I love the monologue "The Recovering Male" from Eric Bogosian's "Pounding Nails into the Floor with My Head." (Read its here.) (Get the CD.) Key line: "I'm just a man with a penis. And for that I'm sorry."
I'm reading those 3 1/2 pages this morning, because I don't have the patience to watch 8+ minutes of this. Both have the same theme, and both make me laugh, but one is brilliant, compressed writing by an artist, and the other is blather by men who are not artists and who are not trying to be funny. Also, reading that monologue does not cause a mind-rottting music soundtrack to play.
I did watch a couple minutes of that video, which I know you were talking about in the Flower Bird Café. There is a violence against women in this world that is different from the violence against men in ways that are important to address, but that video is too awful to focus us on what matters. There's way too much new-age nonsense about "energy." That's patent idiocy, and a man trying to suck up to women by blabbing about energy... needs some better suck-up lines.
But even if you extract the crap music and the new-age quasi-religion, you've got men apologizing for manliness. But they are not apologizing for their own manliness. They are purporting to apologize for other men, whom they are demonizing. Really what you've got are the insufficiently manly men, who think that by insulting other men, they will get the women.
But they will not get the women, because they are insufficiently manly. And it's a particularly pussy move to group all the manly men together for the purposes of trying to promote unmanly men. The violent, hateful, abusive men belong in a class by themselves, and to group them with all the other men who are more manly than you is self-serving and specious.
Now, take your bogus energy and get out of here.
Someone call the cops! Crack Emcee has stolen Althouse.com!
I apologize for being God's gift to women, and I apologize for the rest of you for not realizing it, and for not taking more advantage of his gift. Now make it up to him.
You nailed it in one, AA. Not only do the violent, hateful, and abusive belong in a group unto themselves, everyone else needs to be mindful of just how small a minority they represent. The wheels of the "look to your left, look to your right" rape stats are coming off and I know a healthy number of young women that don't buy that third-wave crap anymore...if they ever did.
Funny...at a time when manliness-chic is at an all time low, our country is facing numerous and potentially catastrophic problems. One a result of the other or simply chronologically coincidental? I believe one has very much to do with the other.
(The Crypto Jew)
I will repeat what someone said on the Flower Bird Thread…this is like Bill Clinton/Barak Obama “apologizing”…it’s easy for them to apologize, they are apologizing for SOMETHING THEY DIDN’T DO! And it’s just as useless. I can’t “apologize” for slavery and if I did, what is the point? I NEVER held a slave and no one, alive, in my family has! I can only apologize for what I did or failed to do!
IF these “guys” want to apologize, then they need to apologize and make amends for things they did. “I’m sorry I stood you up last Friday, Sally.” “Georgette, I lied when I said it was Me, not you…it was you, you were too ugly for my taste.” Those are apologies, anything else is just posturing and groveling….
I'm over 50 and in my entire life I've only met a handful of truly abusive men. Men who were violent or purposefully hurtful to women. The thing is though, they often got more than an average number of women and they usually were hotter than average. Often the hottest girl in the room is with the most abusive guy.
The women are getting more manly and the men are getting less. I think it's already very confusing to young people what it means to be either one. The victim will be nuance which is vital to the question.
Whatever. If women were truly our equals, we could not have oppressed them since 2,600,000 BC.
Don't be a metrosexual. And stop apologizing for having a set of balls.
"And it's a particularly pussy move to group all the manly men together for the purposes of trying to promote unmanly men. The violent, hateful, abusive men belong in a class by themselves, and to group them with all the other men who are more manly than you is self-serving and specious."
Very well said. I didn't reach the end of that horrid video either. I kept expecting through some portion of it for one of them to ask "Now can I please have my balls back?" Except, that if said balls were returned, I don't think these clowns would notice, let alone have any idea what to use them for.
Why women can't stand nice guys
The thing is though, they often got more than an average number of women and they usually were hotter than average.
I would imagine that an abusive guy is going to have to be rather skilled at manipulation in order to be successfully abusive, otherwise women would just leave him. A person who is good at manipulation is going to have more dates than average.
And if the guy is manipulative and abusive, that's obviously going to keep a woman on her toes. Don't mess up, don't let yourself go, don't relax, be perfect, be perfect, be perfect, otherwise he'll withhold love (the manipulation) or worse (the abuse.)
I get the feeling Meade was feeling very manly this morning.
Scott M said...
Funny...at a time when manliness-chic is at an all time low, our country is facing numerous and potentially catastrophic problems. One a result of the other or simply chronologically coincidental? I believe one has very much to do with the other.
It's still there, but the men who have it have learned not to flash it, lest it gives the girly-men the vapors and makes the feminists go all wee-wee.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
I will repeat what someone said on the Flower Bird Thread…this is like Bill Clinton/Barak Obama “apologizing”…it’s easy for them to apologize, they are apologizing for SOMETHING THEY DIDN’T DO! And it’s just as useless. I can’t “apologize” for slavery and if I did, what is the point? I NEVER held a slave and no one, alive, in my family has! I can only apologize for what I did or failed to do!
People like Willie only apologize when caught and Little Zero apologizes as a way of showing people things he wants to destroy.
As a great equestrian once said (and I know Troop has my back on this), "Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness".
I get the impression that the men in this video where strapped down, Clockwork Orange-style, and forced to watch endless hours of typical American television advertisements.
Snark aside, after somewhat of a lull in the attack and somewhat of a resurgence in positive father/husband characters in tv ads, we're definitely on a downward slide again, straight to oafdome.
Bogosian was a PC wimp in the L&O TV series.
at a time when manliness-chic is at an all time low,
I'm not really sure this is true anymore. I'd say the lowest point was the mid-late 90's, and now the ladies are starting to realize what they're missing.
Notice the shift in romantic leads from types like Jude Law to rugged types like Gerard Butler. There's definitely a greater appreciation for the manly than there was a few years ago.
Brandon: "This idea of a War of Sexes, was that inspired by her mother? From the description that I have heard of her..."
Thurber: "No, I think it is really from having lived two years, 1918 and part of '20, in France - and comparing the life of the French, English, and other foreigners with family life in America. I could clearly see the domination of the American woman over her man as compared with that of other countries.
America is a matriarchy. It always has been, it always will be. It became obvious to me from the time I was a little boy that the American woman was in charge. I didn't really definitely plan to set out to do that War - I just drew on my unconscious, I guess, and my store of observations about that. I think it is one of the weaknesses of America, the great dominance of the American woman. Not because of that fact in itself, but because she is, as a Chinese woman of distinction said to me some 20 years ago, the least interested in national and international affairs and the most ignorant.
I think that Philip Wiley invented the word "Momism." I think that the word is a very important word - the mother dominates the son - and every time, I know when he gets home from school in the summertime or wintertime he slams the screen door and says:. . . “Hey—Mom! Can I do this—can I do that? Can I do that? " Permission from ‘Mom’ is the big thing.
I don’t think there will be [a revolt by the American man against matriarchy]. Of course, in the series I did, “The War between Men and Women,’ the woman surrenders to the man, but you’ll notice in the drawings that each woman has a big rock or club behind her back. In other words, the war is not over, so far as she's concerned"
--Thurber interviewed in The New Republic, May 16, 1958
Notice the shift in romantic leads from types like Jude Law to rugged types like Gerard Butler.
Did you see Repo Man? Besides, GB is an action star that fell sideways into a romantic comedy. His upcoming projects may not be the t-fests that 300 was, but they're pretty ballsy...biologically speaking.
I think there will be an inevitable swing back, but I'm not sure we're there yet.
I apologize for the Rape of the Sabine Women and for making great works of art glorifying it. I think an aggressive seduction would have been sufficient.
I'm glad I live in a time where I can get women to have sex without having to conquer a city and kill lots of guys.
That video of groveling men was actually an audition for the Castrati Choir for the Church of Gender Equality.
Think 'live Ken dolls'.
"I'd say the lowest point was the mid-late 90's"
The nadir was Shia LaBeouf starring opposite of Harrison Ford in the fourth Indiana Jones. The juxtaposition of the archetype of the 80s manly man against the slight, geeky femininesque model of the last decade was almost too much to bear, and still, to this day stands out as the worst part of that movie, which had a script that should have itself stood out as the worst part.
Imagine if instead of casting wee Shia, they would have cast someone like Nathan Fillion. The movie might have been saved.
These days we're being helped by getting some necessarily macho comic book heroes on the big screen. We're getting Thor next month. He's the paragon of angry, unabashed masculinity who hurls his hammer willy-nilly and makes grand declarations of his ass-kicking capabilities.
While the alpha males are locking horns to claim ownership of the mountain top, the beta males are partying with their harem. There's no right strategy, and, at a certain level of maturity and awareness, this whole Darwinian rag seems foolish and futile. I suppose women would find more comfort in the "brute boot of the fascist" than in the bleatings of these sensitive souls, but a pox on all of them.
Althouse said....
But even if you extract the crap music and the new-age quasi-religion, you've got men apologizing for manliness. But they are not apologizing for their own manliness. They are purporting to apologize for other men, whom they are demonizing. Really what you've got are the insufficiently manly men, who think that by insulting other men, they will get the women."
Wow. It looks like you finally figured out Bob Wright and boringheads. Now maybe you stop killing us with links to those videos.
Cause you know Bob Wright makes Alan Alda look like Ike Turner.
Just sayn'
Cause you know Bob Wright makes Alan Alda look like Ike Turner.
Just sayn'
Oh and I pray that boring bearded hipster dofous base guy gets booted off American Idol.
Although I suspect it might be slutting screaming girl.
One of the most evil men I ever met - where his evil stayed with me over the years so I know what to look out for - killed baby seals. He reeked of blood-dripping murder.
I've met Nazis in Europe who reek hatred, which is different from murder, of course. Off-the-charts anger that can literally touch you from across a room whether you know the person's there or not. Just incredible.
What most women complain about, unless they're dealing with mental illness, is just living with those with greater power. But guess what? Men have to live with that, too! There's always somebody bigger, stronger, faster, whatever. That doesn't mean you lose perspective, become unfair, or resort to special pleading - it means you get better. That's what impresses us.
And it's not just women who get it wrong. Hell, I think almost everyone's got it ALL wrong - starting with those bozos in the video. But it goes to show how much women have gotten from everyone getting it wrong that the video was made.
Needless to say, it's also good everyone's shooting it down.
IMO Many women start baffled by testosterone fueled masculine aggressiveness and avoid such a relationship as long as her life seems safe and easy. But the time comes when the man who wills to stand and fight for her becomes her overwhelming need. Than that woman will find a way to hook up with an aggressive but loyal man. The current economic tsunami has re-awakened most women to the need for protector men.
Men have to live with that, too! There's always somebody bigger, stronger, faster, whatever. That doesn't mean you lose perspective, become unfair, or resort to special pleading - it means you get better. That's what impresses us.
Exactly. Men grow up fully aware that there are always people better at whatever skill you want to bring up. I'm not sure women, those that don't compete in some fashion, are raised with the same message. I wouldn't bet on it in this touchy-feely selfy-esteemy era.
When another man bests you in fair play, you grudgingly respect him. When an new, obviously good-looking man walks into a room, other men will grudgingly admit, if no other than to themselves, hey...I bet he gets laid alot.
I don't know how women feel when they get bested by other women, but I DO know how women react when a new, obviously good looking women walks into the room. It ain't pretty.
I read the other day that movie casting directors have been going to England or Australia for masculine types since the American actors are too old or are all pussies. Since my movie going is pretty much at home with classics, I hadn't noticed.
Trooper York said...
There are plenty of American actors who are not pussies but they are too "ethinc" be they Italian or Black or Hispanic or just working class good old boys. But the the fanooks who hate America and run Hollywood are a scared of them Norton.
Great writing, Camille!
Notice the shift in romantic leads from types like Jude Law to rugged types like Gerard Butler. There's definitely a greater appreciation for the manly than there was a few years ago.
Ralyan Givens..>FTW!!!
(The Crypto Jew)
Exactly. Men grow up fully aware that there are always people better at whatever skill you want to bring up. I'm not sure women, those that don't compete in some fashion, are raised with the same message. I wouldn't bet on it in this touchy-feely selfy-esteemy era.
Which is why we have pistols and baseball bats.
When another man bests you in fair play, you grudgingly respect him. When an new, obviously good-looking man walks into a room, other men will grudgingly admit, if no other than to themselves, hey...I bet he gets laid alot.
Yeah that’s it, I RESPECT him…enough to wait until he’s taking a blind turn whilst walking down the street and then *WHAMMO* he meets the aforementioned baseball bat…..
Fair play and respect…in VERY deed.
Fuck him. He doesn't deserve his dick. I'm a man, I've earned the right to call myself one and I don't need any other man to apologize to the world for saying that I'm not one. These fuckers don't know what it is to be a man and remain one.
way back in my college days, my then girlfriend (and later wife) joined a woman's group. One of the members of this group was married to a gent who decided to start a "man's group". I was invited.
The first (and only) meeting started with this fellow saying "I can't think of one good thing that man has ever done."
I looked at him with astonishment. Here we were, sitting in his house, eating food and consuming beer that were made by _men_. Those words were also a slap to my kindly grandfathers, my father who works at the local food pantry and countless others.
The Crack Emcee said...
One of the most evil men I ever met - where his evil stayed with me over the years so I know what to look out for - killed baby seals. He reeked of blood-dripping murder.
I've met Nazis in Europe who reek hatred, which is different from murder, of course. Off-the-charts anger that can literally touch you from across a room whether you know the person's there or not. Just incredible.
I had met someone like that once at a party. His name was Greg. The evil that emanated from that guy was so palpable that I wanted to kill him on the spot to put an end to it. It made me dizzy and nearly sick just being in that presence. I didn't know what he did or where he lived, but I knew what I was standing in front of. The urge to put him down right then and there was almost something I couldn't deal with. I had to leave and told my buddy who had the party about it later that week. Turns out this guy was ex-military in Gulf War 1. I was so scared for along time after that because I never experienced anything like that, but it honed me to some degree.
DADvocate said...
"I'm glad I live in a time where I can get women to have sex without having to conquer a city and kill lots of guys."
You do realize that you speak only for yourself?
Scott, a few years back I read a piece on women and jobs that went something like "So women, now being in the job market just like men, are bitching because so many jobs are boring or don't pay enough and so forth. And "This isn't what I was wanting and expecting!"
Well, welcome to the club, ladies! Don't you wish you'd listened when we were griping about the same things years ago? Some people do manage jobs they love, etc.; many do not. Again, join the club and stop bitching."
Turns out this guy was ex-military in Gulf War 1.
Please explain to me why this was relevant to your story. I, and quite a few tens of thousands of others, are Gulf War I vets and we'd like to know.
As to the 'recovering male' crap, if you have tools and know how to use them, how many times have you been called on by some sensitive modern male who can't do anything that involves getting his hands dirty?
Bleep these clowns.
That video is a wonderful illustration on how deeply the war on the masculine has sunk. It reduces maleness to the shortcomings and pathologies of the worst males, and turns virtues into pathologies. It is of a piece with the war on capitalism---capitalism reduced to ONLY its shortcomings and pathological excesses. The war on industry---all industry is bad because it defiles the feminine archetype of "the Earth." Agency, a masculine trait, is pathologized, hence the war on the car, the literal vehicle of agency in the modern world. And we all know about dosing our boys with Ritalin, outlawing male play (guns, dodge ball, etc.,) the infantilizing of men on TV and on and on. The War on "the West," especially America (masculine,) and the elevation of "Third World" or "indigenous" cultures "feminine.)
This video, as difficult as it is to watch, is really worth spending the 8 minutes on, just to witness the entire catalog of follies now promulgated by the war on the masculine.
Those are Obama's core voters in that pansy video.
(The Crypto Jew)
Please explain to me why this was relevant to your story. I, and quite a few tens of thousands of others, are Gulf War I vets and we'd like to know.
THAT would explain the palpable sense of evillllll I get from your posts! Only someone twisted by Booooosh’s evil War for Oil, could radiate such a sense of “wrongness” and believe in the CEZA and the dire effects of EMP…it is all so clear to me now!
My unscientific theory is that when girls do not get enough attention from their fathers growing up they crave attention as they mature. Easy to get attention from bad boys which resukts in bad news.
WV: chaphype Too much hype about the chap.
There were times in my life I thought my penis should apologize to me. That seemed far easier than personal responsibility.
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"THAT would explain the palpable sense of evillllll I get from your posts! Only someone twisted by Booooosh’s evil War for Oil, could radiate such a sense of “wrongness” and believe in the CEZA and the dire effects of EMP…it is all so clear to me now!"
4/14/11 12:26
As opposed to the good war where Obama bombs brown people in Lybia just for the hell of it.
My unscientific theory is that when girls do not get enough attention from their fathers growing up they crave attention as they mature.
Thank God this won't be a problem for my girls (6 and 3). They've got me wrapped around their little fingers.
We are in the process of building a treehouse for the 6-year-old's birthday at the end of the month. It's a 10x10, tree through middle, fully walled/roofed/electrical behemoth. When it's done Sunday, it will have taken three very handy men four days to construct from scrap.
(The Crypto Jew)
Joe said...
(The Crypto Jew)
"THAT would explain the palpable sense of evillllll I get from your posts! Only someone twisted by Booooosh’s evil War for Oil, could radiate such a sense of “wrongness” and believe in the CEZA and the dire effects of EMP…it is all so clear to me now!"
4/14/11 12:26
As opposed to the good war where Obama bombs brown people in Lybia just for the hell of it.
Are you trying to make a point? Obama is AWESOME…..
A guideline: If you're apologizing for other people - who you did not convince or order to do what they do - you are being a dumbass. A posturing dumbass, which is even worse.
It's never meaningful, never remedies any harms the other group might have actually done, and makes you look like a prat.
(Apologizing for actions of others that you actually caused or directly influenced is perfectly valid, naturally.)
I would demand that these clowns have their Man Cards revoked, but I don't think they ever had them in the first place.
(The Crypto Jew)
So ScottM you are using resources that could house a Third World Family, to damage one of Gaia’s Creations, all for the amusement of an offspring that will further damage Gaia thru their excessive carbon footprint?
How people like you can hold your heads up in public astounds me….Tree-Killing, Zombie-Worshipper.
Electricity, in a tree house? LUXURY! I guess they’ll be making Margarita’s and Daiquiri’s up there in a few years.
1. They're absolutely right... there is something genuinely beautiful about the exchange of masculine and feminine energies. (natures, feelings, whatever the heck word you want to use)
... the usual arrangement however is that the guy brings the masculine half.
But meh, whatever works for them I guess. Takes all kinds, and if that's the tack they want to take, there's plenty of gals in this ol' world that like it.
2. HOWEVER... there has been precisely one man in history who could atone for other people's sins.
... they ain't Him.
Nah...its for the light, the blacklight, and a fan or two. All safe'd to the max, y-betcha.
I drew the line at running water out there, though, does that count?
They hippie guys always had great looking girlfriends, often rich ones. Some of the hippies were rich themselves which would explain some of it, but not all were. I finally figured out that while the rest of us were busting it, studying and writing papers and going to class and working part time jobs the hippies were listening to the girls talk. They weren't talking themselves, or at least not much. Mostly they were listening and getting laid. It took me twenty years to figure that out and when I did it was magic.
(The Crypto Jew)
I drew the line at running water out there, though, does that count?
I would think depending on geography/climate that running water would be a challenge, pipes freezing being a problem in lots of areas, plus the issue of burying the pipe and supporting the pipe in the tree (water weight and all).
The kids can just take a cooler out with them.
BLACK LIGHTS?? NOTHING good can come from that . It’s like any story that has the words, “pool hall/bowling alley” and “2.00 AM” all in close proximity, nothing good…
BLACK LIGHTS?? NOTHING good can come from that.
6...and..3. The boy is only 18-months. The girls will have it well-broken in by the time he gets around to using it.
sounds like these cats got sand in their manginas
those freaks ain't had pussy since pussy had them. and that puke fest of a video ain't gonna get'em none either. my wife would leave me yesterday if i acted like them. i'd call'em nuts but they ain't got any.
Jenny at 12:56 PM -
Not just one, but two perfectly succinct zingers. I am in awe. Ann should quote your comment in her post; it's that good.
"But they are not apologizing for their own manliness. They are purporting to apologize for other men, whom they are demonizing."
That's the template for a lot of liberal rhetoric.
"There is a violence against women in this world that is different from the violence against men"
Yeah. Women are not raped as often.
in my neck of the woods if you find out some "man" is hitting a woman in your life (friend, sister, daughter, cousin, mother, grandmother) you gather a couple of other male (or female if they are so inclined) members of your clan, find him and make it clear that behavior will stop.
That is what the men I've grown up around consider being manly.
You don't apologize for their behavior you correct it.
It's no surprise that this manhood subversion hits its apex during the Obama administration. Sadly, the Pres. is a prime example of a weak, weasely and snotty little man. Examples: From behind his Secret Service protection provided by real men 1.) insulting the Supreme Court Justices in his State of the Union speech, 2.) calling Senator McCain, "John" while insisting to be addressed as Mr. President during the first economic confab and 3.) yesterday inviting Cong. Ryan to sit in the front row to listen to a chap shot attack on Ryan's manful attempts to begin a discussion about a legitimate budget overhaul. Mr. Obama is a wimp and a jerk. That's a bad combination. You can only get away with that by having tough brothers as a kid or a security team as an adult.
What's all the more damning about our gracious hostess' indictment is that women are the ultimate arbiters of what manliness is.
I DO know how women react when a new, obviously good looking women walks into the room. It ain't pretty.
Oh, c'mon, are we talking about teenage girls? Some women are like that, but I don't think it's the norm.
Oh, c'mon, are we talking about teenage girls? Some women are like that, but I don't think it's the norm.
I would have agreed with you ten years ago...when I was just out of the military an into radio. Not a normal business working environment in either place. These past ten, though, after working in your "standard" office-type jobs, it is very much the case and, from my experience, most women will admit as much.
By the way, women in different stages of their menstrual cycle have different preferences for the appearance of men. Women on oral contraceptives mess that up. Further, USA Today just had an article about how more girls are menstrating at earlier ages. We know, for example, that above the waste water treatment facility in Boulder Colorado, there are just as many male as female fish. Below the waste water treatment plant there are 5 times as many female fish as male. This happens in rivers throughout the US. We are being poisoned by our environment. No wonder there are fewer manly men.
I’ve had a “growing sense of worship” for the “gifts of the feminine” ever since I read my first Playboy.
Scott M,
our country is facing numerous and potentially catastrophic problems. One a result of the other or simply chronologically coincidental? I believe one has very much to do with the other.
Of course they do! Both left and right are devaluing men.
Read The Misandry Bubble. Twice.
The US economy will simply not recover until misandry is cut down to size.
Anyone who even remotely thinks that sucking up to women will get them laid is no better than those who think the Earth is flat.
Women are revolted by men who are suck-ups. Women violently hate pedestalizing men.
Read Roissy's archives for the next 30 days if you want to really learn about how women think.
In medieval China, there were court Eunuchs that existed for a specific purpose.
Individuals like this are just a modern version of the same thing. A 'third gender'.
I would like the readers here to know that people who write for the New York Times, using their real names, are campaigning for all World Governments to be female-only in 25 years.
<a href="http://theantifeminist.com/hank-pellisier-responds-mens-rights-movement/>A New York Times writer, using his real name, is cozy with the notion that the male gender should be phased out (and possible exterminated over time). </a>
A New York Times writer, using his real name, is cozy with the notion that the male gender should be phased out (and possible exterminated over time).
Yes, there are men who are trying to suck up to women my campaigning for the extermination of the male gender. They can do so using their real names, and while being employed by the New York Times.
these eunuchs make me wanna puke.
You see, I'm A Man. I don't apologize and I don't explain. These wimps need to leave their johnsons in a jar on NOW's front steps and move to San Francisco.
"And it's a particularly pussy move to group all the manly men together for the purposes of trying to promote unmanly men."
Thank you, Ann.
Yes, there are men who are trying to suck up to women my campaigning for the extermination of the male gender.
Maybe they were just told "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth" and figured, hey, let's test that claim.
Is there a convenient, short term for "whiny metrosexual douchebag"? Cause if there isn't one, these [I hesitate to say guys or dudes] hypothetical non-females certainly demand that it be coined.
Actually, after posting that, it came to me. The term is "Maher". As in look at that pathetic Maher, or look at that disgusting bunch of Mahers.
edutcher: "...he men who have it have learned not to flash it, lest it gives the girly-men the vapors..."
Oh, how this woman would like to be given the vapors!
Nathan Fillion would definitely been better casting...and more believable as Jones' son. wow. Just imagining the movie cast like that...
Anyway, can't stand any of those girly men cast in the last umpteen years, like what's-his-name in Titanic (never saw it) etc.
Scott M said...
Please explain to me why this was relevant to your story. I, and quite a few tens of thousands of others, are Gulf War I vets and we'd like to know.
Apologies for leaving it hanging like that. The recollection of that memory made me want to stop typing after a while. The GW1 reference was from my buddy who had the party is that this guy that he allegedly copped to doing some atrocious things while he was there. Whether that was true or not, I don't know. All I know was it was the only time, in my life that I experienced actually feeling and seeing the manifestation of evil come off of someone. It was awful and I hope it never happens again.
Don't be a metrosexual. And stop apologizing for having a set of balls.
They don't HAVE balls -- that's the point.
Not everyone with testicles has balls.
We are being poisoned by our environment. No wonder there are fewer manly men.
And notice that the poison isn't the oft-derided testosterone; if it were, there would be calls to outlaw it.
But since the real cause is estrogen, crickets chirp.
Could you imagine the uproar if we asked all women taking oral contraceptives to pee in diapers which would be separated into toxic waste to be incinerated? (Actually, those taking a host of medication should probably do so.) Even the EPA considers estrogen to be a carcinogen.
Insufficiently manly? isn't that what The Recovering Male is about, in part sure. Are you a man, just wondering? you say you really like this monologue, Eric is great, expresses himself true, where he's at. And being ashamed of being a "man," in other words, being ashamed of being who is just is (one of) the issue(s) he's speaking of. it goes quite personal too, i don't think he's apologizing for another's manliness (or lack thereof). i feel like he's apologizing to someone like you
People articulate in all sorts of ways, i'm sure a lot of guys who do use "energy" in that "new age way" frequently do get girls or guys or whoever. saying "i really like your energy" is like saying "we got chemistry" or "i like you" or "you're pretty" or "you have a nice ace" or "I see God in you" it's just admiration, people can take it however they wish. All kinds of men get play.
But it's interesting, it's people like you who he's apologizing too (almost ironically). The people who whip us with phone cords for jerking off.
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