April 5, 2011

Watching the election results.

Results reported here.

On the TV station we're watching, News 3, with 6% in, Prosser and Kloppenburg are tied at 50%.

UPDATE, 8:50: 51% Prosser, 49% Kloppenburg, with 9% reporting.

UPDATE, 8:55: According to the Milwaukee State Journal, with 11% reporting, it's 51% Prosser, 49% Kloppenburg.

UPDATE, 9:30: On TV, they seem to be pre-spinning a Kloppenburg loss, saying what an amazing thing it is that she has come close to beating an incumbent.

UPDATE, 9:36: 34% reporting, David Prosser 265,662 (50%), Joanne Kloppenburg 263,356 (50%).

UPDATE, 9:54: With 49% in, News 3 has Prosser at 51% and Kloppenburg at 49%.

UPDATE, 11:08: Paul Soglin has won the mayoral race. He's speaking now, looking extremely tired.

UPDATE, 11:14: Kloppenburg had gone up, but now they're back even at 50%.

UPDATE, 11:35: Concentrating on the AP numbers, looking at which counties still need to report, I'm irritated by the way Waukesha (strong for Prosser) and Dane (strong for Kloppenburg) seem to be holding out, like it's a game of chicken. Right now the candidates are 50-50%, with Prosser up 6,000+. It's been seesawing back and forth, with Kloppenburg up some of the time. To my eye, it looks as though there are more votes left to report in the places that are pro-Prosser, so I think in the end Prosser will squeak by.

UPDATE, 11:43: Dane (Madison's county) is nearly all in. I don't see how Kloppenburg can net more than about 3,000 with what's left of Dane. Waukesha is now shown as completely in, but the numbers didn't change, so I think something may have been misreported. I took the trouble to do a calculation and was going to predict that Prosser would net 40,000 more votes in Waukesha. What happened?

UPDATE, 11:55: There will be a recount, I assume. All those absentee ballots. The possibility of some fraud. It's nearly midnight here. Maybe we won't know the answer for days.


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I'm Full of Soup said...

I can't wait to see the long faces on the librul doofi on MSNBC's Morning Joe in about six hours.

sane_voter said...

The big question is are the outstanding precincts in Waukesha and Ozaukee empty, like the last 50 Dane precincts. If so, its a dead heat. If not Prosser wins.

KLDAVIS said...

Oh dear, Waukesha fully reported and still only a 2k lead for Prosser...

Dustin said...

What's so funny about this is that Prosser is going to strike down Walker's law.

Hey, he said he was independent, remember?

You have to admit, that would be pretty amusing if you ignore the politics of it.

Chuck66 said...

I have relatives in Eau Claire. Many many gov't employees there. The local teachers union is pretty radical. Such as telling the teachers not to work very much when they didn't get a big enough of a raise.

sane_voter said...

Waukesha is all in, those were empty precincts.

Drew said...

We know the left was motivated to vote, but what caused the Prosser voters to vote?

Reaction to the ridiculousness in Madison these last two months.

So the "news" here regardless of who wins, is that all this talk about people turning on Walker turns out to be so much media spin.

newton said...

"Sorry to the decent Wisconsinites among us, but your State is a fucking disgrace. An absolute affront to human dignity. How you idiots perennially elect such scumbags is beyond me."

Whoa! Calm it down! All is not necessarily lost here! Just wait a little...

I can tell you one thing, though: if Scott Walker goes on TV this week and washes his hands publicly lie Pontius Pilate, I will NOT blame him one bit.

LakeLevel said...

So now Dane knows how many votes to fabricate. Game over

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse is calling it..

To my eye, it looks as though there are more votes left to report in the places that are pro-Prosser, so I think in the end Prosser will squeak by.

Chennaul said...

This could help with 97%

There is this;

Ozaukee 40/48 precincts




Still eight more precincts left to count going at that rate for Prosser...

Beta Rube said...

According to AP, Waukesha is 100% in, and Milwaukee and Dane are not. Oh Boy!!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Someone put Garage on suicide watch.

Drew said...

Uh-oh. Lots to come in Eau Claire County. And that does not bode well for Prosser.

Kansas City said...

For those who were counting on Waukesha, they are now 100% reported and the numbers barely moved. Very odd.

By the way, are there absentee and military votes to be counted? Any have information on that?

Sloanasaurus said...

Prosser ahead by 2000 votes. Prosser should pick up another net 7000 in Waukesha.

The mystery is Milwaukee? Did Prosser actually get 44% there with 97% of the precincts, or are there 13 remaining precincts that went 90/10 for klop. If Prosser ends up with 44%, that's where the race was won.

But democrats always seem to find votes in missing boxes - they do it in Minnesota all the time.

themightypuck said...

For someone with no skin in the game this beats the UCONN-BUTLER game yesterday. At this point Klop needs to foul.

David said...

"FDL is conservative."

Depends on where in FDL.

Also several precincts still out in Sauk (Madison suburb.)

No way to predict anything but the inevitable recount.

James said...

A big chunk still to come from Marathon County.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are the party of vote fraud (which is why they're the party that opposes voter photo id requirements). If you let the Democrats know how many votes they have to manufacture in order to win, they'll "find" that many votes.

So it is utterly rational for Republicans to count as slow as possible, and not let the Demos in Dane county know how many votes they have to create in order to steal the election.

I just hope the Republicans are sending a lot of vote watchers to the uncounted precincts, to keep the Democrat vote fraud as low as possible.

Chennaul said...

Milwaukee still has 3 precincts unreported.

Dustin said...

Althouse's comment about the two counties playing chicken makes me wish counties would report their totals confidentially, and those totals would be announced all at the same time, and anyone leaking those totals before the announcement would be subject to a criminal penalty.

I wouldn't be surprised if a conservative county doesn't want to leave Dane county or King county in IL with the last word on the election, once they know how many votes are needed. Even though this could be paranoia, it would increase confidence in the system if they were reported at the same time.

Tom Spaulding said...

David Prosser (inc)

Joanne Kloppenburg


Sloanasaurus said...

For those who were counting on Waukesha, they are now 100% reported and the numbers barely moved. Very odd.

Yeah, if thats the case, then Prosser is in trouble because Dane and Milwaukee are still the same...

sane_voter said...

According to AP, 125/3630 precincts are still out. How many of these are empty and how many still have votes?

Drew said...

Racine, Ozaukee, Marathon . . . Prosser leads there, and these are not yet all in. (Dare I hope!)

Chuck66 said...

Was it National Review? had a story on the race. The unions want Kloppy to win in order to over turn one law. But she would be in there for TEN years. Imagine that.

Most of my school teacher relatives are in their 40s, and can retire in their mid 50s. They will be all retired before the next election for Klooper.

N J Forde said...

What about Marathon County???

32 precincts yet?

Lincolntf said...


Did I say that out loud?

Kansas City said...

Just on round numbers looking at the Journal count, Prosser is up by 1900 votes with about 40,000 left to count. Uh oh.

Klopp only needs to win those 40,000 by about 53/47 to win.

Absentee? Military?

Sloanasaurus said...

The final numbers only show a 58% turn out for waukesha compared to 2010. That's terrible relative to Dane or Milwaukee.

Anonymous said...

and...Klop takes the lead by 1K

Joshua said...

That's odd. The Waukesha totals didn't change, but now they're reporting all precincts in, so there's not as much Prosser-friendly territory left as we had thought.

James said...

Wausau could decide this election...

Beta Rube said...

Prosser is up 4k again.

newton said...

The trash can is going to show up...

Tom Spaulding said...

David Prosser (inc)

Joanne Kloppenburg


Lgbpop said...

I smell a recount. Looks like a 2/10% win for Prosser unless someone's still manufacturing votes somewhere. I'm just amazed the Dems got as many votes as they did, with this candidate.

N J Forde said...

TMJ4 has Prosser up by 4700

Sloanasaurus said...


James said...

Prosser now up by 4,600 votes...

The rule of Lemnity said...

thats weird the totals change while the precint numbers sstayed the same..

706,381 50%
707,961 50%

KLDAVIS said...

Klopp's lead was short-lived, Prosser back in front by 4,700 w/ 97% in.

themightypuck said...

This looks like it is in the hands of the lawyers now.

Sloanasaurus said...

Dems always win recounts (at least in Minnesota).

The rule of Lemnity said...

ok thats more better ;)

721,048 50% P
716,323 50% K

Tom Spaulding said...

David Prosser (inc)

Joanne Kloppenburg


I'm Full of Soup said...

"This looks like it is in the hands of the lawyers now."

Perhaps it was part of Obama's brilliant stimulus plan? :)

Good night all!

James said...

LOL...Prosser's lead now down to 2,500.

KLDAVIS said...

Only 1 Dane precinct left...12 still in MKE?!

Anonymous said...

2 precincts left for Dane county.

Does Marathon County have enough left to get Prosser the win?

Chennaul said...

Ozaukee just came in and Posser's lead jumped but now the AP shows that

Milwaukee has 12 unreported precincts not 3.

I don't know if I misread that or if they changes it.

F said...

As of now, Prosser ahead by about 1500 votes, but a quick scan of precincts still out looks to me as if they favor Kloppenburg. Ouch.

Chuck66 said...

Here was the issue in Minnesota (Norm Coleman vs Crazy Al Franken):

Republican Counties....followed the law to the letter. So dismissed absentee ballots and other votes who did not follow the law to the letter.

Democrat Counties (think Minneapolis) believe that anyone who wants to vote should, so allowed most anything.

Then with a recount, the default position on a vote is what the county judges originaly said. Al Franken wins.

Kansas City said...

Anyone know about Marathon. It looks like it has more precincts out than anywhere else (32) and Prosser leads 54/46 so far.

But what about absentee and military votes? Anyone have any idea as to how many need to be counted?

Drew said...

Milwaukee, Marathon, Eau Claire, and Dunn.

Chennaul said...


Ya! Did you see that?

One minute they showed three precincts not reporting now 12...

David said...

12 precincts left in Milwaukee, 1 in Dane, Prosser up by about 2300 votes. Oh mystery!

Lgbpop said...

Hmm, shovel-ready jobs: Digging up more voters in the cemeteries? Obummer to the rescue!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hang on Prosser.. just hang on dude.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Marathon county population is 125,000 if that helps. Figure 75% are of voting age.

Drew said...

Dunn and Eau Claire both have UW campuses, which is why they're going to Klopper. Wausau may be our last, best hope. I can't believe I'm saying such a thing about Wausau of all places.

Titus said...

It would be great if either of these Supreme Court whores went against what their voters expected them to do.

I'm ready to jack off.

Tom Spaulding said...

David Prosser (inc)

Joanne Kloppenburg


David said...

"But what about absentee and military votes? Anyone have any idea as to how many need to be counted?"

They all need to be counted.

But when? Are they opened on election night?

My guess is that these votes will run for Klop (union and dem party help.)

Lincolntf said...

I'm dying here. Can't go to bed without knowing, and can't keep watching without going nuts.

Dewave said...

Oh well. Prosser looks like he will have a slight edge, but it's well within the Democrat strategy of 'recount your way to victory'.

themightypuck said...

This is why elections aren't as good as sporting events. You get a winner after a sporting event.

newton said...

"Democrat Counties (think Minneapolis) believe that anyone who wants to vote should, so allowed most anything."

A Democrat Congresscritter infamously said last year, "We make the rules as we go along." This confirms it.

Dems have never cared about the law. The law is for suckers, they think. The only law they care about is that of the jung... ahem, the "rain forest"...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Why is this shit so slow all of a sudden?

Titus said...

Did I mention Massachusetts now has a big old married Whale Watching lesbian as a supreme court judge?

Top that Wisconsin.

Kansas City said...

98 precincts left - 32 in Marathon where Prosser up 54/46. Prosser up by 1,800 votes. Does that mean things look good?

The problem is that other counties have gone to 100% without any material change in vote counts. I suppose it could happen in Marathon.

Eue Clair has 21 precincts out and is 60/40 Klopp.

Chennaul said...

Here is a direct link to Milwaukee County election results.

I can't get the document to open.



Chuck66 said...

Absentee is where the fraud is. Example....in 2004 Democrats went through the nursing homes in Eau Claire and instructed the residents to vote for John Kerry (heard this from a daughter and son-in-law of a nursing home resident....I have no reasaon to doubt them). It's unlikely military personel voted absentee for an April election, but the unionistas will work the absentee angle any way they can.

The rule of Lemnity said...

They are trying to figure out how many votes Klopper needs.. no doubt about it.

Titus said...

It's all about Wausau and Eau Claire!

They are hand counting votes. That Klossenberg hag is doing well in both counties.

The rule of Lemnity said...

the count is waitng for the trunks to show.

Chennaul said...

Kansas City

My suspicion is the precincts still out in Milwaukee County are going to be larger.

Precincts are not uniform and I would think in a high population density area the precincts contain more votes.

Lincolntf said...

Whale watches are well worth the minor expense and discomfort required for the journey.

Titus, at least half of the public servants in MA are dykes, so nobody really notices (or cares) anymore.

Anonymous said...

Saw a comment elsewhere that Eau Claire is slow to come out because they ran out of ballots. WTF?

They're coming in 60/40 for Klopp.
With 1 Dane and 12 Milwaukee to report it's not lookin too good.

Chuck66 said...

"Did I mention Massachusetts now has a big old married Whale Watching lesbian as a supreme court judge?"

Well, we have Katheleen Vinehout in Western Wisconsin.

newton said...

The ghost of "Landslide" Lyndon Johnson is ready to have fun in WI...

(I've actually lived not far from Alice, TX, where that infamous ballot box was found.)

newton said...

"Saw a comment elsewhere that Eau Claire is slow to come out because they ran out of ballots. WTF?"

That never happens in an off-year election, in the middle of Spring...

Again, the ghost of "Landslide" Lyndon Johnson is having fun tonight.

Drew said...

Saw a comment elsewhere that Eau Claire is slow to come out because they ran out of ballots. WTF?

'Tis true.

Why am I not drinking?

wv: "ablob." I kid you not.

Titus said...

Lincoln, really how can't you notice a lesbian?

They are so lesbian and butch. They scare me.

Even the fucking dog patrol people in Mass. are dykes and they are fucking mean.

James said...

Prosser still holding on to a very narrow lead:

David Prosser (inc)

724,859 50%

Joanne Kloppenburg

723,175 50%

Anonymous said...

If The Klopper wins, Walker should have the legislature pass the bill again. The thrill of victory will leave the lefties less energetic and the urgency to shut things down will be gone. Get rid of all the possible procedural questions and move on.

BTW - since the law is currently being held up, will Walker put out layoff notices again?

sane_voter said...

With Eau Claire is hand counting ballots and that there are 8k absentee left in Mulwaukee. Won't be over till morning if then. Going to sleep . . . blessed sleep.

section9 said...

Well, kids. Time for the Prosser Campaign to pack it in.


According to twitter, 8,000 ballots need to be handcounted in Madison.

Yup. No fraud there.

Sloanasaurus said...

It looks pretty grim for Prosser at this point. You need to beat democrats by at least 5000 votes in elections like this to overcome the fraudulent recount.

Chennaul said...

Has anyone went to the link I left up thread that supposedly links to Milwaukee County's results?

The document won't open for me.

About the least transparent site for reporting by a county that I've ever seen.

James said...

If The Klopper wins, Walker should have the legislature pass the bill again. The thrill of victory will leave the lefties less energetic and the urgency to shut things down will be gone. Get rid of all the possible procedural questions and move on.

BTW - since the law is currently being held up, will Walker put out layoff notices again?

The bond refinancing bill that was voted on today will solve the hole in this year's budget.

I heard that Walker's fall back plan is to roll up the union bill into next year's budget. That would make it almost impossible for a court to intervene since the state constitution requires a balanced budget each year.

Whippet said...

I'm with you on Waukesha. Weren't the totals for the county the same prior to the 60+ prevents reporting? No change at the county level and barely any movement in the total votes. Something is off here...

Lincolntf said...

They scare you? They generally just serve me lunch.
Different worlds, I guess.

newton said...

"BTW - since the law is currently being held up, will Walker put out layoff notices again?"

Who knows, but maybe he should have that sword hanging all over their heads. For sheer spite.

wv:"amenity" - Kid you not.

Whippet said...

Precincts.....damn auto correct...

Chennaul said...

Milwaukee County is formatting their results report in xls.

I can't open it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Let me guess..

One of the counties had a confusing ballot and people that wanted to vote for Klopp ended up voting for Buchanan.

Titus said...

Wisconsin is really a purple state. Not Red or Blue...just purple.

I hate the color purple.

Lincolntf said...

A hanging Shad?

Hal Duston said...

Marathon 32 precincts out
Eau Claire 21 precincts out
Milwaukee 12 precincts out

themightypuck said...

As an aside, does everyone think the WISC is politicized to the point where this election matters with respect to the Walker law? I see this as more of an issue of someone getting caught in a very unlucky situation and made a proxy for things he really ought not be a proxy for.

Titus said...

Lincoln you are funny.

They can be a little threatening though with all their tats and clit piercing and cats.

Almost Ali said...

Tell me, how does a repulsive person like Kloppenburg get 723,000(!!!) votes? Is there something about Wisconsin the rest of us don't know?

Drew said...

Now I'm drinking. It slipped my mind that I'm actually not a drinker.

Titus said...

When I look at Kloppenwhatever all I think of is what she does when she is presented with a male's dick. It makes me a little sick to my stomach.

Chennaul said...

Sofa King was saying even if Prosser loses he stays on the court after the election for almost a year.

Of course they'll do the recusal angle.

wdnelson93 said...

that's what my husband said. They can easily "find" 2,000 votes.

sane_voter said...

Titus, vagina dentata. On second thought, don't think about it.

Chennaul said...


Try to get this info..


Can you get the docs to open?

I think they might show different precinct numbers reported than the AP.

Anonymous said...

Aparently WI has a bunch of "empty precincts", and are on the books, but have no voters in them at all. I have no idea why those precints don't get reported first, but that's what's happening when you see the number of precints reported going up with no vote change.

Anonymous said...

Puck: "I see this as more of an issue of someone getting caught in a very unlucky situation and made a proxy for things he really ought not be a proxy for"

I look at it in the opposite light - Kloppenberg LUCKILY (for her) got caught up in the situation with the unions rallying and was made their proxy to change the law. Prosser is going to do whatever he was going to do. Klopp was not exactly subtle when she said that she would be a balance to keep the other branches of government in check. My vote for Prosser was mostly a vote against her.

Harry Phartz said...

I think Prosser serves until August 1st, if he loses.

Drew said...

That Milw. Co link only had primary results from February. Unless there's a different link.

sane_voter said...

Mad, the only info there is from the Feb. primary.

Sprezzatura said...

"I'm with you on Waukesha. Weren't the totals for the county the same prior to the 60+ prevents reporting? No change at the county level and barely any movement in the total votes. Something is off here..."

But, Althouse should have expanded her math exercise. When that county was showing so many precincts to go, they had fifty thousand fewer votes than Dane when Dane was almost fully reported.

That didn't make sense. If Waukesha truly had so many precincts yet to be counted, they would have ended up w/ many more votes than Dane, even though they have a lot fewer voters than Dane. Differences in voter enthusiasm/turnout couldn't explain such a huge discrepancy.

The math all made sense when the Waukesha precinct data was fixed, w/o a change to the vote count from that county.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the logic, PB&J

Klop will win by a razor thin margin.

Sprezzatura said...

"a male's dick"

Is there a non-male kind?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Total 3533/3630
724,859 50% P
723,175 50% K

the count is dead in the water..

charge the batteries.. just in case it makes a move in the wrong direction ;)

N J Forde said...

**Breaking** SEIU reports that voters on the 1880 census role are breaking heavily for Kloppenburg.

Sloanasaurus said...

It looks like Prosser did better than Walker in Waukesha, but turn-out was bad relative to some of the other counties such as Dane or even Milwaukee.

Anyway, this election does not seem to be a good sign for the Democrats and their recall efforts. They have a shot with Kapanke in La Crosse as they did a good job turning out their voters there. But the rest will be uphill battles.

Lincolntf said...

It's 1:35 in the morning and I have to finally succumb to the Sandman. Here's hoping the AM brings good news.

Anonymous said...

Next time, i'll take the wife's advice...find out who won in the morning and get a good night sleep.

Night Johnboy...

Whippet said...

so there were 60+ precincts that weren't in and none of them had any votes? Or the votes were reported earlier without the precincts? I'm lost.....

The rule of Lemnity said...

Can you get the docs to open?

Sorry, I don't have XL.

Sloanasaurus said...

Maybe the count in Eau Claire was delayed because the students there have to vote in their home towns and then quickly drive back to Eau Clair to vote again.

Harry Phartz said...

726,750 P
724,651 K

Drew said...

'Night Elizabeth, Mary Ellen.

The rule of Lemnity said...

726,750 50% P
724,651 50% K

Prosser up by 2k

Chennaul said...



Yikes! I'm tired I should have noticed that.

Sorry. Man that's embarrassing.

newton said...

"**Breaking** SEIU reports that voters on the 1880 census role are breaking heavily for Kloppenburg."

Bring Out Yer Dead!


Chennaul said...

I just remembered I could have been watching for Trooper on What Not to Wear.


Chennaul said...


Yep, sorry my bad.


newton said...

I better go to bed. WI isn't even my state!

Hey, SEIU: Don't Mess With Texas!

Sprezzatura said...

"Or the votes were reported earlier without the precincts?"

The votes had to be in the count, otherwise the count wouldn't have been as high as it was. I'm not sure why the AP didn't properly record the associated precincts.

Dustin said...

The unions went *all out* in a relatively minor election (from a political point of view) with low turnout in the red parts of the state. They went all out against a Supreme Court candidate who called a colleague "bitch".

And this is after a nonstop campaign to undo the results of the last election they claimed was an anomaly of low voter interest.

Apparently, even with all that, the unions are too weak to deliver a decisive victory. they may not even win at all. I think this is a great sign for Wisconsin's future. Walker has a green light to double down.

Whippet said...

So when 130 of 168 precincts were reporting and Prosser's county # was at 81,555 or so, and then 68 precincts report and the number is still at 81,555 that's accurate?

The rule of Lemnity said...

speaking of re-counts.. its this a comment record?.. if its not its got to be close.

Sloanasaurus said...

What is supicious about the Waukesha vote is that the turn out as it is shown in the AP total is so much lower relative to 2010 than the other counties. Prosser equaled Walker's share of the vote - 72% -, but turnout was only 58% of the 2010 vote total. Compare this to other republican dominated areas - Washington 66%, Sheyboygan 66%, Racine 69%, Outagmie 67%. Madison was over 80% If turnout in Waukesha was 65%, that would equate to about 2000 more votes for Prosser.

Maybe they will find more votes?

Drew said...

Marathon County is in. That was the last of the Prosser counties I think. So I'm guessing that means Prosser loses.

David said...

"Apparently, even with all that, the unions are too weak to deliver a decisive victory. they may not even win at all. I think this is a great sign for Wisconsin's future. Walker has a green light to double down."

Another view: An unknown unqualified Democrat won (or nearly won) a statewide election against an incumbent identified (rightly or wrongly) with Walker.

David said...

Eau Claire and Marathon still out and have a strong union presence. Hang on.

Final margin: + or - 1000 votes?

sunsong said...

Just checking in and it's awfully close! Prosser by about 2,000. I think Althouse is right - there will be a recount and we won't know for days.

It would sure be nice if the first count went to Prosser. So much better for Wisconsin to have a judge for the next 10 years that is semi fair and open-minded.

Chuck66 said...

David, if this would have come out of no where (Kloppy winning or almost winning), then I would agree with you.

But Big Labor, both in Wisc and very much out of state, did everything they could to deliver this vote. The Center-Right is not very motivated right now. The other side spent MILLIONS on this.

They could have run SpongeBob Squarepants (as a Democrat judge) and did just as well.

Sloanasaurus said...

Also, there was pretty high turnout in Washington County - 69%of the 2010 vote total but yet a substantially lower turnout in Waukesha County just south of it. In fact all the neighboring counties had about the same turnout 66-69% retlative to 2010 except for Waukesha.

Also, it appears that Prosser did better in Washington, Waukesha, and ozaukee than Walker did in 2010.

Sprezzatura said...


You should find out why the AP was publishing votes w/o also publishing the precincts where those votes came from.

Not that this is necessarily (or likely) the fault of the AP. Maybe some election officials were holding off before definitively stating that each precinct's results were in, even though they had counted what they believed to be all the votes. I'm sure there are all sorts of procedural/bureaucratic/county-policy explanations.

David said...

Drew said...
Marathon County is in. That was the last of the Prosser counties I think. So I'm guessing that means Prosser loses.

Just the opposite. Prosser held his margin with Marathon in. Now Eau Claire and the mystery precincts in Dane and Milwaukee. Are there really more votes to be counted in those two?

For the first time I'm thinking P. may come out ahead.

Absentee ballots?

Chuck66 said...

Have to get up in 6 hours. Will check in during the morning.

David said...

It's interesting that no MSM outlet seems to have any info on this. Hello?

Drew said...

Wow. Menomonie County isn't as lopsided as usual this time. Klopper only won 63%/37%. To what do we attribute this huge rightward shift?

Palladian said...

Watching this through a haze of blessed gin is highly stimulating.

Drew said...

Now Eau Claire and the mystery precincts in Dane and Milwaukee. Are there really more votes to be counted in those two?

In Milwaukee they're counting 8000 absentee ballots. (At least according to a union guy I know.) He figures they'll be mostly Klopper votes because there was a big union absentee ballot push. This is second-hand info, so don't take that to the bank.

Chennaul said...

Well I'm off to bed, but this is interesting-


Look through the first couple of links for other Milwaukee seats the precincts have 1005 reported.

Drew said...

All I had in the house was some leftover rum. I added it to my coffee. That's nasty.

Drew said...

Huh. You're right. According to that link, all in in Milwaukee. So . . . ??? Now what?

Drew said...

Eau Claire's in. Prosser still ahead by 500!

Chennaul said...

Cripes I messed up the html


Milwaukee NBC


Just the first example:

Milwaukee County Executive REPORTING 100%

Chris Abele


Jeff Stone


The rule of Lemnity said...

733,074 50% P
732,489 50% K

sunsong said...

big government calls it for Prosser

I am sober and tired. It's Tuesday night...

BeanFarmJohn said...

After some number crunching, I predict that Klopp will win by approx 600 plus votes using the AP data already reported and projecting from that. Absentee voters etc., not included.

Drew said...

It still looks to me like the remaining precincts are in Klopper areas, so I'm guessing Klopper wins. I'm going to bed. Looks like I'm the last one awake anyway.

Turn out the light!

Sloanasaurus said...

If the math holds up statistically with what has been reported there are a bout 5650 votes left in Milwaukee and 750 votes left in Dane County.

I don't know where those precincts are, but prosser currently leads by 1878 votes. Klop would have to win all those precincts 67-33 to gain the 1878 votes. Which is certainly easily done if the precincts are in the right areas. however, if the precincts come in around average, Klop would only get about 1000 votes - not enough.

Of course there are always funky things that happen at the end of cote counts....

Chennaul said...



Look at this-

It's 100% all in too:

Milwaukee County Judge Br. 18


Pedro Colon (inc)


Christopher Lipscomb



I don't know what the explanation is..

Chennaul said...

Good night guys.

David said...

It's down to you and me Lem and pretty soon just you cause I'm tired.

575 votes with precincts out in Sauk, Dane and Milwaukee (supposedly.) The Klop still may come out on top.

Chuck66 said...

I am hanging out for about 10 more minutes. Just opened up a new beer.

I may be late for work tomorrow.

Sloanasaurus said...

yikes, I guess my math doesnt hold up after eau claire came in.

Almost Ali said...

is this a comment record?

I think this (627). is the record thread.

Sloanasaurus said...

Your right, the Milwaukee County Executive race shows about 2500 more votes that the Prosser-Klop race. How can that be?

David said...

Note on absentee ballots:

In Wisconsin, absentee ballots are counted on election day by the same poll people that count the "on the day" votes. Thus all results should (repeat should) include absentee ballots.

David said...

"the Milwaukee County Executive race shows about 2500 more votes that the Prosser-Klop race. How can that be?"

People voted in the county exec race but not Supreme Court. Happens all the time.

Dustin said...

Obama won Wisconsin by 14 points.

I doubt he'll win it in 2012 if the GOP nominates an experienced executive.

We'll have to wait and see, but Wisconsin appears to be the front line of America waking up. A whole lot of democrats thought this was going to be a union delivered bloodbath to rebuke the Tea Party, but this is the best the unions can deliver.

Those Republicans across the state will reflect on these margins and double down against public unions, as Madison democrats do the same. The specs of blue will grow brighter, but smaller.

Chuck66 said...

David, if that is correct about absentees, that is HUGE. My guess is the Kloppy won the absentee vote...say 5 to 1. The Democrats really pushed absentee ballots. They are very well organized.

If absentees are already counted, then the race is still doable for Prosser. I worked in the polls during college and we counted absentee ballots that night (but usually only had 3 or 4 in dormland).

Sloanasaurus said...

Dane County is reporting that all votes are in with the same numbers on the AP County Breakdown, so that missing precinct must be wrong.

A Milwaukee TV station also reported that all absentee ballots have been counted and are included already in the totals.


Sloanasaurus said...

Its possible, that like Dane, all the Milwaukee Precincts have been reported, and that the AP numbers showing 12 still out is just wrong. Has anyone heard otherwise?

Sloanasaurus said...

Looks like Soglin won the Mayor race in Madison. What a joke.

Almost Ali said...

TMJ4: 1:30am (CDT): 99% REPORTING:

David Prosser 733,074 votes (50%)

Joanne Kloppenburg 732,489 (50%)

The above makes no sense, a virtual dead heat. How is this possible when the voting population breaks 60+% right of center? How do we always seem to wind up with more liberals than common sense and basic arithmetic can account for?

Well, we can't - which means the Dems are cheating, big time.

Bill said...

These comments are absolutely hilarious to read! Love all the wacky, absurd conspiracy theories. But seriously, I'm still wondering who shot JFK--was it the communists, the aliens, or the Republicans? I know you guys know, so you might as well tell me.


Chuck66 said...

Sloan, Madison elected a lunitic leftist wacko for mayor. His hero is Fidel Castro.

Almost Ali.....the left is very well organized. I bet if you look at absentee ballots, they went 5 to 1 for Kloperberg.

I know of few center-right types who are obsessed with judicial elections.

Almost Ali said...

But seriously, I'm still wondering who shot JFK

What's the password?

Almost Ali said...

I bet if you look at absentee ballots, they went 5 to 1 for Kloperberg.

Well, in Florida Democrats get only two absentee ballots each. Allowing 5 in in Wisconsin seems a little extreme. Of course, Florida is a right to work state, which may account for the discrepancy.

David said...

Chuck66 said...
David, if that is correct about absentees, that is HUGE.

You doubt me? Ha!

It's correct. Under the law, all absentee ballots are to be counted on election day.

I just took a quick read through the recount procedures. There will be one, it's gonna take quite a bit of time, and it's appealable to the courts.

The recount procedures seem to be clear and well defined, however.

One interesting one is that if, in a precinct, there are more votes than voters who showed up at the polls, there are procedures for a random cancellation of ballots until the number of votes equals the number of voters. That means there is a remedy for a stuffed ballot box in a district leaning in one direction heavily. No real remedy for fraudulent voters, since the ID requirements are so lax.

David said...

Ren: A communist shot JFK. The shooter's name was Lee Oswald.

It that wacky enough for you?

Sloanasaurus said...

If Milwaukee is all in, Klop is likely to pick up another 350 votes from Sauk County and another 350 from Ashland. That would put her over the top by a hundred votes.

I think there is still a discrepency in Waukesha worth 1000-2000 votes for Prosser. So things can still change a lot regarding the race.

Looks like a recount. Anything under 7000 votes will trigger a recount. If the recount results in just a few hundred votes, there will no doubt be a law suit. Will Prosser recuse himself?

A recount is not a moral victory for the unions. Far from it. We have to assume that every government Union person voted in this election for Klop and they could still only muster 730,000 votes.

rhhardin said...

When the Supreme Court votes on the recount, the entire court will have to recuse itself lest personal likes and dislikes appear to play a part.

KCFleming said...

Prosser leads by less than 1000 votes, so by Democrat math, he loses.

Kloppenburg needs only 3 Franken units to win. They have nothing to fear.

1 FU = 500 votes

Michael said...

Pogo is right, of course. The perceived conservative must win by many more votes than 1000. Recount. Protest. Recount. You realize that the Koch brothers own shares in a company that makes one of the parts that going into the legs of a voting machine table don't you?

Pastafarian said...

"Maybe we won't know the answer for days."

I haven't seen the Republicans win a close election in years, while the Democrats have won at least a dozen.

Congratulations, Democrats, it's within the margin-of-cheat. You've won.

DADvocate said...

The possibility of some fraud.

Can't be. Professor Mayer said the idea of fraud in this election is preposterous.

Anonymous said...


Too f'in funny.

You should copyright that!

Anonymous said...

BTW, i've never seen this many comments on a single thread B4 (only about 2 years visiting the blog)...is this some kind of record.

Hilarious/scary that a "non-political" SC race would be this intense.

wv: trolo

section9 said...

All we need to know is how the Zombie vote broke for the Dems.

Looks like the Klop will be able to take it by the Margin of Steal.

Big Mike said...

Most of the wards that haven't reported this morning are in Milwaukee and Dane counties. Expect Kloppenweenie to take it based on the fact that 1000 stolen votes are trivial for experienced Democrat politicians.

David said...

Depends on whether there actually are still precincts unreported, or whether there's a reporting glitch. It will have to get sorted out in the recount.

Patrick said...

AP just changed its tally fro the first time since I checked this a.m. Prosser lead up to ~800.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The vote count looks cheatable.. wadayouknow.. its breaking Kloops way.

736,878 50% P
736,043 50% K

Roger J. said...

Wisconsin voters deserve what they get--except for good brats not much else going for them

The rule of Lemnity said...

Still not finished..

Taylor 29/30

Sauk 31/39

Juneau 28/29

Jefferson 40/41

Dunn 38/40

Dane 247/248

Crawford 25/27

Ashland 22/28

Leland said...

I don't doubt, like others; that the margin is within correction by political machines. But I have another question:

Would barely squeaking out a win via a recount be a mandate? Kloppenburg supporters seemed to push her for a chance to overturn a Legislative and Executive decision based on a technicality of a Legislative rule. It's pretty bad idea for a Judge, as our host Professor has pointed out. But let's assume for a second that she was winning a spot in the legislature; would such a narrow win suggest the people wanted her to change the rules?

The rule of Lemnity said...

The cheat margin is too small for Prosser to overcome.

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