"Refudiate Palin!"/"Sarah & Scott/Corporate Whores."
"Sarah — You can't see Russia from WI. Go Home!"
"Why Am Eye Here."
Go here to see all 85 photos from today's rally at the Wisconsin Capitol. (The fisheye photos are by Meade, and the rest are mine.)
I wonder how many of the lefties know that the Russia quote is from Saturday Night Live. Governor Palin never said that.
Chuck, does the source of the quote matter if you are lampooning a politician?
Truth never matters in politics.
I think if your point is that she is stupid because she said that and you are too stupid to know she didn't, then, yes it matters, and is funny as hell.
Where do so many loonies come from??? Who are these people?
Not one sale!
Imagine thinking that you can come to this event, and change how other people feel. When what you see is obnoxious.
Nope. These people are not motivational speakers.
Well, I don't know about why anyone else thinks it's funny, but I think it's funny because Tina Fey killed the delivery of the line, which is (in part) why it's entered the lexicon as having been said by Palin.
I don't know of any comedian who has struck gold by lampooning a politician as being extra-smart, by the way.
I just skimmed through most of the photos you posted from today and have to ask.....what's with this goofy hatred of private employers?
Dane county has 80,000 government employees. Someone has to be a tax donar in order to pay the salaries and benefits of those 80 thousand people.
For those from Western Wisconsin and can pick up Twin Cities radio stations....the Sioux Falls Development Assoc runs some pretty to-the-point commercials about the advantages of doing business in South Dakota vs Minnesota. Perhaps they should start advertising in Wisconsin also.
I don't know of any comedian who has struck gold by lampooning a politician as being extra-smart, by the way.
From one comedian to another. :-P
A win/win for both as charlatan grifter/quiter mama grizzly has made a lot of $$$ and so has Tina.
America, what a country!
Why are those two guys in red dressed so alike? Their poses are striking too. For some odd reason I was reminded of the figures in Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia.
MadisonMan said...
Chuck, does the source of the quote matter if you are lampooning a politician?
Because it is a reflection of how stupid Shiloh and pb&j are?
Is there any sign on the pro union side that is not simply an attempt at insult. Am I supposed reevaluate my opinion from that? The only one that makes sense is "Why am eye here?" Even then, I have no idea why they are there. What is the purpose after a month of this failure?
"I don't know of any comedian who has struck gold by lampooning a politician as being extra-smart, by the way."
Barack Obama lampoons himself as being extra-smart.
Lampooning mama grizzly is redundant! As PaulV doesn't make any sense w/his inane deflections.
ok, ok, he never made any sense.
Had as anyone settled this question yet:
On the ads on the right panel of the Althouse blog, is that supposed to baby elephant trunk that the butcher is cutting up?
MM-- has there been a comedian who has hit gold by playing anyone as super-smart?
She did say that her foriegn policy experience was associated with the fact that its possible to see Russia from Alaska.
That she said 'Alaska' instead of her 'backyard' doesn't exactly make her seem like a foreign policy expert, compared to the Fey version.
Just sayin.
Oh, I can see stupid from here too, and he is wearing...What on Earth is he wearing? A beret??
Well it is true that you can see Russia from Alaska, but not from any of the other 56 states.
pbAndj, that is actually not accurate either. I believe the quote was formulated within the context of Alaska having ties to Russia due to their proximity and their common history. I believe she mentioned an official visit from Russia as well, but you are welcome to find the video and watch it yourself. And for the record, although I have made this clear in the past, I am not a "palinite", but I do have a rare penchant for telling the truth.
Ah Sarah is catnip to the leftys. They desperately needed someone to replace G.W. and their misguided hatred. You can't expect them to be excited about defending President Douchebag at this point.
You're wrong.
In fact, I think it was a campaign talking point because Cindy McCain said the same thing.
It is possible that the actual talking point had some nuance that Sarah and Cindy forgot. But, we can only judge them based on what they said, not what--maybe--they should have said.
And yet she has been right about more than both Biden and Obama for 3 years now. If you want to say Palin is stupid, then you are no friend of this administration. Why do you hate our President?
"But, we can only judge them based on what they said, not what--maybe--they should have said."
Then maybe you should go find out what she said.
Leftards are the circus clowns of political ideology.
Yeah, she's horribly stupid and really scary.
At least she's not an elderly man with a history of intracranial aneurysms and a mouth that has no disengage lever. Remember, at the end of the day, 2008 was not a choice between Obama and Palin. It was a choice between Biden and Palin. The American people failed.
pbAndj, simply produce the evidence. Just because you say that I am wrong, it doesn't make it so.
Do look up the infamous interview with Couric.
Hey, just listened to her speech and it was quite good. The center-right has been pretty laid back in Madison this spring. This is what we need.
Irony of the left coming out to protest Governor Palin.....they got to here a pretty firey speach attacking them. Exposed them to a point of view they probably never hear in Madison.
Here is Cindy.
And, Palin.
In both situations the claim is that being physically close to Alaska makes Palin a foreign policy expert. Which is absurd, and rightly mocked by Fey.
Peter Sellers lampooned Obama as being smarter than he actually is in "Being There." Does that count?
I also agree with the other poster. It is hilarious that so many of the signs mention corporations. They might as well mention the boogeyman. It would be just as relevant. That's why you can't do a good parody of leftists. They have beaten you to it.
MadisonMan [A good West Side Upstanding Citizen Middle of the Road #7316 Unit] would say this was uncivil . Lordy! *fanning self* How DARE a liberal defend themself.
Christ! Can't we just give in to the Republican again and be done with this infighting!?
The state of Alaska has many interactions with Russia due to its location. The heavy military presence in AK is there for a reason. PB&J you prove my point about your lack of intelligence with just about every thing you post.
WV: geese. AK geese often mate with Russian geese
In both situations the claim is that being physically close to Alaska makes Palin a foreign policy expert. Which is absurd, and rightly mocked by Fey.
Yeah...didn't Barry Soetero claim tht living in Indonesia when he was in grade school made him a foreign policy expert? It's almost like like politicians puffing up their resumes is a commonplace occurrence or something.
Context, pbAndj, context, as I said at the begining. You missed the point then, and you obviously continue to miss it now. I will not continue arguing such old and petty issue.
Barry had to puff up his resume because he didn't have one.
Cubs win! Got my songs in the bag!
Let's get to the important point.
Calling Palin stupid isn't stopping her, is it?
And, it won't stop her. She's fearless.
Nor will it stop anybody from voting from her. In fact, calling Palin stupid is the same as calling her supporters stupid. This is only going to deepen her support.
So, the leftists had better move on to something else if they want to stop her.
This tactic has failed.
I bet he sees stupid in the mirror every morning.
"calling Palin stupid is the same as calling her supporters stupid. This is only going to deepen her support."
So as soon as cons hear that supporting Palin means they'll be (by implication) called stupid, they'll sign up for that.
Er....good point, stupid.
"Here is Cindy.
And, Palin.
In both situations the claim is that being physically close to Alaska makes Palin a foreign policy expert. Which is absurd, and rightly mocked by Fey."
How can you lie like that with a straight face? Neither of those make a claim to "expert". That's your own invention and the party line, but it's not even suggested by what you linked.
I understand, I really do, that at the time it was necessary to create this fantasy because the modest experience that Palin had put Obama's childhood in Indonesia to shame. That's what your guy had, after all. He was a kid in a foreign country for a short while. Palin, OTOH, conducted deals with Canada, dealt with border issues with both Canada and Russia, was CiC of the Alaska ANG that waves wing-tips at Russian planes and guards the air space, and lastly, had a direct interest in being somewhat current on Russian internal politics because of the impact on oil production.
So make it a joke. Lie that she was setting herself up, or anyone else was, as an *expert*.
Because your guy didn't have sh*t.
Still doesn't have a clue.
Oh, and I'm supposed to solve my financial problems by buying a new car.
Go burn a cross on somebody's lawn, racist.
The civility bullshit is official over. Krugman says so. It no longer serves the left's purposes.
The hatred of corporations....I used to work in finance for a Fortune 100 company. If the Madison left only knew how much in big businesses pay in taxes.
Employment taxes (many types of these). Huge property taxes. Various business licenses. Special assessments. Sales and use taxes. Local state and federal income tax (unless you are GE). Even a NYC "priviledge" tax for priviledge of doing business in NYC.
That is how Dane county is able to afford 80,000 gov't employees.
And yes, my former employer would donate money to liberal pressure groups to buy favors from them.
Barack Obama lampoons
both Biden and Obama
choice between Obama
Peter Sellers lampooned Obama
Yeah...didn't Barry
Barry had to puff
Obama's childhood
Ad nauseam (((predictable))) deflections notwithstanding as this thread is about mama grizzly ... why are AA's lemmings soooo damn obsessed w/Obama.
Rhetorical question.
It's interesting, it is.
Look who shows up to pile on with the rude Madison people who decided that it was their right to chose what and who other people can listen to.
"That is how Dane county is able to afford 80,000 gov't employees."
Our state capital is a hot-bed of progressive wishful thinking as well.
The "stupid" Republican thing. Can any of you tell me the last leading Republican that wasn't called "stupid" by the left?
Palin, Bush 43, Bush 41, Quayle, Reagan, Tommy Thompson, all were ridiculed and called stupid.
Palin, Bush 43, Bush 41, Quayle, Reagan, Tommy Thompson, all were ridiculed and called stupid.
Yes... McCain.
They don't call Republicans stupid when they know that they are doomed to lose.
Remember, McCain was supposed to be such a great candidate because he wasn't really a Republican, and thus he wasn't stupid?
The left is afraid of Palin. Don't buy into the crap that she is unelectable.
And who could forget Hillary's courage under fire in Sarajevo?
That little non-episode was the height of absurdity. I must have missed the SNL skit parodying that one.
Palin, Bush 43, Bush 41, Quayle, Reagan, Tommy Thompson, all were ridiculed and called stupid.
apologies to Bush 41 ...
Well, Shiloh, I don't recall anyone saying anything about Mama Grizzly.
Did you want to say something about her? Maybe something she said in her speech that you disagree with?
What did she say in her speech?
Oh, nevermind, I do understand you know. It's not about Sarah Palin, it's about yelling her down, deciding for others what they are allowed to think or hear, because you get to be right simply by being so special.
It's about piling on with extremely rude people with really stupid signs who've been told that they're more moral because they're in public service and the money to pay their salaries comes from a payroll fairy, corporations are profit motivated and automatically less moral, and have an obligation to support the "public" and if someone wants to balance a budget it's only because they're mean or a racist, but I repeat myself.
Sarah Palin had more foreign policy experience, more executive experience, and still has more common sense and native understanding than the fellow elected president in 2008.
What else is there to say?
It's interesting/funny that you can look at those clips and think it's a lie to interpret that flailing as flailing. In both situations Palin/Cindy were babbling nonsense because they had no legitimate way of saying Palin was experienced regarding foreign policy.
You really can't recognize that flailing? Seriously!?
Are you metaphysically sure that your interpretations are 100% unbiased?
Flailing is as flailing does, even when the failier can't recognize their flailness.
The "Sarah Palin is stupid" tactic has failed, racist pjAndb.
Let me repeat that so that a racist moron like you can understand it.
Your tactic has failed.
Repeat this to yourself as many times as necessary, moron.
No matter how many times you repeat this tactic, you will fail.
It's telling that to criticize Palin you have to go back 3 years. You know, to back before we got to see who actually posses some wisdom and who does not. What she said was accurate, honest and THREE YEARS AGO. She just gave a speech today, and has been opining all this time and apparently you can't dispute anything she's said. Would you like to compare what Biden or Obama have come up with in that time? Because there are some brilliant and honest quotes available from those geniuses - the ones you think are smart. Kinda makes you wonder how good you are at judging such things.
You made a claim of fact that was a lie.
In neither clip did anyone claim Palin was an expert.
Not Cindy, not Palin herself.
But she did have modest experience. Cindy was flailing some, but it just seems really weird to me to ask a candidates wife about the qualifications of a candidate other than her husband, and even then it's supposed to be character questions. Palin wasn't flailing at all, but was confident. Russia is their neighbor and she would have had routine contact and interest.
So it all needs a straw man. The straw man to be cut down is this lie that someone was claiming Palin was an expert. Of course she wasn't an expert.
She was just far more experienced than Obama was, and being fair about that was never an option.
Remember when, during the campaign, Palin took that call from Nicolas Sarkozy? Walker only got the Koch bro.
Or, how about her meet and greet at the UN? Prior to that had she met any (i.e. even one) foreign head of state while she was gov? [That's a rhetorical question.]
"She just gave a speech today, and has been opining all this time and apparently you can't dispute anything she's said."
Today she said that walker's changes to union contracts was meant to help the unions. I'd dispute that. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't Walker?
Synova palin is a blank slate and only in it for the $$$ which is fine ~ free enterprise lives!
Nate Silver was convinced (2) years ago she was gonna run for president and I was one of the few at his old blog who disagreed. It indeed will be sad for all concerned if she does not run, but I'll "try" to muddle thru somehow.
Re: mama grizzly the phrase that come to mind ~ there's no there there. :-P
Of course, I could be wrong.
"Russia is their neighbor and she would have had routine contact and interest."
What did she do related to Russia?
Please don't claim she was involved w/ the military in Alaska. You'd be wasting your keyboard, because that's not true.
Specifics, please. Beyond that Alaska is close to Russia. That one is BS. But, there is a reason that Sarah and Cindy rolled it out. Because that's all there is.
Deduction indicates that what pbAndj and many others call stupid is a quality that is incredibly effective at calling things correctly, advancing political ideas, winning influence and votes and damaging the left while rubbing them into a frenzy. I think this quality needs a different name, but their vocabulary is limited, so we get "stupid".
I watched the speach on line and what Governor Palin was refering to was saving union jobs by making changes to work rules and benefits.
If the union bosses have their way, more layoffs will occur (according to Walker's assertion).
So if you have a union job vs being an unemployed union member, then Walker did help you.
"there is a reason that Sarah and Cindy rolled it out. Because that's all there is."
Of course. You think you discovered something new here. They didn't say it made her an expert on foreign affairs. It IS all they had, and it was more than Obama had, and more than Biden usefully absorbed in 3 decades in government. So what.
The Democrats want the Republicans to nominate another McCain.
So, the assault on Palin.
McCain was "reasonable" and "moderate," according to Democrats.
He refused to go after Obama's record as a race hustler and America hater. Democrats thought this was a very good thing.
Because McCain agreed to lose.
View this Palin hatred through this lens. You can bet that Palin won't care whether Democrats think she's reasonable and moderate. You can bet she'll go after Obama like an attack dog.
McCain lost. He lost respectably. Want to do that one all over again?
I never said that Palin's stupid.
I don't believe that she is. But, I do think that it's possible for her to be smart and unknowledgeable about foreign policy, among many other things.
BTW, I've even stood up for W's intelligence when hanging w/ some hardcore cons who had turned on him, and started to think he wasn't so bright.
"so what" Indeed. But, this all started because of the first comment here. I noted how Fey was inspired by Palin's actual comment. If I knew I'd be blathering on like this I would have resisted.
So Walker helped the union because he was going to fire them, but then he didn't fire them, he took money, rights, and benefits from them instead. My guess is that they'd prefer not being helped that way.
For the record, I think they should be fired, based on performance. But, I don't consider my views to be helpful to them.
"So if you have a union job vs being an unemployed union member, then Walker did help you."
I suppose we could give them that one on a technicality, though. Because being an employed union member doesn't seem to be the first choice of the unions themselves. It could easily hurt the union and hurt it significantly, to allow the rule changes that enable local governments to balance their budgets without layoffs.
Layoffs are pro-union.
So there you go.
pbandy....I worked for a company that was doing outsourcing to India. They told us that several dozen of us will be fired due to outsourcing. We asked if we could take a pay cut to stay with this company. They said no.
You would think the gov't employees would be happy to keep their jobs in exchange for paying a little bit into their generous benefits.
Whereas I will agree running against Obama in 2008 posed all sorts of problems for Reps as they had to tread lightly re: the race issue, a Muslim born in Kenya notwithstanding.
"They" were so hoping the "Bradley Effect" would kick in and lead McCain to the promised land. Sorry, after (8) years of cheney/bush, as Bush41 would say ~ not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent!
Reps were also hoping Hillary would be the Dem nominee as they already had their AK-47s locked and loaded to attack her, but alas not to be.
And adding to my keen grasp of the obvious, there are no Reagan's on the horizon for the party of Lincoln.
Learn it, know it, live it.
shiloh asked:
...why are AA's lemmings soooo damn obsessed w/Obama.
Rhetorical question.
Rhetorical or not, it might be because he is the POTUS, Pinky.
The better question is why are the lefties so obsessed with Palin.
That short clip is pretty deceptive. The you can see Russia from Alaska was a throw away line.
She was asked what her foreign policy experience was. She started with the admittedly weak tack by talking about Russia being next door and the Air Force having to regularly intercept Russian flights.
The second part of her answer was much stronger -- she talked about negotiating with the Canadian government, particularily with regards to an oil pipe line.
Considering the fact that no Governor, and certainly not a south side of Chicago community organizer, has any real foreign policy experience it wasn't a bad answer at all.
The Democrats want the Republicans to nominate another McCain.
So, the assault on Palin.
McCain was "reasonable" and "moderate," according to Democrats.
He refused to go after Obama's record as a race hustler and America hater. Democrats thought this was a very good thing.
Because McCain agreed to lose.
View this Palin hatred through this lens. You can bet that Palin won't care whether Democrats think she's reasonable and moderate. You can bet she'll go after Obama like an attack dog.
McCain lost. He lost respectably. Want to do that one all over again?
One of my most unforgettable moments of the 2008 election campaign occurred when John McCain and Sarah Palin held a rally in Waukesha. James T. Harris, a black conservative who coincidentally spoke at the Tea Party rally yesterday, stood up and asked McCain when he was going to start "fighting back"; and when he was going to attack Obama's questionable associations. At the time Obama was claiming Bill Ayers was just some random guy he knew from around his Hyde Park neighborhood.
McCain responded by telling Harris that his "reward would be in heaven." That comment immediately told me that McCain would lose because he'd rather not fight.
And McCain's answer was incredibly condescending on other levels. It was the same view held by many about the early abolitionists like Nat Turner and John Brown, and later civil rights activists. "Don't stir up trouble...just be a good Christian and you'll get your reward in heaven." It's all the more ironic because there's no real indication that McCain is particularly religious.
As a black conservative that exchange is etched indelibly in my mind and increased my respect for Sarah Palin. Why should I fight for McCain when he was unwilling to fight for himself? Palin, on the other hand, has showed that she will fight for what she believes.
I looked for video of the exchange and found it here: Supporter Begs McCain To "Take It To Obama" It still annoys me nearly three years later.
Insightful post, the left hates (fears!) Palin exactly because she will stand and fight for what she believes and refuses to be cowed by the left.
Masters of projection, the left tells us exactly what they think and are up to. They have plenty of fools they use to distract (regular readers here at Althouse know who the tools of the left are that regularly leave their verbal 'droppings' laying about).
Joe Biden is demonstrably one of the most embarrassing persons that have ever held public office in the history of this country - but, like dark family secrets, Biden is often kept locked away in a closet in order to minimize his exposure - those time he has, are well-chronicled.
The left has no reason to crow about their representatives - and they rarely do, evidenced by the amount of time they spend attacking the right with their lies and smears.
Attacking the competition is not a good way to try and make a sale - rather, one should tout the relative strengths and related benefits of what it is you are trying to sell.
Attacking the competition is tell-tale in that what the person is really saying is 'because what I am selling is not so great, I have to rely on knocking my competition'.
If you know anything at all about sales strategy/ psychological approach, this is a losing strategy.
The guy saying he can see stupid need only find a mirror.
pbAndj said...
She did say that her foriegn policy experience was associated with the fact that its possible to see Russia from Alaska.
And Little Zero said his foreign policy cred came from the fact he lived in Indonesia from ages 6 to 10.
pbAndj said...
She did say that her foriegn policy experience was associated with the fact that its possible to see Russia from Alaska.
And you mocked Obama for claiming that being in Indonesia gave him insights into foreign policy, right?
chickelit said...
Why are those two guys in red dressed so alike? Their poses are striking too. For some odd reason I was reminded of the figures in Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia.
I immediately noticed their socialist-realist pose--not sure that's distinguishable from the fascist-propaganda images you refer to.
I continue to be amused by the union/democrats that call Walker and Palin corporate whores. Obama is in bed with corporate america more than any previous president. Most of his czars are from corporate america. GE and Google are literally in his backpocket.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency...Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." via the Czech Republic newspaper Prager Zeitung
"Remember when, during the campaign, Palin took that call from Nicolas Sarkozy?"
Funny, because somebody fooled her. Was Obama also fooled by someone? When Obama first met Ayers, did he: not know who he was (making Obama stupid), know who he was but didn't care, or know who he was and was thrilled to finally meet him (the latter two making Obama not stupid but evil).
Why was he there?
(the "Why am eye here?" guy)
Imagine taxing the rich
(for 2008)The top 5 percent earned 34.7 percent of the nation's adjusted gross income, but paid approximately 58.7 percent of federal individual income taxes.
Obama is in bed with corporate america more than any previous president. Most of his czars are from corporate america. GE and Google are literally in his backpocket.
You have that backwards.
Obama is in their back pockets. And because of that, we are in THEIR back pockets, whether we wish to be or not.
We are SO f*ed.
It's a real shame that some of you don't know jack about which you speak. You especially don't know jack about AK, and it's direct ties to foreign countries through their trade agreements. Foreign policy is not only about military concerns.
During Palin's governorship she met with many ambassadors & dignataries from foreign countries dealing with internationl issues on a regular basis. International investment & trade contribute heavily to AK's economy.
To name just a few countries she had to deal with...Canada (given), Iceland, Republic of Korea (which has a consular office in AK), Russia (Ambassador Kislyak), UK, New Zealand, Hungary, Norway, The Philippines, China, Mexico, Poland, Finland, Norway. Oh, and add France to that list, too.
Like I said, those are just a few. Name any other governor in the lower 48 that has regular interaction with that many foreign countries.
And, yes because of AK's close proximity to Russia, it would be ignorant to think that Palin would not be briefed on the threats that Russia may pose to national defense through AK. She was CinC of the AK NG, of course. And there is missile defense in AK, correct?
Oh, and all of this can be proven. Look it up. There are even pictures for those that don't have higher intellectual capacity.
I went through a few of these photo's. They seem like pretty vile people.
I don't think you should waste anymore time on them. I know I won't and I won't be commenting on anymore Wisconsin protest threads. They have become crushingly boring reptititive drivel....and that's just shiloh.
I know I won't and I won't be commenting on anymore Wisconsin protest threads.
Never say never and thanx for the shout out!
Someone, please, put the cap back on the glue!
Yeah I can see stupid too. He's holding the sign.
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