April 1, 2011

"Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi on Friday denied a Department of Justice lawyer's effort to halt Friday's hearing..."

"Assistant Attorney General Maria Lazar told Sumi the hearing should be delayed because the accused lawmakers are immune from civil process; because the court lacks authority to interfere with legislation before it is published and takes effect; because absent lawmakers are being denied their due-process rights; and because the Legislature is a separate branch of government...."


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 294 of 294
Trooper York said...

Wow. This thread is pretty long for a whole lot of nothing.

You need a new post pronto.

Lovernios said...

Jeremy's back. How was the NAMBLA convention? Get any teabag action?

Anonymous said...

That doesn't solve the issue for the coming years...

The democrats' preferred method of dealing with future problems is not to get ahead of them and address them now, silly - it's to stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and say "LALALALALALALALA" until their kids have to deal with it.

DADvocate said...

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office.

I remember all that. Didn't think it was a good idea given the anthrax scare.

I hadn't heard the term "teabagger" as a sexual act before Anderson Cooper and someone else used it on air. And, I don't consider myself isolated from much of this stuff although my son had to explain a lot of the references in 40 Year Old Virgin to me. I guess I've been too busy participating to worry about the lexicon.

Still, it amuses me how the moonbat, whack job, lefties get such pleasure out of the term. ;)

Sofa King said...

Even so, would you like to be a teacher for around $75,000? I would not.

Yes, I would. The opportunity is gone for me, though.

damikesc said...

lukedog, if a day care center did their job as poorly as teachers do theirs by any known measure...they'd have been sued out of existence long, long ago.

Anonymous said...

Even so, would you like to be a teacher for around $75,000? I would not.

Oh, good GRIEF. I am so sick of this claptrap. I come from a family full of teachers. It's not coal mining, it's not assembly line work, it's not easy by any means but it's not like it's HARD work either. It is, as Lee Iacocca so aptly put it, the best part-time job in America.

Jeremy said...

Lovernios said... - Once again:

It's not me or the Democrats who came up with the "teabagger" term...it's the teabagger crowd themselves who started the whole thing

They were just too stupid to understand what it might mean:

The term "teabagger" was introduced to the political lexicon by Tea Party movement leaders:

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”

The Tea Partiers not only invented the term, they did so in order to inflict a similar double entendre onto the President, the Democrats, and liberals in general.

Now, they’re trying to re-cast the term as a slur.

In emails, protest signs, t-shirts, and online, early Tea Party literature urged protesters to “Tea Bag the White House,” and to “Tea-bag the liberal Dems before they tea-bag you.”

The idea that they just didn’t know the term’s meaning is belied by the fact that they obviously knew it was negative (and non-consensual), since they didn’t want it done to them.


or this:


Jeremy said...

DADvocate - "Still, it amuses me how the moonbat, whack job, lefties get such pleasure out of the term."

It wouldn't even be in use, by anybody, if not for the idiotic teabaggers introducing it.

Now that's AMUSING.

Jeremy said...

It's rather funny and disingenuous to hear all of the regular posters here, constantly bashing the teachers of America, yet at the same time, acting as if they themselves are very well educated.

Were all of you home schooled?

James said...

Wisconsin union law likely on hold for 2 months

"MADISON (AP) - Wisconsin's polarizing union rights law will remain on hold for at least two months after a judge Friday said she would continue a restraining order blocking its enactment while she considers whether Republicans broke the state open meetings law in passing it.

Republicans had been pushing the law through despite a boycott by Democratic state senators and weeks of protests that drew as many as 85,000 people to the state Capitol. But they suffered a defeat Thursday when the same judge declared the law was not enacted last week as Republicans had claimed.

Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi on Friday extended indefinitely a temporary restraining order preventing the secretary of state from putting the law in effect. She is considering a lawsuit that says Republican lawmakers didn't provide the proper public notice when they convened a special committee to amend the plan before its passage. The state has appealed the order to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but the court has not indicated whether it will take the case and has no deadline for making a decision."

Anonymous said...

"I'm fond of the teacher's work hours tally. I think it can be measured, but I do think that any arithmetic that says teachers work no hours during June, July and August, te two weeks of winter break, the one week of srping break, and the various holidays is a poor assumption."

I was basing the hours worked off of the handful of elementary school teacher friends I have. By the way, their salaries are in the high 60's with only a bachelors degree. None of them work a second past the last bell, they go in 1 week before the students in the summer, do not teach summer school, nor coach or volunteer for anything at their schools. I am sure they are not the norm, just what I am familiar with.

I am not bemoaning the job they do and I know I could not do it. I merely wanted to compare their actual hours worked to private sector and what that would boil down to for an hourly wage.

I have an advanced degree and do not make close to my teacher friends because I work for a non-profit. My choice in jobs and I would not trade with anyone despite the pay!

James said...

Were all of you home schooled?

I was educated in Guyana, or rather, British Guiana. I knew more at the age of 10 than the average U.S. college graduate.

Ever heard about Common Entrace exam? Or the University of London GCE exams?

Chennaul said...

Sofa King

I have to run but don't they essentially get rid of Prosser even if after the election he loses but stays on the court for about a year....

Wouldn't he because of the viciousness of the campaign have to recuse himself?

For the Democrats it's a win-win.

lawyapalooza said...

My stats are 2010. But thanks.

Not sure how you can argue that even your stats aren't dramatic, but drama is in the eye of the beholder. Point is, no matter what statistics you're using, Wisconsin looks pretty damn good. Oh, ad teh states that are HIGHER than Wisconsin? Predominantly East Coast Democratic states with strong unions and our liberal neighbor to the west.

But thanks for playing!

lawyapalooza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
damikesc said...

lawya: Not sure how you can argue that even your stats aren't dramatic, but drama is in the eye of the beholder. Point is, no matter what statistics you're using, Wisconsin looks pretty damn good. Oh, ad teh states that are HIGHER than Wisconsin? Predominantly East Coast Democratic states with strong unions and our liberal neighbor to the west.

The states that are "higher" are lily-white. The place where having a tan makes one a minority.

Iowahawk did a bang-up job of utterly destroying your theory. Simply measure achievement amongst each racial group in a state and see how they compare.

WI is worse than TX for kids in 4 and 8th grade in multiple subjects in all but oe instance.


Feel free to dispute the analysis.

Jeremy said...

James said..."I was educated in Guyana, or rather, British Guiana. I knew more at the age of 10 than the average U.S. college graduate."

I have no idea why that would give you the right to bash American teachers, but then again, you're obviously just another whiney teabagger.

And as for your claim to know "more at the age of 10 than the average U.S. college graduate"...I say:


damikesc said...

TX blacks outperform WI blacks.
Ditto whites.
And Hispanics in 5 out of 6 areas of study.

B said...

jeremy, the testicle obsessed, said:

"The term "teabagger" was introduced to the political lexicon by Tea Party movement leaders:"

Lying little pissant. All you can point to is a sign. That did not introduce the term into the political lexicon, especially not in it's outre sexual practices referential form. Which, unless you want to fruitlessly try to deny it, is exactly how you and the rest of the arrested maturity types use it.

Back in mid April 2009, Rachel Maddow had another vapidly giggling schoolgirl, Ana Marie Cox from Air America, on her show. The two of them spent about 15 minutes swapping teabagger jokes like two middle school airheads. The big joke was that the people at the April Tea Party rally were too stupid to realize that they had set themselves up for it.

No, not stupid. What they were and are are just middle class middle Americans using a symbol from American history to make a point. It required progressives assholes, like yourself, but with a wider audience to be sure, to make a historical reference into a sexual innuendo.

What was actually the big joke, was that neither Maddow or Cox grasped the Taxed Enough Now acronym (TEA) party was indeed a double entendre but in reference to the Boston Tea Party - the reason teabags were used as historical props at the rally. Or maybe they did realize it. They are, like yourself, not only inveterate and compulsive liars, but rather obviously sexually frustrated lowlifes obsessed, (shall we say deliciously obsessed so the point is made clearly?) with deviant sexual practices.

Now Maddow doesn't by herself enter anything into the political lexicon. She's an MSNBC troll. And Cox was an Air America loser. But Anderson Cooper followed the teen beat girls with his infamous "It's Hard to Talk When You're Teabagging" comment on his CNN show. For which he apologized. Maddow never did.

And that, the mention on CNN, is what pushed the derogatory meaning of tea bag onto the Tea Party followers and members and into the arrested maturity political lexicon. But NOT the mainstream political lexicon. The fact that the term is used often and vociferously among the kool kids of the left does not make it part of the general political lexicon. That ain't mainstream, ball licker. It's just part of the self-referential repertoire that you deluded marching morons on the left use to interrupt adult conservations. Equivalent to marching around the living room with a droopy diaper while banging a spoon on a pot.

Hope that clears things up for you, , you lying little testicle gumming anklebiting gnome.

Lovernios said...

Jeremy mumbled through the scrotum in his mouth:
"It's rather funny and disingenuous to hear all of the regular posters here, constantly bashing the teachers of America, yet at the same time, acting as if they themselves are very well educated."

All my teachers are long dead and this generation of teachers bear no resemblance to them.

Jeremy said...

Lovernios said..."All my teachers are long dead and this generation of teachers bear no resemblance to them."

Oh, all of your teachers were good.

All of the teachers today are bad.

Thanks, Grampa.


garage mahal said...

What was actually the big joke, was that neither Maddow or Cox grasped the Taxed Enough Now acronym (TEA) party was indeed a double entendre but in reference to the Boston Tea Party

Taxed Enough Now = TEN. Not TEA.

Triangle Man said...

All my teachers are long dead and this generation of teachers bear no resemblance to them.

Bears not bear. This generation (of teachers) bears no resemblance to them.

Jeremy said...

B - I provided the links.

Continuing swirling and sucking, dumbass.


"To “teabag” or not to “teabag”: That is not the most pressing question of these times, but it is a question to consider. Routinely, conservative protesters in the “tea party” movement are called “teabaggers,” and those calling them that do not mean it in a nice way. Many conservatives are mulling what to do about this term: fight it, embrace it, what?

First, a little history. After Barack Obama was sworn in as president, with his big majorities in Congress, the Democrats launched quite a bit of federal spending: particularly with the “stimulus” package. Some Americans were determined to counter this. And, before you knew it, we had the “tea party” movement. What protesters were doing, of course, was invoking the spirit of the American Revolutionaries, and their Boston Tea Party. According to the website of the Tea Party Patriots, the movement is committed to three “core values”: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it."


Michael said...

Jeremy, you are a fucking liar about the teabagger bit. You have been using the homophobic term from the beginning and no one, none, on the right or the tea party movement has used the term.

i would, of course, tea bag you by putting your homophobic balls in boiling water.

B said...


Nope. Taxed Enough Already is what the acronym TEA in the Tea Party means. Has from April 2009.

Lovernios said...

Thanks for the correction, Triangle Man. Every writer needs a good editor. You wouldn't mind if I email my comments to you before I post for a quick proofread, would you?

Jeremy, nothing in that sentence would lead to either of those two conclusions.

No, not all my teachers were good, though many were exceptional.

No, not all of today's teachers are bad, though many are wretched.

kimsch said...

According to the article linked by Althouse, Sumi is running unopposed on April 5th.

Is it time for a write-in campaign?

wv: fenica

James said...

@Jeremy, feel free to doubt but my test scores back up my claim. And I'll disclose this much... at the age the average student graduates from college I was already working as a junior professional officer (JPO) for the United Nations. In the UN system a professional officer must hold a graduate degree.

Michael said...

James: Any ten year old would know more than our MBA Jeremy. At least about economics. The system in BG was certainly strict in the old days but who knows about now. Probably not so good.

B said...

jeremy burbled around his latest BFFL testicles...

"B - I provided the links."

You provided nothing that supported your claim that the derogatory sexual reference of the term entered the political lexicon because of anything the Tea Party members. did, Your latest google, Jay Norlinger's article confirms that.

If the Tea Party made a mistake is using the tea bag in a historical sense, it was because they aren't low lifes like yourself who would titter and clutch themselves over another interpretation of the symbol.

This is what you're all about, deep throater. You can't enter a thread on Althouse, or likely any other blog, without projecting your repressed sexual longings onto people who consider you a morally debased little reptile for doing so.

And you think you make points here. You actually do think that. You haven't a clue.

In a nutshell, hummer boy, Tea Party members are serious conservative adults. You are a frivolous progressive light weight. And a particularly vile specimen at that. Which is no mean feat given your competition. I will give you that.

MadisonMan said...

Is it time for a write-in campaign?

Many people -- like me -- have already voted. I don't think I voted for her, though, because she was unopposed.

Someone from AFSCME came to my door today to tell me about the election Tuesday. They called me by name (I was walking into the front door from the street). I told them I had voted already (Truth!). They asked me how I voted. Major creepy. I declined to tell him, and he said he respected that. Right.

B said...

BTW, ball boy. This:

'If the Tea Party made a mistake is using the tea bag in a historical sense, it was because they aren't low lifes like yourself who would titter and clutch themselves over another interpretation of the symbol.'

is exactly what Nordlinger meant when he said 'So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.'

Decent people sometimes have a difficult time realizing just how godawful evil asswipes like Maddow, Cox, (and lets not forget their vacant expression coat holder jeremy) can be.

Thanks for digging up the supporting referenc, moron. You're way out of your league anywhere outside the troop of butt sniffing baboons you normally run with.

former law student said...

I was educated in Guyana, or rather, British Guiana. I knew more at the age of 10 than the average U.S. college graduate.

The education of its locals has made Guyana what it is today, the Switzerland of South America.

Ever heard about Common Entrace exam? Or the University of London GCE exams?

A country in decline since the 1930s, although Thatcherism offered the hope of stopping the decline. A country whose media has been under control of ex-colonials for decades.

James said...

>>James: Any ten year old would know more than our MBA Jeremy. At least about economics. The system in BG was certainly strict in the old days but who knows about now. Probably not so good.<<

The educational system was certainly more challenging when I was a kid. We took the Common Entrance exam at either 10 or 11 and that winnowed out the gifted students. Then at 15 we took the Univ. of London GCE exam and again at 17. Some kids also took an intermediate exam called the College of Preceptors.

Now it isn't as rigorous...economic circumstances accelerated the brain drain out of BG.

Trooper York said...

So MadisonMan what do you think about the fact that they came to your home and asked you how you voted?

I don't think creepy is strong enough. Dangerous and illegal would be better.

Trooper York said...

I live in an ultra-liberal city in an ultra-liberal state and am always asked to sign petitions for various extremist liberal causes.

When I tell them I am a Conservative they don't know whether to shit or go blind.

But I know a lot of older people who feel indimidated.

I wonder how many people in Wisconsin are being bullied?

Phil 314 said...

Trooper said;
Wow. This thread is pretty long for a whole lot of nothing.

You need a new post pronto.

Couldn't agree more.

This has been the usual Jeremy threadjack. But I gotta give him credit, he yells "squirrel" loudly and shrilly and the rest of the commenter's follow.

I think the vote last night on "American Idol" indicates Americans don't like brown people. What does Mort have to say about that?

Trooper York said...

"The education of its locals has made Guyana what it is today, the Switzerland of South America."

If it is so cool there why did they send Papillon there?

Trooper York said...

Phil I would say you have a point but that Namia chick is whiter than I am and I am really really white.

rhhardin said...

You set pay not by comparison with the private sector but by what you're willing to pay and what employees are willing to take.

That requires getting rid of the union.

Then the wages set themselves based on what you consider value and what the teachers consider value.

A happy medium where both sides come out ahead.

Who knows what the wages will be. They'll be whatever makes each side happy.

Probably with a lot fewer administrators and teachers.

Trooper York said...

Namia is pretend black like Barry Oreo or whatever his real name is.

foxtrot said...


"99% of the people who post here on a regular basis think George W. Bush was a terrific president...

...so go figure."

I don't think he was a perfect president, but what I will not believe is that Obama is a great president just because he isn't Bush.

Obama has committed some of the same grave errors as Bush did: like wreckless spending and corporate favors (GM, Banks, GE, etc...).

I can tell you why I think Bush wasn't a great president, but can you tell me why the liberals think Obama is a genius and a model for all rulers alike?

Trooper York said...

It is past time for an American Idol post but the blogger lady is very stubborn.

foxtrot said...

Trooper York says:

"When I tell them I am a Conservative they don't know whether to shit or go blind."

You know that they're already blind, so maybe they shit their pants.

Or maybe they have their eyes covered with shit.

Trooper York said...

Well they don't know what to say.

There is an actual Conservative Party in New York of which I am a member. The chairman is the father of my cousin-in-law if you can follow that.

They just can't believe that someone is not in lockstep with their liberal hipster dofous yuppie douchebaggery.

former law student said...

It is past time for an American Idol post but the blogger lady is very stubborn.

Don't blame her. The protests have been the biggest thing to happen in Madison since the Statue of Liberty sank into Lake Mendota. Plus her bridegroom is all excited and his excitement is contagious.

But too much politics is bad for the digestion. They should take a jaunt somewhere. Isn't spring break coming up?

former law student said...

Troop -- did you ever meet William F. Buckley, Conservative Mayoral candidate IIRC?

Trooper York said...

In fact I did at a fund raising dinner. But it was a brief meet and greet and we did not talk. I am not big on celebrities. I don't like them very much. And he wasn't the one that was important to know at the time. It was his brother the Senator. He was a pretty regular guy for a Wasp.

Trooper York said...

His brother was helping one of our clients at the time in Conn with a problem they had with the government. I forget the details because I was a young pissant at the time and was more interested on hitting on one of the girls at the dinner. Sorry.

foxtrot said...

Trooper York says:

"They just can't believe that someone is not in lockstep with their liberal hipster dofous yuppie douchebaggery."

It's like people here in Madison.

Even if I put into question the validity of something my colleagues say about Walker or the Republicans, they look dumbstruck.

In their mind, they think: "But, but, but...that's not what they told us at the union meeting."

Jeremy said...

Michael I posted the link.

Fuck off.

Jeremy said...

Can I assume none of the teabaggers posting here have friends or relatives that belong to unions? Or ever belonged to a union...including yourselves?

GFL with that.

What a bunch of whiners.

B said...

'This has been the usual Jeremy threadjack. But I gotta give him credit, he yells "squirrel" loudly and shrilly and the rest of the commenter's follow.'

I actually agree with this. I seldom post anything on Althouse. Lurk mostly. But I've been reading this blog a lot the last few weeks as it's a good source of information on the events in Wisconsin. The outcome I believe will be very important nationally.

I don't always agree with either side that I see commenting here. A good example is that I think that the recall efforts are a good thing, and unlike the actions of the truant senators and the rent-a-mob, do represent democracy in action. Since the recall process was already in place before the current contretemps, if the tests for a valid recall and special elections are met, and assuming no election shenanigans, then that is a valid way for the electorate to change it's mind about the way they are represented.

Being around the last few weeks I've seen a few commenters make some pretty absurd and logically indefensible statements. These folks seem to love to claim special understanding of the law, the constitution, and representative democracy while then proceeding to completely belie the claim in what they post. Well, so it goes on almost any blog.

But jeremy, he's a special case. He demeans half or more of the people in this country - conservatives - by assigning every one of them to a group he then accuses of being practitioners of as debasing an act as his puerile mind can think of. And he has blithely lied about his reprehensible actions being valid by promoting a false history in order to project the labeling as his victims' intentions. Every adult commenter here with any moral fiber, regardless of their political positions, should unmercifully verbally blacksnake jeremy every time he starts in with his teabagger shtick.

Jeremy said...

Fox With Trots - "I don't think he was a perfect president, but what I will not believe is that Obama is a great president just because he isn't Bush."

I've never said president Obama was "great."

He was saddled with a heavy load left behind by little Georgie and I think he's doing as well as he can, considering the overall situation...especially with the GOP saying "NO" to literally anything he says or proposes.

Most of the people here voted for little Georgie twice...and look what that got us.

Obama will be re-elected because of the GOP's reluctance to discuss and negotiate...and of course because of the idiotic teabagging crowd that have their heads so far up their asses they can't even think.

Jeremy said...

B - My comments are almost exclusively directed at the far right, the far Christian right, and of course the teabagging fools who...suddenly think everybody in the country is against a woman's choice, literally any taxes...and the growing deficit.

Where the fuck were they during the Bush years as the deficit grew on a yearly basis?

And how does a state or country function without taxes?

And who are they to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body?

The Queen and her loyal sidekick Needy just throw out the teabagger chum...and 99% of the people here lap it up.

Michael said...

No, Jeremy, you cannot post a link to Jay as the final word on a topic we have observed with our own eyes: You have used the term since you first heard it with nothing but contempt and nothing but glee. You are stupid as well as an asshole and therefore forget that we have miles of your drivel and we know that the term is derogatory, homophobic, and invented by lefties who find it funny. It is not now and has never been used by conservatives and your idiotic attempt to prove otherwise shows, yet again, that you are both homophobic and stupid. So, how about sticking your balls in some boiling water shitheel?

Trooper York said...

The reason why he was helping with a problem in Conn escapes me but it had something to do with Tom Dodd who was Chris Dodd's dad and his predecessor in the Senate. Some dealio or other was going down.

Wish I knew the details.

foxtrot said...


"I've never said president Obama was "great."

He was saddled with a heavy load left behind by little Georgie and I think he's doing as well as he can, considering the overall situation...especially with the GOP saying "NO" to literally anything he says or proposes.

Most of the people here voted for little Georgie twice...and look what that got us.

Obama will be re-elected because of the GOP's reluctance to discuss and negotiate...and of course because of the idiotic teabagging crowd that have their heads so far up their asses they can't even think."

Again, making up excuses for Obama's performance as president.

In 2008, he had everything he could have asked for:

1) The most lavish funding campaign ever
2) Once in office, he had the White House, the House and Senate.

With such a tailwind at his back, one would have expected him to at very least have not made this country worse, or much worse as is the case.

He was the one who wanted to be the fame whore (Leno and other appearances), have the campaign logo and every other ego stroking measure possible.

I just expected him not to make things worse...was that so hard or impossible to manage from the intellectual that the press made him out to be?

Obama's incompetence is showing more by the day. He has no ideas of his own; he either steals or criticizes other people's ideas as the base of his rhetorical campaign. Every speech of his illustrates that.

Phil 314 said...

Re American Idol

Is there some website that tracks JeLo's hairdo's. Man, if we could get that cash we could make a sizable dent in the deficit.

Phil 314 said...

PS: What is Forward Forward

Is that like Lean Forward?

Known Unknown said...

Wisconsin are undercompensated by 8.2% compared with otherwise similar private sector workers.

Guaranteed employment fills the gap, or is what no-stranger-to-liberal-politics Willie Brown has argued not sufficient for you?

Jeremy said...

Michael said..."No, Jeremy, you cannot post a link to Jay as the final word on a topic we have observed with our own eyes: You have used the term since you first heard it with nothing but contempt and nothing but glee."

You're the idiots who started using it...now live with it.

Here's a picture of some of your moronic buddies:

David Weigel photographed a protester at the first D.C. Tea Party Protest in February holding the sign, "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You!!"


Jeremy said...

Fox WIth Trots - "Again, making up excuses for Obama's performance as president."

The recession began in December of 2007.

Bush inherited a surplus and left behind a deficit.

Bush sign the 800 billion dollar bank bailout bill. Thought Obama did, huh?)

The unemployment rate was at 7.6% the day Bush walked.

Three weeks after Bush left office the unemployment rate was over 8%

No president can reverse the type of economic mess Bush left behind, in two years...and can I assume you've forgotten about the two wars he left behind, too?

Stop defending Bush and attacking the president.

It makes you look like a...well, a teabagger.

DADvocate said...

He was saddled with a heavy load left behind by little Georgie and I think he's doing as well as he can, considering the overall situation...especially with the GOP saying "NO" to literally anything he says or proposes.

Most of the people here voted for little Georgie twice...and look what that got us.

Yes, little Barack is doing as well as he can. Trouble is, that's not very good.

Look where we are after enough people voted for Barry one time. February deficit, $223 billion, largest monthly ever and greater than the entire year of 2007, $161 billion.

More war, more debt, more unemployment, more inflation, less freedom. Can't wait to see what's to come.

bagoh20 said...

Both of my parents were in unions, as well as my grand parents in different industries. I was also in the Atomic and Chemical Worker's Union in another industry. Every one of the companies we all worked for are long gone to foreign (non union) competition. Thanks unions, for destroying the job machine that was the U.S.

MadisonMan said...

Trooper, it was only creepy I think.

The guy must have been working from a list of Union households in the neighborhood (he had them on a clipboard), as he didn't stop at every house. It was odd to be called by name as I got out of the car, and very odd to be asked how I voted. I don't tell anyone that.

It's not illegal to ask someone how they voted. It's stupid.

MadisonMan said...

Re: Idol.

Naima must be cursing the judges' save, as she'd still be around in the top 9 if Casey had gone home last week and Thia this week.

I really liked seeing Naima every week because she was entertaining. Most of the singers just stand like statues. BORING!

That Stefano guy needs to stop singing in weird accents.

bagoh20 said...

What's funny is that in 2011 people who call themselves "liberals" think "Teabagger" is insulting. When you look at who these terms refer to, and what they believe, "Teabagger" is not the more insulting term.

And if "teabagger" is an insult, why is it that most people who perform the act are liberals. I mean the term "liberal" is in actual practice, more synonymous with "teabagger" than is almost any other group label. I bet the percentage of liberal here who have actually done it is near 98%, and that's just counting last weekend.

MadisonMan said...

And if "teabagger" is an insult, why is it that most people who perform the act are liberals.

I'm curious, sort of, how you have come to this conclusion. Did you take a poll?

Brian Brown said...

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has the power to determine if the Legislature has exceeded its jurisdiction.


Yes, by passing legislation!

How dare they!/?

Watching FLS beclown herself is getting boring.

Mark said...

I have no idea why that would give you the right to bash American teachers, but then again, you're obviously just another whiney teabagger.

Here's a reason. 40 years ago public school teachers were underpaid relative to their education and responsibilities. The schools were bad.

Teachers' salaries in that time period have improved dramatically, to the point that they've surpassed those with equivalent education and responsibilities.

The schools are performing worse than ever.

Something is very wrong with our public educational system, and getting worse. What's wrong isn't teachers' pay.

B said...


You're not just a liar and a puerile asswipe, you're a coward also. You don't even have the guts to take ownership of your own insults. You have to project them as justified because 'they asked for it' like some immature 12 year old. What a waste.

bagoh20 said...

"I'm curious, sort of, how you have come to this conclusion. Did you take a poll?'

Faith. Do you believe the reverse? That it's conservatives who it most?

Brian Brown said...

Bush inherited a surplus and left behind a deficit.

Um, false.

Bush sign the 800 billion dollar bank bailout bill. Thought Obama did, huh?)

Obama supported it, and so did the Democrats in Congress.

The unemployment rate was at 7.6% the day Bush walked.

The unemployment rate was 4.6% when Harry & Nancy were sworn in and the federal deficit was under $300 billion.

No president can reverse the type of economic mess Bush left behind,

It is fun watching you pretend the Democrats didn't control Congress for 4 years.

Whippet said...

Garage, Garage, garage....Sorry, I'm late to this little game....I have to work for a living....
Of course absentee ballots are up. That's where the most fraud can occur. I'm sure the union halls are making sure every felon, illegal, and dead person has a ballot so they can fill them out for them while having a kegger.

The ends justifies the means, you know...and the libs are so much smarter than a silly republican....it's for our own good of course...

Mark said...

I'm curious, sort of, how you have come to this conclusion. Did you take a poll?

I have to concur. The ladies who have done this boon for me have ranged all over the political spectrum. (I guess that makes me the teabagee, fwiw; also fwiw, I tried to find ways to reciprocate. Don't know the corresponding terms.)

All I can say is, whatever their affiliations, at those moments in time I was definitely following their party line.

Brian Brown said...

nd can I assume you've forgotten about the two wars he left behind, too?

The AUMF for OIF was sponsored by Tom Daschle and supported by Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John Kerry.

That would be the leadership of the Democratic party.

That same leadership has spent billions on wars and now the President you voted for is bombing—in optional and preemptive fashion, and without congressional authority — an Arab Muslim oil-exporting country, and one that posed no immediate threat to American national security.

Your hysterical diatribe is pathetic and sad.

Mark said...

Here's an idea; since those on the Left believe in the more equitable distribution of greenbacks, henceforth known as greens, they shouldn't mind being called salad tossers.

How does that work for you, Jeremy?

Brian Brown said...

Jeremy said...

Can I assume none of the teabaggers posting here have friends or relatives that belong to unions? Or ever belonged to a union...including yourselves?

GFL with that

Laugh out loud funny.

Unions are archaic.

You "progressive" you

bagoh20 said...

I thought conservatives didn't even know what the term meant, and had to be educated by their more worldly liberal counterparts. Are you telling me they were doing it the most, but didn't know what it was called, or that they have a different word for it? Do you believe most people who have either done it or feel it's acceptable vote conservative?

I've never done it due to a rare, but impressive, medical condition, but if I did, I'd become a liberal too.

Michael said...

Jeremy you stupid fucking moron, please read the signs you point to as "proof" that you and your homophobic pals do not use the term "teabagger" as an offensive term. The signs clearly do not refer to "teabaggers" , clearly do not refer to what you would do if you could which is to put your own balls in your own dry mouth.

foxtrot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
foxtrot said...


"No president can reverse the type of economic mess Bush left behind, in two years...and can I assume you've forgotten about the two wars he left behind, too?

Stop defending Bush and attacking the president.

It makes you look like a...well, a teabagger."

Obviously you didn't read all of my post. Again, blah, blah, blah, Obama is victim, blah, blah, blah.

I didn't expect Obama to clean up Bush's mess. I only expected him to at least not make things worse.

I didn't expect him to end two wars, but I didn't expect him to get us into another war.

Again, we can't expect much from him because he is the ultimate presidential victim.

At the end of the day, he's been at the helm for the past 2+ years, not Bush.

Mattel should add another figure on the talking animal wheel...the liberal sheep.

North Dallas Thirty said...

And one of the desperate Obama shills posting here bleats out the real issue.

If you think this is about the budget, you are naive. It is about the republicans trying to crush the one organized group that traditionally supports democrats, so that in the nect election, corporations can donate untold millions to their campaigns and for advertising, and the democrats will have a more difficult time matching dollars. THAT is what this is about!

Not at all, actually.

You see, Walker's bill doesn't stop unions from contributing to political campaigns using dues money. It doesn't stop unions from charging dues, nor does it prevent people from paying them.

What it does stop is unions' ability to force people to pay dues or lose their jobs.

And that's what makes your rant so hilarious,"lawyapalooza". Walker's bill does absolutely nothing to stop unions from making contributions or charging dues. The problem is that, as you well know, without being able to threaten their jobs and their livelihoods, people won't choose to pay the dues or join the union.

In short, your screaming is nothing more than that screaming your Obama Party forbears were doing when they insisted that being unable to enslave black people would destroy their economies.

You and your Obama Party still think you should be allowed to own people as slaves and force them to do your bidding. That's the problem here. You don't want the slaves to be freed because you know they will no longer belong to your union -- and if you can't compel them to pay, you can't live off their labor like the parasites you and your fellow Obama Party members are.

former law student said...

Walker's bill does absolutely nothing to stop unions from making contributions or charging dues. The problem is that, as you well know, without being able to threaten their jobs and their livelihoods, people won't choose to pay the dues or join the union.

This argument assumes that public employees would get paid the same whether there was a union or not, because if the union was effective at getting more money for its members, people in the same job who didn't pay dues would get something for nothing.

And we know how much conservatives hate free riders.

So why does Walker want to reduce the power of the unions? By conservative logic they don't increase the burden on the taxpayer.

North Dallas Thirty said...

This argument assumes that public employees would get paid the same whether there was a union or not, because if the union was effective at getting more money for its members, people in the same job who didn't pay dues would get something for nothing.

If the union is such a good value, why would people stop contributing?

What actually would happen is that, in the absence of unions, teachers would be evaluated on an individual basis, rather than collectively, and could be rewarded in line with the value they provided.

Thus the good teachers can be given more, and the bad teachers can be given less or removed.

I will gladly pay more for quality teachers; however, as places like Milwaukee show, unions do nothing more than drive up the price of inferior teachers at the expense of better ones.

I think it's unfair that good teachers should be required to pay dues to support inferior ones -- or lose their job if they do not wish to make forced campaign contributions to the Obama Party. But I understand that liberals need compulsion and the threat of firings to force people to make political contributions to the Obama Party.

Interestingly enough, fls, corporations are expressly barred by law from firing people for refusing to make political contributions. Why do you believe that teachers and other public servants should be fired if they do not make political contributions to the Obama Party?

foxtrot said...

In WI, as I have said before in other threads, I am forced to pay dues, and for God knows what.

I pay more to be in a union than for my health care. Is there something fundamentally wrong with this?

How about I pay the extra $17-25/mo in union dues to my health care and relieve some of the tax burden to those who pay me, such as taxpayers and my students (of their parents).

I guarantee that most of my union dues go to a party I don't support with my vote.

Tully said...

What it does stop is unions' ability to force people to pay dues or lose their jobs.

North Dallas Thirty, FTW.

former law student said...

What actually would happen is that, in the absence of unions, teachers would be evaluated on an individual basis, rather than collectively, and could be rewarded in line with the value they provided.

Hahahahaha. School districts would pay as little as they dared, and the range between "high performer" and "low performer" would be less than ten percent. Absent any meaningful way to determine the value each teacher provides, the teacher who best knew how to play the school board would be ranked the highest.

former law student said...

Interestingly enough, fls, corporations are expressly barred by law from firing people for refusing to make political contributions. Why do you believe that teachers and other public servants should be fired if they do not make political contributions to the Obama Party?

PAC collections are separate from dues. Union members can have their PAC collections refunded to them without penalty.

former law student said...

If the union is such a good value, why would people stop contributing?

If I can get something for free -- such as online access to the New York Times -- why would I pay for it?

sarge said...

Do you believe the reverse? That it's conservatives who it most?

conservatives certainly do it the most in airport lavatories

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