April 11, 2011

Michele Bachmann might get the nomination.

Are you paying attention?

What if Michele Bachmann gets the nomination?
I hope it works.
Fine. Obama will be reelected.
America will get the President it deserves.
We deserve a better choice.
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nobody with a name like Michele Bachmann could possibly get elected.. ever !

Wait a minute ;)

Palladian said...

Great! Just what we need: a scripture-quoting, fag-bashing, culture-wars broad while we're busy twirling down the financial drain.

Sigh. So the media and the idiotic social conservatives are doing their best to re-elect the worst President in modern history?

Mr. D said...

I live in Minnesota. Not a chance.

Meade said...

Can we see her birth certificate?

chickelit said...

I think republicans should focus on gaining a super majority in both Houses--enough to override Presidential vetoes. So far, all the POTUS candidates are devisive in one way or another. But most everybody agrees on who to send to Congress and the Senate.

JohnJ said...

11/11 8:39 PM
EnigmatiCore said...
"So much for the people who were commenting about this woman's integrity and honor."

I'm going to cut her just a little slack, here. She easily could have begged off that question at the presser last Thursday, but instead stepped up and unequivocally announced that the new vote totals for Brookfield were correct.

As for her apparent change-of-heart...

“Victor Weers, chairman of the Waukesha County Democratic Party, said that because of national attention to Kitzinger's statement and angry emails over it, party members talked to Kitzinger and solicited more details.”

I'll bet they did.

Lucius said...

Is George H. W. Bush rested and ready to go?

JohnJ said...

Ooops..., wrong thread.


Fen said...

The Best is the enemy of the Good.

Anonymous said...

Please define works.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Well, she is smarter than the current and the last president.

Althouse - I dare you to do a poll asking people what Bachman did before she went into politics.

Patrick said...

Nothing to say about Bachmann, but the WV is: diden. I think that's something the Democrats want for the current VP, so they can easily run someone else.

Lincolntf said...

"I'll bet they did."

"solicited", provided, whatever...

galdosiana said...

Well...who else is running? At this point, I'm voting for whomever comes up against Obama, but I think the Republicans are in trouble if they don't come up with a candidate that can get the independent vote. (And I really doubt that Bachmann could...)

ricpic said...

Wonderful level headed conservative. And fearless. Completely unfazed by caca throwing Palladians. Michele would make a terrific no-nonsense president.

Andrew said...

Best guy for the job hasn't officially declared yet...

Anonymous said...

Christie - Pawlenty 2012 !

wv: hententh

Henry said...

I dunno. I think we're in for another Renaissance Pope.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think we are ready for Rubio or Christie or Ryan or someone else young and very different from the Baby boomers in power now.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It's interesting the Dems don't have any fresh, young candidates like those three.

Indigo Red said...

Bachmann, Trump, and Palin are not viable candidates but drivers of debate. We aren't even close to the candidate stage yet.

However, there are two declared Republican candidates: former MA. Gov. Mitt Romney and retired California political consultant Fred Karger who is the first openly gay candidate.

Unknown said...

Put me down for I hope it works.

The lady needs more time in grade. She has a lot of good things to say and her fiscal cred is better than most, but she hasn't got the experience, particularly as she's a Congresswoman, not a Senatress.

PS If prices keep going up, Titus could beat Little Zero.

rhhardin said...

Obama specializes in economic ignorance.

Bachman is more of a generalist.

Michael K said...

We are already suffering through the learning curve of an inexperienced president. Even aside from his ideological positions, he is just inept and has filled his administration with inept aides. The only thing they seem to be competent at is lying.

Ms Bachman is an estimable person but simply does not have experience. The candidate has to be a governor. Right now, I would say Daniels is the best on offer. Romney has plenty of experience and even more baggage.

Anonymous said...

It'll be great if Bachmann gets the nomination. Then we can have a nice long discussion about the "Catholics are devil worshippers" church she's attended all her life.

Fair game conservatives. No whining.

bagoh20 said...

"If prices keep going up, Titus could beat Little Zero."

They both talk a lot o' shit.

SteveR said...

Right now I'm going with Pawlenty.

Fen said...

How about we elect an American this time around?

And no, it doesn't matter where Obama was born, he's obviously not one.

Lincolntf said...

I say we replace him with various fruits and vegetables and see if anyone notices. Maybe a rutabaga one week, some carrots the next, mix it up a little.

Sloanasaurus said...

Michele is fantastic. She is smart and principled. I love her as a rep. However, she doesn't have enough leadership experience to be president at this point. We made a huge mistake with Obama. Lets not risk that again. Our next President should have been a governor for at least 4 years or business executive. These executives pass the tests that being a lader brings. If we are going to pick another Senator or Congress person then we need one with 20+ years of experience who was a leader in Congress.

Romney, Pawlenty, and Daniels all have enough experience. Palin does too, although its on the margin. Chris Christie will be ready for 2016.

Methadras said...

At this point digging up Reagan, stuffing him, and presenting him as the next nominee would be preferable. We can call it A Weekend with Reagan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Right now I'm going with Pawlenty.

Palante con Pawlenty..

(a little Dominican lingo there)

Synova said...

I don't think she has a chance of getting the nomination. Also, she makes Sarah Palin seem moderate. That's not to say that I don't like her well enough or think that she'd be good to have campaigning.

I think it's interesting that I'm hearing about Bachmann from the left. I'm not hearing it from the right. From the right I'm hearing, what, Trump and Romney? Trump anyway. (And that isn't serious either.)

When my parents were down visiting my dad was watching... Schultz? Whatever. And his show was to raise the horrible specter of Bachmann. It could happen! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

I honestly think that the left likes her better than anyone on the right does. She has all the benefits of Palin, (female, attractive, conservative,) with twice the fear factor.

It's like vagina dentata on steroids for the left.

30yearProf said...

I know Michele. She is an excellent tax lawyer. She's not stupid nor naive. She'll be a as good as Obama; surely better, in fact.

blake said...

No. I'm not paying attention.

Anonymous said...

"It'll be great if Bachmann gets the nomination. Then we can have a nice long discussion about the "Catholics are devil worshippers" church she's attended all her life."

What the heck are you talking about Akeitay?? Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WELS) doesn't believe Catholics are devil worshippers!
Where did you find such garbage? Don't spew lies. Read up on the Protestant Reformation and then we can have a discussion on Christian eschatology and the meaning of antichrist. In the mean time quit spreading lies.
For any of you others who would like to know what the WELS confesses please visit the church’s website:

Luther said...

Pretty good selection of choices.

But you missed one. We're fucked, given the choices we have. I don't like any of them.

wv- likead- I don't like any of them.

jimspice said...

I would weep tears of joy were she to get the nomination, just as I do each time someone refers to her as smart.

Synova said...

"It'll be great if Bachmann gets the nomination. Then we can have a nice long discussion about the "Catholics are devil worshippers" church she's attended all her life.

Fair game conservatives. No whining.

Obviously this is supposed to be some sort of parallel to the "white people are evil, God d*mn America" church Obama went to.

But I don't see it.

It's rather ordinary for Christian churches to think they are right. Or else why have denominational splits? The Catholic church as the whore of Babylon is hardly outrageous in Protestant History, certainly no more so than Judas and Luther being the only people who skipped limbo and went straight to hell.

I'm always somewhat amused by people who figure they know what zinger is going to work with those crazy believers. Here's a hint... the *more* devote the *less* alarmed a Christian is going to be that some other church teaches that everyone in their denomination is going to hell.

Social Christians will have kittens over it though.

Synova said...



Anonymous said...

"In 5,000 years of recorded human history... neither in the east or in the west... has any society ever defined marriage as anything other than between men and women..."

Well, for the first 4,000 or so of those 5,000 years, most of humanity was perfectly fine defining marriage as between a man and his wives... note the plural.

And the rich guy / leader had his harem too... can't forget the harem.

And sex with slaves was fine. In fact, American "social conservatives" continued that up until 150 or so years ago in the South until the "progressives" had to invade to make them stop. Shall we return to those good ole' historical days of raping the slaves, Michelle?

Anonymous said...

oh - jimspice your condescending tone just pulverizes... geez... I HATE elites whether liberal or conservative.

Anonymous said...

Bachmann is not a serious contender.

She's just barnstorming now, doing the best attention-whoring job she can... Did you get the name right? It's Bachmann with two n's??

She's the political Paris Hilton of 2011. There's not much difference between doing cocaine in Vegas and bashing gays in Iowa.

When it comes to primary election time, the Republican adults will go to the polls and elect someone like a Christie or a Ryan or a Rand Paul or even a Scott Walker. Someone with a focus on the substantive economic issues and a hands-off, federalist, let-the-states-handle-it perspective on social concerns. The Bible-thumpers will be furious, but the direction of the Republican party will be changed forever, and they will be permanently marginalized.

Unknown said...

Every time one of the little trolls says he can't wait for this or that Republican, usually a female, to be nominated because they're so stupid, I add another name to the list of Republicans that clearly scare the Hell out of the Left, who are praying they don't run.

It's called flop sweat.

traditionalguy said...

Bachmann has been playing the warrior princess with high skill. She has been out doing Caribou Barbee. But now "Go For the Jugular Trump" has outdone both of the women in direct attack skills.

Anonymous said...

or a Ryan or a Rand Paul

Julius -- Truly, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. It's hilarious to watch you spew your confident moronity here.

What will tomorrow bring?

Synova said...

Well, Julius. Why *not* have legal group marriages? Why have any limits on it at all? If it's a "right" to marry who you want to marry just because you want to marry them, why have any limits at all?

As soon as there are limits of any sort, it's not really anything about equality is it. A male has an equal right to marry another male as a man has a right to marry his sister, which Pharohs might do, or his cousin, which used to be entirely common. Or a woman has a right to marry two husbands or a husband and a wife.

So make an argument about why that particular limit, and not the others, should be ended.

Or argue that the state get out of the business of enforcing any limits at all, and people can write up any domestic contract they like, with any one they like, and get married in any religious facility that will have them.

I've not heard an argument, yet, that explains why something as hemmed in by arbitrary limits as who one is allowed to marry is a "right" that can not be denied. Instead it's all just about haters, as if not being on board with changing those legal limits is exactly the same thing as hating this one group of people... but not, apparently, hating any of the others who are legally prohibited from doing the same.

Seriously. I have wiccan friends. And why do you think (Historically polygamous) Mormons are so unsympathetic?

le Douanier said...

No thanks.

I think Kristi Noem is a much more qualified GOP candidate.

Chuck66 said...

Akeitay said "It'll be great if Bachmann gets the nomination. Then we can have a nice long discussion about the "Catholics are devil worshippers" church she's attended all her life."

So you are saying that anyone belonging to the Lutheran Church, Wisconsin synod shouldn't hold office? You do know that Ron Kind belongs to the same church.

Chuck66 said...

Any of you Bachmann haters ever heard her speak live? I have. More than once. One of the best speaches she gave was at a "Stand With Israel" event 2 years ago.

I wouldn't want her to run for President, but I would take someone who took in 23 foster children over someone whose resume consists of Community Organizer.

traditionalguy said...

Bachmann fights well, but can she govern well after she runs out of enemies?

veni vidi vici said...

"Just what we need: a scripture-quoting, fag-bashing, culture-wars broad while we're busy twirling down the financial drain."

Exactly. The idiots are winning.

Dustin said...

Bachmann is running for Vice President.

The GOP is going to elect someone who can pull in the swing states, but they need someone to reassure the right. It's similar to Mccain Palin, only the GOP will pick someone much better than Mccain.

If there's any sanity left in the world, the GOP will pick someone with impressive executive experience. The VP will attract tremendous attacks and issue many more, while also illustrating to swing voters that the presidential nominee is relatively more moderate and civil.

This is so obvious it hurts, so those of you freaking out that Bachmann might be the nominee can relax. Be more worried about Trump/Bloomberg leeching off enough unaffiliated voters that Obama squeaks by in Ohio and Florida.

Dustin said...

Can someone link a reliable source for this 'whore of babylon' comment?

I see a lefty troll bring that up every time Bachmann is mentioned, but I've never seen what this accusation is based on (must be something, I guess).

googling the charge just leads to kook truthers who wonder if Bachmann is the antichrist, since apparently W wasn't after all.

I do think it would be hilarious if some Obama supporters start saying we can't be electing people with nutcase churches. Have any of you ever been in a church nuttier than Rev Wrights? If you think you have, you're probably an idiot. Just statistically... there are more idiots than churches even close to as bad as Obama's.

You know why Ramzi Yousef wanted to kill 250,000 americans in the World Trade Center? Retribution for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. That's specifically what he said to his followers, and that's also how Rev Wright feels.

Peter Hoh said...

Yes, I've been paying attention. I think she's serious about testing the waters. I don't think she's angling for a V.P. nod.

Those who summarily dismiss Bachmann are making a mistake.

I have no idea what will happen if she runs -- or if she will actually run -- but I think she can tap into the evangelical wing of the GOP like none of the other likely candidates. She'd be like Huckabee in '08, except that she can raise money.

Oh, and her barbs are sharper. No "Aw, shucks" schtick like Huckabee.

Also, there are no photos of her at Planned Parenthood fundraisers in the 1990s.

Palladian, you really think that Bachmann is a media creation?

Now, for all the conspiracy theorists out there, what if the Democrats pull a page from Limbaugh's book and vote for Bachmann in open primaries?

Dustin said...

Those who summarily dismiss Bachmann are making a mistake."

I'm not dismissing her. I just realize she won't win the nomination. I'm not agitating against her. I think she's great, actually. I also realize she's underprepared for the Presidency. Almost as badly as Obama was. only a fucking idiot would nominate someone lacking excellent executive experience after watching Obama's sheer incapacity for leadership.

Whether she likes it or not, she is a contender for VP. Her actual agenda may be to increase her platform for her message, or simply to prepare for a run in future years (yes, smart presidential candidates run more than once, building an operation up).

Our eventual nominee will have executive experience. It could be Perry or Palin or Daniels or be someone less conventional, but all of them should consider Bachmann for VP. Even Palin.

I will note that Bachmann does not have the political skill Huckabee has. That's why it's amusing to see her praised for being a little harsher with her barbs. I can't stand Huck, but I appreciate his skill at being a conniving, nearly evil, politician.

I sincerely hope he doesn't run. I think he won't, out of fear it would help Romney, and realization he can't win.

Anonymous said...

My current grandstanding is that I will not vote for Palin or Huckabee. I would never vote for Obama. So, right now, if it's either of those silly Republicans, I'm voting for myself, a Clinton, or a syphilitic camel.

The Crack Emcee said...


Until Sarah announces, one way or another, it's all bullshit.

No one else matters.

Dustin said...

I like Palin, but let's not presume she's the center of the universe. She's not even a front runner.

Say what you will about Bachmann's chances, but she's not boring. I guess I have to just get used to obnoxious dismissals from every direction this primary. It seems like many have already made a pick, and are too threatened to reconsider, so they just dismiss without an argument.

In particular, I see a lot of people doing this with Daniels, since he's a potent argument for real fiscal conservatism that is electable and has presidential levels of experience. That's threatening to almost all the fanboys, but mostly I hope he supplants Romney. A race between Palin and Daniels and someone like Bolton (only more serious as a candidate) seems ideal to me (but then, I like those three all, and think they would make whichever won a better president).

Toad Trend said...

The fact is, the election of Zero has forever lowered the bar for highest office in America.

The ultimate diversity hire; unqualified, unvetted, unprepared.

Mrs. Bachmann is certainly no LESS qualified than the current occupant of the White House.

Anonymous said...

The fact that a Republican candidate sucks no more than Obama is a horrible failure of an argument. Please do us all a favor and don't make it.


Toad Trend said...

Hey Seven, who took a piss in your Cheerios, pal?

Your attitude sucks. I've read plenty of your comments, don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

And, it wasn't meant to be an argument, it was an observation. If you don't like it, if it doesn't meet your exacting standards, tough shit.

Toad Trend said...


"My current grandstanding is that I will not vote for Palin or Huckabee. I would never vote for Obama. So, right now, if it's either of those silly Republicans, I'm voting for myself, a Clinton, or a syphilitic camel."

Are we supposed to take this seriously? Is this an 'argument'?

Sounds more like your lame attempt at humor, with some self-administered fellatio thrown in. Pretty impressed with yourself!

You need to get out more and get away from your own echo chamber.

Anonymous said...

Tread -- Is it possible that it is you who is overbearing and dull?

Toad Trend said...


"Tread -- Is it possible that it is you who is overbearing and dull?"

Voice of experience???

Unknown said...

The Grand Inquisitor said...

I like Palin, but let's not presume she's the center of the universe. She's not even a front runner.

Only as far as the RINOs are concerned. Among Conservatives, she's very popular, but I think most Conservatives realize she's not going to run this time.

That's why the interest in Trump, Mrs Bachmann, and Herman Cain, among others.

JackWayne said...

You should ALWAYS have a choice of "Who cares? It doesn't matter!"

Jon said...

Bachmann has recently shot up to #4 on Intrade, behind Romney, Pawlenty, and Daniels- in fact she's really #3, since Daniels isn't going to run.

Tank said...

Repub problem:

They have a bunch of the old guard who can play the Dole / McCain role and lose in a gentlemanly way.

And they have a bunch of promising younger people, none of whom will be ready in 2012.

jimspice said...

edutcher says: "...can't wait for this or that Republican ... to be nominated because they're so stupid..."

If I were to fabricate an equivalent candidate on the left, you'd have:
•a Druid who honestly believes he or she talks to trees (and they talk back)
•would actively seek the legalization of marriage between humans and animals
•would outlaw autism-causing immunizations
•legalize abortion of living children up to 18 years of age
•require a saliva swab be submitted along with census forms
•legislate that "how to" guides to homosexuality be required in all grade school classrooms

cubanbob said...

Seven Machos said...
The fact that a Republican candidate sucks no more than Obama is a horrible failure of an argument. Please do us all a favor and don't make it.


4/12/11 4:56 AM

Its not possible to suck more than Obama. He is the bedrock of suck. Take any alcoholic from a homeless shelter, dry him or her out, bathe and groom them and they would be more qualified than Obama to president and could not possibly do a worse job. When you hit bedrock there is only one way to go and thats up.

RuyDiaz said...

I would weep tears of joy were she to get the nomination, just as I do each time someone refers to her as smart.

Every Republican contender is either a) stupid, b) evil or c) both. It is remarkable.

(*Sarcasm off*)

veni vidi vici said...

"If there's any sanity left in the world, the GOP will pick someone with impressive executive experience. The VP will attract tremendous attacks and issue many more, while also illustrating to swing voters that the presidential nominee is relatively more moderate and civil."

Uh, where the hell were you in 2008, and how did that work out for the GOP?

wv: "grintsku" -- Japanese for "itchy grundle"

Anonymous said...

Uh, where the @#!*% were you in 2008, and how did that work out for the GOP?

Tell us about John McCain's vast executive experience. Moron.

Paul said...

The two most important qualifications for President at this time are the right principals and the balls and fortitude to adhere to them. That's why BHO is such a disaster. His principals are 180 degrees wrong and he has the spine of a jellyfish (a good thing since he's a malevolent force in America).

Executive experience would be nice but without understanding and fighting for the reduction in the concentration of power in the Federal government and moving the country back towards its founding libertarian principals you simply have an able captain steering directly for the shoals.

Palin has it all and Bachmann has the principals and guts. I'll take either over anyone else out there.

AST said...

She's this years Huckabee. Iowa is full of Evangelicals, which is why it went for Carter and Huckabee, but I think the nation is unimpressed by the results of the Iowa caucuses. The real primaries start with New Hampshire.

The problem is that Bachmann could hurt Pawlenty, who is a good candidate, and Evangelicals have been primed to believe that Mormons aren't Christians and hate them, which could hurt Romney, who is already suspect because of the Health Care system in Massachusetts.

And AJ, she worked as a staff attorney for the IRS.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

At least it won't be Romney.

MadisonMan said...

Why *not* have legal group marriages? Why have any limits on it at all?

This has been discussed to death.

If person 1 dies without a will, the spouse is entitled to the estate. Quick, person 1 is married to 6 different people and dies without a will. Who inherits and why?

Anonymous said...

Quick, person 1 is married to 6 different people and dies without a will. Who inherits and why?

Christ, Madison. We split the estate six different ways. Easy. Exactly the same as when somebody dies without a will and has kids.

That is far from the only reason why we don't allow multiple spouses. It's not even in the top 10. Twenty.

Jim said...

Bachmann's running for VP, I think. The GOP is a "wait your turn" party when it comes to nominations.

That's assuming she can figure out which camera to talk to during the debates.

Peter Hoh said...

AST, Bachmann is more than this year's Huckabee. Her appeal extends beyond evangelicals. Unlike Huckabee, she's a fiscal conservative. She appeals to Tea Party members and to those Republicans who are fed up with the party elite. (There's a lot of overlap there, right?)

Yes, Bachmann hurts Pawlenty, but I think it extends beyond Iowa. If she goes negative on him, I don't think he'll recover.

Beyond Iowa, Bachmann can count on a sizable portion of Palin enthusiasts, who are going to have a hard time getting behind Romney or Pawlenty.

If her internal polling tells her that she has a shot at coming in second or third in New Hampshire, and if her fundraising continues at its pace, I think she'll enter the race intending on winning the nomination.

So long as Pawlenty, Romney, and/or Barbour are splitting the mainstream Republican votes, Bachmann will have respectable showings in most of the early primaries.

Trooper York said...

I support Governor Walker for President.

But that is just because I want to see Wisconsin explode and burst into flames.

That would be cool.

Trooper York said...

WIll she still tour with Turner because I am a big fan.

"You Ain't Seen Nuthing Yet."

Dustin said...

"Palin has it all and Bachmann has the principals and guts. I'll take either over anyone else out there."

Heh. Again, I like Palin a lot, but she lacks executive experience. She was barely governor for a period of months. she was never reelected.

This is better than Obama, but if Obama is your standard, ...

Palin was partly undone by her own reforms. Her circle of advisors is not very good at politics (remember how they got mad at Miller for a typical politician's comment of noncommittal for presidential endorsement?).

Now, let's be clear: all the more experiences Republican governors, the ones who were reelected, had these same problems, and eventually they either were worked out or the governor failed to be reelected.

But there's a reason experienced governors have very precise ideas about how to reform our government. They've learned the hard way how a different approach has unexpected consequences. Over the years, they have built a circle of advisors who are needed to run the byzantine bureacracy.

Palin might very well be an excellent president, I admit. She has certainly been great at clearly discussing Obama's screw ups. But she is not perfect. She does not have it all.

I'm not saying she isn't the best choice. I think we won't know until the debates, but keep your mind open to other choices. Don't discount the value of more experience. I think we must nominate governors who have multiple terms, and a record of long term success. Sadly, Palin should be on that list, but Mccain picked her too early.

This isn't some backhanded attempt to insult Palin. She's better than most of our choices.

Cedarford said...

Palladian said...
Great! Just what we need: a scripture-quoting, fag-bashing, culture-wars broad while we're busy twirling down the financial drain.

Sigh. So the media and the idiotic social conservatives are doing their best to re-elect the worst President in modern history?

I'll join Palladian on this one. If the Republicans are so stupid that go with "social conservative values" and put up a Bachmann, a Palin, or some zealot evangelical that doesn't believe in evolution...they are doomed.

They will have pulled a Goldwater or McGovern. And "sent a message" to Obama, who will shrug insocucently, and happily head to the White House and 4 more years of mega-oil burning travel junkets to the 4 corners of the globe.

Maybe the "message sent" by a perky feisty rightwing Republican woman will resonate with Obama as he sits down and reworks the nomination list in the actuarilly likely case he gets to replace Scalia, Ginsberg, Kennedy.

The media can do it's part to ensure their Boy gets another 4 years by reaffirming the True Believers on the right hold that yes, anyone who is to the Left of Palin is a RINO....

It will, BTW, be extremely hard to have either chamber of Congress in Republican hands if they are stuck running an ideological candidate with the brains of Teri Schiavo and lose the Top ticket in a landslide.. Just think, not just Obama, but Nancy Pelosi rested tanned and freshly Botoxed, ready to grab the gavel again.

Cedarford said...

edutcher said...
Every time one of the little trolls says he can't wait for this or that Republican, usually a female, to be nominated because they're so stupid, I add another name to the list of Republicans that clearly scare the Hell out of the Left, who are praying they don't run.
No Ed, the Left sees the poll numbers after a brain-dead female Republican zealot gets a nomination (see O'Donnell, Angle) or a bible thumper (see the way Pennsylvania "exorcised" themselves of Santorum) and salivate.

Michelle Bachmann is the wet dream candidate of not just Republicans believing in Social Conservatism as the main Primary issue, but Team Obama. Obama is going to raise copious money and some smart Democrats are going to set up some untracable PACs to funnel money to the worst fringe rightwing candidates in hopes of getting lucky in 2012.

[By all rights, Bush was a goner in 2004 as a reckless President that had everything he touched after 2003 started go to shit. Then Dems gave him the gift of John Kerry.]

Cedarford said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
At least it won't be Romney.

Somehow I can see you taking solace in that thought - while watching Obama's 2nd Inauguration and embrace of returning Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And Obama's announcement that Eric Holder or Chuck Schumer will replace the deceased Scalia, with Schumer getting the nod unless he wishes to replace Reid as the new supermajority Senate leader.

All after the Huckabee/Bachmann ticket goes down like Goldwater - even with gas at 7 dollars a gallon, the DOW at 6,000...and Secession talk starting up in 2012

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