April 8, 2011

"For people who keep saying they don't want a government shutdown, Washington's warring parties are sure acting like they can't wait for it to happen."

"Since the policy stakes of this particular drama are so low, we can only assume this showdown is about Democrats and Republicans proving their relative political manhood."

Says the Wall Street Journal, leaning on the Republicans.


Lincolntf said...

Latest news, Boehner to speak in 5 minutes. Possible done deal, with Reuters reporting that Reid claims a 38 billion dollar "compromise" has been reached. We shall see.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A govt shutdown is like a bum saying he is on vacation. How could you tell?

bagoh20 said...

It's simply their constituents on both sides saying "fight" and they don't give a damn if the government shuts down. The pols don't want it - everyone else does.

Scott M said...

Reid claims a 38 billion dollar "compromise" has been reached.

A drop in a bucket doesn't quite describe it. Maybe an atom in a sun is more apt. I suppose we have to start somewhere though...

Scott M said...

Who shuts off the valve at Old Faithful if the government shuts down?

PaulV said...

WSJ editoral page may be conservative, but reporters are liberals

Skay said...

The Democrats could have passed a bill before the election.

There was a reason why Republicans were sent to the House--and it was not to cave in to the Democrats and Obama.

chickelit said...

I think POTUS see this as a chance to prove that he has no taste for thongs with his pizza.

But beware the law of intended consequences.

We shall see.

Lincolntf said...

We've seen how unwilling the Dems are to reduce our massive deficit and debt by even a single percentage point. Hopefully people remember this in 2012, when the problem is that much more massive and the Dems claim that they can and will "fix" it.
They have no interest in strengthening our economy (or even allowing it survive).

The Drill SGT said...

Scott M said...
Who shuts off the valve at Old Faithful if the government shuts down?

It's on one of those lawn timers. They don't have to change the timer til we go back to standard time in the Fall :)

X said...

shut the government down to demand more spending = good.

shut the government down to slow spending = bad

John henry said...

Fuck the Repos who vote for the compromise. What a bunch of scumbags.

We need to watch who votes for this and then primary their asses. Freshman, long-server, no matter.

If they are not going to do this they need to be gone.

$61 billion was nowhere near enough to even say that it was a start. And now they won't even do that?

Fuck them all.

John Henry

The Drill SGT said...

a deal apparently has been made at $38b in cuts

John henry said...

Obama was on TV last night crying about how serious this was and how he would not rest until it was taken care of.

If it is so serious, president douchebag how come you are going on vacation in the middle of it.

John Henry

David said...


But remember this is LAST YEAR"S budget. Last year the Democrats had a overwhelming majority in both houses of Congress, and the Presidency.

Why the Republicans have let the public forget this is beyond me.

Stupid Republicans.

As for Harry Reid, his lips were moving and you know what that means.

David said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phil 314 said...

Noise to signal ratio high

Michael K said...

It was very significant that Obama promised to veto the House bill that would have funded the Defense Department through September (end of fiscal year). The Democrats need hostages. Nobody cares if the Department of Education shuts down. The Social Security checks go out and the IRS shuts down. What's not to like ?

The military is one of those non-essential functions to Obama. Except for political rhetoric.

Stan said...

The adults are insisting on taking away the credit cards. The children are kicking and screaming on the floor in a temper tantrum demanding to keep charging on the cards.

Ordinarily, we'd expect the adults to win. But the news media is lockstep in support of the kids having a tantrum.

The Drill SGT said...

The military is one of those non-essential functions to Obama. Except for political rhetoric

I've got staff working for a Defense Agency (unnamed). If a shutdown occurs:

- military show up for work.
- contractors on funded contracts show up
- "essential" civilians show up.

none get paid till after the shutdown

unessential civilians stay home without paycheck either, but likely get back pay for not working.

who's the winner there :)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Reid makes my skin crawl.

Obama promised to cut the deficit in HALF by the end of his first term. He promised to cut "two trillion". Instead, he and his democrats have done nothing but follow Paul Krugman's Keynesian orders. Obama and his democrats have added trillions upon trillions to our deficit. We've never been in the "trillions" until the democrats gained total control.
Democrats are not serious about cutting spending. They want to spend more, until we are broken.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Saw Chuck Shumer on TV his morning braying that Tea Party members don't know how to compromise and then he bragged he has been in DC for 30 years so he knows how these things work.

Of course, the thought never occurred to Shumer that he is a big part of our spending problem.

Anonymous said...

The house is entirely on fire, and our idiot pols are arguing over whether to use a squirt gun or a garden hose to save it.

We're doomed unless we get a whole new crop of citizens in there.

bagoh20 said...

"a deal apparently has been made at $38b in cuts"

That's like going without cable TV for 45 seconds when your household is broke. Of course if it was the last 45 seconds of the super bowl, then I'd vote to go broke too?

traditionalguy said...

We are watching Obama/Soros use any means necessary to destroy the dollar so that they can get away with switching to the new world currency and thus destroy the American Military's funding. Therefore more Debt is needed and not less in the Soros plans. He is using Obama to occupy the American executive position that could fight back. Its a war. So we may need Trump to call the shots to save American interests.

TMink said...

I think a government shutdown of non-essential programs is a wonderful thing. The world will not stop turning.


Almost Ali said...

If little-big meanie Harry Reid makes Boehner cry, and Obama skips out for his 83rd vacation, and Nancy Pelosi conjures up another plague on the land...

garage mahal said...

So the holdup for Republicans is clean air and a woman's uterus. Some things will never change.

TWM said...

"So the holdup for Republicans is clean air and a woman's uterus. Some things will never change."

You keep selling crazy, garage, if you like, but no one's buying it anymore.

I'm Full of Soup said...


When women say "hands off our uterus", we respect their wishes and that means no money for Planned Parenthood.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
So the holdup for Republicans is clean air and a woman's uterus. Some things will never change.

Nobody is held up by Andrew Sullivan smoking pot or raving about Palin.


MadisonMan said...

I don't mind, too much, if the Govt shuts down. But what sticks in my craw about it is that Congressmembers get to keep drawing a paycheck even as the Govt shuts down.

garage mahal said...

Andrew Sullivan has what to do with Republicans insistence to defund Planned Parenthood in the budget negotiations?

Lincolntf said...

"Clean air and a woman's uterus".
This is great, the Libs have lately been proven dishonest and incompetent on every possible front, from Gitmo/Iraq to the Global Warming scam, and now they're reduced to using the same slogans and scare tactics they were using during the Reagan era.
Keep it coming, shitbirds, the country is on to your methods and nobody is buying it anymore.

Scott M said...

Andrew Sullivan has what to do with Republicans insistence to defund Planned Parenthood in the budget negotiations?

Come on, Garage. As the reigning king of it's use, you can't spot a non sequitur when you see one?

chickelit said...


Explain how floating more dollars avoids raising the nominal price of crude oil.

Then explain how the consequent fuel price is not a war on poor.

Then I might take your economics seriously.

Kensington said...

"A govt shutdown is like a bum saying he is on vacation. How could you tell?"

The same way you could tell when the government was shut down in 1995: the media will be shrieking hysterically that women, children and the elderly are dying in the streets 24/7 until the shutdown ends.

The MSM will scour the Earth to find people affected, however mildly, and when found even their mildest inconveniences will be positioned as national tragedies.

garage mahal said...

The two obstacles that would force a government shutdown are riders on Planned Parenthood and the EPA. If you think the obstacles are Andrew Sullivan and Sarah Palin, and the price of crude oil you're beyond hope.

Kensington said...

"Who shuts off the valve at Old Faithful if the government shuts down?"

Don't laugh. I remember some of the media horror stories back in 1995 about people who couldn't get camping passes because of the government shutdown.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth was deafening, and that was just in the studios of ABC News.

Scott M said...

If the agreement doesn't include a rider taking funds away from cowboy poetry, I would vote for it either.

Lincolntf said...

The concentration of eugenics facilities in mostly minority communities like DC is the sine qua non of Progressivism. If they were somehow unable to abort the thousands of African-Americans they eliminate each year, that would be far worse to them than any shutdown.

Scott M said...

If the agreement doesn't include a rider taking funds away from cowboy poetry, I would vote for it either.

D'OH! "would" should be "wouldn't"

(when snark goes bad...)

bagoh20 said...

Chicklit, I think your comment was hilarious, and Garage is pretty dense, or just out of ammo and flailing.

TMink said...

garage, what a woman does to her uterus is her business. What she does to a human life is a very different kettle of fish.

Nice try! The ruse that abortion is health care has run its course. Same with the lie that Planned Parenthood is more than an abortion organization. They do not stand the light of day.

Now you can argue that it is a woman's right to kill her unborn child, but that argument never goes very far.


bagoh20 said...

Here in CA, as minor cuts are being forced upon the government, they immediately cut the things that will piss people off most. Right now it's closing public restrooms at parks and beaches, like that's the problem with a $20 billion deficit. Games will be played and I hope people have seen it enough now to know it's B.S.

J said...

""There was a reason why Republicans were sent to the House.""
Reason?? Voting is not reasonable. It's a show of...paws.
At times the majority of baboons win. Other times it's chimps. Then, orangutans. Sometimes, apes.

Unknown said...

Primaries galore next year. That they're even talking about this is ridiculous.

garage mahal said...

So the holdup for Republicans is clean air and a woman's uterus. Some things will never change

Yes, we have to cater to the Heinrich Himmler and Earth Liberation Front wings of the Democrat Party.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Himmler. Hah.
That's Bone-boy all the way.

You really don't understand this game, do you Edu. Hopefully Beck's terminaton is sign of what's to come. Yokeli Americanus, silenced.

Lincolntf said...

No more Beck? Who are all the Democrat politicians/bloggers going to watch and listen too now? Back to Rush, I guess.

Scott M said...

Hopefully Beck's terminaton is sign of what's to come.

Yes, just like Keith Olbermann's did. Exactly. You couldn't be more right. It's stunning how correct you are.

J said...


You stupid byatch. Was anyone defending Olbermann? No. We're appplauding the fall of yr fat retard-in-chief Beck boy. Start of a trend.

garage mahal said...

Pap smears and cancer screening = Himmleresque eugenics. Just wow.


bagoh20 said...

Nothing says "I think I'm sophisticated" while being completely clueless, quite like calling people yokels, hillbillies, or rednecks.

J said...

no, fuck you, TP WASP-mormon faggot, Ayn Rand worshipper, neo-con zionist, white trash garbage of the earth, chandala.

That's the extent of the debate on Asshouse.

Nuff said.

Lincolntf said...

"Nothing says "I think I'm sophisticated" while being completely clueless, quite like calling people yokels, hillbillies, or rednecks."

It's the flip-side of them bellyaching about all Republicans being hyper-rich oligarchs living in the lap of luxury on the backs of the poor (who I guess would BE the yokels, hillbillies, etc).
They don't care which simple-minded stereotype they use, so long as they can somehow marginalize the GOP.
For people who haven't had a new idea in generations, they really are a laugh a minute.

Scott M said...

That's the extent of the debate on Asshouse.

Ridiculous comment even to the most minimally observant and seldomly visited readers here. That's the sort of thing you spew most of the time, in between comments of stark lucidity, but that doesn't represent the majority of commentors here.

J said...

10:58, yr cluelesss, Ayn Rand masonic-libertarian demon.

bagoh20 said...

Isn't this angry tantrum thing getting old with you apparatchiks? Does it still get your juices flowing after doing since you were in diapers?

Phil 314 said...

I'm still trying to understand:
-Why wanting to cut a program during a budget battle is ideology but wanting to save it during the same battle isn't
-Why the Senate not coming to an agreement with the House is all a Republican problem when a budget for the entire fiscal year was possible back in fall '10 when the Dems held both Houses.
-How to reconcile "We're serious about cutting the budget" but we can't seem to find a program we want to cut.
-Why across the board percentage cuts are using a meat cleaver when the deficits are so large. (I would never recommend using iris scissors when doing a below the knee amputation.)

J said...

fuck u, white trash satanist.

That's enough for you gasbags

Sofa King said...

Shut it down, and leave it.

Lincolntf said...

Come on J, we all know you'll be back as soon as you get a refill for your crack pipe. It's a pretty clear pattern.

Quaestor said...

J scrawled: no, fuck you, TP WASP-mormon faggot, Ayn Rand worshipper, neo-con zionist, white trash garbage of the earth, chandala.

That probity bar still looms far above, doesn't it? Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?

bagoh20 said...


I hope you're a moby. If so, you're not a good one, but the alternative is pretty pathetic.

Unknown said...

J said...

Himmler. Hah.
That's Bone-boy all the way.

You really don't understand this game, do you Edu. Hopefully Beck's terminaton is sign of what's to come. Yokeli Americanus, silenced.

Well, well, The Lefties' answer to Henery Hawk is back; talking tough because he's so small.

Heinrich was Margaret Sanger's pen pal; they saw eye to eye on keeping in check all those inferior races with whom J says he empathizes. He'd know that if he'd ever picked up a book.

As for Beck, he's leaving at the top of his game - the biggest audience on Fox, which far outdistances MSNBC, which, dare we add, felt obliged to drop Ubermoronn because he was dragging them down.

PS He might also pick up a book on Latin.

Scott M said...

That probity bar still looms far above, doesn't it?

I'm starting to think J is just a poorly-written bot.

prairie wind said...

Keith Hennessey, makes some excellent points. As usual.

When the President says, “I do not want to see Washington politics stand in the way of America’s progress,” he always defines “progress” as his policy goals. If you favor his policies, you are for progress. If not, you are engaged in “petty politics” and “games.”

The President is arguing that those who disagree with his policies are engaged in politics. They are, he argues, motivated not by a well-intentioned difference of opinion about how to improve America, but instead by selfish motives.

Quaestor said...

He might also pick up a book on Latin.

Some righteous blunts may be rolled from Maxey's pages.

Sofa King said...

Seriously, is there anything we actually need the federal government for? Hasn't it turned out to be more trouble than it's worth?

Titus said...

Shut er down.

Anonymous said...

"Since the policy stakes of this particular drama are so low..."

Dear WSJ,

Budget IS policy. Policy IS budget.

This was covered in that Poli Sci 101 class you either skipped or never took. Still, I'd think a purported BUSINESS paper would know this.



J said...

nada mas que zionista-mormona-blanca basuara

Ay ay!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear lord, here he goes with the Altavista Babelfish English-Spanish translations again.

Hey, J? For a "native speaker," your Spanish sure sucks.

Scott M said...

I think it's Googlish, not Spanish. Course, there's always the possibility, that "have to go to night school. Take Spanish and get a B".

MadisonMan said...

I'm heartened to read of the No Budget, No Pay pledge started (I think) by Manchin. All of Congress should get on board.

I wonder if the new Rep from NW WI who rather famously complained that he can't get by on his salary will now forsake it.

MadisonMan said...

According to one of the Feds I work with, during the Conference Call today when they were being told about policy, when it was mentioned that there's a fine of $5K for showing up and working *anyway*, someone was heard to say There's a fine for working? How come there's no fine for wasting time?

Good question.

Lincolntf said...

Of course, if the soldiers Obama refuses to pay "don't work" they'll be slaughtered, so hopefully he'll be kind enough to make one little exception.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't mind, too much, if the Govt shuts down. But what sticks in my craw about it is that Congressmembers get to keep drawing a paycheck even as the Govt shuts down.

Yes, that is outrageous. They should be the first to have their paychecks cut off.

William said...

The civil service employees are talking about a work stoppage demonstration in order to protest the govt. shutdown.

Matt said...

Anyone who cheers the Federal government shutting down is an idiot. Why you would want 800,000 people suddenly out of work is odd to say the least. Especially with the economy running the way it is now. But Republicans don't seem to think much on this subject.

But what is even more idiotic is the fact that the Planned Parenthood rider is a large part of what is holding up this process. Are you f&%$ing kidding me? NO Federal funding actually goes towards abortions anyway.

What's more 97% of services at PP go toward women's health. Why is women's health such a threat to the GOP?

I'm Full of Soup said...


If the govt gives bailout money to the Wall Street banks and they pay big bonuses to employees, would you believe the bank if it said it did not use any of the bailout money for the bonuses?

If not, why should we believe no govt money is used by PP for abortions?

Lincolntf said...

"What's more 97% of services at PP go toward women's health."

Tell it to the millions of future women who are extinguished by PP every year. Not so worried about their health, are you?

Phil 314 said...

I'm breaking my own rule by feeding the trolls and you'll probably not (or ignore) this but:

nada mas que zionista-mormona-blanca basuara

Are there any other spanish words that you know?

chickelit said...

matt said: Anyone who cheers the Federal government shutting down is an idiot. Why you would want 800,000 people suddenly out of work is odd to say the least.

The Federal Government is so big and opaque that I think we need to shut it down for a while to see what's in it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ha Chickelit is really Nancy Pelosi!

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