April 16, 2011

What Meade fisheyed at the Tea Party/anti-Tea Party protest.

A man in a Reagan mask says "Tear down this WALLker," while a man in a Mad Hatter costume says "The Mad Hatter called/He wants his Tea Party back."


A man and woman in colonial costume. The sign says "The REAL Tea Party was about lack of representation & revolt against corporate greed," and the tea kettle has a label that reads "Walker's Kool-aid."


A man has a sign that reads "Imagine Taxing the Rich," and a woman with a blindfold that says "Fox" holds a sign (in her skeleton-gloved hands) that says "Blinded by the Right."


And here are 2 pro-Scott Walker guys:



Shouting Thomas said...

Palin for president.

On guts alone.

le Douanier said...

"Palin for president.

On guts alone."

Is that a serious comment? If so, the right really has downgraded what constitutes a harrowing experience.


Or, more accurately: Pitiful.

Shouting Thomas said...

First, pbAndj, you dumb fucking yokel...

Who said I represent the right?

And, you are a fucking race baiter.

My bet is that you are a cracker who has absolutely no contact with anything other than suburban whites.

You're a racist fuck. I'd be my house on it.

Alex said...

pbJ - no what is MORE pitiful is how you put more stock in these fascist "protestors" then in REAL salt-of-the-earth people like the Palins. You're entire moral universe is corrupt, putrid, petrified, inverted and perverted.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, pbAndj, I accuse you of being a lowlife racist fuck.

You played that game with the Tea Party, with nothing to support it.

Usually, when people pull that crap, it means that they are closet racists.

What's a racist fuck like you doing here?

le Douanier said...

"You're a racist fuck. I'd be my house on it."

Do you have a loan secured by your home?

If you can't pass this first test there's no reason to go any further down this road (e.g. finding out if I'd want a house in your neighborhood). You can't wager what you don't own.

Henry said...

I sure hope that guy doesn't teach history.

TosaGuy said...

I would carry a sign stating "Walker Supporters Vote Instead of Protest", but that would require me going to the capitol.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, pbAndJ, I own a nice house.

And you are a lowlife racist fuck.

I guarantee it.

Klan member?

Wouldn't surprise me.

Shouting Thomas said...

Palin showed me a lot today.

She stood out there in the rain, faced the thugs and gave them the middle finger.

I'd vote for her for president.

le Douanier said...

"Yes, pbAndJ, I own a nice house."

1) Are you stating that you own it w/o any liens of any sort?

2) In what state, city, and neighborhood is the house located? Square feet? Lot size? Beds/Baths?

Unknown said...

"The REAL Tea Party was about ... revolt against corporate greed"

It was?

And here I thought they just wanted to keep what they had earned.

Kind of like the Tea Partiers today.

PaulV said...

people like pbj who know no history are condemn to fail again.
Look up The Stanp Act and see what you missed in grade school.

Jamson64 said...

PB and J

Is it your mission to be a troll?

Did you ever comment on Walker's success with the state's budget or are you stuck on stupid? Seems you like stupid as you have a better grasp.

Anonymous said...

Trump for President!

...because Lefties and more independents will vote for him. Running Palin will just ensure the reelection of Obama; nobody who is sane wants that outcome.

Although running Palin will probably make Shouting Thomas feel good. He admires her guts, after all. Perhaps Shouting Thomas thinks that his personal feelings should take precedence over the well-being of our country?

Conserve Liberty said...

Actually the original Tea party WAS a protest against Corporate Greed and crony government - agains the monopolist British East India Company that owned the exclusive charter to distribute all tea in the British Colonies.

However, the dimwits who assail corporate greed today don't even realize how incestuous the banks like Citigroup, JP Morgan, GM (yes, it is a bank) and GE (yes, it is a bank) are and have been with the DEMOCRAT party.

WV: whint at - the protesters "whint at" Sarah today. Wah Wah Wah.

Shouting Thomas said...


What do you want to do?

Burn a cross on my front lawn?

--G. said...

>>Shouting Thomas said...

Palin for president.
On guts alone.<<

Lord knows, that's all she's got. Dim bulbs cast little light.

On the other hand, if you live in Waukesha County your vote for Palin may get counted twice. Or not at all.

Shouting Thomas said...

Although running Palin will probably make Shouting Thomas feel good. He admires her guts, after all. Perhaps Shouting Thomas thinks that his personal feelings should take precedence over the well-being of our country?

Palin is also the only candidate to say the obvious:

Drill, baby, drill!

So, she's way ahead of the candidates on the most important economic issue.

The woman has it all going.

Anonymous said...

Conserve Liberty said...

Somehow, I don't think the British controlling trade in a British colony was the issue-

But, if it works for you-

shiloh said...

Please, I beseech you, don't let PB&J (((easily))) dominate another thread at conservative Althouse lol.

solo estoy diciendo

Anonymous said...

The people who made some of those signs were assuming you'd be shooting with a macro lens instead of the fisheye.

PaulV said...

Even PB%&J is not as dumb as Shiloh

Known Unknown said...

Lord knows, that's all she's got. Dim bulbs cast little light.

Other than her ideological positions, which you no doubt oppose, please proceed to tell me exactly how she is a dim bulb.

Anonymous said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Palin is also the only candidate to say the obvious: Drill, baby, drill!

Oh, so it's not just that Palin has guts that makes her qualified to be President?

It's also that she uttered a three-word phrase some years ago!

I guess that settles it then...

Nevermind the fact that not enough people will vote for her. Everything she has done after helping to lose the 2008 election has turned off the Leftists and independents whose support is needed to... you know... win!

You can run a predictable loser and feel good, I guess. And then you can whine for four more years about how terrible Obama is. While that might be psychologically satisfying to you, it just grants more time for the Leftists to do more damage to the country and everyone in it.

shiloh said...

Let the record show PaulV mentioned both PB&J and myself ...

Shouting Thomas said...

You can run a predictable loser and feel good, I guess. And then you can whine for four more years about how terrible Obama is. While that might be psychologically satisfying to you, it just grants more time for the Leftists to do more damage to the country and everyone in it.

Thanks for the psychological profile. That's a cheap political trick, common to Woodstock.

I'll wait and see how Palin performs in the primaries. I'm old enough to remember when leftists (and conservatives) predicted that Ronald Reagan was absolutely unelectable because he was too polarizing.

Palin is such a lightning rod, and such an effective speaker, that I think a Palin presidency is inevitable.

But, the proof will be in the next 18 months. (1) Will she run? (2) Will she win the primaries? (3) If so, how will she perform as a candidate.

None of these things are known. Pretending that you know how these things will play out is bullshit.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ah, Tea Party racism.

(Not to say all Tea Partiers are racist.)

Michael K said...

I think Palin was the only reason McCain was as close as he was. Those who try to say she was a negative effect are trying to fool you by switching the shells around to hide the pea.

I'm not saying I will vote for her or even that she will run but, if she has used the last three years wisely, she might be an impressive candidate.

I think it is a given that the country will be in worse shape after another year of Obama.

--G. said...

>>E.M. Davis said...
Lord knows, that's all she's got. Dim bulbs cast little light.

Other than her ideological positions, which you no doubt oppose, please proceed to tell me exactly how she is a dim bulb.<<


Feel free to "refudiate" me if you like.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, I don't see much point in running another Republican for president who forgets that he's a conservative as soon as he gets to Washington.

We already went through that with Bush.

McCain was a disaster. The media assured us that he was an acceptable "moderate" Republican. What a joke!

We need somebody who will (1) cut Federal spending back to 2008 levels, (2) reduce taxes, (3) end the wars, (4) reduce the level of military spending, (5) shut down the racial and sexual quotas, (6) enforce immigration laws, and (7) repeal Obamacare.

Who in the Republican Party will do that?

Palin might. I'll wait and see how she performs.

Shouting Thomas said...

Feel free to "refudiate" me if you like.

Link to some knucklehead liberal site.

You're a pretty dim bulb yourself, G.

Refudiate that.

SukieTawdry said...

"The Mad Hatter called/He wants his Tea Party back."

Now that's funny. Best sign at the Sacramento Tea Party had a picture of Obama on it and asked "does this ass make my sign look bigger?"

shiloh said...

Link to some knucklehead liberal site.

You're a pretty dim bulb yourself, G.

Refudiate that.

Thanx for sharing, Althouse being an obvious knucklehead conservative blog notwithstanding.

Palladian said...

Speaking of racism, I asked this question to Pale Hairball (Alpha Liberal) in the previous thread: Does it make you cringe a little that your party line is now that politicians you hate are puppets of rich billionaires of Jewish ancestry? Are you guys gonna start printing a newsletter called the Völkischer Beobachter, in which you expose the strings of these Jewish puppeteers?

Shouting Thomas said...

Thanx for sharing, Althouse being an obvious knucklehead conservative blog notwithstanding.

Let the record show that the idiot, shiloh, just sucked my dick.

--G. said...

>>Shouting Thomas said...

Feel free to "refudiate" me if you like.

Link to some knucklehead liberal site.

You're a pretty dim bulb yourself, G.

Refudiate that.<<

Translation: You read things that support your preconceptions, and dismiss everything else.

I'm sorry your wet dream fantasy has trouble managing complex information. I'm sorry she's lightly educated. I'm sorry she caved under the pressure of a national campaign for Vice-President. I'm sorry the Republican hierarchy treats her like toxic waste.

Actually, I'm not sorry about that.

Keep posting, ol' Shouting Thomas. We need the laughs.

shiloh said...

obvious knucklehead conservative blog

with ST's latest childish inanity, the prosecution rests ...

Shouting Thomas said...

Let the record who that the idiot, shiloh, just sucked my cock again.

Anonymous said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Let the record show that the idiot, shiloh, just sucked my dick.

Did the aforementioned dick-sucking happen in a gay bathhouse?

le Douanier said...


Today's F1!!!

Watching these things live (including practices and qualifying) is harsh. At least China isn't as bad as Malaysia.

Although, going to the Canada race will kill an entire week. But, it's worth it.


I think that line would be more effective if we hadn't recently witnessed much more extremism from Beck re Soros.

Even Palin's blood libel blather may have somewhat weekend the impact of your point.

And, the fact that so many cons/TPers think BHO is a practicing Moooslim, does sort of make your guilt via some sort of Kevin Bacon scheme seem week.

Just sayin.

--G. said...

>>Shouting Thomas said...

Let the record who that the idiot, shiloh, just sucked my cock again.<<

The English language is still a mystery to you, I see.

Shouting Thomas said...

I continue to be amazed at the vitriol aimed at Palin.

She's dynamite. The effort and hysteria that cunts like G put into demeaning her is proof of her power.

You can see the searing hatred and jealousy that she invoked in morons like G. The question is, why?

She clearly makes you feel insignificant and useless, G.

Maybe you ought to look in the mirror to try to understand why.

You are an absolute zero in comparison to Palin. That's true. I suggest you try to do better, rather than trying to bring her down.

shiloh said...

AA, your knucklehead conservative blog has become a winger "echo chamber" lol but you already knew that ...

PaulV said...

shiloh said...
Let the record show PaulV mentioned both PB&J and myself ...

4/16/11 9:00 PM
Since that was already on the record, repeating it shows how stupid you are.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, Klan member pjAndB returns.

Still thinking of burning a cross on my front yard, racist?

Ex-Dissident said...

Wow, the people who dressed up as Indians and threw British tea into the harbor were in reality unhappy about what? Not belonging to some government union? Maybe they were fighting for a pension plan that would be paid for by the rest of the colonies? They just wanted to be more dependent on their government??? In those days these revisionistas would be put in crates and shipped back to England.

Anonymous said...

Shouting Thomas said...

She clearly makes you feel insignificant and useless, G.

Maybe you ought to look in the mirror to try to understand why.

Free Woodstock psychoanalyzing FTW!

Palladian said...

"I think that line would be more effective if we hadn't recently witnessed much more extremism from Beck re Soros."

Soros, by his own admission, helped the Nazis during WWII. Hell, he was basically a delivery boy for the Völkischer Beobachter, Hungary edition.

Unknown said...

G. said...
>>Shouting Thomas said...

Palin for president.
On guts alone.<<

Lord knows, that's all she's got. Dim bulbs cast little light.

She casts light enough to kick the Lefties' ass every crack out of the box.

Their little retorts always sound like whistling past the graveyard.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ah, Tea Party racism.

Yes, Charles Johnson is such a reliable source these days.

PaulV said...

The leftist nimrods think sleepy (Biden) is qualified. LOL!
Liar, plagarist and stupid enough not to know that VP is an Article I office.

AmPowerBlog said...

You gotta love that fisheye lens.

Palladian said...

"Yes, Charles Johnson is such a reliable source these days."

Hey, Charles Johnson knows all about racism- his site got famous trading in anti-Arab racism back in the day.

Palladian said...

"You gotta love that fisheye lens."

Do we?

Shouting Thomas said...

Free Woodstock psychoanalyzing FTW!

Yes, I've gotten a lot of practice at it from dealing with knucklehead leftist women in Woodstock.

Well, I've enjoyed myself boys.

You'll have to carry on by yourselves because I've got to learn a few new tunes.

The determination of nobody men to denigrate Sarah Palin is a study in something... I don't know what.

Impotence... Jealousy... Hatred. Probably all of the above.

shiloh said...

Let the record show PaulV has just been added to my AA Groupie list.

Congrats! :-P

Shouting Thomas having previously received this prestigious ditinction. :D

--G. said...

>>edutcher said...

She casts light enough to kick the Lefties' ass every crack out of the box.

Their little retorts always sound like whistling past the graveyard.<<

You'll need to explain the whistling-past-the-graveyard reference to Shouting Thomas. He's a little slow. Not unlike La Palin.

EnigmatiCore said...

Took less than 5 comments for this to devolve to a pile of shit.

And 2012's election is nowhere near.


chickelit said...

@shilho: Who appointed you referee and hall monitor around here?

Get over yourself.

shiloh said...

Took less than 5 comments for this to devolve to a pile of shit.

ashes to ashes, dust to dust, AA shit to AA shit ...

So it shall be written, so it shall be done.


chickelit, I'm just here to amuse myself ~ one of the few things conservative blogs are good for.

Otherwise, what's the point!

Palladian said...

"chickelit, I'm just here to amuse myself ~ one of the few things conservative blogs are good for."

Funny, normal guys amuse themselves with healthy things like porn and video games and chess. Maybe those things don't ... uh, work for you.

But it's good to hear that we have yet another self-identified troll! We need more of those!

Anonymous said...

Something about a women that can catch a fish, clean it, cook it-

Raise 5 children (4, if you read Little Green Turdballs),stay married to one man, become governor of a State, and resurrect Tina Fey's carreer-

And- be both happy and hot...

Drives libs nuts.

You betcha....

Meade said...

Palladian said...
"You gotta love that fisheye lens."

Do we?

Well, no, but some of our friends say you do.

Palladian said...

Meade, if I was into distortion, I'd read the New York Times!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

Palladian, click on my blog, if you dare!

Having previously stated Al Gore invented the internet for the (3) P's: Poker, Porn and Politics, in no particular order.

btw, (3) major poker sites were busted, no pun intended, by the Feds on Friday.

Let's shuffle up and deal!

And why are conservatives so obsessed w/sex at political blogs ~ rhetorical question.

carry on

Unknown said...

G. said...
>>edutcher said...

She casts light enough to kick the Lefties' ass every crack out of the box.

Their little retorts always sound like whistling past the graveyard.

You'll need to explain the whistling-past-the-graveyard reference to Shouting Thomas. He's a little slow. Not unlike La Palin.

I'd say G's being purposely obtuse, but that gives credit for too much intelligence.

shiloh said...

Took less than 5 comments for this to devolve to a pile of shit.

And all of them were his.

chickelit, I'm just here to amuse myself

In other words, hand exercise.

Meade said...

Now THAT is distortion.

Meade said...

Heh. Sorry, that was @ Palladian.

shiloh said...

hmm, the conversation has stopped in this thread as AA's lemmings are feverishly perusing my blog. ;)

Oh the humanity!

gk1 said...

These signs remind me of all the frightfully funny signs against Reagan and G.W that influenced absolutely no one and had no effect on real events. Zzzzzz. If a lefty sways an oversized puppet head in a forest does it make a sound?

BJM said...

The sign says "The REAL Tea Party was about lack of representation & revolt against corporate greed,"

Obviously the sign bearer isn't a history teacher.

BJM said...


No, what's pitiful is the Soros puppet in the WH who can't even string together a few coherent sentences.

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