April 11, 2011

Our congresswoman Tammy Baldwin asks U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate Wisconsin.

Because it's probably, like, a federal crime that some Waukesha county clerk made a clerical error.
In the letter, Baldwin says the mishap raises serious doubts as to the integrity of the state's electoral process.
Did she say why? Did she say why the state procedures were insufficient to investigate possible problems in this instance? What's the threshold for calling in the feds for something like this? Anything more than your unhappiness with the outcome?


Lincolntf said...

Death threats? No problem.

Typos? Bring in the Feds!

Anonymous said...

The sign of a morally bankrupt society:

1. Human error is punished with criminal charges and personal destruction.

2. Real crimes are ignored or bargained away.

MadisonMan said...

Throwing a bone to her supporters.

traditionalguy said...

But Baldwin is supposed to represent the more intelligent district around the University in Madison. How come she says such a stupid thing with a straight face?

The Crack Emcee said...

And this is different from the way you behave, how?

It's just another display of someone not being able to say "I'm wrong."

Scott M said...

But Baldwin is supposed to represent the more intelligent district around the University in Madison. How come she says such a stupid thing with a straight face?

More proof that there's actually something in the water?

EnigmatiCore said...

Between this, Giffords, and Trump, the parties are doing all they can to ensure that no one ever takes them seriously again.

Kevin said...

The residents of Wisconsin are not ready for self-government!

Dose of Sanity said...

Reasons why calling in the feds may not be a bad idea are not that far-fetched as your post suggests.

Given that any potential investigation will be highly politically charged, the potential for abuse from existing Wisconsin mechanisms is high. We know that the clerk has ties to the Republican party, and has been investigated before. For the integrity of the voting system and to avoid the APPEARENCE of impropriety, it might be a good idea to use an 'impartial' outside observer.

Just a thought.

Leland said...

Call in Underdog to save us!

Revenant said...

Between this, Giffords, and Trump, the parties are doing all they can to ensure that no one ever takes them seriously again.

I think that the above is happening BECAUSE nobody takes them seriously.

Harry Phartz said...

If this was really an invitation to open the door and completely examine all aspects of Wisconsin's voting process, I'd be all for it. But what this is, is exactly what it appears to be. Pounding the table.

kimsch said...

Crappy Blogger, lost my comment.

She is making a federal case out of an error in reporting unofficial numbers to the Associated Press as a courtesy to the AP.

Brookfield had the correct numbers posted on their web site. Waukesha had the correct numbers on their web site. Even the Huffington Post had the correct numbers on their web site.

The AP took numbers sent to them as gospel. They didn't double check. They didn't question the fact that a large city like Brookfield had no votes. Zeroes across the board. I remember some commenting here on election night questioning "empty precincts".

Here in my village of 25k plus in Illinois, where the offices up for election weren't nearly as interesting as the SCoWI we had 24 votes in our precinct. Heck, there should be at least one or two from the election judges and poll workers alone.

The wv from my first attempt at this comment was tries.

This time it's perbigg

coketown said...

Sorry Tammy. You're white. Holder's DoJ couldn't give a flying fig about you. Either you put on blackface or let your state handle this, as they should.

Fprawl said...

This would get the Dem Sec of State off the hook about certifying the results.
Is the county clerk about to be Nifonged?
The Huffington site 'Patch' reported the correct results fed to it by the City Clerk election night.
Is it a crime for the county clerk to report the incorrect results to AP and the correct results to the State?

Lincolntf said...

Yeah, nothing says "impartial" like the Holder DoJ.

Revenant said...

We know that the clerk has ties to the Republican party, and has been investigated before.

Well, yes. But we also know that Holder has ties to the Democratic Party, and has corrupted investigations for political reasons before.

Sending a crooked political appointee to investigate the other party isn't going to do much to clear the air.

PaulV said...

Is Holder against counting all the votes? Will he investigate democrat voter fraud? Are democrats upset that if they had known true vote total earlier they could have cheated more? Are they so honest they only cheat as much as they have to?

Dose of Sanity said...

Well, yes. But we also know that Holder has ties to the Democratic Party, and has corrupted investigations for political reasons before.

Sending a crooked political appointee to investigate the other party isn't going to do much to clear the air.

Fair enough - just a "no dog in the fight" (as much as I hate that expression) idea.

vw: Doginess. How appropriate.

Hagar said...

This is stupid.
There was no "reporting error," since the vote totals had not yet been "reported."

All that happened was a temporary glitch in the headlong rush to provide preliminary, unchecked raw results for the gaping maw of the mindless news media.

If the Professor, and other commenters on this blog, could see that something was wrong and went to the county website and found the right preliminary count posted there, so could the "highly trained professional staff" of the Associated Press have done!

David said...

Sometimes the line between constituent service and fanservice is mighty thin.

JorgXMcKie said...

"Fair enough - just a "no dog in the fight" (as much as I hate that expression) idea."

Ah, if only 'twere so.

Sadly, it's not. The Holder DoJ is making the Bush DoJs look good.

JorgXMcKie said...

"Harry Phartz" -- a fan of "The Boss Is Crazy, Too"?

Trochilus said...

Looks like something is going on with the Milwaukee DA and the GAB -- press conference in two minutes.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is she the very librul, gay congress critter? Or do I have her mixed up with someone else?

wv = shoop ee doo

ThreeSheets said...

It's the standard tactic of delegitimization. They do it all the time. Clinton was a master spending months delegitimizing Ken Starr, Gore did it to Bush by contesting 2000, now they do it by attacking Justice Thomas to delegitimize any vote on ObamaCare.

That's all they have.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Holder is busy pardoning Marc Rich again. Is Rich black?

Unknown said...

It would make as much sense for WI to investigate U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Sofa King said...

More proof that there's actually something in the water?

Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure grain alcohol?

Marilee said...

So the lefties charge that since she has connections to the republican party she is not reliable. Are there not precinct chairpersons of the democratic variety?? Apparently they are all paragons of virtue.

Calypso Facto said...

If she's concerned about any ACTUAL election fraud, she should concentrate on the difficult investigative work necessary in populous and motivated Madison and Milwaukee polls, but if she's only worried about the high profile APPEARANCE of fraud ("fraud" because it didn't match up with her desires) then, by all means.

And then there's the borderline fraud. I heard from an Eau Claire poll worker about lots of cases of adult children "helping" Alzheimer-addled parents with their votes.

wv: palin. Wow!

kimsch said...

That presser would be at 2pm Central, so 55 minutes.

wv: prossna

Hagar said...

This is stupid.

There was no "reporting error," since the vote count had not yet been "reported."

All that happened was a temporary glitch in the headlong rush to provide immediate raw, preliminary, unchecked vote counts as a convenience for the gaping maws of the news media.
If the Professor, and other amateur commenters on this blog, could notice that something was wrong and go to the county website to find the "correct" numbers ther, so could the "highly trained professional staff" of the Associated Press have done!

Dose of Sanity said...

@ Troc

Central Time, and we've got an hour left. I've been curious myself since I saw that this morning. (Milwaukee County DA means it won't have anything to do with the Waukesha County stuff though)

garage mahal said...

Best to make sure. If they don't find anything, then no harm no foul.

Lincolntf said...

Can't wait for the presser. Whatever the investigation is about, it's sure to fuel popcorn sales. I'm gonna have mine already popped and waiting by 3pm (my time).

Trochilus said...

@kimsch . . . Roger that!

Down to 50 minutes. I was wondering why nothing had leaked out so far!

(You'll excuse an Easterner, no?)

kimsch said...


Anonymous said...

I heard from an Eau Claire poll worker about lots of cases of adult children "helping" Alzheimer-addled parents with their votes.

I think unless a judge has declared an adult incompetent, he can vote.

JohnJ said...

MadisonMan said...
"Throwing a bone to her supporters."

My suspicion, also.

Too bad she couldn't show a bit more integrity by following the lead of Ramona Kitzinger, the Democrat on the Waukesha County Board of Canvassers.

Dose of Sanity said...

@ Troc

It's probably related to this:

Railroad Exec Election Fraud

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I believe this is what the presser is about.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Dose beat me to it.

Original Mike said...

"Yeah, nothing says "impartial" like the Holder DoJ."


Tully said...

If it becomes a federal crime to inadvertently mislead the press (who can't be bothered to VERIFY the info) we're gonna need a LOT of new prisons.

If it becomes a crime to intentionally mislead the press, we're gonna need one just for members of Congress and the White Huse.

Anonymous said...

The DOJ can investigate till the cows come home and can't find any fraud as the error was on an unofficial report.

If giving false information to the AP is now a Federal crime, President Vacation is heading to the slammer.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeez- they have to call a press conference because someone broke a campaign finance law?

Carol_Herman said...

7,000 votes is not a great lead, when you're looking at a race that brought in a million and a half people! (And some people, using photocopied ballots ... because some polling stations ran out of "real ones." Only means hundreds of voters, now feel disanfranchised.)

And, oddly enough, David Process, who lacks personality ... didn't even have ONE single opinion he wrote himself ... that would have given him bragging rights. After ten years. Heck, David Souter managed Kelo.

Why two such lemmings, running?

While keeping this in the limelight really doesn't benefit the democraps at all. It just pisses off more and more Wisconsin voters.

Right now, for 2012, who is gonna invite Obama in on their campaign trail? You think Kloppy will be asked by the 14 fleeing fleebaggers ... to help them campaign? Wanna bet?

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure the reason that the votes were not sent to the AP by the Waukesha clerk was because their were black panthers with nightsticks and tire irons preventing her from doing so. In which case Holder will decline to investigate.

TMink said...

How do you check the veracity of an election if you do not first establish the bona fides of each voter and have a paper trail?

Progressives fight both these requirements so it has to be sour grapes.


rhhardin said...

A double check caught an error that the double check is designed to catch.

reader_iam said...

I just read this piece on JSOnline which notes that a hyperlocal, online news site DID post the Brookfield results on Election Night, and that the number therein reported conforms to the number we're talking about.

rhhardin said...

You retotal the result because errors are likely to happen, but not independently with the same result.

Roger J. said...

Mr Holder makes Alberto Gonzalez look like oliver wendell holmes

this jive turkey's administration is the most fucked up in American History--quite an accomplishment,given our jug eared, shucking and jiving douchenozzle POTUS

Dust Bunny Queen said...

For the integrity of the voting system and to avoid the APPEARENCE of impropriety, it might be a good idea to use an 'impartial' outside observer.

And you seriously think that the Obama Administration's Attny General Eric Holder could possibly be "impartial"? Seriously???

Were you not paying attention to the New Black Panther's voter intimidation case.

You would get a more impartial observer by hiring some of Hugo Chavez's thugs and goons. More impartiality by having SEIU shake down artists 'observing'.

Don't make me laugh. Feds....impartial.. ha ha ha.

garage mahal said...

What's the post presser spin regarding the investigation of a Walker donor I wonder.

"It's just a donor!"
"Walker doesn't KNOW him know him"
"Bu..bu...but, but Union THUGS!"

sane_voter said...

Not only did Klopp lose the election, the Dems are now snatching dishonor from the jaws of defeat. This is working out better than I could've ever hoped.

DADvocate said...

Don't like the results of an election? Lie, cheat and steal. Do whatever is necessary to overturn the results.

This is what democracy looks like to a leftie.

garage mahal said...

80 year-old official Waukesha Dem observer was kept in dark on "lost" 15k votes by GOP clerk

Scott M said...

This is what democracy looks like to a leftie

What do you expect from the side that thought the guy who said, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" was just peachy.

Scott M said...

80 year-old official Waukesha Dem observer was kept in dark on "lost" 15k votes by GOP clerk

Garage, you're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.


Fen said...

Democrats suck.

Chuck66 said...

I usually don't post unsupported antidotal stories to try to score a political point, but......Wisconsin is starting to look foolish to those outside the state. Yes, MSM reporting of Walker haven't been helpful to him, but also the fleabaggers hiding in Illinois, and things like conspiracy theories put out by US Reps. It's like Shiela Jackson Lee is from Wisconsin.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

Garage, the donor gave to both Democrats and to Walker, so ... calm down. The money was already given back by both sides.

garage mahal said...

The first spin is IN!

Nice work Erik.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

It's not spin, Garage, it's facts. Take them however you like. We know you will anyway.

Drew said...

Headlines we'll see in 2012:

Eric Holder to send Malik Shabazz to oversee Wisconsin Elections

Though perhaps this could be a great time to get Democrats on board with Voter ID . . . you know, to stop those pesky Republicans from stealing elections.

Lance said...

Yo, Placeholder, whatever happened with those Milwaukee results you kept telling us to wait for? Still waiting?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Where's the crime here? The clerk gave the correct tally to the state or county board right? But the AP was given an erroneous tally.

And now the 80 year-old part-time Dem clerk wants to be in the loop on every little nit? She was invited in to do the canvass- did she witness any malfeasance or fraud taking place?

Anonymous said...

This is a case for the Human Rights Commision, or perhaps the International League Of Justice, or perhaps even the Universal Temple Of Justice, with columns made of clouds...

...forever on the horizon.

PaulV said...

AJ Lynch, Garage must think the Rs chose that 80 year old. She must have been attacked for speaking the truth at press conference.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Re Ramona Kitzinger


garage is right, the official spin is in.

Chef Mojo said...


Someone put Garage on suicide watch again, ok?

Garage, your predictive abilities suck toe jam, dude. Last night you were all about this being about Prosser/Klopp (sounds like a comet name, don't it?), and? Nothing.

But you think it's something, because you think Walker waited in the back alley for this guy to deliver his illegal campaign contribution in unmarked 20's inside an old Land's End messenger bag he lifted from the local Goodwill. Walker knew!

You poor, stupid fuck.

Hey! How about this? Google "campaign '08 obama credit cards." Now, that's some major league illegal campaign contributions!

garage mahal said...

Hey! How about this? Google "campaign '08 obama credit cards." Now, that's some major league illegal campaign contributions!




JohnJ said...

"In fact, the matter of vote totals in Brookfield City came up specifically during the course of Thursday's canvass. In retrospect, it seems both shocking and somewhat appalling there was no mention of discovery of this 15,000 vote "human error" that ultimately had the potential to tip the balance of an entire statewide election. How is this possible?"

So writes Ramona Kitzinger, Democratic member of the Waukesha Board of Canvassers.

Does this even remotely sound like the woman who corroborated Kathy Nickolaus' explanation for the untabulated Brookfield vote totals without hesitation at last Thursday's presser?

flenser said...

We know that the clerk has ties to the Republican party, and has been investigated before. For the integrity of the voting system and to avoid the APPEARENCE of impropriety, it might be a good idea to use an 'impartial' outside observer.

Eric Holder it is then! Although I've heard rumors that he has "ties" to the Democratic Party.

Phil 314 said...

Best to make sure. If they don't find anything, then no harm no foul.

File away for future reference.

Scott M said...

Does this even remotely sound like the woman who corroborated Kathy Nickolaus' explanation for the untabulated Brookfield vote totals without hesitation at last Thursday's presser?

Obviously the difference is before/after her "visit" from Pentavirate agents.

Charlie Martin said...

What's the threshold for calling in the feds for something like this?

"My side lost."

Paul said...

So if I bring a weapon to the poll place and tell others I'll hurt them if they come in is ok with Holder and his DOJ, but an immediate investication is warrented if a clerk makes a mistake in a county where they definatly were under reporting!

Well we sure hope that changes!

Brian Brown said...

Ah yes, now the Democrat recants:

I am 80 years old and I don’t understand anything about computers. I don’t know where the numbers Kathy was showing me ultimately came from, but they seemed to add up. I am still very, very confused. . . “

Those pesky "computers" tricked her!

Erik Robert Nelson said...




Doesn't this schtick ever get tired? I mean, you could actually respond with substance.

J said...

Mo' Tammydelica.

less J-Edgar Holder....

(in related news, Romney announces WH exploratory committee--)

garage mahal said...

Doesn't this schtick ever get tired?

Screaming union thugs and NBPP all the time? You tell me.

Matt said...


Don't like the results of an election? Lie, cheat and steal. Do whatever is necessary to overturn the results. This is what democracy looks like to a leftie.

Where were you during Norm Coleman's law suit? Wait. Where were you when Bush's legal team took on Gore [not the other way around].

Obviously, since you are on the right you think only people on the left challenge election results. I hope you are not that naive about other things in life.

DADvocate said...

Where were you during Norm Coleman's law suit? Wait. Where were you when Bush's legal team took on Gore [not the other way around].

I happen to think Bush won fair and square. Gore's hanging chad gambit was a farce and so are you. You simply prove my point.

Revenant said...

Bush's legal team took on Gore [not the other way around].

Your claim is correct in the sense that Gore's legal team took on Florida, not Bush. But Gore's team were the first to go to court, getting a judge to order Palm Beach not to certify its results.

The first court challenge by Bush's team was the (eventually successful) attempt to block the second, manual recount of votes with its hanging/pregnant chad nonsense. The first recount -- the one required by state law -- was already complete at that point.

Revenant said...

What's the post presser spin regarding the investigation of a Walker donor I wonder.

I'm going to go with "who cares?".

Especially since I have no idea what you're talking about, and you didn't bother providing a link. :)

Toad Trend said...

Is she related to uber ass Alec Baldwin?

What is it with people named Baldwin...

J said...

shocking--the Florida courts, mostly BushCo appointees, affirmed Bush's victory, and prevented another recount. As did ScaliaCo

perhaps you recall, Rev., that most independent sources--including the WSJ-- claimed that vote/fraud tampering occured and that... Gore nearly certainly won FL (and had the US pop. vote). Hunter S Thompson a crony of many FL journalists, the Herald, etc, was convinced of it.

Not a good issue for the GOP/TP to resurrect

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I hear the post Prosser presser was a real pisser.

Brian Brown said...

perhaps you recall, Rev., that most independent sources--including the WSJ-- claimed that vote/fraud tampering occured

They did no such thing.

You are a terribly bad liar.

Brian Brown said...

Gore nearly certainly won FL

No, he certainly did not.

In all likelihood, George W. Bush still would have won Florida and the presidency last year if either of two limited recounts -- one requested by Al Gore, the other ordered by the Florida Supreme Court -- had been completed, according to a study commissioned by The Washington Post and other news organizations

Your silly lies are a bore.

Chef Mojo said...

And let's not forget that the Florida Supremes ruled against Bush, kicking the appeal up to SCOTUS.

J, you're an ignorant little freak, aren't you.

J said...

7: 12

Jay the sodbuster, you're just another irrational sack of white trash MBA shIt. So, like mendacity--libel/defamation/misrep--that's's yr usual MO. No need to pay attention to garbage-comments.

Rev--the WSJ crew, hardly "radical" insisted there was tampering, and Gore most likely won. As did others. But yo....who cares in GOP-land. The ends justify the means--Don Scalia's motto. fuggetaboutit

J said...

7: 17

yll be saying little, Mojotrash when we show up at yr door, or that of yr queer daddy, brother, attorney, rabbi etc

Touched a nerve with the AA sodbusters and bushlovers. Now they start into the fallacy spewing.

Heh heh. Twoooth hurts, trash.

Chef Mojo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chef Mojo said...


yll be saying little, Mojotrash when we show up at yr door, or that of yr queer daddy, brother, attorney, rabbi etc

Why, J! Are you threatening me? With violence? Really? Don't be a pussy about it, J. C'mon and say what you really mean, pussy boy!

Chef Mojo said...


Man, I thought you were just a parody, but now I see you're a pathetic little pussy stalker. Wanna come over to my place and play, pussy boy?

You've got as much balls as you've got brains, pussy boy. Given the way you post comments, I'd say you're rather lacking in the brains department, so it's no great shakes to imagine an empty ball sac to go along with it. Of course that can be explained by your jerking off 20-30 times a day to your little violent fantasies. Doesn't it hurt after awhile, pussy boy?

Mark said...

J, your years at Harvard and Yale did you no good.

J said...

Heh heh.

Like rabid poodles or somethin'. Yap yap, Jay the lappoodle! Yr as pathetic as the ho's who gave you birth.

Let's reiterate: it's nearly certain that Gore won FL 2000. Bush just had better mafiosis pushing for him, including the Scalia gang.

buh bye for now, mierda

J said...

7: 45 no, f**k you, Mojo the teabugger. yr insults aren't worth the dimebag that yr mama's pussy goes for in Jersey Citay or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

As far as jerk offs go, that yr bum daddy, ain't it, byatch (we got yr IP too and all yr bio info, perp) .

Capichay, mierda?

Chef Mojo said...


Hey pussy boy! Who's this "we" that's coming to my door? Pussy boys don't have "we." No one hangs with pussy boys like you. No, folks slap around pussy boys like you. Comes naturally, you see? Unless you mean the royal "we," which in your case means your furiously jerking right hand and your pathetic little self in front of my door. Which might shock the neighbors, who don't take kindly to pathetic little stalkers jerking off in the nabe.

See ya around, pussy boy!

J said...

actually mojo seems a bit unclear about its ..sexuality. Sometimes posts as ..male, other times female. So...Mr Mojo, maybe like xanax time instead of yr cheap dyslexic crack whore/TV schtick, basura--or zine . Yr too pathetic to take seriously, freak

Chef Mojo said...


(we got yr IP too and all yr bio info, perp)

Why, yes! I do believe pussy boy J is threatening me!

Let's take a poll Althousians! Is J laying a threat of violence on me?

I'm curious to see what y'all think. I think the pussy boy has gone beyond trolling to threatening a commenter on this blog. Now, I'm not a lawyer; just a chef with an affinity for knives, so I'm not up on what constitutes threatening behavior on a blog.

Not that I really feel threatened, what with J being a bona fide pussy boy and all.

Revenant said...

I see I struck a nerve with J. :)

J said...

scary, Mr Mojo, the Divine of A-house. Zine time for you, fat byatch

Big Mike said...

I have a small proposition. How about if Tammy agrees to resign if it turns out that there really were no irregularities in Waukesha County?

Now on the other hand, if it can be proved that TAA members are registered to vote out of state but nevertheless cast ballots in the April 5th election ...

Chef Mojo said...


I do believe you did, at that. ;-)

wv: supriess: suppressing the surprise for J!

J said...

8: 08. nope Rev., but like plagiarize Im used to psychotic conservative hicks such as you and the A-house gang. The net's overrun with 'em.

Fact claim: Gore won FL 2000. Can be verified (of course lying conservatives will always trust that the holy Courts always do the right thing. Uh huh). Not about yr little obscene dishwasher insults, or fallacies, libel.

garage mahal said...

Let's take a poll Althousians! Is J laying a threat of violence on me?

No. You're over-reacting and appear shaken.

Fen said...

Libtard Let's reiterate: it's nearly certain that Gore won FL 2000.


Not even worth a response.

yll be saying little, Mojotrash when we show up at yr door, or that of yr queer daddy, brother,

Poor J. Threatening people on the internet. We have our own little Jared Loughner here, folks.

Too late to change your ISP or dump your hard drive. Have fun chatting with the FBI, Libtard.

Chef Mojo said...

Well, garage's comment is predictable. Thanks for your input, garage. It's duly noted.

J & garage mahal: Simpatico!

Fen said...

garage: No. You're over-reacting and appear shaken

The FBI doesn't think so. I was very calm and serious with them.


You want in on this too Garage?

Revenant said...

8: 08. nope Rev., but like plagiarize Im used to psychotic conservative hicks such as you

Did that make sense to anyone here besides J? Show of hands, please.

garage mahal said...



Like you ever have my back, focker.

J said...

fat byatch Mojo, your Rosie O'Donnell impression sucks as much as you on saturday night.

just STFU and do reason a favor, liars

Chef Mojo said...


Like you ever have my back, focker.

Never claimed I did, garage.

But I always know who has mine...

wv: woblegai: I think J's a wobbly guy now. Well. That, and a pussy boy...

bagoh20 said...

I wonder who is the most embarrassed to be on the same side as the other.

DADvocate said...

The libs couldn't cheat and steal Florida for Gore (the pathetic fellow who couldn't win his home state). But, they can still lie about it.

Trochilus said...

Gee, if the level of the comments (ones that are essentially responding to a judicial election in Wisconsin) are this acrimoniou and childish, one really has to wonder what we're all in for in 2012?

How about a few facts to chew over instead of constant personal attacks?

On the website of the Government Accountability Board (GAB) we find that the current number of counties "holding out" from officially reporting their results is now down to three -- Crawford, Sauk, and Milwaukee.

Here is exactly what it says on that GAB website:

"Crawford, Milwaukee and Sauk counties are still being worked on, and will be posted as soon as possible. Milwaukee County will likely not be posted until Wednesday at the earliest."

It's been a week, but "they’re "being worked on."

All three of them are Democrat-leaning counties. Look at the numbers.

The GAB-reported results for the entire State – of Wisconsin, including the current "unofficial" totals for those slooooow three, plus the results for all the rest of the counties (who have all reported) demonstrates that the current statewide total on the GAB is that Prosser is currently in the lead by 7,322 votes.

There have been "refinement" adjustments in the county totals, including in the Milwaukee County total since initial reports following the judicial election day.

Essentially, the Sauk and Crawford reportings are meaningless in terms of this election at this point because they are just too small to really make any difference, even if there were a minor adjustment.

On Wednesday or so, Milwaukee County will have to certify what are already essentially completely reported results to the GAB.

At this point, is this all just about finding a way to "save face" for Kloppenburg because she too hastily declared victory?

It is the only reasonable explanation I can imagine.

At this point, she should just show a little bit of class and toss in the towel.

It is over!

J said...


The liar is you, DA Log Cabin grrl and the assumption that anyone who claims Bush lost is Democratic--that's the typical A-house brainfart. Florida was BushCo land anyway, stooge.

You don't even know what the issues are, trash

Revenant said...

The libs couldn't cheat and steal Florida for Gore (the pathetic fellow who couldn't win his home state)

The funny thing is that if he HAD won his home state, he'd have won the Presidency, too. Even without Florida.

Of course, his REAL home "state" was Washington DC, but hey.

Brian Brown said...

Fact claim: Gore won FL 2000. Can be verified

It is not a "fact" as it can not be verified.

Your continued assertion that the "WSJ" said so is meaningless, clown.

purplepenquin said...

Even the Wall Street Journal is calling for an investigation. A Republican blogger is asking for a Grand Jury to look into it.

Do you think it is because they are just being sore losers about the election?

*rolls eyes*

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