"This Cheese Does Not Run":
"Dream Utopia":
"Palin + Walker/No Morals/Media Whores/Faux News/Ego Driven/No Empathy/War on the Poor/Unite to Take Back Our State and Country" (and in the background: "If you expect to be served HONEY with your CORPORATE TEA you're in the WRONG PLACE"):
A woman looks askance at a woman:
(All pics taken by me, this afternoon, at the Tea Party rally at the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin. You can click through to enlargements.)
"This Cheese Does Not Run"
But my state senator does.
Shame on the Packers for winning the Superbowl
I was led to believe there would be puppets, but I guess most people don't own puppets.
Wow, Dose of Sanity sure owns a lot of buttons.
Who sez you can judge a book by its cover? Terrifying how normal these barbarians look.
I'm a bit disappointed by the signage. Garage Mahal said they were going to be awesome.
A whole lot of unconscious irony involved.
The cheese doesn't run... to Illinois.
Ego driven Media whores... but love me some Moore and Jackson.
And some hat buttons that date from before the kid's parents were born. But probably they still work to get chicks.
The big SHAME sign with the finger pointing is pretty impressive.
And, it's a telling sign of how the left has been transformed.
Moral shame must be excised from our hearts so that we can screw in every conceivable combination.
Disagreeing with the left is the only sin left. We are morally obliged to agree with them.
Anybody hear Andrew Breitbart screaming " Go to hell!" several times in a row to non tea party protestors? I guess incivility is alive and well on both sides.Fair is fair.
The woman complaining about "no empathy" demonstrates no empathy whatsoever toward her political opponents.
To empathize is to put yourself in another's place and see the world through their eyes. To empathize is to understand, although not necessarily sympathize.
There is no empathy in that woman's signage. I wonder if she'll ever realize that.
Ooh, Breitbart dared to throw it back at the "protestors." They're not protestors, Apfelshmuckenfucken, they're hooligans.
@ricpic, don't get so mad, you could hurt yourself. You sound a bit hooliganish yourself..
chickelit: I'm a bit disappointed by the signage. Garage Mahal said they were going to be awesome.
It could be the weather, but it could also be they feel somewhat demoralized. Perhaps they don't have the energy any more.
Does it count as a puppet if you have fist jammed up your ass and you let other people talk for you?
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Different strokes for different folks. So to speak.
Apfelkuchen said...
Anybody hear Andrew Breitbart screaming " Go to hell!" several times in a row to non tea party protestors?
I heard him. I wouldn't have said what he said but "screaming" is not a fair characterization of how he said it.
@Trooper York
Garage is a ventriloquist?
Actually, "go to hell" (X3) seems pretty tame compared to the baitings by anti-Tea Party people over that past couple of years.
Off-topic, sorta. (& speaking of being surrounded by mouthy idiots...)
This week I saw Glenn Beck speak in Chicago. During intermission the audience could email him questions, and he answered a few on stage during the second half of the show. Much to my surprise, my question was among the few chosen.
"Glenn, I live in Madison, WI -- just a few blocks from the Capitol. Everyone I know is a socialist. Literally. Do you have any tips for how to survive?"
His response was one word: MOVE.
Funny, yes. An option, no. Nor do I run away from a "fight". If anyone here has advice or tips, please feel free to share.
Ok, now what is the political position again?
A woman looks askance at a woman:
You call yourself butch? I know butch, hell, I AM butch and you're no butch!
"I heard him. I wouldn't have said what he said but "screaming" is not a fair characterization of how he said it."
So the only way readers of this blog will hear about the obnoxious TPer actions, witnessed by the Meadia, is if a reader explicitly asks the Meadia about particular instances.
Meadia strategy:
1) Trash non-TPers.
2) Praise TPers.
3) Hide un-flattering TPer incidents.
4) Hide flattering non-TPer incidents.
I still don't know if the Meadia's obvious bias and manipulation is on purpose. Are they trying to be this bad because that's (in their opinion) the most accurate way to ape the equally biased and manipulative lamestream media? Or do they earnestly assume that folks reading this blog are too stupid to see through their silliness.
Like the kid with the "Dream Utopia" button.
Guess where he'll be in 40 years?
Funny, yes. An option, no. Nor do I run away from a "fight". If anyone here has advice or tips, please feel free to share.
Stick around. Madison has been lefty for a long long time but that's not to say it always was or will be.
The two big institutions at each end of State Street are in for some rough financial times- downsizing even. The left has not even begun to scream yet. But scream they will-like spoiled, angry teenagers.
WV: "upturnsin"
Ha! prophetic even
"Actually, "go to hell" (X3) seems pretty tame compared to the baitings by anti-Tea Party people over that past couple of years."
The TPers are so civilized; they don't protest loudly. They keep their racism in emails. But that's ok, because they know when to take their hats off.
I agree with chickelit - this is a great time to live in Madison, Wisconsin. Historic. It's a time of hope and change. No really.
But I'm afraid he's also right that the tantrums will get worse before they get less worse. Growing pains. Remember to appreciate and enjoy the silver linings.
"I still don't know if the Meadia's obvious bias and manipulation is on purpose."
If you still don't know, PbJ, you're probably beyond help.
There were guys around me shouting down a 14 year old girl who was at the podium. There were whistles during the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance.
I drove 90 miles to listen to a group of speakers and I was lucky if I could take in half of what was said because of the endlessly screaming morons all around me.
I think "Go to Hell" is pretty tame stuff under the circumstances.
I think all the TPers showed great restraint throughout.
Maybe next time we will piss all over a Union rally and see what happens.
pbandj: Teabaggers are racists? Dude, lameness is thy name.
Well, I'm glad nothing bad happened.
Knowing leftards, I guess what I'm really saying is I'm glad the weather was shitty.
20,000,000 watched the live feed on U-stream.
You couldn't hear the morons.
Nice work by the organizers.
"you're probably beyond help."
Stating the obvious isn't going to win you any points.
"The TPers are so civilized; they don't protest loudly. They keep their racism in emails."
I don't know about that. Why don't you tell us what you do with your racism, PBJ.
Here's my take: The vast majority of TPers want a country that is truly colorblind. The vast majority of TP haters, instead of working to achieve a colorblind society, want to stir racism - other people's and, unwittingly, their own - forever because, for one thing, it makes them feel morally superior to those who don't stir racism.
See my obvious bias there?
Where are all of the pretty women? Is there a rule against pretty women in Wisconsin? Or maybe they good lookers were all doing something more fun than being political tools.
Why have TPers been caught spreading racist messages, if they're not racist?
BTW, do you think BHO was born in America? Do you think he's a Muslim?
How do your views fit w/ those of many TPers?
"This Cheese Does Not Run"
The Inspirational example of spoiled milk...
Calling the President a chimp is racist? You mean the left spent eight racist years during the reign of ChimpyMcHitler?
Who knew?
PB and J -your games are juvenile. Funny you call a whole group of people racist based on the actions of a few. That almost seems racist. Seriously go troll elsewhere. You are so obvious. Hey go read about how Walker is already being successful in his war against the state's deficit.
"Under its existing form, Walker’s budget leaves the state with a fraction of the structural deficits seen in the past eight budget cycles. The next lowest structural deficit in recent years was $1.5 billion, or 48 times as much as what Walker’s proposing."
Funny what you choose to point out. You're on a mission and no truth will keep you from it.
Disagreeing with pbAndJ is racist.
Just ask him.
PB and J read :
at: jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/119928064.html
Hey you racist tea partiers are all the same.
PB and J
Nobody fears what may transpire at a tea party rally.
Fear is the lone objective of a marxist/progressive/union rally.
PBJ, I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii to parents who had very little to no affinity for America. How many of his formative years did Barry Soetoro spend in religious schools in Indonesia? Do you know? I don't. Does that make him Muslim? I don't know and I don't really care.
I assume he's in possession of his "long form" birth certificate, whatever that is, and has his own reasons for not wanting anyone else to see it.
I did not vote for him and I probably won't vote for him again not because he's black or white or black and white. I didn't vote for him primarily because I don't find him to be sufficiently American.
So, Meade splits company from the TPers. According to my earlier link, only forty percent of the TPers believe that BHO was born in America.
Who knows why most TPers don't think BHO was born in America? It could be that some of them are racist, and there is some sort of dissonance associated w/ a black guy in the top job.
But, I agree w/ Meade's implication: it's more likely that they're just ignorant dopes, who are easily manipulated by professional conservatives and group think. They're dumb! That's why only forty percent of them think BHO was born in America.
But, since sixty percent of the TPers have demonstrated that they can't grasp a simple fact, why should we pay any attention to them regarding complicated policy issues? In fact, it'd be wise to do the opposite of what they suggest, since they're such piss poor judges of reality.
Just sayin.
You'd think it was Tea Partiers who had been bitching, non-stop, for 2 months straight in Madison.
I think I liked Prosser's win because it showed the Leftists just how much the people aren't on their side.
It's you.
You're the fucking idiot.
You don't have the brains to wipe your own ass. Who does it for you?
And, you're the usual scumbag playing the race card.
You're as low and stupid and you can get.
So, what in the fuck are you talking about?
Humor PBandJ. He has his talking points and he's stickin' to 'em.
Somehow, he has to get the birther BS into a discussion about lame protestors.
PB&J: I would guess that 60% are simply curious and find it interesting that leftists have little or none. If you make your decisions on financial matters using math, for math is what is driving the tea party and the discussion lefties would prefer not to have on the budget and the deficit, then you would do well to bone up on logic as well. The tea party people like to poke lefties in the eye with issues like the birth certificate because like Meade they really don't give a shit where he was born but have concluded that he is incapable of responsibly guiding our economic future. If you disagree with that because you find something in the logic of the tea party regarding the birth certificate issue disturbing then you are missing the point by a very big margin.
Obama, American by birth, anti-American by choice.
But it is not just his hostility to the US that makes people not want to claim him. He is also ignorant of anything having to do with the US. He knows nothing of our Constitution, our history or the principles that make this country different from all of the rest. It is because of this that people are prone to believe he must not be an American citizen... and in all of the ways that matter short of the accident of where he was born... they are right.
PB and J,
You say:
"Who knows why most TPers don't think BHO was born in America"
"That's why only forty percent of them think BHO was born in America."
Can you provide a resonable source for your assertions? Or ar you merely pulling numbers out of your butt?
BTW, I stand with Meade. I couldn't care less where he was born or what the color of his skin is (after all, he is half white AND half black), it's the policies and politics of the man I can not stomach.
I've decided that I'm going to call the Anti-Tea Party folks "Fiscal Disaster Deniers".
Those Fiscal Disaster Deniers think the eventual collapse of the welfare state can be stopped by ending the Bush tax cuts. Typical Deniers, thinking that the current rate of spending can be maintained.
Found one poll that it uses and does not question its methodology or if it was even actually done.
PB and J would rather talk about that than the GREAT Win by Prosser or Walker's success with the deficit.
Johanna, start an underground cell of non-socialists. Young Americans for Freedom did this in the 60s in colleges all across the country. They were instrumental in Ronald Reagan's election. Now they are called Young America's Foundation. You can start something on your own. Join with others. Buck each other up. Don't give up.
wv=gasings, we have plenty of that, don't we.
We know Obama was a dual citizen. What we don't know is if he still is.
You've got that "nasty Titus" vibe going again today. You remind me of how once and a while he'd show up here and at Trooper's and try to play a straight face.
Who knows why most TPers don't think BHO was born in America? It could be that some of them are racist
Could someone explain the logic here, because I really don't get it. What does race have to do with anything? If any president refused to show [something], some amount of people would question the merits and factuality of that [something]. What on earth does race have to do with that?
(Also, thanks for the suggestion, Ken!)
...seeing the (teenage?) kid with the Lennon and Yoko Ono pin on his beanie made me sad...poor sap brainwashed by his parents.
pbj: Why have TPers been caught spreading racist messages, if they're not racist?
So, Tea Parters are as racist as the union thugs are pro murder?
pbj: Why have TPers been caught spreading racist messages, if they're not racist?
BTW, do you think BHO was born in America? Do you think he's a Muslim?
How do your views fit w/ those of many TPers?
So, 40% of TP think Obama was born outside of the US.
35% of Democrats thought Bush knew about 9/11 in advance.
What sounds more absurd?
How ironic that the woman looking askance's sign is so descriptive of the group she's supporting.
No morals
Media whores
Ego driven
War on the poor (and middle class)
Unite to take back our state and country (so we can keep our cushy jobs and lavish benefits at taxpayer expense)
"Where are all of the pretty women? Is there a rule against pretty women in Wisconsin? Or maybe they good lookers were all doing something more fun than being political tools."
I grew up in Wisconsin and we've got plenty of good-looking women, just not many good-looking lefty skankwads---ugly biyotches tend to take it out on their station in life by being revolting [in every sense of the word] Naomi Wolf-wannabees.
Or MadCow emulators, who are tweeners.
Let the record show PB&J totally dominated this thread. :D
And please, let the ad nauseam minutia continue.
'nuf said!
ugly biyotches tend to take it out on their station in life by being revolting [in every sense of the word] Naomi Wolf-wannabees.
Naomi Wolf.
Here's my take: The vast majority of TPers want a country that is truly colorblind
Not so much for suburban Milwaukee - the Milwaukee metro is regarded as stalworth repub stronghold. It's also most segregated metro in the country. They may *want* it to be colorblind, but in my 50 years, if anything has changed, it's gotten worse.
ZOMG, angry signs & even a dirty look?!?
Barbarians! Hooligans! Visigoths!
Fewer signs, more recalls please.
Expecting shame from those willing to use aid for 9/11 First Responders as a bargaining chip to get the rich a tax-cut cherry on their record profit sundae? Someone needs to get out more often.
Shamelessness is an actual strategy: part of how Bush got away with so much was his gleeful willingness to perpetually generate "outrage fatigue" - after enough loathsomeness & criminality, one's opposition inevitably starts to lose interest in responding to even the most vile & egregious actions. It's no freak of fate that Americans greeted revelations of state torture with a shrug - by then, the litany of ugliness had made them ethically numb.
Note that Obama is more than happy to perpetuate that numbness to carry out his own policies. Execution of suspects by Predator drone without trial or evidence, anyone? The operational differences between "D" & "R" are vastly exaggerated in the minds of their respective fan-clubs.
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