I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts.
The POTUS agenda has three prongs and is best accomplished by inflating the price of oil, i/e., printing money:
(1) to force people away from oil; (2) to exonerate debtors who vote democratic; (3) to punish the old and thrifty who save and who don't vote democratic.
How does any sane person in his administration think he's got an ounce of credibility when suggesting ANOTHER 16 peeps for a panel on deficit reduction?
He is such a polished liar. While trying to destroy the US dollar every which way he and Soros can think of, he pontificates to us that his courage will never stop the FED printing press from flooding the world with worthless dollars.
Obama also called on congressional leaders to appoint a panel of 16 lawmakers who would develop a concrete spending plan under the leadership of Vice President Biden. The group would report back with an agreement by the end of June, just before a crucial deadline on extending a limit on how much the country can borrow.
“I will preserve these health care programs as a promise we make to each other in this society. I will not allow Medicare to become a voucher program that leaves seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry, with a shrinking benefit to pay for rising costs,” Obama said.
Here is his alternative (from the Althouse link):
"Obama proposed enhancing parts of the landmark health care legislation, for instance by giving an independent board new authority to cut Medicare payments to providers."
Think about that for a minute. To counter the evils of shrinking benefits and rising costs Obama proposes cutting reimbursements to the people who actually provide services. You can have everything you want cheap, if you can just find someone to sell it to you. How could that possibly backfire?
It is, of course, a bait and switch. The government panel that can cut reimbursements to providers is the same government panel that can decide your knee replacement isn't covered.
Is he even on track to keep his promise of halving the deficit before his term is up? Or am I being too optimistic to think we'll have an $800,000,000,000 deficit in 2012? Hey, it's down from $1,600,000,000,000. Progress!
1. Nothing new to see here. 2. It's Bush's fault 3. Last weeks budget cuts were his idea 4. Look at Chine. See communism works. 5 The rich can flip the bill for whatever we want so order the "Steak Oscar"
Mad Man- I'd support a 3% income tax [call it a deficit reduction tax] on all Americans with no exceptions in return for: 1- spending cuts of 3X that 2- and the mass resignations of all Congress critter who have been in office for 12 years or more. Afterall they dug the hole we are in.
(The Crypto Jew) I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts.
Why the tax increases? You can nationalize all the “rich” people you want and it won’t trim the deficit or debt….It’s not a failure to TAX that is causing the problem. For energy, “All of the above” is not a bad idea, for Debt Reduction, not so much…
"Obama proposed enhancing parts of the landmark health care legislation, for instance by giving an independent board new authority to cut Medicare payments to providers."
A new commission filled with the same people who got us here like Joe Biden who sat in the Senate for 35 years while the presidents and the Congresses bankrupted the nation and hid it using gimmicks.
And wasn’t JUST a “Debt Reduction Committee” that Obama appointed? *WOW* Didn’t they release a program here recently? What was the Obama Administration’s “take” on that…or is this keep making a commission until you find one that says what you like?
The budget this year is $12,260 per capita of which $5,200 is borowed. This is not sustainable and what Obama propoese is a joke. Even the republican budget proposal goes nowhere near enough.
The $7,000 is the revenue collected. Other than debt service that all sides agree must be paid to avoid an economic collapse the rest of the spending up to the $7,000 is what needs to be decided on by both sides.
Go over to Drudge and check out the video of Joe Biden asleep during the President's telling the rest of us that he wants ANOTHER commision, but this time, Biden's in charge. That guy...the one asleep. The one who was supposed to ride herd on the big $800 billion infusion of magic.
Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
1. new investments (spending) that will spread fairy dust around the economy 2. cuts in defense (ok, reasonable) 3. after passing Obamacare by raiding medicare, increasing the caseload, and promising savings by rooting out fraud wate and abuse, we're going back to that same empty well from which we haven't delivered the savings and going to find more of the same 4. The fourth step in our approach is to reduce spending in the tax code, That reveals everything about his world view. All revenue belongs to us. Allowing you to keep some counts as spending. to balance the budget, we'll cut your spending and retain the revenue for the my people...
The guy thinks we will buy this BS. I'm actually surprised. I thought he'd play a game, embracing the Deficit commission taxes and ignoring the cuts. He wasn't even that broght.
Until he produces a revised budget that can be scored by OMB, he's just irrelevant.
when they do flesh this travesty out, expect the investments to be front loaded and the savings to occur in years 10-12
I think it would be a great mistake to re-elect Mr. Obama for a second term where he would have no reason to worry about electability for a third term.
(The Crypto Jew) Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
1) I believe it’s more than that, $15,000; and 2) IF we cut Medicare reimbursements, seniors may have all sorts of ‘coverage” but no doctor’s willing to provide it, Garage. Which do you prefer having $15,000 for insurance or having no costs, but no doctor?
@Joe -- Given the size of the deficit, I find the tax cuts in Ryan's plan unjustified. We simply aren't anywhere close to laffer curve territory at current tax rates.
BUT, no tax increases without tax simplification and elimination of most deductions and credits. If we increase the highest marginal rates we also broaden the overall tax base and smooth out the most egregious thresholds.
AND no tax increases without significant, dramatic, cuts in spending and benefits.
Which do you prefer having $15,000 for insurance or having no costs, but no doctor?
Three doctors in my family, Garage. One ER doc, one pede, and one eye specialist. None of them are going to accept any more government patients. None of their partners are going to either. Two of them agreed to continue seeing those they already have, but accept no new ones. That doesn't apply to the ER doc.
(The Crypto Jew) BUT, no tax increases without tax simplification and elimination of most deductions and credits. If we increase the highest marginal rates we also broaden the overall tax base and smooth out the most egregious thresholds.
AND no tax increases without significant, dramatic, cuts in spending and benefits.
You’ve consumed the “Moderate Koolaid” dood/doodette…We’ll boost rates on the folks paying 50-90% of the taxes ALREADY, good idea, see how the economy grows after that, BUT the Democrats “promise” to cut spending in return…Gee they’ve been saying that since 1980…30 years later? You get the cuts, NOW…THEN we’ll see about tax increases.
(The Crypto Jew) Obama repeated his previous assertion that Social Security does not drive the nation’s fiscal problems.
It’s a “Lawyer Truth” true as far as it goes…TODAY it doesn’t drive the fiscal problems, Current Accounting Spending does that…HOWEVER, it is a HUGE unfunded liability, in the future…so it’s “true” as long as you don’t look too far into the future.
(The Crypto Jew) Three doctors in my family, Garage. One ER doc, one pede, and one eye specialist. None of them are going to accept any more government patients. None of their partners are going to either. Two of them agreed to continue seeing those they already have, but accept no new ones. That doesn't apply to the ER doc.
Well Scottm it’s obvious that two of your doctor relatives are anti-social “hooligans.” Their skills are a SOCIAL GOOD and they must be made to provide care for government-designated patients! They are Economic WRECKERS and People’s justice should be meted out to them!
The Lizard talks his trash because he knows the Pubbies will never call his bluff. They wouldn't shut down the gummint, they will agree to raising the debt ceiling. What does he have to fear? Nothing.
Well Scottm it’s obvious that two of your doctor relatives are anti-social “hooligans.”
What's really sobering about this is that the pede is a dyed-in-the-wool feminist and liberal, normally. Confronted with food off her own table, though, she changed her tact a bit.
Lending more credence to the old, "a liberal is just a conservative that hasn't been mugged yet". She saw the muggin' a-comin' and started playing another tune.
"I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts."
Honestly, we could do a lot worse.
I do worry greatly about tax increases (at least you're honestly calling them what they are, instead of saying they are ending a tax cut like some sophist) going too far, but we have enough of a budget crisis that cutting spending would have a good enough impact on our economy to make this acceptable.
But then, we need to see Obama's plans in detail. I bet all his cuts are delayed until after he's president, much as the tax increases needed to pay for his spending are delayed indefinitely.
He wants the future to fund his poll numbers. We can't really talk about his plan yet. For all we know, it doesn't exist.
Today, President Obama offered a fundamentally dishonest thumbnail outline of a budget plan. Here is a summary of the President's "plan" to save $4 trillion over 12 years:
1) Domestic Discretionary: Obama refuses to cut any spending for any of his own programs and instead claims that the small start budget deal of $38.5 billion in cuts this year will turn into $750 billion in cuts over 12 years.
2) Defense: Obama will convene another commission which will find $400 billion in cuts over 12 years. No specifics.
3) Medicare & Medicaid: Obama wants to strengthen the powers of his Obamacare Death Panel (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission) to lower compensation to medical providers and drug manufacturers and eliminate cost ineffective medical treatment (rationing). Obama claims that this will save $500 billion. This is probably the same $500 billion he claims will fund Obamacare.
4) "Reduce Spending in the Tax Code" (the new Obama euphemism for raising taxes): Obama wants to reinstate the 39% Clinton tax rates for and deny tax deductions to the top 2% of earners. This will allegedly raise $320 billion over 12 years.
There is no plan to reform Social Security even though it started adding to the deficit last year.
$1 trillion of the alleged $4 trillion in "savings" does not come from tax increases or spending cuts, but rather from not paying as much interest on the debt as Obama currently plans to run up. Not spending money in the future is not savings. This is a lie.
OK, so we are looking at $3 trillion in questionable and unspecified tax increases and spending reductions over 12 years or a $250 billion per year reduction in what is now a $1.6 trillion deficit - guaranteeing trillion dollar deficits are far as the eye can see or until America becomes insolvent in less than a decade.
Actually I'm proposing extremism in both directions.
You and I and most commenters here already know what will happen. Some marginally unimportant program cuts will be accompanied by some increases in hidden taxes while the tax code remains a scandal and none of the actual real drivers of the deficit are touched.
And everyone will make promises to do better in the future (even Ryan does this).
I'm afraid there isn't much "red" left in the cent anymore. They used to be bronze, and then brass (both 95% copper with different alloys). Now they're just copper-plated zinc.
I repeat, what is this guy going to pull out his hat, his sleeve, his ass, that will, even remotely, look like leadership to the voting public before the 2012 elections? I don't see it anywhere. He is a non-leader through and through. He's not holding something back - he never was a leader to begin with.
The worst economy in 60 years, and this guy babbles a stream of complete sewage.
His speech was an incoherent jumble of nonsense.
I believe we're all witnessing the end of an era of politics in America where the voters used to turn a blind eye to the rhetoric and lies of politicians.
I feel this is gonna get really uglier. The president and both parties are in a yooge state of denial so they will only nibble around the edges of the spending bubble. We are headed for bankruptcy IMO.
He made that same basic remark a week or so ago - "We will all need to make sacrifices." - - - the subtext; EXCEPT OF COURSE, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES IN WISCONSIN AND UNION MEMBERS EVERYWHERE - - they will get waivers....
Yeah, he's REAL good at spouting the tried and true activist rhetoric, no substance exists and he knows the American public will not pay attention more than 5 minuted and will not hold him accountable.
He also knows that the activist machine is gearing up to do the dirty work, he can stand there and spout nice platitudes, the machine is amping up the Lerner plan, class warfare, "We're not broke, there's plenty of money, it's just that THEY have it all and it belongs to you..."
I really hate what we have become - that we allow a charlatan like this to hold the highest office in the land says a lot. Days like this I am convinced there is no HOPE.
"tax increases (at least you're honestly calling them what they are, instead of saying they are ending a tax cut like some sophist)". Begging your pardon. It is the sophists who call them tax cuts. Any tax exemption that applies to some people and not to others is actually a government wealth transfer from the others to the some. The mortgage exemption is a transfer from people who don't have houses to people who do.
I believe that low taxes are essentially good and moral - my money belongs to me, not to the government, unless it can prove it must have it. That doesn't mean that I have to support tax exemptions.
When he says shared sacrifice, it doesn't include Democrat politicians.
As for spending cuts, he'll do it like Willie, all on defense, nowhere else.
Medicare is farmed out to Medical Assistance as part of ZeroCare, so all the treacle expended about the poor old people is a crock, anyway. Unless garage has decided to denounce ZeroCare.
The best part?
The supposed cuts (except defense, of course) don't kick in until the last 2 years. Wanna bet on they disappear?
PS Rand Paul is right, but doesn't go far enough. Get rid of every cabinet department created in the 20 Century.
If this guy was anything but the bullshitter-in-chief, his starting point in this discussion would be the recommendations of his deficit commission. After all, it was his commission!
The America he believes in is not the America we believe in. His view of America is shared by now by about 20% of the population and the occasional rube.
(This is probably an overstatement, because I doubt even many of the rubes are country killers as are Oblahblah and his lefty ilk.)
I am going to Vegas in the fall. I wonder if they will take bets on the 2012 prez election? If so, I will bet Obama gets beat even worse than Carter did in 1980....the Repubs will run ads against Obama that ask "has President Obama fixed even one thing in the last 4 years?"
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
I just wanted to mention that so the teabaggers here can catch up on the truth.
Okay; now continue the whining and bitching."
The recession is only highlighting and bringing forward the obviousness of the utter failure of democrat policies.
That Obama is oblivious to the suffering of the unemployed is only one of his major failures.
That he wants to dramatically expand social programs at the very time that the more experienced Europe is reversing their past policies and trying to cut theirs, is another of the bit O's major failures.
That he is absolute clueless about how to do anything is clear to all.
That our allies in Europe believe that his administration is incompetent is beyond question.
Uh.....what puny point were you trying to make, again, Garage?
In any decent society saying things like "eliminate spending in the tax code" would be grounds for impeachment. There is absolutely no way a sane person can use such a phrase. A properly functioning brain in a person who has the slightest ability to feel shame would prevent someone from ever saying such a thing.
"Not only will the economy rebound in a big way, president Obama will win the next election by at least 10-20 points.
What part of 4% inflation for the next 10 years, and 5 years until unemployment subsides don't you understand Jeremy?
Not to mention the peril we face if and when the world decides that we are not worth the risk to get nominal interest rates on our notes, with the added kicker of our purposely deflated dollar.
We are Greece, Ireland, and Portugal combined - a veritable banana republic of financial management, and you think we're just sailing along fine under the dunce of a president we have?
My favorite is Obama's rhetorical trick that deductions in the tax code are government spending. Therefore, Obama can "reduce spending" by eliminating deductions. This is a false argument because it does not reflect real cash flow. A deduction is merely part of what the government defines as being income that it taxes. The government only collects an amount of tax on an amount of income that they have defined.
If a deduiduction was equivilent to spending that thus concludes that there is an absolute amount of gross income. But there isn't. For example, when you have an unrealized gain on an asset, the governemnt doesn't tax you on that because an unreaslized gain is not income per the tax code. But it could tax you. It could make you Mark-to-market the unrealized gain. Thus, is the government "spending" the amount it doesn't require you to mark-to-market?
Scott "You're making this prediction, so by what markers are you going to call it a bulleye? And, if reality ends up not matching up, what then?"
1. The stock market rebounded from about 6,700 to its current level of about 12,250.
2. The unemployment rate has dropped from a high of over 10% to it's current rate of about 7.8%...which is lower than it was three weeks after little Georgie walked.
3. The GDP has averaged about 3% for the past 6 quarters...after being at -6.8% when Obama took office.
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
I just wanted to mention that so the teabaggers here can catch up on the truth.
Okay; now continue the whining and bitching.
He never comes up with anything different. So much for independent thought.
But he might want to try if you're in a hole and want to get out, the first thing to do is stop digging.
But he can't think of that.
And the Democrats will run ads against whoever or whatever the GOP can scrounge up...that will ask:
..."does anybody remember the surplus Clinton left behind?
No surplus. the deficit grew each year.
...or the two wars Bush got us into?
One war, several campaigns - avoidable if Willie had taken bin Laden when Suadan offered him.
...or that little Georgie was sound asleep during the lead up to the economic collapse or the real estate meltdown?
Caused by Willie's expansion of the CRA, particularly mandatory acceptance of subprime mortgages, with bush tried to overturn numnerous times, blocked by The Friend of Angelo and his bitch, Little Zero.
...or that he left behind a massive deficit?
Matched in one year by the Prince of Kenya.
...or that he sidned a 700 Billion dollar bank bailout bill on the way out the door?"
Which Little Zero supported and expanded after he became TOTUS.
"Vote Obama...he's the one who cleaned up the mess left behind!!
The mess is coming out of his behind and, as usual, the conservatives will clean it up.
2. The unemployment rate has dropped from a high of over 10% to it's current rate of about 7.8%...which is lower than it was three weeks after little Georgie walked.
Jeremy: You are quite right. President Obama gave a nice speech. You are the audience for whom the speech was written: one of those who is actually dumber than the President himself, one who will both listen to and believe his nonsense. Jeremy, if indeed you went to business school you can bet that you know lots, whole lots, more about the world than our President. He is quite a clown and a boob. Very unserious person. good with the platitude.
Jeremy: Nothing is Obama's FAULT. But it is his JOB to FIX IT. Do you not understand that? He does not have a serious thought about how to fix what Bush broke. We hired Obama to fix it and he does not know how. How freaking difficult is this concept to you? Surely you did not read or hear a plan today.
Jay - The fact that money "borrowed" from Social Security "adds" to the national debt...doesn't mean that the Social Security Program itself is adding anyting to the debt.
By using your logic, wouldn't it mean bond holders are also adding to the debt?
Jay - The fact that money "borrowed" from Social Security "adds" to the national debt...doesn't mean that the Social Security Program itself is adding anyting to the debt
That's right dummy, you call it an IOU, a unicorn, whatever it is so you feel good inside and pretend it isn't debt.
Comrade X "the stock market was also at 13,500 until it became clear Obama would win the nomination and the presidency with a democrat congress."
Yeah, right.
It plummeted on word that he would be president...had nothing whatsoever to do with the impact of the recession that began in 2007...only to magically rebounded when he was actually elected??
It fell when investors thought he "might" be president, but rebounded when it became apparent that he "would"actually BE president??
Jay thinks that the "borrowing" from Social Security means that the operational aspects of the program itself "adds" to the debt.
Up until last year, Social Security generally ran a surplus. The surplus was then "borrowed" by other parts of the government. However, starting this past year, Social Security is running a deficit, meaning that we will have to issue debt to pay for social security along with issuing debt to pay for the rest of the government.
Garbage: There is no lockbox. There is no social security trust fund. If there was, it would be empty except for cobwebs.
They have spent almost $3 Trillion in soc sec taxes paid by people who are still working. And they gave the money to current retirees. They counted that tax revenue as current year revenue which was a misleading practice and understated that year's deficits. They have been doing this for like 30 years. If they had not, the accumulated deficit would be $3 Trillion higher plus interest.
It was a bogus shell game worthy of the Enron geniuses. They have done the same thing with Medicare taxes.
It is expected that Social Security will run an ever increasing deficit in the future. So while ten years ago the social security system actually "reduced our total debt" it now greatly increases the total debt because we have to borrow for the spending that the social security surplus used to cover.
As an example: Unemployment during Ronnie's tenure fell from a high of 10.8% in 1982 to 7.2% in 1984.
The unemployment rate is currently 8.8%. And its much worse than in 1982, because the numerator of the rate calculation has decreased much more today than it did back then relative to the denominator.
Sloanasaurus "It is expected that Social Security will run an ever increasing deficit in the future."
Social Security is solvent through 2037.
It also "has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned” and that $2.6 trillion “doesn’t add to our deficit.” (Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., a member of the Bowles-Simpson commission.)
As a fall back position (in case you're right) we at least need to check him and his ill-advised advisors from further wrecking the economy. Ryan republicans need to regain full control of the legislative branch-enough to override any obstinate vetoes. Almost a third of the seats are up for re-election in the Senate alone.
Let Nancy and Harry stew in their own juices with enhanced minority status authority.
he intragovernmental bond is nothing more than a bookkeeping device that records how much one part of the U.S. government (Treasury) owes another part of the same government (the Social Security Administration).
Social Security is in deficit. This isn't complicated. You're rather dumb.
I love how silly little Jeremy is pretending they are "bonds"
"My favorite is Obama's rhetorical trick that deductions in the tax code are government spending."
Several of you have made this mistake. Deductions in the tax code _are_ government spending. They are a wealth transfer. It means that I pay more taxes, so that you can pay less taxes. It makes no difference to me if we both get taxed 20%, and then the government gives 2% back to you (spending), or if the government just collects only 18% from you in the first place. In either case, my taxes are going to support you.
In this the deficit commission is absolutely right; eliminating deductions is the fairest way to raise taxes, if you must raise taxes. If you just want to cut government spending, you can eliminate deductions and lower the base tax rate to bring in the same revenue - as Paul Ryan's plan does.
Um, I need a credible, verifiable link to back up your assertion. You got nothing do you? Where did you paste that drivel from anyways? I'm curious. Townhall? Gateway Pundit?
Um, I need a credible, verifiable link to back up your assertion.
Nobody, not a single person with a modicum of knowledge on the topic, disputes the fact that Treasury issues an intragovernmental bond to SSA and the SSA pretends it is an asset.
Jay - Social Security has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned.
Jeremy: Your premise is wrong. How do you get to "social security is solvent" - literally, what are you talking about? "Social security withholding" is just taxes, and accounting fallacies aside, Congress treats it as such.
I don't give 2 shits about whether "social security" is solvent, I care about whether the nation is solvent. Why bother with the farce of parsing it out? Because it is a farce.
Jeremy, I wish you would stop this. Anyone who thinks about it understands that a Treasury Bond has no value to the US government, since it prints them. We could even save space in that mythical safe by burning its contents; no point in keeping them around: We can always print them again when we need them.
Tell me if this sounds okay: Social Security is solvent because the US government can always print money whenever it needs it. Doesn't, right?
Hey, I'm just quoting obama. HE won't sacrifice. Why should he? His earning potential will only increase in the next 10 years, mine will inflate away. Change indeed.
I find it comical garbage silly little jeremy don't get this:
When your FICA tax is taken out of your paycheck, it does not get squirreled away in some lockbox in West Virginia where it's kept until you and your contemporaries retire. Most goes out immediately to pay current retirees, and the rest (say, $100) goes to the U.S. Treasury - and is spent. On roads, bridges, national defense, public television, whatever - spent, gone.
In return for that $100, the Treasury sends the Social Security Administration a piece of paper that says: IOU $100. There are countless such pieces of paper in the lockbox. They are called "special issue" bonds.
Special they are: They are worthless. As the OMB explained, they are nothing more than "claims on the Treasury [i.e., promises] that, when redeemed [when you retire and are awaiting your check], will have to be financed by raising taxes, borrowing from the public, or reducing benefits or other expenditures."
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
You forgot the most important part of this - The Democrats took control of Congress in January, 2007, ten months before the start of the recession. And, spending bills start in the House, are passed by the two houses of Congress, before going to the President to be signed.
And, notably also, the deficits started to explode staring with the Democrats controllinging the 110th Congress in 2007. Humm...
Link Jay! You say SS adds to the debt. In order to believe this, you must have seen actual numbers adding to this debt? I'm starting to believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
Jay - Social Security has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned.
Actually, it doesn't.
It has a bunch of IOU's that are assets with zero value.
Another 'Winning The Future' moment from Obama. SSDD. Epic fail from the One.
This WTF slogan is destined to be one of the worst campaign slogans ever. The left will think that it means Winning The Future, and the rest of us will know better.
So he plans to cut Medicare payments to doctors. That way doctors won't take patients who are retired and on social security. Patients die. No need for social security or Medicare outlays for the patients, because doctors wouldn't see them and now they're dead.
Just for a point of reference, did Obama ever find those $100 million in cuts from his cabinet’s budget?
Did cheney/bush ever find the 12 Billion lost in Iraq.
You mean the money spent gutting Al Qaeda and discrediting it in the Islamic world? Not to mention ending the regime of one of them most sadistic dictators in history?
No loss. Investment, but PB&J/shiloh/some phony folksy only knows sophistry.
Several of you have made this mistake. Deductions in the tax code _are_ government spending. They are a wealth transfer.
Deductions in the tax code are not government spending. Deductions in the tax code may result in or cause spending reductions, but they are not, per se, government spending.
Hint: Even if deductions were properly deemed a wealth transfer, not all wealth transfers involve spending.
"not all wealth transfers involve spending." Am I supposed to care about dictionary definitions. There is no real difference at all. My money is being taken through taxes, and used to pay for your lower taxes.
Garage; Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
So Garage you do understand that a Medicare Advantage plan essentially gets a "premium" from the feds (based on where you live) and then provides health coverage. So the ideal of "setting an amount" up front for the delivery of services is not unprecedented.
The bigger question is what market will there be for such a premium amount. I will look up the amount for a recent year and county and see how it compares
Bruce Hayden - Maybe they just think, hey What The Fuck...how can we possibly lose to the crew you and the rest of the teabagger crowd is suggesting as their candidates.
He'll win.
And win big.
And your bitching and whining will go on and on and on...
Actually, Jeremy, the doctors will take people who can pay. And thanks to you and Obama, it won't be people retired and living on social security. Just rich folks like garage mahal who can pay out of pocket.
And my name ain't Sarah. But she gets credit in my book for spotting the scam way before many others.
How does it feel to be dumber than Sarah Palin, Jeremy?
Why do we continually go through the resident liberal argument that social security doesn't contribute to the debt. What is it about the concept of an IOU to yourself that you don't understand?
I'm assuming then that when Al Gore proclaimed "LOCK BOX" you imagined some heavily guarded vault loaded with cash only to be opened in the event of a need from social security.
Jeremy comes on every thread and destroys it with addled nonsense and obscenities. Why are people here so willing to play that game with him every time?
Jeremy, you dumb motherfucker, I ask you to look to the now, not the past, not ronnie, not gwb, not abe lincoln. Look to the now problem. Obama has been hired to fix a problem he has no plan to fix. talk, yes.
educher - "You mean the money spent gutting Al Qaeda and discrediting it in the Islamic world?"
So you think our Iraqi fiasco has pretty much discredited Al Queda in the Islamic world?
Then explain what the fuck we're still doing there.
Poor little Jeremy. He hasn't heard how the wretched refuse that came stumbling back from the Tigris-Euphrates valley telling any of their buds who couldn't wait to go fight for Islam that tangling with the Americans was suicide, not to mention the way people who complained to AQ about their relatives being blown up in suicide bombings were turned away with, "You should be proud. He/She's a martyr".
Real disincentives to recruitment.
And we're there helping rebuild the country, the way we did with Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait...
So take your fuck someplace else.
*Can we assume you still believe in those nasty WMD, too?
You mean the ones WikiLeaks told us were there, after all?
Garage, I have admired your monicker for several years. I have frequently disagreed with what you said, but this is the first time you have written something that is totally stupid. The idea that social security—now that it is in deficit—does not contribute to the federal deficit, is totally stupid. Those bogus bonds in the SS trust fund are no more than a piece of paper in your left pocket saying you owe your right pocket. Where is the money going to come from to pay it?
Link Jay! You say SS adds to the debt. In order to believe this, you must have seen actual numbers adding to this debt? I'm starting to believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
You prove yet again that you are one of the dumbest motherfucking mouth-breathers ever created. How you can even come to believe this utter bullshit is a mystery only some NewAge psychic could conjure and fathom.
He wants to cut medical costs by paying less. I just can't get over how stupid this man is...or is it how stupid he thinks WE are?
Other commenters seized on this topic, thinking that President Obama is being dishonest by thinking that an independent panel with the authority to cut Medicare payments will reduce medical cost.
I rise to the defense of President Obama and his fellow liberals. They are not being rankly dishonest. They genuinely think that greed is driving medical costs. They think that greed is driving up commodity prices, housing prices, or whatever. This is how they see the world. It is a core belief for them; almost every liberal assumes this to a large degree.
Another important feature of obamas thinking is that he consistently promises to fix the waste in medicare. What is stopping him from fixing it now? Is fixing it conditioned upon accepting his stupid ideas? Unbelievable speech. Incredible. Obama seems to believe that we have an economic system dependent on the govt. He seems to think that the federal govt runs your local school and built the railroads and invents medicines. Very disturbing
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1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»Another 'Winning The Future' moment from Obama. SSDD. Epic fail from the One.
wv - progive Sounds like Democrats to me.
I think a better goal would be $1 of tax increases for every $10 or $20 cut, not $1 and $3.
Cutting the deficit by $4T over 12 years just means a reduction of $333B per year. That means there is still a humongous deficit.
Try again.
And as long as I’m president, we won’t.
That portends a one term Presidency for him IMHO.
Too late, Homie.
... as long as I'm President ...
what's that, Bippy? Like a couple of years?
And then you go back to Chicago and live in ignominy.
So, the jug eared jackass spends my children in to slavery and it's my fault? The government is killing American's, kill the government.
I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts.
WV: worseste. That is the worseste deficit reduction plan ever.
"...cut the deficit by four trillion AFTER you elect me again! And in the meantime, I'm going to spend like I haven't a care in the world!"
He wants to cut medical costs by paying less. I just can't get over how stupid this man is...or is it how stupid he thinks WE are?
AA nailed it.
Chicklet on POTUS "we won" is we won't. Very good/
WV: chimpa Father of human evolution
The POTUS agenda has three prongs and is best accomplished by inflating the price of oil, i/e., printing money:
(1) to force people away from oil;
(2) to exonerate debtors who vote democratic;
(3) to punish the old and thrifty who save and who don't vote democratic.
Lots of room for unintended consequences.
"We're going to raise taxes a lot --- and, as usual, I will expect somebody ELSE to make the spending cuts."
B. Hussein Obama
"President Obama urged lawmakers Wednesday to reduce borrowing by $4 trillion over the next 12 years..."
$4 trillion off of what? His inflated baseline?
How does any sane person in his administration think he's got an ounce of credibility when suggesting ANOTHER 16 peeps for a panel on deficit reduction?
"to punish the old and thrifty who save and who don't vote democratic. "
Yeah, no kidding.
He is such a polished liar. While trying to destroy the US dollar every which way he and Soros can think of, he pontificates to us that his courage will never stop the FED printing press from flooding the world with worthless dollars.
@Scott - Another commission? You're kidding, right?
Hey take it easy on Obama...
He's still in the middle of his learning curve.
Obama also called on congressional leaders to appoint a panel of 16 lawmakers who would develop a concrete spending plan under the leadership of Vice President Biden. The group would report back with an agreement by the end of June, just before a crucial deadline on extending a limit on how much the country can borrow.
Yes, another commission.
-signed Sctoo
If you want a government idiocy in a nutshell it is in Obama's critique of Ryan's Medicare plan compared with his alternative:
Here is Obama's critique:
“I will preserve these health care programs as a promise we make to each other in this society. I will not allow Medicare to become a voucher program that leaves seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry, with a shrinking benefit to pay for rising costs,” Obama said.
Here is his alternative (from the Althouse link):
"Obama proposed enhancing parts of the landmark health care legislation, for instance by giving an independent board new authority to cut Medicare payments to providers."
Think about that for a minute. To counter the evils of shrinking benefits and rising costs Obama proposes cutting reimbursements to the people who actually provide services. You can have everything you want cheap, if you can just find someone to sell it to you. How could that possibly backfire?
It is, of course, a bait and switch. The government panel that can cut reimbursements to providers is the same government panel that can decide your knee replacement isn't covered.
Is he even on track to keep his promise of halving the deficit before his term is up? Or am I being too optimistic to think we'll have an $800,000,000,000 deficit in 2012? Hey, it's down from $1,600,000,000,000. Progress!
Here are my thought on the speech.
Winning the Future? or Duh Losing!
1. Nothing new to see here.
2. It's Bush's fault
3. Last weeks budget cuts were his idea
4. Look at Chine. See communism works.
5 The rich can flip the bill for whatever we want so order the "Steak Oscar"
Arithmetic is not the president's strong suit.
Mad Man- I'd support a 3% income tax [call it a deficit reduction tax] on all Americans with no exceptions in return for:
1- spending cuts of 3X that
2- and the mass resignations of all Congress critter who have been in office for 12 years or more. Afterall they dug the hole we are in.
Hey, I was "excited".
As long as Joe's in charge, my mind is at ease.
Seriously, that's lame.
Another campaign speech with no particulars, it's the only skill he has.
(The Crypto Jew)
I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts.
Why the tax increases? You can nationalize all the “rich” people you want and it won’t trim the deficit or debt….It’s not a failure to TAX that is causing the problem. For energy, “All of the above” is not a bad idea, for Debt Reduction, not so much…
"Obama proposed enhancing parts of the landmark health care legislation, for instance by giving an independent board new authority to cut Medicare payments to providers."
A new commission filled with the same people who got us here like Joe Biden who sat in the Senate for 35 years while the presidents and the Congresses bankrupted the nation and hid it using gimmicks.
(The Crypto Jew)
And wasn’t JUST a “Debt Reduction Committee” that Obama appointed? *WOW* Didn’t they release a program here recently? What was the Obama Administration’s “take” on that…or is this keep making a commission until you find one that says what you like?
The budget this year is $12,260 per capita of which $5,200 is borowed. This is not sustainable and what Obama propoese is a joke.
Even the republican budget proposal goes nowhere near enough.
The $7,000 is the revenue collected. Other than debt service that all sides agree must be paid to avoid an economic collapse the rest of the spending up to the $7,000 is what needs to be decided on by both sides.
What's WORSE?
There is a Santa Claus, Virginia.
Go over to Drudge and check out the video of Joe Biden asleep during the President's telling the rest of us that he wants ANOTHER commision, but this time, Biden's in charge. That guy...the one asleep. The one who was supposed to ride herd on the big $800 billion infusion of magic.
Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
So, he proposes:
1. new investments (spending) that will spread fairy dust around the economy
2. cuts in defense (ok, reasonable)
3. after passing Obamacare by raiding medicare, increasing the caseload, and promising savings by rooting out fraud wate and abuse, we're going back to that same empty well from which we haven't delivered the savings and going to find more of the same
4. The fourth step in our approach is to reduce spending in the tax code, That reveals everything about his world view. All revenue belongs to us. Allowing you to keep some counts as spending. to balance the budget, we'll cut your spending and retain the revenue for the my people...
The guy thinks we will buy this BS. I'm actually surprised. I thought he'd play a game, embracing the Deficit commission taxes and ignoring the cuts. He wasn't even that broght.
Until he produces a revised budget that can be scored by OMB, he's just irrelevant.
when they do flesh this travesty out, expect the investments to be front loaded and the savings to occur in years 10-12
I think it would be a great mistake to re-elect Mr. Obama for a second term where he would have no reason to worry about electability for a third term.
Most importantly... It's Bush's fault
(The Crypto Jew)
Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
1) I believe it’s more than that, $15,000; and
2) IF we cut Medicare reimbursements, seniors may have all sorts of ‘coverage” but no doctor’s willing to provide it, Garage.
Which do you prefer having $15,000 for insurance or having no costs, but no doctor?
@Joe -- Given the size of the deficit, I find the tax cuts in Ryan's plan unjustified. We simply aren't anywhere close to laffer curve territory at current tax rates.
BUT, no tax increases without tax simplification and elimination of most deductions and credits. If we increase the highest marginal rates we also broaden the overall tax base and smooth out the most egregious thresholds.
AND no tax increases without significant, dramatic, cuts in spending and benefits.
Which do you prefer having $15,000 for insurance or having no costs, but no doctor?
Three doctors in my family, Garage. One ER doc, one pede, and one eye specialist. None of them are going to accept any more government patients. None of their partners are going to either. Two of them agreed to continue seeing those they already have, but accept no new ones. That doesn't apply to the ER doc.
(The Crypto Jew)
BUT, no tax increases without tax simplification and elimination of most deductions and credits. If we increase the highest marginal rates we also broaden the overall tax base and smooth out the most egregious thresholds.
AND no tax increases without significant, dramatic, cuts in spending and benefits.
You’ve consumed the “Moderate Koolaid” dood/doodette…We’ll boost rates on the folks paying 50-90% of the taxes ALREADY, good idea, see how the economy grows after that, BUT the Democrats “promise” to cut spending in return…Gee they’ve been saying that since 1980…30 years later? You get the cuts, NOW…THEN we’ll see about tax increases.
POTUS just made Trump look even better.
All the seriousness of an issue of Tiger Beat...minus the Bobby Sherman gravitas.
Brilliant: Kaus makes clear the two actual sides in this debate.
why believe a guy who already promised "a net spending cut" and reneged?
Obama repeated his previous assertion that Social Security does not drive the nation’s fiscal problems.
So he's either an idiot or a liar. Either way, he's not ready to have a serious conversation about the deficit.
(The Crypto Jew)
Obama repeated his previous assertion that Social Security does not drive the nation’s fiscal problems.
It’s a “Lawyer Truth” true as far as it goes…TODAY it doesn’t drive the fiscal problems, Current Accounting Spending does that…HOWEVER, it is a HUGE unfunded liability, in the future…so it’s “true” as long as you don’t look too far into the future.
So he's either an idiot or a liar. Either way, he's not ready to have a serious conversation about the deficit.
SS adds not red .01 to the deficit. By law.
"So he's either an idiot or a liar."
I find it almost impossible to believe that he's an idiot.
Garage, on the other hand ...
(The Crypto Jew)
Three doctors in my family, Garage. One ER doc, one pede, and one eye specialist. None of them are going to accept any more government patients. None of their partners are going to either. Two of them agreed to continue seeing those they already have, but accept no new ones. That doesn't apply to the ER doc.
Well Scottm it’s obvious that two of your doctor relatives are anti-social “hooligans.” Their skills are a SOCIAL GOOD and they must be made to provide care for government-designated patients! They are Economic WRECKERS and People’s justice should be meted out to them!
The America that the Zero 'believes' in is something quite different than what most of us understand.
That he said 'we all need to make sacrifices' only affirms his desire to be the chooser of exactly who 'we' is...
The Lizard talks his trash because he knows the Pubbies will never call his bluff. They wouldn't shut down the gummint, they will agree to raising the debt ceiling. What does he have to fear? Nothing.
@Joe - SS outlays now exceed income. The future is now.
(The Crypto Jew)
SS adds not red .01 to the deficit. By law..
Well there you go, “By law” Thank you King Canute….
In retrospect, how could anyone have thought this guy was going to be transformative? Has any president been less transformative?
Well Scottm it’s obvious that two of your doctor relatives are anti-social “hooligans.”
What's really sobering about this is that the pede is a dyed-in-the-wool feminist and liberal, normally. Confronted with food off her own table, though, she changed her tact a bit.
Lending more credence to the old, "a liberal is just a conservative that hasn't been mugged yet". She saw the muggin' a-comin' and started playing another tune.
"I would take Ryan's proposal and Obama's proposal and put them together. I want all the tax increases and all of the loophole eliminations and all of the cuts."
Honestly, we could do a lot worse.
I do worry greatly about tax increases (at least you're honestly calling them what they are, instead of saying they are ending a tax cut like some sophist) going too far, but we have enough of a budget crisis that cutting spending would have a good enough impact on our economy to make this acceptable.
But then, we need to see Obama's plans in detail. I bet all his cuts are delayed until after he's president, much as the tax increases needed to pay for his spending are delayed indefinitely.
He wants the future to fund his poll numbers. We can't really talk about his plan yet. For all we know, it doesn't exist.
"Obama's plan to cut the deficit."
Wait, don't tell me, lemme guess.
It it "More high-speed choo-choos"?
Today, President Obama offered a fundamentally dishonest thumbnail outline of a budget plan. Here is a summary of the President's "plan" to save $4 trillion over 12 years:
1) Domestic Discretionary: Obama refuses to cut any spending for any of his own programs and instead claims that the small start budget deal of $38.5 billion in cuts this year will turn into $750 billion in cuts over 12 years.
2) Defense: Obama will convene another commission which will find $400 billion in cuts over 12 years. No specifics.
3) Medicare & Medicaid: Obama wants to strengthen the powers of his Obamacare Death Panel (Medicare Payment Advisory Commission) to lower compensation to medical providers and drug manufacturers and eliminate cost ineffective medical treatment (rationing). Obama claims that this will save $500 billion. This is probably the same $500 billion he claims will fund Obamacare.
4) "Reduce Spending in the Tax Code" (the new Obama euphemism for raising taxes): Obama wants to reinstate the 39% Clinton tax rates for and deny tax deductions to the top 2% of earners. This will allegedly raise $320 billion over 12 years.
There is no plan to reform Social Security even though it started adding to the deficit last year.
$1 trillion of the alleged $4 trillion in "savings" does not come from tax increases or spending cuts, but rather from not paying as much interest on the debt as Obama currently plans to run up. Not spending money in the future is not savings. This is a lie.
OK, so we are looking at $3 trillion in questionable and unspecified tax increases and spending reductions over 12 years or a $250 billion per year reduction in what is now a $1.6 trillion deficit - guaranteeing trillion dollar deficits are far as the eye can see or until America becomes insolvent in less than a decade.
Shame on you sir!
Joe wrote You’ve consumed the “Moderate Koolaid”
Actually I'm proposing extremism in both directions.
You and I and most commenters here already know what will happen. Some marginally unimportant program cuts will be accompanied by some increases in hidden taxes while the tax code remains a scandal and none of the actual real drivers of the deficit are touched.
And everyone will make promises to do better in the future (even Ryan does this).
The Empty Suit(tm) is a fraud. His speech only confirms it.
John said:
So, the jug eared jackass spends my children in to slavery and it's my fault?
Your kids are going to write for the Huffington Post?
garage mahal wrote:
SS adds not red .01 to the deficit. By law.
I'm afraid there isn't much "red" left in the cent anymore. They used to be bronze, and then brass (both 95% copper with different alloys). Now they're just copper-plated zinc.
I'm not blaming Obama for that though.
Biden Falls Asleep During Obama Budget Speech.
I repeat, what is this guy going to pull out his hat, his sleeve, his ass, that will, even remotely, look like leadership to the voting public before the 2012 elections? I don't see it anywhere. He is a non-leader through and through. He's not holding something back - he never was a leader to begin with.
Worst. President. Ever.
There's a reason "tax and spend democrat" is a cliche. Anyone who forgets that is a fool.
"Today, President Obama offered a fundamentally dishonest thumbnail outline of a budget plan."
Yes. What part of socialism do you not understand?
Its a big lie.
(90's hair alert)
This president is bordering on insane.
The worst economy in 60 years, and this guy babbles a stream of complete sewage.
His speech was an incoherent jumble of nonsense.
I believe we're all witnessing the end of an era of politics in America where the voters used to turn a blind eye to the rhetoric and lies of politicians.
I'm afraid there isn't much "red" left in the cent anymore.
Obama's trying to put it back in. Just give him time.
A ruble for your trouble?
I feel this is gonna get really uglier. The president and both parties are in a yooge state of denial so they will only nibble around the edges of the spending bubble. We are headed for bankruptcy IMO.
"We will all need to make sacrifices."
He made that same basic remark a week or so ago - "We will all need to make sacrifices." - - - the subtext; EXCEPT OF COURSE, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES IN WISCONSIN AND UNION MEMBERS EVERYWHERE - - they will get waivers....
Yeah, he's REAL good at spouting the tried and true activist rhetoric, no substance exists and he knows the American public will not pay attention more than 5 minuted and will not hold him accountable.
He also knows that the activist machine is gearing up to do the dirty work, he can stand there and spout nice platitudes, the machine is amping up the Lerner plan, class warfare, "We're not broke, there's plenty of money, it's just that THEY have it all and it belongs to you..."
I really hate what we have become - that we allow a charlatan like this to hold the highest office in the land says a lot. Days like this I am convinced there is no HOPE.
(Funny captcha word sums up his speech: pumpous)
"tax increases (at least you're honestly calling them what they are, instead of saying they are ending a tax cut like some sophist)". Begging your pardon. It is the sophists who call them tax cuts. Any tax exemption that applies to some people and not to others is actually a government wealth transfer from the others to the some. The mortgage exemption is a transfer from people who don't have houses to people who do.
I believe that low taxes are essentially good and moral - my money belongs to me, not to the government, unless it can prove it must have it. That doesn't mean that I have to support tax exemptions.
What plan?
No, no, no. Please let us sacrifice the America you believe in.
Shorter version of Obama speech:
Platitude, platitude.
Republicans and Democrats must come together except on the stuff I declare to be non negotiable.
The House Republicans love the rich and hate the middle class.
Blame Bush.
We must raise taxes on the rich and that will fix most of it.
I believe in Santa Claus.
Bush's war was too expensive but mine is just right.
My chief economist is Goldilocks.
Platitudes, platitudes.
God Bless America.
"...my money belongs to me, not to the government, unless it can prove it must have it."
Yes, but-
"...my money belongs to me, not to the government..."
Isn't the cost cutting way behind in this trade and getting much more out of whack since 2008?
It reminds me of the well worn: "I'll start my diet tomorrow, but tonight..."
When he says shared sacrifice, it doesn't include Democrat politicians.
As for spending cuts, he'll do it like Willie, all on defense, nowhere else.
Medicare is farmed out to Medical Assistance as part of ZeroCare, so all the treacle expended about the poor old people is a crock, anyway. Unless garage has decided to denounce ZeroCare.
The best part?
The supposed cuts (except defense, of course) don't kick in until the last 2 years. Wanna bet on they disappear?
PS Rand Paul is right, but doesn't go far enough. Get rid of every cabinet department created in the 20 Century.
If this guy was anything but the bullshitter-in-chief, his starting point in this discussion would be the recommendations of his deficit commission. After all, it was his commission!
The America he believes in is not the America we believe in. His view of America is shared by now by about 20% of the population and the occasional rube.
(This is probably an overstatement, because I doubt even many of the rubes are country killers as are Oblahblah and his lefty ilk.)
"We are headed for bankruptcy IMO."
Obama is steering us into bankruptcy, after the collapse the pieces will be put back together his way, not the American way.
So much easier,no?
garage mahal wrote:
SS adds not red .01 to the deficit. By law.
Here is the g.m. theory of finance:
"Hey, you know that IOU I had in my left pocket? Well I no longer owe it because I moved it to my right pocket!"
The recession began in December of 2007.
President Obama took office in Jaunary of 2009.
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
I just wanted to mention that so the teabaggers here can catch up on the truth.
Okay; now continue the whining and bitching.
Let's place bets:
Will the Obamas pay 2010 taxes at the Bush tax rates, or will he pay the higher rate he thinks "people like him" should pay?
Garage is holding down the fort alone. Where are the rest of the Obots? Getting their talking points from Kos?
I am going to Vegas in the fall. I wonder if they will take bets on the 2012 prez election? If so, I will bet Obama gets beat even worse than Carter did in 1980....the Repubs will run ads against Obama that ask "has President Obama fixed even one thing in the last 4 years?"
Ah. Here's Jeremy. I spoke too soon. The Kossucker-in-chief has arrived complete with straw men.
"The recession began in December of 2007.
President Obama took office in Jaunary of 2009.
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
I just wanted to mention that so the teabaggers here can catch up on the truth.
Okay; now continue the whining and bitching."
The recession is only highlighting and bringing forward the obviousness of the utter failure of democrat policies.
That Obama is oblivious to the suffering of the unemployed is only one of his major failures.
That he wants to dramatically expand social programs at the very time that the more experienced Europe is reversing their past policies and trying to cut theirs, is another of the bit O's major failures.
That he is absolute clueless about how to do anything is clear to all.
That our allies in Europe believe that his administration is incompetent is beyond question.
Uh.....what puny point were you trying to make, again, Garage?
So, the jug eared jackass spends my children in to slavery ...
How ironic Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim born in Kenya ;) is living in a house built by oppressed American govt. slaves.
The Republican president(s) ginormous American debt years of 1981/1992 and 2001/2008 notwithstanding.
take care
Uh.....what puny point were you trying to make, again, Garage?
Sorry, I meant Jeremy, not Garage.
Same dif'.
Once again the president comes through with a beautifully crafted speech, countering the Ryan drivel.
Not only will the economy rebound in a big way, president Obama will win the next election by at least 10-20 points.
Unless of course any combination of the Trump/Bachmann/Palin/Huckster ticket is in place.
Then you can bank on him winning by at least 40 points.
Americans are a lot smarter than The Queen, Needy and their court of teabaggers think.
Hide and watch.
Quayle - Why would you think the economy would be completely recovered from such a deep recession in such a short span of time?
Where were you and others here during the Bush years?
Did you think everything was just fine?
Do you even know what a recession is?
the Repubs will run ads against Obama that ask "has President Obama fixed even one thing in the last 4 years?"
I agree that that could be a potent strategy. If the Republican Nominee is good. And the last good Republican nominee was...?
In any decent society saying things like "eliminate spending in the tax code" would be grounds for impeachment. There is absolutely no way a sane person can use such a phrase. A properly functioning brain in a person who has the slightest ability to feel shame would prevent someone from ever saying such a thing.
The Chauncey Garner presidency continues apace.
Quayle - "That our allies in Europe believe that his administration is incompetent is beyond question."
Got a link, dickweed...or did you hear that from Glenn?
"Not only will the economy rebound in a big way, president Obama will win the next election by at least 10-20 points.
What part of 4% inflation for the next 10 years, and 5 years until unemployment subsides don't you understand Jeremy?
Not to mention the peril we face if and when the world decides that we are not worth the risk to get nominal interest rates on our notes, with the added kicker of our purposely deflated dollar.
We are Greece, Ireland, and Portugal combined - a veritable banana republic of financial management, and you think we're just sailing along fine under the dunce of a president we have?
You're all nuts.
"The recession began in December of 2007.
President Obama took office in Jaunary of 2009."
The 110th congress was sworn in on January 3rd, 2007. The democrat party held majorities in both the house and the senate.
It is known by many that the house of representatives is charged with responsibility for spending decisions.
The federal budget deficit for the month of March 2011 matched the deficit of the former president's - for an entire year.
Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
Not only will the economy rebound in a big way
You're making this prediction, so by what markers are you going to call it a bulleye? And, if reality ends up not matching up, what then?
And the Democrats will run ads against whoever or whatever the GOP can scrounge up...that will ask:
..."does anybody remember the surplus Clinton left behind?
...or the two wars Bush got us into?
...or that little Georgie was sound asleep during the lead up to the economic collapse or the real estate meltdown?
...or that he left behind a massive deficit?
...or that he sidned a 700 Billion dollar bank bailout bill on the way out the door?"
"Vote Obama...he's the one who cleaned up the mess left behind!!"
My favorite is Obama's rhetorical trick that deductions in the tax code are government spending. Therefore, Obama can "reduce spending" by eliminating deductions. This is a false argument because it does not reflect real cash flow. A deduction is merely part of what the government defines as being income that it taxes. The government only collects an amount of tax on an amount of income that they have defined.
If a deduiduction was equivilent to spending that thus concludes that there is an absolute amount of gross income. But there isn't. For example, when you have an unrealized gain on an asset, the governemnt doesn't tax you on that because an unreaslized gain is not income per the tax code. But it could tax you. It could make you Mark-to-market the unrealized gain. Thus, is the government "spending" the amount it doesn't require you to mark-to-market?
"Not only will the economy rebound in a big way, president Obama will win the next election by at least 10-20 points."
LOL. Jeremy does your doctor know you're off your meds?
Scott "You're making this prediction, so by what markers are you going to call it a bulleye? And, if reality ends up not matching up, what then?"
1. The stock market rebounded from about 6,700 to its current level of about 12,250.
2. The unemployment rate has dropped from a high of over 10% to it's current rate of about 7.8%...which is lower than it was three weeks after little Georgie walked.
3. The GDP has averaged about 3% for the past 6 quarters...after being at -6.8% when Obama took office.
Little thingies like that.
TWM - Tell me which of the spectacular potential GOP candidates who is going to beat president Obama?
garage mahal said...
SS adds not red .01 to the deficit. By law.
You're dumber than a box of rocks.
Jeremy said...
The recession began in December of 2007.
President Obama took office in Jaunary of 2009.
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
I just wanted to mention that so the teabaggers here can catch up on the truth.
Okay; now continue the whining and bitching.
He never comes up with anything different. So much for independent thought.
But he might want to try if you're in a hole and want to get out, the first thing to do is stop digging.
But he can't think of that.
And the Democrats will run ads against whoever or whatever the GOP can scrounge up...that will ask:
..."does anybody remember the surplus Clinton left behind?
No surplus. the deficit grew each year.
...or the two wars Bush got us into?
One war, several campaigns - avoidable if Willie had taken bin Laden when Suadan offered him.
...or that little Georgie was sound asleep during the lead up to the economic collapse or the real estate meltdown?
Caused by Willie's expansion of the CRA, particularly mandatory acceptance of subprime mortgages, with bush tried to overturn numnerous times, blocked by The Friend of Angelo and his bitch, Little Zero.
...or that he left behind a massive deficit?
Matched in one year by the Prince of Kenya.
...or that he sidned a 700 Billion dollar bank bailout bill on the way out the door?"
Which Little Zero supported and expanded after he became TOTUS.
"Vote Obama...he's the one who cleaned up the mess left behind!!
The mess is coming out of his behind and, as usual, the conservatives will clean it up.
Don't Tread 2012 "The 110th congress was sworn in on January 3rd, 2007. The democrat party held majorities in both the house and the senate."
Oh, so then it's NOT president Obama's fault.
It's the party who holds the majority?
And the fact that Bush held the White House for eight years, with a GOP majority for about 6 of those years...is meaningless?
And the last good Republican nominee was...?
Ronald Reagan.
2. The unemployment rate has dropped from a high of over 10% to it's current rate of about 7.8%...which is lower than it was three weeks after little Georgie walked.
Um, it is not "about 7.8%" you silly little liar.
Re: taxes, normal deadline is April 15. This year deadline is April 18 and the reason is:
Taxpayers will have until Monday, April 18 to file their 2010 tax returns and pay any tax due because Emancipation Day, a holiday observed in the District of Columbia, falls this year on Friday, April 15. By law, District of Columbia holidays impact tax deadlines in the same way that federal holidays do; therefore, all taxpayers will have three extra days to file this year.
I find it ironic that Emancipation Day falls on tax day
The recession began in December of 2007.
And Harry & Nancy were sworn in, Jan 2007.
It didn't take them long, did it?
Jeremy: You are quite right. President Obama gave a nice speech. You are the audience for whom the speech was written: one of those who is actually dumber than the President himself, one who will both listen to and believe his nonsense. Jeremy, if indeed you went to business school you can bet that you know lots, whole lots, more about the world than our President. He is quite a clown and a boob. Very unserious person. good with the platitude.
...or the two wars Bush got us into?
Your talking points just repeat themselves time & again.
You realize the Democrats in Congress voted to authorize military force by a majority, right?
You realize Democrats funded billions for those wars, right?
You realize Obama expanded those wars, right?
When does Biden get dumped for term 2? I am guessing by the fall of this year.
or that he sidned a 700 Billion dollar bank bailout bill on the way out the door?"
The Democratic Congress wrote that legislation.
Obama supported that legislation.
You are a goof.
Jeremy: Nothing is Obama's FAULT. But it is his JOB to FIX IT. Do you not understand that? He does not have a serious thought about how to fix what Bush broke. We hired Obama to fix it and he does not know how. How freaking difficult is this concept to you? Surely you did not read or hear a plan today.
1. The stock market rebounded from about 6,700 to its current level of about 12,250.
the stock market was also at 13,500 until it became clear Obama would win the nomination and the presidency with a democrat congress.
Jay - The fact that money "borrowed" from Social Security "adds" to the national debt...doesn't mean that the Social Security Program itself is adding anyting to the debt.
By using your logic, wouldn't it mean bond holders are also adding to the debt?
Ironically, my kids just asked to watch this video:
"The Government Can"
Might as well let them know the truth early. . .
Jeremy said...
Quayle - Why would you think the economy would be completely recovered from such a deep recession in such a short span of time?
Um, 3+ years is not " a short span of time" you silly little dipstick.
Jeremy said...
Jay - The fact that money "borrowed" from Social Security "adds" to the national debt...doesn't mean that the Social Security Program itself is adding anyting to the debt
That's right dummy, you call it an IOU, a unicorn, whatever it is so you feel good inside and pretend it isn't debt.
You do that.
Go on.
This reminds me of an alcoholic trying to get sober, without having to give up alcohol.
Comrade X "the stock market was also at 13,500 until it became clear Obama would win the nomination and the presidency with a democrat congress."
Yeah, right.
It plummeted on word that he would be president...had nothing whatsoever to do with the impact of the recession that began in 2007...only to magically rebounded when he was actually elected??
It fell when investors thought he "might" be president, but rebounded when it became apparent that he "would"actually BE president??
What logic...what...bullshit.
What logic...what...bullshit.
You don't even know what the US unemployment rate is.
Scamper along now, you've posted your lies for the day.
Jay - You continue to imply that the Social Security Progam itself is adding to the debt, when it's the "borrowing" that creates the red.
Should we also stop people from buying bonds?
Just for a point of reference, did Obama ever find those $100 million in cuts from his cabinet’s budget?
That's right dummy, you call it an IOU, a unicorn, whatever it is so you feel good inside and pretend it isn't debt.
Show me, moron, where SS adds to our debt. A link please. Otherwise, with all due respect, you seriously need to shut the fuck up about this topic.
Jay - The unemployment rate for the three months to February 2011 was 7.8 per cent of the economically active population.
garage mahal - Jay thinks that the "borrowing" from Social Security means that the operational aspects of the program itself "adds" to the debt.
Jay thinks that the "borrowing" from Social Security means that the operational aspects of the program itself "adds" to the debt.
Up until last year, Social Security generally ran a surplus. The surplus was then "borrowed" by other parts of the government. However, starting this past year, Social Security is running a deficit, meaning that we will have to issue debt to pay for social security along with issuing debt to pay for the rest of the government.
There is no lockbox. There is no social security trust fund. If there was, it would be empty except for cobwebs.
They have spent almost $3 Trillion in soc sec taxes paid by people who are still working. And they gave the money to current retirees. They counted that tax revenue as current year revenue which was a misleading practice and understated that year's deficits. They have been doing this for like 30 years. If they had not, the accumulated deficit would be $3 Trillion higher plus interest.
It was a bogus shell game worthy of the Enron geniuses. They have done the same thing with Medicare taxes.
Michael "Jeremy: Nothing is Obama's FAULT. But it is his JOB to FIX IT."
Just as it was for Ronnie "The Saint" Reagan when he handled matters.
As an example: Unemployment during Ronnie's tenure fell from a high of 10.8% in 1982 to 7.2% in 1984.
See any similarities here, Mikey?
It is expected that Social Security will run an ever increasing deficit in the future. So while ten years ago the social security system actually "reduced our total debt" it now greatly increases the total debt because we have to borrow for the spending that the social security surplus used to cover.
AJ Lynch - Are you under the impression that "borrowing" from Social Security is something new to the current administration?
Is that what you're inferring?
Jeremy said...
Jay - The unemployment rate for the three months to February 2011 was 7.8 per cent of the economically active population
Laugh out loud funny.
The unemployment rate is not 7.8%
You are a silly little liar.
Just for a point of reference, did Obama ever find those $100 million in cuts from his cabinet’s budget?
Did cheney/bush ever find the 12 Billion lost in Iraq.
Or was it 23 Billion!
Rhetorical question(s).
I yield back the balance of my time ...
As an example: Unemployment during Ronnie's tenure fell from a high of 10.8% in 1982 to 7.2% in 1984.
The unemployment rate is currently 8.8%. And its much worse than in 1982, because the numerator of the rate calculation has decreased much more today than it did back then relative to the denominator.
Sloanasaurus "It is expected that Social Security will run an ever increasing deficit in the future."
Social Security is solvent through 2037.
It also "has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned” and that $2.6 trillion “doesn’t add to our deficit.” (Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., a member of the Bowles-Simpson commission.)
You are such a stupid fuck. I said "last 30 years" didn't I ?
Not everything is a partisan issue you dumb dickhead.
Summation: "If you voted for me the first time, you'll vote for me again."
WV: flingoo
Once again, approrpiate.
AJ Lynch - Could you take the time away from swirling those testicles around in your pretty little mouth...to suck on my dick?
Let me know.
Jeremy said...
TWM - Tell me which of the spectacular potential GOP candidates who is going to beat president Obama?
As a fall back position (in case you're right) we at least need to check him and his ill-advised advisors from further wrecking the economy. Ryan republicans need to regain full control of the legislative branch-enough to override any obstinate vetoes. Almost a third of the seats are up for re-election in the Senate alone.
Let Nancy and Harry stew in their own juices with enhanced minority status authority.
Show me, moron, where SS adds to our debt
Um, it goes like this:
he intragovernmental bond is nothing more than a bookkeeping device that records how much one part of the U.S. government (Treasury) owes another part of the same government (the Social Security Administration).
Social Security is in deficit. This isn't complicated. You're rather dumb.
I love how silly little Jeremy is pretending they are "bonds"
Go buy one then Jeremy, I dare you...
Social Security is solvent through 2037.
There are no American tanks in Baghdad!
"My favorite is Obama's rhetorical trick that deductions in the tax code are government spending."
Several of you have made this mistake. Deductions in the tax code _are_ government spending. They are a wealth transfer. It means that I pay more taxes, so that you can pay less taxes.
It makes no difference to me if we both get taxed 20%, and then the government gives 2% back to you (spending), or if the government just collects only 18% from you in the first place. In either case, my taxes are going to support you.
In this the deficit commission is absolutely right; eliminating deductions is the fairest way to raise taxes, if you must raise taxes. If you just want to cut government spending, you can eliminate deductions and lower the base tax rate to bring in the same revenue - as Paul Ryan's plan does.
Social Security is solvent through 2037.
You can't name a single example of:
An OMB projection
An expected government program expense
A CBO score
from the last 50 years that was in +/- 50% accuracy.
Not one.
Jay - Show me a statistic that refutes Social Security being solvent until 2037.
Did cheney/bush ever find the 12 Billion lost in Iraq.
Or was it 23 Billion!
Rhetorical question(s)
Hi stupid.
Your pathetic attempt to change the subject failed.
Obama has presided over 3.5 million + jobs lost and successive $1.3 trillion + deficits.
Keep flailing.
Jeremy said...
Jay - Show me a statistic that refutes Social Security being solvent until 2037.
You mean other that the fact it is by definition insolvent now?
You realize it has no assets and is spending more than it takes in, right?
The SS IOUs “do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits.”
Social Security is not solvent.
In 2011.
Um, it goes like this:
Um, I need a credible, verifiable link to back up your assertion. You got nothing do you? Where did you paste that drivel from anyways? I'm curious. Townhall? Gateway Pundit?
Jay - The CBO: Social Security is solvent until 2037.
What happens between now and then is what it's all about.
Maybe if those wealthy fat cats didn't collect? Or, hey, maybe if those wonderful people in Congress were to also pay in?
Why no whining about any of that?
Or is it just all about president Obama?
Let the record show Jay says cheney/bush did indeed waste/lose (23) billion in Iraq.
Oh hell, the whole cheney/bush misbegotten Iraq war was a total frickin' waste of blood and treasure!
'nuf said!
Seriously, I tried to read that, and all I got was:
We need to make sacrifices . . . blah blah blah . . . but I wont."
Jay - You're a teabagging dolt.
You post drivel with absolutely no objective proof or support.
"Social Security is not solvent."
Really? Based on what, Jay?
We might as well have Glenn Beck posting.
d-day - "We need to make sacrifices . . . blah blah blah . . . but I wont."
Then don't.
Um, I need a credible, verifiable link to back up your assertion.
Nobody, not a single person with a modicum of knowledge on the topic, disputes the fact that Treasury issues an intragovernmental bond to SSA and the SSA pretends it is an asset.
Um, you're still dumber than a box of rocks.
Jay - Social Security has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned.
Explain how that relates to being insolvent.
shiloh said...
Let the record show Jay says cheney/bush did indeed waste/lose (23) billion in Iraq.
Let the record show that Tom Daschle was the Senate Majority Leader when the AUMF for Iraq was passed.
Let the record show the Democrats have spent hundreds of billion on the Iraq War.
Let the record show that you are a drooling imbecile.
Jeremy: Your premise is wrong. How do you get to "social security is solvent" - literally, what are you talking about? "Social security withholding" is just taxes, and accounting fallacies aside, Congress treats it as such.
I don't give 2 shits about whether "social security" is solvent, I care about whether the nation is solvent. Why bother with the farce of parsing it out? Because it is a farce.
Jeremy said...
Jay - Social Security has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits
Actually, it doesn't.
It has IOU's.
IOU's that the OMB has said: "do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits.”
You are not that bright and easily misled.
Jeremy, I wish you would stop this. Anyone who thinks about it understands that a Treasury Bond has no value to the US government, since it prints them. We could even save space in that mythical safe by burning its contents; no point in keeping them around: We can always print them again when we need them.
Tell me if this sounds okay: Social Security is solvent because the US government can always print money whenever it needs it.
Doesn't, right?
Jay, give us a kiss! :-P
Explain how that relates to being insolvent.
I'll let them explain (The OMB again:)
"The existence of large trust fund balances, therefore, does not, by itself, have any impact on the government's ability to pay benefits."
Um, you're still dumber than a box of rocks
You still have not provided a simple link to back up your claim. This process involves a hyperlink, and correlating numbers. What's the problem?
jeremy -
Hey, I'm just quoting obama. HE won't sacrifice. Why should he? His earning potential will only increase in the next 10 years, mine will inflate away. Change indeed.
I find it comical garbage silly little jeremy don't get this:
When your FICA tax is taken out of your paycheck, it does not get squirreled away in some lockbox in West Virginia where it's kept until you and your contemporaries retire. Most goes out immediately to pay current retirees, and the rest (say, $100) goes to the U.S. Treasury - and is spent. On roads, bridges, national defense, public television, whatever - spent, gone.
In return for that $100, the Treasury sends the Social Security Administration a piece of paper that says: IOU $100. There are countless such pieces of paper in the lockbox. They are called "special issue" bonds.
Special they are: They are worthless. As the OMB explained, they are nothing more than "claims on the Treasury [i.e., promises] that, when redeemed [when you retire and are awaiting your check], will have to be financed by raising taxes, borrowing from the public, or reducing benefits or other expenditures."
But it is solvent!
Please stop talking.
go play golf.
The recession began in December of 2007.
President Obama took office in Jaunary of 2009.
The current recession is the fourth longest in the past 80 years.
You forgot the most important part of this - The Democrats took control of Congress in January, 2007, ten months before the start of the recession. And, spending bills start in the House, are passed by the two houses of Congress, before going to the President to be signed.
And, notably also, the deficits started to explode staring with the Democrats controllinging the 110th Congress in 2007. Humm...
You still have not provided a simple link to back up your claim.
Um, yes, I have. The OMB has said those IOUs :
“do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits.”
Social Security expends more than it takes in.
That is a fact.
The "bonds" are IOU's that have no value.
You are still an idiot.
This process involves a hyperlink, and correlating numbers.
SSA is going to run a deficit of $40 billion in 2011.
That is a fact.
Link Jay!
You say SS adds to the debt. In order to believe this, you must have seen actual numbers adding to this debt? I'm starting to believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
Jeremy said...
Jay - Social Security has $2.6 trillion in reserves dedicated to paying the retirement, disability and survivor benefits that American taxpayers have earned.
Actually, it doesn't.
It has a bunch of IOU's that are assets with zero value.
The OMB is on record saying they have no value.
Another 'Winning The Future' moment from Obama. SSDD. Epic fail from the One.
This WTF slogan is destined to be one of the worst campaign slogans ever. The left will think that it means Winning The Future, and the rest of us will know better.
So he plans to cut Medicare payments to doctors. That way doctors won't take patients who are retired and on social security. Patients die. No need for social security or Medicare outlays for the patients, because doctors wouldn't see them and now they're dead.
Problem solved. QED.
shiloh said...
Just for a point of reference, did Obama ever find those $100 million in cuts from his cabinet’s budget?
Did cheney/bush ever find the 12 Billion lost in Iraq.
You mean the money spent gutting Al Qaeda and discrediting it in the Islamic world? Not to mention ending the regime of one of them most sadistic dictators in history?
No loss. Investment, but PB&J/shiloh/some phony folksy only knows sophistry.
Several of you have made this mistake. Deductions in the tax code _are_ government spending. They are a wealth transfer.
Deductions in the tax code are not government spending. Deductions in the tax code may result in or cause spending reductions, but they are not, per se, government spending.
Hint: Even if deductions were properly deemed a wealth transfer, not all wealth transfers involve spending.
"not all wealth transfers involve spending." Am I supposed to care about dictionary definitions. There is no real difference at all. My money is being taken through taxes, and used to pay for your lower taxes.
educher - "You mean the money spent gutting Al Qaeda and discrediting it in the Islamic world?"
So you think our Iraqi fiasco has pretty much discredited Al Queda in the Islamic world?
Then explain what the fuck we're still doing there.
*Can we assume you still believe in those nasty WMD, too?
Big Mike "So he plans to cut Medicare payments to doctors. That way doctors won't take patients who are retired and on social security. Patients die."
Yeah, that's it, Sarah.
The death panels. Doctors will no longer take older patients. Only young, extremely healthy ones.
Under RyanCare, seniors get a nifty $8000 per year coupon to go on the open market to find their own insurance. Why aren't Republicans in congress rushing to sign onto this awesome idea?
So Garage you do understand that a Medicare Advantage plan essentially gets a "premium" from the feds (based on where you live) and then provides health coverage. So the ideal of "setting an amount" up front for the delivery of services is not unprecedented.
The bigger question is what market will there be for such a premium amount. I will look up the amount for a recent year and county and see how it compares
Jay - No, it has the reserves.
Stop posting and read something.
You're like a ten-year old.
Bruce Hayden - Maybe they just think, hey What The Fuck...how can we possibly lose to the crew you and the rest of the teabagger crowd is suggesting as their candidates.
He'll win.
And win big.
And your bitching and whining will go on and on and on...
Jeremy said...
Jay - No, it has the reserves.
Um, no, it does not.
It has IOU's that “do not consist of real economic assets that can be drawn down in the future to fund benefits.”
That is a fact.
chickelit said...
The POTUS agenda has three prongs ..
In other words-
Stick a fork in it...
Jeremy said...
Jay - No, it has the reserves.
I would love for you to tell us how you can buy an intragovernmental bond.
Please, please tell us, clown.
By the way, if Social Security has "reserves" why did OMB say this?
"The existence of large trust fund balances, therefore, does not, by itself, have any impact on the government's ability to pay benefits."
I guess they're just not as smart as you...
Actually, Jeremy, the doctors will take people who can pay. And thanks to you and Obama, it won't be people retired and living on social security. Just rich folks like garage mahal who can pay out of pocket.
And my name ain't Sarah. But she gets credit in my book for spotting the scam way before many others.
How does it feel to be dumber than Sarah Palin, Jeremy?
Why do we continually go through the resident liberal argument that social security doesn't contribute to the debt. What is it about the concept of an IOU to yourself that you don't understand?
I'm assuming then that when Al Gore proclaimed "LOCK BOX" you imagined some heavily guarded vault loaded with cash only to be opened in the event of a need from social security.
Phil 3:14 said...
Why do we continually go through the resident liberal argument that social security doesn't contribute to the debt.
Because garbage & jeremy are stupid?
Mainly because garbage pretends that because it isn't a line item on some spreadsheet that it isn't adding to the debt.
Jeremy comes on every thread and destroys it with addled nonsense and obscenities. Why are people here so willing to play that game with him every time?
Jeremy, you dumb motherfucker, I ask you to look to the now, not the past, not ronnie, not gwb, not abe lincoln. Look to the now problem. Obama has been hired to fix a problem he has no plan to fix. talk, yes.
I honestly don't know WTF he means.
But it is sure to make some folks feel warm and/or fuzzy
Jeremy said...
educher - "You mean the money spent gutting Al Qaeda and discrediting it in the Islamic world?"
So you think our Iraqi fiasco has pretty much discredited Al Queda in the Islamic world?
Then explain what the fuck we're still doing there.
Poor little Jeremy. He hasn't heard how the wretched refuse that came stumbling back from the Tigris-Euphrates valley telling any of their buds who couldn't wait to go fight for Islam that tangling with the Americans was suicide, not to mention the way people who complained to AQ about their relatives being blown up in suicide bombings were turned away with, "You should be proud. He/She's
a martyr".
Real disincentives to recruitment.
And we're there helping rebuild the country, the way we did with Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait...
So take your fuck someplace else.
*Can we assume you still believe in those nasty WMD, too?
You mean the ones WikiLeaks told us were there, after all?
Those WMDs?
Garage, I have admired your monicker for several years. I have frequently disagreed with what you said, but this is the first time you have written something that is totally stupid. The idea that social security—now that it is in deficit—does not contribute to the federal deficit, is totally stupid. Those bogus bonds in the SS trust fund are no more than a piece of paper in your left pocket saying you owe your right pocket. Where is the money going to come from to pay it?
And as long as I’m president, we won’t."
Let us all pray that his end as president comes quickly and decisively.
garage mahal said...
Link Jay!
You say SS adds to the debt. In order to believe this, you must have seen actual numbers adding to this debt? I'm starting to believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
You prove yet again that you are one of the dumbest motherfucking mouth-breathers ever created. How you can even come to believe this utter bullshit is a mystery only some NewAge psychic could conjure and fathom.
From Prairie Wind:
He wants to cut medical costs by paying less. I just can't get over how stupid this man is...or is it how stupid he thinks WE are?
Other commenters seized on this topic, thinking that President Obama is being dishonest by thinking that an independent panel with the authority to cut Medicare payments will reduce medical cost.
I rise to the defense of President Obama and his fellow liberals. They are not being rankly dishonest. They genuinely think that greed is driving medical costs. They think that greed is driving up commodity prices, housing prices, or whatever. This is how they see the world. It is a core belief for them; almost every liberal assumes this to a large degree.
Speaking of Bowles-Simpson, that was the last independent body put together to get control of the budget.
We saw how well that worked out.
The government should make sacrifices by cutting the budget by one third. We really do not need all those bureaucrats in the age of modern technology.
Another important feature of obamas thinking is that he consistently promises to fix the waste in medicare. What is stopping him from fixing it now? Is fixing it conditioned upon accepting his stupid ideas? Unbelievable speech. Incredible. Obama seems to believe that we have an economic system dependent on the govt. He seems to think that the federal govt runs your local school and built the railroads and invents medicines. Very disturbing
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