April 10, 2011

"Had this been George Bush or almost any other President or Presidential aspirant, they would never have been allowed to attain office, or would have been thrown out of office very quickly."

"For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don't realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest 'scam' in the history of our country. In other words, they would become the hottest writer since Watergate, or beyond."

Donald Trump makes a criticism of the press that is far more important than the "birther" issue itself.

ADDED: The New Yorker has a big profile of Trump:
The patented Trump palaver, a gaseous blather of “fantastic”s and “amazing”s and “terrific”s and “incredible”s and various synonyms for “biggest,” is an indispensable ingredient of the name brand.
Oh, bullshit. Every time I listen to him he's calling everything "yooge."

From the description of his apartment:
“This is the greatest apartment ever built. There’s never been anything like it. There’s no apartment like this anywhere. It was harder to build this apartment than the rest of the building. A lot of it I did just to see if it could be done. All the very wealthy people who think they know great apartments come here and they say, ‘Donald, forget it. This is the greatest.’ ” Very few touches suggested that real people actually lived there—where was it, exactly, that Trump sat around in his boxers, eating roast-beef sandwiches, channel surfing, and scratching where it itched?


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Fen said...


Yellow journalism. Here's what she actually said:

Palin: I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was the birth announcement put in the newspaper. But obviously there is something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate, that he sees going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And that's perplexing for a lot of people.

Mick said...

Fen said...

" One weird legal question: assume that Obama fraudulently gained the office of POTUS. Does that make everything he signed invalid?"

Yes, including the 2 Dyke (He seems to favor dykes) Communists nominated to the SCOTUS and the Health Care Law abortion.

Mick said...

For everyone's edification, here is a historical perspective of the understanding, and reasoning behind the requirement of natural born Citizen in A2S1C5:

1) Vattel's Law of Nations (treatise on Natural Law- the original common law of the US):

"the Natives, or natural born Citizens, are those born in a country of parents who are it's citizens".

2) John Jay's letter to G. Washington suggesting the requirement in 1787:

"Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and reasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.[5]"

3) Federalist # 68 (by Alexander Hamilton, who had suggested at first, and rejected, that the President be "born a US Citizen"):

"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?"

4) John Bingham, author of the 14 Amendment (in 1866):

"|[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that ”every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is”, in the language of your Constitution itself, ”a natural born citizen”…. "

5) Minor v. Happersett and Wong Kim Ark (1874 and 1898):

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. "

6) Laurence Tribe (Harvard Constitutional scholar, during the Res. 511 hearings 4/2008):

"Natural born Citizens are those born WITHIN the Territory and ALLEGIANCE of a nation"

Pretty plain to see that Obama, born British, is ALREADY ineligible, by his own story, no matter if born in the Oval Office. His dad was Kenyan, never US Citizen, and passed Obama 2 British Citizenship, because of the British Nationality Act of 1948. If the purpose of the requirement was to prevent foreign influence (undoubtedly) then how could one born of foreign citizenship be eligible? It's IMPOSSIBLE. There is NO DOUBT that I am correct.

AllenS said...

OK, here's my theory, and I know all of you want to hear it. His birth certificate name says Barry Whatever Dunham. He changed his name later in life to embrace his Muslim heritage. That's what he doesn't want you to know. Now, tell me the truth, you all feel better about knowing the truth, don't you?

traditionalguy said...

This Obama, Obama, Obama all day long is getting us nowhere. What I want Mick's help with is the eligibility of the 8 leaders at the Masters. How come we can't get a natural born American into a Green Jacket anymore these days?

EnigmatiCore said...

One of two things is happening. Or some of both!

Either we are getting a lot more posers around here, pretending to be the caricature of their political opponents in order to turn off others...


we are getting a lot more sincere folks who actually are just like the caricatures each side paints of the other.

Either way, what a bunch of dicks the newbies seem to be.

damikesc said...

Obama was born in HI.

I'm more concerned why he won't release ANYTHING about his past.

Remember 2004, where we were assured Kerry was so much smarter and studious than Bush...until the transcripts were made public.

A President has a FAR lower expectation of privacy than most citizens.

Anonymous said...

"I don't see why Obama will not provide this, unless there is something embarassing on it....or it doesn't exist because Obama was likely hatched on a rock."

There is no fucking way in hell Barack Hussein Obama was hatched on a rock.

Under one maybe.

But not on one.

Almost Ali said...

One weird legal question: assume that Obama fraudulently gained the office of POTUS. Does that make everything he signed invalid?


galdosiana said...

I think the Trump effect is an interesting one, and it is displayed well in this comment thread. Regardless of what the truth really is, Obama is certainly not GAINING anything by not releasing official records. At best, the public sees these issues in a neutral light.

However, with Trump bringing these issues back into the MSM rather frequently these days, I'd bet that the negative effect continues to increase until Barack actually releases the records. I really don't see how this will actually HELP him in the long run, as it seems that a growing number of Americans really don't actually know where he was born. Remember: whatever the truth is, public perception *trumps* it.

Conserve Liberty said...

Just for kicks I looked at mine. It is titled "Standard Certificate of Live Birth", issued by the Department of Health of the State of Missouri.

I have an actual copy the original (from microfilm) that was embossed with the Seal of the Department of Health.

I also have the more modern laser-printed version, also titled Certificate of Live Birth and sealed by the County office where I obtained the copy on behalf of the Department of Health. It looks very similar to the image of President Obama's.

I suppose people want to see the reprint of the microfilmed original to be convinced, but I'm satisfied now.

FWIW, I work in a federally- and state- regulated industry and the FBI holds my fingerprints, completed a background check and accepted the more recent version as sufficient for me to perform my work.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The country seems to be in a dither over which laws should be followed and enforced. I.e. hate crimes only enforced vs. white perps, border & immigration laws are ignored and winked at and now we can't see the most funfamental records of 44th president. I seem to remember Dan Rather & CBS spent years chasing down Geo Bush's TANG records and finally settled for a news story based on a forged document just days before the prez election.

I'm Full of Soup said...


It could be worse than that- maybe he was named Stanley after his grandfather!

Anonymous said...

"I suppose people want to see the reprint of the microfilmed original to be convinced ..."

Since, you know, Barack Obama cannot be trusted to tell us the truth - as evidenced by the many lies he told during his campaign in order to fool people into voting for him.

Look, it's about trust. Americans don't trust their president. They think he's a crook. And with good reason.

That's never a good sign for someone who is begging us to re-elect him.

No sitting president who has lost the trust of the people has ever been re-elected. Just ask George H.W. "Read My Lips" Bush. He lost the trust of Americans because he lied to them, and was fired for it.

Obama will be too because you can only fool people once. People just aren't really as stupid as Barack Obama would like them to be.

Trooper York said...

If you want to see what Donald Trump is all about I suggest you watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight. You will see that he is a pompous blowhard with a tenuous grip on reality.

That doesn't mean he is wrong. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

" .... maybe he was named Stanley after his grandfather!"

Or Lenin ... after his godfather.

Trooper York said...

Every participant in the Celebrity Apprentice had to produce a birth certificate.

Latoya was able to prove that it is indeed true that she and her brother Michael are different people.

Gary Busey was able to establish that one of his parents was actually from the Planet Mongo.

And Nene Leakes had to disclose that she is the result of an unholy union between Wilt Chamberlin and an Ostrich.

Trooper York said...

Oh and Lil Jon could only produce a certificate of jive birth.

But then his parents were jazz musicians.

Phil 314 said...

Barack Obama's birth certificate is as important as:

-John Boehner's tan

-the number of houses that John McCain owns

-Nancy Pelosi's plastic surgery.

The more we talk about such BS the more it allows those on the left, right and center to avoid talking about budget issues. Its all irrelevant once you run out of money.

I'm not a Tea Partier but wasn't and isn't that the essential message of the Tea Party?

Methadras said...

Go look at what a Hawaiian birth certificate looks like from the time Obama claims on the date he was born in which is August 6th, 1961. I've seen a Hawaiian birth certificate form August 5th, 1961 and it should look exactly the same. I've uploaded it here for any of you to take a look at:


What we know and have seen is a certificate of live birth. The two are not the same. So in reality Obama's birth certificate should look exactly like this. If that's the case, then what is really being hidden by not showing it. I've said before, he's the president, he's been sanctioned by congress as president. If his real birth certificate that looks like this shows him as being a citizen, then there is nothing to worry about, but the only certain conclusions one can come to at this point for why it isn't being presented in this current form is because 1) it doesn't exist because that implication means he wasn't born in Hawaii, ergo the US or 2) it is lost or 3) he wasn't born around the date he claims to have and there are many others. Since the birth certificate I'm showing is from August 5th, 1961, then Obama's should be easy to locate and yet even the Gov. of Hawaii who claims to be a very close friend of the Obama's can't even find it, then there is something amiss.

Is this a problem for Obama? You bet it is. Even if he shown to be born in Kenya or even outside the US, there is little that can be done to oust him from office. We already know that he is a pathological liar and an incompetent at that. He was praised as being this singular intellect of a great communicator and that has fallen on deaf ears and smarter minds. He's a fraud at this point regardless of his birthplace.

Fen said...

Yes Phil, but whats the point of having Article 2 of the Consitution if you're not going to enforce it?

cubanbob said...

@Gabriel Hanna said..

It would be rather interesting to see if he ever renounced his two other citizenship's upon attaining majority. Or if he has traveled under a foreign passport as an adult. If he has not renounced his two other citizenships is he qualified to serve as president?
4/10/11 7:10 PM

Cedarford said...

TMink said...
His criticism of the press is on target. But the birtherism occludes his point.

President Obama's birth certificate is being hidden because his mom put [W] in the race section. That is more than slightly problematic for the narrative.

Trey's theory is mine as well. Or maybe some note in the remarks section that Barack was born a Muslim.

I do think it has been hidden and the media has covered for Obama with the Birther nut narrative (and there are plenty of Birther nuts).
But when Abercrombie said he would make it public, it was no big deal - he quickly shut up.

I think it is incontrovertable that Obama is USA-born and the secret Kenyan birth and the involuntary pre-18 and illegal under US law "relinquishment of US citizenship to be an Indonesian" are Birther junk.

But something embarassing is quite likely and we may well see the press outed again in another coverup on the scale of their burying the Edwards affair or the burying of the AIPAC spies story.

Cedarford said...

AllenS has a nice theory too. The original birth certificate has some other middle name.

I am also in agreement with damikesc's concern - that the Birther stuff is used as a focus point to highlight the crazies and the Constitutional text spitters out that claim to be armchair Birther scholars on "natural born citizens". And the MORE important stuff - Barry's possibly very thin academic credentials and his possibly highly Marxist infused undergrad curriculum of study is not examined.

We had a pretty good idea of the intellectual capacity of recent Presidents..from Truman on. What they studied, basic grades and later - SATs and LSATs on some. I personally think Obama is bright enough for the job..he is more articulate and better in interview in assembling new facts than Bush was. But progressive Jews and Leftists in the media love their narrative of casting politicians they like as genius overminds - and it's rarely true.
When it is - like with Bill Clinton - you have evidence of that brightness expressed in a long career with a large paper trail.
Obama? No.

His claim to fame is his fellow students and faculty elected him to the honorary post of "President, Law Review" where he never submitted a paper for review. Nor did he publish anything in his capacity as a "scholar" once leaving Harvard.

Ultimately it's the media that will be left holding the bag, not Obama - if some real coverup or "emperor Obama has no clothes" facts emerge.

There could be a tipping point where the trust in the public in the media (and maybe academia) is wrecked to the point where the public insists on hiring to weed out dominance of one political ideology or another.
That we can have independence, but the product has to be more "fair and balanced" than it is now.

Jane said...

I was searching for a tax form this weekend when I found my "certificate of live birth" that I had used for a DoD security clearance. It worked for me. But his was first released on Kos, which made the other side suspicious.

There's just more information on the long form that people want to see. Mr. Obama's background has some oddities: parents who split up immediately after he was born, a bigamist father, a new Indonesian stepfather, a weird CT SS number, and a sketchy educational and work background.

Also, his wife is on video, speaking from a prepared text, stating calmly that they visited "Kenya, his home country." Even if he wasn't born there, don't most Americans feel insulted by that statement? We grew up singing, "America, my home sweet home" and meaning it.

The Nordyke twins' mother proudly displayed their birth certificates. Mr. Obama could do the same, but one gets the feeling that he feels proving anything to us is beneath him.

Jane the Actuary said...

The "birther" arguement that has some chance of being correct is the claim that O. was born overseas but the grandparents reported his birth to the state as if it was a home birth and placed a birth announcement, not because they knew he would grow up to be president, but because they figured B.O. Sr. was up to no good and they thought it would protect the child to be unquestionably an American citizen, in case Dad tried to take him to Africa.

Not likely, mind you, but not impossible.

This isn't something that can be proven by a standard state-issued Birth Certificate. In the same way, an adoptee with a reissued birth certificate couldn't conclusively prove their American birth (unless foreign adoptions, or adoptions of foreign-born children, aren't given reissued birth certificates).

I do buy into the theory that there's something embarassing on the original birth certificate --apparently, O. mentions it in his book, so he could have just provided this instead of the bit of providing a newly-issued computer-printed B.C. Maybe in a fit of anger or under the influence, he defaced it -- writing "Amerikkka" or the like?

But the theory that he gets so much mileage out of the clucking over the Birthers that he doesn't want to shut them down also has a certain appeal.

AllenS said...

As far as this birther stuff being a distraction, just remember some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Because word verification is like totally evil, I have no doubt that his real middle name has appeared numerous times with various different spellings. This, I am sure of.

EnigmatiCore said...

just remember some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time.

No doubt. But when 90% of what one talks about is gum chewing, it is not unfair to draw the conclusion that this is where the priority sits (and to question those priorities).

Known Unknown said...

Just what we need- another vacuous celebrity as politician.

The last one worked out pretty well.

EnigmatiCore said...

The last one worked out pretty well

Which one? Obama? Schwarzenegger? Ventura?

If you were going back to Reagan, he established, in the 60s and 70s, that he was anything but vacuous.

Known Unknown said...

If you were going back to Reagan, he established, in the 60s and 70s, that he was anything but vacuous.

Yes, Reagan. Vacuous isn't my term, but the general consensus of the intelligentsia.

EnigmatiCore said...

but the general consensus of the intelligentsia

The general consensus of the intelligentsia was that John Kerry is sharp.

The general consensus of the intelligentsia generally proves that they aren't that intelligent.

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