April 16, 2011

At the Tea Party rally in Madison, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin said: "I feel like I'm at home."

Because it's ridiculously cold and snowing.

We're back home, uploading video and photos. I'll have something up soon.

There was a good crowd, especially considering the weather. There were plenty of tea party people and even more counter-protesters. The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers — especially Sarah Palin — with bells, whistles, and drums and with chants. The chant "Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!" was predominant.


Amy said...

Can't wait to read all about this. Thanks for braving the weather on our behalf!

Original Mike said...

"Because it's ridiculously cold and snowing. "

Suck it up, A. Bring us the news.

Big Mike said...

ridiculously cold and snowing.

Sounds like July in Alaska to me!

The Madison lefties where intent on drowning out the other speakers? What a shock!

reader_iam said...

May I just thank everyone everywhere who warned about the cowbells. Now I will know to watch any video that's put up with the sound way, way, way down (if not off).

YoungHegelian said...

"The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers...."

Because if there's one thing that that the Left believes in, it's that everyone should be able to exercise their First Amendment rights unimpeded.


Anonymous said...

The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers — especially Sarah Palin . . .

And somehow, I'll bet that that troubled or silenced Ms. Palin not in the slightest.

Anonymous said...

"The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers — especially Sarah Palin — with bells, whistles, and drums and with chants."

They can't let her speak, and they won't let her speak. The liberals ... they're about free speech, you know!

Punch the fuck back twice as hard.

Shouting Thomas said...

What's with the Shame chants?

The 11th commandment is:

Thou shalt provide public employees with free health benefits?

MayBee said...

Does telling someone they should feel shame ever work? I mean, obviously they don't feel shame about whatever it is you want them to feel shame for. How does telling them they should change that?

Unknown said...

The only shame belongs to the Lefties, but they have none.

Meade said...

Hello again to the dozen or so various random friendly readers who came up and spoke to us. Sorry I don't remember everyone's name but I'm sure you know who you were. And are.

Yeah, that's one thing I want to say - you Tea Party people really seem to know who you are. For one thing, I noticed, you are the people who respectfully take your hats off when the National Anthem is sung and the Pledge is spoken. You're also unfazed by counter-demonstrators ringing their bells, blowing their vulvuzulas, and tweeting their whistles.

Class acts, you are. I salute and thank you all.

Anonymous said...


Culture wars in the United States of America, that happens in other countries right?

Wrong, it's all part of the plan, facilitate the collapse then rebuild the way the left always thought it should have been from the start.

This next election will determine our fate.

Cauphy P said...

Free speech is really sooo important... unless it's somebody you don't agree with... like, somebody, you know, nobody should agree with. Heh.

rhhardin said...

blowing their vulvuzulas

Yeast allergy?

Trooper York said...

"Meade said...
Hello again to the dozen or so various random friendly readers who came up and spoke to us. Sorry I don't remember everyone's name but I'm sure you know who you were."


If you are going to be a star you have to start remembering peoples names.

Oh and whatever you do...don't ever...don't never....say..."Don't you know who I am!

Anonymous said...

"What's with the Shame chants?"

It's part of the strategy.

It's just a word that means nothing, says nothing really. Nobody could possibly get too alarmed by it. It's white noise.

The point isn't the word. The point isn't that they said anything at all.

The point is that there is now a picture that will be used in the background by the media to support any narrative they wish to manufacture.

The "shame" sound bite edit only lasts 4 seconds.

The Dude said...

Good one, Meade, "vulvuzulas" indeed! It's good to see a theme develop into a running gag.

Samuel Gonzalez said...

If there was really any shame left in America, we wouldn’t have reality TV
The Last Tradition

rhhardin said...

you are the people who respectfully take your hats off when the National Anthem is sung and the Pledge is spoken.

I am not one of them.

A bad litmus test.

Somebody's playing the national anthem and leading the pledge with a purpose that is not mine. They're shortcutting something.

Stay with the issues at hand, and they stand or fall on their own.

Original Mike said...

Teddy Roosevelt said that if you want to be President, the most important talent to have is remembering names.

Meade said...

rhhardin said...

"Yeast allergy?"

Heh. I hope not. One or two got a little too close for comfort.

Anonymous said...


This Meade-ism should be placed immediately into the dictionary.

Vulvuzula: An instrument pussy liberals use to drown out free speech.

Trooper York said...

Plus it should be easy to remember your commenters. Here's a quick guide:

Crazed grey haired man in BMW t-shirt and Green Bay Packer pajama bottoms with a dead possum in a recyclable shopping bag....Garage Mahal,

Paunchy Larry Fine wild haired looking guy in stained shirt sneakily checking out young women’s breasts…......roachy Voltaire.

Nervously leaning from one side to the other and jumping from one foot to the other but always ending up on the left one...Madison Man.

Young kid with Transformer t-shirt and beanie with a propeller……..AlphaLiberal.

Snot nosed punk wearing skinny jeans and the Che T-shirt with the U of W book bag……Dose of Sanity.

Seventy year old man in Spandex tights with a shabby standard poodle…..Titus.

It’s easy if you pay attention dude.

Original Mike said...

TR would have never forgotten the name of the World Champions, for example.

le Douanier said...

"Hello again to the dozen or so various random friendly readers..."

So what percent of the friendly TPers know how to read?

Bill Maher seems to have it at 10% or so?

jimspice said...

So was Breitbart really repeatedly screaming "go to hell?"

cubanbob said...

pbAndj said...
"Hello again to the dozen or so various random friendly readers..."

So what percent of the friendly TPers know how to read?

Bill Maher seems to have it at 10% or so?

4/16/11 3:14 PM

A lot higher than the parasites on the left. And why would you assume that Maher has more than two neurons that function?

Chuck said...

Anybody referencing Bill Maher has to be considered 'just not right'.

That twit is so yesterday.

J said...

One of the biggest, or at least loudest Vulvuzulas belongs to Sarah Klondike of course.

Refudiate that, Grizzlyhouse

Kensington said...

How can you accuse your political opponents of always trying to force their morals on everyone and then scream "shame" at them?

How does that work?

chickelit said...

The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers — especially Sarah Palin — with bells, whistles, and drums and with chants.


WV: frubbes


reader_iam said...

man in Spandex tights

It could be worse. It could be shorts.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Her speech was mainly about how bad Obama is doing, so the "Shame! Shame! Shame!" stuff would have sounded like an agreement.

Paco Wové said...

"What's with the Shame chants?"

Well, not to get all psychological, but one characteristic that a lot of those on the American left seem to share is an intense concern with what other people think of them, especially Europeans and Officially Oppressed Minorities. Looking good in the eyes of such people is a dream come true.

I assume that they assume their 'opponents' have the same mental tic, and therefore planting the thought that somebody, somewhere, thinks "You ought to be ashamed!!" will cause agonizing bouts of self-reappraisal, leading to a total collapse of worldview, from which, phœnix-like, the Truth will emerge.

Or something.

SGT Ted said...

Nothing says "democracy" like an unruly disrespectful mob.

Spoiled brat snotnose punkass bitches, thy name is Liberal Democrat.

chickelit said...

It could be worse. It could be shorts.

Everybody knows it's not proper for men to wear shorts until after Easter, unless you're in SoCal. It's 80 degrees and sunny out here-definitely shorts weather!

Palladian said...

So the left thinks that Sarah Palin needs more cowbell?

ricpic said...

Punch the fuck back twice as hard.

Yes! YES! YES!

Palladian said...

Drowning speech out with sub-literate noise is what the left does best!

Palladian said...

Did Palin turn her amplifiers up to 11?

chickelit said...

Well, not to get all psychological, but one characteristic that a lot of those on the American left seem to share is an intense concern with what other people think of them, especially Europeans and Officially Oppressed Minorities.

I met a German once who was seriously indignant over the men in shorts issue. "They gamble in shorts!" he cried, regaling us with his trip to Las Vegas.

The guy was a serious snob.

chickelit said...

Madison lefties have a long and rich history with shutting down free speech:

October 25, 1982:

Black Panthers leader turned born again Christian Eldridge Cleaver delivers a speech sponsored by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon related Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP). Violence between CARP and Progressive Labor Party members results in 8 arrests for disorderly conduct, and Cleaver cutting his speech short.

Trooper York said...

There is a famous quote from some European asshole that America is so low class that they call the waiter "sir."

Conserve Liberty said...

The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers — especially Sarah Palin — with bells, whistles, and drums and with chants. The chant "Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame!" was predominant.

Wherein you may believe you have the right to speak, but where is it written you have the right to be heard?

Trooper York said...

Hey let me ask you ambulance chasers a question. Is the one free speech exception when Donald Trump yells "You're fired" to a bunch of union goons in a crowded theatre?

Or do I have that mixed up somehow?

Meade said...

Palladian said...
"Did Palin turn her amplifiers up to 11?"


I thought her best line was, "We're here. We're clear. Get used to it!"

Darleen said...

I watched the streaming video of Palin's speech and whatever boorish leftist behavior (but I repeat myself) was out there, it wasn't drowning her out.

And boy, that was some speech. I can't wait for the transcript.

Shouting Thomas said...

Wherein you may believe you have the right to speak, but where is it written you have the right to be heard?

Nobody got arrested. So what's your complaint.

The heckler's veto is constitutionally protected.

There are a lot of ways in which you can be a fucking asshole and still be within your constitutional rights.

That doesn't necessarily make it a good thing to be a fucking asshole.

reader_iam said...

Trooper: There are variations on that idea about calling waiters "sir" that are intended as compliments in that it demonstrates a fundamental respect for fellow citizens as, again fundamentally, equals regardless of class. I guess this is one of those things that can be seen in more than one way.

Unknown said...

Ut said...

"What's with the Shame chants?"

It's part of the strategy.

It's just a word that means nothing, says nothing really. Nobody could possibly get too alarmed by it. It's white noise.

The point isn't the word. The point isn't that they said anything at all.

The point is that there is now a picture that will be used in the background by the media to support any narrative they wish to manufacture.

The "shame" sound bite edit only lasts 4 seconds.

Shouting people down. Their old comrade in arms, Der Fuhrer, developed it for them.

pbAndj said...

"Hello again to the dozen or so various random friendly readers..."

So what percent of the friendly TPers know how to read?

Bill Maher seems to have it at 10% or so?

More like the ones that watch Maher. He's the lead-in to the soft porno on HBO most nights.

Palladian said...

Did Palin turn her amplifiers up to 11?

She does have nice amplifiers.

Shouting Thomas said...

I thought her best line was, "We're here. We're clear. Get used to it!"

It is a great line in that it sticks one of the favorite lefty maxims back in their faces.

Caribou Barbie doesn't back down.

Of course my favorite reference to the "We're here. We're queer. Get used to it!" thing was on the Simpsons.

Lisa was watching the Gay Pride Parade. When she heard the chant she replied.

"We are used to it. You do this every year."

Synova said...

"Wherein you may believe you have the right to speak, but where is it written you have the right to be heard?"

Good enough, but it doesn't make the shouters into something moral and upstanding simply because they have the right to do what they do. Everyone has a *right* to be an asshole. Doesn't make them not an asshole.

And there ought to be at least some right to *hear* if not to be heard. Palin being drowned out is not the same as some random person who came to hear her being prevented from doing so by someone else who feels the need to make a choice for them about what ideas they shouldn't be allowed to listen to.

Who are they do impose their values on others?

I'm guessing that Palin could be heard anyway, but does that change the nature of the protesters desire to control other people's choices?

(I won't say "counter-protesters" because I'm pretty sure that the rally was a rally rather than a protest.)

dbp said...

"The counter-protesters were intent on drowning out the tea party speakers."

Liberals and their vaunted love of free speech.

freeman lomax said...

I saw a guy in his early 20's at the rally with a sign taped to his chest saying; "I just finished Sarah Palin's coloring book". If it took him that long to finish the book it just proves that the school system does not have the kids as a priority.

Judy said...

Funny how the Left relishes freedom of speech, but refuses to allow anyone else the right to freedom of speech.
This is why the silent majority will indeed kick their butts without uttering one word.

Conserve Liberty said...

@Shouting Thomas

It's an attitude thing - an arrogance thing.

Quaint, I know (just like being a gentleman solves all issues of -ism harassment), but what ever happened to the idea of civil discourse, competition of ideas, and then acceptance?

Why must all behavior be bounded by some external authority (no one was arrested)? What ever happened to self-restraint?

Of course they had the right to speak louder than the speaker, but SHOULD they have exercised that right at that time?

Respect for another's rights guarantees future exercise of your rights.

They're nothing more than self-centered babies - either hungry or poopy, and rarely happy.

Joanna said...

At the rally today --
Woman: < wears an "Our House" sign >
Me: "I live in Wisconsin. Is it my house, too?"
Woman: < remains silent, refuses to make eye contact >


David said...

No Palin wet T shirt. Damn.

Buit it was cold, guys.

JohnJ said...

What is the deal with that recurring “Shame!” theme? I don't quite get what is being perceived on the left as shameful. (I mean, other then the audacity of questioning the sweetheart pacts with the public unions.)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, I just got back from a counter protest against the global warming nut jobs.....Oh....wait....it was a classic hot rod and car show. Maybe it is the same thing.

We had a way better time than youse guys in Madison. The sun was out. Hundreds of classic cars, hot rods, trucks. Among my favorites were a modified Studebaker with a drop dead gorgeous paint job and a fabulous 1932 Packard and a 1949 Cadillac.

We didn't chant or blow "vulvuzulas" (which sounds kind of nasty). Instead we listened to old rock music, sat on the grass in the sun in our summer clothes and ate barbeque ribs.

After the show....the cruise....This is the anti pro-global warming part. Everyone going slowing around the main drag of the town in their hot rods. Gunning their engines. The rumble of the vehicles (most of which are lucky to get that 8 miles per gallon that Obama whines about) made the windows of the buildings shake. You could feel it inside your body when they went by.

It was to bring a tear to your eye, in a really good way.

We drove our 67 Chevy Stepside that has a new V8 crate motor, lowered suspension, new disk brakes, flow master mufflers and other improvements to numerous to mention. We get 16 mpg. Take that and stuff it into your pipe Obama.

All in all, I think that our protest was much more fun than yours.

J Allen said...

Meade said, “For one thing, I noticed, you are the people who respectfully take your hats off when the National Anthem is sung and the Pledge is spoken.”

See, see, I always knew those tea party types were radicals!!! They took their hats off and I bet they even knew the words. And how dare they start off without saying, “Hey, hey, ho, ho…” (sarcasm off).

Really though I’m sure the press will manage a way to spin how angry the tea party folks were and how well the police protected those helpless union supporters. And I’m sure if any bullets are found the Dane Cnty DA will drag Palin in for questioning. Thank you Ann and Meade for braving the weather and those crazed right wing types.

Joanna said...

JohnJ wrote:
What is the deal with that recurring “Shame!” theme? I don't quite get what is being perceived on the left as shameful

I believe the Left feels that any view that's different from theirs = shameful. So, to some extent, the TEA Party's mere existence "merits" public shaming. I also think that they don't think about what they're chanting. They sing along with whatever the rest of the sheep are baah-ing.

I couldn't hear the speakers very well, but I'm pretty sure that they were yelling "Shame!" while one guy was talking about his grandmother being on the Titanic. SIGH.

I also think that they are recycling their material and need to write some new, applicable chants.

At least they've stopped using "Be Right Back!" They yelled that at Mike Tobin while trying to interrupt his newscast, and the poor guy had no idea what they were referencing.

richard mcenroe said...

"They gamble in shorts!"

I have seen German legs. Sturdy Alpinists they all are not. Long pants are a good idea...

MadisonMan said...

ending up on the left one

Actually, no. Old soccer sprain, never really healed. I favor my right foot.

Sorry I wasn't up on the square, I was napping. Daughter got in at 2:30 (!!!) and then the dog woke up at 6. (sigh)

Unknown said...

I attended the Tea Party Rally today - Saturday 4/16/11.
We were out-numbered.
We were out-shouted several times.
We were THERE, and Yes they were as well.
Should we have done better - I think we could have - I think we should have.
BUT, the for those of us that support Scott Walker --- We were there! and we'll be there the next time as well.
The last two times I have driven to Madison to show my support for Scott Walker I have been outnumbered. Does that make me feel I am on the losing end of this battle?
It means there's too damn many people living off of MY TAXES with the time to go to Madison.
It means I need to go twice as often and scream twice as loud and VOTE.


Fray said...

Joanna: The shouts of "SHAME" were directed at those who support law makers who break the law, refuse to adhere to our state constitution and subvert the Democratic process.

Walker is a disgrace. He is a bully who is pushing an extreme ideology against the voice of the people. Instead of viewing this as the Left trying to "drown out" the message from the Right - maybe try to see this as the TRUE majority are making sure they are heard and seen.

Will you still support Walker when he rolls out the "Michigan Model", fires elected officials and replaces them with employees of corporaions who contributed to his campaign? Because that is his next move - just watch.

Anonymous said...

Wawawa....ramming legislation through in the dark of night, admitting you lied in front of a congressional commission, admitting on Fox News (Fitzgerald) that the collective bargaining stuff is all about politics and nothing about the budget, cutting benefits to the poor and disabled, breaks for the rich....yep lots of integrity there, so brag about your guy if you want, this will be short lived and I hope you are not planning on fishing or swimming in one of the lakes or streams that will have water regulations rolled back 25 yrs and good luck with those low wage jobs that may show up and leave people without benefits....yep, its all about the future, just not yours....

Anonymous said...

I saw a guy in his early 20's at the rally with a sign taped to his chest saying; "I just finished Sarah Palin's coloring book".

What does that even mean? That Ms. Palin is so stupid that she plays with coloring books, but for some reason he took it from her and colored in it himself (but is not corespondingly stupid along with mean)? That Ms. Palin wrote a coloring book? (how is that an insult? It sounds like a nice project for the kids.)

Damnit lefties! Make some damn sense!

- Lyssa

Bruce Hayden said...

Yeh, the only people I can see there who should be feel ashamed of their behavior are those who try to drown out speakers by yelling "shame", ringing cowbells, etc.

The problem for them is that their antics are costing them many more votes than they are winning. The more they act up, and try to suppress speech they dislike, the more the centrist voters are seeing who the kids are and who the adults are, and are likely to vote accordingly.

BTW - we didn't have classic cars here, but neither did we have bad weather (or is that considered good weather in the upper midwest?) But I did get up to the ski area (Heavenly Valley) that I can see from here, and got in a couple of hours of skiing this morning, before it got too slushy. Eight more days now before they close, and counting.

Beta Rube said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanna said...

Walker is a disgrace. He is a bully who is pushing an extreme ideology...
Hmm. Pushing extreme ideologies by using bully tactics. Reminds me of a group at the Capitol today...

I hope you are not planning on fishing or swimming in one of the lakes or streams that will have water regulations rolled back 25 yrs.
The WI lake where I swim and fish has been monitored by UW scientists and has shown no ecological changes for the past 100+ years. I think it'll be just fine.

"I just finished Sarah Palin's coloring book". /What does that even mean?
I stopped that guy and ASKED him what the sign meant. He would not make eye contact and refused to reply. I guess he didn't know either.

Michael said...

DBQ: Sounds like a fantastic way to spend a sunny California afternoon! On another post they are remarking that lefties hate Palin because she is happy and I think that is an accurate observation. Lefties hate happiness and would cringe at the hot rod show, at the barbecue, at the people enjoying themselves on a beautiful American afternoon. Your generally sunny outlook and willingness to call things are they are always brings a smile to my face because I know that the lefties on this blog hate that.

B said...

Fray said...

'Walker is a disgrace. He is a bully who is pushing an extreme ideology against the voice of the people.'

You don't determine what the voice of the people is. The voice of the people is not represented by people with the free time to attend a demonstration no matter what their numbers, noise, or clever signs.

The voice of the people is expressed through the ballot box. Where the voice of the people chose Walker to speak for them last fall. And more recently elected Prosser to safeguard that choice

Paco Wové said...

"The shouts of "SHAME" were directed at those who support law makers who break the law, refuse to adhere to our state constitution and subvert the Democratic process."

Just for future reference, F., you sound like a hysterical child to anyone who does not already share your ideological biases.

shiloh said...

We were out-numbered.
We were out-shouted several times.
We were THERE, and Yes they were as well.

You bet'cha! :-P

Hey, conservatives don't like bad weather ;) whereas liberals are relentless regardless, it's part of "our" DNA ...

take care

Rick67 said...

What space-time continuum do these protesters come from? For the life of me cannot fathom just what they expect me/us/them to be "ashamed" about.

If anyone deserves to have "shame!" shouted in their faces its them but even more the 14 legislators who bravely fled.

Anonymous said...

Hey, conservatives don't like bad weather ;) whereas liberals are relentless regardless, it's part of "our" DNA ...


Oh...you were serious?

reformed trucker said...

"What's with the Shame chants/" - Shouting Thomas

They learned a new word, and are trying to cement it into their vocabulary through repetition.

Plus they project alot...

reformed trucker said...

"blowing their vulvuzulas' - Meade

In public? ;)

reformed trucker said...

"Bill Maher..." - pbAndj

Maher? Seriously? The dude is an intellectual hack. Next you'll say Dawkin's "God Delusion" was a deep, profound read.

I'm new here, but I'll assume to take your comments with a grain of salt...

Meade said...

Welcome, reformed trucker (and anyone else who is new).

Btw, it was ten degrees warmer in Wasilla, Alaska than Madison today. And sunny. So if you're reading this, Sarah Palin, thanks for coming. You were great.

reformed trucker said...

"whereas liberals are relentless regardless" - shiloh

Too true; the other side needs to learn to do the same if they hope for any chance...

shiloh said...

Too true; the other side needs to learn to do the same if they hope for any chance...

When nixon/agnew/ailes/safire said ~ America, love it or leave it, unfortunately for them, all the liberals stayed! lol

And when cheney/bush/turdblossom said you're either w/us or against us and tried quelch free speech by having the FBI weed out all "undesirables" every time Bush43 gave a speech etc., liberals were unfazed.

As "we" had seen this movie before ie the Rep/conservatives m.o. for the past (40+) years.

Rinse, lather, repeat ...

Dustin said...

"whereas liberals are relentless regardless, it's part of "our" DNA ..."

Nah, it's a liberal enclave, and the Tea Party owns it anyway. Your 'team' was too scared to even let a 14 year old Tea Party kid speak. You don't sound relentless so much as just insecure.

Let's see Obama pull this off in Lubbock.

Madison just doesn't understand what democracy looks like, I guess.

gl said...

Always interesting to read what the side thinks. I must say the use of trivial name calling "Madison lefties", "Spoiled brat snotnose punkass bitches" etc. is really lame and doesn't advance the dialogue (not that I'm sure it can be at this point).

Maybe you folks on the other side don't understand we perceive the agenda you are pushing is exactly what you accuse our side of doing (ie: class warfare, forcing right wing ideology and government down our throat, using our tax money to support your private religious agenda).

To say you wouldn't "act" the way those "liberals" would is both hypocritical and a lie. I give it to that you might not do it directly (maybe don't have the motivation or courage) but those you chose to represent you do and you support them and and sit back "silently" as they act for you.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is our goals have a lot in common. Unfortunately we allow the rhetoric, put forth by those with a different agenda, set the tone and until I see some change in that tone, real representative government I'm going to stand in the front line and fight for what I believe is just and right.

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