for Governor Brewer to have a press conference with Mr Giffords there, to announce her endorsement of his candidacy in a special election to finish Gabby's term. It's not like we can undo the real damage those bullets did to Arizona, but we can make sure no one believes that violence can cheat people out of their votes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I said: "Other than the fact that he is married to a politician, does Mr. Giffords have some special qualifications or even a desire to be a politician."

Is it really that hard to understand?

I want to send a message that violence is not an effective way to end someone's political agenda. i want to send a message that it would backfire. Her husband is a very intelligent man who understands Gabby's agenda, and can be trusted to honor it.

I'm sure he is a very intelligent man and probably does understand his wife's political ideology. I have no idea about the honoring of it. Having him run for her position doesn't send the message that you think it does.

But, YES. It is hard to understand the reasoning that because someone is married, they can or SHOULD step in and fill the shoes of the deceased or impaired partner. It makes no sense to me.

I was (retired now) a financial advisor and my husband and I have had many long discussions about finance, investing, economics etc. However, if I were to drop dead, I doubt that my customers would be thrilled to have him step into position of managing their fortunes JUST because we were married. It makes no sense.

However, if the people who voted for her want to elect her husband, assuming he even wants to run for office, it is their perogative.

It just seems strange to assume he would want to do that and that he should do that.

KCFleming said...

Since most of these folks vote strictly on party lines, why not just give the Democratic Party leader 2 votes?

Ain't like it matters who's appointed.
Does Gabby have a horse maybe?

Dustin said...


It just seems strange to assume he would want to do that and that he should do that."

Not at all. Sometimes, when a officeholder is unable to finish office, their spouse finishes their term. Hardly unprecedented.

Of course, he would have to want to honor his wife's agenda, and be willing to serve his country. Again, it's hardly a stretch to say he does.

"However, if I were to drop dead, I doubt that my customers would be thrilled to have him step into position of managing their fortunes JUST because we were married. It makes no sense."

No, that makes no sense. It especially doesn't make any sense as a comparison to my suggestion.

KCFleming said...

I think she might mean that the skill sets are unrelated to having been married, whether in politics or financial planning.

Hubert H. Humphrey's widow was not a good Senator.

Woodrow Wilson's wife was not a good President.

It's is an honorable wish that should not be honored.

Dustin said...

Let's just consider Gabby's qualifications. She was young and had an agenda people liked.

That's it.

Compared to the message electing her husband would send... which would include a nice point against violence in politics, while largely continuing the objectives of Gabby?

Yeah, this is a great idea. Politics has a personal element. We try to believe in these leaders to do things or share values, etc. It doesn't always work, sure, but it's not like we're electing most of these guys because they are technically knowledgeable.

Would I vote for Mr Giffords? No, probably not. I'm conservative. but Gabby's voters probably would love this choice.

KCFleming said...

It's a vote that also is given over to compassion, which is an emotion, and not a useful moral principle.

It's how Obama got elected.

You'll not dissuade schizoid madmen from the utility of violence by any mere election.

JorgXMcKie said...

"I want to send a message that violence is not an effective way to end someone's political agenda. i want to send a message that it would backfire."

To whom do you think this message is being sent? Are you still under the illusion that the shooter was some kind of conservative?

Perhaps the right message to send would be to the Democrats to not use tragedy as a campaign tool.

paul a'barge said...

they are called DEMONcrats.

That's all you need to say.

Phil 314 said...

Since most of these folks vote strictly on party lines, why not just give the Democratic Party leader 2 votes?

Gabby Giffords hasn't been a down the line democrat. ADA rating '09 95% (Grivalva and Pastor both 100%); rating '08 80%

Phil 314 said...

Giffords is the last "moderate" democrat from AZ in congress. Harry Mitchell and Ann Kirkpatrick both lost.

(And her predecessor, Jim Kolbe was a moderate Republican

Shanna said...

Sometimes, when a officeholder is unable to finish office, their spouse finishes their term. Hardly unprecedented.

Yes, but usually the officeholder is dead. Ms. Giffords is not. I think that makes the situation quite different.

I would think many husbands might want to retreat out of the public eye for a while and deal with his wife's rehab, his kids (I think they had kids?), etc...

I guess if he wanted to run that would be ok, but I can't imagine myself wanting to sign on to 6 years of politics after a tragedy like this happened in my family. Perhaps I'm a more private person.

Big Mike said...

You are asking whether Democrats have any capacity for shame?

That's a rhetorical question is it not, Professor?

David said...

Would a lawyer opine that she can effectively sign a will? Enter into a contract? Is she making her own medical decisions or is her husband doing so? Is she making any financial decisions, giving direction to her staff, etc?

Surely the answer to all these questions is no. It would be irresponsible to let her do any of these things in her current condition.

I hope she gets 100% well, runs for Senate and wins. But right now people around her are letting her be used as a marionette.

David said...

mockmook said...
"Mr. Giffords is absolutely to blame for much of this."

Well, perhaps he just feels he has enough on his plate. Or perhaps he does not give a fuck what the stupid politicians do. Or perhaps he is playing this so that he can run if she does not recover sufficiently.

So what? He has no responsibility to step in to correct the folly of others, and he has every right to take the political advantage he has been handed if he choses. It came at huge cost, and it's his decision.

For the moment, I seriously doubt that she has the capacity to resign from the House. Is he going to resign for her? Does his power of attorney--if he has one--permit that?

Some choices are just impossibly bad in every direction. That is where Ms. Giffords husband is right now on many questions. Give him a break.

Chip S. said...

Doesn't civility suggest that people should stop calling her "Gabby" until she's able to say more than a couple of words at a time?

Big Mike said...

FWIW, I do hope the Honorable Gabrielle Giffords makes a full recovery.

Oh, and for those of you who aren't aware, her husband's name is Mark Kelly. This is the 21st century; women don't have to take their husband's name anymore.

sarge said...

sarge here 62 posts afore someone gits the astronaughts name right...anyway sarge has seen dudes wiv through and through head shots talk in complete sentences on sevral occazions sarge even known em to continue to fire thar weapons

RuyDiaz said...

"She's sort of like El Cid, propped up on a horse to defeat the infidels."

Hey! I said hey!

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