Obama's 2012 campaign launch video is all individuals, talking to other individuals, and making a difference....
This is a nice effort at reviving the old feeling of generality that marked Obama's 2008 campaign.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Obama's hypocrisy has been on dislplay for two years now, but the Libya adventure violates Obama's whole being. How can he be trusted?
Obama's 2012 campaign launch will feature fools that vote.
Did you trust him when he promised to take only public financing of his campaign? How about we'd be watching all the discussion of Obamacare on C-Span? Oh, and how about we'd get a full 72 hours after a bill was posted on the internet before there'd be a vote? I have more, but my fingers are getting bloody...
BARFtastic! (And the RNC just came out with "Hope Isn't Hiring". Pretty snappy, eh?)
"I don't agree with Obama on everything, but I respect..."
...the fact that trust has an expiration date when listening to him.
This Kevin Drum piece in Mother Jones really freaked me out: http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2011/03/obamas-judgment
If it had been my call, I wouldn't have gone into Libya. But the reason I voted for Obama in 2008 is because I trust his judgment. And not in any merely abstract way, either: I mean that if he and I were in a room and disagreed about some issue on which I had any doubt at all, I'd literally trust his judgment over my own. I think he's smarter than me, better informed, better able to understand the consequences of his actions, and more farsighted. I voted for him because I trust him, and I still do.
You know, back in 2008, we made fun of those Obama-Zombies who were so completely enamored of him that they seemed to have willingly set aside their critical faculties. I suspected that over the last two years, even Obama's truest followers had become at least somewhat skeptical.
But then I read the above and I shudder inwardly to realize that that blind loyalty is still there.
We discussed the Drum piece on a message board I frequent, and I was likewise amazed by the number of people who expressed the same unquestioning devotion in Obama.
Again, I say that mass deprogramming efforts will have to be attempted to undo this sort of brainwashing. I would even allow federal funding for it if necessary.
I knew he'd run. His God-complex and the knowledge that most, if not all, of the people who voted for him the first time are stupid enough to do it again virtually guaranteed it.
Also, I personally believe he's on a mission to destroy the United States and he ain't done yet.
One middle aged southern white male used three times. The only middle aged southern white male they could find. The strategy will be people of colah, yutes, single white mudders and the gay/lesbian/transgendered "community" against evil old straight white males. And ya know, it might work a second time.
Why would someone trust and respect a Democrat from Chicago?
Drew is right about the Drum piece. It really is sad to see. You know deep down Drum is freaked out that Obama went into Libya, but Drum has to maintain support for liberalism generally.
The problem with Drum's blind belief that Obama is somehow "smarter" is that it is not based on any real facts. It's all based on perception... that Obama seems "smarter" because he sounds smart when he talks and because people claim he is smart. But Obama's only real track record is what he has done in the last two years, and nothing about that is smart. The fact that so many of Obama's prior statements have been contradicted by what Obama does in office shows that he is not so smart.
Made to appeal to women.
NPR said this morning that Obama is expected to raise a billion dollars in his re-election bid.
We all know, of course, that all of that money is coming from widows, orphans, and the other downtrodden. "Help me Obie-Wan Kenobie, you're my only hope."
Remember when liberals used to bitch and moan about big money "buying" elections? That really does seem like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, doesn't it?
Have you ever had the experience of becoming accustomed to discussions with the female commenters at Althouse and then having a discussion with mostly female commenters at some other online venue?
Do all liberal women fantasize about being prostitutes? And having a jive-turkey pimp named Obama.
The next President
The problem with Drum's blind belief that Obama is somehow "smarter" is that it is not based on any real facts. It's all based on perception... that Obama seems "smarter" because he sounds smart when he talks and because people claim he is smart.
That was very much the message in 2008: "Obama is this brilliant guy! Obama is one of the smart ones!" And you're right -- we really haven't seen any of those alleged smarts. But that seems to be the message now. "Trust the leader! Obey the leader! We don't understand why he does the things he does, but he's smarter than us! Obey!"
They probably hope to dispell the doubts of the weak and wavering. But I can't help but think that this is the new coordinated message on whatever passes for JournoList 2.0 these days.
"Have you ever had the experience of becoming accustomed to discussions with the female commenters at Althouse and then having a discussion with mostly female commenters at some other online venue?"
Oh yeah, the difference is huge between the female posters here and at www.findalocalslut.com.
Will Barack H. Bush, aka Bush III, have a problem running against Bush again?
WV: gotsa
Barack H. Bush gotsa run against Bush II.
I'd literally trust his judgment over my own. I think he's smarter than me, better informed, better able to understand the consequences of his actions, and more farsighted.
You know what, Kevin? I believe you.
I too trust Obama.
I trust that he will attempt to raise taxes during a double dip recession and when inflation is over 6%.
Both of which will be happening within 12 months.
Check out PBS donations and NPR listeners. That's your demographic right there. Black educated females especially, a majority of black males (who are less likely to vote), Hispanic females with the "right" values (they'll bring their husbands and many children, for generations maybe), the too young to know better white kids and many white females. Perhaps liberal white males who hope to live in a multicultural, equal world into perpetuity (academics, guidance counselors, union members, and those who have skin in the game), and who will never change.
It's the economy, stupid.
You know the BIG CHANGE for 2012 campaign?! Wait for it, wait for it..
NO MORE TENNIS HEAD. He can look you in the eye and talk to you. But he is not really looking at you.. he is looking at the teleprompter in the middle. He has mastered at least that judging by his latest Libya speech. Don’t you think you should reward him with a second term for that?
Will Barack H. Bush, aka Bush III, have a problem running against Bush again?
His Libya speech showed that he's still running against Bush. He's still hoping that the specter of Bush is enough to get him by.
Shorter Kevin Drum:
He's good enough, he's smart enough, and doggone it, people like him.
I predict Paul Krugman will be the next to repeat the "Smarter than us/Trust him" meme.
(Although it's going to be difficult for Krugman to say that someone is smarter than him, even though the evidence is so clear by now.)
"This is a nice effort at reviving the old feeling of generality that marked Obama's 2008 campaign."
haha, only you can fall for it again. Have you seen the comments here?
There are still two house on my block that have never taken down their pro-Obama posters.
Richard Nixon could have found such supporters even in 1975.
@Drew -- Your second thought is correct. Krugman never doubts Krugman's superiority. Thus, he has something in common with the president. But that doesn't mean they trust each other.
The Libya adventure is probably the dumbest thing Obama has done yet. He is trying to polish a turd. There doesn't seem to be any upside, without us getting really lucky (Like Khadafy tripping over his robe and breaking his neck).
He is trying to polish a turd.
Bill Maher was doing his very best to assist with that polishing too. Disgraceful, indeed.
It isn't smarter than anyone else, but vainer.
Little Zero is so vain, he thinks he's smarter than everyone else and, because he acts as if it were true, the susceptible believe it.
PS This time Hopenchange will only work on the feather-heads of the Left. Everyone else will be looking at the record.
If Joe Biden is the dumbest white man in America, then Kevin Drum is ranked #2.
Obama will raise his billion and get re-elected with ease. There has never been a media so up the ass of a President. It's a historic moment.
Just the other day in a fast food drive through I saw a car with an Obama sticker and "Impeach Bush". Bother were very faded. The driver looked a bit dumpy.
Hey. He needs to stay in office so he can put The Onion out of business.
You know -- like that transparency c**p he spewed.
How about an ad highlighting the award he got for being the most tranparent president / administration, whatever, at a secret / private (no press even) ceremony last week?
I honestly thought that was an Onion article that got picked up by the media who didn't realize they were being punked.
And how about these ads:
How's that Gitmo thing going? Greeeaaat.
Iraq? What Iraq? Oh THAT Iraq.
Our economy - hey -- we're swinging from the stars it's so great. You didn't notice?
Budget? Who lives on a budget these days? We'll just print more dollars.
Interest on the national debt? Hahahaahaha. Did you see what the Cubs are doing? And it's the first week!
wv obionsi
Obama on an onion roll. Now *that's* an ad.
Hard to run a campaign of vague platitudes when there are years of proven ineptitude to reference this time.
" The strategy will be people of colah, yutes, single white mudders and the gay/lesbian/transgendered "community" against evil old straight white males. And ya know, it might work a second time."
Is there going to be a point where whining white guys are going to overplay their grievance card?
It seems like that point should have come a long time ago.
And, why can these sad white guys pull out their grievance card w/o any shame? To whom much is given, whining should not be expected.
I know, I'm sure I've got it all back asswards. The poor white guys really are the victims. If only there could be more white guys in positions of power in the public and private sector, then white males wouldn't need to cry about their victimization. Boohoo.
repeal the 19th Amendment and..... the real Demos (rather than centrist phonies such as BO) might have a chance
he was an underdog Senator...
Obama as Butler University.
I don't agree with him on everything, but I respect him...
But I'd never vote for him.
The overall vibe of the video:
muted hope
(It needs more cowbell)
I think he's smarter than me, better informed, better able to understand the consequences of his actions, and more farsighted.
Well he did win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Beats talking about his record.
Kevin Drum begins to doubt his cult leader
You know, back in 2008, we made fun of those Obama-Zombies who were so completely enamored of him that they seemed to have willingly set aside their critical faculties.
And that's why we lost.
I knew he'd run. His God-complex,...
Everybody's fucking with me today. Can you speak up a little louder, please?
The problem with Drum's blind belief,...
Made to appeal to women.
Who buy 80% of the cult shit Oprah sells - like Obama.
Do all liberal women fantasize about being prostitutes? And having a jive-turkey pimp named Obama.
wv: "flusi" - again, I shit you not.
I'm stopping now, Alex.
Ricpic said..." The strategy will be people of colah, yutes, single white mudders and the gay/lesbian/transgendered "community" against evil old straight white males. And ya know, it might work a second time."
You left off the onions, particularly the SEIU and the NEA onions.
also those humas guys who run Gaza, they gave lots of dinars last time via the web site. not as many votes though. The votes came from the drive by voters.
What an interesting and portentous phrasing by that walking billboard for raising the voting age: "Even though I couldn't exactly vote at the time…." Well, he didn't cast a ballot. Probably. He didn't exactly vote. I wonder what exactly he did.
Seriously. Raise the voting age. 25 minimum. Are there some kids with the knowledge, experience, and maturity that ought to be required to vote? Sure. But I can't hear them over these guys. 25 minimum And require a civics test.
Well he did win a Nobel Peace Prize.
And he's ordered the launch of more Tomahawks than any other Nobel Prize winner in history!
Fascinating the Kevin Drum's independent assessment just happens to line up with the Obama campaign's message.
What are the odds?
Fascinating the Kevin Drum's independent assessment just happens to line up with the Obama campaign's message.
What are the odds?
Yep. Like I suggested above, I would like a peek at JournoList 2.0 right about now.
People have been talking to each other about BO for two solid years. Given the Bradley effect, the percentage who trust him and respect him is under 40%.
You like him. You really like him!
Well, not you. But the less rabid and melodramatic types. You know, the moderates.
Obama's character and decency far surpasses anything the Rabid Right has to offer. No one would nominate a single one of that bunch to be prison warden. Except for Huckabee, who's too much of a religious goofball to take anything in the real world seriously, and Romney, who's about as flimsy as plastic man.
Boring or corrupt. You can take your pick of what's available among the Republican action figurines. But the majority already knows where they stand.
Don't get too disheartened about the $1 billion war chest that Obama will use trying to get re-elected. Meg Whitman here in California outspent Jerry Brown, and she lost. So big money doesn't necessarily mean a win for Obama.
Brown was a Democrat. If you're a Democrat, you get the media campaigning for you, so it's your money plus the media.
The 2012 GOP challenger will have to raise an enormous amount of money to compete.
Well, except that they don't, Dental.
They're looking for the Republicans to produce someone to give them the excuse to give the jug-eared con man the heave-ho.
Morale hasn't been this low in the country in a long, long time. Since, well, Jimmy Carter was President.
Sorry, fella, but it's your guy's fault. He's the one holding the bag.
When you have to have one of your actors give a half-apology in your own fucking rollout commercial, you're starting out fucked, and you're going to stay that way.
Verdicts in, fella. People want an excuse to replace Chicago Jesus. That's not what you want to hear, but that's what their internal polling is telling them, and that's why that commercial came out the way it did.
Madcon said...
"Don't get too disheartened about the $1 billion war chest that Obama will use trying to get re-elected. Meg Whitman here in California outspent Jerry Brown, and she lost. So big money doesn't necessarily mean a win for Obama."
But isn't it funny to watch a President who pledges to lavish a billion dollars on his reelection whine about how Citizens United will unleash a flood of money into politics? If money isn't speech, and or campaign funding limits are such a good idea, why is Obama amassing that much cash? Why did he amass as much cash as he did last time?
If he's running, we can get a few states to require candidates to file their birth certificates, killing this "birther" nonsense once and for all.
Madcon said...
"Yeah California is a Democratic state but Whitman could have done better if she had been an actual conservative and hadn't pandered to special interest groups. "
Is your theory that more Democrats would have voted for her if she was more conservative, or that some Republicans preferred a liberal to someone who wasn't conservative enough?
Obama's character and decency far surpasses anything the Rabid Right has to offer.
Obama is a hardened product of the corrupt Chicago political machine who responds to every issue with glib fabrications calculated to sell the rubes.
GOP hopefuls for the most part are of higher character and are more decent than Obama. They just aren't charismatic or, if they are, they will be savaged by the mediaswine as Palin has been savaged.
I wonder how many suckers who voted for Bambi in 2008 have finally realized the folly of their ways and decided to use their mind rather than their heart this time. check what the man did, not what he said. What he said has nothing to do with anything at all. It is what he does and what he really by his actions stands for. All too many of our intelligentsia are so used to dealing with words that they seem to think that what someone says is important. We all know people like that.
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