He was on Fox News talking to Greta Van Susteren last night.
Looking for that, I ran across this Crooks and Liars post, dated April 5th, complaining about Prosser appearing on Greta's show the night before the election. The blogger, John Amato, states a principle of ethics that you know damned well he wouldn't apply generally. Keep in mind that both Prosser and Kloppenburg were invited onto the show, and Kloppenburg declined. Here's Amato:
I think it's inappropriate and unethical for Fox News to have candidates for public office on the night before an election, because it's a clear attempt to manipulate the election results. Prosser gets to throw bricks at Kloppenburg for free -- including defending himself on accusations that he failed to prosecute a child-abusing priest...
Greta brought up the dirty story of Prosser calling the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin court a "bitch' and threatening to "destroy her". Watch how [Greta] phrases the events. Calling the Chief Justice a bitch is not as bad as having somebody snitch on you. ya know. It was all a TRAP to ensnare him! Right.So... Prosser got a chance to defend himself from the vicious attacks, and no one was there to push back from the attack side, because Kloppenburg didn't have the nerve to enter the scary enemy territory that is the Greta Van Susteren show. And in Amato's view that is "inappropriate and unethical." Ridiculous.
Not to jinx him, but congratulations on your win!
Prosser; stay classy. That is kryptonite for the progs who behave like bushwhackers and dry gulch artists in the old west.
In this case, the progressives want to control the information and dialogue at the expense of truth and facts. That strategy is failing them spectacularly.
Amato - Another lefty against free speech.
...states a principle of ethics that you know damned well he wouldn't apply generally.
Absolutely. IOKIYAD
It would have been nice for the Democrat who realized this mistake to have not noticed it for an extra day. That way the left's angry anti-recount rhetoric could have built up to titanic proportions.
As is, this is awful for the Democrats, the unions, and their supporters. They went all in like nothing else in recent memory. Fleeing the state, occupying the capital, etc, and they still lost in what is supposed to be a very blue state. They didn't just double down in WI, they quadrupled or quituppled down and got nothing for it but dirty feet.
Plus they had to send someone to Wal-Mart to replace all those .22 shells.
He still sounds like he's whining to me.
If you work for the Government, you are never immune from criticism, or attack, or smear.
It's Soap Opera, now.
Should be interesting to see how the unions treat the "game plan," which gave the unions FALSE HOPE that 18,000 corrupt ballots in Dane County was the number they needed to "put her on top."
Her "I won" speech? Besides it looking stupid, with her claims that the "majority of people" in Wisconsin supported her.
Given that David Prosser can be quite boring ... it's an amazing outcome!
Nothing like cheaters coming up short.
Will Kloppenburg show up on August 1st to be sworn in?
Will she be photographed in July being fitted for her robes?
Is it over, yet?
People watching Greta from Wisconsin that were undecided.... real close to zero
Will Kloppenburg show up on August 1st to be sworn in?
Will she be photographed in July being fitted for her robes?
Is it over, yet?
In keeping with Democratic tradition, she should flee to Illinois and wait it out.
That victory speech was ridiculous even without the next day's "find". It was simply to close to call on the first day. She's an exceptional pinhead.
Everything is unfair, huh lefties? We clearly need more laws restricting free speech.
So... Prosser got a chance to defend himself from the vicious attacks, and no one was there to push back from the attack side, because Kloppenburg didn't have the nerve to enter the scary enemy territory that is the Greta Van Susteren show. And in Amato's view that "inappropriate and unethical." Ridiculous.
After attack ads Kloppenburg refused to have stopped when asked (yeah, that still burns me). Ridiculous.
Good on Prosser for that statement. As opposed to Klopper chanting "I won." One came across thoughtful while the other came across as a drone.
With DEMONcrats it's not about what's fair. It's about winning. No matter what.
Good on Prosser for that statement. As opposed to Klopper chanting "I won." One came across thoughtful while the other came across as a drone.
Prosser winning in WI. Government shutdown in the offing. Hell, this week is shaping up almost as good as the week Air America went tits up and Scott Brown won in Mass. Almost, but not quite.
That was one helluva week.
After all the hubbub about how unpopular the union bill was, all the polls, they had an election that was a direct referendum on it, and what do we find out? Wisconsin is evenly split on it, just like they usually are. Walker won with 52% and now the union restriction bill won with 50.2%.
Don't be too quick to swallow poll results, even if the pollster is honest. The proof is in the pudding.
"Kloppenburg's campaign is working with Marc Elias, an attorney with Perkins Coie, a Washington D.C.-based firm with an office in downtown Madison. Elias is the same attorney who represented Democratic challenger Al Franken in his eight-month epic recount battle with incumbent Republican Norm Coleman."
Have no fear, Jesse Jackson
is riding to the rescue! Why waste
"They took away our choice. They took away our voice. They took away our choice of voices and our voices of choice."
"With DEMONcrats it's not about what's fair. It's about winning. No matter what."
Which is why kudos go to the Democratic official in Waukesha County that confirmed that the numbers were accurate. Looking at her, she seemed to be the old school type of small town Midwestern election official - i.e. concerned with getting it right. The idea that we're all neighbors, and we all expect it to be done right, whoever wins. I'm sure the nutroots are kicking themselves that they have her instead of one of their own in that position. One of their own would make a stink and cry foul even with the abscence of evidence. It would be their job and they would know it.
I think Klop's refusal to renounce the smear ad really hurt her in the end. It made her look more like a politician than a judge. I'm sure this played well in Dane but I don't think the rest of the state was entirely on board.
The funny thing is that renouncing the ad wouldn't have necessarily taken it off the air. The group running the ad would probably have refused. This would have been a win-win for her. She could have appeared to take the high road while still keeping the negative aspect of the ad in play. Instead, she chose the low road. Palm meet forehead.
I've noticed over the years Fox will invite the Lefty in the debate, but they usually never even return the call.
People like Megyn Kelly and Greta Van Susteren and, yes, Neal Cavuto have no problem holding everyone's feet to the fire, Righties as well as Lefties, but, at least, the Righties will go on.
PS Prosser ain't seen nothin' yet, sad to say.
If you think Klopp and the progressive/socialist machine are going to let this stand, you have another thing coming.
Send lawyers, guns and money! and a couple of lefty judges too!
The appropriately named Crooks and Liars sez:
I think it's inappropriate and unethical for Fox News to have candidates for public office on the night before an election, because it's a clear attempt to manipulate the election results.
Should we even take this seriously? What next? Crying that it's inappropriate for a candidate to have campaign signs because that might affect the outcome?
No, we should not take this seriously. We should mock them as little whining crybabies.
Also, if I was a Democrat, Greta's show would be the one Fox program I'd want to go on. She is about as confrontational as pudding. (Which may be why I like her show best). (And I thought she was a registered Democrat.)
Once more Blog power on the internet was an effective antidote to the poison cloud of lies and spin expertly practiced by the Righteous Revolutionary Left. So what do they do next... why issue another poison cloud of lies and spin. That meets the famous definition of insanity.
I've noticed over the years Fox will invite the Lefty in the debate, but they usually never even return the call.
People like Megyn Kelly and Greta Van Susteren and, yes, Neal Cavuto have no problem holding everyone's feet to the fire, Righties as well as Lefties, but, at least, the Righties will go on.
Their masters told them not to go on Fox News. Remember?
..So as far as I'm concerned if these results hold up I will be the winner.
The search for trunks of Klopper votes continues..
The irony here, well one of them, is that Van Susteren always comes across, to me at least, as somewhat left of center. What was Kloppenburg possibly afraid of?
Lefty blogger hates Fox News, film at 11.
The irony here, well one of them, is that Van Susteren always comes across, to me at least, as somewhat left of center.
Yeah, but I also get the sense that she really likes Sarah Palin.
Yes that evil Greta, she actually asks questions, does not pontificate her views and gasp!!, allows the person to answer her question.
If the Unicorn chaser Kloppenburg didn't see fit to be on the show, so be it. Our gain.
The search for trunks of Klopper votes continues..
I'm on a computer right now. I think I just found some votes. I forgot to hit save in this program that has no save function. Hmmph. Imagine that!
The Brookfield Patch was in on the fix, reporting on April 6 that Prosser got 10,859 votes in Brookfield. How deep does the conspiracy go?
Prosser should have said just three words: EAT YOUR LIVERS!
Prosser should have said just three words: EAT YOUR LIVERS!
He should have simply and quietly stated, "we are the 7500 votes we've been waiting for".
Interesting. Definitely a major Prosser boost.
I think it does matter somewhat whether you start a recount the presumed winner, or loser.
All in all, this is looking like a huge loss for the Unions. They were supposed to be invigorated and energized after the Walker bill and mobilizing all their forces in this very pro-union state to unseat Prosser in a special election, where committed partisans have the most influence.
And it still looks like Prosser won. Amazing outcome.
Would it have been in bad taste for Prosser to say that he'd survived a tsunami of criticism, attack and smear?
I am a little queasy about a judge, never mind a justice, acknowledging that either TV or elections exist, but this is the United States, we do make judges run for election, and elections are elections.
And Justice Prosser conducted himself with circumspection and dignity, which can hardly be said for Kloppenburg and her supporters. Their aim, frankly stated, was to have her vote to nullify the actions of the State legislature if she got on the court.
I happened to catch the broadcast last night (having gotten a heads-up on Twitter - not a normal Fox News viewer), and he didn't sound whiny in the least. Soft-spoken, and quite measured and "judicial."
I've been looking for a good cartoon of a man being crushed by an elephant. I'm planning to label the guy being crushed "Unions", and then caption the whole thing:
"No, actually, THIS is what democracy looks like!"
Some wit on my twitter feed last night commented:
I'm betting the left is thinking about now, If we had just had one more drum circle we'd pulled it off.
I think it's finally settling in among the Left that all of this noise and chaos and expense has yielded them exactly ZERO. All those teachers skipping work, the trashing of the building, the weeks of living on a floor or screaming about Hitler, all just wasted. A few more days of denial are to be expected from the true mouth-breathers, but it looks like the whole thing has been a huge useless farce.
Remember when Obama bought a 30 minute prime time infomercial in 2008? I guess technically it wasn't the night before the election, but 3 nights before the election (Oct 29).
It ran on all networks besides ABC, and the World Series on Fox was delayed a half hour for it.
Why do people want to make themselves ridiculous?
and he didn't sound whiny in the least.
I should have written -- it reads like he's whining.
Exactly what is he expecting? Was he asleep during the last two judicial elections in Wisconsin?
I'm on a computer right now. I think I just found some votes. I forgot to hit save in this program that has no save function. Hmmph. Imagine that!
So the assumption is when the Democrat loses it must be GOP fraud and vice-versa. What a wonderful world we've constructed.
"What a wonderful world we've constructed."
Thank Al Gore, the DNC and the MSM. 2000 marked the official beginning of the Third World-ification of our elections.
I'm on a computer right now. I think I just found some votes. I forgot to hit save in this program that has no save function. Hmmph. Imagine that!
So you don't believe Kitzinger, the Democratic member of the Waukesha Board of Canvassers, that it was an honest mistake?
So you don't believe Kitzinger, the Democratic member of the Waukesha Board of Canvassers, that it was an honest mistake?
Put it another way. If this same Democrat found thousands of votes for Klop, would it be as or more unbelievable?
It make more sens when you realize Van Susteren and Prosser are both from Appleton, not Madison.
"If you work for the Government, you are never immune from criticism, or attack, or smear."
OK... you are right that he answers to the people, and I concede there are legitimate arguments against him.
But that molestation attack? Associating him with a specific result on a case he hadn't heard?
Sure, that's... legal speech, but it's wrong. That's all Prosser is saying. he isn't complaining that people can criticize him, but rather nothing that the campaign against him was disgusting, considering the office he ran for. Oh, and considering basic decency, too.
BWAAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAhaha hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To HELL with judicial "comportment"..
And THOROUGHLY enjoying listening to the wailing sounds of the lamentations of their wimmin'...er, "womyns"..
JS Online. Which was giving detailed election results, including the Prosser/Kloppenburg race, is now devoid of all Prosser/Kloppenburg numbers.
Seems the AP declines to address any part of their reported numbers. Not even backed up by exit polling.
And, yes. Kloppenburg will be crying up a storm for the next few months.
But the results were NEVER certified!
Maybe, at her next press conference, kloppenburg can invite Algore?
Crooks and Liars?
My God!
I should have written -- it reads like he's whining.
Exactly what is he expecting? Was he asleep during the last two judicial elections in Wisconsin?
In other words, Prosser should have realized that it's the nature of scorpions to sting, of snakes to bite, and of Democrat politicians to run dirty, unethical campaigns?
Think about it -- you're criticizing Prosser because he didn't expect his opponent in a nonpartisan election to be a nastily partisan candidate?
My reaction to Kloppenburg's victory speech on such a narrow margin was that it showed profoundly poor judgment. Her decision to not condemn the attack ad showed similarly poor judgment. Not the sort of thing you want in a judge, and definitely not the sort of thing you want in a Supreme Court Justice.
You guys dodged a bullet.
For Republicans to defend themselves is always scary and unethical. Only Democrats are entitled to defend themselves.
I live in Winnebago County and no one I know here voted for Prosser. Or Kloppenburg. In fact I can state categorically that neither was on the ballot.
Fraud? Well it is Illinois.
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