April 29, 2011

“These Brats Bust Unions!”

The anti-Scott Walker sticker campaign.
“You don’t have to be in Madison or NYC to participate!!... You can be anywhere where there are stores. Here’s the deal: the struggle in Wisconsin is not over. It has just changed course. One of the current tactics is a boycott of the companies that donated to the Scott Walker campaign last year. No matter where we live, we can support Wisconsinites, spread the word about the boycott, and let these companies know that we are taking action against them.”
So... vandalism is the tactic. Another "peaceful" protest. If you don't like this political attack on grocery stores, buy the products the protesters have targeted. Johnsonville Brats. You know you need toilet paper: Get Angel Soft toilet paper for your angel-soft ass.  Sargento Cheese and Coors beer — the menu suggests itself.

Meanwhile, there's this "Post-It Campaign" that Instapundit is pushing, which I never thought was cute. (Meade can verify that when I heard about it, I called it "littering" and expressed contempt for it.) "Ten Rules for Liberty Guerrillas." Ugh.

How about some respect for the work of people who run small businesses? Hang your scrappy signs on your own damned property.

Man, I have seen too many signs this year!

(Date of photo: February 25, 2011.)


le Douanier said...

"(Meade can verify that when I heard about it, I called it "littering" and expressed contempt for it.) "

Where is the video proof?

MadisonMan said...

No link to the Five Man Electrical Band?

And the sign says, you gotta have a membership card to get inside

(I think of that line everytime I go to CostCo).

Sofa King said...

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!

I'm Full of Soup said...

A public school bus driver, here in PA, told me he was at a union meeting this week.

The union rep was blaming pending state law changes [re govt worker unions] on the dastardly Koch brothers!

Anonymous said...

"These Brats Bust Unions"

So: tasty, and good for the economy!

I'm not sure if this is a protest against, or guerilla advertising for, the targeted products.

Ann Althouse said...

"No link to the Five Man Electrical Band?"

I contemplated it, then took a different direction.

MadisonMan said...

Near west-side Madisonians certainly recognize a surname in that linked-to article.

traditionalguy said...

Wisconsin Public Unions are now on strike against eating Brats? What a wacky place you live in.

Anonymous said...

I can understand that the Professor wants to play by some kind of nicey-nice rules but I just don't see that happening with the lefty unions going down in flames and pulling out the stops along the way.

The Dude said...

If I saw a sign like that I would be inclined to purchase the product. Unions suck. Anything that busts them is good.

Brennan said...

Did you hear the news? The Koch Brothers bought the Mass House Dems without spending a penny.

Ending collective bargaining for public employee unions. So easy, a Democrat can do it.

Sal said...

I'll do my part, except for the Coors.

1775OGG said...

Never liked Johsonville Brats till now. Previously, Klement's were good but Usinger's better, now I'll buy Johnsonville's stuff just to spite those Union Idiots.

Golly, what is this world coming to when we use politics to buy our products. So, what's going to happen to backyard picnics? Will your guests say: "Those union made, sawdust filled, wienies sure are yummy!"


Toad Trend said...

Here in WNY there is a push to leave post-it notes on the gas pump and in the supermarkets that specifically say 'How's that hope and change workin' for ya'?'

I have NO problem with this as long as it does not deface, clutter or inconvenience small businesses (i.e. less 'in your face' than what the unions regularly do),

We have had great response from small businesses that for the most part have been absolutely fine with this form of 'protest'.

If its good for the greedy unions, then its perfectly fine for individual citizens.

wv - upall

All the 'Yoopers'

Issob Morocco said...

Thanks for not linking to the one hit Canadian Band!

Peter V. Bella said...

Vandalism is always a tactic. Gangs use it to mark their territory. Protesters use it to mark their enemy.

Political vandalism is nothing more than dogs meeting hydrants.

coketown said...

I feel the same way about the Post-It notes. It has all the arrogance of graffiti regardless of its temporary nature. Obama's poll numbers are evidence enough that people are drawing a connection between rising prices and the President's policies.

I also prefer Charmin. Their jumbo rolls are like getting TWO regular rolls from those Other Guys--on each roll! Cha-cha-cha. Charmin.

Brennan said...

If I use a manufacturers coupon for $1 off Johnsonville Brats am I still "sticking it to them"?

My local grocer will double that too on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

chuckR said...

Thanks for the link. I won't buy any of that Coors near beer, but will stock up on Angel Soft, buy a package of brats and some Sargento cheese.

I wonder if any of these companies will notice buycott or anti-buycott sales decisions? Bet not.

SPImmortal said...

""(Meade can verify that when I heard about it, I called it "littering" and expressed contempt for it.) "

Where is the video proof?

Jesus that's pitiful.

Titus said...

Brats are gross.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real corruption is the union/democrat machine.

Toad Trend said...


"I feel the same way about the Post-It notes. It has all the arrogance of graffiti regardless of its temporary nature."

Ok, Ok - arrogance? Really? A 'post-it' note? 'Vandalism'? I'll try to float that at my boss or my wife the next time they leave me a post-it. I can see the 'look', now...

If you're gonna get worked up about a benign post-it, hate to see what you think or what you'll do when a union thug gets in your face.

coketown said...

@Don't Tread: Oh shut up. There is no comparison to sticking Post-Its on gas pumps to your boss leaving a Post-It on your desk. Gas stations are private businesses, and you're presuming the right to start slapping notes all over their pumps to advance your politics. That's arrogant. Plus it looks tacky and the business will have to spend resources cleaning it up.

Toad Trend said...


"@Don't Tread: Oh shut up."

LOL, I am placing an imaginary post-it note on your forehead.

Do you know what it says?

TMink said...

These brats bust unions should be the ad for the brats. I actually prefer union busting brats.


prairie wind said...

I like the PostIt notes idea. If I leave it stuck to the gas pump, that's not littering any more than if I left a note warning that this pump doesn't turn off automatically.

If a fiscal conservative comes to the pump after me, they will smile and leave the note where it is.
If an Obama voter comes next, they will leave the note where it is because someone stupid enough to vote for him is too stupid to read.
If someone does happen to tear the note off, find themselves horrified at the naked racism and throw it on the ground, the next tea partier to come along will pick it up and restick it if possible or they will put it in the trash bin. Gotta love those tidy tea partiers...

Carol_Herman said...

And, it could have the opposite effect!

Given that people are now so short of money, who can tell what aggravates them. Boycotting products, or just unable to afford them?

Yeah. We now know how the unions do business. But even before you knew this ... you saw the "needle trades" going to Asia. People coming to America, without language skills, were once able to open small businesses. They were called FRANCHISES. And, these business models took care of everything. Even down to employment forms.

Once, you didn't have to be in the best locations to make a living. Before the Rodney King Riots (1991), the best locations were often in black neighborhoods.

Now, what have ya got?

Look at what gets produced on U-TUBE. See the woman get hit in the face by a muscular cop?

No, the lack of civility has happened on such a grand scale you can no longer say it's a "political" movement.

That Obama can win a second term? Well, you can't teach republicans anything at all! The religious zealots don't give up their song and dance. Not even when the story of pedolphile priests knocks so much TOXIC WASTE into church pews.

But belief? It's just not the same, anymore.

I'm glad Trump showed up! The media? They wouldn't get any viewers at all ... if they didn't go and cover TRUMP. Hallelujah.

Known Unknown said...

Wouldn't a Walker supporter buy Scotts Bath Tissue?

Also, read the fine print and look at the total square footage. Scotts is probably the best bang for the buck.

Sigivald said...

Re. the sign in the picture: "Corporate special interests", eh?

Aren't the labor unions he's supporting incorporated?

They're sure as hell special interests.

Bust the public-sector unions.

Bust the lot of them.

Bill said...

Brats, cheese, beer, and toilet paper. That's all you need right there. I could keep up that buycott for weeks!

BTW, have you heard the joke about why Coors is like making love in a canoe?

It's f*cking close to water.

Wince said...

Brennan said...
Did you hear the news? The Koch Brothers bought the Mass House Dems without spending a penny.

Ending collective bargaining for public employee unions. So easy, a Democrat can do it.
4/29/11 11:33 AM

The funny thing about that vote in the Massachusetts House of Reps is that it seems to have caught everyone by surprise, including many Democrats and the Boston Globe.

Patrick defends House health bill, Says proposal unlike Wis. law

Governor Patrick chided labor leaders yesterday for comparing the House plan to curb collective bargaining rights to a tougher law passed recently in Wisconsin.

“It’s very important that we dial down the rhetoric,’’ he said. “This is not Wisconsin. That’s not what the House did. I’m not going to sign a Wisconsin-type bill in the end.’’

The governor was speaking hours after House lawmakers approved a bill that would limit the ability of municipal employees to bargain over their health care plans, in an effort to save cities and towns $100 million.

The bill has touched off a fierce debate between labor leaders, who call it an assault on workers, and local officials who say it will help prevent layoffs and cuts in services. The battle has driven a wedge between unions and their traditional allies in the Democrat-controlled Legislature.

Patrick, who has sought to find a middle ground on the issue, applauded the House for its “very important vote’’ Tuesday night. He said it demonstrated that House leaders are serious about easing the burden of rising health care costs for communities.

But he refused to discuss the specifics of the bill or to say whether it satisfied his demand that labor retain a “meaningful role’’ in health care negotiations.

“There is room for debate,’’ he said when pressed on the details. “The bill is not final.’’

garage mahal said...

Some people will believe anything. The "protest stickers" is nothing but a rumor to this point. But the WGA is playing the victim and putting up what essentially are pro-Walker signs in their stores. Hook-line-sinker.

Toad Trend said...


"Brats, cheese, beer, and toilet paper. That's all you need right there."

Now that's funny...

Maybe an x-tra pair of shorts too...

Sixty Bricks said...

Johnsonville Brats are awesome. I bet they treat their workers well too.

Almost Ali said...

What's a "Post-It Campaign"? Putting timid notes on telephone poles?

KCFleming said...

Post-it notes?
Why, I invented them!

They're really lucrative.

KCFleming said...

"What's a "Post-It Campaign"? "

I prefer the strongly worded letter to the editor.

Anonymous said...

DT12 I am placing an imaginary post-it note on your forehead.

Do you know what it says?

Oh! pick up a quart of milk on the way home?!


Triangle Man said...

Let's see some evidence that there is really a campaign to boycott these companies. Until then it looks like a clever ploy by Johnsonville to increase sales among contrarians.

KCFleming said...

These Brats Bust Unions!" sounds more like bragging.

Synova said...

I've sometimes considered getting bumpersticker blanks and a fat sharpie to add my comments to other people's cars.

I'd put a "why do you hate caribou?" next to the "Sarah Palin hates wolves" sticker. That sort of thing.

I won't do it, but if I did it would have to be magnetic bumper stickers.

Mutnodjmet said...

Actually, the slogan, "These Brats Bust Unions" make me want to go out and buy them! The manufacturer couldn't pay an ad professional for a better slogan.

edutcher said...

No fan of brats, but it will cause problems in NE OH. Johnsonville is revered here, but the unions run everything.

Many will have not faced such a dilemma since Edmund Ruffin touched match to fuse.

PS "These Brats Bust Unions!" may not travel as a slogan.

Try, "These Breasts Bust Bras".

Or something.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hang your scrappy signs on your own damned property.

Trump has rubbed off on the professor.

Call it Trumpherism.. or a Trump Truth.

I'm Full of Soup said...

No matter if you like or dislike, post-it notes stay stuck for amazingly long periods. I have one in my office has been there for at least four years.

Dustin said...

I would hesitate to buy brats someone put a sticker on, but I don't think anyone would hesitate to use a fuel pump that has a post it note on it.

I see the similarity, but they are different.

Given the ugly nature of the liberals lately, I would worry they had put filth on the food somehow. It's sad, but that's what a lot of Obama supporters are like these days.

Dark Eden said...

I've often thought of doing a postit note campaign like this for museums, make a smiley face, write 'the prophet muhammed' under it, and put them next to one of the hip and trendy 'controversial' art exhibits.

MadisonMan said...

Given the ugly nature of the liberals lately, I would worry they had put filth on the food somehow. It's sad, but that's what a lot of Obama supporters are like these days.

I would worry that althouse commenters are beating up their spouses. It's sad, but that's what a lot of them are like these days.

jeff said...

"I would worry that althouse commenters are beating up their spouses. It's sad, but that's what a lot of them are like these days."

Just you, madisonman. I dont know if that qualifies as a lot.

So brats are busting unions now? And not buying them is supporting Wisconsinites? Is it supporting the ones that work for this company? Is it also supporting those who work in the private sector who pay taxes to support the public sector employees? Seems unlikely.

Dustin said...


I would worry that althouse commenters are beating up their spouses. It's sad, but that's what a lot of them are like these days."


Except that we see violence and thuggery from the left all the time.

It's reasonable to wonder why in the hell union thugs want to make a point that they have touched my food.

Hell, this is Althouse's blog, so you know wisconsin union thugs threatened to harass her via the places she drinks coffee.

I'm glad you are not pleased that the left is associated with this. If the Tea Party was going around acting like union thugs, we've shut that down very quickly.

Please, madisonman, go to the unions and protest their behavior. It's what the Tea Party would do.

garage mahal said...

I would worry that althouse commenters are beating up their spouses. It's sad, but that's what a lot of them are like these days.

Yup. Truly sad.

Trooper York said...

Wow MadisonMan. Just wow.

I think you have lost your way buddy.

Trooper York said...

This is what happens when there are not interesting threads about American Idol and photos of dogs urinating and fish eyed lens photos of strange fruits in the farmers market.

Normally reasonable and judicious fence straddlers like MadisonMan lose their bearings

MadisonMan said...

I recall reading here, from someone, that they worried about Sarah Palin's safety when she was here. Or that there will be thugs at the Capitol.

These are all posted by people who aren't in Madison, and who don't see what happens here. To be sure, there are isolated acts of idiocy -- I maintain they are FIB in origin. To suggest a person in Wisconsin would defile a bratwurst is nothing short of heresy.

Pray to JPII in all his holiness for forgiveness. As a pole, he is probably particularly interested, even though it's not Kielbasa.

MadisonMan said...

@Troop: Your sarcasm detector is malfunctioning. Read my 3:49 post right after you read the 3:25 one.

Trooper York said...

I mean I expect ludicrous posturing from Garage Mahal because that is the birthright of Packer fans.

But the MadisonMan always put the namby in the namby-pamby of comments. To imply that conservatives beat their spouses is just beyond the pale.

Unless he was talking about Dust Bunny Queen, Freeman Hunt and Synova.

That I could believe.

Trooper York said...

I was setting up the joke dude.

I know you didn't really mean it.

Everybody knows the only battered spouse around here is Meade.

MadisonMan said...

Who did the Giants pick up in the draft? Any one that will realistically help their chances -- somewhere between slim meager and none -- in dethroning the WORLD CHAMPION GREEN BAY PACKERS?

MadisonMan said...

Beer battered. It's fish fry night!

Titus said...

this place is on fire today.

Alex said...

BTW, if any teapartiers invaded left-wing townhalls to shout down Democrats, I condemn that and so does everyone here.

Titus said...

Beer Battered Fish Fry. Yum.

Trooper York said...

The Giants have decided to recruit directly in prison. Saves a couple of steps.

Titus said...

I just saw a picture of Victoria Beckham's hat. Hideous.

WTF was she doing at the wedding?


Trooper York said...

Actually the Giants have drafted cornerback Prince Amukamara. But that is only because Steve Tisch is a big fan of his father when he was on the Mod Squad.

Trooper York said...

I am proud of that one. It is just about the most obscure joke I have ever made here.

MadisonMan said...

By the way, I'm very happy Casey got sent packing. His sing-off was scary. Does that guy have anger issues or something? Or does he just lack the ability to move on the stage with an iota of grace?

I thought Jacob would go home -- Jacob who thinks every song should be sung an octave higher and with the Volume set at 1000 + with vibrato. That would have been okay too. He'll leave next week (Who the hell is voting for him anyway?)

Way to go Hayley, too, cussing out Jimmy I. That guy hates women, I'm convinced. He never has anything good to say about anyone but Scotty.

MadisonMan said...

WTF was she doing at the wedding?

Other than scowling, not much

Trooper York said...

I think it is between pumpkin head country singer and screaming Tourettes rocker dude.

MadisonMan said...

Pumpkin Head looks so much like Alfred E. Newman.

Just Lauren has really not evolved much. Same thing every week. Too bad, I think she could be great if she had a little more confidence. Tourette Rocker was great this week. I don't love him as much as JLo does, though.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...

I would buy Johnsonville brats no matter who they supported, my word, but they are full of tastyness! I fuel at Kwik Trip to vex the unions.

Karl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karl said...

Titus said...Brats are gross.

A rare brat is gross.

Moved into my first place. A piece of shit on the cool side of town. Came with a 10'x10' yard & a broken grill.

Invited some friends over for dinner.
Menu: PBR, chips, and brats.

The brats were cooked to perfection, with a beautiful mahogany colored skin & a crimson red center.

umm.... dude...could you throw this one back on?

Freeman Hunt said...

If a store had a sign that read, "We bust unions," I would take that as an indication that the prices might be lower and the staff more friendly.

Good advertising.

mythusmage said...

If you're in Southern California Ralphs has Johnsonville Brats on sale right now. Think I'll get me a package or two an have them for Sunday dinner.

mythusmage said...


A brat is a horrid little kid.

A brat is a sausage.

Greg said...

I bought two cases of Coors, a 24 Pack of Angel Soft, and 10 packs of JVille Brats.

I would like the employees of Cottenelle, Budweiser and Joeys Sausages know that its nothing personal but the unions asked the Teaparty to support these products so I did.

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