April 5, 2011

At the Madison Café...


... you'd better keep a lookout for storms.



(Photos taken yesterday evening.)


Dustin said...

Wow. That state is a lot prettier than her politics.

David said...

I'll have a triple schnapps and a beer chaser. That might help.

Palladian said...

Since this amusing exchange is buried in the Kloppenflop thread, I thought I'd repost it here:

In that thread, I called "Titus" "but one head of the Althouse troll hydra", which led commenter pbAndj to ask me: "So who is Hercules?". I thought about it, and replied:

Hmm... Besides destroying the Althouse Hydra, our Hercules would be a commenter who can kill a lion (pretty much any of the lefty commenters, since they're always lyin') and a bunch of man-eating birds (Dust Bunny Queen, Lawgirl, knox); capture a swift deer (readeriam), a big boar (Simon), a cretin bull (Jeremy) and a multi-headed dog (Maxine Weiss); muck all the shit out of a giant stable (delete every comment ever left by the Althouse Troll Hydra in one day); steal a bunch of angry, flesh-eating horses (plenty of those protesting around the Wisconsin capitol building), a magical girdle (from Lee Lee's Valise), a giant, ugly monster's cattle (Trooper York's commenters), and some golden Apples (all the MeadeHouse's computers).

A rare commenter, indeed.

Verification word: loglog, which knows knows something something about Laura Palmer.

Peter Hoh said...

Meade on the rocks.

So to speak.

Almost Ali said...

What about the abused baby elephant?

Palladian said...

"What about the abused baby elephant?"

I'm more concerned about that ruby-red shaft of meat, which continually makes me hungry for fillet, shank, and oxtail.

Lincolntf said...

In this pic Meade has a full-on Sasquatch pose kicking.
Go ahead, pretend you don't see it.

Almost Ali said...

I'm more concerned about that ruby-red shaft of meat...

It looks human.

And the way they treat baby elephants around here, nothing would surprise me.

Titus said...

Fellow Republicans I happy to announce that I have agreed to take on the roll as Global Correspondent at the New Media Althouse organization. My position will report directly to the queen. My primary focus will be on countries where brown people exist. Meade will continue on as Local New Media, where he has done an exceptional job. We are in the process of an exhaustive search for a National New Media Correspondent. Our goal is to expand our operations and bring you news that impact you locally, nationally and Globally. We continue to appreciate your support and value your feedback. This is an exciting venture for all of us involved. We will conduct 360 evaluations on ourselves as well gain feedback from you, our faithful commenters, in order to "gauge" how we are doing. Details to follow.

Almost Ali said...

I've decided to form an exploratory committee to advocate for the ethical treatment of baby elephants.

But first, would someone kindly click on the offending BlogAd link and find out who's behind the abuse.

Almost Ali said...

We are in the process of an exhaustive search for a National New Media Correspondent.

Look no further, I'm available for the next 35 minutes. And no assignment is too daunting, up to and including investigating the Kloppenburg Parallax.

Titus said...

Almost Ali thank you so much for you application.

The Klop thing is local which is in Meade's jurisdiction.

But if something National opens up we will be sure to consider your qualifications. Please send your Curriculam Vitae to Althouse's email.

If we believe there is a fit we will contact you directly.

Thank you for your interest.

Real American said...

is that where the bodies are buried?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Total 3596/3630

733,074 50% P
732,489 50% K

Its not going to be over tonight.

David said...

Tomorrow: The Bush-Gore Retro Roadhouse.

585 votes difference out of 1.46 million cast.

Fen said...

Oh its over. Being this close, you know the Dems will "find" enough votes to win.

Toad Trend said...


LOL yeah the car with a trunk full 'o absentee ballots all for the dem will be 'discovered'...I think I read a commenter that called them 'Franken' units...

Isn't it interesting this always seems to happen? Never do we hear about a repub ballot 'discovery', because repubs don't cheat.

Unknown said...

No, Madame, you're supposed to be sending nice weather. Tell Canada they're going to have to take it back.

You're not making me happy, at all.

(The Blonde's ankle is killing her; otherwise, I wouldn't object)

(maybe Meade has some influence here...)

Issob Morocco said...

Looks like a brooding Canadian Cold air mass trying to delay spring's arrival.

Jamieson said...

Baby elephants? Meat? What are you guys talking about? Adblock Plus.

KCFleming said...

"I think I read a commenter that called them 'Franken' units"

Yes, Franken units. FU.

1 FU = 500 votes.

AllenS said...

I was going to try and improve the franken units theory with a c and a k, but there's no way I could improve on brilliance. Way awesome, Pogo.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

FU works fine alone, but I couldn't help myself.

Subtlety ain't one o' my talents.

KCFleming said...

These election results may provide the heretofore elusive Constant of Kloppenburg (CK), the multiple of Franken Units required to win a close election for the Democrats.

FU x CK = Democratic victory margin

Toad Trend said...


"These election results may provide the heretofore elusive Constant of Kloppenburg (CK), the multiple of Franken Units required to win a close election for the Democrats.

FU x CK = Democratic victory margin"

LOL brilliant! Sending you a 'digital' Guinness!!!

David said...

From Journal Sentinel Online Wednesday AM, actual news:

"According to the AP tally, there are 486 total precincts in populous Milwaukee County, but only 474 have reported vote totals.

The AP said early Wednesday morning that it was missing results from Cudahy, St. Francis and a small portion of West Allis in Milwaukee County. According to results gathered by the Journal Sentinel Tuesday night, Prosser won St. Francis 1,336 votes to 1,241 and won Cudahy 2,468 to 2,313. If that proves to be the case, it would add another 250 votes to Prosser's lead.

St. Francis officials confirmed those results Wednesday morning. Cudahy officials could not yet be reached. The Cudahy and St. Francis results would account for 10 of the 12 missing precincts in Milwaukee County with the other two coming from West Allis."

David said...

It's interesting to me that Prosser won both St. Francis and Cudahay, places with strong union backgrounds. Maybe the union people aren't there anymore? Or maybe the old line industrial union types are tired of the public employee cushy-cushy too?

David said...

It's interesting to me that Prosser won both St. Francis and Cudahay, places with strong union backgrounds. Maybe the union people aren't there anymore? Or maybe the old line industrial union types are tired of the public employee cushy-cushy too?

Anonymous said...

Stolen comment from Hot Air:

Just because this bears repeating:

As of last night, the Milwaukee County Executive race was given to Chris Abele and 100% of the precincts were reporting.

The race between Prosser and Kloppenburg was on the same ballot.

There are still 14 “uncounted” precincts in Milwaukee County…

This election is being stolen from Prosser right before our very eyes.

Kloppenburg = Wisconsin’s Al Franken.


tim maguire said...

Does the snow ever melt there? It is April, you know.

Simon said...

I said about midnight last night that I was giving up—it was so close that a recount was inevitable. This morning, it is still close and murky.

Still, although we may not know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this election for several days, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the ability of the left to claim that they speak for the people or a broad majority. Even if K ultimately wins, the close election demonstrates that the high water mark of union support is approximately half of those who bother to vote in off-year elections.

MadisonMan said...

Does the snow ever melt there? It is April, you know.

The last snow finally melted from my back yard in the rain this week.

Anyway, that's not snow, that's lake ice.

David said...

Hey Browndog, do you ever read the other comments? Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has a likely explanation for the "missing" Milwaukee County precincts. See above.

Patrick said...

If Prosser wins, expect the left to scream that he should recuse himself from the bill controversy, because THEY made it the primary issue in the campaign. Just their little way of making sure that they still run the show.

WV: Deadm. That's pretty ominous.

David said...

Prosser now up by 835 with 23 (apparently) precincts out. Eight of these are in Sauk, one in Dane.

Only two left in Milwaukee.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm more concerned about that ruby-red shaft of meat, which continually makes me hungry for fillet, shank, and oxtail.

Every time I see it I think, "Mmmm. Beef tenderloin. I should stop by the butcher shop."

The picture would work better as an ad for one of those mail order steak companies.

TMink said...

609 comments on the election results! WOW! Congratulations!

And let me give you both another "well done" for your coverage of the protests.

And Palladian, I really do not see Simon as a bore!


Original Mike said...

I still have a pile of snow next to the driveway.

Hagar said...

That was some extra-ordinary comments from Eric Holder. How come there is no chorus of demands for him to resign, like there was when Bob Gates lost it in the Congressional hearing?

chickelit said...

Palladian wrote:
..a giant, ugly monster's cattle (Trooper York's commenters), ...

I resemble that remark and disapprove. However, I am glad he didn't write "Chattel".

Anonymous said...


Obviously I read other comments. Do I take that as a dig?

I read your comment, and I've read the Journal Sentinel and do not find them trustworthy.

Hence, I grabbed a comment threw it up here, and let Althouse readers affirm, dispel, or explain.

Because.....I trust (enough of) them.

Simon said...

Trey, I took it as reflecting my deep and enduring love for Arkansas college ball. GO RAZORBACKS!


Opus One Media said...

ahhh a voice from the past.

It is hoping that Wisconsin gains or regains its senses and stops the madness that your new following so much ascribe to.

I'm sure you will scream foul while the rest of us scream fair...

Have a very nice day.

Freeman Hunt said...

Trey, I took it as reflecting my deep and enduring love for Arkansas college ball. GO RAZORBACKS!


Trooper York said...

Hey, my commenters are not cattle.

More like sex crazed rapacious weasels. Just sayn'

Palladian said...

I meant it all very lovingly.